
Chocolate hazelnut ganache cream. Recipes for making cream ganache to cover the cake under mastic

Different creams are needed, different creams are important ... One is for biscuits, the other is for cakes, and also for custards ... I bring to your attention 7 delicious universal creams. Let's start with one of the very popular and long-lasting creams.

  1. ganache

Ganache is a cream based on chocolate, black, milk or white. A cream in which melted chocolate is, as it were, made more liquid by adding liquid to it. Cream, milk, tea, water, milk, berry and fruit purees can be used as a liquid. The most important thing in this cream is technology and the right ratio.

Basic ratio of liquid and chocolate: 1:1 (for example, 100g of chocolate per 100g of cream). The more liquid, the more liquid the cream will be, choose the ratio according to what you need the ganache for.

If you want to make a fruit or berry ganache, prepare a smooth, lump-free puree at room temperature. The ratio is better to use this - for 100 g of chocolate - 80 grams of cream and 20-30 grams of fruit puree.

Manufacturing technology:

Chop the chocolate very finely, set aside. Heat the cream, no need to boil! Pour the hot cream over the chocolate and start stirring vigorously. Do not stop until the mass becomes homogeneous.

For smoothness and sheen, add a dollop of butter to the still-warm mixture and blend everything with an immersion blender without lifting the blender out of the chocolate.

The cream will be liquid. Put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, but periodically check the consistency. As it cools, the ganache will begin to thicken. When you see the consistency you want, take the cream out of the refrigerator. You can beat with a mixer for splendor.

If you want to pour ganache on a cake (as in the photo below), use the cream in a liquid state, allowing it to cool slightly.

If you will be making truffles, then you do not need to whip the cream with a mixer after cooling.

Ganache is great for any kind of dough. It is very resistant and suitable for decoration and creating cream patterns.

  1. Swiss meringue
  2. Custard
  3. Oil
  4. Muslin cream
  5. Creamy

What creams do you like?

Fans of homemade cakes used to look with envy at cakes prepared by French confectioners. Such confectionery products delight with their beauty and originality. The secrets of the French masters have been revealed, and now every housewife can make cream ganache for a cake in her kitchen.

Cream for ganache cake: recipe

Do you like to bake cakes in your free time, and their unusual creative decoration is your hobby? Then you probably need to master the technique of making ganache cream to decorate confectionery. Most often, such a cream is used specifically for leveling cakes and decorating. But for the impregnation of cakes, it is better not to use ganache.

If you believe the legends, then the ganache cream has French roots and it was invented quite by accident. One confectioner, due to his awkwardness, spilled cream into melted chocolate, for which he was scolded and called ganache. It turns out that in translation from French this word means blockhead.

So, a lot of time has passed since then, and the resulting product has become an exquisite cream, known throughout the world. The name has remained - ganache. Today you will learn how to prepare chocolate ganache cream for a cake.

On a note! Milk or dark chocolate is used to make ganache. Even better - choose a confectionery glaze.


  • 0.5 kg of butter;
  • 1 kg of chocolate icing.


Cooking cream according to the French recipe

Even the most experienced and eminent confectioners baked goods are not always perfect. To hide all the shortcomings, the cakes must be "primed" or "putty". Cream ganache is ideal for coating the cake.

As already mentioned, there are several options for its preparation. You can make ganache with cream and chocolate.

On a note! Take not only bitter or milk chocolate as a basis. For example, white chocolate or confectionery icing is used to decorate wedding cakes.


  • 0.3 kg of milk chocolate;
  • 0.3 kg of dark chocolate;
  • 0.3 l cream with a fat concentration of 20%.


On a note! If you need to make a multi-colored ganache, use white chocolate and food coloring. By analogy, a ganache cream is prepared for a mastic cake. If the mastic is not very elastic, take cream with a high percentage of fat and dark chocolate.

Universal cream ganache

Cakes are associated with the holiday. Unfortunately, festive events are not too frequent guests in our lives. If you like to spoil your household and often cook cakes or cookies, you can use ganache cream to decorate such pastries. And its recipe is very simple.


  • cow's milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • cognac - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 160 g;
  • granulated sugar - 0.3 kg.


  1. Sift the cocoa powder through a fine sieve.
  2. Add sugar to the same bowl.
  3. Mix dry ingredients. In no case do not allow the formation of lumps.
  4. Now pour in cow's milk at room temperature.
  5. Once again, mix everything well.
  6. Pour this mass into a heat-resistant dish and send it to the stove.
  7. Boil the mixture for a quarter of an hour. Don't forget to stir it constantly.
  8. Remove from stove and cool slightly.
  9. Now add soft butter.
  10. Add cognac.
  11. Beat the cream with a blender or immersion mixer.

On a note! Ganache cream prepared according to this recipe can be used to decorate cookies, muffins, and cakes. Checking its readiness is simple: put a little cream on a saucer. If the drop holds its shape, then you have made the perfect ganache.

Culinary experiment

It was mentioned above that ganache is not suitable for lubricating cakes and filling confectionery. Improve the recipe a little, and you will get the perfect filling, prepared according to the recipe of French confectioners.


  • dark chocolate - 0.1 kg;
  • butter - 70 g;
  • 50 ml cream;
  • 50 g strawberries.


  1. We wash the strawberries with running water.
  2. We remove the tails.
  3. Grind the berries to a puree consistency.
  4. Lightly heat the cream in the microwave.
  5. Break the chocolate bar into pieces.
  6. Combine with cream.
  7. Mix well and add soft butter.
  8. Strawberry puree grind in a sieve and add to the bulk.
  9. Once again, mix well until smooth.
  10. We insist the cream in the refrigerator until thickened.
  11. This ganache is used for filling and decorating pastries.

If you have tried Belgian pralines, then you probably liked their delicate structure, which, in fact, is chocolate ganache. The recipe for its preparation is presented on this page. In addition to the fact that sweets can be created from this plastic chocolate mass, it is also suitable for decorating cakes, pastries and various mousses. This incredibly tasty mixture is prepared very quickly, simply and from affordable products.

What is chocolate ganache?

A mixture of chocolate and heavy cream is chocolate ganache. It is suitable for creating truffles, praline fillings or cakes, as well as decorating cakes and light meals. This is an airy chocolate mass, because it is usually whipped with a mixer. It can be stored for a long time - up to seven days at room temperature if it contains more chocolate than cream. Liquid chocolate ganache is obtained, with an equal amount of chocolate and cream, or in the case when the latter turned out to be low-fat. To create a classic chocolate ganache, the recipe calls for equal proportions of cream with a fat content of 32-40% and bitter, milk or white chocolate.

Whipped chocolate ganache is a creamy truffle filling or chocolate spread used to decorate cakes. In other words, it can be used with almost any recipe for sweet pastries. Chocolate ganache for mastic is created in the same way as any other variety. It should be borne in mind that when mixing cream and chocolate, the mass is not very obedient and not very plastic. It is more convenient to work with it if you beat the warm mixture until fluffy. It is recommended to use a high-quality mixer for these purposes, but better.

Classic chocolate ganache. Recipe

To prepare this delicious chocolate mass you will need:
200 grams of milk chocolate;
100 milliliters of cream.

If you prefer dark chocolate, you can use it to make ganache. And to coat the cake with a light plastic mass, white chocolate is used. To give the ganache an unusual taste, you can add coffee, zest and any other food additives with a strong aftertaste to the cream before heating it. That is, you can change the recipe a little without fear of spoiling the products. When choosing zest as an additive, after heating the cream, strain it before adding chocolate to it. The latter can be red, blue, yellow, green, orange and even purple. If you have one for sale, then you can use it to create original chocolate ganache.

Chocolate ganache. Recipe for mastic

To prepare a plastic mass of chocolate and cream, in order to apply it on a cake under mastic, the recipe prescribes the use of the same products, but in different proportions:
1. Milk chocolate should be prepared at least three hundred grams per two hundred milliliters of cream.
2. If white chocolate is used, then it should be taken about four hundred grams per two hundred milliliters of cream. The same proportions are necessary if you take colored chocolate.
3. When using dark chocolate, you should take a bar weighing two hundred grams and two hundred milliliters of heavy cream.

How to make chocolate ganache?

The recipe for making a gentle creamy mixture is quite simple. First you need to heat the cream, then put the chocolate in them and wait for it to completely dissolve. To prevent the mixture from burning, it should be heated over low heat or even better - in a water bath. In the second case, a smaller saucepan with chocolate and cream is placed in a large one filled with water. The water in the lower pot must be boiling so that the contents of the upper one are warmed up. In order for the whipped ganache to turn out to be full-fledged, the recipe prescribes to heat the cream and chocolate, but not to boil these components of the creamy mass. The photo below this paragraph shows the chocolate-cream mixture, which has not yet become homogeneous.

People who know how to create unusual pastries, who know how to make chocolate ganache, say that it is enough to mix chocolate and cream with a tablespoon. But I don't like the mass that comes out of it. Whipped chocolate ganache, the recipe of which is presented on this page, comes out much more plastic, tender and tastier. And besides, it turns out more, because the volume of the mixture increases from whipping. The latter fits perfectly on the surface of the cake, truffles of any shape are formed from it and it is easy to fill custard cakes with it. Therefore, it is best to beat the heated creamy chocolate mixture with a mixer.

When you mix cream and chocolate in a saucepan, mix them until a homogeneous mass is formed, as in the photo above this paragraph. Only then can the mixture be poured into the cup of a food processor in order to beat it into a chocolate mousse. The kitchen machine should have one or two whisks, then you get a quality chocolate ganache. Make sure that the cream does not overflow in the mixer bowl. The recipe calls for whisking the mixture until it leaves whisk marks, as seen in the photo below this part of the article. When you turn off the mixer, these marks may disappear. But it is not important. The chocolate mass will still remain airy. It should be sent overnight in the refrigerator or on the balcony if it is cold outside.

After about twelve hours, the chocolate ganache will be ready. It should be a plastic stable mass, in fact - chocolate mousse, if you took two parts of chocolate and one of cream. A photo of such a mousse is located at the very beginning of this article. You can make Belgian pralines from this chocolate mass or coat the sides and top of the cake with it. If you want to use this mousse as a filling, for example, for choux pastries, then the recipe calls for using equal amounts of cream and chocolate. This will result in a very soft, less dense mass. Her photo is at the end of this post.

What to do if the chocolate ganache is stratified?

Chocolate creamy mass can delaminate for four reasons:
- when adding cream to low-quality chocolate or chocolate fudge, and not chocolate to cream, as prescribed by the recipe (the first is only permissible if high-quality chocolate is used);
- when using low-quality chocolate or chocolate fudge;
- if the cream is too fatty;
- when there is a lot of cream.
So that the chocolate ganache does not delaminate, the recipe should be slightly modified - add more chocolate to it, heat it up and then beat again.

What to do if you managed to kill the ganache?

Beginners who have no idea how to make chocolate ganache usually use a standard recipe to beat the mass until lumps appear in it. The same thing happens when whipping cream with chocolate fondant or low-quality chocolate. The chopped chocolate ganache should be heated in a saucepan over low heat or in a water bath, stirring until the lumps dissolve. Then the mixture must be beaten again. If you again kill the mass, you need to repeat all the steps described in this paragraph.

How to apply chocolate ganache on a cake?

It is better if you create pastries, focusing on the recipe for making chocolate cake. Then the creamy mass will organically complement its taste. After all, chocolate cake is the most delicious with chocolate cream. But in principle, you can decorate with ganache and any other pastries. The tools that should be used to apply the plastic mass on the sides and surface of the cake are:
- spatula;
- plastic spatula;
- a knife with a long and wide blade.

After you apply the chocolate ganache on the sides and top of the pastry, you should put the latter in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then a spatula, a plastic spatula or a knife with a long and wide blade must be placed for five minutes in a tall vessel filled with boiling water. With a hot tool, wiped dry, you should smooth the chocolate ganache on the surface and sides of the cake. The effect of ironing is obtained, while there are no irregularities on the confectionery product.

Classic chocolate ganache is a very simple and common chocolate cream. You've almost certainly met him, even if you didn't know he was called that. You know that insanely chocolatey not-quite-soft filling in chocolate candies or thick filled chocolate bars? As a rule, it is ganache. Does the dessert or layer in the cake have a strange consistency - is it denser than cream, but softer than chocolate? Most likely, this is also ganache. The most famous chocolate ganache cake that drives all chocoholics crazy is the Demel cake, the second most popular cake in Viennese cuisine after Sacher.

Classic chocolate ganache (as such a recipe would be called in the USSR - "ganache according to GOST") is made from one part of cream and two parts of chocolate. This ganache can be used for everything - in sweets, and as a cake cream, and for coating the cake, and for pouring, it is universal. Such a ganache is easy to cut, it is plastic and at the same time holds its shape well. However, sometimes it is more rational to make more or, on the contrary, more ganache.

Chocolate ganache can be flavored with various confectionery flavors, or enriched with the addition of fruit and puree, zest or mint. In some cases, a small amount of butter is added to it.

Since the ganache itself is very, very simple to prepare, and there is, in fact, nothing to talk about. I will show here along the way one example of its practical use - pouring a cake with a thick shell of ganache.

We will pour in a detachable metal form. Before starting the preparation of ganache, some preparatory measures should be taken with both the shape and the base of the cake. Firstly, if a metal mold is to be used, then it is necessary to isolate the walls of the mold from the ganache with some kind of film. For me it will be a strip of confectionery paper, you can also use food plastic (thick bags, not a thin film, if you don’t want wrinkles on the walls of the cake). Silicone molds do not need to be covered with anything, they themselves are remarkably separated from the frozen ganache.

I can’t smoothly coat cakes, so for me the technology of pouring a cake with ganache is, of course, very convenient. But under it, the filling should have a smaller diameter than the form in which solidification takes place. Therefore, cakes and other details should either be baked in a smaller form or cut off. Here I am pressing a contour on the cake with a shape of a smaller diameter.

The excess is cut off with a knife along the marked line.

The base is placed inside the form lined with paper so that there is a uniform gap everywhere between the filling and the walls.

So, now that all the preliminary preparation has been done, you can start making ganache. Because it is done easily and quickly. We grind chocolate.

Melt the chopped chocolate in hot, but not boiling cream, calmly stirring it with a spoon. No whisks, no whipping.

And at the moment when the ugly liquid mess from the previous frame turns into such a beautiful shiny thick cream with a uniform consistency, the ganache will be ready! Confectionery flavors are usually added to it at this stage so that the flavors do not evaporate during cooking. As you can see, everything is very simple. Ganache is one of the most elemental creams and is hard to mess up. The main thing is not to boil it when cooking.

Well, now - how to pour ganache on a cake to make a shell? Yes, just pour it on the cake, it will slide between the walls and the filling, it is liquid, while warm.

The surface should be slightly smoothed, the form should be gently shaken so that the liquid mass is well distributed in the cavities around the filling, and there are no air bubbles. If the temperature in the room is below 20 ° C, then the ganache will harden at room temperature. If higher, then the cake should be refrigerated, but not very cold.

The finished classic chocolate ganache is not creamy, but hard. The paper comes off easily.

The surface of the finished ganache is more matte than the liquid one. There is no need to heat the knife to cut ganache-coated cakes - the ganache cuts without breaking, just like a thicker cream, not like a chocolate coating. How do you like the smoothness of the side surfaces of the cake, do you like it? Cream to me so smoothly to not smear.

Probably, some people have a question whether it is necessary to use a water bath for making ganache, as you can see in my photos. No, absolutely not required. I use it simply so that I can take pictures for a long time and the ganache does not freeze before I pour it on the cake. You can easily prepare ganache in any other saucepan - most importantly, do not bring it to a boil. As soon as the chocolate begins to melt into the cream, immediately remove the pan from the heat and stir until this characteristic dark and shiny cream is obtained.

Do you admire skillful confectioners who perfectly make cakes with perfectly even sides and top? Would you like to learn too? This skill is honed over the years, but you have to at least start! And for this you need a correct and proven recipe. We will introduce you to chocolate ganache to cover the cake and reveal all the secrets of this extraordinary miracle.

Now cakes with ganache have almost completely replaced the beloved mastic, relegating sweet figurines to the background.

Let's open the most important and important secret of chocolate ganache for coating the cake: you need the perfect consistency. Moreover, the keyword “ideal” sounds different for each confectioner.

  • For some, it's a soft texture that glides on gently and easily under a spatula.
  • For another - dense and heavy, smoothing out only under muscular arms.

For hostesses with little experience, the most important thing is to find a "golden mean" for themselves. You may need to try several cream recipes to see which one is right for you.

And one more very important rule: if your kitchen is too hot, discard the ganache and replace it with another cream. Delicate chocolate texture spreads at high temperatures.

The optimal ambient temperature for making ganache with different types of chocolate is:

  • for black bitter - up to + 29 ° С;
  • for dairy - up to + 27 ° С;
  • for white - up to 22 ° C.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cake - a simple recipe

For beginner confectioners, it is easiest to practice on milk chocolate. It melts easily, has a delicate texture and a sweet taste. Choose only the best quality your wallet can afford. In addition to it, for a simple recipe for chocolate ganache, you will need cream in the ratio:

  • 300 g milk chocolate (not porous);
  • 100 g cream with a fat content of at least 33%.

Start by cutting it into very small pieces, you can even grate it.

Read also: Pumpkin and Apple Puree - 8 Recipes

Place the cream in a small saucepan and set to the lowest temperature. Bring to a state where very small bubbles appear. Remove immediately. Tilt the pan slightly in different directions to release the air. Sprinkle chocolate.

Stir constantly with a silicone spatula. Until the mass becomes homogeneous. You will still have unmelted chocolate chips, so return the saucepan to a slow fire and hold for another 3 minutes.

Remove and stir. The consistency of the ganache should be glossy and smooth. Pour it into a container that can then be placed in the microwave and heated. Cover with foil. Place in the refrigerator or leave on the table for at least a day.

Before coating the cake, remove the ganache and reheat it at a low temperature in the microwave. Just warm up! Not hot and not liquid! Warm, homogeneous texture.

Important! Ganache can be stored refrigerated for up to 30 days. At room temperature - only 2-3 days. If you left the cream on the table overnight, then you need to use it completely. The ganache that has stood for a day should not be allowed to be stored at low temperatures.

Chocolate ganache for mastic

Chocolate ganache is the perfect coating for a cake if it will be covered with fondant. With the help of a cream of a dense consistency, it is easy to align the edges and top. In addition to ganache, this is the only sweet under which the mastic does not melt. Consider the option of a light dessert:

  • white chocolate - 600 g;
  • cream - 300 g.

Pour the cream into a non-stick saucepan. We put on the fire, but make it very small and bring to a boil.

At this time, chop the white chocolate with a knife, literally into crumbs.

Skim off the cream and add the shredded pieces to it. The hot liquid will melt the chocolate.

At the next stage, an immersion blender will help out. With it, it is easy to make a uniform smooth consistency. Immerse the knives deep into the tank and turn on at full power. Do not remove the tool and do not immerse it up and down. Just hold near the bottom, the knives will do everything for you. With this technology, you will not get extra bubbles.

Set the blender aside and cover the mixture with cling film, pressing it firmly against the surface to prevent a crust from forming. Put in a cool place until tomorrow.

Important! What to do if the ganache splits? There are cases when cream and chocolate did not go through the required connection stage (most often due to the poor quality of the latter). Then you will get cream grains. You can try to save it by mixing it with a blender.

Ganache with smudges on cream

Beautiful seductive drops flowing down from the cake - it always looks tempting and delicious. But to achieve such an effect is not at all easy. In this recipe, we will tell you how to properly make ganache with smudges on cream so as not to spoil the whole cake. So, we will need:

  • black bitter - 50 grams;
  • cream 10% fat - 40 grams.

At the beginning of our preparation, do one trick - put an ordinary glass in the refrigerator. Later, you will understand why.

Read also: What white chocolate is made of: we will reveal all the secrets

We put the chopped chocolate in a plate, pour over the cream and put in the microwave for exactly 30 seconds. Take out and mix. You will see the chocolate melt slowly. Don't rush him. Just continue to stir methodically with a silicone spatula or spoon.

If your mass has become homogeneous, but there are still lumps of chocolate, return the plate to the microwave for 10 seconds. No more! Now follow the consistency. If it seems too thick to you, it can be diluted with one drop of cream.

Pick up the cream spoon. Is it draining? Wonderful. Take a glass out of the refrigerator. It will serve as our reference point before decorating the cake.

Pour a drop of ganache from the spoon onto the rim of the glass. Watch how the drop flows. Did you get to the bottom? The cream is too runny. Frozen at the top - too thick. If your smudge stops exactly in the middle - congratulations, your ganache is ready for its destination.

To dilute too thick ganache, add a drop of cream to it, stirring each time and tasting on a glass. To make it thicker, melt a piece of chocolate.

Important! Make sure the cake is cold enough before pouring drips on the cake. It is on temperature differences that beautiful long drops are formed. The easiest way is to put the product for 30 minutes in the freezer before the final decoration.

Chocolate ganache to cover the cocoa cake with milk
