
Unusual recipe for pancakes for the competition. Original recipes for pancakes and fritters for Shrovetide

Shrovetide week has begun. Each day has its own name (meeting, flirting, gourmets, revelry, etc.), as well as traditions of celebration. One thing is invariable - they bake and eat pancakes every day.

Each housewife has her own, branded, pancake recipe. But if you want to try something unusual and surprise your loved ones, welcome under cat.

These beautiful pancakes become a highlight on the table. And thanks to the variety of filling options, openwork pancakes you can bake at least the whole Shrovetide week.


Milk - 200 ml.
Eggs - 2 pcs.

A pinch of salt.

We knead the dough. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat a little with a whisk. Add salt and milk, and then add vegetable oil and flour. Mix well. The dough should be liquid, without lumps.

We take a bottle with a dispenser or make a hole in the regular cap plastic bottle. Pour the dough into it. We bake pancakes in a dry frying pan, making, with the help of a bottle, an openwork grid.

When the pancakes are cool, wrap the stuffing in them. For example, you can make a paste from soft cheese and garlic. Spread a lettuce leaf over the pancake and spread cheese filling. You can also “stuff” openwork pancakes with scrambled eggs, hard cheese, vegetables and other fillings to your taste.

Love? Then why not treat yourself and your loved ones to sweet pancake rolls on Maslenitsa? ;)


Kefir - 500 ml.
Eggs - 1 pc.
Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Cocoa - 1 tsp
Bananas - 2-5 pcs.
Chocolate - 100 gr.
A pinch of salt.

First, knead the dough by combining kefir, egg, sugar, salt, cocoa and flour. The latter is needed in order for the dough to turn out in consistency, like thin sour cream.

We bake thin pancakes.

Then melt the chocolate in a water bath (this can be done in the microwave). Can be replaced with chocolate paste. liquid chocolate water each pancake. We clean the bananas and put them on the pancakes (if the fruits are too long, cut them in proportion to the diameter of the pancakes). We roll up the roll. Let the chocolate "grab" and cut the roll into pieces of 2-3 cm. Sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar, pour over the remaining glaze and serve.

Very soon the birds will sing, the drops will rustle, and these bright pancakes are like a symbol of the approaching spring.


Flour - 2 cups.
Milk - 100 ml.
Fat-free kefir - 200 ml.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Melted butter - ¼ cup.
Baking powder - 2 tsp
Baking soda- 1 tsp
Salt - ½ tsp

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, soda and salt in a large bowl. Separately, beat the eggs, kefir, milk and melted butter a little. Gradually combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix well.

We divide the resulting dough into 7 parts, each of which is colored with food coloring.

Grease a shallow frying pan with oil, put on medium fire. Bake pancakes for 2 minutes on each side.

Serve with fruit syrup or jam.

pancake bags

This dish can be prepared not only on Maslenitsa, but also on other occasions. It has everything to decorate festive table, – original look and delicious content.


Milk - 250 ml.
Eggs - 2 pcs.
Flour - 100 gr.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
A pinch of salt.
Green onion.

Whisk the eggs with salt and half the milk. Add flour, mix. Pour in the remaining milk and add finely chopped dill. Mix again. We introduce vegetable oil into the dough and mix again. Let the dough brew for 7-10 minutes, and then bake thin pancakes.

From them we will form bags. inside pancake bag you can put a spoonful of salad or fried minced meat, but these pancakes are best served with julienne inside.

We tighten the "bags" with green onion feathers.

Well, continuing what we started a year ago, we recall that although we consider pancakes to be our dish, they are baked all over the world. Including in the East.

There are about two dozen variations of pancakes called Kataef. In some countries, you can find kataef, which resembles our dumplings or dumplings, as pancakes are stuffed with cheese and deep fried.

In our more “European” version, kataef is a dessert that is yeast pancakes co sweet stuffing. The latter can serve - custard, whipped cream, cottage cheese, honey, chocolate ... Everything that is enough for the imagination of the sweet tooth.


Milk - 200 ml.
Flour - 200 gr.
Water - 100 ml.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Baking powder - ½ tsp
Dry yeast - ½ tsp

Soak yeast and sugar in warm (!) Water for 3-5 minutes, mix the resulting mixture well. Add milk, flour and baking powder to it. Mix thoroughly again and let it brew for half an hour.

Then we bake small pancakes in a dry, well-heated pan with a non-stick coating. We do this only on one (!) Side. A sign of readiness is a dried top layer.

We fold the finished pancakes in half with the unfried side inward and close up along the edge to the middle. We fill the resulting "bags" with confectionery syringe or confectionery bag custard, whipped cream, or other filling of your choice.

Serve on the table, sprinkled with ground nuts or powdered sugar.

If you know too unusual recipes pancakes, please share them in the comments.

Bon appetit!

Specially for Maslenitsa, WomanJournal.ru prepared the top ten most interesting recipes pancakes - French, Indian, Bulgarian, Chinese!

Pancakes - national Russian dish, popular all over the world. The filling and dough of pancakes can please any taste: oatmeal, wheat, rye, buckwheat, buckwheat-wheat, with onions, meat, fish, mushrooms, eggs, cottage cheese, wild berries, butter, black and red caviar, jam, sour cream, cheese, condensed milk…

A ruddy hot pancake symbolizes the bright sun and the imminent arrival of spring, and is the main treat of a cheerful and generous Maslenitsa. This year Pancake week will last from 8 to 14 February. And then, according to tradition, Great Lent will begin.

To arrange a real pancake feast for yourself and your loved ones, try to cook pancakes in several unusual, but very tasty variations. WomanJournal.ru is pleased to offer you the TOP 10 original pancake recipes!


Recipe for pancakes from buckwheat and wheat flour on milk and mannoicash.

4 cups wheat flour

6 cups buckwheat flour

6 glasses of milk

2 cups boiled water

100 g semolina

50 g yeast

1 st. a spoonful of salt

How to cook savory pancakes:

  • Weld liquid semolina using 1 1/2 cups of milk. Mix the porridge well so that there are no lumps.
  • In a separate bowl, stir in water 2 cups of buckwheat flour 1 cup of wheat flour, put the yeast, let the dough rise.
  • Punch down the dough, add beaten yolks, 3 1/2 cups of milk, salt, boiled semolina and the remaining flour. Let the steam come up.
  • 1 hour before baking, pour over the dough with 1 cup of boiled milk, 10 minutes before baking, put beaten egg whites. Lightly mix dough and bake.

Bon appetit!


Recipe quick pancakes with eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese or mushrooms.

2 1/2 cups wheat flour

2 1/2 cups buckwheat flour

1 liter of milk

1 teaspoon of soda

Salt to taste

Lemon acid

Stuffing for baking to taste

How to cook quick pancakes with bacon:

  • Prepare a bake. For egg filling take boiled eggs, finely chop, lightly fry. For onion filling onion finely chop, pass. For carrot filling Boil carrots in salted water, peel, finely chop, fry. For mushroom stuffing soak dry mushrooms for 2-4 hours, boil, then fry with flour and pass through a meat grinder. For cabbage filling chop finely white cabbage and onions, saute onions, stew cabbage in milk for 12 minutes, combine everything. For the curd filling, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, season with sugar, egg, vanilla to taste.
  • wheat and buckwheat flour dilute with milk until thick sour cream. If desired, buckwheat flour can be replaced with the same amount of wheat flour. Add eggs, salt, stir vigorously to break up lumps.
  • Pour soda dissolved in 1/4 cup cold boiled water into the dough, and citric acid also dissolved in water. Mix the dough well and bake, spreading the filling with a tablespoon on raw pancake. Bring the pancake over moderate heat to readiness, without turning over (you can in the oven). Serve with sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Nut rolls from pancakes with rum

Recipe for pancakes stuffed with nuts, jam, rum and milk sauce

1 1/4 cups wheat flour

3 1/2 - 4 cups milk

250 g walnut kernels

3 egg whites

1 st. spoon of jam

1 st. a spoonful of rum or cognac

1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar

Vanilla sugar to taste

Salt to taste

How to cook walnut tubes from pancakes with rum:

  • Make the filling: Boil 1/2 cup milk, combine with ground walnuts, jam, rum and boil until smooth.
  • Prepare the gravy: boil 2 cups of milk, season with sugar and cook dumplings from beaten egg whites in the resulting syrup.
  • Dilute the dough by combining flour, remaining milk, 2 eggs and salt. Bake pancakes, stuff each pancake hazelnut cream and roll into a tube. When serving, pour over the tubes with milk gravy and sprinkle with vanilla sugar.

Bon appetit!

French pancakes with camembert

Recipe for pancakes with camembert baked in tomato sauce.

1/2 cup wheat flour

150 g milk

200 g Camembert cheese

100 g grated hard cheese for sprinkling

50 g butter

Salt, tomato sauce to taste

How to cook french pancakes with camembert:

  • Prepare pancake dough from flour, eggs, milk, salt.
  • Make cream cheese cream: mix camembert with butter until smooth.
  • Bake pancakes with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. Stuff each pancake cream cheese cream, roll up and put on a baking sheet or in a refractory form, greased butter. Sprinkle pancakes with grated cheese, pour tomato sauce and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.

Bon appetit!

Rice pancakes with Chinese confiture

pancake recipe from boiled rice, cream and milk with plum confiture.

1 cup round grain rice

2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour

2 glasses of milk

1 cup cream

30 g butter

1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar

Vanillin, grated lemon peel taste

Plum confiture

Salt to taste

How to cook rice pancakes with confiture in Chinese:

  • Boil rice in salted water until swollen, cool.
  • Combine rice with flour, milk, cream, eggs, vanilla and zest, mix well. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough in a very hot frying pan greased with butter.
  • Everyone else hot pancake spread with confiture and serve, unfolded and unfolded, on a separate saucer.

Bon appetit!


Recipe for milk pancakes with orange peel and cinnamon.

600 g wheat flour

200 g butter

4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar

1 glass of milk

Cinnamon, orange peel to taste

How to cook Indian pancakes:

  • Combine the yolks with flour and butter, grind well, add milk. Introduce lightly whipped proteins into the dough, add cinnamon and zest.
  • Bake pancakes, stacking them in a pile and sprinkling with sugar. Warm up in the oven before serving.

Bon appetit!

Oatmeal fitness pancakes

Recipe for oatmeal pancakes.

1 cup oatmeal

1/2 l milk

2 teaspoons of granulated sugar

Salt to taste

How to make oatmeal fitness pancakes:

  • Combine milk and cold boiled water, add cereal, cook liquid oatmeal.
  • Let the porridge cool down room temperature and wipe it. Add salt, sugar, egg, mix well and bake thin pancakes in a hot pan. Serve with curdled milk, sour cream, fish soup or any other soup.

Bon appetit!

Bulgarian pancakes

Recipe for pancakes from dough on soda water.

1 glass of milk

1 glass of sparkling water

1 cup wheat flour

1 st. a spoonful of sugar

1 cup jam, jam or marmalade

1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar

Vanillin, salt to taste

Fruit syrup optional

How to cook Bulgarian pancakes:

  • Mix the flour with sparkling water (you can take mineral water if you wish), milk, sugar and salt, add the eggs, mix thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved.
  • Bake ruddy pancakes in a well-heated pan. Grease the finished pancakes with jam, marmalade or marmalade, roll up or fold in half or four times. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or fruit syrup before serving.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes "Spring"

Recipe for thin pancakes green salad and natural yogurt.

1 cup wheat flour

1 glass of milk or water

1 teaspoon sugar

Salt to taste

10-12 fresh green lettuce leaves

10–12 st. tablespoons natural fat-free yogurt

How to cook pancakes "Spring": 200 g butter

1 1/2 cups sugar

How to cook lace pancakes royally:

  • Melt the butter without boiling, cool slightly, mix with 5 egg yolks and sugar. Grind the resulting mass to a homogeneous creamy consistency.
  • Combine the flour with 2 cups of cream, put on moderate heat and, stirring, bring to the density of sour cream. Let the dough cool.
  • Combine the dough with the yolk mass, add 1 glass of whipped cream, mix well and bake pancakes over low heat. Pancakes are very thin and tender, so they should be fried only on one side and not removed with a spatula, but carefully tip the pan with the finished pancake onto a plate or dish. Serve with caviar thick sour cream, mushrooms or chopped greens.

Bon appetit!

Pancakes are a national Russian dish, popular all over the world.
The filling and dough of pancakes can please any taste: oatmeal, wheat, rye,
buckwheat, buckwheat-wheat, with ONION, meat, fish, mushrooms, eggs, cottage cheese,
wild berries, butter, black and red caviar, jam, sour cream, cheese,
condensed milk...

ruddy hot pancake
symbolizes the bright sun and the imminent arrival of spring, is the main treat
cheerful and generous Maslenitsa. This year Pancake week will last from 8 to 14
February. And then, according to tradition, Great Lent will begin.
To arrange for yourself and your loved ones seven days of a real pancake
feast, try to cook pancakes in several unusual, but very tasty
variations. WomanJournal.ru is pleased to offer you TOP 10 original pancakes

Pancakes spicy

Pancakes spicy

Recipe for pancakes made from buckwheat and wheat flour with milk and semolina
4 cups wheat flour
6 cups buckwheat flour
6 glasses of milk
2 cups boiled water
100 g
6 eggs
50 g
1 st. a spoonful of salt
How to cook savory pancakes:
Cook liquid semolina using 1 1/2 cups
milk. Mix the porridge well so that there are no lumps.
In a separate bowl, stir 2 cups of buckwheat flour into the water.
and 1 cup of wheat flour, put the yeast, let the dough rise.
Punch down the dough, add beaten yolks, 3 1/2 cups of milk,
salt, boiled semolina and the remaining flour. Let the steam come up.
1 hour before baking, pour over the dough with 1 cup of boiled
milk, 10 minutes before baking, put whipped proteins. Lightly mix the dough
and bake.

ambulance with pripekom
Recipe for quick pancakes with eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese or
2 1/2 cups wheat flour
2 1/2 cups buckwheat flour
1 l
6 eggs
1 teaspoon of soda
Salt to taste
Lemon acid
Stuffing for baking to taste
How to cook quick pancakes with bacon:
Prepare a bake. For egg filling, take boiled eggs,
chop finely, lightly fry. For the onion filling, finely chopped onion
cut, pass. For the carrot filling, boil the carrots in salted
water, peel, finely chop, fry. For the mushroom filling, dry mushrooms
soak for 2-4 hours, boil, then fry with flour and pass through
meat grinder. For the cabbage filling, finely chop white cabbage and onion
sauté onion, onion, stew cabbage in milk for 12 minutes, combine everything. For
cottage cheese filling rub cottage cheese through a sieve, season with sugar, egg,
vanilla to taste.
Dilute wheat and buckwheat flour with milk until thick
sour cream. If desired, buckwheat flour can be replaced with the same amount of wheat
flour. Add eggs, salt, stir vigorously to break up lumps.
Pour baking soda dissolved in 1/4 cup cold
boiled water, and citric acid, also dissolved in water. stir well
dough and bake, spreading the filling with a tablespoon on a raw pancake. bring
pancake over moderate heat until cooked, without turning over (can be in the oven). Serve
with sour cream.
Bon appetit!

Walnut rolls from pancakes with rum

French pancakes with camembert

pancakes with camembert
Recipe for pancakes with camembert baked in tomato sauce.
1/2 cup wheat flour
2 eggs
150 g
200 g
Camembert cheese
100 g
grated hard cheese for topping
50 g
Salt, tomato sauce to taste
How to make Camembert French Crepes:
cook pancake
dough made from flour, eggs, milk, salt.
Make cream cheese cream: mix camembert with cream
oil until smooth.
Bake pancakes with a diameter of no more than 10 cm. Start each
pancake with cream cheese cream, roll up and put on a baking sheet or
in a refractory form, greased with butter. Sprinkle grated pancakes
cheese, pour over the tomato sauce and bake in the oven for 15 minutes.
Bon appetit!

Rice pancakes with Chinese confiture

Rice pancakes with Chinese confiture

rice with Chinese confiture
Recipe for pancakes from boiled rice, cream and milk with plum
1 cup round grain rice
2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour
2 glasses of milk
1 cup cream
4 eggs
30 g
1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar
Vanillin, grated lemon zest to taste
Plum confiture
Salt to taste
How to cook rice pancakes with confiture in Chinese:
Boil rice in salted water until swollen, cool.
Combine rice with flour, milk, cream, eggs, vanilla
and zest, mix well. Bake pancakes from the resulting dough on a greased cream
oil in a very hot pan.
Spread each still hot pancake with confiture and serve, not
folding and not folding, on a separate saucer.
Bon appetit!

Indian pancakes

Indian pancakes

Recipe for milk pancakes with orange peel and cinnamon.
600 g
wheat flour
10 eggs
200 g
4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar
1 glass of milk
Cinnamon, orange peel to taste
How to cook Indian pancakes:
Combine the yolks with flour and butter, grind well,
add milk. Introduce lightly whipped proteins into the dough, add cinnamon and zest.
Bake pancakes, stacking them in a pile and sprinkling with sugar.
Warm up in the oven before serving.
Bon appetit!

Oatmeal fitness pancakes

Oatmeal fitness pancakes

fitness pancakes
Recipe for oatmeal pancakes.
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 l milk
1/2 l water
2 teaspoons of granulated sugar
1 egg
Salt to taste
How to make oatmeal fitness pancakes:
Combine milk and cold boiled water, add cereal,
boil liquid oatmeal.
Allow the porridge to cool to room temperature and wipe it.
Add salt, sugar, egg, mix well and bake in a hot pan
thin pancakes. Serve with curdled milk, sour cream, fish soup or any other soup.
Bon appetit!

Bulgarian pancakes

Bulgarian pancakes

Recipe for pancakes from dough on soda water.
1 glass of milk
1 glass of sparkling water
1 cup wheat flour
3 eggs
1 st. a spoonful of sugar
1 cup jam, jam or marmalade
1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar
Vanillin, salt to taste
Fruit syrup optional
How to cook Bulgarian pancakes:
Stir the flour with soda water (optional, you can take
mineral water), milk, sugar and salt, add eggs, thoroughly
stir until lumps are completely dissolved.
Bake ruddy pancakes in a well-heated pan.
Lubricate ready-made pancakes with jam, jam or marmalade, roll up or
fold in half or quadruple. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving
top with fruit syrup.
Bon appetit!

Pancakes "Spring"

Pancakes "Spring"
Recipe for thin pancakes with green salad and natural
1 cup wheat flour
1 glass of milk or water
2 eggs
1 teaspoon sugar
Salt to taste
10-12 fresh green lettuce leaves
10-12 Art. spoons of natural
fat-free yogurt
How to cook pancakes "Spring":
Pour flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle
Pour 1/2 cup of milk or water in parts, stirring the dough with a wooden spoon.
Knead the dough thoroughly until the consistency of liquid sour cream,
so that there are no lumps, add beaten eggs, salt, sugar, remaining milk
or water. Let the dough rest for 1-2 hours.
Bake thin pancakes. Put a leaf of green on each pancake
lettuce and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yogurt (optionally replace with low-fat sour cream), roll up
quarter and lightly fry before serving.
Bon appetit!

Royal lacy pancakes

Royal lacy pancakes

royal pancakes
Recipe for thin air pancakes from milk and cream.
100 g
wheat flour
3 cups cream
200 g
5 eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
How to cook royal lacy pancakes:
Melt the butter, without bringing to a boil, slightly
cool, mix with 5 egg yolks and sugar. Grind the resulting mass to
homogeneous creamy consistency.
Mix the flour with 2 cups of cream, put on a moderate
fire and, stirring, bring to the density of sour cream. Let the dough cool.
Combine the dough with the yolk mass, add 1 cup
whipped cream, mix well and bake pancakes over low heat. Pancakes
are very thin and tender, so they should be fried with only one
sides and remove not with a spatula, but gently tip the pan with the finished
pancake on a plate or dish. Serve with caviar, thick sour cream, mushrooms or chopped

The birds are chirping louder and louder. The day is getting longer. Spring is coming. At the very end of winter, we celebrate an ancient pagan holiday - Maslenitsa. And you can't do without pancakes.

Round like the sun, golden lace pancakes are baked in milk, kefir, cream, water. They add buckwheat flour and semolina, grated potatoes and pumpkin pulp. Wonderful pancakes can be baked even on beer or mead. Lots of recipes. We have tried to select the most unusual for you.

Pancakes from all over the world

In order for pancakes to rise well, yeast has long been used. Sometimes sourdough - dough - is simply necessary. Pancakes made from rye or buckwheat flour will not rise if you do not prepare the dough in advance, let it stand. Adding soda is not the best the best option, this tradition came to us from Europe. Another option is to beat the chilled proteins well, almost like for a biscuit. Add flour and bake immediately until the dough has settled. But when using boiling water get an option choux pastry- such pancakes also exist. IN classic recipe French crepes - rich pancakes - the number of eggs has been increased. Therefore, they turn out to be dense, slightly “rubber” and keep their shape well. Everyone can find a recipe to their liking and pass it on to their children. Pancakes, like grandma's, are the most delicious.

Every nation has its favorite pancake recipe. They are found in all cuisines of the world. In the east - in India and Japan - they are prepared with the addition of rice flour or even crushed rice porridge. Arabs bake wonderful pancakes with semolina, while in America they prefer small ones. fluffy pancakes on cream - pancakes. If you water them maple syrup, it will turn out just a calorie bomb!

Pancakes in a bottle

For inexperienced housewives with light version household there is practical and economy recipe pancakes in a bottle. No, the dough components are quite traditional, but the way of mixing and serving is very witty and very simple. You will need an empty 1.5 liter plastic lemonade bottle.

  • Pour 10 full tablespoons of flour into this bottle through a funnel.
  • Add about 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 chicken eggs after beating them lightly.
  • Now add 600 ml of milk and tightly wrap the cork.

And now the fun begins. We use the bottle as a shaker. You can dance, jump, beat the rhythm, like maracas, to mix the components well. Ready dough can be poured directly from the bottle into the pan. Beauty - no drops, no smudges, and the dishes do not need to be washed. If you do not want to bake a lot of pancakes, you can put the bottle in the refrigerator - and in the evening or in the morning you will again treat homemade pancakes piping hot.

Pancakes in all colors of the rainbow

Families with children will surely love the idea of ​​baking colorful pancakes. If divided pancake dough into several parts and add to one - beetroot juice, in another - spinach or nettle juice, and in the third - cocoa powder, you can bake a whole stack of colorful pancakes. They will make great pancake cake. You can also use food coloring, but it is better to take natural ones. Add colors and filling from colorful fruits or bright jelly. Zebra pancakes made from a mixture of regular and “chocolate” dough are also good. Pour into the pan batter immediately from two ladles and draw patterns with a wooden stick. Beauty, right?

Pancakes with baking

Simple, but spectacular pancakes with spicy look. Better cook yeast dough- pancakes should be quite fluffy. There are several ways to "connect" the filling and dough. You can lightly brown onions or mushrooms, chopped cabbage or chopped eggs in a pan, and then pour over the pancake mixture. More sophisticated technology- first bake the pancake on one side, then put the filling, and pour another layer of dough on top. Be careful - pancakes that are too thick will not bake well. It takes skill, but you can easily find the right proportions. As a filling for baking, fresh and vegetable stew– carrots, pumpkin, cabbage, fried chopped meat and smoked fish, fruit and chocolate.

Pancakes without flour - it's possible

And you can cook pancakes completely without flour. This lightweight option will appeal to those who are on a diet. Taken instead of flour potato starch(about 4 tablespoons) and bran (3 tablespoons). It is better to pre-soak the bran in milk or kefir (250 ml) overnight. Add 2 beaten eggs, salt and sugar to taste, starch, ¼ teaspoon soda and a pinch of vanilla. And now pour in 180 ml of boiling water, continuously stirring the dough, and let stand for twenty minutes in a warm place. Ready to bake. Pancakes are thin, airy, go well with different fillings- sweet and not so sweet.

Pancake pie and crepeville cake

The fantasy of housewives knows no bounds. From pancakes you can collect tasty pie or gourmet cake. Just fold layer by layer, spreading the filling. The cake should be briefly placed in the oven, and the cake in the refrigerator. The result will please your family, and the filling can be any - to your taste.

Pancakes also make excellent rolls and picturesque bags with julienne or red fish, which are good as an appetizer and look very impressive on the table. Try it - you won't regret it. Celebrate the generous Maslenitsa, call your guests and treat them with pies and pancakes.

Shrovetide week is in full swing. If you want to please yourself and loved ones unusual pancakes then this article is for you. In it you will find recipes for openwork, rainbow, Arabic, American, Dutch and other original pancakes.

In fact, pancakes have a rich history (since the 4th century BC). They are known to almost all world cuisines. IN different countries ingredients, cooking method and serving culture differ.

Openwork pancakes

These beautiful pancakes will be a highlight on the table. And thanks to the variety of filling options, openwork pancakes can be baked for at least the entire Shrovetide week.


  • Milk - 200 milliliters
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • A pinch of salt

We knead the dough. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat a little with a whisk. Add salt and milk, and then add vegetable oil and flour. Mix well. The dough should be liquid, without lumps.

We take a bottle with a dispenser or make a hole in the cap of an ordinary plastic bottle. Pour the dough into it. We bake pancakes in a dry frying pan, making, with the help of a bottle, an openwork grid.

When the pancakes are cool, wrap the stuffing in them. For example, you can make a paste of soft cheese and garlic. Place a lettuce leaf on the pancake and spread with cheese filling. You can also "stuff" openwork pancakes with scrambled eggs, hard cheese, vegetables and other fillings - to your taste.

pancake rolls

Love sushi? Then why not treat yourself and your loved ones to sweet pancake rolls on Maslenitsa?


  • Kefir - 500 milliliters
  • Eggs - 1 piece
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Cocoa - 1 teaspoon
  • Bananas - 2-5 pieces
  • Chocolate - 100 grams
  • A pinch of salt

First, knead the dough by combining kefir, egg, sugar, salt, cocoa and flour. The latter is needed in order for the dough to turn out in consistency, like thin sour cream.

We bake thin pancakes.

Then melt the chocolate in a water bath (remember, this can be done in the microwave). Can be substituted for chocolate paste. Drizzle liquid chocolate over each pancake. We clean the bananas and put them on the pancakes (if the fruits are too long, cut them in proportion to the diameter of the pancakes). We roll up the roll. Let the chocolate "grab" and cut the roll into pieces of 2-3 centimeters. Sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar, pour over the remaining glaze and serve.

rainbow pancakes

Very soon the birds will sing, the drops will rustle, and these bright pancakes are like a symbol of the approaching spring.


  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Milk - 100 milliliters
  • Fat-free kefir - 200 milliliters
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • Melted butter - ¼ cup
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • Baking soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt - ½ teaspoon

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, soda and salt in a large bowl. Separately, beat the eggs, kefir, milk and melted butter a little. Gradually combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix well.

We divide the resulting dough into 7 parts, each of which is colored with food coloring.

Grease a shallow frying pan with oil, put on medium heat. Bake pancakes for 2 minutes on each side.

Serve with fruit syrup or jam.

pancake bags

This dish can be prepared not only on Maslenitsa, but also on other occasions. It has everything to decorate the festive table - an original look and tasty content.


  • Milk - 250 milliliters
  • Eggs - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 100 grams
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
  • A pinch of salt
  • Dill
  • green onion

Whisk the eggs with salt and half the milk. Add flour, mix. Pour in the remaining milk and add finely chopped dill. Mix again. We introduce vegetable oil into the dough and mix again. Let the dough brew for 7-10 minutes, and then bake thin pancakes.

From them we will form bags. You can put a spoonful of salad or fried minced meat inside the pancake bag, but these pancakes are best served with julienne inside.

We tighten the "bags" with green onion feathers.


There are about two dozen variations of pancakes called "Kataef". In some countries, you can find kataef, which resembles our dumplings or dumplings, as pancakes are stuffed with cheese and deep fried.

In our more "European" version, kataef is a dessert, which is yeast pancakes with a sweet filling. The latter can serve - custard, whipped cream, cottage cheese, honey, chocolate ... Everything that is enough for the imagination of the sweet tooth.


  • Milk - 200 milliliters
  • Flour - 200 grams
  • Water - 100 milliliters
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Baking powder - ½ teaspoon
  • Dry yeast - ½ teaspoon

Soak yeast and sugar in warm (!) Water for 3-5 minutes, mix the resulting mixture well. Add milk, flour and baking powder to it. Mix thoroughly again and let it brew for half an hour.

Then we bake small pancakes in a dry, well-heated pan with a non-stick coating. We do this only on one (!) Side. A sign of readiness is a dried top layer.

We fold the finished pancakes in half with the unfried side inward and close up along the edge to the middle. We fill the resulting "bags" with a confectionery syringe or a confectionery bag with custard, whipped cream, or other filling to your taste.

Serve on the table, sprinkled with ground nuts or powdered sugar.

french crepes

To make a classic french dessert Crepe Suzette, you will need:



  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 500 ml 20% cream
  • 120 grams of wheat flour
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar
  • A pinch of salt

Orange sauce:

  • 2 oranges
  • 30 grams of butter
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 50 milliliters brandy
  • 5 grams starch

First, fry the pancakes. To do this, melt the butter, beat the eggs lightly with a whisk. Add flour, cream, salt to the eggs, powdered sugar. Mix thoroughly. Then pour in the melted butter. Stir again. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Preheat the pan, grease it with a pastry brush vegetable oil(Don't put oil in the pan!). Scoop out some of the dough and spread it out evenly. Fry the pancake on both sides for about 60 seconds.

Now let's prepare the sauce. Cut the orange peel into thin strips, squeeze the juice from the pulp. Pour sugar into a dry heated frying pan, wait until caramel forms. Then add butter and orange peel. mix Orange juice, cognac and starch. Pour this mixture into the skillet. Wait 3-5 minutes for the sauce to thicken slightly.

Crepe Suzette is ready! Serve pancakes drizzled warm. orange sauce, on beautiful flat plates.

american pancakes

American pancakes are not like Russian ones. They are thicker, sweeter and smaller in diameter. In Russia, something similar is called fritters.

Across the ocean, pancakes are an indispensable part of breakfast. Americans and Canadians love their pancakes so much that many chain stores fast food put them on the menu. Pancakes are served with peanut butter and maple syrup.

American pancakes are very easy to make.


  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 500 milliliters fat milk or cream
  • 500 grams of flour
  • 5 teaspoons of sugar
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder

To knead the dough, beat milk and eggs well. Add flour, sugar and baking powder. Beat thoroughly and let the dough rest for a while (40-50 minutes).

When the dough has risen, mix it again. It should have the consistency of thick sour cream.

Grease the pan with butter (once at the beginning). You can fry. Spoon the batter onto the pan. Fry each pancake golden brown.

Stack the finished pancakes on a plate and serve with plenty of syrup.

dutch pannecockens

Those who have ever been to Amsterdam are unlikely to pass by these pancakes. Because it's impossible to get past. Pannecockens are sold in the Dutch capital on every corner.

At the same time, a whole performance is played out for the astonished tourists - pancakes are baked and stuffed in front of your eyes.

But pannecockens are no ordinary street food. The Dutch love them. There are even family shops and restaurants in the Netherlands that specialize exclusively in these pancakes.

Amazing variety of toppings. Meat, fish, cheese, nuts, fruits - whatever they put inside pannekokens!

However, the recipe is very simple.


  • 200 grams of buckwheat flour
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter
  • 20 grams of butter
  • 70 grams of sugar
  • A pinch of salt

Pour the flour into a bowl, make a small well and break the eggs into it. Whisk. Then pour in milk, add sugar, peanut butter. Whisk again. Melt the butter and pour it into the dough. Mix thoroughly. The dough should be liquid.

Lightly grease the pan with vegetable oil (just a little!). Pannecockens - thin pancakes, pour some batter into the pan. When the edges of the pancake can be easily separated from the pan, you can turn over.

Prepare the filling to your taste and spread it on the finished pancakes.

Swedish ragmurks

Belarusians will contemptuously snort: "These are ordinary pancakes!", Ukrainians will pick up: "Simple pancakes." But Swedish ragmurks (from the Swedish "Raggmunk" - "hairy donut") are first of all pancakes, and then a dish of potatoes.

This meal is very satisfying, therefore it is considered an everyday meal for buffet. The bacon with which they are served also gives satiety to ragmurkas.


  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 300 grams of flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 700 milliliters of milk
  • 8 medium potatoes
  • 400 grams of bacon
  • A little butter for frying

Mix flour and salt in a bowl, pour in half of the milk and beat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Crack the eggs one at a time into the batter and mix. Add the rest of the milk and let the dough rest for a while.

Meanwhile, peel and rub on fine grater potato. Add it to the dough.

Fry the bacon in a skillet until golden brown. Lay the fried bacon on foil. Save the fat left after frying, carefully drain it into a separate bowl.

Then shape potato fritters and fry them in butter. Ragmurki should not be thick - take the dough little by little.

In principle, pancakes can be eaten immediately. But it is tastier to wrap them in foil along with bacon, pour over the remaining pork fat and bake in the oven (10-15 minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees).

Swedish pancakes are served with lingonberry syrup.

Indian dosa

Dosa are pancakes that are incredibly popular in India, Malaysia and Singapore (in fact, they replace bread there). They are made from lentil and rice flour (which is why they are so thin).

There are several variations of this dish: egg dosa, chili dosa, open dosa and others.

In Russia, the most famous, perhaps, masala dosa - rice pancakes with stuffing and spices.



  • 300 grams white rice
  • 300 grams white crushed lentils
  • 2 pods of hot red pepper
  • Half a teaspoon of sugar
  • Two teaspoons of salt


  • 10 medium potatoes
  • 4 tablespoons flaked coconut
  • 3 teaspoons grated fresh ginger
  • 4 tablespoons ghah (clarified butter)
  • Cumin seeds, mustard, turmeric, coriander and other spices to taste

Pour water over rice and lentils and leave for 6-8 hours. Then grind them in a blender with the addition a small amount water. You should get a liquid slurry. Then add pepper, sugar, salt and mix again.

The dough should rest a little. To do this, put it in a warm place for 10-12 hours.

Before baking the dosa, grease the pan with vegetable oil or melted butter. Pour 4 tablespoons of the batter into the center of the heated skillet and spread (literally, spread) it over the entire surface in quick, circular motions. The trick is to have time to distribute the dough until the pancake begins to fry.

Doses are fried quickly - 2 minutes on one side (if necessary, fry a little on the other). You should get thin neat pancakes.

To prepare the filling, boil and mash the potatoes. Rub coconut flakes, ginger. Add some water to them (should get thick paste). Fry the cumin and mustard seeds in ghee, add the resulting coconut-ginger paste. Send after the potatoes and the remaining spices. Fry for 4-5 minutes.

Wrap the filling in dosa and lightly fry the resulting stuffed pancakes in vegetable oil.

Serve hot.

As you can see, pancakes are very different. Let your table on Shrovetide week full of international flavor. Bon appetit!
