
Dutch cuisine dishes. dutch food

What to try and order in the Netherlands - the most mouth-watering dishes and desserts from Holland. Famous Dutch cheeses.

In the orange country, the food is varied, tasty and satisfying. Traditionally, you can find many seafood dishes in fragrant pastries, cheeses, the variety of which begins to ripple in the eyes, and fast food, which until then you considered American.

What to eat in the Netherlands

Raw herring. This is a traditional dish for the Dutch. You can buy it on the street as often as we have buns or ice cream. Herring is served with onions and without bread. The dish is very satisfying, tasty and affordable (from 1.5 euros). If you can’t imagine such a snack without bread, there is an option with pickled herring on a fresh bun with onions.

Herring is the number 1 dish in the Netherlands!

Cheeses "Gouda", "Edam", "Maazdam". They are presented in the form cheese slices from different varieties in every cafe and restaurant. You can also buy cuttings in the markets. There is even a special cheese market, where cutting costs from 5 euros.

Dutch cheeses - what could be tastier?

Smoked eel or salmon. This dish is sold only in cafes and restaurants, and locals advise eating it with beer or wine.

This is the best dish to try in Volendam!

french fry - french fries with ketchup or mayonnaise. Sold in street fast foods in paper bags. For a snack on the go, the most convenient and tasty snack, albeit of little use. A side dish costs only 1-2 euros.

French fries are the #1 side dish in the Netherlands

"Bitterballen" - slightly bitter balls of deep-fried fish or veal. They are served with mustard.

Must try in Holland fish balls Bitterballen!

"Stamppot" - mashed potatoes, meat and greens. Sometimes cabbage or fish can be added to it, which makes its taste unpredictable.

Another traditional Dutch dish. Delicious!

Excursions in Amsterdam at the best prices

The most interesting excursions in Amsterdam are routes from local residents. Guides will take you through the historical, green and ultra-modern places of the capital. They will introduce you to the surrounding cities, take you to cheese fairs, will be shown in places with the best sandwiches with herring.

What to try in the Netherlands from drinks

Warm lemonade "Quast". Drink for an amateur, but in winter it often replaces coffee and tea.

Lemonade is often sold in street stalls.

Milk with anise. Often served in cafes for pastries.

What to try in the Netherlands from drinks? Milk with anise, as an option.

Beer "Heineken", "Amstel" or "Grolsch" , which are served in bars in 0.2-liter glasses, as the Dutch believe that it quickly loses its taste if you drink it too slowly. It costs from 1.5 to 5 euros.

What beer to try in Holland - Heineken!

Jenever - Reviver, which can be young and seasoned. Some varieties give pleasant aroma blackberry or lemon.

A strong drink that you don't have to try 😉

Advokat liqueur. This national drink brandy, sugar and beaten eggs. Especially good with ice cream.

What to try in the Netherlands from desserts

"Appeltaart met slagroom" - Apple pie with whipped cream and cinnamon. When you see one in the window of a bakery or cafe, it is impossible to pass by. It is suggested to eat it warm to reveal the aroma of apples and cinnamon more, or cold, in combination with ice cream. A piece costs from 1.5 euros.

Which of the desserts deserves attention? Apple pie with cream!

Rice cake "Reisttrart". This is a dessert yeast dough in which rice is baked with apricots.

What to try in the Netherlands? rice cake with stuffing!

Troopwafel. Double wafers with caramel filling, they are sold in supermarkets, on the street, in the market. The freshest are where they are cooked and sold while still warm. It is not difficult to determine where these are sold - the aroma is distributed within a radius of 50 m.

Caramel waffles can have an enticing decoration. How to refuse?

"Offers" . These are miniature pancakes no larger than 3 cm in diameter so that they can be put into the mouth at one time. They are sprinkled powdered sugar and watered different syrups. Pancakes go great with hot chocolate and milk.

Tiny pancakes look like pancakes

"Vlaai" - pie with berry filling. Only pies from "MultiVlaai" offer 47 types of this delicacy.

MultiVlaai stores are the death of those with a sweet tooth!

Vla - orange liquid pudding, somewhat similar to custard. Tastes are different, but mostly fruit and berry. Rarely seen for sale, and mostly for holidays.

You should look for such jars of Vla pudding in supermarkets. And try!

Drop - black marmalade, which, contrary to its sweet name, can be salty in taste.

Marmalade looks strange, but the Dutch authorship cannot be taken away from him

Chocolate powder "Hagelslag". For a quick and tasty snack, butter is spread on a slice of bread and sprinkled with chocolate. Sweet and original! Sold in supermarkets, so you can buy home.

The birthplace of such know-how is the Netherlands

The Netherlands - gastronomic excursions 2019

What dishes to try in the Netherlands can be suggested by themed tours. You can go along the cheese route: stop by the world-famous city of Edam, where the cheese of the same name is produced, or Gouda with its Cheese Museum.

Gastronomic tasting in Volendam, the Netherlands

It is for their sake and delightful Dutch cheeses many people go to the Netherlands.

By the way, some mistakenly identify the Netherlands with Holland. But only 2 of the 12 provinces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands are called Holland. These are North and South Holland.

Information about the history Dutch cuisine not so much. It is known that it was originally based on agricultural products, which were grown here in abundance. First of all, these are grains, vegetables and fruits. Along with them, meat and dairy products were widely used in cooking.

Over time, the culinary traditions of immigrants began to influence the formation of the cuisine of the Netherlands. In addition, Indonesian cuisine, as well as the rich colonial past of the country itself, left its mark on it. Starting from the 16th century, various spices, tea and coffee began to be imported here from India, and new dishes were borrowed from Indonesia. Among them is rice with chicken or pork.

Few people know that you can learn more about the culinary preferences of those times thanks to the masterpieces of painting by Dutch artists of the 17th century. They depict delicious meals seafood and exotic fruits, as well as breads, pies, nuts, cheeses and wines. Meanwhile, such gastronomic splendor was available only to wealthy people. The poor Dutch were limited to pea soup and rye bread.

A lot has changed since then. The standard of living in the Netherlands has become one of the highest in the world. But the kitchen has remained the same simple and traditional. However, it began to highlight regional features.

The north-east of the country came to grips with the production of various meat products. Today, almost every town in this region has its own variety of sausage. The West has become world famous for its cheeses such as Gouda, Leiden, Leerdammer and butter. Various seafood have also gained wide popularity here, among which lightly salted herring is a real delicacy. In the south of the country they love pastries, delicious soups and sauces, as well as unusual stews. It was this region that was able to create "haute cuisine".

The most popular products for many years in the Netherlands are still vegetables and fruits, fish and seafood, meat and dairy products, legumes and nuts. But one of the most sought-after vegetables, since the 18th century, when it was brought to the territory of this country, is potatoes. It is widely used in the preparation of many dishes.

From drinks in the Netherlands they like coffee and tea. By the way, coffee with milk in this country is called " wrong coffee, even though it is very popular. In addition to it, locals love hot chocolate, lemonades and milk with anise. And in the Netherlands they know a lot about good alcohol. Beer, Enever, or juniper vodka, liqueurs, etc. are widespread here. But a separate place in the entire cuisine of the Netherlands is occupied by pastries and sweets - cakes, mousses, waffles, creams, puddings, sweet sauces and amazing chocolate candies self made.

The most popular cooking methods in the Netherlands are:

Traditional Dutch cuisine:

Gouda - light yellow hard cheese with small holes. There are young, medium and mature gouda, depending on the exposure. With age, the cheese becomes spicy taste, and he comes from the city of the same name Gouda.

Edam is a pale yellow semi-hard cheese that does not have a pronounced taste and smell. There is a young and seasoned edam. Spherical heads of cheese are covered with red or yellow paraffin, and more elite - with black wax.

Leiden cheese is a dark yellow semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk with the addition of various seasonings (cumin, cloves and others).

young slightly salted herring. It can be confidently called the culinary brand of this country, with which she later introduced the whole world. It is most often served with pickled cucumbers and onions. And they arrange real folk festivals, balls and auctions in honor of this product. On them it is customary to eat herring in a special way - holding it by the tail. These holidays fall in June, when the “season of herring” begins in the country. Simply put, when it comes to the shores of the country. At the same time, the first barrel caught is sent for cooking to royal table, and all the rest - to places of mass sale.

Pofferchies - pancakes on buckwheat flour. The dish is considered street food and is sold on every corner. And for its preparation use a special frying pan with small identical recesses.

Bitter balls (Bitterballen) are made with veal or fish that are deep fried and served with mustard.

French fries with sauce (Patatje met).

Shtamppot - mashed potatoes and vegetables, usually served with stew or frikandels.

Stroopwafels - two thin waffles, which are baked with caramel syrup in the middle.

Cupcake for breakfast (Ontbijtkoek).

"Wrong Coffee" regular coffee with milk.

Useful properties of the national cuisine of the Netherlands

High standard of living, favorable climatic conditions for growing agricultural products and, as a result, high quality products, as well as an abundance of seafood, make the cuisine of the Netherlands one of the healthiest in the world. And the nation itself is one of the most healthy and physically developed. The latter is explained by the excessive love of the inhabitants of this country for healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition and, of course, cycling, which is one of the most popular means of transportation here. In addition to riding it, many are fond of various sports, as they monitor their health. By the way, the motto of the inhabitants of this country: “ We eat to live, not live to eat.».

Along with this, the cuisine of the Netherlands has its own small "flaws". Firstly, the locals have a real weakness for junk food. French fries are sold here on almost every corner of cities and towns. And in the Netherlands they love sandwiches and all kinds of snacks. And hot is served here only once a day - in the evening. Surprisingly, all this does not prevent the locals from not only staying healthy, but also living up to an average of 81 years.

Very often I am asked: what do the Dutch eat? What is their national dish? That's a hard question to answer, because the first thing that comes to mind is cheese and uh... french fries.

The Dutch, frankly, are not gourmets. For them, eating food is a physiological process necessary to maintain life. Well, in second place: yes, it would be nice if this food is also tasty.

The Dutch eat a lot of bread and for lunch they usually have some kind of sandwich (as well as for breakfast and often for dinner and you can do without a second one. A joke with a share of a joke) Although, according to tradition, they have dinner in the family circle at a clearly set time .

However, they have their own traditional cuisine. And the first thing that comes to mind is pea cream soup with several types of sausages. It is difficult to judge how often they eat it, but it does not appear on the menu of restaurants so often. And about the rest of the favorite food of the Dutch will be discussed below.

Friets. The Dutch are very fond of french fries with mayonnaise. On average, a typical Dutchman eats about 140 kg of potatoes per year. French fries are usually served in a paper bag, generously sprinkled with mayonnaise.

Kroket culinary dish of cylindrical or round shape minced meat or vegetables deboned in breadcrumbs and deep fried. In the Netherlands, this type of fast food is sold almost everywhere and is very cheap. The largest network that cooks this species dishes are FEBO.

Haring- prepared in a special way salted herring. Usually served with a slice of pickled cucumber or finely chopped onions on a bun white bread. The tradition of eating haring dates back 1000 years. How much do the Dutch love this dish? This question is easy to answer - about 12,000,000 kg of herring are eaten per year in the Netherlands. By the way, herring appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I, who brought it from Holland.

Poffertjes pancakes in Dutch are an integral part of national holidays and festivals. During Christmas and new year holidays they can be found in every market. They are baked in a special frying pan with small indentations. Poffertjes have historically been made with buckwheat flour, water, and yeast. Such food was considered the food of the poor due to the fact that buckwheat grew in disadvantaged, arid areas. Nowadays, they are baked from wheat or buckwheat flour and served with powdered sugar and a piece of butter.

Hagelslag- topping for toast, consisting of small pieces of chocolate. It is usually sprinkled on buttered toast. There are many varieties of hagelslag: milk chocolate, White chocolate, dark chocolate, chocolate mix.

stroopwafel- round wafers made from two thin layers of dough, baked with a filling of caramel syrup. They were first made in the 18th century in Gouda in the Netherlands. Now they can be bought everywhere - from supermarkets to mobile stalls at fairs, festivals, in open museums.

Dropjes. The Dutch love liquorice. Black candies with spicy taste anise is both a delicacy and a medicine made from licorice. Hundreds of varieties of liquorice sweets that are produced in various sizes and shapes with the addition of different flavors. Their use is almost a national trait.

VLA it's thick and sweet pudding very similar to custard. Pudding varies in taste: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, caramel, almond.

Bitterballen one of my favorite snacks in Holland. They are prepared in the form of small balls and are served as a snack before lunch or dinner. They are traditionally made with beef, but can also be made with chicken, veal with mushrooms, or even vegetarian.

Kaas i.e. cheese. The product is famous all over the world for its balance of spicy and sweet taste. Most cheeses are named after the cities in which they are produced, such as Gouda, Edam, Limburger and Mazdamer. Also popular varieties of cheese from goat milk. Conducted throughout the country cheese festivals and other events, cheese markets and auctions in medieval style are still open to the delight of tourists in Alkmaar, Hoorn and Edam, while modern cheese markets are located in Woerden and Gouda. And on Saturday and Friday markets, you can always find a couple of cheese shops where you can try and buy your favorite piece of cheese.

Oliebolen- traditional Dutch "patties" from yeast dough, deep-fried. They can be both without filling and with apple filling. They are usually served with a generous sprinkling of powdered sugar or whipped cream. You can try oliebolen at pre-Christmas fairs and in crowded places on the eve of Christmas.

Here's a little variety. By the way, what else would you like to say about the Dutch food culture: they never arrange large feasts, as is customary with us. And, even if you come to visit at the appointed time or a little earlier, and the family is sitting at the table and having dinner, most likely you will not be invited to the table. They may offer a glass of water, a cup of coffee or tea, and kindly ask you to sit on the couch while they finish their meal.

And all because the Dutch always cook, as they themselves say netjes - which means clearly, for each family member, no more and no less. Yes, they are very economical and a little mercantile in everything.

But more on that next time...

Traditional Dutch cuisine is based on fresh fish processed in various ways. Herring and eel, halibut and flounder, oysters and shrimp are included in daily menu any Dutchman. Let's talk about features and traditions local cuisine, as well as find out in which establishments you can have a hearty and tasty meal.

Features of Dutch cuisine

Thanks to Indonesian, Turkish, Chinese and North African immigrants living in Holland, you can try dishes from different cuisines peace. But what's a trip that doesn't include local delicacies?

Features of eating

How people in the Netherlands prefer to eat:

  • the Dutch mostly eat "on the go": snack on sandwiches or swallow food in huge pieces;
  • traditional way eating sandwiches: a person raises a sandwich above his head, lifts his head and bites off a piece;
  • cut into small pieces herring is eaten with a device resembling a double toothpick;
  • when eating fish, the Dutch are not afraid to get their hands dirty: in all places of sale there are washstands with soap or wet wipes;
  • for breakfast and lunch, locals eat mainly snacks: all kinds of sandwiches and sandwiches.

Your grandmother would hardly like the cuisine of Holland: snacks and dry food - what a horror! Well, what about you local dishes may well be enthralling.


Some Dutch traditions.

  1. No Dutch housewife will tolerate her household finishing up yesterday's soup or fish casserole. It is customary to throw away leftover food immediately after a meal. And no matter how long the dish can be stored.
  2. When the "herring season" begins in Holland (in July, the fish comes to the shores of the country), the locals are looking forward to the appearance of their favorite herring on the shelves. But the first barrel of herring is sent to the queen, and the mass sale of fish begins only later. Sailors in Holland were the first to use herring, thanks to them this fish became so popular.
  3. Hot food in Holland is eaten only occasionally at dinner.

The traditions of eating here were formed under the influence of the mentality of the locals and the peculiarities of the geographical location.

Popular Dutch dishes

So, which Dutch dishes should you try first?


Extremely appetizing salted herring with pickles and onions - a real culinary brand of Holland.


This meat dish, cooked in such a way that the pieces of meat remain very tender and keep as long as possible more juice. As a side dish - vegetable puree.


An unusual combination of mashed potatoes and cabbage with the addition of smoked sausages and pieces of lard.

Hot sandwiches

The essential ingredients for this dish are: fresh bread and cheese. And local housewives add the rest of the products “to taste”. Dutch hot sandwiches are also called "Northern European pizza".

Rausschmeiser sandwich

three-layer hot sandwich with the addition of bacon, ham and scrambled eggs.

Now the question: "what to eat in Holland" will no longer worry you.

Where to eat in Holland?

Which establishments Catering in Holland worth honoring with your presence?

The Pancake Bakery

Cooking here best pancakes in Holland. The choice is huge: there are 75 types of pancakes on the menu, from huge ones for 5.95 euros to miniature proffertjes with liquor, powdered sugar and butter.

Albert Cuyp Market

This huge market with 100 years of history is located in the main historical district of Amsterdam DePijp. Here, right at the counter, you can eat the famous Dutch herring, buy spices, try freshly prepared waffles with caramel syrup.

Luxemburg Cafe

This is a cafe according to New York Times- one of the best in the world. Lunch at this establishment will cost you about $12. On the first Sunday of the month, concerts by local musicians are held here, and guests are treated to free snacks.


This is one of the most fashionable places in Amsterdam, a favorite place of the “golden youth”. During dinner and lunch, all tables and places at the bar counter are occupied here. You can eat at MOMO by paying about 17 euros. And large companies can order a set-menu for 60 euros.

When planning to eat, please note that local restaurants are closed from 16.30 to 18.00, and on Mondays they do not work at all. And don't wait quick service: here it is customary to come to a restaurant with family or friends and sit at the table all evening. Tipping waiters is optional: the cost of service is automatically included in the bill.

Of course, you can eat in restaurants with Chinese, Japanese and European cuisine: they are also available in Holland. But without trying the famous local dishes: herring, hot sandwiches and sweets, you are unlikely to fully experience the unforgettable atmosphere of this country.

So during your vacation in Holland, take the time not only to see local attractions and taste marijuana in coffee shops, but also be sure to try traditional dishes Dutch cuisine. How to get to Holland?

Most popular view transport by which you can go to Holland - an airplane. But if you are afraid of flying, you can take the bus or train.

Netherlands: financial aspects of the trip

When planning a trip, it is important to know what currency to take with you, where you can exchange money if necessary, and what your accommodation will cost, including food, shopping and entertainment.

Today national cuisines different countries interested not only professional chefs but also lovers of delicious and unusual dishes. In tradition different peoples You can find many recipes that are easy to repeat with your own hands. Dishes of Dutch cuisine in this regard are very advantageous over many exotic foods, because everything necessary products can be found in domestic supermarkets and markets. Our article will talk about culinary traditions Netherlands, the most popular dishes, classic recipes and products.

Today, Dutch people prefer light and simple dishes that do not require much effort to prepare. Wherein National dishes have sufficient, but not excessive calories.

To get the most complete picture of the cuisine of this country, let's try to cook a few simple meals: first, second and dessert. And underline National character will help traditional drink, beloved by the Dutch from time immemorial - beer. Be sure to serve it to the table if you are going to have a Dutch-style dinner or lunch.

The history of formation in the Middle Ages

Culinary historians believe that in the old days, Dutch cuisine was more diverse than in modern times. It was a favorable geographical position. The generous sea gave a rich catch, and the mild climate and good soil created all the conditions for development Agriculture and animal husbandry.

There is evidence that the Dutch began to prepare a variety of dishes from milk a long time ago. The cheeses that this country is famous for in our time were prepared by local residents in the early Middle Ages. Moreover, not only wealthy townspeople, but also ordinary rural people could afford this delicacy.

In the old days, various stews were common, which were prepared on the basis of milk, vegetables, meat and fish broths, cereal decoctions.

In the diet of the inhabitants, seafood was present in significant quantities: fish, oysters, crayfish, shrimps, mollusks. One of the most favorite dishes of the Dutch was and remains pickled and salted herring.

As today, traditional for the national Dutch cuisine was the predominance of vegetables over meat part. grown beets, cabbage, carrots, beans. It was customary to serve wheat or Rye bread. A unusual name « liquid bread It was customary to refer to beer. In those days, both adults and children drank it, because the strength of the drink was relatively small, and it was prepared from the best products.

In 1514, the first Dutch cookbook known today was published.

The influence of the development of navigation

The expansion of trade had a huge impact on the national cuisines of many European countries. A variety of wines, nuts, sweets, coffee, tea, Exotic fruits. Game was present in abundance in the diet of the inhabitants of Holland. Dessert recipes began to become widespread and popular: waffles, pancakes, puffers - pastries that taste and look reminiscent of our pancakes (this dish is shown in the next photo).

Potato spread

This vegetable came to Holland in the 17th century from Spain, where it was brought from Peru. Potatoes quickly spread and took an important place in the diet of the inhabitants of this country. It was served boiled at the table for lunch, and the leftovers were pureed and left for dinner. Potato dishes are popular in Holland today. An example is patat - the Dutch version of french fries and our fried potatoes.

This is not to say that with the advent of potatoes, Dutch cuisine has acquired many recipes. Most often, the root crop was boiled, in a peeled form or in a peel, and served as a side dish for fish. This is what happens today.

"School of Home Economics"

Many traditional Dutch dishes, common in the old days, lost their former popularity at the beginning of the 20th century. In those days, the table of the poor was meager, and the rich could afford many excesses. In those days, the issue of rational nutrition was seriously raised in society for the first time. A network of so-called home economics schools was organized in the state, in which young housewives and cooks from rich houses were taught to cook healthy and simple food. At the same time, the taste and variety of dishes were given a secondary role.

In those days, traditions were formed that are characteristic of Dutch cuisine today. Most dishes are characterized by moderate use of spices, laconic design, use of simple components. Wherein holiday menu Dutch may include unusual dishes, in the taste of which different shades are combined. An example is berries and ginger sauces to the meat honey marinade for fish, spicy and salty licorice candies.

Main products

Where to start for someone who decided to master a few simple recipes Dutch cuisine? Of course, from acquaintance with the main products.

In ancient times, most often on the tables common people it turned out to be herring, today the Dutch also consume cod, mackerel, and salmon in abundance.

Cheeses are loved in this country: these are gouda, maasdam, edamer.

An important place is given to sweets. Do you want to emphasize the mood of the feast? Serve with hot chocolate or Montpensier tea, waffles with caramel syrup, speculos, peanut butter. The last component, by the way, is added not only to desserts, but also to salty sauces and gravies.

It is impossible to imagine a Dutch feast without meat and smoked meats. Very popular dish are croquettes - small deep-fried buns, the filling of which can be made from beef, pork or poultry. You can buy this delicacy almost everywhere.

Don't forget grains and vegetables. Today in the Netherlands they grow great amount cultures. The Dutch also appreciate delicious bread.

As you can see, most of the products are easy to find on sale. And what to cook from them, we will consider in the following sections.

Dutch soup with celery

cooking it traditional first dishes will take quite a bit of time. Grate a 100-gram piece of celery root and finely chop a small onion. Roast vegetables for butter. Add a tablespoon of flour, mix, salt.

Pour half a liter meat broth, bring to a boil. Shake before serving raw yolk, 50 ml sour cream and a few drops lemon juice. When serving, pour this sauce into the celery soup and garnish with chopped herbs. It is permissible to add to this dish boiled fish or meat.

Traditional second course - stewed cabbage with sausage

The history of this dish is rooted in hoary antiquity. Similar recipes are found in many cuisines of the world: in German, Danish, Polish, Russian. In Holland, it is customary to cook shredded cabbage with smoked sausage.

For the dish, you can use Brussels or white cabbage(fresh or pickled). Often Dutch housewives use a mixture various kinds cabbage, adding a small amount of kohlrabi to the dish.

IN a small amount water, put out a piece of finely chopped bacon. Add 0.5 kg of cabbage and simmer covered for 20 minutes, adding 5-7 juniper berries and a couple of peppercorns.

Sausage is added to the saucepan at the very end. You can cut it into thin strips or large portioned pieces. To infuse the dish with flavors, let it stand under the lid for a while before serving. Usually this treat is served with mashed potatoes seasoned with nutmeg.

Dessert with caramel

You can taste this delicacy in any cafe in the Netherlands. But many housewives prefer to cook waffle treat Houses.

Pour a glass of sugar into a bowl, add 1/3 l. dry yeast and stir. Pour in 150 g of cold milk and add the zest and juice of one lemon. Chop 150 g of butter and add to the dough in parts.

Before you start cooking Dutch caramel cookies, hold the dough in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Roll out the layer, cut out circles with a glass and roll them in brown sugar. As it melts, it will provide the caramel flavor. You need to bake cookies in a preheated oven for a quarter of an hour.
