
How to make sandwiches with red caviar. Sandwiches with red caviar - the best recipes

Option No. 1. Decorating sandwiches with red caviar and cream cheese

If you need to cook a lot of sandwiches, and there is only one jar of red caviar available, you can shift the focus to cream cheese and decorate everything beautifully. This cheese has a “noble” taste, it is quite worthy to coexist with red caviar.

Rye bread is not suitable for the basis of sandwiches; you need wheat baguettes or loaves with a delicate crumb and a crispy crust. Creamy caviar filling is suitable for choux pastry profiteroles, tiny puff baskets. Cheese and caviar sandwiches can be made "crackery", but cookies should be looked for crumbly and thick.

Beautifully decorated sandwiches with red caviar will be obtained from a French loaf or oblong buns similar to it. The crispy sesame shell of the buns will add originality to the dish. The taste of cream cheese should be neutral without harsh flavors; sour and spicy cheeses do not go well with red caviar.

The roll is cut into centimeter pieces, you should not cut it obliquely, such sandwiches look worse, in addition, it is difficult to smear their edges with butter when decorating.

Dill leaves are very finely chopped, the stems are not used. Dill is an ideal green for decorating caviar sandwiches. Parsley and cilantro are overly spicy and will compete for flavor in this dish, so it's best not to use them.

The crust of each piece is smeared with soft butter, then the bun circle is “rolled” on a plate with chopped dill. Dill edgings decorate sandwiches and emphasize the taste of caviar.

Cream cheese is placed in a culinary bag, a nozzle with a small figured hole is fixed. Squeeze out the cheese in the form of flowers or pyramids. Cream cheese keeps its shape perfectly, it will not run or melt. The middle of the sandwiches is not smeared with either butter or cheese.

A little red caviar is placed in the center of each sandwich. Delicious cheese chamomiles with a red caviar center will turn out. In such sandwiches, dense fine-grained caviar is usually used for decoration.

Sandwiches are served immediately to the table. Caviar cannot be stored for a long time without a jar. Different varieties of red caviar behave differently: some eggs dry out and become weathered, others deform and “melt”, and bread is saturated with caviar liquid. If you need to make quick sandwiches, caviar is carefully mixed with cream cheese and spread on bread.

Option No. 2 "Goldfish"

Cut off two pieces from a wheat oval loaf.

Each slice will be a separate fish. On one side of the slice, two corners are cut off so that the bread looks like the body of a fish. And from the cut off corners you get a tail.

The body of the fish and the tail are smeared with butter. Eyes - pieces of olives, pupils - red eggs.

Red caviar is laid out with a teaspoon, imitating a striped pattern on fish scales.

The olive is cut into small strips, a pattern is laid out along the upper contour of the fish.

Cut green onion feathers into cubes, decorate the fish belly. Several dill stalks are laid out on fish tails. A couple of sprigs of dill and a few stalks of green onions are used to recreate the benthic vegetation.

In some places, large whole olives are laid out.

Design option No. 3 "Forest mushrooms"

The sides of the slices of bread are cut off so that mushroom caps are obtained.

The cut off corners are folded in pairs, forming thick mushroom legs.

Hats are greased with butter. Thin strips of blue onions are laid out along the edge of each hat, imitating the plates under the hats. The legs are also oiled and sprinkled with dill.

When decorating, mushrooms should be located at different levels to make the composition more natural. Mushroom caps are completely filled with red caviar, distributing it in a uniform thin layer. Dill grass and olive berries are “grown” in a mushroom clearing. Green onions are finely chopped and used to decorate sandwiches with red caviar: sprinkle the seam connecting the hat and leg, emphasize the line of plates under the hats.

Forest mushrooms look very appetizing. If you want to make small mushrooms, you can “stamp” them by squeezing them out of the bread crumb using a shortbread mold.

Option No. 4 Design of sandwiches with red caviar for children - "Red Dog"

Animal sandwiches should interest the child, be funny and resemble soft toys. The realism of the image should be abandoned, giving preference to the simplification of features and stylization. The corners of a white slice of bread are cut off. The resulting irregularly shaped trapezoid is the future head.

The lower part of the muzzle is cut out of black bread. In this case, a butterfly mold is used. But instead of it, you can cut a heart or a regular circle. The base of the head is evenly covered with butter, a cut butterfly is placed in the center.

The eyes and nose are olives, the pointed ears are the corners of a black bread slice. The sandwich toy is decorated with red caviar, the grains are distributed unevenly on the ears.

To make the eyes expressive, the rings of olives are filled with butter, a small oil slice-pupil is placed on top. A slice of white bread will become the body, pieces of black bread will become paws.

The body is smeared with butter, then red caviar is laid out. Pieces of olives are laid out in rows on the neck of the toy, and rings on the paws. New Year's red dog-toy should sit in the "spruce thickets" of dill and lettuce.

Any festive or New Year's table will look richer and more elegant if it is decorated with sandwiches with red caviar. We have prepared for you a selection in which we will tell you what sandwiches can be made, how to decorate them and how to serve them. will make your table even more festive and rich.

Let's start with the simplest option, in which we use only bread and caviar.

Simple sandwiches with red caviar

For these sandwiches, you only need fresh delicious white bread or a loaf and caviar. A couple of sprigs of greens will be needed for decoration.

Cut a loaf or baguette into pieces and gently spread with red caviar. We decorate each sandwich with a parsley leaf or a sprig of dill.

We serve an excellent snack to the table.

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter

Cut the white banana into pieces. Lubricate each with butter. Then we put a layer of red caviar. We decorate with greenery.

You can make mini sandwiches and put them on a skewer, you get canapés with red caviar. you can also not just cut the bread, but cut it figuratively, for example, in the form of circles or stars. Such sandwiches will look prettier and more appetizing.

On Valentine's Day, you can make holiday sandwiches on which caviar is laid out in the shape of a heart. Romantic breakfast is ready!

Or such an option in the form of hearts.

Festive sandwiches with red caviar

On the festive table, you can make an original snack in the form of sandwiches with caviar, lemon and olives.

To do this, grease white or black bread with butter, mayonnaise or a ready-made mixture for sandwiches, put caviar on top. Decorate with lemon and olive skewers as shown in the photo. In conclusion, a sprig of dill or parsley leaf.

Another option for decorating sandwiches. Lubricate the pieces of loaf with oil. Put caviar on half of the sandwich, on the second slice of fresh lemon. On the edge, put a piece of lettuce or cucumber rolled into a roll. Decorate with a fresh sprig of dill.

Another design option, with black olives and a slice of lemon.

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Sandwiches with red caviar and egg

Both for breakfast and for a festive or New Year's table, sandwiches with red caviar and a boiled egg will fit perfectly. Putting them on lettuce leaves, you will get a great holiday snack.

Another original version of holiday sandwiches. Lubricate the baguette pieces with oil, put a boiled egg circle on the half, on which we put a little caviar. spread greens (dill, parsley, watercress) on the second half of the bread.

Croutons with red caviar

To prepare sandwiches on the festive table, you can use not only a loaf, but also croutons. Toasted bread will be crispy and more delicious.

fry a white baguette or loaf in butter on both sides, cool. Lubricate with oil and lay out a little red caviar. Garnish with a slice of lemon and herbs. Croutons with caviar are ready. Serve on the New Year's table.

Avocado sandwiches

You can also make original sandwiches with avocado and red caviar. Smear pieces of black or white bread with mayonnaise, put caviar on half a piece, and avocado slices on the second. Decorate with any greenery.

Sandwich with red caviar and cucumber

We spread a piece of bread or a long loaf with mayonnaise, put a thin circle of fresh cucumber, put caviar on it and decorate with a sprig or parsley leaf.

Sandwich with caviar on a cracker

Also, instead of bread, you can use cracker cookies. Spread butter or mayonnaise on it. Then some caviar and decorate with any greens. These sandwiches look very original, compact and of course delicious!

Sandwiches with red fish and caviar

Original canapes with red fish and red caviar can be made on the New Year's table. To do this, you need a wooden skewer or a toothpick. put pieces of red fish on a piece of bread, grease with mayonnaise, then put a slice of lemon, on which we put a little red caviar and string the whole structure on a skewer. We decorate with greenery.

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Sandwiches with red caviar are not the most frequent dish on the table on a weekday. However, if guests are expected in the house, then the hostesses try to surprise with this particular snack. Cooking does not take much time, the design raises more questions. After all, the main thing in the dish is not the ingredients, but its appearance. It's not hard to find cooking tips in old cookbooks these days, but that's only half the battle. In this case, a recipe with a photo is the best option, because serving a dish correctly is a whole science.

Black bread sandwiches with cucumber: a recipe with step by step photos

The slightly oily taste of caviar, combined with fragrant Borodino bread, will become a hearty snack on the festive table. If you need to make a sandwich in a hurry, but at the same time the dish should also have an aesthetic appearance, then this option is perfect. What is interesting about this recipe is that the good taste is provided by the combination of a small amount of products. Cucumbers and fresh herbs give freshness to sandwiches.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / Snacks for a buffet table


  • red caviar - 120 grams,
  • Borodino bread - 6 slices,
  • butter - 100 grams,
  • cucumber - 6 disks,
  • black olives - 6 pieces,
  • dill - 6 sprigs.

How to cook black bread sandwiches with red caviar on the festive table

Bread cut into small pieces. It is desirable that the thickness does not exceed 1.5 cm.

Spread each piece with a thin layer of butter. It should not overpower the taste of the rest of the ingredients.

Gently place red caviar on the edge of each piece. Smooth out a bit.

Cucumber cut into slices of 3-4 mm. Lay the discs on the opposite edge of the bread.

For decoration, use olives and small sprigs of parsley. Butter and black olives provide a nice contrast to the sandwiches.

Decoration of sandwiches with red caviar and salmon

There are many options for making delicious caviar sandwiches, making them accessible to everyone. The rich taste of caviar, complemented by fragrant salmon, will create a feeling of a real holiday. Such a dish will provide respectability to the festive table. White bread with caviar and salmon is already a tasty and satisfying snack, and a beautiful design will help turn such sandwiches into original canapes.


Cut white bread into small triangles, each of which is spread with a thin layer of butter. Cut a piece of salmon into slices and put on each piece of bun. Put a few peas of caviar on top. You need to decorate mini sandwiches with bright and juicy products. Lemon cut into thin slices. To make sandwiches look brighter, you can put purple onions on top: it will refresh the dish and not spoil it with bitterness. For contrast, olives and fresh parsley sprigs should be placed on bread. To turn sandwiches into unusual canapes, you can use colored skewers.

Sandwich with cucumber and red caviar on the festive table

Red caviar, used to create sandwiches, can make even the most ordinary preparation gourmet. An attractive snack can be framed with simple and affordable products. So, the freshness of an ordinary cucumber is in perfect harmony with the refined taste of red caviar. In this recipe, butter can be replaced with low-calorie cheese in order to reduce the nutritional value of the dish.


Black bread cut into slices and spread with butter. Peel the cucumber. Cut the prepared vegetable into slices 5 mm thick and lay on the bread blank. Lay red caviar on top. For decoration, it is recommended to use parsley sprigs.

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Sandwich with herring, red caviar and lemon

This option is perfect if you need to prepare hearty and beautiful sandwiches for a buffet table. The salty taste of caviar and herring is ennobled by a slight sourness of lemon. These fresh sandwiches are the perfect starter for when you need to wow your guests. We recommend serving this appetizer with strong alcoholic drinks.


Cut white bread into slices of 1.5 cm each, dry in a toaster. Cut the herring fillet into small pieces and put on top of the toasts (about 3 pieces per slice), leaving 3 cm free from the edge. Gently spread the caviar on the workpiece. Place a slice of lemon on the edge of the toast.

Festive appetizer of sandwiches and fish

This appetizer was created in order to draw attention to the festive table. It is based on simple solutions: the right combination of color and taste. The composition is dominated by salty ingredients that harmonize well with each other. Bright saturated colors of such an appetizer will allow it to take its rightful place among other dishes.


Visually divide the plate into two parts: fish will be placed on one, sandwiches on the second. Cut the herring fillet into 2 cm slices and lay along the edge of the plate. From red fish, make strips 4 cm long, which must be slightly tucked up and laid on a plate in a second layer. To prepare sandwiches, cut the baguette into discs and spread with butter. Put red caviar in the middle of each slice. For decoration, use a cucumber, from which you need to cut small wedges and leaves. For contrast, put on a cranberry. Decorate the sandwiches and free space on the plate with the resulting blanks.
Arbitrarily lay onion feathers, parsley and dill for a snack.

Snack plate of sandwiches and vegetables - recipe

A great option if the house is a holiday. Salted sandwiches with red or black caviar are great to eat with juicy cucumbers and peppers. A bright and quick snack will not require serious money and time costs from the hostess. Light vegetables in the company of hearty caviar sandwiches will quickly scatter from the table.


Cut white bread into slices and spread with butter. If desired, it can be replaced with melted cheese. Put red caviar on top and spread it evenly over the entire piece. Place sandwiches on a large plate. Cucumbers cut into circles and beautifully laid out around the sandwiches. Remove seeds from peppers and make thin slices. Put on a plate, alternating with cucumbers. Decorate the edges of the plate with herbs.

How to decorate sandwiches in the New Year's style

The New Year is a special event, so housewives tend to cook festive sandwiches using red caviar. Since the New Year is not complete without a Christmas tree, you can decorate snacks using its image. From balls of red caviar, like from puzzles, you can lay out figures symbolizing the holiday. Lots of greenery is also welcome.
Red caviar is an almost universal product that is combined with both fresh ingredients and salty ingredients. It will have a harmonious taste both as part of a classic sandwich with butter, and as an appetizer with hard cheese or herring. Piquancy to such sandwiches is given by ingredients-decorations. The unobtrusive sourness of a lemon can set off the oily taste of caviar, and an olive or black olive will emphasize its saltiness.

New Year's toasts with red caviar - photo

This dish contains the simplest ingredients. The unusualness of such sandwiches lies in the beautiful festive decoration, which helps to maintain the appropriate New Year's atmosphere. If the appetizer ends sometimes during the holiday, whipping up more sandwiches will be a breeze. The main advantage of New Year's toasts is their simplicity.


Cut white bread into slices. Using special molds in the form of a Christmas tree, an asterisk and other attributes of the New Year, cut out the corresponding figures. Gently fry each of the blanks in a pan without oil on both sides. When the bread has cooled, brush each slice with butter. Put red caviar on top of the toasts, distribute it over the workpiece. Put sandwiches on a plate and garnish with dill sprigs.

New Year's decoration of caviar and Christmas tree cheese sandwiches

On the festive table, virtually every dish should be associated with the upcoming New Year, so the recipe for these sandwiches will please the resourceful hostess with its simplicity and relevance to the theme.


Cut hard cheese into thin rectangular or square slices. Using special molds or a knife, cut Christmas trees from the cheese. Lay them on the bread in such a way that the top of the Christmas tree coincides with the corner of the bread, secure with a skewer. Decorate the blank with red caviar. Sandwiches are beautifully served on a plate with lettuce.

Tips for making sandwiches with red caviar

Sandwiches are the perfect dish because you can experiment with them. It is almost impossible to spoil it with a combination of products, although if you want to surprise guests with a pleasant combination of flavors, it is better to think over the composition in advance.
Most often, fresh bread acts as the basis for such sandwiches. Fragrant Borodinsky will be appreciated in the men's company as an excellent snack for strong drinks. This is a fairly satisfying option, which, in addition, looks noble and appropriate on any table. The use of white bread has more variations. It is cut into slices, ready-made slices are used, and blanks for canapes are made from buns.
Sandwiches look unusual in which the base is cut out using a figured mold. In addition to fresh bread, you can use dried bread in sandwiches with red caviar. A pleasant crunch of rolls and soft balls of caviar will be to your taste during any feast.

You can diversify this dish with at least the usual replacement of the base. So, in this capacity they do an excellent job:

  • crackers (you can choose lean or salty, thin or dense);
  • chips. It turns out a fairly light snack, but you need to remember that such a base quickly soaks, so you need to eat sandwiches in the first place;
  • tarts and baskets. Both purchased and home-made products will look beautiful on the table;
  • original snacks are obtained in tandem with puff pastry pastries. It is easy to cook rolls, especially from ready-made dough, the main thing is not to make them large.

Mini sandwiches will look modern if you use skewers to decorate them. Translucent, they will create a special atmosphere and allow you to provide guests with the necessary level of comfort.

Red caviar in itself is able to make a sandwich tasty and beautiful. But you can always find more interesting combinations.
Caviar will be in harmony with:

  1. Seafood. Caviar as a component of sandwiches goes well with all seafood, so you can fearlessly lay herring, red fish, shrimp on the base;
  2. Vegetables. Hearty caviar with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, beetroot caviar will leave an amazing aftertaste;
  3. Berries. A berry or a couple will set off a sandwich and allow you to decorate the dish more elegantly and festively. You can use cranberries, blueberries or blueberries.
  4. Greenery. Successfully caviar is combined with ordinary and curly parsley. Dill and onion feathers in moderation will also help to decorate sandwiches with caviar in an original and beautiful way;
  5. Dairy products. Butter is used in such sandwiches by many housewives on an intuitive level. The product can be replaced with cottage cheese, hard, soft or processed cheese;
  6. Eggs. Beautiful white and yellow mugs on bread combined with bright red caviar are a good option for a festive table. In addition to chicken, quail eggs are excellent with caviar sandwiches;
  7. Pates. Liver pates spread on top of bread and decorated with caviar balls allow you to experience a new palette of tastes.
  8. Dips, unsweetened cream, paste. Butter is most often used as the basis for sandwiches with caviar. In addition to creamy tender cheese, sandwiches can also be smeared with cream, avocado paste, fish, shrimp, peppers, nuts;
  9. Caviar with caviar. Red caviar goes well with black, you can lay out stripes like a zebra from them, you can arrange it in the form of a yin-yang circle. And also with black caviar you can draw on red, draw a smiley, make the inscription “life is good”, “there is happiness”. And this is really happiness, that we can afford, if not every day, but from time to time, pamper ourselves and our guests with beautiful and mouth-watering sandwiches with caviar and other additional goodies.

Caviar sandwiches are an excellent snack - hearty and aesthetically attractive. Thanks to its salty taste, caviar of any kind can be perfectly combined with different types of bread and other unsweetened pastries, as well as vegetables and herbs.

This dish will be a great solution for a festive table.

So, how can you decorate sandwiches beautifully, and what recipes are the most delicious?

Beautiful decoration and serving sandwiches on the festive table

To create a festive atmosphere, it would be useful to try to decorate sandwiches as best as possible. Beautiful design is not such a complicated process and any hostess can do it.

To make the appetizer look advantageous on the festive table, you can use the following tricks:

  1. Use different types of bread. Classically, caviar sandwiches are made using a sliced ​​loaf. Black, gray, whole grain, with seeds, with bran, rye bread will help to diversify not only the taste, but also the appearance of the snack. In addition, dry bread is suitable for some recipes, as well as tartlets made from unsweetened shortcrust pastry.
  2. Diversify decorations. Traditionally, housewives use sprigs of dill or parsley. In addition to them, using a carving knife, you can cut out various figures from cucumbers or cherry tomatoes, such as baskets, spirals, petals, and decorate with them not only the snacks themselves, but also the dish on which they are planned to be served. Additionally, you can use skewers, especially if the sandwiches are very small.
  3. Pieces of bread can be of different shapes. They can be made round, triangular, polygonal - it all depends on the imagination of the hostess. Snacks of an unusual shape always look festive and attract the attention of guests.
  4. Serving ready meals. They can be both placed on one large dish, and spread out on small trays. If different types of caviar are used, then snacks can be grouped according to tastes or assorted on each plate.

Do not forget about another important criterion. No matter how beautiful snacks are, increased attention should be paid to the quality of caviar. It is a protein product and is prone to spoilage, so sandwiches should be prepared with fresh ingredients immediately before serving.

Sandwiches with red caviar and butter

This recipe can rightly be called a classic. For its preparation, white sliced ​​loaf, butter, red caviar and parsley sprigs are used for decoration.

Preparing sandwiches with red caviar is very simple:

  1. The loaf is cut into slices about 1 cm wide. Thicker slices are inconvenient to eat, and very thin slices can crumble in the hands and create a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Each piece of loaf is smeared with a thin layer of butter, and then caviar is laid on top. For a standard slice of a loaf, one tablespoon with a small slide will be enough.
  3. After that, ready-made sandwiches are decorated with sprigs of dill or parsley.

The recipe is very easy to follow and always enjoys the same success. You can diversify it a little if you give the loaf slices different shapes.

With pollock caviar

Such an appetizer is inexpensive to prepare, but it always looks elegant and appetizing. Sour cream and greens go well with pollock caviar. These components can be used to prepare not only tasty, but also healthy holiday snacks.

For one sandwich you will need:

  • 1 hard-boiled quail egg;
  • a slice of any bread, preferably dark varieties;
  • 1 tsp sour cream with a slide;
  • 0.5 tsp finely chopped greens;
  • 1 tsp pollock roe.

Preparing a snack is very simple:

  1. Mix sour cream and greens, smear a slice of bread with the resulting mixture.
  2. Carefully spread the caviar on top.
  3. Peel the egg, grate it on a fine grater or chop it carefully with a knife, then sprinkle it on a sandwich.
  4. The resulting appetizer can be garnished with sprigs of greens or finely chopped green onions.

The advantage of such sandwiches is that they are perfect as a quick and healthy breakfast.

With red fish

Such an appetizer not only looks unusual, but is also quite satisfying.

Salted caviar goes well with red fish, which must be lightly salted. It is not recommended to use a smoked or heavily salted product, as it will worsen the taste of the finished dish.

Making sandwiches is very simple, you will need the following ingredients for 1 serving:

  • 1 slice of any bread;
  • 1 tsp soft butter;
  • 0.5 tsp curd cheese;
  • 1 tsp caviar;
  • 1 thin slice of slightly salted trout, chum salmon or pink salmon;
  • half a slice of lemon;
  • some greenery for decoration.

Preparing a snack is easy:

  1. Mix butter with curd cheese, spread the resulting mixture on bread.
  2. Put the caviar on the prepared slice so that it takes up half the space.
  3. Put a slice of lemon on the rest, put a slice of fish on top, previously twisted into a roll.
  4. Decorate the resulting sandwich with greens.

You can slightly diversify the butter with which bread is smeared, and in addition to cheese, add finely chopped dill to it. The taste will be more expressive and rich.

Sandwiches with black caviar

For such an appetizer, it is best to use not an ordinary loaf, but a baguette, and try to cut it into round slices. Then the treat will look really elegant.

In this recipe, you need to use only the original and natural product. Substitutes are made from algae, and then achieved a similar taste with the help of numerous food additives and dyes, which will ultimately affect the final taste of the snack in a negative way.

To prepare delicious sandwiches, in terms of one serving, you will need:

  • 1 slice of baguette;
  • 0.5 tsp butter;
  • 1 tsp without a slide of black caviar;
  • some greenery for decoration.

The recipe is very simple: grease the baguette with a thin layer of butter, then lay the caviar on top and decorate the finished appetizer with herbs. The main advantage of such an appetizer is that black caviar itself has a pronounced taste and does not require a large amount of additional ingredients.

Appetizer with capelin caviar

The most budget option for sandwiches. To prepare such an appetizer, it is best to use caviar with sauce, to which shrimp or pieces of smoked salmon can be additionally added. This will give a special piquancy to the finished dish.

To prepare sandwiches for 1 serving you will need:

  • 1 slice of dark bread;
  • 1 tsp processed cheese with the taste of herbs;
  • a little finely chopped garlic;
  • 1 tsp with a slide of capelin caviar in sauce;
  • 1 slice tomato, sweet varieties are best
  • greenery for decoration.

Preparing a snack is quick and easy:

  1. Mix melted cheese with garlic, spread the resulting mixture on a slice of bread.
  2. After that, gently lay a layer of caviar on top of the cheese-garlic mixture.
  3. Top with a slice of tomato and a sprig of greens.

Sandwiches according to this recipe are not only tasty, but also budget-friendly, so you can cook them even for breakfast.

With red caviar and avocado

Such an appetizer will not only look unusual, but will also captivate guests with a combination of two pronounced tastes - caviar and avocado. For this recipe, you need to choose a ripe fruit, it should not be too hard.

  • 1 slice of bread, you can use bran-based bread;
  • a little butter;
  • 2-3 small slices of avocado, they should be thin and fit the size of the bread;
  • 1 tsp red caviar with a slide;
  • some greenery for decoration.

Prepare a snack like this:

  1. Bread is smeared with butter, after which avocado slices are evenly spread on top of it.
  2. Spread the caviar on top of the avocado. It is best to place it in a low slide in the central part of the sandwich.
  3. After that, the finished snack is decorated with greens as desired.

Such an appetizer will also be not only tasty and elegant, but also hearty, and will surely delight guests.

Sandwiches with cod caviar

Cod caviar is a relatively inexpensive product, it goes well with vegetables. Such sandwiches will turn out not only tasty, but also elegant; when decorating them, there is no need to restrain your imagination.

To prepare a snack based on 1 serving, you will need:

  • 1 slice of gray bread;
  • 0.5 tsp butter;
  • 0.5 tsp finely grated egg yolk;
  • some garlic powder;
  • a little black pepper;
  • 1 tsp with a slide of caviar;
  • a few slices of cucumber, previously peeled, of any shape;
  • dill sprig.

You can assemble a delicious snack from the above components as follows:

  1. Mix butter, egg yolk, garlic powder and pepper until smooth.
  2. Lubricate a slice of bread with the resulting mixture, lay the caviar on top in a thin layer.
  3. After that, decorate the appetizer with curly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers and herbs.

Tomatoes and olives will also go well with this appetizer.

In my conscious culinary life, I have come to a simple conclusion: the design of red caviar sandwiches is much more important than the recipes themselves. After all, the set of ingredients in most cases is the same - butter, bread and red-orange balls. But the speed with which the appetizer will disappear from the table, and the enthusiasm of the guests, aimed at absorbing a beautiful dish, will eloquently testify to success. What I'm leading to ... Just about the winter holidays, as if from a cornucopia, will fall straight on the heads of poor housewives. Therefore, I give you several ways to prepare and decorate sandwiches with red caviar. Recipes with photos will be a great hint to you (and to me, what a sin to hide) on the eve of the impending troublesome, but such a joyful series of family gatherings.

Festive sandwiches with butter and red caviar

The easiest option for sandwiches is butter, translucent eggs and fresh white bread. Delicious and simple. But even here I could not do without "raisins": to make the appetizer look more interesting, let's cut out figures from bread. Get mini-sandwiches for one bite. Appetizing, cute and original. Ready?

Product set:

The idea for decorating sandwiches with red caviar (a simple recipe with a photo):

Cut the bread component into slices 1.5-2 cm thick. Leave them whole or shape them into circles (using a glass or glass), diamonds, stars and other figures. "Waste" will be more, but the snack will look more impressive.

Put the third part of the oil in a plastic bag. Wait until it softens.

Apply the remaining butter on the bread blanks in a thin, even layer.

Put caviar on top. Cut off the corner of the package. On the edge of the sandwiches, make a curly border of butter. You can decorate the appetizer with an openwork mesh or other patterns of your choice. I just made low sides, but it still turned out pretty. Well, delicious, of course. As a "cherry on the cake" I chose curly parsley. But you can put lemon or cucumber. Or a thin long plate of the same ingredients, rolled up in the shape of a rose. In any case, such an appetizer will not go unnoticed, underestimated and undereaten.

Sandwiches with curd cheese, herbs and caviar

And let's spread not butter, but curd cheese on the buters? Replacing the composition of the ingredients by just one unit, and the taste is already "playing" in a new way. And a nice "bonus" in the form of a green "fur coat" will make the appetizer much more noticeable among the traditional abundance of goodies on the festive table.

What will we cook from:

How to make beautiful and tasty sandwiches with red caviar:

To prepare snacks, it is better to choose parsley or dill. Or half a bunch of both. It is better not to use basil, cilantro or celery because of too bright taste and aroma. Wash and dry greens thoroughly. Finely chop.

Cut the banana. Leave the bread slices for sandwiches with red caviar whole or cut out some figures, as in the previous photo recipe. Top with curd cheese without additives. Also apply it to the edges.

Gently sprinkle the "sides" of bread with fragrant cuts of greens.

The final touch is the caviar layer.

You can add a snack with a slice of cucumber, tomato, lemon or avocado. But I decided to limit myself to greenery. A small sprig of parsley on the edge of a sandwich - simple but tasteful.

Puffs with caviar filling

I like this layout the best. Nice and simple. Let's crunch loudly and enjoy the taste of fish eggs?

Product set:

How we will cook puff sandwiches with red caviar (step by step recipe with photo):

Puff pastry can be bought at the store or made at home. In the first case, it must be thawed at room temperature. To prevent it from sticking to the work surface when thawing, dust it with a little flour or cover it with cling film. Roll out the defrosted layer to a thickness of 0.4-0.6 cm. Choose the appropriate figures for cutting blanks. It can be stars, ovals, rhombuses, squares (the most economical shape, by the way) or circles, as in baking. I chose a heart and a circle, because I did not have a small heart-shaped cookie cutter. I had to replace it with a prosaic plastic bottle cap. Cut out the curly bases. The rest of the dough can then be molded and rolled out again. The blanks will not be as lush, but still puffy and crispy.

In the middle of future puff sandwiches, outline the contours of the holes for red caviar, as in the photo. Do not push all the way through, otherwise you will get a hole, and the filling will fall out. Place the pastry on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If desired, top with egg yolk, shaken with a spoonful of clean water or milk. Then the surface of the vol-au-vents will become more ruddy. Bake in a preheated oven. The recommended temperature is 200-220 degrees. Time - 20-30 minutes. Check the readiness of baking from time to time, because every oven is different, and the dough too.

Cool the finished puff base on a wire rack. Gently press the middle part inward, pour out the crumbs. Sandwiches are almost ready, it remains to put caviar, butter in them and decorate a little.

Put a little oil in the recesses. It is more convenient to do this if it is softened.

And put caviar on the oil "cushion".

Decorate puff sandwiches with red caviar as your heart desires and fantasy whispers. I think regular greens are enough.

Sandwiches with caviar and fish filling

This appetizer once again proves that there is no such thing as too much! Fish "rosettes" with bright eggs look beautiful and complement each other in taste.

What will we cook sandwiches from:

Step by step cooking with photos:

Cut the bread into moderately thin slices. If desired, you can brown it in a toaster or on a grill pan, sprinkling with vegetable oil.

Spread butter or cheese on bread slices.

Fish, if required, cut into fillets. Cut into thin slices. In this version, I used lightly salted pink salmon for sandwiches, but you can also take salmon, trout, chum or other types of fish, which will successfully complement the taste of red caviar. And not only salty, but also smoked.

Roll up the fish plate in the form of a rose. And put on one edge of the bread base of the sandwich, as shown in the photo.

Distribute the eggs evenly in the free space.

Put a sprig of parsley next to the "rosettes" of the fish, imitating the leaves. Everything, a beautiful festive dish to warm up your appetite is ready! It remains to evaluate its taste. And they will be on top, you can be sure.

Recipe with lemon and cucumber notes

Why not complement bread and caviar with something fresh? For example, cucumber or lemon? And it's better for both!

We will prepare a snack from:

Step by step cooking sequence:

If the loaf is not sliced, cut it into thin slices.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator half an hour before making sandwiches so that it softens. Apply a thin layer on the loaves.

Wash the cucumber, cut off the ends. Chop into thin slices.

Pour boiling water over citrus before cutting. This will enhance the flavor and aroma and kill germs. Cut out a few thin circles with a knife. Divide them into 4 parts.

Place a cucumber on the edge of the bread. Fill the free space with a layer of red eggs.

And put a lemon slice on the caviar. Decorate the sandwiches as you wish and serve as a "warm-up" before the main courses.

I wish you culinary compliments and an increased bon appetit!
