
Pancakes are sticky. Recipe for lacy "non-sticky" pancakes on kefir

Once every hostess has a question about how to make pancakes not stick to the pan. The cooking tips suggested here will help you avoid common mistakes and achieve perfect baking in a pan. Culinary tips will tell you what the frying utensils should be like and how the composition of the dough can affect the finished result. If you use the practical recommendations given here, then you will always get the smoothest and most accurate pancakes.

A good pan is the key to success

To prevent pancakes from tearing and sticking to the pan, you need to consider a few rules. And one of them concerns the choice of the dishes themselves. For frying this delicacy, it is best to choose a special pancake pan. As a rule, pastries do not stick to this surface at all. You can also use a massive cast-iron version - the same as our grandmothers used to use. But it will have to be systematically oiled with a piece of fat (lard) or vegetable oil (for this you should get a culinary brush).

And one more thing: you need to fry the delicacy on the most heated surface. In this case, the oil should already be added to it. It is recommended to heat the pan until the first smoke appears.

All attention to the composition of the test

Often pancakes are torn and do not move away from the surface of the pan due to the wrong composition of the dough. What rules should be followed here? Here are the most common ones:

  1. Do not add too much soda to the dough. Then the pancakes will strongly stick to the surface.
  1. The same goes for adding flour. Do not overdo it, because then pancakes will not work.
  1. Also, do not add too much sugar to the dough. From it, baking often sticks to the surface, but remains raw inside.
  1. You can pour 1-2 tablespoons of odorless refined vegetable oil directly into the dough. Then the pancakes will not stick and tear.

On a note! But with the addition of oil, you need to be careful. Don't add too much. Otherwise, the dough may bubble and delaminate during frying.

If the first pancake is lumpy ...

It often happens that frying pancakes is not set immediately. But this is not a reason to throw away the dough and abandon the idea. After the first unsuccessful instance, it is worth thoroughly rinsing the pan and dry it thoroughly. Then the dishes are reheated and oiled. You will see: further everything will certainly turn out at the highest level!

Thin, openwork and well-baked pancakes are an indicator of the high skill of the hostess. But not always only the first pancake turns out to be lumpy, for some reason it is also difficult to lift the rest from the pan without damage. The cake falls apart and loses its taste. What to do so that pancakes always stick off the pan and never tear? Experienced housewives share their secrets.

Why is this happening

Pancakes can stick with an experienced cook. The fact is that in the variety of recipes and utensils it is easy to get confused.

The main reasons pancakes stick to the pan are:

  • the problem is in the test itself;
  • roasting method is wrong;
  • pancakes burn and stick if the dishes do not fit.

Which pan to choose

The reason is most often hidden in the wrong pan. There is a special model for thin pancakes. These are thin and perfectly flat pans with low sides. On such equipment, the entire pancake is baked evenly. The small diameter of the pan allows you to make a perfectly even circle from the dough.

The best materials for frying pancakes are aluminum and cast iron. They form a thin fatty layer, which prevents the dough from burning.

Dishes should be thoroughly washed and dried before frying. Pancakes will burn and tear in an old, damaged pan. That is why washing with abrasive sponges and powders is not recommended for appliances. Any scratches lead to damage to the protective layer and regular burning of food.

Advice! A new pan should be hot enough before frying pancakes. At first, it is better to cook other dishes on it.

In addition to frying pans, special devices are sold in stores - pancake makers, designed for 6 small or 2 regular pancakes. The device consists of an aluminum plate with round recesses, coated with Teflon and connected to a heating element.

The crepe maker is connected to the network, and its power is calculated so as to give the temperature that is optimal for frying pancakes. And thanks to Teflon, the dough does not stick and is easily removed. Often included are spatulas for turning and a measuring ladle to pour the dough. The device helps to fry quickly and easily, so it is worth considering buying it if pancakes are the family's favorite breakfast.

Secrets of the test

Thick pancakes stick much less often than thin and openwork pancakes. To solve the problem, you need to add a little more flour to the dough. To prevent pancakes from bubbling, it is worth adding potato starch, 2 tbsp. l.

The lack of other ingredients also affects the quality of the dough. Eggs are such a product. For pancakes with milk or kefir, you need to take at least 2-3 eggs per 1 liter of liquid. Eggs make the consistency stronger. Such pancakes fry faster and turn out rosier.

Delicate and even pancakes come out if you knead the dough in boiled water, mineral water, kefir or fresh milk.

Be careful with soda! If you put more of it than required, the pancakes will start to stick to the bottom of the pan. Excess sugar will also harm the elasticity of the dough - it is better to sweeten the dish with various fillings and waterings.

Before frying, the dough needs to be at a distance of about 15 minutes: this will disperse the gluten from the flour. She is responsible for the splendor, airiness and integrity of baking.

Advice! To make the dough softer and more pliable, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it before frying. Cow butter will also make pancake dough elastic. The addition of fat is mandatory if milk is used in the recipe.

Subtleties of roasting

What to fry pancakes on? Usually, vegetable oil or pork fat is taken for this. Margarine, cooking oil and butter should not be put because of the water in them: when heated, it evaporates, which causes sticky pancakes to burn.

The dishes should be lubricated every time before frying, and in order for the fat layer to be thin, it is distributed with a special brush.

Before filling, the pan should be well heated, and therefore it is put on fire when the dough is still being kneaded. When the cast iron is hot enough, it is lubricated with oil. After a while it starts to smoke - it's time to start frying. If the pan is not hot enough, the pancake will stick.

Like pancakes right removed from the pan:

  1. You will need a wide wooden or Teflon spatula.
  2. Flip the pancake only once.
  3. The first side fry longer than the second.
  4. When the edge is noticeably browned, and bubbles appear in the center, it's time to turn over.
  5. First, the dough is carefully separated from the edges.
  6. The pancake is pulled as far as possible and removed from the pan with a quick movement.
  7. If you try to turn over the uncooked dough, it will most likely tear.
  8. Experienced chefs flip the pancakes with a special movement of the pan, tossing them up. So the risk of damaging the dough is minimal.

Secrets of delicious pancakes

To finally captivate guests with culinary skills, follow these tips:

  1. The most tender and soft pancakes are made with kefir and milk. Thicker ones come out of the dough using water.
  2. Brush each pancake with melted butter immediately after removing from the pan. So the pastry will be softer and more appetizing.
  3. Pancakes are served in a pile or stuffed.
  4. A good filling for a sweet dish will be homemade jam, jam, condensed milk, melted chocolate, honey, sweet cottage cheese.
  5. Adults will appreciate savory pancakes with meat, mushrooms, vegetables, fish fillets or other tasty additions.

So that pancakes do not stick, you need to foresee a lot. It is worth looking for your perfect recipe and purchasing a special frying pan to delight guests with a hearty and mouth-watering dish at any time.


Sometimes pancakes tear and stick due to the wrong dough consistency. It may turn out to be too liquid or, conversely, thick. An easy way to dilute a thick dough is to add to it the liquid on which it was kneaded: water, milk, kefir, etc. And if the dough turned out to be too liquid, then try adding a little flour. All ingredients in the dough should be at room temperature, and in order for its components to mix well, the dough must be allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes.


If pancakes are baked with milk alone (or kefir), they often burn. In this case, you can add water to the dough. Dilute milk by a third or half with water.


Sometimes pancakes don't turn out because of the large amount of sugar. From below the pancake is already starting to burn, and the top does not have time to bake. And, when you have to turn such a pancake, it naturally breaks. So do not try to make pancakes sweeter, but try to follow the recipe.


So that pancakes do not stick to the pan and do not tear, experienced housewives recommend having a separate pan just for pancakes. It is desirable that it be cast iron, but a good one with a non-stick coating will also work. You need to wash such a pan only with water, without using dishwashing detergents and, moreover, a dishwasher.


The first pancake often turns out “lumpy” due to the fact that the pan has not warmed up enough. Therefore, it is necessary to warm it up in advance and strongly, and then add oil and reduce the heat to medium.


The most common reason why pancakes stick to the pan and tear is the wrong amount of oil. It should not be too much, this can cause pancakes to burn, but it should not be too little, otherwise the pancakes will tear and stick to the pan.
  • First, add 2-3 tablespoons of butter to the dough.
  • Be sure to grease the pan after the 2nd or 3rd pancake, and if the pan is new, then after each.
  • Don't forget to grease the sides of the pan, not just the bottom.
  • For lubrication, there are now special brushes or spatulas, but our mothers and grandmothers used improvised means. They pricked a half of an onion or potato on a fork and with their help evenly distributed the oil in the pan.
  • Instead of vegetable oil, experienced chefs recommend using a piece of lard.
  • If there is too much oil in the pan, it must be removed. To do this, take a small spatula, wrap it with a napkin and secure with an elastic band.

shoulder blades

There are housewives who turn the pancakes over with their hands, saying that this is the only way the pancakes do not tear when turned over. The method is really convenient if you are not afraid to get burned. Using a spatula, you can separate the edges of the pancake, and then quickly turn it over with your hands. And so that it is not too hot, you can work in culinary gloves. If such an extreme option is not for you, use a wide spatula with a long handle.

Baking pancakes at home, at times, turns out to be not an easy task, baking in the hands of even experienced housewives is too capricious. For example, “why do pancakes burn” - not everyone will answer this question, however, without knowing the true causes and ways to fix the problem, you definitely won’t make delicious pastries. Read more about the secrets of cooking in the article, because it is proven recommendations that will help prevent culinary failures.

Burn in the pan: 5 main reasons

If this is the first time you are going to cook your favorite homemade pancakes in a pan or have already done it, but you didn’t succeed, then the first thing to do is to find out the reasons why unwanted burning occurred.

There are not so many significant reasons, but every housewife should know them.

Dough is not the right consistency

Very often, pancakes burn when the dough is too thin, but burning can also occur when the dough for pancakes is thick.

Pancakes on a thick dough not only burn, but also turn out to be quite tough.

unleavened dough

Wrong pan for baking pancakes

A baking pan must be made of a certain material. Cast iron and aluminum pans with a thick bottom are best suited for making tender, thin pancakes. For more information on how to choose the right dishes, read the following article.

Insufficiently heated frying pan. Good pancakes will not work on poorly heated dishes, they will begin to stick, burn and tear.

Badly greased frying pan

Ungreased or insufficiently oiled frying pan. A dish that is dry and poorly moistened with vegetable oil will cause the pancakes to brown too much.

To avoid burning pancakes in a pan, you need to have effective tips in your culinary arsenal that can help at any stage of cooking.

Pancakes burn: what to do and how to fix it

Having considered the possible reasons why pancakes burn, it's time to move on to ways to fix this problem.

If you do not know what to do so that the pancakes do not burn, then here are some simple recommendations for you, which can be considered an instruction for action for any housewife.

Adjusting the consistency of the dough

We start the dough for pancakes of the desired consistency (approximately like a good thick home-made sour cream). If you didn’t succeed in making the dough correctly, don’t be discouraged, try to correct it a little.

  • In batter - add flour (quantity is determined depending on the consistency of the resulting mass).
  • In thick - a little liquid (it all depends on what you cook pancakes on: milk, water, whey, etc.).

vegetable oil in dough

Add odorless vegetable oil to the dough. Determine the amount of oil according to the cooking recipe used, but do not overdo it.

When adding butter to the dough, do not forget to mix it.

Do the same in the process of frying pancakes: periodically, until you use up all the dough, stir it so that the oil accumulated on the surface is evenly distributed throughout the dough mass.

The heat of the pan

We bake pancakes at home only in a well-heated, oiled pan. Read more about the temperature of frying pancakes in the following article.

  • Heat the pan until the first “smoke”, only after that grease it with oil and start baking pancakes.
  • Do not pour oil into the pan, do not let the pastries float in it.
  • It is enough to grease the bottom and sides of the heated dish so that the pancakes can bake well and brown.

Don't cook pancakes in a brand new pan, bake them on a "dry" bottom with no oil at all, and don't use Chinese-made pans. Only aluminum and cast iron, in extreme cases, enameled or non-stick coated.

  • Melt a piece of lard in a frying pan. If you use this particular method, then you no longer need to grease the pan with oil before each new portion of the dough. In this case, lard will serve as a non-stick effect, and lubricate the bottom after each pancake.
  • Rub the bottom of the pan with half an onion, then ignite the bowl, then grease with fat / vegetable oil.
  • Fry the salt in a pan. This method is very effective in combating the burning of homemade pancakes.

As you can see, there are not so many reasons why pancakes burn, so every housewife can fix the problem. A little experience and practical advice at hand - and your pastries will always turn out to be a feast for the eyes.

Bon appetit!

Making pancakes may seem like a simple process, but in fact, not everyone succeeds in creating a good dish the first time. The process of baking thin and fragrant pancakes has a lot of nuances and details, without knowing which the result will be unsatisfactory. The most common difficulty is the dough sticking to the pan and tearing when trying to turn it over. There are several reasons.

Poorly heated frying pan

The saying about “the first pancake is lumpy” went because of the insufficiently heated surface for baking. During the heating of the oil, a protective film forms on the surface, its uniform distribution does not allow the dough to stick. If the pan is not too hot and the oil does not have enough temperature, then the pancake will definitely stick to it and tear when turning over.

The reason for a poorly heated surface is haste or lack of experience. It is important to start preheating the pan in advance, and wait for the first haze from the greased oil - both the first and subsequent pancakes will easily leave the pan.

Problematic dish coating

If the pancakes are constantly sticking and falling apart, you should pay attention to the coating of the pan. For pancakes, there should be a separate frying pan, preferably made of cast iron or aluminum. Constant cooking of the dough on the surface of such pans forms a fatty film that prevents sticking. If you cook something else in the pan, then in the process of constant washing, the film will gradually be washed off, and the pancakes will not turn out. It is not recommended to fry pancakes in a new cast-iron pan - pre-calcination is required.

Cooking pancakes is also possible on non-stick and ceramic coatings. Only first it is necessary to lubricate the surface with a piece of lard or a potato dipped in vegetable oil. It is not worth cooking in an aluminum frying pan that is too thin - it overheats easily and the pancakes start to burn.

Non-compliance with the recipe

To prevent pancakes from sticking, it is important to follow the correct dough recipe. Many housewives make the same mistake - a lot of water, lack of eggs and fat. In addition, there are other reasons for an unsuccessful dessert.

  1. Too much oil has the opposite effect - it begins to boil when the pancakes are baked, as a result of which they do not turn over due to a violation of integrity.
  2. Excess sugar. Pancake quickly blushes from below, and remains raw on top - it will be very difficult to turn it over.
  3. Lots of soda. If your recipe calls for the use of soda, then you must clearly follow the description. Too much baking soda can spoil the taste of pancakes, saturate them with an unnatural yellow color and destroy the stickiness of the dough.
  4. Adding spices. If you put a lot of cinnamon, vanilla and cardamom into the dough, the strength of the dough may decrease, as a result of which it will not be possible to bake whole cakes.

Advice: When the pancake sticks strongly and breaks, it is worth adding another egg to the dough, as this is a kind of “cement” that holds all the components of the pancake batch together. Also add vegetable oil (no more than 40 ml of oil per standard recipe is considered optimal). If this does not eliminate sticking, then it is better to redo the dough completely, preparing it clearly according to the recipe.

Incorrect dough consistency

It doesn’t matter what you cook pancakes on (milk, water or kefir), since the main role in the recipe is given to flour, which forms its consistency.

  1. With an excess of flour, the pancakes will turn out to be undercooked, and due to the thickness they will fall apart.
  2. Not enough flour will cause the pancake to stick to the surface.

The correct consistency implies a viscous runoff of the dough from the ladle, but not too thick a stream. This state can be achieved only when the batch stands for half an hour. During this time, the dough will have time to release the gluten, which will give the pancakes more elasticity.
