
Cream ice cream proven recipe. Plombir cream recipe for cake - important subtleties

This cream has already become somewhat legendary. The most delicate creamy, it got its name for a reason, as it really looks like ice cream ice cream in its most delicious, slightly melted stage. Cream ice cream is ideal for cupcakes and cakes (both for filling and for leveling). Immediately after preparation, the cream is quite soft, not too easy to work with. Therefore, be sure to put this cream in the refrigerator for an hour before working with it. As for the ingredients, they will always be found in any housewife in the kitchen. This recipe uses vanilla pods, if not, substitute vanilla extract. If there is no extract, just exclude this component from the recipe.


  • 2 eggs;
  • 130 gr. Sahara;
  • vanilla pod (or 1 teaspoon extract)
  • 350 gr sour cream (the higher the fat content, the better);
  • 2 tbsp flour;
  • 250 g butter at room temperature;

How to make cream ice cream:

Step 1. Cut the vanilla pod in half and scrape out the seeds with a knife.

Step 2 We are preparing a water bath. To do this, put a large pot of water on the fire. In a small saucepan we put eggs, sugar, sour cream and flour and vanilla seeds (if it is an extract, then add it at the end of cooking). We mix everything with a whisk. We place a small saucepan on top of a large one and begin to cook the cream.

Step 3 Cook the cream until thick and remove from heat. Cool down.

Step 4 While the cream is cooling, beat the butter with a mixer until fluffy and white (it will take 10 minutes)

Step 5 We take a tablespoon, and one by one we put the cooled cream into the butter, continuing to beat. Thus, combine the cream and oil. Now the cream needs to be sent to the refrigerator for an hour to stabilize. The cream is ready to go!

Also on the site you will find, even based on real ice cream ice cream!

Have you ever tried "Plombir" - a cream of the most delicate consistency? If not, then be sure to give it a try. You will not regret, the result is simply excellent. It can be served as an independent dessert, and used as

Cream "Plombir" for cake

The recipe for this sweet masterpiece is not particularly difficult. We will need the following ingredients:

  1. Egg yolks - 4 pcs.
  2. Milk - 0.5 l.
  3. Powdered sugar - 185 g.
  4. Starch - one tablespoon.
  5. Fatty cream - 360 g.

Milk must be brought to a boil. Beat the yolks with starch and add vanilla. Next, carefully add the milk to the eggs, stirring the mixture constantly. Then we put the pan on the fire and cook over low heat (the cream must be constantly stirred) until it thickens.

We remove the finished cream from the stove. If you accidentally form lumps, then you can rub the mixture through a sieve or beat with a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Next, add powdered sugar and mix well. At this stage, you need to control the sweetness of your cream. Add more powder if necessary. Do not forget that we will still add cream, but they are not sweet.

The cream must be completely cold. In a separate bowl until fluffy. In several portions, gradually add the cream to the cream. Mix carefully. So our "Plombir" is ready. The cream is very tasty, airy and tender. It may well be an independent dessert. The cream is especially good in hot summer time. It is cream that gives airiness to the cream.

It can also be used for making cakes, baskets. And this gentle ice cream is also frozen and served as ice cream. It turns out very tasty.

Creamy Plombir

We would like to tell you about how to make Plombir cream for a cake. The recipe is very simple and you will definitely like it.


So let's start cooking. Milk must be heated, add yolks mixed with cornstarch to it. Mix all the ingredients well and bring the mixture to a boil. At the same time, do not forget to stir the mass all the time. You should get a fairly thick cream. It needs to be cooled down. And only after that it will be possible to add butter whipped with sugar into it. The resulting mass must not only be mixed, but beat well.

To prepare the cream, the cream must be chilled. In a separate very cold bowl, beat them. And then gently add in and mix.

Butter cream "Plombir" for the cake turns out to be very delicate, with a characteristic taste. It soaks cakes well. The result is a delicious dessert. This cream is suitable for different cakes: biscuit, sand, puff.

Plombir for Napoleon

You can use cream "Plombir" for "Napoleon". The cake turns out to be simply incredibly tasty, in fact, like any dessert with such a filling.

For the preparation of "Napoleon" any of the above creams is suitable. But there is another wonderful ice cream. Below is the recipe with photos. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that ice cream ice cream is used for its preparation.

So, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Butter - 300-320 g.
  2. - 620
  3. Liter of milk.
  4. Sugar - 1.5-2 cups.
  5. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  6. Vanilla.

Mix eggs with sugar and very soft ice cream, add flour and vanilla. Bring the milk to a boil in a separate saucepan. Then add the previously prepared mixture to it. Cook the cream until it thickens, but in no case let it boil.

Once the mixture reaches the desired consistency, remove it from the heat and let it cool. Next, add butter to the cream and beat it with a mixer. The mass should be light and homogeneous.

Now you can apply ready-made Ice Cream to Napoleon cakes. The cream perfectly soaks the cakes. You will definitely like the result.

Cream "Plombir" for cupcakes

I would like to tell another wonderful recipe for "Plombira" based on sour cream. You can't even imagine how many wonderful sweet dishes you can cook using Ice cream. His recipes are such that they are great not only for cakes, but also for many other desserts, including cupcakes.


  1. Sour cream (at least 20% fat) - 0.5 l.
  2. Zest of one lemon.
  3. Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  4. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  5. Sugar - 190 g.
  6. Butter - 1.5 packs.
  7. Vanilla or vanilla sugar.

Mix sour cream with eggs, add vanilla sugar or vanilla, flour. The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath. The cream must be boiled, without ceasing to interfere, until thick. As soon as the mass reaches the desired consistency, it must be removed from the heat and allowed to cool.

Beat the butter in a separate saucepan, and then carefully add it to the cream that has cooled by that time. Beat the whole mass again well. So our "Plombir" is ready. The cream has a taste well known to us since childhood.

Ice cream cake "Plombir"

In addition, the cream is great for filling cakes very beloved by children - baskets, eclairs, tubes, cupcakes.

Ice cream cake ingredients

In general, ice cream cake is the most wonderful dessert in summer weather. There are many recipes for this dish, but this one is probably the best. Of course, making Ice Cream is not the easiest thing to do, but it's worth it.


To prepare the cream:

  1. One glass of sugar.
  2. Milk - 0.5 l.
  3. Butter - 300 g.
  4. Flour - 4 tbsp. l.
  5. Eggs - 2 pcs.
  6. Vanilla.

For decoration:

  1. Powdered sugar.
  2. White marshmallow.
  3. White chocolate - 200 g.

Recipe for Plombir

Grind sugar with butter. Add lemon juice, salt and eggs, mix. Next, add baking powder with flour and knead the dough. Then we wrap it with a film and leave it to brew a little (at least half an hour).

In the meantime, let's start preparing the cream. Let's put milk on fire. Mix the flour with sugar and gradually introduce the dry mixture into the milk, stirring constantly. Boil the cream until thickened, after which it needs to be cooled, and only then add the eggs. Mix well again and cook for a couple more minutes. Let cool and then add vanilla and butter. The cream must be knocked down with a mixer or blender until a light homogeneous consistency is obtained. Here is the cream "Plombir" and ready.

The baking sheet should be lined with baking paper. Put the dough on it and smooth it out. Then we send it to bake for forty minutes in the oven. The crust should take on a golden hue. We take out the finished baking and cool. Then the cake must be broken into pieces and mixed with cream.

For further preparation of the cake, you will need a rounded container. It can be, for example, a salad bowl. We cover it with a film and lay out the prepared mass, it needs to be tamped a little. Next, we send it all to the freezer for four hours.

Let's move on to decorating the cake. Melt a chocolate bar in a water bath and draw flowers, leaves, figurines, snowflakes on parchment. We also send our drawings to the freezer.

After four hours, we take the dish out of the refrigerator, turn it over onto a tray. From above we decorate our marshmallow cake and chocolate figurines of our own production. To complete the look, sprinkle powder on top of the cake. And again we send dessert for several hours in the refrigerator.

When serving, this ice cream cake must be cut with a sharp knife dipped in warm water. The taste of this dessert will delight you. You will surprise not only your family, but also amaze your guests.

Additions to "Plombir"

Plombir cake can be very varied. To do this, put pieces of fresh fruit in the middle, such as pineapple, peach, strawberries, kiwi. True, this will slightly divert attention from the divine ice cream taste. But you have the right to experiment and realize your fantasies.

Pieces or shavings of dark chocolate are perfectly combined with cream "Plombir". If you want to serve the cream as an independent dessert, then you can sprinkle it with chopped chocolate and pieces of fruit on top.

Also, larger pieces of it can be put inside the ice cream cake, then during the tasting you will feel a chocolate crunch with an ice cream flavor. Could there be anything more delicious?

Instead of an afterword

If you want to cook an unusual sweet dessert, then you can’t think of anything better than Plombir cream. This is a versatile sweet that you will need to make cupcakes, puff pastry, Napoleon and even ice cream cake. Try one of our recipes and appreciate the unsurpassed taste of the real Plombir.

The easiest culinary dishes are cupcakes and cookies. But baking cakes is an art. For their layer, you need to prepare a cream. Cream ice cream for the cake will be the most suitable. In terms of taste, it resembles creamy ice cream.

Classic ice cream for cake on sour cream

In order to prepare the cream, you will need:

  • Any sour cream in the amount of 400 g.
  • 150 g butter, only butter.
  • A packet of vanilla sugar.
  • Regular sugar - 150 g.
  • Egg.
  • Three Art. l. flour

How to cook cream ice cream on sour cream:

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator 1 hour before preparing the cream.
  2. Put sour cream, egg, sugar and flour in a cup, mix all the ingredients.
  3. Now, using a mixer or whisk, beat the mass until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Now the cup should be put on a small fire or steam bath. All the time the mass must be stirred. Bring it to the required density.
  5. After removing from the stove, the cream must be cooled, during which time it will thicken even more.
  6. Butter is whipped separately.
  7. Gradually pour the butter into the cream, while continuing to beat.
  8. At the end, vanilla sugar is added and the mass is whipped again for 2 minutes.

How to cook with cream?


  • 2 cups milk (does not have to be fat, you can replace it with condensed milk)
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • 2 tbsp. l. pre-sifted flour
  • Starch (usually take potato) - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cream - 150 ml.
  • Soft butter - 100 g.

Cream ice cream on cream is easy to prepare, you need to follow the following sequence:

  1. Milk is poured into a cup, flour, starch and sugar are put.
  2. Start cooking over low heat until the mixture thickens. Then it needs to be chilled.
  3. Cream and butter are whipped in separate cups.
  4. Now add the butter and cream in turn to the thickened cream. While whisking continuously.

Read more on the site: Yeast dough for donuts - 5 delicious recipes

Air cream on milk

Cooking takes an average of 45 minutes.

You will need the following products:

  • 250 ml. milk.
  • 70 g. Flour.
  • 2 eggs.
  • 150 Sahara.
  • 250 g. Drain. Oils.
  • 1/3 of a teaspoon vanilla.

Step by step cooking instructions:

  1. First, flour is ground with sugar, then eggs and 50 ml are added. milk. To avoid clots within 5 minutes, it is necessary to beat the mixture.
  2. The remaining milk is brought to a boil separately, but so that only bubbles appear.
  3. After that, the milk is combined with the rest of the products and everything is brought to a boil.
  4. Beat butter and vanilla separately.
  5. Whipping the bulk, begin to gradually add whipped butter.

Chocolate ice cream for cake


  • Sour cream 20% - 300 g.
  • The same 30% cream
  • Two eggs
  • Sugar in the form of powder - 175 g.
  • 3 art. l. Cocoa
  • Art. a spoonful of flour

How to make chocolate cream ice cream:

  1. Whisk egg whites and yolks separately.
  2. First, attach the powdered sugar to the proteins, then add the pre-mixed cocoa, flour and sour cream.
  3. The mixture is placed on a steam bath for about 7-10 minutes, during which time the mass will thicken.
  4. After cooling, beaten egg white is gradually introduced.
  5. With the help of a mixer, cream is whipped and added to the resulting cream.
  6. Within two hours, the resulting product cools down.

Cooking custard

For the custard you will need:

  • Milk of any fat content in the amount of one glass
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 100 g soft butter
  • 3 art. l. with a heap of flour
  • A little vanillin

How to create a custard ice cream, step by step cooking:

  1. A quarter of the milk is poured into a separate container, the rest is poured into a saucepan. Sugar goes there and is left to dissolve.
  2. Flour is added to a separate part of the milk and mixed thoroughly so that lumps do not appear.
  3. A saucepan with milk and sugar should be heated over a fire, after which a small part of the liquid is added to the milk with flour and diluted so that the mass becomes liquid.
  4. The saucepan with milk and sugar is now set to gas again. And the milk-flour mixture is added to it. Cook the cream until thickened. Constantly stirring. Remove from the heat, and stir all the same so that a film does not form.
  5. Separately, with the help of a mixer, 100 g of butter is whipped.
  6. The cooled cream also needs to be beaten with a mixer, it will not increase in volume, it will just become softer, and possible lumps will dissolve.
  7. Combine the cream, vanillin and butter and beat everything again with a mixer.

Cream ice cream for greasing the cake is ready.

protein ice cream recipe

Read more on the site: Cake Strawberry Dreams

This cream is also called wet meringue and they decorate cakes.


  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • The fourth part of a spoonful of citric acid

Instructions for cooking:

  1. Eggs are divided into proteins and yolks;
  2. Mix the proteins with sugar, while the bowl should be larger;
  3. Place the bowl of egg whites and sugar on the steam bath so that the water does not touch the bottom of the dish;
  4. Light the gas and start beating the egg whites with sugar over the steam;
  5. After 5-6 minutes of whipping, you will see that the mass has become white and homogeneous. You need to add citric acid to it;
  6. While the water in the saucepan is boiling, the whipping should not be left for a minute, otherwise the proteins will curl up and the cream will be spoiled;
  7. After removing the mass from the heat, continue to beat for another 3-4 minutes. As a result, you will get a dense white mass, oily in appearance.
  8. With this cream, using a pastry bag, you can decorate a cake or prepare dry meringue by placing it in the oven.

Cream cheese ice cream

In order to prepare such a cream, you will need the following products:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 300 g.
  • Cream in the amount of 250 ml.
  • Powdered sugar - 120-150 g.
  • Vanilla sachet.

Preparing the cream is not difficult:

  1. Cheese, powder and vanillin are mixed first
  2. Whipped cream separately
  3. All components are combined and gently mixed.

With mascarpone cheese

It will be especially tasty if you add strawberries or other berries to your taste in the cream. And mascarpone can sometimes be replaced with curd cheese.

An ordinary biscuit, thanks to the Plombir cream, will become an unsurpassed dessert. There are many options for making this cream. Most of them are based on the use of cream and vanilla. It is the combination of these two ingredients that creates the magic of the taste and aroma of Plombir ice cream. The main cream ingredient in these recipes can be sour cream, condensed milk, and even mascarpone cheese. Most often, Plombir cream is prepared as a custard. But not always. Gelatin can also be used to give the cream the necessary density.

Any of the proposed recipe options, when cooked correctly, will give an excellent result. You can please yourself and loved ones and try to cook the cream according to different recipes in turn.

Step by step video recipe

The main product in the cream-ice cream, which gives it the aroma and delicate structure of the ice cream, is whipped cream.

Preparation of ingredients

  1. Cream. In order for the cream to turn out tasty and with the right consistency, the cream during its preparation must be properly whipped into a thick, stable foam. This is easier to do with heavy cream, which is why they are most often used. Ready whipped cream should hold its shape well. Dense peaks appear on the surface of properly whipped cream.

Natural cream of animal origin, when whipped for a long time, can delaminate and turn into butter. Artificial cream produced on the basis of vegetable fats does not delaminate. The advantage of artificial cream is the relatively low cost and the ability to reduce the calorie content of the finished product.

  1. Sugar. For the manufacture of cream, powdered sugar or granulated sugar can be used. The most preferred option is powdered sugar, but here it is better to focus on the recipe. As for the amount of sugar, it is also better to stick to the recipe, the taste and texture of the finished product will depend on this.
  2. Milk. The percentage of fat content is not so important, but you can use fat-free if you want to reduce the calorie content of the finished cream. For custard, regular milk can be replaced with diluted dry or condensed milk.
  3. Butter. In order for the cream to “melt in your mouth”, that is, to be pleasantly smooth, airy and uniform, you need to beat the butter before adding it to the cream, after softening it. The oil binds all the components of the cream into one, making the texture of the finished product homogeneous.
  4. aromatic additives. Most often, vanilla sugar or vanillin is used, but it can also be vanilla essence. A pleasant aroma to the finished cream can also be given with the help of lemon or orange peel, cocoa powder, grated chocolate, various confectionery syrups.

Air cream "Plombir" for cake

This cream is simply created to be combined with biscuit and vanilla, and if you add cocoa to the dough for cakes, the finished cake will remind you of popsicle taste.

  • 3 teaspoons starch
  • 1 cup of sugar,
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • vanilla,
  • 110 g butter,
  • 400 ml milk
  • 150 ml cream (fat content 30-35%).
  1. Sift flour, mix thoroughly with starch and sugar until smooth.
  2. Gradually add milk to this mass, stirring with a whisk. The mixture should be brought to a boil over medium heat, but the cream should not be allowed to boil. It is necessary not to miss the moment, in time to remove the thickened mass from the fire and cool.
  3. Whip the cream into a fluffy stable foam. It is important to stop the whipping process in time, otherwise they may exfoliate (if it is natural cream).
  4. Next, whisk in the butter. It should be soft, but not melted. The easiest way is to leave it at room temperature for 40-60 minutes beforehand.
  5. Mix all the ingredients gradually. First, whipped butter is gradually introduced into the custard base, spoon by spoon. In this case, you must constantly stir the cream.
  6. Add vanilla.
  7. Cream should be added, gently mixing, without whipping. With proper preparation, the cream turns out to be very light, delicate texture.

It remains to coat the cake layers and place them in the refrigerator for soaking. The thickened cream tastes like ice cream.

Cream "Plombir" based on egg yolks

It is advisable to use farm eggs, then the cream will be tastier. Cream must be at least 30% fat.

Of course, this is a very high-calorie cream.

  • 4 egg yolks,
  • 1.5 tablespoons of starch,
  • 140 g sugar
  • 1 cup cream
  • 250 ml milk
  • 110 g butter,
  • vanilla.
  1. Separate the yolk from the protein of 4 eggs.
  2. Add starch and sugar to the yolks. Mix with a whisk, beat.
  3. Boil milk over medium heat.
  4. Brew the cream, gradually pouring the egg-sugar mixture into the milk.
  5. We put it on the fire again and, stirring constantly, boil, without bringing to a boil. It is important to prevent the formation of lumps. To do this, the cream must be thoroughly mixed during the brewing process. The finished cream easily moves away from the walls of the dishes. He needs to be chilled.
  6. Whisk softened butter.
  7. The cream must also be whipped to a stable foam.
  8. Add the whipped butter to the cream, followed by the cream. This must be done very carefully, in small portions, stirring the mixture thoroughly after adding each spoon.
  9. Add vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste.

Ice cream with mascarpone flavor

This recipe is not the most common, but the finished cream is very refined. This delicious cream is suitable both for making a cake and for serving as a full-fledged dessert with the addition of berries and fruits. Moreover, it is not at all difficult to prepare.

  • 80 g of powdered sugar,
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 220 g cream cheese,
  • vanilla.
  1. Whip cream to peaks.
  2. Mix cheese with powdered sugar, whisking a little.
  3. Add vanilla.
  4. Mix cream and sweet cheese-vanilla mixture.
  5. The cream should be immediately served on the table or smeared with cake layers, it should not be stored.

Sour Cream Plombir

The basis of this recipe is custard, but brewed not with milk, but with sour cream. Moreover, sour cream with a high percentage of fat content is used. Accordingly, the calorie content of this cream is higher than in the recipe based on milk.

To prepare the cream you will need:

  • 600 g sour cream (20% fat or more),
  • 270 g butter,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 20 g flour
  • 240 g sugar
  • lemon or orange zest,
  • vanilla.
  1. We beat eggs (yolks and proteins) into sour cream, pour in sugar, mix and beat well with a mixer.
  2. Pour flour into the resulting mixture, add vanilla, mix everything again and beat thoroughly.
  3. When the mixture is mixed and whipped, add a small amount of lemon or orange zest.
  4. Now you need to brew the cream in a water bath. It is important at the same time to stir it constantly and prevent boiling so that the eggs do not curl. When the cream thickens, remove it from the bath and cool.
  5. Gradually add the custard to the whipped butter with a spoon and mix well. The finished cream should be smooth and uniform.

If you want to use ready-made ice cream as a cream for ice cream, then it is better to cook it yourself. Thus, you will get a natural cream ice cream "Plombir".

You will be interested:

Gelatin-based cream with Plombir flavor

This is the most dense version of the Plombir cream for the cake. Its basis is gelatin.

  • 1/2 teaspoon gelatin powder
  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of 30% or more,
  • 40 ml of water
  • 150 g powdered sugar,
  • 3 tablespoons of condensed milk,
  • vanilla.
  1. Soak gelatine in warm water until soft.
  2. Whip cream with sugar and vanilla. To make the creamy taste of the cream even brighter, you can go for a little trick and instead of vanilla add a special flavor for cream with the taste of ice cream.
  3. We heat the swollen gelatin in a water bath. You can also do this in the microwave.
  4. Add gelatin to whipped cream in small portions, without ceasing to beat the mixture.
  5. Add, whisking, condensed milk.
  6. Cream "Plombir" for the cake is ready!

This cream can not be stored!

Strawberry ice cream with mascarpone cheese

This is one of the most exquisite recipes. Mascarpone can be replaced with soft curd cheese, strawberries - with other berries.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 cup cream
  • 200 g cheese
  • 150-160 g of berries,
  • vanilla,
  • 120 g butter,
  • 170 g of powdered sugar,
  • 1 tsp starch (both potato and corn can be used).
  1. We make berry puree. According to the original recipe, we take strawberries for this. But, depending on the possibilities, there may be other berries to taste. For example, raspberries or strawberries.
  2. Add starch to the berry mass. We heat this mixture in a water bath. Cool down.
  3. We combine the whipped softened butter with the berry mass and gradually add the cheese with a spoon. The mass does not require long whipping.
  4. Combine whipped cream with powdered sugar.
  5. Add vanilla to taste.
  6. The mixture must be beaten again until a stable foam, which is then carefully, without whipping, introduced into the berry puree.
  • the container in which the cream is whipped must be perfectly dry, clean and, preferably, chilled;
  • it is most effective to whip the cream "the old fashioned way" - with a whisk or a hand mixer. Blender beats worse;
  • for custard, powdered sugar is more suitable than granulated sugar, which dissolves longer and not so evenly;
  • in no case should you specially heat the butter before whipping. It should be left for an hour at room temperature. If the oil is heated, it will separate;
  • you can increase the fat content of sour cream by removing excess liquid from it, for which it is enough to hang the product in a bag of gauze over an empty container;
  • all ingredients must be added to the cream in small portions, whisking or (depending on the recipe) stirring after each added spoon.

Custard sour cream "Plombir" can be used for a variety of cakes and other baked desserts. It turns out so tender that cakes and pies smeared with it will surely appeal to everyone. And here is chocolate cake with sour cream, which turns out with a bang. Delicate biscuit and sour cream with a layer of sweet and sour berries put together a very tasty and delicate cake, the recipe of which is at the link.
The cream has a creamy taste and even resembles the taste of condensed milk. People who do not know its composition will never guess that it is sour cream and does not contain condensed milk.
The whole process of making sour cream will take you about 35-45 minutes. You will cook the cream in a water bath until it thickens, which is about 20 minutes.
If you cook directly on the stove, it will be faster, but for the first time it is better not to risk it. The most important thing in the process of cooking the cream is to constantly stir with a whisk or beat with a mixer. And yet, it is important to remove from the stove in time so that the cream does not take lumps. But in general, if you follow the recommendations correctly, then you should get a delicate cream with the taste of ice cream.

To prepare custard ice cream on sour cream, you will need:

  • sour cream 15% - 300-350 ml,
  • granulated sugar - 6 tbsp. spoons
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • butter 72% - 50 grams,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.

Recipe for sour cream ice cream.

Step 1. It is better to use sour cream with medium fat content, 20 or 21%. But if there is none, then 15% is also suitable, it will just take longer to cook the cream until the excess of the moisture serum evaporates. Pour it into an iron bowl in which you will cook the cream in a water bath.

Step 2. Beat in chicken eggs and shake the mass with a whisk.

Step 3. Pour flour and sugar into another container.

Step 4. Mix well. This will keep your cream free of lumps that may occur if you skip this step.

Step 5. Now pour a tablespoon of the sugar-flour mixture into a bowl of sour cream and stir with a whisk. The mass should be homogeneous.

Step 6. Put the bowl in a water bath and, stirring, cook for about 20 minutes.

Step 7. It is better to use a mixer during the cooking process. Thanks to whipping with a mixer, the cream will turn out more magnificent and homogeneous, without lumps. When the cream becomes thick, remove it from the water bath and cool.

Step 8. Beat soft butter with a mixer.

Step 9. And add the cooled mixture to it.

Step 10 Beat again with a mixer until smooth.

Custard sour cream "Plombir" is ready! Bon appetit. Ready-made cream can be smeared with cake layers, it is ideal for light biscuit cake layers, biscuit pies and choux pastry cakes. The cream comes out quite satisfying, so it is better not to use it with fatty dough cakes containing a lot of butter or vegetable oil (pancake cakes, shortcrust pastry, puff pastry).
