
Recipe for delicious charlotte with apples and sour cream. Charlotte with sour cream and apples: a traditional recipe and little tricks

Charlotte with sour cream and apples is a great solution for very busy housewives, because it's quick, tasty and very simple. In addition, the simplicity of the recipe for this pie will allow kids to be involved in the cooking process.

Traditional charlotte recipe with sour cream

In the classic English version, sour cream was a bread and fruit pudding, which was prepared on the basis of stale wheat bread, milk and eggs. The main disadvantage of all puddings was the need to eat it immediately while it was very hot, otherwise the dessert would then fall off and become completely unappetizing.

The modern version of this type of pie is not so complicated and does not require special skills. We offer to bake a delicious and magnificent cake, here is a simple recipe for charlotte with apples and sour cream. To get a delicious and magnificent dessert as in the photo, follow all the rules in the recipe. You can also make a pie with cottage cheese.

You will need:

  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • sour or sweet and sour apples - 5 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • wheat flour (can be general purpose) - 1 cup;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon (or 1 tsp baking powder).


  1. Turn on the oven, set the mode to 180 degrees. At the time when you are preparing the dough for charlotte with sour cream, it will just heat up.
  2. Wash the apples, peel them, remove the core and cut into slices. If they seem too sour to you, you can sprinkle them with sugar.
  3. Mix sour cream and soda (or baking powder). Soda does not need to be extinguished - sour cream will do it.
  4. Beat sugar and egg in a separate container, combine with sour cream.
  5. Sift the flour and fold it into the dough. Mix thoroughly. The dough should be of medium thickness, without lumps.
  6. Grease a baking dish, put half of the apples on the bottom, pour out part of the dough and put the rest of the apples. Pour over the rest of the dough, smooth. It turns out a kind of puff apple pie on sour cream. For this dessert, you can use both a metal mold and a silicone one.
  7. Send the charlotte to bake for 35-40 minutes. You can check the readiness with a wooden stick (in order not to burn your hands with hot air, you can use wooden skewers for barbecue instead of toothpicks).

Before serving, charlotte can be decorated with powdered sugar, candied fruits, nuts, etc. This delicious cake melts in your mouth.

Do not take fat-free sour cream for charlotte, otherwise your aspic pie with apples on sour cream may turn out to be too sour. Conversely, very fatty sour cream (more than 30%) can turn a culinary masterpiece into porridge.

Please note that sour cream is a fermented milk product, that is, cream fermented with special bacteria (lactic streptococcus), and you can only buy it in a store in factory packaging (or by weight from a local dairy plant). Therefore, when you are offered to taste rustic sour cream right from under the cow in the market, keep in mind that this is just thickened heavy cream. No, sellers are not trying to deceive you - this is the usual confusion in names that has become traditional.

How to make a cake even tastier

Even your favorite treats can get boring. Fortunately, the traditional recipe can always be improved. Here are some tips on how to improve the apple sour cream charlotte recipe.

  • Eggs. If the whites and yolks are beaten separately from each other, the biscuit will turn out more magnificent. And it is desirable that the eggs are cold, so they will give foam better. And if you beat the eggs with sugar in a water bath, you get a delicate custard biscuit.
  • Starch. If you add starch (potato, corn or wheat) instead of one quarter of the flour, then the biscuit will be more porous and crumble less.
  • Nuts. Any nuts go well with apples. The recipe with apple charlotte sour cream can be easily improved by adding some nuts: walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, etc. And if you add, for example, raisins to them, the taste will be simply unforgettable.
  • The recipe for apple charlotte with sour cream is perfect in itself, but if you add, for example, fresh or frozen berries to traditional apples, you will get a unique rainbow of flavors and aromas. In addition, the cake will become juicier.
  • Spices. Spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin, ginger, saffron, orange peel and even coffee will add an original taste to your masterpiece.
  • Form. Sour cream charlotte with apples will rise better and more evenly if you grease only the bottom of the mold. That is why non-stick and silicone containers are recommended for its preparation.

Sour cream step by step

Charlotte with sour cream is a great way to serve, which will make the cake more elegant and much tastier. Perhaps this is one of the simplest and best creams.

You will need:

  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • sugar (it is allowed to use powdered sugar) - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Pour cold sour cream into a bowl (just cold - it will beat better), add sugar and beat until it is completely dissolved. If you have powder on hand, it will be more convenient to use it, since it dissolves much faster.
  2. Coat the cooled cake with the resulting cream. Do not spread on hot charlotte, otherwise it will begin to melt (melt), and there may be a taste and smell of ghee (not the most suitable for a sweet pie).
  3. For greater beauty, you can sprinkle chocolate chips, cocoa powder, decorative sprinkles, etc. on top.

Recipe for multicooker

Charlotte with sour cream in a slow cooker can be safely called a modern classic. This method of cooking makes the work of the cook easier and makes baking healthier. The principle of cooking charlotte on sour cream with apples in a slow cooker is not much different from the traditional one, the only difference is that it will bake a little longer in a slow cooker.

You will need:

  • apples - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • sour cream (fat content of 15% is quite enough) - 200 ml;
  • flour (highest grade) - 1 cup;
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon (you can replace it with one teaspoon of baking powder);
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • vanillin - a pinch (or a bag of vanilla sugar).


  1. Beat the sugar with the chilled egg until you get a rich foam.
  2. Add sour cream, vanillin, soda, pre-sifted flour and mix everything thoroughly, breaking up lumps.
  3. Pour the dough into a multicooker saucepan, previously greased with butter or margarine.
  4. Sliced ​​apples can be spread both on the bottom of the pan and on top of the dough - it depends on your taste.
  5. Set the "Baking" mode for about 60 minutes (depending on the model of your assistant). When cooking in a pressure cooker, the lid must be locked.

If you decide to cook charlotte with sour cream in a slow cooker, please note that you should not open the lid immediately after baking, otherwise the cake will immediately become wet. Open the lid slightly (put a towel under it) and let stand for ten minutes.

A simple and delicious charlotte with apples on sour cream will delight all members of your family, young and old, and will decorate your table both on holidays and on weekdays.

Charlotte on sour cream is a pie that any hostess will be happy to cook, despite the fact that its technology is somewhat different from the more familiar version of the traditional product with apples. Charlotte with sour cream has a surprisingly delicate taste. It really melts in your mouth, besides, there are many options for its preparation: both a simple recipe and more complex ones. The product is easy to prepare both in the oven and in the slow cooker.

Classic charlotte with apples and sour cream

For those who prefer simple and more traditional technology, the classic version of the pie will be the most acceptable. In order for charlotte with sour cream to turn out to be of high quality, it is recommended to use a few tips.

When choosing apples, preference should be given to sweet and sour types, for example, Antonovka. The sourness gives the cake a special piquancy and a traditional apple flavor that cannot be confused with anything else. It is better to put spices exclusively to taste: it does not hurt to experiment a little with lemon or orange zest, vanilla and, of course, ground cinnamon. Some housewives replace cinnamon with nutmeg or cardamom, depending on individual preferences.

The classic version of sour cream charlotte allows the presence of not only apples in the pie, but also other fruits and berries. They are perfectly combined with each other or limited to any one component - especially in the case of a limited time. By the way, cherries go best with dark chocolate, and apricots go best with sour cream.

When baking in an oven, it must be preheated, otherwise the cake will not rise well and will not be lush.


The dough for charlotte is prepared simply, the main thing is not to forget that during the technological process you will need to use a baking powder (to make the mass fluffy and soft) and butter. A small amount of it will be needed to lubricate the mold so that the cake does not stick to its edges.

The complete list of required ingredients looks like this:

  • granulated sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • chicken egg, medium - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 190 ml;
  • wheat flour - one and a half glasses;
  • butter - 50 g (for greasing the mold);
  • baking powder for dough - 1 pack;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • vinegar for extinguishing;
  • medium sour apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon powder and other spices - at the discretion of the hostess.


  1. Charlotte dough with sour cream and apples is prepared in a deep container suitable for kneading. First, eggs are broken, sour cream, sugar are put in them and everything is thoroughly beaten with a whisk or blender. The resulting mixture needs to be insisted a little, leaving it for 10-15 minutes, and then mix again, making sure that all the sugar crystals dissolve.
  2. After that add slaked soda, baking powder and flour. It is recommended to gradually sift the flour with a sieve. So it is saturated with oxygen, which will give the dough additional volume, moreover, in this way you can easily get rid of most of the unnecessary lumps and do not break them manually. The result should be a dough that resembles sour cream of medium density.
  3. Apples are usually divided into two parts, with the peel and core removed, and cut into small slices. It is best to roll them in ground cinnamon powder, adding it to taste.
  4. The form must be greased with butter and lay its bottom with a layer of fruit. Next, you need to fill the apples with half of the total mass of the dough, and put another apple layer on it, which is poured with the remaining mass, evenly distributing it over the surface with a wooden spatula.
  5. Now it remains to place the cake in the oven and bake it for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C, periodically checking the readiness of the product with a wooden stick, match or toothpick.

We offer you to watch the video recipe:

Exquisite charlotte with sour cream

Charlotte with sour cream filling is not accidentally called the most delicious in the world, because in terms of splendor and airiness it is unlikely to yield to other pies. Products for the test:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - 1/2 tsp

Ingredients for the preparation of sour cream:

  • sour cream (any) - 190 g;
  • sugar or powder - 2 tbsp. l.

For filling:

  • sour apples - 2-3 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon powder - to taste;
  • crackers (small crumbs) - 2 tbsp.
  1. The cooking process is not much different from the classic version, but it has its own nuances. Eggs should be beaten together with granulated sugar for 10 minutes, until a frothy mass is obtained.
  2. After that, the flour is mixed with baking powder and sifted through a strainer. Everything is re-whipped - at the same time, the whipping speed should be minimal. Apples are prepared by cutting into cubes, and the mold is greased with butter.
  3. By the way, if a silicone mold is used, there is no need to lubricate it, because the pastries in it do not stick to the edges.
  4. Apples are placed on the bottom of the container and sprinkled with small crackers and cinnamon powder. Everything is mixed and filled with mass. Bake at a temperature of 170-180 ° C with a periodic check of readiness.
  5. Novice housewives should definitely learn the rule: the oven can only be opened 20 minutes after the start of cooking. The total baking time is 40-45 minutes.
  6. While the charlotte is baking, you can start preparing the sour cream. It is done very quickly: sour cream is simply mixed with sugar or powder. Since sugar crystals do not dissolve immediately, it is recommended to take powdered sugar for more efficient work.

After the product is ready, it needs to be cooled a little, then decorated with cream and served. Delicious pie is ready.

Recipe for multicooker

Lush sour cream charlotte is perfectly cooked in a slow cooker. For this you will need the following products:

  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • any sour cream - 220 g;
  • apples (large) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • egg - 2-3 pcs.
  1. Eggs are beaten with granulated sugar until a thick and fluffy foam is obtained. As soon as the mass acquires a volume twice as large as the original, sour cream is added to it and mixed thoroughly again. Flour is sifted through a sieve and gradually poured into the dough. At the same time, slaked soda should be added to the composition.
  2. Apples must be cut in such a way that thin, peeled slices are obtained from them. If the pieces are thick and heavy, they can "ruin" the fluffiness of the dough during the baking process, making both the middle and the top of the cake heavier.
  3. Layers of apples and dough are laid out alternately in a multicooker container. First, a layer of mass is placed on the bottom, and apples are placed on top, then dough again - and so on until the end. The number of fruit layers can be made to your liking, depending on how much fruit you get.
  4. The product is baked when the “Baking” mode is set for an hour. It happens that the slow cooker bakes the product unevenly, but this error is easy to fix. If the cake is not baked after being inside it for 60 minutes, it will need to be carefully turned over and kept in the container in the “Baking” mode for about half an hour.

Delicious charlotte with cinnamon

Charlotte with apples and sour cream in the oven can be prepared with cinnamon. If the choice is just such pastries, the cake will turn out to be completely special. For its manufacture you will need:

  • egg - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sour cream (20%) - 26 g;
  • granulated sugar - 220 g;
  • vanillin and cinnamon - 1 gram each;
  • baking soda - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • sour apples - 2-3 pcs.;
  • butter - for greasing the mold.
  1. Eggs and granulated sugar are beaten. Add sour cream to the foamy mass and beat everything again, then add vanillin and cinnamon. Everything is mixed. Next, you need to take a separate cup and cook flour in it, which must first be mixed with soda. Only after that all the components are assembled together.
  2. Soda in this recipe can not be quenched, because the presence of sour cream and sour apples completely replaces vinegar, and soda will be quenched inside the dough, naturally.
  3. Apples are prepared by cutting into thin slices, and the baking dish (if it is not silicone) is greased with oil. The bottom of the mold is filled with dough, an apple layer is placed on top and again filled with mass.
  4. Most often, apples are obtained in two layers, and dough - three. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes, periodically checking the readiness of the product.

We offer a recipe for a pie with apples and raisins on sour cream:

However, if you list the main consumers of a wonderful dessert, then, perhaps, it will work out that way.

But as for baking ... no, the pie is simple and the products can fit in a man's purse, but patience, even in choosing a good recipe, is often not enough for the strong half.

So, dear ladies, put on pinafores and start the process yourself.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples - general principles of cooking

Charlotte with sour cream and apples is a simple, quick dessert. The dough is kneaded in just minutes, from the minimum set of products that are always at hand. It takes up to 40 minutes to bake, or even less. Even if there is no flour at hand, you can safely take up its preparation, using a bread roll instead.

Sour cream ennobles the cake, making it more rich and tender. The fermented milk product used can be of any fat content and prescription, but, of course, not expired, without an unpleasant odor and signs of mold.

From apples, no matter what kind of fruit you take, you will always get delicious pastries. The fruits are peeled or crushed along with it. Cut into cubes, slices or rub with a coarse grater. They are mixed with the dough, poured into it or laid out on the surface of the dough poured into the mold.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples accepts any additions. Vanilla or cinnamon is added to it for flavor. Also, the cake can be supplemented with nuts.

The form with the pie is placed on the grate of a well-heated oven. The baking time depends on the type of dough you choose, the optimal baking temperature is 180 degrees in a gas oven or 200 degrees in an electric cabinet.

Simple charlotte with sour cream and apples

Nuts give this cake an amazing taste. Brown them in a pan, but just a little, they have yet to be in the oven.


A glass of medium-fat sour cream;

Three sour apples;

Two eggs;

A glass of sugar;

a teaspoon of soda;

Two full glasses of flour;

Half a cup of walnut cores.

Cooking method:

1. Coarsely chop the nuts. Peel the apples, cut in half, remove the seeds and immediately cut into slices, no more than half a centimeter thick.

2. In a wide bowl, grind slightly softened margarine with granulated sugar. Add sour cream, pour in the eggs and, stirring vigorously with a whisk, bring to uniformity. Pour the flour mixed with soda and with gentle movements from top to bottom, mix it in.

3. Wipe the mold well with a small piece of butter or margarine, put two-thirds of the dough into it and smooth its surface with a spoon.

4. Spread apple slices on top, pour over the remaining dough and sprinkle with nuts.

5. Place the charlotte in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 40 minutes.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples on kefir

And this pie with cedar kernels. The taste of this supposedly French pie is very unusual, combined with Siberian notes.


150 ml of low-fat kefir;

Medium-fat sour cream - 150 gr.;

A glass of refined sugar;

Half a glass of semolina;

Eggs - 2 pcs.;

Five small apples;

A handful of pine nuts.

Cooking method:

1. Mix kefir with sour cream, add semolina and mix well, set aside for twenty minutes.

2. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with granulated sugar until fluffy. This process is quite lengthy. Immediately pour over the swollen semolina and mix thoroughly.

3. Peel the fruits, cut, removing the seeds, into medium-sized cubes and mix with the dough.

4. Pour everything into the prepared form, sprinkle with pine kernels and place in a hot oven for 40 minutes.

Charlotte with sour cream and apple slices


Four slices of stale loaf;

Four eggs;

50 gr. butter homemade butter;

150 gr. unrefined sugar;

100 gr. fat sour cream;

Vanilla powder - 1 gr.;

Two large, hard apples;

White crackers, breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Pour sugar into a bowl, pour eggs into it and beat everything into foam. Add vanilla and sour cream and beat well again.

2. Wash the fruits, and cut them into two halves. Next, the fruit is cut into thin slices.

3. Rub the bottom of the mold and sides generously with a piece of butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

4. Carefully place the apples in the prepared form, you can use more than one layer. Arrange slices of loaf on top and fill everything with sweet sour cream filling.

5. Bake charlotte at 180 degrees for no more than a quarter of an hour. Remove as soon as the top starts to brown.

Bread charlotte with sour cream and apples



2 cups stale bread broken into small pieces;

Three spoons of sour cream;

Two large spoons of sugar;

Lean refined oil - 2 tablespoons;

One egg;


Six large apples;

Five tablespoons of fat sour cream;

Two eggs, plus one yolk;

Cinnamon, ground in a mortar - 1/4 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Mix sour cream with granulated sugar and beat lightly so that the grains are well dispersed. Add protein, pour in the egg and beat until smooth.

2. Put the crushed bread in a bowl and fill it with the prepared mixture. After three minutes, mash the soaked bread to soak it even more, and let stand for another five minutes. The result should be a plastic bread mass. Pour in some milk if necessary.

3. Grind fruits without peel and seeds with a medium grater and combine with sour cream, granulated sugar and cinnamon.

4. Separately, beat the eggs and, gently stirring the apple mass from the bottom up, mix them in.

5. Put the bread mass in a form greased with vegetable oil and evenly distribute along the bottom, turning a little on the sides.

6. Fill the “blank” with apple filling and carefully place it on the wire rack in the oven.

7. Bake at 160 degrees until the souffle sets. Readiness can be checked with a light touch of a finger, if after that it springs, and does not spread, then it is ready.

8. Remove Charlotte from the oven, cool well and only then remove from the mold.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples (with mayonnaise)


High fat mayonnaise - 0.5 cups;

Half a glass of low-fat sour cream;

Large egg;

A glass of quality flour;

Juice from 1/8 large lemon;

Ripper teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Put the mayonnaise with sour cream in a bowl. Add ripper and mix thoroughly.

2. Wait until it stops foaming violently, and immediately pour sugar into it. While stirring, gradually add the flour and vigorously whisk until the dough is smooth.

3. Cut fruit into thin slices and drizzle with undiluted lemon juice.

4. Apply a thick layer of butter on the bottom and sides of the mold and sprinkle it with semolina. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and spread the apples evenly over the surface.

5. Place the pie in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for exactly 40 minutes. Readiness check with a puncture of a wooden stick.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples without eggs

Here, perhaps, is the only recipe that can be reluctantly entrusted to the faithful. But, just in case, turn on the oven yourself.


Baking rye flour - 1/2 cup;

Half a glass of white flour;

30 gr. medium-fat sour cream;

9% table vinegar - 1/4 tsp;

10 gr. potato starch;

Two teaspoons of cinnamon, crushed in a mortar;

2/3 st. pasteurized milk;

Half a spoonful of soda;

Refined sugar - 150 gr.;

Half a kilo of apples.

Cooking method:

1. The dough is kneaded quickly, in just 10 minutes a hot oven will be needed, so turn it on before you start kneading.

2. Prepare the apples: peel, cut, medium-sized, into slices or cubes and mix with two tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon.

3. Mix rye and wheat flour, add granulated sugar, sour cream, starch and milk. Beat everything with a whisk or mix thoroughly with a spatula, the main thing is to achieve uniformity.

4. Extinguish the soda in a tablespoon of vinegar and immediately pour the foaming mass into the dough, mix.

5. Distribute the fruit mass along the bottom of the oiled form, pour over the dough and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese charlotte with sour cream and apples


Medium-fat sour cream - 100 gr.;

250 gr. cottage cheese;

Three eggs;

A glass of unrefined sugar;

A full glass of wheat flour;

A quarter teaspoon of soda;

Cooking method:

1. Pour eggs into a bowl, add sugar and go through the mass with a mixer several times, achieving splendor.

2. Add cottage cheese with sour cream, add flour mixed with soda, beat and set aside.

3. Cut the apples into very thin slices, removing the core from the fruit, and lay the pieces in a greased form.

4. Pour batter over and bake in a well preheated oven for 40 minutes.

Charlotte with sour cream and apples - tricks and tips for cooking

Do not open the oven in which the batter charlotte is baked for the first 20 minutes. Such a dough does not like drafts and instead of lush pastries, you can get a sticky dense pancake.

Remove the form from the oven on a damp towel, then it will easily “give up” the cake, without leaving pieces of crumb on the bottom.

Charlotte is a great excuse to get rid of apples you don't like. As a rule, harsh and dryish fruits with a sour taste fall into this category. They will be amazing in a pie!

If you want the cake to have a beautiful color, do not mix crushed apples with the dough. Lay them on the bottom of the mold or lay them on top, the pieces will sink on their own.

Charlotte on sour cream with apples, like any pastry, is good with a cup of black tea or coffee. It is best to serve it while still hot, no later than a quarter of an hour after cooking.

With proper preparation, this dessert turns out to be lush, airy and amazingly tasty. It is recommended to cook charlotte with sour cream, because only in this way an incredibly simple dish will acquire that very noble taste. Today we will not only tell you the recipe for sour cream charlotte, but also share some culinary tricks that will help even a novice hostess to quickly and easily prepare a great dessert for the whole family.

Lush charlotte on sour cream: culinary tricks

Why do some people manage to make a truly fluffy apple pie, while others fail at all? What can be added to charlotte besides apples and what advice do professional chefs give? It's time to answer these questions.

  • To make the charlotte lush, it is very important to put it in a preheated oven. Do not open the oven door before cooking, otherwise the dough will simply fall off. After the cooking time has elapsed and you have checked whether the cake is baked (usually this is done with a match or a toothpick, which you need to pierce the dough, and then look: if there are pieces of wet dough left on the stick, you need to wait some more), it is recommended to leave it for 10 minutes in a cooling oven.
  • If you are afraid that when you pull the charlotte out of the mold, you will find pieces stuck to the bottom, there is a simple solution. The hot form, taken out of the oven, must be placed on a damp towel.
  • Don't forget to peel the apples. In general, charlotte can be perfectly prepared from berries, for example, pitted cherries.
  • Nuts go great with apples, so if you have some cashews, hazelnuts, walnuts, or pine nuts, chop them up and add them to the filling.
  • To make the taste of baking more interesting, with oriental notes, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon. The latter always perfectly complements any apple dish, the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • If you want to decorate the cake in an unusual way, you can use powdered sugar, whipped cream or caramel sauce. However, traditionally, instead of decorating, several pieces of apples are laid out at the bottom of the mold in the form of the desired pattern, so that later it is preserved. You can also decorate the top of the pie with apples, especially if you have a split form, which eliminates the need to turn the charlotte.

There are many more interesting tips and tricks for any dish. If you are interested in how you can modify the usual charlotte to make it even tastier and more beautiful, take a look at the page.

The most successful recipe for charlotte with apples on sour cream

To make charlotte, you do not need to go to the supermarket with a huge list of products: most likely, you will find the ingredients in your refrigerator or in the nearest convenience store.


  • One glass of sour cream, flour and sugar;
  • 1-2 eggs, depending on size;
  • half a spoon of soda (you can use baking powder);
  • 2-3 apples;
  • nuts (to taste)

Cooking method:

The first thing to do is preheat the oven. For a gas oven, 180 degrees is enough, for electricity - 200. Of course, be guided by the power of your particular equipment. If possible, turn on the top and bottom heating - on both sides the charlotte will be better baked and rise.

Now it is important to act in the following sequence: first, in a separate bowl, you need to mix sour cream with soda and leave for a few minutes. At this time, apples should be prepared: if they are too hard, steam them in a slow cooker, sprinkle sour ones with sugar. You can cut them into cubes, plastics or grate - the choice is yours.

Now let's start the test. Beat the eggs with sugar to get a homogeneous consistency (not to foam), then add a mixture of soda and sour cream there. Flour should be added gradually, gently kneading with a spoon or mixer until a mass without lumps is obtained.

A baking dish is smeared with a small amount of vegetable or (better) butter, half of the dough is poured there, then the filling is laid out and the second half is added. You can sprinkle nuts and cinnamon on the apples for a more refined taste. But do not overdo it with the spice so that it does not interrupt the taste of apples.

Cook at 180 degrees for about 40-45 minutes. To find out if the charlotte is baked, pierce it with a match or a toothpick - the remains of wet dough on the tree mean that you need to keep it in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Charlotte is not the only dish that does not require any special culinary skills or complex ingredients. You will find a huge number of interesting recipes from familiar products on vpuzo.com.

Charlotte cooked with sour cream is a unique and exquisite dessert that can amaze even the most picky gourmet. Lush pie differs from other culinary products not only in its airy dough, but also in its delicate taste.
As a juicy filling, you can use not only apples, but also any other fruits.

Charlotte with apples: a delicious and simple recipe in the oven

It is quite simple to prepare a pudding with a delicious filling that has long been loved by everyone. This recipe is perfect for young mothers who have only worries and troubles, but want to surprise their loved ones with something.


any apples;
1 cup plain wheat flour;
200 ml 20% sour cream;
a glass of sweet sand;
0.5 tsp ordinary soda;

How to cook:

1. Before proceeding to the combination of all the ingredients, you should heat the oven to 180 degrees so that it warms up well.
2. Wash the apples and cut off the peel from them, if they are very sour, then sprinkle them with granulated sugar. And hard fruits should be steamed in a slow cooker or double boiler.
3. Combine sugar and egg together, beat until smooth.
4. In a separate bowl, mix sour cream and quick soda.
5. Combine the resulting mixture with sour cream and mix well.
6. Pour the sifted flour into the resulting dough and use a mixer to ensure that the consistency of the dough is uniform without lumps and of medium density.
7. Grease a baking sheet with oil and spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bapples on it, then pour some of the dough on top of them and put the remaining fruit. Top with the remaining mass and level the surface.

Charlotte is baked in the oven for about 45 minutes. The readiness of the dough is checked with a wooden stick.

Before serving the cake on the table, you can pour it with a delicious cream filling or sprinkle with nuts.

Little secrets:

Nuts go great with apples. You can add some mystery to the sour cream pie recipe by including nuts, for example, hazelnuts or cashews. And if you also put raisins, then the apple pudding will turn out very tasty.
Fruits and fresh berries. Apple pie with sour cream is already a culinary masterpiece in itself, but if you add fresh fragrant berries, you get a unique taste. The pudding will not only become juicier, but will become fluffier.

Charlotte with fresh apples, sour cream and semolina


half an ordinary glass of sour cream and kefir;
a glass of loose sweet sand;
0.5 cups of well-sifted flour and semolina;
several eggs;
apples - 10 pcs.;
pine and walnuts;
sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the ingredients for the dough with a mixer to a homogeneous, not thick consistency.
2. Peel and cut apples into cubes, crush nuts.
3. Gently pour half of the resulting dough into a baking sheet, pre-lubricated with oil.
4. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top and lay out apples, then add the remaining dough and place in a preheated oven.

You can give baking an interesting appearance by decorating it with custard, powdered sugar, pine nuts or caramel sauce.

Pie on sour cream with mayonnaise

Another simple but delicious charlotte recipe, for its preparation you will need:

0.5 cup low-fat mayonnaise;
0.5 cups low-fat sour cream;
a glass of loose sand;
a glass of well-sifted flour;
sunflower oil

Cooking method:

1. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, peel the fruit and cut into small slices.
2. Lubricate a baking sheet with oil and spread apples on it in an even layer and pour them with the resulting mixture.
Place in oven and bake until done.

Charlotte with sour cream

Charlotte is a dessert familiar to us since childhood. Due to its simple cooking technology, it is firmly entrenched on sweet tables. Therefore, now it is quite difficult to surprise someone with charlotte, but you can still try. Sour cream will help with this.


delicious fluffy charlotte according to your favorite recipe - 1 pc.;
the fattest sour cream you can find - 110 g;
condensed milk - 120-130 g;
ripe banana - 1 pc.


1. Lightly beat the sour cream with a mixer at low speed.
2. Mash the banana with a fork until pureed and add to the sour cream.
3. Continuing whipping, pour in the same condensed milk.
4. Beat a little more so that all the ingredients are well combined.
5. Cut the pie in half horizontally to make two cakes.
6. Lubricate the lower part with a not too thick layer of cream and cover with the second half.
7. Spread cream on all sides of the cake assembled back and place it in the refrigerator so that the cream thickens a little.

** You need to carefully monitor the process of whipping the cream and stop it in time so as not to overwhip the sour cream to the state of butter.

Charlotte with sour cream and butter

Apple pie according to this recipe is unusually light and tender, due to the content of butter and sour cream. These ingredients make the dough soft and airy, and also prevent premature drying of the finished baking.


eggs - 5-6 pcs.;
fat sour cream - 175 g;
butter - 150 g;
sugar - 190 g;
wheat flour - 245 g;
potato starch - about 60 g;
large apples - 3 pcs.;
baking powder - 6 g.


1. Put the butter to melt over low heat.
2. In the meantime, grind the eggs with sugar.
3. Add sour cream and butter, lightly beat everything together.
4. Sift all dry ingredients into this mixture - starch, flour and baking powder. Knead the dough thoroughly until it has a uniform smooth consistency.
5. Cut apples into thin slices. Can be pre-peeled.
6. Grease a standard size baking dish (about 25 cm in diameter) with plenty of oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, semolina or flour.
7. Pour half of the dough into it, put apples on it and pour the rest of the dough on top. Bake the cake in a slightly hot oven (about 170 degrees) for 40-45 minutes.
8. Cool the finished cake under a clean towel and sprinkle with cinnamon, cocoa or powdered sugar.

** If the apples are too juicy, you can pre-dry them slightly in a pan.

Charlotte on sour cream in a slow cooker

Charlotte in a slow cooker is the simplest homemade baking recipe that takes a minimum of time to cook. The process of preparing the test will take no more than 15 minutes, and the device will do the rest. An essential advantage of cooking a pie in a slow cooker is the absence of the need to constantly monitor the baking process.


large apples - 3 pcs.;
sugar - 210 g;
chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.;
flour - 145 g;
sour cream - 190 g;
soda - 4 g;
vanilla or cinnamon - to taste.


1. Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla using a mixer.
2. Add sour cream and mix.
3. Sift flour into this mixture and add soda. Mix everything carefully so that there are no lumps.
4. Wash the apples under running water, peel and cut into arbitrary medium-sized slices.
5. Lubricate the multicooker cup with fat and put half of the dough into it.
6. Put apples on it and pour them with the rest of the dough.
7. Put the bowl in the slow cooker, turn on the “Baking” mode for 1 hour.
8. After this time, turn the cake over and bake the top for another 30-35 minutes.

** It is better to choose high-fat sour cream - then the dough will be very juicy, and the crust will turn out to be very appetizing.

Charlotte with cinnamon

The recipe is simple but the taste is amazing.

We will need:

several medium apples;
sifted flour 200 g;
a glass of sour cream and granulated sugar;
baking powder - 1 tsp;
cinnamon and vanilla.

Cooking process:

1. We combine all the ingredients for the dough, mix well with a whisk and add vanillin at the end. The main thing is that the consistency of the mixture is not thick and homogeneous without lumps.
2. Peel apples, cut into small pieces and mix with cinnamon.
3. Put half of the fruit in a greased form, then pour in the dough, but only half and spread the remaining apples with cinnamon on top.
4. Bake the cake at 180 degrees until done.

The most magnificent charlotte: simple secrets


several apples;
granulated sugar - 1 glass;
low-fat butter - 100 g;
a couple of eggs;
low-fat sour cream - 200 g;
honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
flour - 2.5 cups;
high-quality baking powder - 2 tsp;
vanilla - Art. l.;

Cooking method:

1. Apples are peeled and cut into small cubes.
2. Rub butter with granulated sugar, pour in sour cream, add eggs and stir with a whisk.
3. Add honey, chopped apples and mix.
4. Gradually add flour to the resulting mass, put salt, baking powder and vanilla;
5. Put the dough in a greased form and put in the oven for 50 minutes.

** Charlotte can be served by decorating with cream or caramel filling.
