
Sugar fudge fast. Sugar icing fudge

The classic cupcake recipe is usually a pretty, one-size-fits-all sweet pastry.

Yes, porous, soft, and very tasty in its own way, but don’t you feel a certain amount of insipidity of one dough, or what?

There are so many options on how to improve a dessert: from simple icing, powdered sugar, to adding various spices.

In this article I will talk about how to make a variety of fondant for cupcakes at home.

Any recipe below is extremely easy to create, and it will turn out extremely tasty.

Everything you need to know about white frosting

A small introduction in which you will learn the main aspects of how they say what it is and what it is eaten with:

  1. Powdered sugar is one of the fundamental ingredients for white icing, so it is always present. But, by the way, you can replace it with granulated sugar.
  2. But they are not used in their original form. Sift before use.
  3. Eggs on the same principle: not just like that. First, separate the yolks from the proteins, and only then beat until foamy.
  4. The resulting egg mixture must be heated over low heat a little, while not stopping stirring.

Recipe 1: milk glaze with photo

As mentioned earlier, everything in preparation is very easy. One of the influencing factors is that it requires extremely few products for cupcakes.

Here's what I'm taking:

2 tablespoons of powdered sugar; 2 tablespoons fresh butter; 2 tablespoons selected milk; half a teaspoon of vanilla.

How to make cake frosting:

  1. Butter before all other actions, I stand for some time at room temperature to make it softer.
  2. Powdered sugar, literally a drop of vanilla, butter - all this is thoroughly beaten together in one bowl until a certain uniformity is obtained.
  3. Finally add milk, stirring all the time.

And voila - white icing ready! Feel free to lubricate her ready-made pastries and serve. Bon appetit!

  1. By itself, it has the property of fast solidification, so it is worth applying it immediately, but it is better to do it with a special culinary brush.
  2. If you still didn’t have time and the liquid froze, then the solution is very simple: use a microwave or hotplate and heat it up.
  3. It is better to beat the eggs cold, and not to keep them at room temperature - this way the beating process will go better and faster.
  4. Too long thickening? So put the bowl, dishes with it on ice cubes and everything will go faster. Or add a small amount of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  5. Cookware with a non-stick coating will save your frosting from any damage such as burning.
  6. If you want to add some other decoration on top (for example, powdered sugar), then you need to pour it right away, until nothing has cooled and hardened.

The second recipe: what if with lemon?

Lemon fondant for cupcakes - another one great option especially for lovers of this fruit. Below I will present the icing for the cupcake recipe with a photo.

I will need: 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar; 4 tablespoons of lemon juice; 1 piece lemon zest.

Let's start cooking:

  1. I pour the juice over the powdered sugar - shake it well.
  2. Later I throw grated zest there.
  3. Final touch: if you see that the icing is too thick, then it does not hurt powdered sugar, and if liquid - juice.

Enjoy! Lemon glaze is ready, bon appetit.

orange cake frosting recipe

Important: sugar fondant for cupcakes with any of the fruits/citrus fruits is absolutely open to experimentation. That is, instead of the same lemon or orange, you can take whatever you like. This recipe with photo. Good luck!

Ingredients needed: ⅓ one package of cream cheese (preferably Philadelphia); 2 tablespoons of butter; 2 teaspoons of honey; 2 tablespoons of orange juice; powdered sugar 2 tablespoons; literally a pinch of salt and 1 orange zest.

How to prepare icing sugar for an orange cake:

  1. I beat with a mixer or a fork / whisk cream cheese with aged at room temperature and become soft butter (creamy). You should get a homogeneous mass.
  2. I add everything there, except for powdered sugar: zest, salt, honey, Orange juice. I mix again.
  3. And at the very end it was the turn of sugar. I whip until airy.

And now, the frosting is ready! Happy tea!

Chocolate icing for cupcakes and its recipe

Adding chocolate to such a thick mixture will give richness to the taste, and pleasant aroma like it will drive you crazy.

What does it consist of chocolate glaze:

¼ tablespoon fresh butter; half a teaspoon of corn syrup; half a teaspoon of vanilla; 2 tablespoons selected milk; 60 grams of dark chocolate; 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.

Time to create:

  1. I take a bowl or saucepan in which I gently melt the butter;
  2. milk, vanilla, corn syrup- there, all there.
  3. For about 30 seconds, constantly stirring, I heat it up, and then I throw pieces of broken chocolate into it.
  4. Did it get too thick? A little more milk wouldn't hurt.
  5. Finished delicious cupcakes I “dip” the top into the icing. If at this point it has already begun to dry out, then 30 seconds in microwave oven everything will be fixed.

Chocolate colored glaze ready, bon appetit!

Easy recipe: frosting for cupcakes with berries

Vanilla cupcakes or baked goods with some berries will look great if you can frost them.

Here's what I need: 4 pieces of good strawberries; 2 tablespoons fresh raspberries; 3 powdered sugar in 3 tablespoons.

How to make frosting:

  1. In a blender, I carefully beat the strawberries and raspberries until a homogeneous mixture.
  2. I pass the resulting puree through a sieve.
  3. The final touch will be powdered sugar, which is mixed with the mixture at the end.

Colored glaze is ready, bon appetit!

White icing - how to make?

I think you often saw ke on the most various pastries. Most famously used on Easter cakes, donuts, cookies, etc., but also on a cupcake!

So why not decorate them in such a way that we will improve not only the look, but also the taste itself?

There are two options for how to cook: protein and pure sugar. I will tell you about everything.

Icing sugar consists of: 1 cup of sugar itself; 6 art. l. water / juice of any; ¼ tsp citric acid (if you took juice, then you only need 1-2 tsp of acid)

White icing is prepared as follows:

  1. First I mix sugar with citric acid, it should turn into powder.
  2. Water / juice (depending on your choice) is poured into the mixture obtained above and mixed well until foam forms.

And now, it's ready, you can safely lubricate it ready-made cupcakes. Bon appetit!

“Decoration” from protein and its more complex manufacturing process. Ingredients:

1 piece of egg white; 1 tsp lemon juice; powdered sugar in ½ cup; half tsp lemon peel.

How to do:

  1. To begin with, gently beat the sugar with this egg white. Without ceasing to shake, I add the juice and zest in parts.
  2. When is formed fluffy mix, you can already apply to ready-made cupcakes. It remains only to wait until the white glaze hardens.

Ready! Bon appetit!

Chocolate cupcake icing

As well as in previous recipe, there are two options for creating this "decoration". Both, of course, are amazingly tasty, but how exactly to do it is up to you. I, as usual, will tell you about everyone.

The first recipe below, by the way, is very similar to donut icing. Maybe you've already noticed it yourself.

Products: 50 milliliters of selected milk; 100 g fresh butter; 1 st. l. with a hill of cocoa powder; 3 art. l. sand sugar.

How to cook? Step by step:

  1. Melt the butter in a heavy bottomed saucepan over low heat, stirring all the time.
  2. Without stopping, I add all the ingredients one by one.
  3. It remains only to wait until the mixture cools down, thickens, and you can coat the finished cupcakes.

Ready! Bon appetit!

In the second way one more ingredient is added - 1 tile milk chocolate, and:

80 milliliters very heavy cream; 50 g butter; according to the taste of the owner or hostess, you can also take any nuts, dried fruits such as raisins or dried apricots, coconut flakes.

White icing is done like this:

  1. First of all, you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath. Before this, grind well.
  2. Alternately, I throw butter and cream aged at room temperature into chocolate. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous chocolate mixture is obtained.
  3. For more dense appearance you can add a spoonful of honey or any other similar fillers.
  4. I let the frosting cool and then spread it over the cupcakes.

The chocolate treat is ready. Bon appetit!

White donut fondant

To ensure that deep-fried donuts are without flaws (i.e. raw middle and generally burnt flour products), it is necessary that the deep-fryer itself be heated to the proper temperature, and the oil at the same time should not be too hot.

How to keep deep fryer clean? Just clean future donuts from excess flour, and only then dip into fat.

Necessary products for donuts:

7 pieces chicken eggs; 500 g of selected milk; 200 g fresh butter; up to 350 g wheat flour; up to 700 g of vegetable oil.

What you need for the topping:

100 g regular sugar in the form of sand; up to 150 g selected and fresh milk; 1 packet of vanillin.

All about cooking:

  1. Bring the milk to a boil on the burner butter I add flour, stirring all the time.
  2. After cooling this homogeneous mixture, I alternately, still stirring, add chicken eggs each.
  3. Separately, in a saucepan with a thick bottom, I heat the vegetable oil.
  4. Then I dip a spoon into it, take some amount of dough, which I dip into boiling fat.
  5. I take out with a slotted spoon or spatula donuts, I put them to cool on parchment or baking paper.

Next you can move on to the frosting:

  1. I warm the milk not to boiling, then pour sugar into it. I stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. I bring the mixture of milk and sugar to a good boil.
  3. I turn down the fire, pour in the vanillin, shake everything thoroughly until a white foam appears.
  4. Everything, you can wait for cooling and coat, dip donuts in a viscous mixture. To taste, it does not hurt to sprinkle with any grated chocolate on top.

Bon appetit!

My video recipe

Cake without decoration - regular pie. After preparing the cakes and cream for the cake, the most difficult stage begins - decorating it. Of course, you can use cream, fruits, candied fruits, nut crumbs for this purpose, but to become a true confectionery professional, you need to know and be able to do much more.

famous cakes – « white locust”, “Leningradsky”, “Esterhazy”, “Prague”, “Sacher” and others culinary masterpieces remembered by all lovers popular dessert, including its glossy sheen that adorns the surface of products. How to make homemade cakes have the same elegant look? Let's deal with the main secrets of making fondant for cakes at home, and find out which secret ingredient makes it shiny and flexible.

Fondant for a cake at home - basic technological principles

As a decoration for cakes, fondant in home conditions the good thing is that it can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator until use, in a sealed container, which significantly reduces the time spent directly in the manufacture of the cake. The second advantage of decorating cakes with fondant is the availability and low cost of ingredients.

Fudge is a boiled down sugar syrup, with the addition of molasses or invert syrup, or citric acid, and the addition of fruit components, milk or cream, cocoa and various flavors to these ingredients allows you to diversify the taste of cake decorations, add a “zest” to the recipe.

Fondant is different appearance, consistency and its properties from syrup and icing thanks to in a special way cooking.

To begin with, let us consider in detail the description of the technology for preparing the main sugar fudge for a cake at home, in order to understand with an example basic recipe All important subtleties cooking, and then on the basis of this recipe it is easy to prepare other types of fudge, supplementing them with milk, cocoa, chocolate, nuts or fruits. By the way, even if you are not going to cook a cake in the near future, then fudge - great addition for a sandwich and tea. You can also try to make your favorite sweets from it.

1. Basic fondant for a cake at home

The basic recipe for making fondant requires only three ingredients, not counting the essence that is added for flavoring:

Water 265 ml

Sugar 795 g

Molasses - 120 g; or invert syrup - 135 g; or citric acid - 12 g

Essence 1.8 ml

Cooking technology:

It is this quantity and set of ingredients that will be required to prepare 1 kg of fudge. In the technology of making fudge, 4 main stages can be distinguished:

Cooking sugar syrup

Sugar is dissolved in water and boiled, removing the foam. When foaming stops, the pan must be covered with a lid so that splashes of syrup settling on the walls of the dish do not form crystals. Condensation forms under the lid, which, flowing down the inner walls of the pan with syrup, prevents the sugar from crystallizing. The syrup is boiled until tender. The temperature of the finished syrup is 108 ° C, the consistency is a stretching thick mass of golden brown color. The time of boiling the syrup until the “thick thread” test is 25-30 minutes, the sugar concentration in it reaches 80-85%.

Adding molasses and boiling until the test "on a weak ball"

Molasses or invert syrup, or a solution of citric acid is heated to 45-50 ° C and injected into the syrup, mixed, the container is again covered with a lid and the heating temperature is increased to 115 ° C, boiled for about half an hour.

Important: it is not recommended to increase or decrease the amount of molasses added, as failure to comply with the norm leads to a deterioration in the quality of the fudge. Insufficient molasses content leads to rapid sugaring; if the norm is exceeded, the finished lipstick does not dry for a long time on products.

Fondant cooling

Actually, you need to prepare for this stage in advance and, since we are talking about making fondant for a cake at home, you need to stock up big amount ice. In production, there are special cooling systems for this.

Fudge from the end of cooking must be quickly cooled to 40 ° C, lowered into a saucepan or basin with ice, and continuously and intensively stir it for even cooling. Slow cooling also starts the crystallization process, which must be avoided.


The warm mass begins to beat vigorously. There is practically no time interval between cooling and whipping the fondant: you need to pay attention to this. A small mass can be whipped with a spatula, manually.

At first, fondant syrup becomes cloudy, but as it becomes saturated with air and forms tiny crystals sugar, it takes on the appearance characteristic of the finished fudge. It is immediately transferred to a closed container, covered with water on top, tightly closed with a lid and left for 18-24 hours to ripen. The container is placed in the refrigerator.

To apply the finished lipstick on the cake, it is again heated to 40 ° C in a water bath. At this time, flavors and dyes can be added to the lipstick. To enhance the shine, add to the heated fondant for the cake at home egg white, whipping the mass to uniform consistency. Protein is introduced at the rate of 2% by weight of sugar. The mass of one protein, on average - 30 g; this amount is enough for 200-240 g of finished fudge.

Other types of fondant for surface decoration confectionery have the same technology.

2. Chocolate fudge cake at home

To make chocolate fudge you will need:

Fudge, basic 200 g

Dark chocolate 250 g

Cognac 30 ml

Cooking method:

The chocolate is crushed and heated in a water bath to 40°C. In the same way, I warm up the sugar fudge prepared according to the main recipe (see description above). Both masses are combined, a tablespoon of cognac or rum is added to them, after which they are beaten until smooth and shiny.

The mass is applied to the surface of the confectionery product with a spatula or a wide spatula. Tools for applying fondant are pre-moistened in alcohol to make the surface even and shiny.

This homemade chocolate fondant cake recipe is perfect for spreading on cakes: bird's milk”, “Slavutich”, “Prague”.

3. Fondant with cocoa for a cake at home with milk


Milk, whole 0.8 l

Sugar 600 g

Cocoa 35 g

Molasses 200 g

Vanillin, crystal 8 g

Yield 1.0 kg


Technological process similar to making fudge according to the main recipe, but sugar is pre-combined with cocoa powder, and the cooking time increases, since more milk is taken than in the main fudge. Vanillin is added after the fondant syrup has cooled. The amount of cocoa can be increased if a richer flavor is required. chocolate taste sweets.

4. Creamy fondant with cocoa for a milk-based cake at home


Butter 82.5% (extra) 180 g

Whole milk(or cream 15%) 550 ml

Sugar 630 g

Dried cream (30%) 200 g

Molasses 195 g


Warm milk(25-30 ° C) is combined with dry cream, stirred until dissolved, heated to 90 ° C, sugar is added and boiled over low heat until a test for a thick thread. I add molasses to condensed milk and continue to boil until a consistency thick sour cream. Then they are quickly cooled, whipping the mass on an “ice cushion”. After daily maturation, milk fudge is combined with butter, heated in a water bath to 40 ° C. Beat until smooth. When whipping fondant with butter, add vanillin and apricot or other liquor to taste.

5. Fruit fondant for cake at home

Easy way to cook fruit fudge involves the use of fruit essence and food coloring. More difficult option- fondant based on natural fruit syrup(fruit molasses). The fact is that the presence of acid in fruit juices undesirable at the initial stage of cooking fudge. Therefore, under production conditions, juices for fruit fudge are preliminarily leached, but after boiling, acid is added to avoid the appearance of large crystals sugar, although this method of making fruit fudge is also for industrial production is not profitable.

At home, you can deviate from the standard requirements and add concentrated syrup from fruits and berries containing acid (invert syrup based on natural juices) to the boiled sugar syrup, and use essences, fruit tinctures, food colors to enhance the flavor.


Syrup, invert

Food coloring and essence


The cooking technology and composition of the ingredients of fruit fudge are similar to the preparation of the main fudge (recipe No. 1), but instead of molasses, invert syrup is used with the addition of food colors and fruit essence.

6. Fondant for a cake at home: a recipe for making molasses

Watermelon "honey"


watermelon juice, purified - any quantity


Purified watermelon juice is brought to a boil over high heat in enamelware. After the juice must be filtered to remove the foam. Then it is boiled over low heat, until the volume is reduced by 6-7 times. A soft drop test is done. Hot watermelon "honey" is packaged in dry sterile jars.

Fondant cake at home - tricks and tips

It is worth paying attention to molasses, since it is this product that plays a decisive role in cooking. confectionery fudge.

Molasses is a product of hydrolysis (dissolution in water) and fermentation of starch. Of course you can buy it at ready-made or cook it yourself in several ways. Preparing molasses at home is a rather troublesome and lengthy process, but it is an ideal additive for kvass, it can be used to make jam - during the harvesting season. The addition of molasses to ice cream contributes to its deeper freezing, not to mention the fact that the taste of gingerbread and rye bread finalizes this particular product.

Why add molasses to fudge? Molasses prevents the process of reverse crystallization of sugar, helps to obtain more fudge High Quality, plastic and delicate texture. fruit molasses can be cooked from grapes, apples, pears, melons without adding sugar. Molasses can be made from barley malt, honey. All these types of molasses are successfully used in the preparation of confectionery.

less troublesome and available options molasses replacements - invert syrup or citric acid, in the absence of ready-made maltose dextrin. Invert syrup - in short - ordinary sugar syrup, boiled down to a "thick thread" sample with the addition of citric acid.

On the day when the preparation of the cake is planned, you should not waste energy and time on the preparation of molasses, invert syrup and fudge. Moreover, after cooking, the fudge should ripen: it is kept for a day in a closed container, covered with a layer of water.

We bring to your attention several recipes for making fudge to choose from. Choose which one you like best.

Creamy fudge - recipe

Delicious cream fudge great alternative store-bought sweets, you can diversify the recipe to your taste with nuts, cocoa, vanilla, poppy seeds, coconut, candied fruits or zest.

  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and put on slow fire, bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly so as not to burn, boil the mixture until a creamy shade is obtained. Dip a drop of fondant into cold water if it is frozen and easily rolls into a ball, then the delicacy is ready. Pouring hot mix by molds. For the smallest, you can stick a toothpick into each candy - so your hands will not be sticky.

Milk fudge - recipe

This recipe is for those who want to remember the taste of childhood, although you can use milk fudge not only in the form of sweets, but also as icing for cupcakes.

We take a ladle with a long, comfortable handle, pour milk into it, pour sugar. We put on fire, and constantly stirring with a wooden spatula, bring to a boil. When the syrup boils, your main task for the near future is to prevent it from escaping. It is necessary to boil the syrup over low heat so that the volume is approximately halved until a light creamy shade is obtained. If you drop a little syrup on ice and the frozen drop can be easily rolled into a soft elastic ball, then the syrup is definitely ready. Now this liquid must be quickly cooled. We put a ladle with syrup in a basin with ice, pour cold water on the ice, constantly stir the syrup. As the syrup cools, it thickens and becomes more difficult to stir. We take out the ladle from the ice and, overcoming the resistance of the milk-sugar mass, intensively stir it until it begins to brighten and turns into one creamy-sugar lump.

In order to get sweets, you need to slightly heat the mass over low heat until it becomes slightly plastic. Then we spread the future sweets on a sheet of foil with a teaspoon, you can take silicone molds for ice. Forms pre-lubricated with oil. It is possible to extrude mass from pastry bag, but we take a nozzle with a larger diameter. If you wish, add nuts or candied fruits to the milk fudge. In order to cover a cupcake or Easter cake with fudge, you need to warm it up harder.

Sugar fondant for cake - recipe

With the help of sugar fondant, it is easy to transform home cake into a work of art, the recipe is not difficult to prepare, and you will be satisfied with the result.

  • fine sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • boiling water - 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice - 2.5 tsp.

Pour sugar into a wide saucepan, pour boiling water and put on water bath. After boiling the syrup, reduce the heat, remove the foam with a spoon. We do not interfere with the syrup, otherwise it will sugar. Cook the syrup without stirring for about 3 minutes, then drop a drop of syrup into cold water, if you can roll a ball out of it that does not stick to your hands, then the syrup is ready. Quickly remove the syrup from the heat and place the saucepan in a bowl of ice. Pour in the lemon juice and mix vigorously with a wooden spatula - the syrup should turn white and become dense. After that, roll the fondant into a ball, cover with a damp cloth and leave for 20 minutes. It can be stored in the refrigerator for quite some time. To use ready-made fondant for icing a cake, it must be heated to 40 - 45 degrees and applied to the cake.

Lemon Fudge - Recipe

  • grated zest - from 4 lemons;
  • lemon juice - from 4 lemons;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • butter - 225g;
  • starch - 1 dessert spoon.

Beat the eggs, add all the other products and beat a little more. We bet on medium fire and, stirring, cook for 7-8 minutes until it thickens. We do the most small fire and boil another mine. Posting lemon fudge in sterilized jars and put in the refrigerator.

Such fondant will be especially appropriate for decoration. lemon muffins. or cookies.

If you love like me icing sugar, for example, in shortcakes, buns or gingerbread, I imagine classic version snow-white sugar icing fudge. Detailed description preparations with a "debriefing", that is, with work on errors, if any.


  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Water - 100 ml
  • Citric acid solution - 20 drops


Sachala prepare what we need.

Citric acid solution.

♦ I recommend that you prepare it with a margin, as this is a necessary thing in the household. In addition to using this solution as an anti-crystallizer for making fudge, you can use it, in a pure or even more diluted state, to extinguish soda, acidify sauce or compote, and in other cases where acid is needed. So the proportions are:

  • Hot water - 2 tsp
  • Citric acid (dry) - 1 tsp

Let's stir citric acid until the crystals dissolve, pour into a small jar with a tight lid, sign to avoid trouble, and store, using as needed.

We also need ladle or saucepan with comfortable handle spacious bowl, spoons, brush, mixer with hook attachments, ice, pipette, kitchen thermometer, if there is.

I will try to repeat several times important points, which can not be neglected in the manufacture of fudge, so that you succeed.

So, we started.

We measure sugar and water into a saucepan or ladle, mix, put on medium heat.

After boiling, be sure to remove the foam. And you need to do this quite quickly, as the syrup quickly boils down.

To do this, we put the pan so that the boil is on one side, then the foam is collected on the other and it is quite easy to collect.

You can generally remove the saucepan from the heat and remove the foam.

Why do it?

During the cooking process, sugar crystals form on the walls of the saucepan. Getting back into the syrup, these crystals kind of set the program for the whole syrup, that the crystals should be the same size, but we need a very fine crystallization, so these sugar particles misleading the syrup must be washed off.

This can be done with a wet brush or fork, on which you wrap a little gauze (bandage).

I directly lower the brush into a glass of water and my walls, some water gets into the syrup - it's not scary.

Now we need without stirring, boil the syrup to soft ball test, if you have a kitchen thermometer, then it greatly simplifies the preparation of fudge, just bring the syrup to a temperature of 114-115 degrees.

If there is no thermometer, then check the readiness of the syrup like this.

First thing - take the pot off the fire, because while you are doing experiments, your syrup will be hopelessly digested. Even while I was taking the photo, the thermometer needle crept towards 116.

We put a drop of syrup on an ice cube, it should cool instantly. Sometimes it is advised to pour a little syrup into cold water, but it is more convenient on ice, since the syrup can quickly become sour from water, which will raise doubts among an inexperienced cook - was there a ball?

We remove the drop with our fingers and try to make a ball.

What should it be?

I will say this - a ball should work, but should not become hard, like caramel, so that they can be tapped. If the ball is too hard, the syrup is overcooked. What to do? Add a little water, mix and cook until desired result.

The correct ball is soft, but from a small amount water, which appeared from the melting of ice, may later leak a little.

If the ball turned out, then we do not return the syrup to the fire.

If not, continue cooking until the winning ball.

Since the syrup cooks quickly, total time 4-5 minutes with a fairly strong boil, then do not delay with the next sample and do not forget Remove syrup from heat before experimenting.

Ready syrup should be completely transparent, not cloudy at all.

At the end, add to the syrup required amount citric acid solution. The syrup is no longer on fire!

Gently and carefully drip evenly 20 drops from a pipette, mix.

What does acid do? Why is she wearing lipstick?

In fact, we are preparing a supersaturated sugar solution. When cooled, it candied very quickly, but it is candied as it pleases, and we, in order to get a gentle and plastic fudge, need it to be candied correctly. Therefore, by adding a certain amount of acid, we suspend the crystallization reaction so that it occurs a little later, with intensive whipping, and is fine, which will give an excellent product.

If you add too little acid, the syrup will crystallize too quickly; if you add too much, it will crystallize too slowly, or it may not crystallize at all. It is important to find the exact ratio, and this will only give you personal experience.

In one of the ones I have cookbooks it was written that good lipstick can be prepared without adding acid, but for this you need to pour a lot more water and cook longer, then, during the cooking process, invert sugar, which acts similarly to acid. This technique is used in the preparation of milk fudge.

You probably already understood that whipping syrup awaits us, but first we need to quickly cool down. How?

Place a pot of water in a bowl cold water and even better with ice.

I usually put it in cold water first, stir the syrup, as it cools faster at the bottom, and then I change the water in the bowl, add ice and leave until it cools down. It is necessary to cool the syrup to 40-50 degrees.

Before whipping, the syrup is completely transparent!

If the syrup was clear and without impurities, but clouded in hot, then most likely little acid. You can not cool further, but put on fire and drop another 2-4 drops (be guided by the crystallization rate - it is important not to overdo it!), Warm up to transparency and cool again.

Properly cooked syrup can be beaten to a lipstick state simply with a strong wooden spatula. Which is what I did before.

But lipstick is whipped much better with hook attachments. Having tried once, you will not want to return to the spatula, and faster, and better.

We start whipping.

The time for this can take from 2-3 to 10-15 minutes. Why such difference? It all depends on the subtleties of boiling the syrup and the correct ratio of acid. Even for one hostess, the whipping time can be different - yesterday lipstick whipped in 3 minutes, and today in 10. The main thing is to whip! By the way, I got the most silky lipstick if I beat it for 10 minutes.

If a lot of time has passed, but it does not turn white, then this may mean that: 1) the syrup is undercooked; 2) a lot of acid.

It happened to me, unfortunately. Attempts to add re-brewed syrup without acid were unsuccessful. I recommend that you use this syrup when cooking jelly compote instead of simple sugar.

The correct syrup behaves like this.

It starts to get cloudy when beating...

It continues to grow cloudy or even begins to turn white ...

Now you can see that the lipstick will turn out!

And this is the finished lipstick.

It is not sticky, but plastic.

The crystals are small, even some kind of oily taste, like good honey. I can't believe it's just sugar!

The lipstick doesn't run, but it's not hard either.

If your lipstick has become so hard that it even crumbles, then you can add a little, just a few drops, of boiling water until the lipstick has completely cooled down.

We transfer the finished fudge to a container or bowl, cover from winding. Lipstick matures in 12-24 hours. But this does not mean that it cannot be used immediately after preparation.

This is how it is cut, a little viscous, like honey.

For glazing, we separate a piece of the desired size, put it in a bowl and heat it slightly - in a water bath or in a microwave.

Attention! lipstick can not be heated above 60 degrees- it's deteriorating.

In the microwave, we can talk about a matter of seconds!

You can add a little water to warm lipstick to get a thinner layer on finished product if you need it.

When cooled, the fondant quickly hardens, so you need to glaze pastries quite quickly, and hold the bowl over warm water, For example.

I will briefly repeat the action plan and important points:

  • We measure sugar and water.
  • Put to cook on medium heat.
  • After boiling, remove the foam.
  • Do not stir the syrup while cooking!
  • After about 3-4 minutes of active boiling, check for readiness (“soft ball”). When the syrup is ready, remove from heat. Not ready - we cook. Remove the pan from the heat during the test !!!
  • Pour acid into the finished syrup.
  • Cool the syrup.
  • Whipping lipstick.
  • We cover from winding.

Even the most plain buns look much more appetizing when covered with fondant.

Bon appetit!

Cake Fondant - confectionery decoration, which gives the product a memorable shine, taste and aroma. It is a boiled down sugar syrup with the addition of molasses or citric acid, into which, depending on aesthetic wishes, chocolate is added, fruit supplements, cream or cocoa, trying to emphasize the exclusivity of pastries.

How to make fondant?

Fondant for a cake at home is diverse in options. However, there is classic recipe, in which 800 g of sugar is dissolved in 270 ml of water and boiled until thickened, a solution of citric acid is added and boiled for another 30 minutes. With the help of ice, the fudge is quickly cooled, whipped with a mixer and placed to ripen for a day in the cold.

  1. Cooking fudge requires compliance clear proportions And quality products. So, when choosing cocoa for chocolate fudge, you need to pay attention to its composition - it should be a powder without herbal additives and flavor enhancers.
  2. If the fudge contains butter, then its fat content should not be less than 83%. Otherwise, the chocolate fudge will turn white when applied.

chocolate fondant has two cooking options: based on chocolate or cocoa powder. The latter is relevant in the case when you need to quickly and without special financial costs make a simple homemade cakes tastier and more effective. To do this, boil sugar with cocoa in milk and, after cooling, mix the mass with butter.


  • cocoa powder - 40 g;
  • sugar - 125 g;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • butter - 90 g.


  1. Mix sugar with cocoa.
  2. Warm the milk and pour into the dry mixture.
  3. Put the mass on the stove and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes.
  4. Remove from fire and cool.
  5. Add to mixture soft butter and mix well.
  6. Chocolate fondant for cake is applied to products immediately.

Chocolate fondant for a dark chocolate cake is traditionally used to decorate a product that needs to be given a shiny and spectacular surface. To do this, an egg is added to the mass of butter and chocolate. As a result, the fondant becomes glossy and plastic, fits well on the surface and does not cause inconvenience in work.


  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • oil - 110 g;
  • powdered sugar - 250 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Melt chocolate with butter in a water bath.
  2. Beat in the egg and stir quickly.
  3. Add the powder and beat with a mixer until smooth.
  4. Chocolate fondant is applied hot to the product.

Creamy fudge at home - recipe

Creamy fondant is a recipe that allows you to create a delicate, silky rim for cakes, desserts and candy bases. Fudge is made from cream, which, interacting with sugar, in the process of boiling, acquires a caramel color and a soft but stable texture, which is why the mass fits well and quickly hardens.


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • cream - 120 ml;
  • oil - 60 g;
  • vanillin - 2 g.


  1. Combine cream, butter and sugar in a bowl.
  2. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Add vanilla and cook, stirring, until the mass acquires a pleasant caramel shade.
  4. Check readiness by dropping a drop of fondant into water: a frozen drop is ready to go.

The most sought after type of decoration. It is made from sugar syrup (for which it received the name sugar), boiled, chilled and whipped into a tight mass. This lipstick is very convenient because for a long time can be stored in the refrigerator, and heated to 40 degrees, quickly takes on a viscous consistency.


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • hot water - 150 ml;
  • citric acid - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • boiling water - 10 ml.


  1. piss off the sugar hot water, stir, remove adhering crystals with a brush and cook until boiling.
  2. Skim off the foam and cook until soft ball test, periodically dropping a drop of syrup into a container of cold water.
  3. At the end of cooking, add citric acid diluted with boiling water, counting 12 drops.
  4. Cool the syrup quickly and beat with a mixer until it turns white.
  5. The fondant for the cake hardens quickly, so it needs to be warmed up before glazing.

Milk fudge is the simplest and most financially beneficial option, in which you can create the perfect decoration from two components - milk and sugar. Technology is similar to fudge sugar. The mass is also boiled, cooled and kneaded for a long time. Milk gives the fudge a delicate creamy color and baked flavor, so it can not be supplemented with other components.


  • milk - 450 ml;
  • sugar - 400 g.


  1. Dissolve sugar in warmed milk and bring the mass to a boil.
  2. Boil syrup until creamy.
  3. Do a soft ball test.
  4. Cool the mass with ice and, stirring, bring to a state of a homogeneous smooth lump.
  5. Before applying to the surface, it is heated to a fluid state.

A good solution to give baked goods freshness and bright color. It is attractive in taste and original cooking technology, which, in fact, resembles custard. Unlike the latter, fudge is boiled on lemon juice with the addition of zest, acquiring a delicate sourness and a pronounced citrus aroma.


  • lemon - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • oil - 225 g;
  • starch - 10 g.


  1. Peel the lemons and squeeze out the pulp.
  2. Mix with beaten eggs, sugar, butter and starch.
  3. Put on the stove and cook until thickened for 8 minutes.
  4. With this fondant, you can immediately decorate products or transfer the mass to a jar and store in the refrigerator.

Chocolate fondant for cake with sour cream

Fudge is a recipe aimed at not being expensive and pleasing to everyone. In this case, chocolate fudge made from cocoa and sour cream will help out. Eaters will appreciate the bitter taste and aroma, and housewives will save on purchases and will not get tired when working with plastic mass which, thanks to sour cream, will not take on a crust after cooling.


  • sugar - 80 g;
  • cocoa - powder - 80 g;
  • sour cream 20% - 80 g;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Mix sugar with cocoa and sour cream and cook for 3 minutes.
  2. Add oil and stir.
  3. Such fondant for the cake is taken to work a little cooled down, a couple of minutes after being removed from the stove.

A fondant cake recipe can include healthy and useful components. A striking example is orange fudge prepared from the zest and juice of citrus fruits, which are rich in vitamins and are natural flavors. This fondant is worth stocking up for future use in order to use both as a topping and as a fastening base.


  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • oil - 70 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.


  1. Peel the oranges, squeeze out the pulp.
  2. Combine juice and zest in a separate container and sweat for 5 minutes.
  3. Strain, add butter and sugar.
  4. Bring to a boil, pour in the beaten eggs in a stream and cook until the consistency of condensed milk.

Confectionery fudge can not only give the product an aesthetic appearance, but also make it memorable. To do this, add to the mass natural dyes. The latter give the fudge both color and a slight aftertaste. Often the basis is sugar, milk and creamy fudge, with initially soft shades.
