
Do-it-yourself cookies for February 14 to your beloved. Sweets for a romantic dinner on Valentine's Day

Butter room temperature cut into cubes.

Pour sugar and powdered sugar into butter.

Once again, mix the resulting oil mixture well with a mixer.

Combine flour with salt and baking powder, sift and add to the butter mixture in parts.

The amount of flour must be adjusted, the dough should be homogeneous and soft, but not sticky. Ready dough wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Remove excess dough. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and lay out the cookies, stepping back a little from each other, as our "Valentines" will increase slightly in volume during baking.

Send to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes (up to golden color). The baking time depends on your oven. Ready hearts cool on a wire rack.

To prepare the protein glaze, combine the egg white with the sifted powdered sugar.

Then beat with a mixer at minimum speed for 2 minutes.

Pour in the lemon juice and continue whisking. protein glaze 3 more minutes.

Wet the towel with cool water, wring it out and cover the bowl with protein glaze with a damp towel, leave for 10-15 minutes.

Protein glaze is ready. It gets pretty thick. This glaze is great for drawing contours. To fill the entire surface of the cookies, you need more liquid glaze, its consistency must be adjusted with water, literally adding drop by drop and stirring until the desired result. Finished glaze we fill the cornet and decorate our "Valentines".

At first thick glaze you need to draw the outline of the cookie. Wait for it to dry (it will take about 5 minutes).

We draw hearts, flowers, inscriptions and so on

Let the icing dry completely and you can serve Valentine's cookies on the table or give them to relatives, loved ones on Valentine's Day.

Bon appetit!

How do you express your love to family and friends? You can give a gift that is made with love. However, the gift must be special. Giving a Valentine is trite, giving an edible Valentine is a win-win. The heart, beautiful and sweet, will tell about true feelings better than any words.

In order for the gift to your loved one to come out the most beautiful, you need a little time and imagination. Pre-prepared sweet decorations and heart-shaped cookie cutters will also come in handy.

Cookie decoration can be voluminous, for example, from marzipan mass. For novice hostesses, the option with multi-colored icing on cookies will be no less beautiful, but easier to perform. If desired, the design of cookies can be complicated by the purchased decorative topping for culinary products.

It is worth thinking in advance about the packaging of such a gift. You can fill a decorative basket with them, or you can pack each in a separate transparent envelope, and attach ribbons and congratulations - you get individual souvenirs for relatives and friends.

Cookies with icing for Valentine's Day

  • 1 cup (250 grams) softened butter
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup or honey
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon soda
  • 1.5 teaspoons vanilla or half a packet of vanilla
  • 1 egg
  • 4 cups flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Cooking method:

  • Beat the butter with a mixer on high speed

  • Add sugar, beat until sugar dissolves for 3-5 minutes. Add corn syrup, soda slaked with lemon juice, vanilla and eggs.

  • Combine 4 cups flour and 1/4 teaspoon salt. Add to oil mixture.

  • Knead the dough. Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  • Take out the dough, divide it into three parts (it is more convenient to work with the dough). Work with each part of the test in turn.

  • Sprinkle the table with flour. Roll out a layer of dough 3-4 mm thick. Cut out cookies into the desired shape with cookie cutters, a glass or a knife. The shape of a valentine is a heart. For Valentine's Day, hearts decorated with red icing will look especially impressive. Line a baking sheet with foil or baking parchment. Bake at 350 degrees for 10-12 minutes until the cookies are golden on the edges. Take the cookies out of the oven. Let cool, remove from pan. It's better to put it on a rack. Cookies must be completely cool before decorating.
  • Ingredients for icing sugar:

    • 2.5 glasses powdered sugar
    • 3 tablespoons milk (may need an extra spoon)
    • 2 tablespoons softened butter
    • ½ teaspoon almond extract
    • Food coloring (red or pink)

    Cookies for Valentine's Day

    Complementing cookies with beautiful packaging, you can get the perfect gift for your loved one or your favorite sweet tooth. The main thing is not to forget to say the kindest words and sincere declarations of love.

    Bon appetit!

I was told how to make pizza for Valentine's Day at the women's club on the eve of the holiday. In principle, you just need to make the dough in the shape of a heart, and then - your flight of fancy. Here is my example.

Quick Recipe cooking very beautiful sweetness from bitter and white chocolate with coffee.

Strawberry pie on February 14 - sweet, the colors of passion, tender and most delicious! Please your loved one, make his life sweet fairy tale. And Valentine's Day is the best occasion to pamper him or her.

Recipe for making financiers - small French biscuit cupcakes. Treat your soul mate on Valentine's Day!

lemon dessert- a wonderful treat that we will prepare in about an hour. The dessert consists of lemon cream sprinkled with crumbs from shortcrust pastry and covered with a lush protein layer.

Recipe for making heart-shaped cookies for February 14 with walnuts, rosemary and vanilla.

Today I'll tell you how to make a cake for February 14 - International Valentine's Day. The pie turns out to be delicious, but its main feature is that you can cut very beautiful hearts. Try it!

Recipe holiday cookies in the form of hearts with vanilla and dried cranberries.

Lobster recipe with lemon - cooking a festive Italian dinner by February 14 (Valentine's Day) from lobster with butter and lemon slices.

Quick white fish recipe lemon zest, lemon juice, almonds and parsley. The dish is suitable for gala dinner for two happy people.

I love goat cheese and cherry tomato tartlets. This is an amazing appetizer for your guests and loved ones, which is very easy to prepare. share simple recipe!

Recipe for strawberry yogurt cake. Cake with very tender and pleasant taste strawberries and yogurt. Suitable for romantic dinner.

Delicious chocolate truffles with rum you can not only buy in the store, but also cook at home. You will be surprised by the ease of preparation of these exquisite French chocolates.

Macaroons are delicious French pastries made up of two cookies joined with chocolate. Cookie dough is made from almond flour And egg whites. Very tasty treat!

Please your soul mate on this amazing holiday - bake a very beautiful, tasty and spectacular chocolate chip cookie for Valentine's Day. The heart of the sweet tooth will be conquered once and for all :)

Recipe for meringues with raspberry extract and chocolates inside. Sweet, melt-in-your-mouth meringues great dessert for Valentine's Day.

Cake "Great Chocolate Wall"

Cake "Great Chocolate Wall" is very original and unusual cake, which is now simply wildly popular in America. You definitely haven't tried anything like this!

Chocolate fondue recipe - making a gentle fondue from chocolate, cream and cognac. Chocolate fondue - romantic dish for two happy people.

Cake "Raffaello"

Lightweight and a delicious cake with cream and coconut flakes, reminiscent of the taste of famous candy. Cake "Raffaello" is perfect for a festive table, and for a romantic dinner.

Recipe "Raffaello" at home

Raffaello recipe at home. Surprisingly simple and very delicious dessert, which will organically complete a romantic meal (for example, on Valentine's Day).

Chocolate Cake Recipe - How to make chocolate cake with icing for Valentine's Day. Delicious holiday dessert.

Cake recipe with chocolate, chocolate cream mousse, raspberries and currant jam. Good for a romantic dinner.

Once I worked as a waiter in an expensive St. Petersburg restaurant, where for some reason all the guests ordered warm salad with Chiken. Since then, I have had the feeling that this is the most popular salad in the world:)

I offer a recipe delicious pie With lemon filling. It is prepared quite easily. The ingredients for making the pie are simple, and the taste is delicious, the calorie content is not very high.

Pizza "Favorite"

Pizza "Lubimaya" is very spectacular, cute and tasty pizza, which is well suited for a romantic dinner (for example, in honor of February 14 - Valentine's Day). Both beautiful and very tasty.

Salad "Caesar" with shrimps

Shrimp Caesar salad recipe. Great salad for a festive table or a romantic dinner.

Cake "Milk girl"

Already by the name you can guess that the "Milk Girl" cake is very light, airy milk cake. By the way, otherwise it is also called a cake for lovers. I share the cake recipe.

Cherry roll is a very tasty thing that I usually cook from drunk cherry. The roll is prepared quite simply, quickly and without special efforts. I tell you how to cook a roll with cherries.

Cookies with cherries this recipe turns everyday life into a beautiful fairy tale. Very beautiful, cute shortcrust pastry cookies can decorate any festive table and give joy.

Chicken breasts in cream with cheese - an easy-to-prepare, but almost delicacy-tasting dish. Great for a romantic dinner with a bottle of wine.

Recipe for hot white chocolate with milk, cream, fresh strawberries and whipped cream hearts.

Recipe for festive meringues in the form of hearts with vanilla and ice cream.

Recipe for heart shaped cookies fruit jam for Valentine's Day.

Recipe for double chocolate brownies for Valentine's Day.

I love truffles! And when I first decided to make them myself, I really regretted it, with happiness I gained two kilograms in the evening :)) I don’t make such mistakes anymore, but I continue to cook them!

Pizza on thin dough according to this recipe it turns out very tasty - such as in pizzerias. For a long time I was looking for a recipe that would make pizza indistinguishable from restaurant ones - and I finally found it!

Recipe for making festive truffles for February 14 from chocolate, cream, champagne and sugar.

Strasbourg plum pie - delicious and easy Cheesecake which is prepared with fresh plums. Pie dough is made from flour, margarine, sugar and one egg. Everything is simple and ingenious!

Beef tart recipe - cooking holiday dish by February 14 (for Valentine's Day) from tartlets with beef, mushrooms and thyme.

Don't know how to surprise your guests? The pears in wine recipe is a great idea. Alternative way serving a familiar fruit - no special products are needed, but the result will please even a gourmet.

truffles - gourmet delicacy but it turns out you can make them at home with your own hands. Dedicated to all the sweet tooth!

Chocolate dessert "For two"

Chocolate cakes prepared at home for two are a wonderful treat for lovers. Simple and delicious!

Chocolate macarons are always a holiday in our house. Buy today french dessert It will not be difficult, but making your own chocolate macaroons at home is already a sacred process!

Chocolate heart shaped cookie recipe.

Jellied chicken "Heart"

The recipe for a very beautiful chicken aspic, which can decorate any holiday table.

Valentine's Day is one of those rare holidays that people look forward to. On this day, all lovers strive to show their feelings, to prepare a surprise for their soulmate. We bring to your attention desserts that are suitable for February 14th.

To prepare a dessert, you need to take 225 g of butter and sugar.

These ingredients are well beaten, after which 4 chicken eggs and 2 tablespoons are added to them. fresh milk, stir, fall asleep 225 g wheat flour and 55 g of cocoa powder and get rid of lumps.

The finished mixture is carefully transferred to a baking dish (preferably in the shape of a heart) and left in the oven (about 50 minutes). Cool and cut into 2 parts (divided into two layers-hearts).

Now we take:

  • whipped cream - 300 ml
  • raspberries (preferably fresh) - 200 g
  • melted chocolate - 150 g
  • raspberries - another 50 g
  • candied rose petals

Cream is mixed with raspberries, forming a cream, which needs to be greased with two previously prepared cakes and connected to each other. Chocolate, berries and rose petals are used to decorate our cake. Dessert is ready - it's time to celebrate Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day Marshmallow Hearts

To prepare this dish for Valentine's Day, you will need marshmallows or airy marshmallow(you can use soufflé). Using a special form or a regular knife, cut out even hearts and put them in several layers on wooden skewers.

For the cream, melt a bar of your favorite chocolate (this is done in a water bath). Now you need to carefully dip the whole marshmallow in chocolate and roll in multi-colored confetti.

As you can see, it's simple, but very delicious recipe for lovers.

To prepare this dessert for Valentine, you will have to completely dissolve 3 tbsp. sugar with butter (half a pack) and add all available spices to it ( nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, a teaspoon of ginger), as well as 1 tsp. soda, 1 egg and 260 g of wheat flour. At each stage, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed.

When the dough is ready, divide it into two parts and send it to the refrigerator for two hours, after wrapping it in cling film.

Having taken it out of the cold, the dough is rolled out with a layer with a thickness of 1 cm and hearts are cut out of it. These blanks are baked on a baking sheet at a temperature of 180 degrees.

The frosting is made from cranberry juice(2 tablespoons) and powdered sugar (half a glass). If you want to make Valentine's Day more colorful, use other drinks:

  • carrot juice will give orange color to valentines;
  • green color will give spinach;
  • purple tint is chokeberry etc.

Show your imagination, and then the dessert will turn out great and very tasty, and Valentine's Day will remain in your memory forever!

On February 14, you can cook simple cookies, giving it a special charm. To do this, knead the dough from flour (250 g), sugar (75 g), butter (125 g), eggs (1 pc.) And a pinch of salt. Be sure to place it in several layers of cling film and leave in the cold for 1 hour.

After that, you will have to carefully roll out the dough and cut out hearts (there should be an even number of them). Divide the figures in half - in half you need to cut out the middle using a small form (also in the form of a heart).

Now grease the cookies egg yolk, sprinkle with sugar and put in the oven for 10 minutes. We take out, spread the base with strawberry, cherry or raspberry jam and cover with a figurine and a cut out core (so that the jam comes out a little).

Do you already know who to present such a heart on Valentine's Day?

Another unusual dessert, which is suitable for February 14 - ice cream sandwiches. Its basis is tasty and tender cookies, which we will make chocolate.

Preparing dessert:

  1. Mix one chicken egg with 50 g of sugar.
  2. Add 50 g of oil, then 1 tsp. cocoa powder and one glass of sifted flour.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Roll out the dough.
  5. Cut out the hearts.
  6. Bake cookies in a preheated oven.
  7. Spread ice cream on the heart and press with the second cookie.
  8. Dessert is ready!

And, of course, you can always decorate the dish with all sorts of sweets.

Watch a beautiful video recipe for strawberry cupcakes


  • Butter - 90 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Strawberry puree - 50 gr.
  • Kefir - 170 gr.
  • Flour - 180 gr.
  • Baking powder - 10 gr.


  • Strawberry puree - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - 70 gr.


  • Cream cheese - 500 gr.
  • Cream 33% - 180 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 120 gr.

Remember that February 14 is a day for lovers, joyful and happy people. So enjoy each other and those desserts that you have prepared with us.

Also, light desserts go well with the holiday - for example, or.

What could be nicer for a loved one than festive treat handmade? From this article you will learn on Valentine's Day and surprise your soul mate.

sand hearts

Serve this sweet treat with a breakfast you share with your loved one, or package the cookies in a pretty box and give them as a sweet gift. Read and choose original recipes for Valentine's Day. Cookie " sand hearts» can be prepared very quickly from the simplest ingredients.

  • To start, let's prepare shortbread dough. To do this, sift one glass of wheat flour into a wide bowl, add 100 grams of softened butter and one tablespoon of sugar to it. Rub the ingredients with your hands into crumbs, and then knead the dough. finished product place in refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  • Prepare a decoration for your cookies. It can be chopped hazelnuts, cashews or almonds. Mix nuts, sugar and cinnamon in a bowl.
  • Roll out the dough into a one-centimeter-wide crust. Use a cookie cutter to cut out the desired size hearts.
  • Place cookies on a parchment-lined baking sheet and sprinkle with cinnamon crumbs.

Bake the sweet treat for about 20 minutes. Shortbread cookies for Valentine's Day can be covered and decorated with confectionery sprinkles.

Cookies "Original"

If you want to surprise your soul mate, then pay attention to this recipe. original cookie Prepare for Valentine's Day as follows:

  • In a suitable bowl, combine 150 grams of soft butter and half a glass of sugar. Beat the products with a mixer until a fluffy mass is formed.
  • Add one egg and one tablespoon of sour cream to the bowl. Mix everything again.
  • Sift one and a half cups of flour through a sieve and put a bag of baking powder. Beat all the ingredients with a mixer.
  • Divide the finished dough into two parts and add two tablespoons of cocoa to one of them.
  • Roll out two layers half a centimeter wide and cut out using a heart shape big size. Using the second mold, cut out the center of each cookie.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place cookies with a different color center on it.

Bake original treat until tender and serve with hot tea or coffee.

Cookies "Hearts" for Valentine's Day

With this treat, you can not only improve the mood of your loved ones, but write a whole message. All you have to do is cover a chocolate Valentine's Day cookie and write your confession on it with a different color of icing.

  • Mix in a bowl 350 grams of flour, ¾ cup cocoa, salt and a bag of baking powder.
  • Beat 200 grams of butter and 300 grams of sugar with a mixer.
  • Add two eggs, vanilla and flour to the butter.
  • Wrap the finished dough in cling film and refrigerate.
  • Roll out the cake half a centimeter thick and cut hearts out of it.
  • Bake cookies in preheated oven for about ten minutes, then cover sugar icing and let it dry for a couple of hours.

To make frosting, mix two egg whites, two tablespoons of lemon juice and 300 grams of sifted powdered sugar. You can add any food coloring. Remember that this glaze hardens extremely quickly, so use it immediately after making.

Prepare a treat in advance, put it in a beautiful box and present it to your loved one on holiday.

Valentine's Day cookies with cherry jam

Please your soulmate this holiday and bake a wonderful treat.

Festive Sugar Free Cookies

Sweetness and aroma will give this treat natural ingredients. Cookies for Valentine's Day are prepared as follows:

  • Mix in a blender 30 grams of raisins, 30 grams of dried apricots, 30 grams walnuts, as well as ginger, cinnamon, (all 5 grams) mix in a blender.
  • In a suitable bowl, mix the spices, 250 grams of sour cream, 150 grams of flour and baking powder. The finished dough should be slightly sticky. Be sure to let it rest under about a quarter of an hour.
  • Roll out the cake to a width of one centimeter and cut hearts out of it.

Bake the treat in the preheated oven for ten minutes, then lower the heat and cook for another ten minutes.


We will be glad if you like the recipes for Valentine's Day. Handmade cookies will delight your loved ones and make this holiday special.
