
Fortune telling on coffee grounds mirror. Thickness in the form of Shapes and lines - meaning

- impressive and interesting rite of antiquity.

However, our ancestors not only knew how to reveal the mysterious cover of the future, but also knew that the ritual itself teasing for coffee And interpretation the signs of his drawings are just a hint, inexplicable by reason, the forces of nature, which only warn of possible events and can indicate danger, without giving unambiguous recipes for happiness and exact answers to the questions posed.

Divination for coffee originated in Italy several centuries ago. The Italians also compiled a list of symbols used in them. These superstitious people seriously believed that any true prediction is sent to the seer by the devil himself.

And although our contemporaries will not believe in such conjectures, the mysteries of the future, even for the educated people of today, contain a lot of bewitching and frightening.

Which coffee to choose

Natural coffee (two thirds of the composition of the coarse grinding and one third of the fine). The best option for the ritual is a mixture of three tablespoons of coffee per liter of water. The sediment from the bottom of the coffee cup will tell about the future.

The ritual of those distant times is very similar to the one carried out today by modern fortune-tellers, and its basic principles have not changed much. Everything is quite simple. For a successful ceremony divination on thick coffee, it is necessary to pour the ground grains into the coffee pot. Then, adding water, put on fire and bring to a boil.

What utensils are needed for divination on coffee grounds

In order to conduct the ritual correctly and accurately observe all the subtleties, you need:

Porcelain coffee cup. It is better if it is plain and light, and its inner walls must be completely smooth and white.

Divination technique on coffee grounds

Step 1. Before the start of the ceremony, you need to concentrate as much as possible, try to clearly and clearly present what is of interest and what you would like to receive by performing divination for coffee, future, which is possible, and pictures of the past, with which the most vivid experiences are associated.

Step 2. Freshly brewed coffee should be poured into a cup and allowed to stand for a few minutes. After that, offer to drink it to a person who wants to know the fate and secrets of the future. And he should drain the cup almost to the end, leaving only a little, in a volume approximately equal to a tablespoon, with liquid and thick on the bottom.

Step 3 . Divination for coffee the fortuneteller will continue now. He must thoroughly shake and mix the remaining contents, once again focusing on the main purpose of divination. Here you need to make three circular movements, always clockwise, distributing the coffee grounds along the walls, so that the contents of the cup reach the edges.

Step 4. Next, the cup should be turned over and placed on a saucer, mentally count to seven. The focus on images is the most important thing in the ritual. And the ancients believed in the deep meaning of the connection that arises at this moment between the fortuneteller and higher powers. And if the predictor did everything somehow, then they believed that such a seer should not be trusted.

Previously, various magic spells were often read during fortune-telling, but modern fortune-tellers have simplified this rite a little, but this does not mean that fancy coffee drawings cannot provide answers to the questions of curious questioners.

How to correctly interpret the location of the figures

After all the necessary requirements are exactly met, and the actions are correctly performed, you should carefully consider the patterns and spots formed on the walls of the cup, which are of great importance.

Divination for coffee gives figures, which can be clear, but also subtle. And the clearer the images, the greater the significance they can have for the fate of the questioner.

For the correct interpretation of signs, not only the meaning is important, but also the location of the figures. And the images can be depicted, both at the bottom of the cup, and from right to left and from bottom to top, telling about outgoing events in the life of the questioner. And those going clockwise, as well as down from the top, broadcast about what enters a person’s life.

For ease of understanding coffee ground patterns, you need to take the cup by hand. And then the right-hand drawings will tell about the past, and the left-hand ones will tell about the future.

The symbols located at the very top of the rim speak of events to be expected, but the lower the patterns descend, the more distant the past they show. The spots at the handle of the cup tell about the fortuneteller, and on the opposite side they tell about other people.

  1. Events of the present or near future.
  2. distant future events.
  3. Obstacles and failures.
  4. Characteristics of the personality of the fortuneteller.
  5. Something that will pass away or move away becoming less significant.
  6. Something that will occupy thoughts and become part of life.

How to interpret symbols

Unraveling the meanings of the mysterious patterns that the sediment leaves is a real art. For those who understand little about divination, it is difficult to see signs of the future and omens of fate in the blackness of the spots.

But for true fortune tellers, such puzzles are not something difficult, they know everything by heart coffee grounds symbols and can easily explain them.

There are even special tables with the meanings of fancy pictures and lines that remain on the walls of a coffee cup. But a real predictor guesses a lot himself, since images often speak for themselves about events, dreams, thoughts and feelings of people.

Interpretation: figures

For example, a heart figurine cannot mean anything other than the news of a romantic relationship. And if it has clear contours, then the pattern indicates great passion, a declaration of love or a stormy romance. But vague contours or a heart split in two cannot bode well.

Often, when divining for coffee, the symbols resemble a tree. And such a sign can have a wide variety of meanings. A sprawling tree testifies to the sinuousness of the paths, the many options for events and the great choice that fate provides to a person.

A fruitful tree portends the birth of an heir or gifts, joyful events in life or financial well-being. A broken tree indicates the collapse of undertakings. And big roots speak of major obstacles that arise on the way to the goal.

The outlines of the dragon portend good luck in business and transactions. But dubious offers should be rejected. They are likely to end sadly. For girls, a dragon can tell about the strong feelings of one of the men around her. But for married women, it is a symbol of discord in the relationship of spouses.

Interpretation: letters

Among the signs appear and letters. Divination for coffee often brings such surprises. They can mean the names of familiar and unfamiliar people, the names of some events.

Some of them personify happy omens, others prophesy troubles and failures. In each case, there may be a different interpretation, but there are also common interpretations.

A - personifies a quick victory;
B - indicates the emergence of new powers, obtaining privileges and power;
B - prophesies sorrows and problems;
G - gives advice to go to the temple to pray for health;
D - portends material problems and lack of money;
E - speaks of a clear conscience, even if it resulted in trouble;
F - family discord: conflicts, discontent, quarrels;
H - household chores and solving problems with home improvement;
And - portends the disclosure of secrets and mysteries;
K - advises to purchase a new cross to protect one's own safety;
L - love relationship or romantic acquaintance;
M - instability in life situations, changes in business and life;
H - prophesies anxiety and nervous experiences;
O - portends loneliness, misunderstanding of relatives and friends;
P - lies and insincerity among the inner circle;
R - unhealthy addiction to alcohol;
C - portends joyful events and pleasant surprises in life;
T - warns that a difficult choice is coming soon;
U - prophesies changes in personal life, purchases, acquisitions;
Ф - the appearance of unexpected guests who will ask for help in solving problems;
X - means the upcoming wedding and marriage;
C - warns of the aimlessness of new beginnings in the coming day;
H - announces the problems of loved ones who need help;
Ш - prophesies unpleasant news and severe frustration;
Щ - warns of the need to repay debts;
Yu - an unpleasant state;
I - announces good news and future happiness.

Many of the patterns that coffee draws promise great victories in work and life, and are an omen of personal happiness. But even if something not quite pleasant falls out, one should always remember that a person himself is able to change a lot in his plans.

The ability to unravel the secrets of coffee symbols will help you play the role of an oracle at a fun party or in a noisy group of friends. And for interesting and correct predictions, it is necessary to have a wild imagination, natural intuition and the ability to think associatively. And such entertainment is sure to be exciting, enjoyable, funny and memorable.

Coffee grounds can be useful not only for the ritual of divination. It turns out wonderful. And if you do not rush to throw out this wonderful remedy, it will be able to wonderfully take care of the skin, betraying its tenderness and freshness.

Y - E - -

Signs starting with the letter E

E (letter)
Conscience is clear.

Warning symbol. Your kindness can be harmful. You can't be good to everyone, they won't appreciate it anyway. You can be used for their own selfish purposes.

Signs for the letter J

Zh (letter)
Clarification of relations between relatives, intra-family strife, discontent of the mother-in-law, expressed and unspoken.

A toad or a frog in a cup is a good sign for those who are going to start a family. But beware of flattery and flatterers.

A seduction that will bring many problems to a man who is carried away by her.

sincere friend; near a rose - a mistress for a young man; near the tulip - a dangerous girlfriend.

Big trouble on the part of the woman.

Do you love spending time in nature? this symbol can mean a person associated with conservation activities, as well as just an amateur gardener.

ANIMAL(not dog and horse) - enemy.

Longevity, strength, endurance. This sign is most often found in cups of centenarians.

Signs for the letter I

I (letter)
Revealing secrets.

Sadness, tears, melancholy.

Signs for the letter T

T (letter)
You will have to make a choice between two close people.

You should be gentler with those around you. Your sharpness can harm you.

SHADOW OF A MAN has two meanings: lovers predict a date, deprived of property - eternal loss.

SHADOWS OF BUILDINGS always predict: happy omens to the rich, bad expectations to the poor, accidental enrichment to the generous.

PLANTS SHADOW predict: eternal strife, bad intentions, rupture of love relationships, failure in business, bad turns, melancholy, sadness.

SHADOWS OF ANIMAL portend danger from evil people, an unfavorable road, distressing letters, news of a disorder of opinion, danger for friends and lovers.

It takes inner strength to succeed in life. Anger.

This symbol means a brave act that a person has done or will do.

Be prepared that your cherished desire is about to come true.

Good luck ahead. Group - money, one - strengthening of the accompanying sign.

Safety, security.

Luck, unexpected luck.

If there are letters next to the cane, you should not trust someone with such initials.

PIPE(musical instrument)
You are a noble, strong, wise person.

Signs for the letter U

U (letter)
Updating the wardrobe, rearranging furniture, changes in personal life.


Don't worry about trifles.

At the bottom of the cup - you still have many opportunities that you have not used. In the middle part - you are slowly moving towards what you have long planned. If a snail is near the handle of a cup, it shows that you have not been looking for easy ways in life. At the top of the cup - you are doing everything right. Here, as nowhere else, the saying “Move quietly, you will continue” is appropriate. You are close to the target. If you take a snail away near the very rim of the cup, consider that everything is behind you and get ready for the holiday.

Too much work, too many responsibilities. If the iron is standing, you clearly see the goals and ways to achieve success. If the iron fell on its side - a lot of work, but much less money ...

Signs for the letter F

F (letter)
Unexpected guests with their own problems.

Marriage to a rich man.

Attack. Don't rush.

Someone is watching you. Perhaps they want to entrust you with some responsible business and check whether you are able to cope with it. Or maybe they just admire you.

If fruits are visible at the bottom of the cup, wait for a relative to visit. Fruit in the middle of the cup - your family has a very favorable effect on you. If the fruit is visible at the top of the cup - do not expect your family to become your support, so either learn to live like relatives with friends, or choose a team that will be one big family.

Signs starting with the letter X

X (letter)



Late love.

Signs for the letter C

C (letter)
Violation of plans, everything falls out of hand, it is better to arrange a day of rest.

No matter what flowers, they are all fortunate.

FLOWER- love, your wish will come true.


Signs starting with the letter H

H (letter)
Caring for others, petty losses.

This is not the time to ask life for more, give thanks for what you have. Be content with little and share with others. Do not demand gratitude for kindness - you will be rewarded in due time.

Upside down - well-being, down - a quarrel in the family.

Give gifts or receive guests.

Someone is taking care of you.

Travel, decision making.

Move slowly, but purposefully and with conviction.

Success in love.

Job change.

Numbers can denote a monetary amount, date, time. They are always connected to other symbols, so they give us additional information. For example, you saw a basket (a symbol of obstacles) and the number 2 in a cup, which means that two obstacles have appeared on your way that prevent you from moving towards your goal.

  • 1 - someone loves you.
  • 2 - illness and failure.
  • 3 - a successful trade deal, profit.
  • 4 - you still hope, luck lies ahead.
  • 5 - gossip, empty talk, gossip.
  • 6 - wedding, but there will be problems.
  • 7 - family happiness, mutual love.
  • 8 - quarrel with a loved one.
  • 9 - a new acquaintance.
  • 0 - you were born under a lucky star.
  • 100 - happy life.

Signs for the letter Sh

Sh (letter)
Depression, loss of strength.

Honor, glory.
If the symbol appears at the bottom of the cup, beware of the man in the hat: he will only come to get information from you. Don't say anything, it's not in your best interest.
If the hat is in the middle of the cup, make friends with its owner; you will be protected from trouble.
At the top of the cup - an unexpected guest will have a great impact on your life.

Signs for the letter W

Щ (letter)
Unfinished business, a debt that needs to be repaid.

Minor annoyances will disappear.

Signs starting with the letter U

Yu (letter)
Bad old age.

Trouble over trifles, pointless purchases.

Signs for the letter I

I (letter)

Life will get better.

A very good sign, especially for creative people. The apple is a symbol of all kinds of art.

This symbol is associated with money matters. In whatever part of the cup it is, it means the same thing, it is only important whether there are cracks on it or not. If the egg is broken - the loss of money, the whole - the acquisition; if the egg is cracked, be careful with money.

A well-drawn anchor is a sign of good luck, but if its edges are blurred and the image is blurry, you will be disappointed, temporary personal difficulties. Sometimes two anchors can be seen in the cup: one is clearly visible, the other is barely visible. This means that a person cannot decide in any way whether he is happy or disappointed. Here you need to pay attention to neighboring symbols, they will help to understand what prevents him from finding happiness.

Sudden danger.

You need to rest: there are many important things ahead. An unexpected event.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular among all kinds of fortune telling. The magical process of magical manipulations over a cup of coffee does not cause any difficulties. It is only necessary to be able to see the mysterious figures and unravel their meaning. We'll show you how.

What do we have to do

Important: for divination in thick, you will need natural (not instant) coffee. If it is in grains, you need to grind it with a coffee grinder. An instant drink is not suitable, because the granules dissolve completely, no thick and foam remain. Therefore, you will not see any figures at the bottom of the cup.

You will also need:

  • Cezva (Turkish)- special utensils for making natural coffee. It is a mini bucket on a long handle with a wide bottom and narrowed top.
  • Porcelain coffee cup. Usually they are miniature, designed for 30-50 ml of drink.
  • porcelain saucer. It is better to look for dishes without patterns and convex surfaces, the saucer should be smooth

First you need to make coffee. It's easy to do - pour water into the Turk and pour in coffee (one teaspoon per cup of invigorating drink). Put on the stove. Follow the Turk until the liquid begins to rise. It is necessary at this very moment to remove the coffee from the stove, not allowing the drink to boil.

Coffee is ready! You can start divination in the thick and immerse yourself in the interpretation of mysterious symbols.

But before that, you need to taste freshly brewed coffee. It is undesirable to add sugar to the drink. Slowly drink a cup of coffee so that all the grounds remain at the bottom of the dish. Then take the saucer in your left hand and begin to slowly pour the thick on it, while rotating it clockwise. After that, the cup must be placed upside down on the saucer with a sharp movement so that the thick continues to drain.

The video clearly shows how to prepare for the ritual:

As a result, peculiar bizarre patterns, figures and symbols will appear on the walls of the cup, which will need to be explained.

Symbol interpretation

Now the fun begins - the interpretation of the symbols that formed from the coffee grounds on the walls of the bowl. Keep in mind that different people in the same drawing may see completely different things. Therefore, the person to whom they are guessing should call the symbol and look for its interpretation.

So, here are the most popular values ​​​​of the resulting figures:

  • If you only see one big dark spot- the fat is in the fire. Soon you will face misfortune. Get ready for the challenge
  • We saw in the thick of some utensil: a cup, mug, plate or something similar - to a nervous breakdown, regret and tears
  • Dark blurry mittens formed on the walls of the cup for a good event - you will meet your love or make a good friend
  • dreamed bike- get ready to go on a hard trip that will take a lot of strength and energy from you
  • See funeral wreath? Auspicious sign - dizzying success awaits you in a recently started business. Good luck will accompany you in everything!
  • Noticed camel? The king of the desert dreams of near death. An old woman with a scythe will take a person close to you
  • But the black one is nasty crow portends a big profit. You can receive a large financial reward for your business, suddenly become rich or become the first heir to a wealthy relative
  • saw rider on a horse? Soon you will need help in some business, and you will receive it, moreover, from an influential and authoritative person.
  • Seen wide open eyes? Expect major changes in your life. They will affect either personal life or relationships with relatives.
  • Spotted the bird of the world - pigeon? Waiting for an offer to marry! Your chosen one will “ripen” for marriage and will lead you down the aisle
  • But if a few pigeons don't expect a wedding. But expect a big family celebration is worth it
  • Powerful tree with spreading crown- to positive emotions and well-being in love affairs
  • tree without leaves, crooked and ugly - to failures in personal life, discord with a loved one is coming
  • Structure: house, hut or barn - to unplanned large expenses
  • Wild animal- you will have ill-wishers, even enemies who will start plotting
  • big handsome lock- to gossip and false stories about you. Someone will start a series of rumors that will put your reputation at risk
  • Rabbit or hare portends the emergence of a new, interesting person in your life. It can be both a future lover and a good friend, with whom you will carry friendship through the years.
  • Reptile predicts imminent troubles: health problems, betrayal of a loved one, betrayal of a friend
  • Brick or other building materials - to the betrayal of a lover, spouse or close friend
  • Cow or calf- to financial well-being. You will receive a large amount of money (bonus, winnings, inheritance), but you will spend it all very quickly
  • Cross- to family trouble. A series of conflicts and quarrels is coming, which may well end in divorce or treason.
  • Round obscure objects- it is worth buying a pregnancy test, replenishment is expected in your family
  • Bush- to a long, tiring, but full of pleasant emotions journey
  • White Swan, if he is alone - to parting with a loved one, or to a long separation
  • Several swans on the contrary - to happy events in the family. Either wait for replenishment, or an unexpected surprise from the second half
  • Several trees- to a quarrel with a friend because of his deceit, betrayal
  • Fox- to meet a new person who will make an indelible impression on you. But be careful - his intentions are not pure, he is dodgy and cunning
  • Shovel- personal financial crisis. You will either lose your job, or you will have unplanned, very large expenses
  • Horse or carriage- for a long and tiring journey, get ready to pack on the road
  • visible human outline- there is some danger close to you, be vigilant in business relationships
  • Toad or frog- you will soon fall in love, but feelings will be unrequited
  • flower or bouquet- soon a person will appear in your life whom you will love
  • Elephant- the outlines of an elephant portend well-being in all areas of life. You will be successful in love and career for a long time.
  • Dog- you will soon meet a good person who will become a faithful and devoted friend in the future
  • Rooster or hen- to the appearance of rivals or rivals in personal life. Your other half will remain faithful to you, so don't worry
  • Lattice gets in trouble with the law. Behave prudently, otherwise sanctions cannot be avoided
  • Pillow- soon, in some difficult life situation, complete strangers will support you. Accept their help, and the situation will be safely resolved.

When divining on coffee grounds, symbols that appear most often have such meanings. Interpreting their meaning is not difficult at all, but try to see as many symbols as possible in order to get the most accurate prediction.

We will give an accurate and complete description of the most frequently encountered symbols when reading coffee grounds.


  • straight long line- your life will be useless and careless.
  • oblique line- disease.
  • oblique lines- the planned affairs will end sadly.
  • Lots of broken lines- financial problems.
  • Lots of straight lines- health and longevity.
  • Straight line bends adventure and sickness.
  • very crooked line- the enemy hid, who better not get caught.
  • wavy line— a long unpredictable journey.
  • Lots of crooked lines, the line is crossed by others- heart wounds.
  • There is one line at the bottom of the bowl- for a great trip.


  • 0 You were born under a lucky star.
  • 1 - someone loves you.
  • 2 - Trouble awaits you.
  • 3 - good outcome.
  • 4 - do not hope for a good outcome of events.
  • 5 - gossip.
  • 6 - unexpected problems.
  • 7 - happiness in the house.
  • 8 - a quarrel with a loved one.
  • 9 - an unexpected useful acquaintance in the future.
  • 10 - a long and happy life.
  • 101 - a happy life in health and strength.


  • A is expected to win.
  • B- the power is in your hands.
  • IN- grief.
  • G- Put candles to St. George (Georgy is addressed with requests for protection from evil, for bestowing good luck on hunting, for the harvest and livestock, for healing from ailments, for childbearing).
  • D- financial difficulties.
  • E your conscience is clear.
  • AND- a conspiracy against you is possible.
  • Z- entertainment and pleasure in life.
  • AND- reckless actions with bad consequences.
  • TO- buy a cross, tests are coming.
  • L- lucky in love, you will find happiness.
  • M- wealth.
  • H- anxiety state.
  • ABOUT travel is expected.
  • P- insincerity.
  • R- prepare the liver for the feast.
  • WITH- controversy.
  • T- acquaintance.
  • At- quarrels are coming.
  • F- you are not able to influence the future, hope for a favorable outcome.
  • X- a wedding in the near future.
  • C- career growth.
  • H- The loss of a loved one.
  • W- reconcile.
  • b- flirt.
  • Kommersant- guests.
  • E- missing items.
  • YU- an unfortunate disease.
  • I- life will get better.


Figures of people and humanoid creatures

  • Angel, generally a winged humanoid figure- you are too passive, relying too much on others. You need to take the initiative yourself. For those who do not suffer from a lack of initiative, a warning to test yourself: are you too susceptible to the most primitive nationalism?
  • Eye- be very careful. Things are going on behind your back that can seriously hurt.
  • Head in profile- you are protected.
  • woman head- Love.
  • Man's head- problems with loved ones.
  • human head- have a good friend who takes care of you.
  • head looking up- someone wants to help you.
  • Two faces in a circle- marriage.
  • Two faces with a flower in the middle- close marriage and happiness.
  • Two faces separated by a line- to divorce.
  • Two people facing each other- love is mutual.
  • Girl- to great love.
  • Girl (Woman): pay attention to the accompanying figures, if they are favorable, then this is a good symbol, meaning female support, if they are negative, the meaning of the female image during divination is negative: rival, gossip.
  • Clown- the symbol of coffee grounds broadcasts that sadness and joy are different sides of the same coin.
  • Face- a symbol of friendship, love, intimacy and trust. You know how and want to help your loved ones, so they treat you with love.
  • Bride- in divination for serious changes.
  • Boy- to separation.
  • Mermaid- do not be tempted by ephemeral goals, they will not bring what you want.
  • Knight- a noble and courteous man.
  • Human- you will give gifts or receive guests.
  • Crap You are arguing with fate.

Figures of animals and other living beings

  • Butterfly- for a woman - a warning: stop abusing your power over men, do not play with them, you will be rewarded for everything else in this life. For a man - advice not to mess with "fatal women".
  • Bull- Danger awaits you.
  • Camel- to financial success.
  • Crow- grief.
  • Pigeon- you have a good person.
  • Goose- an important arrogant person.
  • Dolphin- friend, help in any matters.
  • Dinosaur- help that you will provide to someone in terms of education and spiritual development in general.
  • The Dragon- a wise enemy, a strong opponent. If you are guessing at a situation, then for its success, first of all, you will have to overcome yourself.
  • Unicorn- a symbol of incredible and unexpected incidents.
  • Hedgehog (Hedgehog)- interpreted as necessary protection and caution.
  • Giraffe- foresight will help in a protracted matter.
  • Bug- they talk about you (bad or good depends on neighboring signs).
  • Hare- you needlessly fear failure. If the hare is located next to the wolf, then you are in real danger.
  • Snake- you have an ill-wisher, quite cunning and dexterous.
  • Kangaroo- someone needs your care.
  • Whale- the need for a strong patron, a reliable partner, generally an indication of the (temporary) weakness of your position.
  • Goat- and that's it. This unworthy person is plotting against you.
  • Horse (Horse)- the appearance of sweetheart in your life. If you are guessing on coffee grounds for an event, then you will have to work a lot, but the result will be ambiguous.
  • Cat (Kitten)- Looks can be deceiving. An enemy lurks in your environment.
  • Cat- treachery, betrayal on the part of those from whom this, it would seem, cannot be expected in any way. It is unlikely to be avoided, it is better to take measures to reduce the possible consequences.
  • Crab- someone's interference in your personal affairs, friends or relatives trying to impose their opinion on you. You need to believe in yourself more, defend the decisions made and not succumb to other people's influence. Fortune telling advises to actively fight for your idea - it's worth it.
  • Crocodile- dangers and troubles.
  • Rabbit- a symbol of insecurity.
  • Rat- a sneaky attacker.
  • Chicken- a caring woman, kind, but not distinguished by a special mind.
  • Swan- an auspicious symbol that promises a strong family, a faithful soul mate.
  • a lion- prophesies a strong defender invested with power.
  • Fox- a cunning person "on his own mind."
  • Elk- a strong adversary.
  • Frog You are surrounded by gossip and vile rumors.
  • Bear- a strong and worthy opponent; interpretation in combination with a ring, a wreath and other wedding symbols in coffee grounds means the groom.
  • Jellyfish“You have something to hide,” this figure says. But the one who knows many secrets risks a lot. Maybe it's better to drop the secrets and live in peace - at least for a while?
  • Mouse- a bad woman, beware of trouble from her.
  • Insects- chores, worries, but short-lived. A bee or an ant - painstaking work, a cockroach or dragonfly - minor troubles, etc. What to do, such is life.
  • Rhinoceros- significant misadventures, treacherous partner.
  • Monkey- false friend, pretense, ambiguous situation.
  • Deer- to the betrayal of a loved one (beloved).
  • Eagle- a way out of the existing difficulties with honor.
  • Octopus- the presence of a constant energy "vampire" in your environment. Most often it turns out to be some older lady, relative, neighbor or colleague.
  • Peacock self-admiration, beauty. You are envied.
  • Panther- female enemy. Symbol of formidable danger.
  • Pegasus: fortune-telling advice on coffee grounds- rely on your own instinct, and you will achieve even more than you expected.
  • Rooster- big news.
  • Penguin- an official person.
  • Parrot- do not believe what will be said in secret.
  • Bird (Bird, Nestling)- hear unusual news.
  • Bee: work, perseverance and high goals. Stay true to yourself in any situation - and you will achieve not only your goal, but much more - success will exceed your wildest expectations.
  • Cancer You have to go back and do it all over again.
  • Fish- to an addition to the family (not necessarily a birth, it may turn out to be the arrival of relatives and the like).
  • Pig- ingratitude and rudeness.
  • Scorpion- an insidious enemy.
  • Elephant- you have great power (commander, banker, scientist) - be prudent and use it for the benefit of people, otherwise it will hurt you too.
  • Dog: friend's help. Interpretation of a dog grinning at you- quarrel with a friend.
  • Owl is a symbol of wisdom.
  • Ostrich- your problems are far-fetched.
  • Tiger- a terrible enemy, beware!
  • Seal- your lack of initiative will not lead to good.
  • Snail It's time to become more sociable and open.
  • Duck- luck in love.
  • Chick- a little joy, a gift.
  • Gull- sad news.
  • Worm (small snake)- warns against frivolity, invites you to think about the current situation and your relationship with other people.
  • Turtle- a symbol of wisdom and eternity. Everything that can happen is already inscribed on the shell of the great cosmic turtle, and therefore - where to hurry? Do not think about what cannot be, Parmenides said, — what cannot be, will not be. Think only of the possible.
  • Lizard- minor troubles, attacks of ill-wishers.

Shapes of objects and everything else

  • Drum- rumors, gossip about you, especially regarding personal matters, so be careful.
  • Hippo: this animal promises affection and love. But you should not be too deceived and wait for a fantastic manifestation of feelings - nevertheless, hippos are not in vain thick-skinned animals.
  • Squirrel- To achieve the plan, you will have to work hard.
  • Fan- difficulties in the service, friction in the team, reorganization or liquidation of the enterprise is possible.
  • Paddle: the business you have chosen is very important and necessary, even if now you doubt it. So keep going - the results will convince you that you made the right choice.
  • Grape- a symbol of love and friendship, good luck and prosperity.
  • Wolf- beware of ill-wishers. If during fortune-telling a grinning wolf's muzzle looms, then its interpretation - the fight against the enemy will be serious.
  • Mountain: obstacles on the way to the goal. On the hill you see the figure of a man- overcoming all difficulties and reaching dizzying peaks.
  • Rakes, scallops, harrows and other serrated objects- the need to put things in order in your affairs, perhaps establishing a daily routine, revising your lifestyle.
  • Mushroom- "clouding of the mind", the danger of getting used to any doping, in general, a disease or just an illusion.
  • Tree: broadcasts about the state of health, see what it is- frail and sick or lush and branchy?
  • House- the symbol has a complex interpretation. A strong, good house means well-being, reliability, especially in business, you can start new business. Poorly traced walls - troubles at home are possible. If the house has a crooked roof, there will be problems with the neighbors. Home is the place where you feel good, where you are exactly at home... The figures closest to it belong to your family. Ahead - luck, success, family happiness.
  • Road- journey. The interpretation of its success and results depends on the meaning of neighboring symbols.
  • Christmas tree (Spruce) You are being used for other people's interests.
  • Lock- They are hiding something from you.
  • Embryo (embryo)- you will "hatch" your ideas for a long time.
  • Star- a sign of well-being and well-being. All undertakings will now be a great success.
  • Mirror- coffee grounds predict the opportunity to change an unfavorable situation for the better.
  • Kalach (a figure resembling a lying letter "B")- Unforeseen delay or movement on the wrong path.
  • Key to the castle- you will finally reveal the secret that has long been a burden.
  • Bell- the news, most likely from afar. A smooth, symmetrical bell is good news, a crooked or chipped bell is bad news. Several bells - alarm, danger is possible.
  • Ring- harmony, luck; broken ring - failure, disappointment, breakup.
  • Comet- unexpected guests from afar, possibly from abroad.
  • Ship (Sailboat, Sails, Boat)- fulfillment of desire, a long journey.
  • Basket: the end of a period of life. The next work is finished, the plot is exhausted. But you should not calm down, let alone despair - a new period begins, even more interesting than before.
  • Crown- to fame and fortune.
  • Cross- unhealthy, heavy burden.
  • Wings- you will be visited by inspiration, an incredible idea.
  • Tree leaf- many envy you, intrigues are not excluded. So be careful.
  • Shovel- labor in the sweat of your face, most likely - to help others out, and not for your own benefit.
  • Moon (Crescent)- despondency and longing, the completion of a business that will not bring joy.
  • Mask in coffee divination- mysteries and secrets.
  • Hammer: yes, of course, you have enough strength, and you don’t have to take the will, but still, before you act, think Is it worth crushing a mountain when you can bypass it?
  • Bridge The best way out of your situation is a compromise. By standing your ground, you end up winning less. Build a bridge! If there are two or more bridges, this indicates anxiety and self-doubt. A crooked bridge, broken or destroyed can mean illness.
  • Anvil- a stable, strong position, achieved by conscientious work. The only thing that can threaten him is the game. Do not gamble, especially with people you don't know very well.
  • Leg- road; the outcome is judged by whether she is shod or barefoot. A foot without shoes does not bode well. The interpretation of the foot in the boot is financial achievements at the end of the road.
  • Nose- a sign of heightened intuition, the sixth sense will not fail.
  • Vegetables (carrot, cabbage, turnip, etc.)- trouble because of someone else's envy or jealousy - perhaps because of your own. Just in case, moderate your temperament.
  • Fire Remember the saying “Too good, not good either”. Be moderate in your desires and actions.
  • Glasses- it seems that you are making a mistake, but you do not dare to admit it to yourself. Points mean "a tendency to deny signals of deviation from the right path," as Antonio Meneghetti writes (Meneghetti A. Dictionary of Images. L., 1991). We need to look at things more broadly!
  • Stump- the symbol speaks of the reliability, solidity of the business you have conceived, the right choice of partner.
  • Pistol, machine gun, cannon, etc.: danger, threat, although more psychological than physical- They want to use you for their own purposes.
  • Dress— new acquisitions, pleasant purchases.
  • Crockery (jug, cup, spoon, etc.)- near the handle - peace, order in the house, far from the handle or on the bottom - a family quarrel.
  • Rocket, projectile, torpedo- to achieve your goal, you will need a significant effort, a jerk, an “attack”. Act smarter!
  • Sink- Relationship problems with the opposite sex. However, the problems are temporary, and they arose through no fault of yours, so do not be discouraged, but wait a while. Everything will work itself out.
  • Horn- abundance, profit; work in any fund or for the fund. As a rule, this symbol indicates the stability of the situation.
  • Rose: the interpretation is clear- have tender feelings for you.
  • Hand: unexpected help or vice versa- a request for help (pay attention to the meanings of neighboring characters).
  • Airplane- fortune-telling warns - you dream a lot, start implementing your plans already.
  • Boot- achievements, protection from pain. Points away from the handle - resignation; torn - defeat.
  • Candle- you will have hope.
  • Heart: symbol of love. Broken heart in coffee grounds- unrequited feelings.
  • Track- the event that happened will become significant in your destiny.
  • Snowman- Cruel person.
  • Sun Fortune-telling promises happiness.
  • Arrow- an unexpected trick.
  • Axe- the danger of conflict due to someone else's harshness, perhaps yours; can also mean the threat of physical attack. So be careful!
  • Triangle- top to the edge of the cup - success, completion of the work begun, top to bottom - success is delayed. Don't worry, everything has its time.
  • Smoke pipe- well-being, long life. Stick to your chosen course and you'll be fine.
  • Shoes- for dancing, celebration and fun.
  • Geometric figures from coffee grounds: a circle is a victory, an oval is a slow success, a square is an obstacle, a rectangle is a delay and obstacles, a triangle is an unexpected benefit, a trapezoid is a lot of obstacles in achieving the intended.
  • Flag - military affairs- marriage with the military, a call to the draft board, a trip to the area of ​​military operations; for the military - participation in hostilities, transfer to another place, another rank. On the bottom can mean injury.
  • Fruits (banana, pear, apple)- profit, gain, fee, increase in income.
  • Flowers- you have been noticed, they yearn for you.
  • Kettle- the interpretation says - wait for the guests.
  • Watch You don't have much time left to get what you want.
  • Scull- a symbol of the frailty of being, the completion of the old and the beginning of the new.
  • Quadrilateral (square)- peace, security, stability. Your situation does not require changes - leave everything as it is.
  • Cap, hat- success ("it's in the bag"). However, if the cap is “with holes” or is on the bottom, success is doubtful.
  • Ball, ball or shot- the situation is stable, things are in order, the main thing is to keep it up! Do not stop halfway, keep moving towards the goal, and success is guaranteed to you.
  • Pants: fork in the road, crossroads. “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse...” Choose, like that knight from a fairy tale, the most dangerous path - and go boldly - fate helps the brave.
  • Apple- a symbol of life, wisdom, health. The more similar the figure to a real apple, the better its value. A crooked, chipped, shapeless apple may mean that a temptation awaits you, which is better not to succumb.
  • Egg- an ancient symbol of the hidden, unmanifested. It can mean fears, fears of something, a period of heightened reaction to the environment. But it can also symbolize simply the beginning of something new, a renewal of personality or the birth of a child.
  • Anchor Something is holding you back from reaching your intended goal.

We all tend to have a passion for the unknown future at every convenient opportunity, finding answers to exciting questions in the clues of fate, which have a completely different look. Therefore, most who drink a cup of fragrant freshly brewed coffee deliberately study the sediment at the bottom in order to understand what this symbol can mean. However, despite the fact that such fortune-telling may seem simple at first glance, it has a lot of nuances, and in order to learn how to predict from coffee grounds, you need to properly understand them. Therefore, in this article we decided to talk about the features of making prophecies on the remnants of the grounds from natural coffee and about what symbols can have meanings.

Coffee can be safely called the most common and affordable variety of hot drinks, which fully justifies the popularity of divination on natural coffee grounds. Studying the meaning of the symbols formed at the bottom of the cup (it can be a heart, lips, a flower, a dragon, a dolphin, a tree or other drawing), allows a person to understand what awaits him in the future.

The history of divination on the thick of freshly brewed natural coffee dates back to the 18th century, when several Italians, enjoying a fragrant drink, discovered peculiar drawings on the bottom of cups. Compiling a list of such symbols, they began to study the pattern of subsequent phenomena. Thus, a connection was established between the sediment from a pleasant coffee drink and the possible development of events in the future.

The ritual of divination held in the 18th century does not differ from those held today. Only in the old days, during the rituals, various spells were read, assigning magical properties and a connection with the unknown world to the coffee grounds. Now the ceremony looks simpler. To find out possible events in the near future, it is enough to brew natural coffee.

To carry out the ritual of divination by coffee sediment, you will need to first prepare:

  • plain light porcelain cup of small volume (100-200 ml) and the same saucer;
  • natural coffee (2 tbsp coarse beans and 1 tbsp fine);
  • water for 1 serving of coffee;
  • Turk.

From the prepared products, a portion of a fragrant drink is brewed over medium heat. Coffee can be brewed both by the person himself, who is eager to receive an answer about his future, and by his assistant. After the drink is ready, it is poured into a porcelain cup along with the sediment. Next, the author of fortune-telling needs to wait until a portion of aromatic drink cools down a bit. Then you should loudly pronounce a clearly formulated question of interest to you and drink coffee, leaving the thick at the bottom.

The final stage of divination - the cup is taken with the left hand and rotates vigorously, forming three circles in a clockwise direction. Immediately after this, the vessel is tipped over onto a prepared saucer, so that, while draining, the sediment forms images of symbols. After counting from one to seven, the cup can be raised. Now you can start studying and interpreting the patterns obtained on the walls of the cup.

Ideally, you should get from 3 to 5 characters. In this case, the prediction will be reliable. Such patterns can be very diverse (fish, eyes, heart, lips, flower, dragon, dolphin, tree, etc.). If you managed to consider only a couple of drawings, it is better to repeat fortune-telling a little later.

How to correctly interpret the received drawings?

When divining in the thick of freshly brewed coffee, it is important to pay attention to details. In addition to the fact that you need to be able to consider “your” pattern among all possible variations of symbols, you should also correctly determine its location.

For prophecy, it is very important how exactly the spots of coffee sediment are located on the bottom and walls of the cup. So, for example, spots in the form of certain symbols located on the walls of the vessel indicate possible events in the future of the fortuneteller. At the same time, the drawings on the bottom are a phenomenon of the past.

You can also pay attention to what direction they have:

  • dense spots located approximately in the middle of the height of the walls of the cups are events of the present time;
  • a drawing that occupies the bottom of the wall and a little of the bottom is a bad omen;
  • the pattern heading towards the handle of the cup describes the fortuneteller;
  • the image, directed counterclockwise, indicates the passing away of the questioner;
  • an image directed in a clockwise direction will soon enter the life of a fortuneteller.

The most common symbols and their interpretation

The most common symbols that are guessing on coffee grounds are:

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • heart;
  • tree;
  • the Dragon;
  • dolphin.

Perhaps we will start with them.

Letter designations

The meanings that letter images carry are very different. Some of them indicate positive events that will soon come true, others indicate specific actions that the fortuneteller should perform.

Letter values:

A - the questioner will win in the near future;

B - soon the fortuneteller will have new powers, power;

B - possible problems, sorrows;

G - you should go to the temple and put a candle for health;

D - lack of money, material problems;

E - in case of problems, remember that your conscience is clear;

F - family squabbles, hidden or obvious discontent;

H - concerns related to everyday life and home;

And - secrets can be revealed;

K - you should take care of your protection and buy a new cross;

L - love, romantic relationship, new acquaintance;

M - instability, changes in business or habitual lifestyle;

H - nervous experiences, anxiety;

O - loneliness, relatives or friends will turn away;

P - you may encounter insincerity, lies;

P - craving for alcohol;

C - surprise, sudden joyful event;

T - the upcoming difficult choice;

U - new acquisitions, changes in personal life;

F - a sudden visit of guests who will share their problems;

X - marriage, wedding;

C - an unfavorable day for new beginnings;

H - relatives need help and support;

Ш - bad news that can cause depression;

U - you need to repay debts;

Yu - bad mood;

I am the harbinger of a good, happy life.

Numerical designations

Like letters, numbers can carry a unique meaning that carries over into the future or points to the past. It depends on the location of the digital characters.

What can the numbers mean?

0 - the fortuneteller was born "under a lucky star";

1 - love;

2 - health problems;

3 - successful completion of negotiations, financial reward;

4 - do not lose hope;

5 - gossip;

6 - wedding, but problems may arise;

7 - love, family, home;

8 - a possible quarrel with someone from relatives or with a friend;

9 - meeting, acquaintance;

10 - life will be happy and successful.

If the thick formed a symbol of the heart

The interpretation of the symbols that are formed during divination in the thick of brewed natural coffee in some situations provides results similar to other types of divination. So, for example, the heart in most cases means love, romantic relationships. And making prophecies on coffee grounds is no exception.

If you got a heart during fortune-telling on coffee sediment, this is a sign from above that you are ready to meet your betrothed. The heart formed on the walls or bottom of a porcelain vessel portends:

  • flirting;
  • romantic meeting;
  • declaration of love;
  • love pleasures.

The values ​​described above apply if the heart has a clear outline. If the drawing has fuzzy outlines, or two halves of the heart are depicted, this portends something wrong. As a rule, in such cases, partners may quarrel or disperse. If such a symbol, when fortune-telling, appears in the thick of a married lady / married man, this may mean a long conflict in relations with her spouse.

You should also pay attention to the location of the symbol. If the heart is manifested correctly, its meaning will be direct. That is, depending on the location, the drawing will show a clear picture of personal life. If the symbol is turned upside down, you can prepare for change. As a rule, such a figure indicates the dreaminess and dreams of the fortuneteller, which will be destroyed by the realities of life.

If the contour indicates similarity with a tree

One of the symbols, which very often is fortunetelling in the thick of natural coffee, can be considered a tree. In general, this is a sign that has multiple meanings. The possible development of events depends on what choice the fortuneteller himself makes.

If the pattern on the coffee grounds resembles a tree, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • a sprawling tree with many branches - many different options that will be offered to the questioner;
  • fruit-bearing tree (in color) - a harbinger of imminent material receipts (inheritance, prize, gift);
  • a broken tree trunk is a symbol of disappointment, indicating the collapse of the work begun;
  • big roots of a tree is a sign that personal complexes and insecurity prevent the achievement of the goal.

The place of its location also puts its meaning into the interpretation of the pattern on the coffee grounds. So, for example, if the tree is at the bottom, fortune-telling indicates a struggle with obstacles that block the path to success.

The symbol of a tree made of coffee grounds on the wall of the cup is a sign that you need to pay attention to the family and common interests when making a choice.

Symbols reminiscent of the outline of a dragon

Fortune telling on coffee grounds, you can see the image of a mythical animal - a dragon. As a rule, it is a symbol of the successful completion of the work begun. However, the dragon does not always have an unambiguous meaning.

A dragon made of coffee grounds is a faithful assistant to business people. In most cases, the dragon indicates success in an endeavor. However, if he appears during the period when the fortuneteller received a dubious offer, it is better to refuse such a deal. In this case, the dragon suggests possible problems with this proposal.

If a lonely girl is a fortuneteller, the dragon will tell her about the strong feelings of a man from her environment. When a dragon appears to a woman who is married or in a relationship, this may mean a discord in the relationship due to a rival / rival. Sometimes the image of this mythical animal is a messenger of the collapse of relationships.

The contour in the form of a dragon made of coffee grounds is a “connecting” symbol, and when divining, it must be correlated with other images.

Symbols resembling dolphins

Also often guessing on coffee grounds is a dolphin. This sign carries the meaning of control over the situation, confidence in one's own strengths and abilities. Among other symbols, the dolphin, like the dragon, is a mythical creature with a connection to the unknown world.

Sometimes, as a complementary element to the overall picture, this large cetacean fish means support for a loved one. For such situations, the general context may imply that help will be provided to the fortuneteller by a friend.

Among other things, a dolphin can also portend a trip, a journey. This conclusion can be drawn on the basis of long-term observations. Since these cetacean creatures in mythology are considered guides between worlds, in divination in the thick of natural coffee they act as harbingers of the road, the path.

Other signs and their interpretation

In addition to the most common symbols whose meaning is described above (dolphin, dragon, numbers, letters, heart and tree), there are many other signs from coffee grounds. They can be divided into several categories that combine several messages of the same type.

When divining on the sediment of freshly brewed natural coffee, you can also see:

a clear outline of the human head is a symbol of a person who will soon change the usual way of your life;

  • eyes are clearly visible - changes relating to different areas of activity of a fortuneteller in the thick;
  • hand / hands - unpleasant events associated with disappointment;
  • leg / legs - a short trip or a long trip;
  • lips - good news;
  • body silhouette - depending on who it will be (woman or man), either a wedding or a romance can await you.

Representatives of the animal world

  • cow / bull - a reward for your responsiveness and generosity;
  • buffalo - danger, obstacle;
  • deer - friends and acquaintances will share secrets;
  • elephant - good news, great luck, win;
  • a bear is a great danger, but it will not bring problems or harm;
  • camel - this animal in fortune-telling in the thick of natural coffee means luck;
  • lion - new powers, power;
  • tiger - minor problems that appear against the background of excessive emotionality, incontinence;
  • unicorn - an incredible incident;

  • pegasus - it's time to listen to your intuition;
  • dog - the meaning in fortune-telling on the coffee sediment of this animal symbolizes devotion and a true friend;
  • wolf - ill-wisher, carrying danger;
  • fox - a sign according to which it is worth carefully assessing the environment;
  • cat - problems in personal life;
  • kitten - a traitor is hiding under the face of a friend;
  • protein - the achievement of goals depends entirely on the efforts made;
  • cat - financial problems;
  • hare - complexes that prevent you from making the right decision;
  • eagle - victory in a new business, success in endeavors;
  • an owl is not a very good sign for a fortune teller;
  • swan - not far off you are waiting for love, happiness;
  • rooster / chicken - the happiness of family life, harmony, well-being;
  • goose - portends a meeting with a arrogant person;
  • fly - financial reward;
  • snake - be vigilant, because you may meet an enemy, a traitor;
  • caterpillar - you are slowly but surely approaching the goal;
  • beetle - ill-wishers, spreading gossip;
  • toad - success, dream come true;
  • dinosaur - the meaning of this symbol indicates secrets from the past;
  • fish - good news, good news;
  • lizard - a day of rest;
  • hedgehog - a sign that portends a threat and requires the application of the necessary protective measures;
  • giraffe - translated from the interpretation of coffee symbols means foresight and a thorough study of circumstances that will help solve problems;
  • kangaroo - help, because someone really needs it;
  • whale - a significant event, celebration;
  • horse - symbolizes in fortune-telling on coffee grounds an acquaintance with a person who in the future will become an important person in your life;
  • crocodile - a series of dangers;
  • rat - fortune-telling indicates utmost vigilance, because someone from your environment will commit meanness against you;
  • mouse - if this animal appears in the coffee grounds, you should also be wary, because it indicates a possible danger from the woman;
  • the rhinoceros is a symbol of a serious adversary;
  • bird (any) - news;
  • pig - you will encounter rudeness, rudeness;
  • snail - try to be less sincere in the near future, especially with unfamiliar people;
  • butterfly - frivolity, daydreaming.

Flora and surrounding nature

  • tree - as we already know, this symbol in divination in the thick of natural coffee carries a meaningful meaning, which depends on which path the fortuneteller chooses;
  • bush - a harbinger of disappointment;
  • clover leaf - this symbol from coffee sediment in divination indicates a quick and successful completion of the case;
  • flower / flowers - someone is yearning, bored;
  • mountain / hill - a sign symbolizing an obstacle from coffee grounds;
  • waterfall - a series of events that must be carefully analyzed;
  • mushroom - this drawing carries a double meaning - either material profit, or the need to repay an old debt;
  • road / route - direct meaning - travel;
  • star - symbolizes well-being;
  • moon - longing, sadness;
  • month - the case will not end the way you would like;
  • the sun is happiness;
  • fire - will indicate that it is worth calming down your ardor in order to avoid trouble;
  • volcano - a spontaneous turn of events;
  • comet - a meeting with a new person who can lead you.

Various items

  • angel - the image of an angel that appears in fortune-telling on coffee sediment has a positive meaning, indicates concomitant luck and successful completion of the case;
  • tower - a sign of support, protection;
  • guitar - a pleasant pastime;
  • lock / key - a secret, a secret that is hidden from you;
  • mirror - you have the opportunity to correct the situation, turn it in your direction;

  • ship - the implementation of the plan;
  • crown - a symbol of coffee grounds, which leads to glory;
  • the cross is a “heavy” sign that carries the meaning of the burden placed on itself;
  • wings - in this divination, this is an image of a new idea;
  • the mask is hypocrisy;
  • clothes - new purchases, renewal;
  • mermaid - the funds spent will not justify the goals;
  • the plane is a symbol, meaning that it is time to stop dreaming and start realizing;
  • car - fortune-telling promises a long journey, an exciting journey;
  • shoes - carries the same meaning as a car;
  • kettle - news, guests, communication;
  • hours - a sign that should push you to fulfill your plan;
  • hat - this symbol made of coffee grounds indicates that something is being hidden from you;
  • anchor - a serious obstacle on the way;
  • harp - a symbol of family harmony;
  • fork - prosperity, well-being in the family;
  • home - harmony in the family;
  • knife - losses of a different nature (loss, break in relations, etc.);
  • scissors - a symbol symbolizing good luck in gambling;
  • ring - through this symbol, fortune-telling will tell you about the upcoming marriage;
  • horseshoe - the undertaking that you planned to implement in the near future will end very successfully;
  • chair - well-being and prosperity in the family;
  • table - according to this symbol, after divination, it is possible to gather a large company;
  • bottle - pay attention to the state of your own health;
  • scales - as a symbol of justice, this coffee sign represents a dispute being resolved;
  • bell - an omen of a significant event;
  • jug - fortune-telling in the thick shows that you have good, good health;
  • ladder / steps - promotion, perspective;
  • pen - instability, during this period it is better to refrain from making important decisions;
  • teapot - among all coffee symbols it is positive and indicates that everything will be fine in your family;
  • necklace / beads - support for people you didn’t even count on;
  • flag - according to divination on coffee grounds, this symbol portends danger;
  • candle - such an image from coffee grounds means dreams, dreams.

Clear contours of geometric shapes

  • circle - a new acquaintance that will cause a lot of changes in your life;
  • strip / line - if directed upwards, then its value promises improvements (promotion on the career ladder, etc.), if directed downwards - a reprimand or unpleasant news;
  • oval - happiness in personal life;
  • square - life in full abundance;
  • triangle - an unexpected meeting, after which cardinal changes will come;
  • dot - the favor of Fortune;
  • rectangle - personal life is getting better;
  • curved line / zigzag - future adventures, however, if the line is interrupted, fortune-telling promises a different meaning - changes for the worse;
  • arc - the danger that comes from the enemy.

As you can see, anyone can guess on the coffee grounds. Knowing the interpretation of the symbols (heart, dragon, eyes, candle, tree, dolphin, fish, etc.) that may appear in your imagination when looking at coffee drawings, you can make quite plausible predictions.
