
Recipe for raspberry jam without cooking. Raspberry jam with water

How much different jams every hostess cooks, just do not count. But there is one thing about which a special conversation. Miracle drug, summer in a jar fragrant dessert for tea, jam-healer - that's how they affectionately call it special jam. And it's made from raspberries. Raspberry jam is a true tradition for all summer season. If we mention the benefits of dessert, then raspberry jam for the winter, a simple recipe for which everyone should know, deservedly has the status of one of the most useful. Yes, raspberry jam is also very tasty, but when preparing it for the future, every housewife, first of all, perceives it as beautiful folk remedy from a cold, which will remove the heat, and nourish with vitamins, and give strength. That's why you want to be fully armed when the army of viruses attacks all household members. And still, beneficial features- this is, of course, wonderful. But I want to remember the amazing taste. This wonderful treat is indispensable for a long time. winter evenings as an addition to fluffy pancakes or fritters. Raspberry jam is so bright that it simply bewitches even those who are in principle indifferent to this kind of dessert. It is simply impossible to resist even a small portion!


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

A simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter

1. First of all, we will choose the dishes for making jam. From time immemorial, any jam has always been prepared in copper basins, since they heat up evenly and keep the temperature well. I decided not to deviate from traditions and make jam in a family copper basin. If there is no copper basin, with the task of cooking delicious jam will do well enamelware or dishes from of stainless steel. Well, if you use copper basin, it must be checked for the presence of copper oxide. And if such places are found, it should be etched with any abrasive. We will use sand. Carefully remove the oxide, and then wash the basin with soap and hot water. We dry the vessel (it is possible under the hot rays of the sun). Now the copper basin is ready for operation. Yes, we will still need a divider on the stove so that the basin warms up evenly.

2. Now let's deal with the berry. We sort out raspberries. We remove overripe and unripe specimens, sepals and other debris. Sorted berries carefully put in a colander and immersed in water. Raspberry is a very delicate berry, so you can wash it only by immersion. Immerse the colander several times, changing the water until it is completely clean. Next, leave the raspberries so that the excess liquid is glass. We do this whole procedure if the berry is bought on the market. If raspberries are collected on your site, then there is no urgent need to wash them.

3. Gently transfer clean and dry raspberries to a basin.

4. We fill the raspberries with granulated sugar according to the recipe and leave for 5-7 hours so that the juice stands out. In the allotted time, the berry will be all in liquid, you can start making jam.

5. To cook raspberry jam for the winter on your own simple recipe, it won't take much time. It will take us literally 30 minutes. So, let's get started. We send the basin to a moderate fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook practically, stirring all the time, 30 minutes. Stir the jam with a wooden spoon, gently lifting the berry from the bottom. I use a long spoon made of food grade plastic (or some similar material). But in no case should you use an iron spoon when stirring the jam, because as a result of their interaction, oxidation occurs and the jam can slightly change the taste.

6. As soon as the raspberry jam begins to boil, foam forms on its surface. This is nothing but the first proteins, the remains of motes from berries, sugar. I mean, it's not jam at all.

7. Be sure to remove the resulting foam. Otherwise, she, remaining in the finished jam, will simply accelerate the souring of the product, which we certainly do not need.

8. At the end of cooking, the jam becomes transparent, with a beautiful red tint and amazing aroma.

9. While the jam is being cooked, you can simultaneously prepare the dishes. Responsibly approach the choice of cans. They should be without chips, any obvious damage. We take covers without defects, rust. After selecting the containers, they must be thoroughly washed with baking soda and rinse well under running water. Well, then be sure to sterilize, and boil the lids. There are several ways to sterilize containers: over steam, in a microwave or oven. You choose the most suitable method for yourself, see for more details. The jars are ready, the jam is cooked. From the declared ingredients at the output, we get 800-900 g of finished jam. Pour the fragrant dessert into containers, cork immediately metal lids and flip upside down. We wrap the jam and leave it to cool completely on its own (at least a day). Next, you can transfer the jam to cool place for storage.

Raspberry jam "Five minutes".

Today, the recipe for making raspberry jam, which is called "five minutes", is widely used. What is the essence and all the charm this method? Period heat treatment is reduced, while the berries retain vitamins and minerals better, which is more beneficial for the body. So, we fill the berry with sugar and leave it for 5 hours. Then, pour all the juice that has formed during this time into a separate container and boil. As soon as it boils, pour it back into the berries, place the basin on slow fire and boil for exactly 5 minutes. Remove the bowl from the stove and leave to cool completely. Next, we send the cold jam back to the stove and after boiling, cook for 5 minutes. We leave to cool. Boil the third time for 5 minutes. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up. Raspberry jam "five minutes" is ready!

Raspberry jam for the winter is thick.

There is another option for making raspberry jam, which deserves attention. This dessert has a very expressive raspberry flavor, as well as an amazing texture. It is quite thick, iridescent shades of red. This jam has little secret- during the cooking process, add pectin, a special mixture for jam or ordinary corn starch. This delicacy has a nice thick texture. The jam is not digested. Raspberries retain all their useful properties, as well as color and aroma. thick jam from raspberries for the winter can be safely used not only as a dessert for tea, but also as a filling for pies or pies.

No matter how you choose to cook raspberry jam, an excellent result awaits you at the exit! Bon appetit!

Many gardeners can boast of their raspberry harvest: after all, it bears fruit until August, and some varieties even until September. For those who are just on the eve of harvesting the long-awaited harvest, and those who already have to harvest the harvested raspberries for the winter, we have prepared best recipes raspberry treats: jams, compotes, jam and frost.

Raspberry: what's in my name for you?

Raspberry with her amazing taste and fantastic benefits takes a well-deserved first place among many other garden crops. Of course, each berry is incomparable in its own way, but fresh raspberries noticeably leads in this taste and vitamin championship, not inferior to red currants and cherries in the content of substances beneficial to human health.

Raspberries are one of the most fragrant berries, so jams and other preparations from it are always loved by the family.

Even the youngest inhabitant of our country can, closing his eyes, recognize her by juicy taste and amazing subtle aroma. This berry literally melts in your mouth. And how many delicacies and desserts are prepared from freshly picked raspberries. There are many ways for winter harvest: raspberry jam, jam, jam, marmalade, marmalade, marshmallow and drinks, including alcoholic (liqueurs, tinctures). Raspberries will find their own special approach to any gourmet.

Lesnaya and garden raspberry- this is a delicious culture with medicinal properties, from which you can create many extraordinary desserts and winter preparations.

For preparations for the winter, collect dry and whole berries

But before we open the secrets of culinary skills, we will give some important tips:

    1. Berry for jams and jams should be collected in sunny and not rainy weather. Therefore, if you are determined to harvest ripe raspberries, and the weather suddenly deteriorates, postpone the event until a better time. Otherwise, the berries will boil during cooking, and the jam will be very watery.
    2. It is better to cook raspberry jam not in one go, but boil it in two or three approaches with an interval of 8 hours. To determine whether the jam was cooked correctly, just look at the berries: if they have not lost their shape, but have become a little darker in color, then everything was done absolutely right, and the raspberry delicacy turned out well.
    3. You should know that fragrant berries Raspberries are loved not only by you, but also by many insects, for example, stink bugs. Therefore, after harvesting, take care to identify beetles in a timely manner. To do this, many housewives use salted water, into which they mercilessly immerse freshly picked berries. 10-15 minutes is enough for all the insects that live in raspberries to surface. Then they just need to be removed with a spoon. It's time to start preparing treats.

Cooking raspberry jam

The jam prepared according to the recipe turns out to be incredibly fragrant and healthy, vitamins and minerals are completely preserved in it. awesome taste freshly picked berries. Before harvesting, raspberries are sorted, thoroughly washed, crumpled and spoiled by insects are selected, and the fruit bearing is removed.

Raspberry jam is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

Every hostess can boast of her unique recipe preservation of raspberries, but we will be happy to share our simple options.

Method 1. For cooking, you need 1 kg of fresh berries, the same amount of sugar and 100 g of water. Stirring constantly, the syrup is boiled until you feel that all the sugar has dissolved. Then the selected berries are placed in the syrup, and the mass is boiled.

Attention! Periodically shake the container in which the jam is prepared so that the berries are completely covered with syrup.

After the jam boils, the fire is reduced to a minimum, and then it is boiled in 2-3 doses according to the indicated scheme: every 10 minutes it is removed from the stove, cools down and boils again. The aromatic foam that forms during cooking is removed regularly. Checking the readiness of raspberry jam is very simple: if a drop of syrup poured onto a plate does not spread, and the berries do not float, but, on the contrary, are distributed evenly over the syrup, congratulations! Wonderful jam is ready! It remains only to shift the workpiece into pre-sterilized jars, roll them up and wait for the winter season.

To stir the jam, it is better to use a wooden spoon or spatula.

Method 2. For cooking, you need a fresh berry (1.5 kg) and sugar (1 kg). Selected and dried berries are placed in a saucepan, where they are layered with sugar and set aside for 10 hours. Then 100-150 ml of water is added and the saucepan is put on fire for cooking. According to this recipe, the raspberry delicacy is cooked in just 1 step, while the foam is constantly removed, and the pan with the contents is also regularly shaken. So that the color of the jam does not change, but remains the same scarlet throughout the season, some hostesses add a pinch before removing it from the fire. citric acid. It remains only to decompose the boiling raspberry jam into jars and tighten the lids.

If the raspberry blank is boiled, then it can be stored without a refrigerator.

Method 3. In a syrup made from 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 kg of a pre-selected berry is added and boiled for 5 minutes, after which it is removed from the stove and infused for 5-6 hours. Next, return the container to the stove and boil again. The jam prepared in this way remains only to be packaged in jars and closed with a lid.

Delicious raspberry jam

In addition to healing and delicious raspberry jam, you can also get jam. For its preservation, not only whole and hard berries, but also overripe, slightly dented ones are perfect. To prepare at least delicious jam, a berry is placed in a container, 200 ml of water is poured and boiled for small fire 5 minutes. All this time you will not be bored, because you need to constantly stir, lightly pressing down the raspberries with a spoon or a wooden pestle. The finished mass is sprinkled with sugar (1: 1) and boiled until fully prepared. How to check it is written a little higher. After 20 minutes after boiling, you can remove the finished jam from the stove and lay it out in jars.

Very tender jam from raspberries will be if the berry is ground and all the seeds are removed

Raspberry syrup

To prepare it, you need juice from fresh raspberries and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.5. The berries collected in dry weather conditions are carefully kneaded and covered with sugar. A day later, when the fermentation process begins, the mass is squeezed out through gauze. Then the remaining sugar is placed in the resulting juice. Next, the syrup is placed on a small fire, where it boils. The resulting foam is removed, and the finished syrup is poured into sterilized jars and sealed. Fragrant preparation done!

Raspberry syrup will great addition for desserts

Raspberry preparation: berries rubbed with sugar

The recipe for the preparation is incredibly simple and affordable. You will need only 700 g of fresh raspberries, 1 cup of granulated sugar and ½ cup of water. Carefully selected berries are transferred to an enamel bowl and filled with water. The resulting mass is boiled on fire for about 5 minutes, then it is still hot and gently rubbed through a fine sieve - a puree is obtained, which is brought to a boil and transferred to jars. Raspberry delight is ready!

Easy raspberry compote recipe

To make a blank, you will need 1 kg of berries, half a liter of water and the same amount of granulated sugar. Syrup is made from water and sugar, which is first boiled, cooled, and then filtered. The selected berry is poured with syrup and sent to the refrigerator for 3 hours. formed raspberry juice gently merges, and the berries are laid out in dry jars. At this time, boil the juice and pour it into jars. The blank is sterilized and rolled up.

Raspberry compote cooks very quickly and retains everything useful material from berries

Saturated compote can be prepared in another recipe: 1 kg of selected berries is poured sugar syrup and set aside for 5 hours. After the time has elapsed, the syrup should be drained, boiled and poured into jars, where the selected raspberries are already “waiting”. Jars are pasteurized and rolled up.

Frozen raspberries

To freeze a garden crop, you will need sugar and, of course, the berries themselves. They are laid out in a container, sprinkled with sugar and sent to freezer. Frozen raspberry perfection is transferred to containers or bags and returned to the refrigerator. If desired, the berries are kneaded, and after mixing with sugar, they are placed in the freezer. divine taste and you are sure to enjoy! In addition, the lack of heat treatment makes the frozen berry more useful than if you made jam, during the preparation of which the raspberries are subjected to heat treatment.

Freezing is the easiest way to harvest berries for the winter

A great alternative to frozen raspberries can be jelly, so loved not only by children, but also by adults!

Raspberry jelly for the winter

To pamper your household in the winter, you can do incredible delicious jelly. For this, 1 kg of berries is poured with 2 tbsp. water and boil. The finished broth is filtered, 1.5 kg of sugar is poured into it and boiled. It remains to pour into molds, cool and our jelly is ready. Such a raspberry treat can perfectly stand all winter in a cool place!

Raspberry jelly - ready dessert that can be stored in your refrigerator all winter

Delicious preparations from fragrant raspberries!

An interesting way to freeze raspberries for the winter: video

Tomorrow begins the second month of our long-awaited Siberian summer, which means you can already do everything vitamin reserves for the winter!
We have already ripened in the beds fragrant strawberries, Victoria is being sold in all markets, a little more, a week, two and field strawberry and the strawberries will be ready for gathering - they were blooming like a lush carpet! Black currants began to ripen, and there it is not far from raspberries.
That's about raspberries, or rather about the jam from it, I want to tell.

I took photos of this jam last year, when we lived not in a country house, but in an apartment. My own raspberries had just taken root and the volumes for harvesting were completely ridiculous, and by the time I got to the market, I found the most the best berry, finished the job - the short raspberry season is over, so all the pictures whole year waiting for their finest hour.
Their time has come!

Strictly speaking, this is not quite a jam. After all, this word has one root with the verb “cook”, and you don’t need to cook anything - this is raspberry jam without cooking, but what else can you call this sweet and fragrant delicacy?

It is necessary to collect raspberries and even more so to buy them in the market early in the morning, as soon as the dew has dried up - after a cool night, the raspberries have not warmed up yet, they choke less and do not expire with juice. After the rain, even morning raspberries are better not to buy (not to collect), because. it is all saturated with water, which means it will sour, it is not so fragrant, it chokes easily.
In relation to local raspberries - the smaller it is, the more fragrant, sweeter and stronger! If you find taiga on the market - perfect luck!
The later the raspberries begin to give juice, the tastier the jam will turn out, the easier it will be to sort it out.
Therefore, a trip to the market must be carefully planned - stock up on a bucket or take a liter clean jars, then you don’t even need to pour the berry - just exchange empty cans for full ones.

Never wash raspberries! Slowly, carefully sort out the berry - leaves, garbage, spoiled raspberries, bugs / spiders - everything can be found there.
And pour the sorted berry into a large container.
Just weigh this bowl or pan in advance, so that later you can correctly calculate required amount Sahara.
Here, for example, a large plastic bowl for whipping from Ikea weighs 230 grams, and three liters of sorted raspberries 1370 grams.

The most versatile and proven berry:sugar ratio for almost any jam is 1:1, i.e. For one kilogram of berries, 1 kilogram of sugar is required.
Therefore, we fall asleep raspberries with sugar desired weight and wash my hands!
And we press directly with our hands - let some berries turn into puree, while others remain almost whole - it tastes better, and the texture is more interesting for jam.

Cover the crushed and mixed with sugar raspberries with a lid or cling film and leave it overnight - during this time the sugar will melt in the raspberry juice.
We check the jam with a spoon: there are grains - mixed, and let it stand, the sugar has melted - you're done!

By the way, the jam that has stood overnight changes a lot in color - it becomes a real raspberry, bright. Freshly crushed jam is opaque, but when the sugar has melted - how beautiful it is in the light!

All that remains is to sterilize the lids and jars and spread the jam. I use plastic containers- I buy at wholesale depots in the "Everything for Packaging" pavilions - there are packaging bags, and napkins, and one-time dishes, and these boxes (in supermarkets they sell herring in pieces in such ones) - there are 200, 300 milliliters, or half a liter each - for every taste.
I scald them with boiling water, pour the jam and close the lid - it turns out hermetically!

You need to store such jam in the refrigerator or in the cellar. I hide a couple of jars in the freezer in order to water ice cream in winter and remember summer - such a frozen jam does not change at all in taste - well, just picked raspberries in sugar syrup one to one!
And if you take 1.5 kilograms of sugar per kilogram of raspberries, then you can store jars right in the cabinet in the kitchen - with room temperature. In such a sweet environment, no bacteria can survive and the jam will not ferment, but the color will eventually change to brown, like real boiled jam - oxidative processes cannot be avoided.

Did I ask you the direction to the market in the near future?))
Well, of course, I didn’t come up with the recipe myself - I read it from the infinitely respected Stalik Khankishiev - he has something not only about pilaf, but also about strawberries!

Today we have a very tasty and sweet theme. And it will be dedicated to jam. Perhaps there are no such people who would not love this product, even store-bought, at least home production. You can make jam from almost everything that grows.

What will be born in the garden
What grows on a tree
Everything is useful for business
And it will fall into the jam!

(song about jam "Masha and the Bear")

In this article, we will talk about how to cook raspberry jam. Why raspberries?

This berry is present in every garden plot. It is eaten both fresh and various dishes are prepared from it. delicious baking, jams, preserves. In addition, it is also used as a medicine for colds.

To begin with, we will look at how to make jam without cooking. In general, this method is used to preserve any berries for the winter, and it consists in the fact that the berries are ground with sugar.

To prepare such a jam, take:

  • 1 kg fresh raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

First of all, we sort out the berries, wash and dry. Next, add sugar, mix and rub with a crush. We leave this mixture to stand for 5-6 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved, not forgetting to stir occasionally.

After that, pour into jars, close the lid and put in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam Five minutes for the winter

In this recipe, we will deal directly with cooking raspberry jam. But as the name suggests, this is an instant jam.

For this we need:

  • 1 kg fresh raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • Proportion: 1:1

We start with the fact that, as always, we sort out the berry, wash it and dry it.

Now we take a saucepan, fill it with berries with sugar and leave it to form juice.

After making sure that the sugar has completely dissolved, put the pan on the fire.

Cook for five minutes, constantly removing the foam with a spoon.

We prepare jars by sterilizing them. Pour hot jam into them and tightly close the lids. Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool. After the banks have cooled, you can store them.

How to cook raspberry jam for the winter with lemon? Simple Recipe:

In this recipe, we will add a citrus flavor to our jam. For this we use lemon.

  • 2 kg raspberries
  • 2.5 kg sugar
  • Quarter of lemon

The process of preparing such a jam is as follows. We start by washing, drying the berries and filling them with sugar. We set hours for 6, so that the berries give juice. After that, put on fire and bring to a boil.

Cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam. Five minutes before the end of cooking, squeeze the lemon. Remove the jam from the heat, pour into jars and remove.

Thick raspberry jam with whole berries

In this recipe, we will “float” in jam whole berries raspberries. This, of course, does not affect the taste, but if you like jam not from grated berries, then use this recipe.

To make this jam, we need:

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

We spread the raspberries in the pan in layers, sprinkling each layer with sugar. After that, leave the pan for 6 hours, until the berry gives juice.

Drain the resulting juice into a saucepan and boil it until it thickens slightly. Pour the raspberries with this syrup and shake a little so that the berries are completely in it. Let stand for five minutes, then pour into jars.

A simple recipe for raspberry jam for the winter (thick, as in the photo)

To make such a jam, take

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

At the first stage, we will prepare the berry. To do this, soak it in brine for 20 minutes, then rinse, dry and fall asleep with sugar

We set to stand for three hours until the berry gives juice. After that, put on fire and bring to a boil, constantly stirring and removing the foam.

Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. After that, pour ready jam on banks and clean before winter.

Jam - raspberry jelly with gelatin

Required ingredients for jam:

  • 1 kg fresh raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 50 gr. gelatin

As in all previous recipes We fill the washed and dried berries with sugar, wait for it to give juice. Bring the berries to a boil over low heat. Do not forget to mix and remove the foam.

Remove the jam from the heat, cool and add the gelatin. Mix and pour into jars.

Raspberry jam in a slow cooker

For those who like to use a slow cooker in their kitchen work, a small but useful video that tells how to make jam using this device.

Video on how to cook winter raspberry jam for the winter 5 minutes. A simple five-minute recipe

And in this video you can see how to make five-minute jam.

The benefits and harms of raspberry jam

To begin with, let's see what this raspberry gives us.

Raspberry has unforgettable aroma which cannot be confused with anything. The composition of the berry includes substances that increase perspiration. this is especially pronounced in jam if it is eaten with hot tea.

Raspberries contain many vitamins and antioxidants that strengthen our body. They are preserved even after heat treatment.

In addition to treating colds, jam can also be used as a cure for herpes, for the prevention of oncology. In addition, raspberries can remove toxins from the body and somewhat slow down the rate of cell aging.

What would the jam give its medicinal properties it is enough to eat 2-3 tablespoons of raspberries a day for prevention.

However, as in any other medicine, raspberry jam has its own contraindications for use. First of all, it should be noted that it is a good allergen, which allergy sufferers should not forget about.

In addition, jam is very high in calories, and therefore is contraindicated for overweight people and those who suffer from diabetes.

If you are going to cook this delicious and healthy treat stick to the following tips:

1. First of all, it is necessary to sort out the berry well in order to remove the rotten one, as well as get rid of the worms in it.

2. Pour raspberries into a colander and leave for 15-20 minutes in a weak saline solution.

3. To prepare the solution, take 1 teaspoon of salt per 3 liters of water.

4. We take the berry out of the solution and rinse it with running water.

5. After the water drains from the berries, you can start making the jam itself.

Raspberries are rightfully considered healing berry. It is eaten during the flu and cold season to raise immune system, lowering the temperature, relieving headaches, removing sputum from respiratory tract and improve the tone of the body as a whole. With all this, the berries have practically no contraindications, for which they are valued even more. Experienced housewives know that the preparation of raspberry jam is to respect the proportions and exposure time. Only with such an outcome of events will the product retain its medicinal properties.

Technology for making raspberry jam

The recipe is considered basic, it is the basis of the basics, everything else is just variations. To prepare raspberry jam using this technology, you will need to take 2 kg. granulated sugar (preferably beetroot) and 1.7-2 kg. fresh berries raspberries. The indicated ingredients are calculated for cooking jam with a total volume of 2 liters.


  1. Carry out heat treatment of the cans into which the final product will be twisted. Pour boiling water over the glass, wait 10-15 minutes, wash thoroughly, wipe dry with a towel. Leave to dry to completely evaporate moisture.
  2. In cases where the berries were picked a day or two before the jam was cooked, they probably lost their shape and softened. In such situations, you do not need to torment raspberries with water, leave it in its current state. If the fruits have just arrived to you (1-5 hours ago), place them in a colander, rinse well and sort through.


  1. Send the berries to a five-liter saucepan, pour granulated sugar and grind well. You can use a blender, potato masher, or regular wooden pestle.
  2. Since raspberries quickly release juice, the sugar will take on a characteristic shade after 5-10 minutes. It is at this moment that you need to put the composition on the stove, having previously covered it with a lid. Turn on the burner to the minimum (!) power, otherwise the jam will burn.
  3. Cooking time cannot be determined with certainty. Throughout the procedure, you need to stir the mixture with a wooden spoon so that the berries do not stick to the walls. After a certain period of time, the composition will boil, when the first bubbles appear, remove the lid altogether, simmer the syrup for another 10 minutes.
  4. After boiling, you should be extremely careful. A foam will begin to form on the surface of the jam, remove it with a dry ladle or a wooden spoon (required). Many housewives leave the foam on a separate saucer, subsequently spreading it on bread.
  5. At the end of the cooking time, when the foam stops forming, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool completely. An important feature cooking raspberry jam for the winter is that the berries must be boiled 3 times. After each subsequent heat treatment, the mixture must cool completely.
  6. It will take you 1-1.5 days to prepare a winter potion. However this technology does not imply a round-the-clock stay at the stove. If you realize that there is no way to cook the berries with sugar, put the container with the composition in the refrigerator, having previously covered it with a lid. Return to the procedure at a more appropriate moment, but no later than 3 days after “putting aside”.
  7. When you boil the mixture for the third time, the jam will change color, and the berries will completely dissolve (only grains will remain). Since winter raspberry jam closes on the hot cycle, handle immediately after removing the product from the heat.
  8. Prepare sterilized jars in advance, put them in a row, start pouring jam with a scoop or big spoon. Fill the container almost to the brim, retreat a maximum of 1.5-2 cm from the neck. After all the manipulations, place lids on the jars, roll them up with a special key.
  9. Store raspberry jam in a cool and dark place away from radiators and other heating appliances. Perfect option- cellar or cellar. The shelf life varies between 2-2.5 years.

  • red apples - 600 gr.
  • raspberries - 375 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 550 gr.
  1. Wash the apples, pour boiling water over them, wipe dry. Remove the sticks and bones, chop into small slices, do not peel off the skin.
  2. Place the apples in an enamel saucepan, pour in 125 ml. filtered water, put the composition on medium fire. Bring the liquid to a boil, turn down the power, simmer for about 10 minutes.
  3. At this time, wash the raspberries, grind them with a sieve or pass through a blender, add to the apples. At the end of the period, turn off the burner, send apple slices into a blender to make a puree. After grinding, add granulated sugar, mix again and pour the mixture into a saucepan.
  4. Turn on the burner at minimum power, simmer the apple-raspberry mixture for about a quarter of an hour. Then turn off the stove and let the jam cool down. Repeat cooking 3-4 more times, while the duration of languishing should not exceed half an hour.
  5. After each procedure, leave the jam to cool. When you cook the mixture last time do not remove the pot from the heat. Prepare sterilized jars, pour jam into them, close with an aluminum lid and leave for the winter.

Raspberry jam based on citric acid

  • ripe raspberries - 1.2 kg.
  • beet sugar - 2 kg.
  • citric acid - 1.5-2 sachets (30 gr.)
  • purified drinking water - 1.3 liters.
  1. Sort through the raspberries, discard the moldy and rumpled ones. Clean them of foreign debris, rinse thoroughly through a colander.
  2. Pick up a wide saucepan with thick walls and a bottom, pour filtered water into it, add beet sugar. Put on the stove, cook until the crystals are completely dissolved. Stir the syrup constantly with a spatula.
  3. After all the granules have melted, pour in the berries and reduce the heat, cover with a lid. Simmer the future jam for about half an hour, then turn off the stove.
  4. Wait for the jam to cool down. As soon as this happens, again send the composition to boil for 25-30 minutes, cool. Repeat the previous steps 2 more times, add citric acid at the last stage of cooking.
  5. Prepare jars and lids, sterilize them, put them side by side. Without turning off the burners, start scooping jam from the pan and roll it into jars.

Raspberry jam for the winter: a simple recipe

  • granulated sugar - 1.4 kg.
  • fresh raspberries - 1 kg.
  1. Sort through the raspberries, eliminate all unnecessary (foreign debris, overripe and spoiled berries). You will need dense and fresh specimens, which is called "only from the garden."
  2. Wash the raspberries. Prepare the acidified solution: stir in running water 2 tablespoons chopped edible salt, wait for the crystals to dissolve, send raspberries to the container.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the berries again. Sterilization is completed, you can start the cooking process. Chop the raspberries convenient way(blender, combine, rolling pin, etc.).
  4. Send the berries to the pan, add granulated sugar, rub well. Wait about 6 hours, you will see how the juice begins to stand out. When the sugar takes on a characteristic raspberry hue, put the bowl on the stove.
  5. Turn on the fire to medium power, bring the mass to a boil, turn off the burner. Roll the jam into sterile jars, send to a cool and dark place for infusion.

Raspberry jam in the microwave

No matter how strange it may sound, jam can be made in the microwave without resorting to using the stove.

  • purified water - 275 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.
  • citric acid - 10 gr.
  • raspberries - 1.1-1.3 kg.
  1. Boil water in a kettle, pour into boiling water granulated sugar. Send the resulting solution to the microwave for another 10 minutes.
  2. Take out the syrup twice and stir it. After the specified time, pour citric acid and raspberries into the water with sugar.
  3. Stir the composition, send it to the microwave for a quarter of an hour. Every 5 minutes, take out the future jam and stir it. Pour into sterilized containers and roll up.

It is easy to make raspberry jam for the winter, it is enough to have practical knowledge regarding cooking. Use the recipe with the addition of citric acid or fresh red apples. Do not break the exposure time, always sterilize the jars before seaming.

Video: raspberry jam without cooking
