
Diet gingerbread cookies - recipes. There will be no extra centimeters in the waist! Oatmeal Cinnamon Cookies - Diet Recipes for a Delicious Treat

Oatmeal is a source of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, besides, oats stimulate the production of serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Perhaps that is why oatmeal cookies are so pleasing to both children and adults. Especially homemade, cooked without unnecessary chemical additives.

General principles for making cookies from oat flour

Oat flour makes quick, tasty and crumbly pastries. However, it contains very little gluten. Therefore, in classic recipe cookies take a third of oatmeal and two-thirds of wheat.

Oat flour can be bought already prepared. However, making it at home is not difficult. It is enough to grind oatmeal with a blender. For one glass of oatmeal cereal, you will need to take a glass and a quarter.

Also, most oatmeal cookie recipes will require butter. It should be soft, so it should be taken out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking.

Gives a special taste oatmeal cookies usage brown sugar. So if possible, replace it with regular white sugar in any of the recipes.

You can make cookies different ways: Put the dough on a baking sheet with a spoon, roll into balls and press them lightly. And to make oatmeal cookies of the same size, roll the dough into a sausage, divide it in half, then each piece in half again, and so on.

You can add a little to oatmeal cookies for a crispy texture. oatmeal or coconut flakes. Also good are nuts, candied fruits, dried cranberries, citrus zest, seeds, chocolate pieces. Of the spices for such cookies, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, vanilla are most often used.

Oatmeal cookies are baked very quickly - ten to fifteen minutes are enough, the temperature is 180-200 degrees.

Classic oatmeal cookies

The basic recipe, in which, if desired, you can add various tasty supplements: raisins, nuts, chocolate.


100 grams of oatmeal;

200 grams of wheat flour;

half a pack of butter;

100 grams of sugar;

two teaspoons of cinnamon;

10 grams of vanilla sugar;

0.5 teaspoons of soda;

1 teaspoon of salt;

2 teaspoons of jam or molasses;

6 tablespoons of water (hot).

Cooking method

1. We take out the butter in advance to make it soft. We rub it with jam or molasses, as well as with sugar.

3. We pour out wheat flour, interfere. Then turn oatmeal. Finally, we mix soft dough, slightly sticky.

4. Cookies can be laid out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper using a spoon. Or chill the dough for 15 minutes in the freezer, then it will turn out to form the products with your hands.

5. It's time to put in the oven: 200 degrees, 10-15 minutes. Cookies should acquire a beautiful golden color.

Oatmeal cookies "Festive"

The cinnamon-citrus aroma of such cookies evokes thoughts of new year holidays. It can be decorated sugar icing or multi-colored confectionery topping. And the use of special molds will help cut out stars, Christmas trees, snowmen or gingerbread men from dough.


80 grams of oatmeal;

50 ml freshly squeezed orange juice;

zest of one orange;

half a pack of butter;

160 grams of wheat flour;

a third of a teaspoon of soda;

a pinch of salt;

half a bag of vanilla sugar;

0.5 teaspoons of cinnamon;

chocolate drops;

150 grams of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Softened butter must first be rubbed with granulated sugar. Then we put vanilla sugar and cinnamon, stir.

2. Add oatmeal, orange peel, chocolate drops, pour Orange juice and mix everything again. Sift wheat flour into a bowl with dough, put salt and baking powder. Knead the elastic soft dough, if necessary, add more wheat flour.

3. We form a ball from the dough and roll it out half a centimeter thick. We cut out the cookies of the desired shape, place them on a baking sheet with parchment paper, leaving a centimeter between the products. Now in the oven - 200 degrees, ten minutes. If desired, we decorate the finished cookies with icing, on top of it you can glue confectionery beads or sprinkles, “hang” balls on Christmas trees or draw a beautiful ornament.

Oat flour cookies without wheat

Wheat allergy is not uncommon, especially in children. And I want to pamper them with sweets. You can bake just such a variant of cookies only from oatmeal.


A glass of oatmeal;

a quarter cup of oatmeal;

two tablespoons of granulated sugar;

two eggs;

a handful of raisins;

½ teaspoon of soda.

Cooking method

1. Combine eggs and sugar, beat well.

2. Pour out the flakes, mix. Then add oatmeal and soda, raisins, pre-washed. Let the dough stand for ten minutes, so it will become thicker.

3. Spread baking paper on a baking sheet. We spread the dough with a tablespoon, leaving three centimeters between the products.

4. At 180 degrees, bake for about a quarter of an hour.

Oatmeal cookies with nuts

This recipe uses walnuts. They can be ground into crumbs, then the delicacy will acquire a pleasant color and nutty taste. Or cut into small pieces to hit the tooth in the finished cookie.


150 grams of oatmeal;

300-350 grams of wheat flour;

one pack of butter;

one and a half glasses of granulated sugar;

teaspoon of cinnamon;

half a teaspoon of baking powder, salt and soda;

cup walnuts(cleaned);

warm water - half a glass.

Cooking method

1. Combine soft butter with sugar and cinnamon, grind.

2. Add oatmeal and warm water, stir. We fall asleep sifted wheat flour, followed by salt, soda and baking powder, then chopped walnuts. Continue kneading until you get a soft dough.

3. Roll out the dough with a layer of half a centimeter. Cut out cookies in desired shape. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

4. We will bake at 200 degrees for a quarter of an hour.

Oatmeal brine cookies

Is there any brine left from a jar of pickles? Let it be the basis for delicious cookies! Ready baked goods brine gives a light, pleasant, slightly salty aftertaste.


A glass of brine;

three quarters of a glass of oatmeal;

a glass with a quarter of wheat flour;

a third of a glass of sugar;

a quarter cup of vegetable oil;

a quarter of a teaspoon of soda.

Cooking method

1. Pour the sugar into the brine, stir to dissolve. Add soda, vegetable oil.

2. Pour out the oatmeal, then the sifted wheat flour. Knead the dough. We send it to the refrigerator for half an hour to cool slightly.

3. Wet the spoon in cold water, use it to spread the future cookies on a baking sheet with parchment. Remember about the distance between the products - 1-1.5 centimeters.

4. Send to the oven. At 180 degrees - 10-15 minutes.

Oatmeal Cookies with Cinnamon, Ginger and Honey

Another festive option. IN European countries Gingerbread Cookie traditionally baked for Christmas. Packed in a beautiful box, it will become sweet and nice addition to a gift.


100 grams of oatmeal;

half a pack of butter;

ginger root (grated) - 2 teaspoons;

2 tbsp brown sugar;

2 tablespoons of honey;

120 grams of whole wheat flour;

2 teaspoons of baking powder;

3 tablespoons of water at room temperature.

Cooking method

1. Rub the softened butter with sugar and honey. We also add cinnamon and ginger.

2. Sift wheat flour into a container with mashed butter, pour oatmeal. Put salt and baking powder. Add water and knead the cookie dough well.

3. Now we roll small koloboks from the dough, about walnut. Then they need to be slightly flattened to give the shape of cookies and put on a baking sheet with baking paper. Do not forget to leave a distance of at least a centimeter between the cookies.

4. At 200 degrees, bake our gingerbread oatmeal cookies for 12 minutes.

Anzac oatmeal cookies

Anzac - oatmeal cookies with coconut flakes. It is especially loved in New Zealand and Australia, from where this crunchy delicacy came to us.


A glass of oatmeal;

100 grams of granulated sugar;

half a pack of butter;

75 grams of coconut flakes.

Cooking method

1. Put the butter in a saucepan, we need to melt it.

2. Combine sugar and coconut flakes, pour melted butter. We mix the ingredients.

3. Add oatmeal, mix well.

4. Lay on a baking sheet parchment paper. We form small cakes from the dough with our hands, lay them out with a distance of a couple of centimeters so that they do not stick together during baking.

5. Put the baking sheet in the oven, the required temperature is 180 degrees. Crispy coconut-oatmeal cookies will reach readiness in 10 minutes.

Oatmeal Cookies - Secrets and Tricks

· If you want a firmer oatmeal cookie, increase the baking time by literally three minutes.

To make sugar easier to mix with butter, it can be pre-ground to a powder with a coffee grinder.

· Before removing the finished cookies from the baking sheet, let them cool slightly so that they do not break.

To keep oatmeal cookies soft for longer, store them in paper bag or closed box.

Ginger is a versatile root that has been used by humans for a very long time. It has found its place in almost all spheres of life, it is hard to overestimate its importance in medicine, cosmetology or cooking. That's just about the latter and will be discussed in this article, namely baking.

Cookies from fresh gingerfragrant pastries, which will fill your home with an incredible smell, give a sense of celebration and besides, it is not only very tasty, but also healthy! So you don’t have to worry, such a dish will not harm your health and figure, but of course if you know the measure.

Making gingerbread cookies with fresh ginger does not require much time and effort from you.

Cookies with ginger recipe


  • 400 g flour
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 100 g butter (soft)
  • 100 g honey
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 0.5 tsp cinnamon
  • 0.5 tsp ground ginger.+ piece 2 cm fresh
  • 0.5 tsp allspice(ground).


  1. First, prepare all the ingredients, peel and grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  2. Using a spoon, mix all the ingredients, then form a ball with your hands, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  3. Dust the surface of the table with flour and roll out the dough to a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm (rolling thinner is not recommended).
  4. Using a knife or cookie cutters, cut out any figures, place the resulting cookies on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, or line it with baking paper.

If you want to make a frosting, beat the egg with a pinch of salt an hour before baking, brush the cookies, let them dry, and brush the cake again.

  1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Bake the cookies for 20 minutes, then transfer to a wire rack and let cool completely.

The cookies will be very tasty and crispy.

Oat cookies with ginger

It also turns out no less tasty and fragrant. To prepare it you will need:

  • softened butter (or margarine) - 90 gr.
  • sugar - 130 gr.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • oatmeal - 200 gr.
  • flour - 180
  • zest of half a lemon
  • grated ginger -1 tsp
  • a pinch of salt and slaked soda
  • for sprinkling sesame


  1. Beat butter with sugar with a mixer, add eggs one at a time to the resulting mixture.
  2. Mix oatmeal calcined in a pan in a separate bowl, this is necessary for the best flavor also add the sifted flour and salt.
  3. Mix both masses and add slaked soda, ginger and zest.
  4. Spoon the mixture onto a paper-lined baking sheet. It should be noted that during baking, the cookies spread a little, so there should be a distance between the cookies. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  5. Cookies must be baked at a temperature of 180 degrees. 10-15 minutes, until the moment when it acquires golden edges.

I can't help noticing amazing taste gingerbread. Treat your friends and loved ones!

Gingerbread recipe


  • 1/3 cup runny honey
  • cinnamon (teaspoon)
  • cloves (teaspoon)
  • cocoa (teaspoon)
  • 1 tsp salt (no top)
  • ground ginger (a pinch)
  • 120 g butter
  • one glass of sugar
  • two eggs
  • 1 tsp soda
  • three glasses of flour

For glaze:

  • one protein
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar
  • 1 tsp potato starch
  • food colorings(optional)


  1. Mix cinnamon, honey, cocoa, cloves, ginger, salt and heat to a boil while stirring constantly.
  2. Remove from heat, add oil, stir and cool the resulting mixture
  3. Beat eggs with sugar and mix with honey-butter mixture. Add the sifted flour and soda, knead the dough and refrigerate overnight.
  4. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 3-5 mm, cut out cookies using molds or a knife.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees. 8-10 minutes, then carefully remove from the baking sheet and wait until they cool, decorate with glaze.

To prepare the glaze, it is necessary to sift the powdered sugar several times, beat the protein, while gradually adding the powdered sugar, starch and lemon juice. You can add food coloring if you like. Then place the icing in a tight bag, cut off a small corner and start decorating the gingerbread.

Happy tea!


Airy crispy biscuits quick hercules looks like lace. Ready-made cookies can be decorated with chocolate - just melt it, dip cookies in it, or make a pattern on top with thin chocolate threads.

You will need

  1. - 1 glass of quick hercules;
  2. - 1 cup of sugar;
  3. - 4 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  4. - 100 g of butter;
  5. - 1 egg;
  6. - 1 teaspoon of vanilla;
  7. - 1/2 teaspoon of salt;
  8. - 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder.


  • Set the oven to preheat to 170 degrees. Cover a baking sheet with foil, then grease with butter, you can sprinkle with a special cooking spray.
  • Whisk sugar with room temperature butter in a deep bowl until the mixture is fluffy and light. Add a raw egg, vanillin. Separately mix flour with hercules fast food, add salt and baking powder for the dough. Add this flour mass to the butter mixture, mix quickly.
  • Put the resulting dough on a baking sheet - spread with a teaspoon at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other, the dough will spread during cooking. Place the tray in the preheated oven.
  • Bake the lacy oatmeal cookies for 10-12 minutes until the edges are nice. golden color. After that, cool the cookies directly on the baking sheet, carefully remove from the foil with your fingers. If all the dough does not fit on your baking sheet, then do not forget to grease it again with oil for next game cookies.
  • Cooled lacy oatmeal cookies can be decorated with melted chocolate, although they look beautiful on their own. Can be served for breakfast with tea or milk.
  • KakProsto.ru

Oatmeal Ginger Cookies recipe with photo how to cook on Webspoon.ru

Cooking oatmeal cookies

The dream of any woman is to eat sweet and tasty and ... not get better :-) How many temptations are around in the form of cakes, pies with chocolate icing! How to hold on? Today I will come to you (and myself, what's the sin to hide? -)) to help. Today we bake delicious and healthy cookies - from oatmeal.

Happy tea!

Cooking recipe "Oatmeal cookies with ginger":

Step 1

For cooking, we need: oatmeal (which needs to be cooked for a long time), raisins, lime (easily replaced with lemon), sesame seeds (I have white and black), ginger, cinnamon, honey, flour, sunflower oil.

Mix dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, oatmeal, sesame seeds, raisins.

Peel the ginger, grate fine grater. Ginger should be 1 tablespoon. Remove the zest from the lime, squeeze out the juice.

In a small bowl, mix honey, lime zest and juice, cinnamon, ginger. We put on fire, warm up until the honey dissolves. We don't boil!

Pour the liquid mixture into the dry, add sunflower oil. We mix everything well. The mixture will be loose, but quite pliable.

We roll small balls from the mixture, as if squeezing them between the palms, thereby forming a ball. The dough will stick to your hands. I washed my hands after 2 rolled balls. Lay them out on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 15-20 minutes.


Oatmeal cookies with raisins and ginger. Recipe with step by step photos

oatmeal cookies with raisins, ginger and cinnamon it turns out incredibly tender and tasty, which just instantly disappears from the table. I’m not even talking about the benefits, because cooked at home, with your own hands, will be much more useful than that what we buy in stores. And for moms whose kids refuse to eat oatmeal, this is the most The best way feed the child healthy cereal.
  • Sugar sand - 120-140 g.
  • Egg - 1 - 2 pcs.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Ground ginger - 1 teaspoon
  • Raisins - 150 - 200 g.

Oatmeal raisin cookies - recipe

Pour oatmeal into a blender bowl and chop. Put butter in a bowl and leave for 40 - 60 minutes. at room temperature for softening. Then add sugar to the butter and rub with a spoon or spatula. Add the eggs, mix well. In a separate dry bowl, mix cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, baking powder and flour. Add the dry mixture to the bowl with butter and stir. After that, add oatmeal and raisins, carefully stir with a spoon. The dough for oatmeal cookies will turn out to be thick in consistency. Spread the dough with your hands or a spoon on a baking sheet, forming balls, slightly flattening them on top. Bake at t 180 ° C for 10 - 15 minutes. As soon as oatmeal cookies with raisins and ginger well browned, immediately remove from the oven. Happy tea! Tip: Raisins can be replaced with nuts or dark chocolate chunks! Have you tried oatmeal cookies yet?

Oatmeal raisin cookies. Photo

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First of all, diet gingerbread cookies have wonderful taste qualities. They are happy to complement the tea party. Despite the taste diet cookies from ginger has other more significant advantages. For example, ginger has a beneficial effect on the human body. Ginger is famous for its effect on metabolism. During a diet, there is often a desire to eat something sweet. Diet gingerbread cookies are considered an example of a healthy treat. You can buy it at the store or make your own. It's best if there are cookies home cooking, because then they probably won’t get into it needed by the body Ingredients.

cooking recipes

Diet gingerbread cookies with cinnamon. For cooking, you need to place 150 grams butter on water bath, melt it, then add 70 grams of powdered sugar, and beat everything with a mixer. To the resulting mass add two egg yolks and stir everything. In another bowl, pour 220 grams of sifted flour, 7 grams ground cinnamon and 7 grams of ground ginger, mix everything. Then you need to mix the capacity of two bowls, and knead the dough. Ready dough must be placed in cool place for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, the dough should be rolled out to a thickness of 4 mm. Cut out cookies to desired shape. Place cut out cookies on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake diet gingerbread cookies for 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Gingerbread cookies with oat bran. For cooking, you need to take a deep bowl. Put 30 grams in it oat bran, 2 egg whites, 30 grams of dried ginger, 15 grams of yogurt, 20 grams of sugar and vanilla. Mix all ingredients until smooth. Form cookies. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Recipe for dietary gingerbread cookies with honey. To prepare, you need to place 4 egg whites in a bowl and beat with a mixer for 3 minutes, the speed must be gradually increased. Then add 50 grams of oatmeal, 300 grams of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of condensed milk, 20 grams of honey. Move everything until smooth. Place the dough for 10 minutes in a cool place. Line a baking sheet with foil and form cookies. Bake for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

cooking secrets

Cooking really tasty cookies is not difficult, it is important to know a few secrets that will help every housewife:

  • in order to reveal the taste and aroma of ginger and cinnamon, you need to add a pinch of salt to the dough. Its presence will not be felt, and the cookies themselves will become more fragrant.
  • to add a biscuit more savory and unusual taste you can add a little allspice. As you know, spices such as ginger, cinnamon and pepper have a beneficial effect on metabolism. But before you put pepper in all the dough, it's better to try baking a couple of cookies, you may not like it.
  • if there is no dry ginger in the house, grated fresh ginger can be added.
  • Thus, you can cook a wonderful diet treat that will help you keep your figure.

Dieting is not always a painful time without goodies! This stereotype is absolutely wrong. Losing weight, you can afford diet delicacies that are no worse, and sometimes even tastier than usual. For example, sugar-free oatmeal cinnamon cookies will be the perfect snack during a diet and will not harm the figure.

Diet and desserts: compatibility

Everyone who loses weight knows the all-consuming desire for sweets. Sometimes you just want to spit on everything and eat a cake or favorite cookie. However, the basic principles diet food means avoiding sweet, fatty and salty foods. But this does not mean that you need to infringe on yourself and deny yourself your beloved in all the goodies!

You can cook homemade desserts that will be no worse than store-bought ones, but will not harm your figure. To do this, you need to cook them from the right ingredients, do not use sugar, fat milk, sour cream and butter. All these ingredients can be easily replaced with dietary analogues, for example, a sweetener, olive oil odorless and natural yogurt.

If you love oatmeal cookies, then you should definitely check it out. diet recipes this healthy delicacy. It turns out very tasty, and does not harm the figure at all.

Attention! It is better to eat cookies in the morning, because the oatmeal, which is the main ingredient, has carbohydrates. It is important that the body has time to process them before the evening.

homemade treat

Making oatmeal cookies that you can eat on a diet is quite simple. It is important to follow the recipe exactly and not add anything harmful. Such a meal will help you not to break loose during the period of weight loss and survive it without stress.

with raisins

The composition of this delicacy does not include components that cause obesity. If you want to make the dish even more dietary, separate the protein from the yolk and use only the first. The yolk can then be put in dishes not intended for you, or used for cosmetic procedures.


  • flakes - 200 g;
  • tea soda - 1/4 tbsp. l.;
  • odorless olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • walnuts - 150 g;
  • vanillin - one sachet;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • sweetener.

Step 1. Grind oatmeal with a blender. So you get a replacement for flour. Add tea soda and an egg to them. Stir everything with a whisk.

Step 2 Add vanilla, cinnamon, raisins and chopped walnuts. The last component can be omitted if you want the dish to be more dietary. Whisk with a fork or whisk.

Step 3. Send the ball-shaped cookies to the oven. Cook them there for about 15 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a toothpick.

with ginger

Ginger is a spice that speeds up the metabolism. It is better to eat it as often as possible on a diet to speed up the process of losing weight. In addition, ginger goes well with cinnamon and gives the cookies an amazing taste.


  • ground cinnamon - 2 tsp;
  • sesame seeds - 50 g;
  • odorless olive oil;
  • oatmeal - 300 g;
  • lemon peel - 10 g;
  • sweetener;
  • ginger root - 100 g.

Step 1. Peel the ginger root from the skin, cut it into pieces and grind it in a blender. It is advisable to drain the released juice into a glass and use it later to make tea. In the test, excess moisture is not needed.

Step 2 Separate part of the oatmeal and grind them in a blender. They will replace flour. The rest will give the cookies a special texture.

Step 3 Lightly toast the sesame seeds in a non-stick skillet without oil.

Step 4 Beat the egg, mix it with cereal. Add olive oil, cinnamon, ginger, zest, a little salt, sesame seeds. Add honey or sweetener to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

Step 5 Wet hands Form into small cookies and place on a baking sheet. Bake 15 minutes in the oven.

Important! Let the cookies cool first, then remove.

with banana

This cookie has a slightly higher calorie content due to the banana. Better to have dessert for breakfast. You will definitely appreciate the amazing taste of this delicacy!

You will need:

  • oatmeal - 250 g;
  • oat flour coarse grinding- 1 tbsp.;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil;
  • tea soda;
  • salt;
  • banana - 1 pc.

Step 1. Grind cereal in a blender. Add eggs and a teaspoon of oil to them. There soda, slaked lemon juice. Mix everything.

Step 2. Pour the flour into the mass. Stir gently, you will get a viscous mass.

Step 3 Grind the banana in a blender, add to the dough. Pour in the cinnamon. Mix everything.

Step 4 Knead the dough, roll it into a cake 1 cm thick. Cut out circles with a glass. You can simply mold the cakes with your hands. Place cookies on a baking sheet lightly greased with olive oil or lined with parchment paper. Bake in preheated oven until done.

Interesting! Chopped nuts can be added to cookies for piquancy. Suitable almonds, Walnut, hazelnuts or cashews.

Oatmeal cookies are not only tasty, but also healthy treat. Hercules is needed for correct operation organism. It helps the stomach and intestines. Oatmeal is rich in fiber, so it removes toxins and saturates the body with useful substances.

Oatmeal cookies can be made from minimum set ingredients. Usually they are all in the refrigerator. It is better to cook a few cookies at a time - the goodies that were in the refrigerator are no longer so tasty. To obtain perfect cookies please use these guidelines:

  1. You can vary the recipe yourself. So you can constantly make different delicious treats. You can add fat-free cocoa, coffee, cottage cheese, nuts, any fruit to the dough. Cookies will turn out not only tasty, but also appetizingly beautiful. as in the photo above.
  2. If you are adding raisins, soak them in warm water. Then drain this liquid, rinse the raisins under the tap in a sieve, dry with a napkin and use for recipes.
  3. It is better to form cookies with wet hands - so the dough will not stick to your fingers, and you will get perfect cakes.
  4. To make the cookies fluffy, be sure to add to the dough slaked soda. You can extinguish it with vinegar or lemon juice. She will give away air bubbles that will give ready meal splendor.
  5. Ready-made cookies can be smeared directly in the oven with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream. So they will have a beautiful golden brown and they will become softer.
  6. If you are making cookies with dried fruits, you do not need to add honey or sweetener. All the sweetness and so will be present from the fruit.
  7. Do not remove the cookies immediately so that they do not fall apart. Let it lie down for a bit and cool down, then with the help of a spatula carefully move it onto a flat, beautiful plate.
  8. You can decorate the delicacy with pieces of fruit, berries or raisins. Oatmeal cookies with raspberries on top look very nice. You can decorate the dish with mint leaves.
  9. To prevent the cookies from burning, put a pan of water in the bottom of the oven. So the water will evaporate, which will prevent the delicacy from burning.

Useful video: without flour. eggs and butter

Even when you are on a diet. you can make yourself happy delicious cookies. Classic oatmeal cookies are quite high in calories. Your attention is a recipe without flour, eggs and butter. Great alternative for those who are losing weight. How to cook in the video below.


Oatmeal cookies with cinnamon, made according to the proposed recipes, will turn out tasty and healthy. You can eat it even if you are losing weight. It will help to overcome cravings for sweets and not eat chocolate. This cookie will appeal to all family members, even those who are not on a diet. You can eat it with tea, coffee or skimmed milk.

The recipe can be varied to your liking by adding vanillin, different berries and fruits, candied fruits, nuts. Only large fruits are best cut first. It is easy to prepare a healthy diet treat, the main thing is to use only permitted ingredients.
