
Summer raspberry compote. Fragrant raspberry compote in winter will bring you back to summer days! With irga and raspberries

fragrant berry raspberries are especially loved by children, and adults enjoy eating them with pleasure raspberry jam. One of the ways to prepare summer berries is also the rolling of raspberry compote for the winter. Since the compote undergoes a shorter heat treatment, this method allows you to save a maximum of vitamins. After all, raspberries are not only delicious, but also very healthy. It replenishes vitamin C and is especially good during colds and flu, as it relieves general symptoms, lowers body temperature and improves well-being.

Raspberry compote recipes for the winter can even be done inexperienced housewives. The process of preparing the drink is quite simple and does not take much time.

Before putting the berries in jars, they must be cleaned of tails and washed. To do this, carefully place the raspberries in a sieve and dip a couple of times in a bowl of water, and then let the excess liquid drain.

To get rid of the raspberry bug, dip the berries in salted water for 10 minutes before washing, and then rinse well.

Quick raspberry drink

You can quickly prepare raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. To do this, rinse raspberries in the amount of 600 g and arrange in equal parts for two cans (3 liters each).

Pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid into each bottle.

Next, make the syrup for pouring:

Fill jars with syrup and close raspberry compote for the winter.

Raspberry compote by double pouring method

To prepare three cans of a drink with a volume of 2 liters, 600 g will be required (at the rate of 200 g per can). It can be made immediately in large containers and divided equally into two three-liter bottles.

Banks should be sterilized beforehand.

Spread clean berries in containers, pour boiling water (approximately 6 liters) and leave for 5 minutes. Next, carefully decant the liquid into large saucepan, leaving a little in the raspberry - so it does not lose shape.

Add 0.6 kg of granulated sugar to the water. To make the compote less sweet, you can put 100 g less. While stirring, let the sugar dissolve completely.

Pour berries with boiling syrup and roll up.

Sterilized raspberry compote with powdered sugar

Such a drink will take a little longer and is very concentrated. However, this is its “pluses” - by opening one liter jar of concentrate in winter, you can make at least 3 liters of delicious compote from it. This method of conservation is especially relevant for urban residents who do not have their own basement.

So, put 3 kg of sorted and washed berries into a bowl in layers, sprinkling with powdered sugar. In total, you will need about 800 g of powder. Leave the sprinkled raspberries overnight to extract the juice.

You can make your own powdered sugar by grinding sugar in a blender with special attachments.

In the morning, carefully select the berries with a slotted spoon, arrange evenly in jars and pour over the remaining raspberry syrup in the bowl.

Put jars with raspberry compote for the winter in a large basin, after laying an old towel on the bottom. Sterilize no more than 10 minutes, roll up and wrap.

Raspberry-apple compote

To diversify taste qualities, when canning a drink, you can add other berries and fruits to it. So, in apple compote, fruits with sourness perfectly complement the taste and give it personality, and ripe berries create a beautiful shade.

The peculiarity of this drink is that it is prepared in a saucepan and then rolled up. To prevent the lid from swelling during storage, you should add a lemon.

A very original drink is obtained with the addition of dry red wine (100 g per total amount of liquid). However, if it is used by children, it is better to miss this moment.

Step by step preparation of 3 liters of compote:

Currant and raspberry compote

Very rich in color and special in taste, a drink is obtained from two types of berries - raspberries and currants.

To make the compote sweeter, use red currants. For beautiful color take black berries.

In order to roll up 3 liters of raspberry compote and:

When using red currants, the amount of sugar should be increased to 200 g, otherwise the drink will be a little sour.

Raspberry orange drink

Enough unusual combination traditional compote berries and exotic fruit will allow you to get a delicious refreshing drink with citrus notes.

For 4 liters of raspberry and orange compote for the winter you will need:

  • 600 g of berries;
  • 600 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 large sweet orange

Rinse the raspberries and pat dry.

Pour boiling water over the orange and divide into 4 parts, cut each randomly.

Sterilize jars and put raspberries and oranges in them.

Pour the ingredients with boiling water and cover with lids on top. Wait for the jars to cool down so that you can take them with your bare hands.

When the glass has cooled, pour the infused liquid into a saucepan and prepare a syrup based on it with the addition of sugar.

Pour hot syrup over and roll up.

Raspberry compote for the winter will not only quench your thirst, but also help fight beriberi. When harvesting, you can connect your imagination and combine raspberries not only with currants, apples and oranges, but also with other fruits. This will not spoil the taste of the drink, but quite the contrary - it will give it individuality. The main thing is to preserve with a margin, because delicious compotes tend to end quickly. Bon appetit!

Raspberry and blackberry compote - video

Raspberries are one of my favorite berries. At the same time, it is from it that blanks for the winter are massively made. And the reason for this is not only its taste and aroma, but also beneficial features. Raspberry compote - incredible delicious drink, which can not only be cooked during the harvest period, but also rolled up for the winter.

Raspberries and other berries and fruits

Raspberry gives drinks based on it a pronounced aroma and taste. Its berries contain a large number of vitamins. But no less tasty and healthy combined drinks, which are prepared with the addition of a variety of fruits and berries.

Very often, raspberry compote for the winter is prepared with the addition of apples, apricots, currants, cherries, etc. There are even recipes for a drink made from pears, quince and raspberries. Sometimes mint leaves are put in the compote.

An unusual drink can be obtained by adding spices - cinnamon and raspberries - to a decoction of raspberries. True, such a compote must be prepared strictly following the recipe so as not to overdo it with some components.

General principles of preparation

Raspberries are incredibly tender berries. Even with a short shelf life, it can easily become moldy and ferment. If you are preparing raspberry compote, which you will use now, then stale berries are quite suitable. But to prepare a drink for the winter, it is worth taking only fresh fruits.

Before cooking, raspberries must be carefully sorted out by removing the stalks. Next, you need to rinse and dry the berries. Sometimes there are worms in raspberries. If you find such unwanted guests, then the berries can be soaked in a weak salt solution for ten minutes. After that, the raspberries must be washed very carefully.

Raspberry compote is brewed for a very short time, and preparing a drink for the winter does not require too long sterilization. Berries can be laid out in jars (sterilized) and pour boiling syrup. After that, raspberry compote for the winter is immediately clogged with lids. Pasteurization is subjected only to a drink made from berries in their own juice.

As we have already mentioned, compote can be prepared not only on the basis of raspberries. By adding other ingredients - gooseberries, cherries, currants (black or red), cherries, you can get bright and rich drinks with a stunning bouquet of aroma. Unusual compote obtained by adding red wine.

Jars for harvesting raspberry compote must be washed and sterilized in advance. Metal lids also need to be boiled. After the banks are rolled up, they are turned upside down and wrapped in a warm blanket. In this state, the containers are until completely cooled.

Classic recipe

The classic recipe for raspberry compote is quite simple. Preparing a delicious drink is a completely simple matter, even for those housewives who are going to do their own stockpiling for the future for the first time.

So, what do we need to make raspberry compote for the winter?

For a 3 liter take a jar the following components:

  1. Sugar - 320 g.
  2. Ripe raspberries - 320 g.
  3. A teaspoon of citric acid.

We wash a three-liter jar well under running water and sterilize. After that, it is necessary to dry the container by turning it upside down. The lid also needs to be boiled. In the meantime, let's start preparing the berries. Raspberries must be sorted out, removing the crushed and spoiled berries, then rinsed in a colander under running water. For some time, the berries can be left in a colander, as excess liquid must drain. Next, transfer the raspberries to a jar and add a teaspoon of citric acid.

We put a large pot of water (3 liters) on the fire and pour sugar into it. Our recipe indicates the amount of sugar that is needed to obtain a sweet drink. If you like compote with sourness, just reduce its amount by about a hundred grams.

The syrup should boil, after which it must be boiled for another couple of minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour raspberries with boiling liquid. Do not add about one centimeter to the top of the container. Next, cover the jar with a lid and roll it up. We send the compote to cool under the covers.

Raspberry with honey

We bring to your attention useful compote from raspberries with honey. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Frozen raspberries - 350 g.
  2. Honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan and send it to the stove. In the meantime, we grind the berries through a sieve. The cake is sent to boiling water in containers. A raspberry puree while we leave it aside. Boil the raspberries on low heat for five minutes. Next, remove the broth from the heat and let it brew (10 minutes). In a warm compote, you need to dilute honey and add raspberry puree. Such a healthy and tasty drink can be served both cold and warm. As you can see vitamin prescription Raspberry compote is incredibly simple. It can come in handy when you feel unwell or have a cold. Such vitamin cocktail help to cope with the disease.

Raspberry compote with wine

At first glance, such a raspberry compote recipe for the winter may seem incredible, but in fact, adding wine makes a wonderful drink.

For cooking, stock up on the following products:

  1. Raspberry - 270 g.
  2. Red sweet wine - 120 g.
  3. Sugar - 270 g.
  4. Lemon juice.

We sort the raspberries, wash and transfer to a clean container. Dissolve sugar in boiling water (1.5 liters), add freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Boil the resulting syrup over low heat for seven minutes. Pour raspberries in jars with boiling liquid, add wine and seal the containers. Then we send them to cool under the covers.

Raspberry with mint

In our article we will try to give the best raspberry compote recipes. You can make a delicious drink with the addition of mint.

For this we need:

  1. Raspberry - 550 g.
  2. A glass of sugar.
  3. A few mint leaves.

Raspberries are carefully sorted and washed. Mint leaves also need to be washed and dried well with a towel. Next, we transfer the raspberries to a sterilized jar, and put mint on top and cover everything with sugar.

Boil about three liters of water in a saucepan and pour the liquid into the jar to the very neck. The container must immediately be closed with a boiled lid and corked.

Raspberry and black currant

Raspberry and currant compote is incredibly fragrant. Moreover, you can prepare a drink with both red and black currants. In both cases, you get a compote with a different flavor.


  1. Raspberry - 850
  2. Black currant - 850 g.
  3. Sugar - 520 g.
  4. Water.

We carefully sort out currants and raspberries and clean them from twigs and debris. Next, rinse well and distribute the berries into two liter jars. Fill the containers to the top with water, then pour it into the pan and send it to the fire. Add sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. We fill them with berries and let them brew for about fifteen minutes, after which we drain the water and boil again. Re-fill jars with hot syrup and roll them up. We are waiting for the upside down compote to cool down. For further storage the workpiece is sent for storage in cool place.

Raspberry and currant compote for the winter

The combination of currant and raspberry is truly a win-win. Fragrant compote of berries will become the most favorite on your table. There are many recipes for drinks, each of them is good in its own way.


  1. Raspberry - 230 g.
  2. Black currant - 230 g.
  3. Half a lemon.
  4. Mint - a couple of leaves.
  5. Water.

We carefully sort the blackcurrant and wash it in running water. We shift the berries into a colander and blanch them for a few minutes. Next, we send the currants to clean three-liter jars, add mint and lemon cut into slices.

Prepare the syrup in a saucepan. To do this, pour water, add sugar and raspberries. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour it into jars. Compote should be infused for 15-20 minutes. After that, the liquid is poured into the pan and brought to a boil again. The syrup is poured into jars and sealed. Then they are sent to cool under the covers, after turning upside down.

Berry compote

Very often, housewives prefer to cook compotes from assorted berries raspberry based. Such a drink is able to cheer you up in the cold season with its bright taste and a fragrance that reminds of a warm sunny summer.

To prepare raspberry compote for the winter in a 3-liter jar, you will need:

  1. Raspberry - 520 g.
  2. Sugar - 230 g.
  3. Black currant - 320 g.
  4. Cherries - ½ cup (pitted)

Blackcurrants must be sorted out and dry spouts removed from it, then rinsed and spread out to dry on a towel. We also wash cherries and raspberries, but separately. We transfer all the berries to a clean three-liter jar and fill boiling water. We cover the container with a lid and leave the compote to infuse for fifteen minutes. After the specified time, pour the liquid into the pan using a special nylon cap with holes. We cover the bottle again tin lid. And we send the pan with the liquid to the stove, add sugar and cook berry syrup. Next, pour it into the jar and cork it.

Assorted berries

For those who love raspberry compotes, we offer another interesting recipe.


  1. Gooseberries - ½ cup.
  2. Blackcurrant - ½ cup.
  3. Two glasses of yellow raspberries.
  4. A glass of sugar.
  5. Three liters of liquid.

Blackcurrants must be sorted out by removing the berries from the branches. Gooseberries also need to remove the tails. All berries are washed and dried.

Raspberries are also sorted out, removing the stalks, then washed and left to drain for a short time in a colander. Next, transfer the berries to clean jar. We shift the currants and gooseberries into a saucepan, pour water and add sugar. We put the container on a small fire. After boiling the compote, it must be boiled over low heat for another ten minutes. We knead the boiled berries and filter the drink through a sieve, after which we send it again to the fire. Pour the boiling drink into a jar and immediately roll it up.

Raspberries in their own juice

This recipe allows you to prepare an absolutely wonderful drink, but it is not so easy to perform, which is why we are not very fond of housewives.


  1. Powdered sugar - 750 g.
  2. Ripe raspberries - 3 kg.

We sort the raspberries and rinse well with a colander. We certainly dry the berries, since excess moisture is completely unnecessary. As soon as the liquid comes down, we transfer the raspberries to a pan or basin, pouring its layers powdered sugar. After that, the container must be covered with a lid and let the berries stand for about twelve hours. During this time, the raspberries will have time to start the juice. Next, using a slotted spoon, lay out the berries in pre-sterilized jars and pour raspberry syrup. From above, we cover all the jars with clean metal lids and send them to a large pot of water or other container. At the bottom of the vessel, be sure to put a dense matter or cutting board. Next, on medium heat, you need to wait for the water to boil in the pan (but not in the jars themselves). After that, the fire must be reduced and the drink sterilized for about ten minutes. Next, we roll up the jars and send them to cool completely under the covers upside down.

healthy drink

Raspberry compote is our favorite drink, which is also very healthy. The berries are very important feature, they do not lose their properties after heat treatment. Raspberries are very useful not only for colds and viral diseases, but also in atherosclerosis, kidney disease and increased blood pressure. Berry compote is effective as an antipyretic, because it contains a large amount of salicylic acid. Raspberries also contain organic acids, vitamins, trace elements, minerals and copper, which is part of drugs for depression. So, not just a glass fragrant drink improves our mood and energizes us for a long time.

The nuances of preparing a drink for the winter

Novice housewives should know that the less compote is boiled, the more useful it will be, since it will be preserved. large quantity vitamins. The drink can be boiled for just a couple of minutes and left to infuse.

For winter preparations jars must be sterilized. To save time, you can do this in the oven. It simultaneously includes several containers at once. At the same time, it is worth remembering that banks are placed in cold oven and only after that it is turned on. The dishes are calcined at 170 degrees for ten minutes. The oven can only be opened after ten to fifteen minutes.

When sealing lids, be careful to close them properly. If you turn the jar over and notice that bubbles are rising intensively in the dishes, then you need to roll the lid again, otherwise it may swell after a while.

Good afternoon dear friends! Summer is in full swing and so is the season of winter harvesting too. Today we will talk about recipes for making raspberry compote. There are many ways to make raspberry compote tasty and easy.

Raspberry compote is always tasty and very healthy. And in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of raspberries for a long time, many use recipes without sterilizing the berries, and also add some natural preservatives that carefully store all the vitamins in your compote.

A 3-liter jar is the most common container for storing compotes; it is both convenient and practical.


  • 2-2.5 cups of raspberries.
  • 300 sugar.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

For 1 3-liter jar, 2 glasses of berries and 300 grams of sugar are enough.

And so, before preparing the compote, we sterilize the container and, accordingly, the lids with any accessible way. There are oven sterilization methods and there are steam sterilization methods. Just put the jar over a boiling saucepan and hold for about 5-7 minutes. And the lids must be boiled before use.

And so the raspberries are sorted and washed, the jars are ready, you can proceed.

Pour the raspberries into a jar and fill with water to the brim.

Cover the jar with a lid and soak the raspberries in hot water for 10 minutes.

Then drain the water, add sugar to it, boil and pour back into the jar of raspberries.

After we cover with a lid and twist it with a special key.

We make jars with compote with the lids down, wrap them up and hold until completely cooled. After transfer to a cool place for long-term storage. Raspberry compote is ready to bon appetit.

Video recipe on how to make raspberry compote

Bon appetit.

Raspberry compote for the winter recipe with mint

As you know, raspberries dilate blood vessels very well, and raspberries are also very tasty. But you can embellish its taste a little by adding a few sprigs of fragrant mint to the jar.


  • 200-250 gr. ripe berries.
  • 250 sugar.
  • 2-3 sprigs of mint.
  • 2.5 water.

Cooking process.

Wash the jars well with soda and sterilize. Rinse the raspberries.

Pour raspberries into a jar with boiling water. Soak raspberries in hot water for 10-15 minutes.

Drain the water into the pan so that the berries remain in the jar, use a special nylon cover with holes.

IN raspberry water add sugar and 2-3 sprigs of mint. Boil for 3 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Pour the berries in a jar with raspberry syrup and tighten the lids. Compote with raspberries and mint is completely ready. It remains to make jars and wrap them with a warm blanket. After cooling, transfer to a cool place without sunlight.

Compote with raspberry and orange recipe for 1 liter jar

No matter how delicious raspberries are, you always want to cook something tastier. I suggest you try making raspberry and orange compote. The taste will be indescribable.


  • Raspberries 150-200 grams.
  • Orange 2-3 slices.
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

Pour the sorted and well-washed raspberries into a jar, add orange slices.

Pour boiling water over for 10 minutes.

Drain the water, add sugar to the water, mix and boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling.

Pour back into the jar and screw on the lid.

Raspberry and orange compote is ready.

Compote recipe without sterilization with citric acid

Citric acid in compote acts as a natural preservative. Therefore, some housewives, in order to insure themselves, put a pinch of lemon on a 3-liter jar. And also lemon acid can very well emphasize the taste of raspberries in compote.

Ingredients per 3 liter jar.

  • Fresh raspberries 200-300 grams.
  • Sugar 250 grams.
  • A pinch of citric acid.
  • Water.

Cooking process.

Arrange raspberries in sterile jars. Pour boiling water over berries. Leave for 10 minutes then drain the water.

Pour sugar into water and boil for 3-5 minutes.

Add a small pinch of citric acid to each jar.

Pour the syrup into jars and screw on the lids.

July is high season delicious berries raspberries, and therefore at this time it is necessary not only to get enough of it, but also to think about what raspberry preparations for the winter can be cooked for the whole family. Raspberries make tasty and compotes. Raspberry compote for the winter is one of the most delicious, vitamin and refreshing drinks that you can enjoy in the winter.

It retains much more vitamins than jam or jam. Can be used for preservation garden raspberries, and forest, it does not play a role, the main thing is that the berries are fresh and not wormy. Today you will learn how to close raspberry compote for the winter, as well as learn new canning recipes and some secrets of its preparation.

Any are much healthier, because they do not contain preservatives, dyes, harmful additives and other chemicals, and they are prepared only from fresh berries and fruits. Usually, raspberry compote for the winter canned in three liter jars. Banks must be clean before pouring raspberries into them.

It is better to wash them with a solution of soda, which is detrimental to many microorganisms. It is best to close jars with ready-made compote with metal lids, although you can also use plastic steaming rubber lids for preservation.

Raspberry is a berry that goes well with other berries and fruits in taste, which allows you to experiment and cover very tasty raspberry compotes. For example, cherries, apples, pears, black and red currants, gooseberries and other berries and fruits can be added to raspberry compote. It turns out especially tasty cherry compote with raspberries, as well as raspberry compote with pears. Below are recipes for raspberry compotes, for every taste.

Raspberry - compote. The best recipes with photos

Concentrated raspberry compote - recipe

  • - 2 liters,
  • Sugar - 2 cups

So that the jars of compote stand until the next season, and the compote itself does not disappoint with its taste, give preference to fresh and ripe berries. Before spinning, carefully sort the berries, remove leaves, rubbish and worms and other insects that have settled on the berries. After the berries are inspected and sorted, put them in a colander and rinse under running water. Let all the water drain.

Sterilize three-liter jars. Fill jars halfway with raspberries. Fill jars with raspberries hot water and leave them for 20 minutes. After that, carefully drain the water into a saucepan, pour sugar into it. Put the syrup on the fire and let it boil. Pour syrup into jars and roll up.

Turn jars of raspberry compote over and wrap for one day. Ready according to this recipe, it turns out to be concentrated, therefore, before use, it is recommended to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Quick raspberry compote - recipe

Ingredients for one three-liter jar:

  • Raspberries - 800 gr.,
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups

Prepare according to this recipe raspberry compote for the winter can be done in about 15 minutes. Sort the raspberries, rinse under running water. Put on a sieve to glass the water. Wash the jar thoroughly, and then place it in a boiling pot of water for 2 minutes. Your jar is now sterile. Put a layer of raspberries in a jar 4-5 cm high. Sprinkle it with sugar, then put a second layer of raspberries and sprinkle it with sugar in the same way. When all the raspberries and sugar are in the jar, fill it with hot water. Jars with compote must be immediately corked, turned upside down and wrapped.

Raspberry compote with sterilization - recipe

  • Raspberries - 1.5 kg.,
  • Sugar - 750 gr.,
  • Water - about 4 liters.

Raspberry compote, recipe which we offer you, is prepared with sterilization. Sort the raspberries, wash and let it drain. Sort it into banks. Raspberries should be no more than half a jar. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar to it and boil. Let the syrup cool. Pour the berries with this syrup up to the shoulders of the jars.

Cover the pan with a towel, put one or two jars of compote, depending on how big it is. Cover jars with lids. Pour enough water into the pot to cover the jars by half. Sterilize jars of raspberry compote for about 10 minutes. Then carefully remove them with special tongs and roll them up. After that, they should be turned over and wrapped.

Raspberry compote with wine - recipe

Ingredients for one three liter jar:

  • Raspberries - 500 gr.,
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Wine - 50 ml.

Before, how to cook raspberry compote sort and wash fresh berries. Sterilize the jar over steam or boil it in hot water. Put the berries in a jar. Pour hot water over them and leave for 15 minutes. After that, put a special lid with holes on the jar and pour the water into the pan. Pour sugar into water and bring to a boil. Pour the wine into the jar of raspberries and then pour in the hot sugar syrup. Seal the jar metal lid with a key. After that, turn it over and cover it with a warm blanket.

Raspberry and apple compote - recipe

Ingredients for two three-liter jars:

  • Raspberries - 2 kg,
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg.,
  • Apples - 4-5 pcs.

Raspberry and apple compote refers to assorted compotes. To prepare it, you need to sort and wash the raspberries. Apples also need to be washed and, without removing the skin from them, cut into slices. The core with seeds from apples is removed. Raspberries and apples are laid in layers in three-liter jars.

Pour hot water over and leave for 10-15 minutes to let the juice flow. Then water is drained from them. Sugar is added to this water, the syrup is allowed to boil and it is poured back into the jars up to the very neck. Banks are rolled up with a key, turned upside down, and wrapped until they cool completely.

Try to cook also unusually delicious cherry and raspberry compote for the winter.

Cherry and raspberry compote - recipe

Ingredients for two three-liter jars:

  • Raspberries - 600 gr.,
  • Sugar - 500 gr.,
  • Cherries - 500 gr.

Canned cherry compotes are delicious on their own, and paired with raspberries, you simply can’t tear yourself away from such a compote. Sort cherries and raspberries and wash. Pour boiling water over the jars. At the bottom of the jar, put half the cherries and raspberries. Pour in half of the sugar. Pour hot water up to the neck of the jar.

Cover jars with lids and sterilize for 10 minutes. Banks with compote tightly roll up. As usual when canning, turn them over and wrap them up. Best of all, such a compote will be stored in a room with a low air temperature.

Combining berries such as currants and raspberries, compote for the winter you will be very tasty.

Raspberry and currant compote - recipe

Ingredients for 2 three-liter jars:

  • Raspberries - 600 gr.,
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Black or red - 400 gr.

Raspberry and currant compote has a truly amazing taste. It's easy to prepare. Sort the berries, rinse them with water. Fill jars halfway with berries. Fill with hot water and cover with lids. Drain the water after 15 minutes. Add sugar and boil. Pour the syrup into jars and roll up the lids.

If for some reason you don’t have time for, then you can put raspberries in the freezer and freeze for the winter. Of these, you can cook at any time delicious compote. Frozen raspberry compote you can cook with the addition of other fresh and frozen berries and fruits that you have on hand. Cooking compote is very simple. Below are the recipes for such compotes.

Frozen raspberry compote - recipe


  • Raspberries - 400 gr.,
  • Sugar - half a glass
  • Water - 2.5 liters.

Take the raspberries out of the freezer. Let her thaw a little. Boil water in a saucepan. Add raspberries and sugar. Boil the compote for another 7-10 minutes. Remove from stove and let it cool down. Frozen raspberry compote, recipe which we examined is served cold. It will become even tastier if you put a few pieces of ice in glasses with before serving.

Frozen raspberry compote with lemon and mint - recipe


  • Raspberries - 400 gr.,
  • Sugar - half a glass
  • Water - 2.5 liters,
  • Half a lemon
  • A sprig of mint.

Put raspberries, lemon rings, sugar in a saucepan with hot water. Boil compote for 5 minutes, 2 minutes before readiness, put a sprig of mint. Remove the compote from the stove and cover with a lid.

Have you already tried compote from frozen raspberries with apricots?

Frozen raspberry compote with apricots - recipe


  • - 300 gr.,
  • Sugar - 100 gr.,
  • Apricots - 200 gr.,
  • Water - 3 liters.

To prepare this compote, you can take both fresh and frozen apricots. If you are using fresh apricots, they need to be washed and the bone removed from them. Put in hot water apricots and raspberries. Bring the compote to a boil, add sugar and boil it for another 3-5 minutes. Such raspberry compote, calories which is no more than 50-70 calories per 100 ml., you can drink as much as you like, without harming the figure.

Today I bring to your attention a raspberry recipe. I want to immediately warn you that this canning recipe is designed for future storage in the basement. Since, according to the recipe, we will not cook syrup for compote, but we will simply pour boiling water over sugar and raspberries.

In this way, you can close compotes with a different set of berries. For example: a combination of raspberries and strawberries; red currant and raspberry; raspberries, red currants and gooseberries; you can simply close the compote from one strawberry or one red currant. To give the compote a zest, you can add a certain amount of mint leaves to the compote. Then the compote will turn out refreshing and at the same time fragrant and sweet.

Do not spare time and effort on. Since, in the cold season, these blanks will be for you not only a memory of a sunny summer, but also another ready-made dish for festive table. I think any hostess likes to show off her delicious preparations in front of friends and acquaintances.

Put the washed berries in a sieve into a deep bowl, let the water drain. At this time, we will prepare the container. First of all, wash the three-liter jar with mustard powder under hot water. Then proceed to sterilization. To do this, put a kettle with half-filled water on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove the lid from the kettle and place the top of the inverted jar neck down. Sterilize the jar for 20 minutes.

Put clean lids for preservation in a separate small saucepan, so that the water covers them from above. Put on the stove, when the water boils, leave to sterilize for 15 minutes. Remove the sterilized jars from the kettle with a towel, put the neck down on a pre-spread clean towel.

Put raspberries in prepared jars.

Add a glass of sugar.

Put water on the stove and bring to a boil.

Remove boiling water with a towel, pour half into a jar of berries. Close with a sterilized lid. Leave for three minutes in this state. During this time, the sugar will have time to melt, and the berries will warm up well.

Then pour the remaining boiling water without reaching the very neck about two centimeters. Roll up a jar of compote with a previously sterilized lid using a seamer. Ready raspberry compote for the winter turn upside down in a compact place. Top with a warm blanket. Leave in this position until the jar of compote has completely cooled down. This will take approximately 2-3 days. Then ready compote send to the basement.

Raspberry compote for the winter. Photo

Surely every housewife has her own cooking recipes and secrets. Most of the fairer sex not only prepare food for daily use, but they do. This article will tell you how to cook raspberry compote. Recipe with step by step instructions will be presented below. You will find out the proportions of products and the main nuances of preparing this drink.

Raspberry compote

This drink is rich useful vitamins and minerals. It can be prepared both from fresh berries and using frozen fruits. It is recommended to serve the drink chilled in summer and hot in winter.

Raspberry compote will perfectly quench your thirst and will benefit your body. The fruits of this plant actively fight bacteria and pathological microorganisms. Raspberries have long been used to treat respiratory diseases and certain infections. Also, the fruits of the plant will help future mothers prepare their body for childbirth.

Drink preparation method

Before you cook raspberry compote, you need to decide on the method of serving it. For a cold drink you will need less water. Raspberry compote in this case will be more concentrated. If you plan to treat everyone with a hot drink or preserve the broth, then the amount of water and sugar must be proportionally increased.

Take one kilogram of berries. If you use a frozen product, then it must first be left for two hours in the refrigerator. Thus, defrosting will be as favorable as possible for the fruit. Raspberries do not need to be washed. Sort hard berries and separate them from leaves. Put a pot of water on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Pour sugar in a thin stream. For one kilogram of berries, you will need two liters of water and 300 grams of sugar. Such proportions must be observed if you are going to serve chilled raspberry compote. For a hot or canned drink for the indicated number of fruits, you need to take 5 liters of water and 500 grams of sugar.

After the sand is completely dissolved in the boiling liquid, place the berries in it. The resulting mixture should be boiled for 5-7 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the heat.

The final stage of preparation

Raspberry compote for cold feed need to cool down and add lemon juice in the amount of 50 milliliters. After that, you can pour the liquid into glasses and, if necessary, put ice in them. Garnish the drink with a few fresh raspberries and insert a straw.

To preserve the product, you need to pour hot raspberry compote into jars. Next, tightly screw the workpiece with a lid and turn it over. In this position, the drink should stand for two days in a warm place. After that, you need to move it to a dark and cool room. In this state, banks can wait in the wings long time. After opening the drink, you can also serve it warm or top it with pieces of ice.


Now you know how to cook raspberry compote. Remember that the drink can be varied with other fruits. So, currants, sour cherries, strawberries are perfectly combined with raspberries. If desired, mint leaves, anise or fennel seeds can be placed in the compote. For cooking medicinal drink complement the raspberry compote with rose hips or cranberries. If you use brown or brown to make a drink, then its amount should be reduced. Otherwise, you will end up with a very sweet drink. Good luck with your cooking!
