
Is it possible to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter. How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter - healing berries for the future

Freezing is the easiest and most popular way to harvest and store berries. Its implementation does not require a lot of time and experience required in the preparation of jams, compotes and the like according to recipes. All you need to do is just put the berries in the freezer. And at the same time, you do not need to subject them to heat treatment, and you also do not have to waste sugar.

However, in freezing, despite all its simplicity, there are points that should be given increased attention. Chief among them is the preparation of berries. Any negligence at this stage of freezing can lead to the loss or partial damage of the workpiece for the winter.

The collected sea buckthorn, first of all, must be sorted out. It is necessary to remove all leaves, twigs and other random debris from it. At the same time, the fruits of sea buckthorn should be sorted immediately, selecting only whole, unrumpled, sluggish and unspoiled berries for freezing. What turns out to be unsuitable for, except for spoiled fruits, can be washed and used for other harvesting methods or put into tea already at the next tea party.

Then the sorted sea buckthorn should be washed well. However, you should not do this under a tap - due to the strong pressure of running water, the berries can be damaged. It is best to wash the fruits under a shower spray. You can also pour water into a large saucepan and carefully pour the berries into it. Then, carefully sorting the fruits with your hands and picking them up in small handfuls, rinse them.

Washed sea buckthorn must be dried. To do this, lay the berries on paper napkins or a towel. It is advisable to dry the fruits so that not a drop of water remains on their surface. The less moisture that gets into the freezer and storage container, the better.

While the berries are drying, you need to take care of choosing containers for them. In this case, the following must be taken into account - having thawed a portion of sea buckthorn, it must be immediately used for its intended purpose, and the remains cannot be subjected to re-freezing. Therefore, you should estimate in advance for what and in what volumes the berries will be used in winter. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose and fill containers with fruits.

Ordinary plastic bags are suitable for storing sea buckthorn. Even better - pick up small plastic containers or jars (cups) from under yoghurts and sour cream. In them, the berries will, among other things, be protected from accidental contact and damage by other frozen foods, because this container, unlike a plastic bag, will not tear when carelessly pushing another piece of meat into a crowded freezer.

If plastic bags are used, the fruits are laid out in them in a thin layer, the bag is tied and placed in the freezer in such a place so as not to shift or “disturb” the berries until the moment when they are needed.

Another way is to spread the sea buckthorn on a tray in one layer. We place the tray in the freezer, in which we turn on the deep freeze function. In this case, the berries will not freeze together, and after a couple of hours they can be taken out and poured into the selected containers, and then returned to the freezer. Sea buckthorn frozen in this way can be easily scooped up in the right amount, even from a bag, even from a plastic container.

Thawed sea buckthorn tastes no different from fresh. Its berries can be used in exactly the same way as freshly picked ones!

The healing properties of a small yellow berry have been known since ancient times - it is literally filled with vitamins, which is especially valuable in winter. it’s easy to save for the winter, and today we’ll get acquainted with several recipes.

Collection and selection of fruits

Did you know? The healing properties of sea buckthorn are mentioned in the writings of Ancient Tibet and China. According to some reports, 200,000 hectares of yellow berry bushes were planted in China for conservation from the 50s to 85XX century. And for the best result, Chinese athletes at the 1988 Olympics were given sea buckthorn drinks before the competition.

Sea buckthorn mashed with sugar

Sea buckthorn with sugar is a classic recipe for harvesting for the winter. Both ingredients are taken in equal amounts: for 2 kg of fruit - the same amount of sugar. The berries are pre-washed and dried, then both components are ground with a meat grinder or blender into a homogeneous mixture. The finished mass is placed in sterile jars, covered with parchment.

Jam with honey, sugar - recipes for the winter

Recipe #1

For this recipe sea ​​buckthorn jam for the winter will need:

  • - 200 g;
  • honey - 1.5 kg;
  • berries - 1 kg.

Prepare berries: wash and dry; grind the nuts into flour with a blender. Bring honey to a boil, stirring regularly, add nuts, boil for about five minutes. Reduce the heat and, adding the fruits of sea buckthorn, boil for another 15 minutes. Hot decompose into banks.

Recipe #2

Blend a liter of honey and a kilogram of sea buckthorn with a blender until smooth. Pour the prepared mixture into sterile jars. Such jam without cooking allows you to save the benefits in full, not only in berries, but also in honey.

Recipe #3

You will need:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 250 ml of water.
Simmer the pure fruits in a saucepan with water for five minutes over low heat. Then drain the water and boil sugar syrup on it. Place the berries in a container for cooking jam, cover with syrup and cook over low heat until tender. Ideally, readiness is determined by a drop of jam on a saucer: if it does not spread over the surface, then the density is good, and the jam is ready.

Important! Sterilization of jars, as well as covers,carried out before laying the jam. Jam is placed in jars hot, and left to cool, turned upside down.

Beverage preparation

Drinks from yellow fruits perfectly quench thirst due to the characteristic sourness in taste.

Juice preparation

To prepare natural juice without sweeteners, the fruits are squeezed in a juicer. The resulting juice is heated and pasteurized in clean jars for 20 minutes, then rolled up with lids.

Sweet juice is prepared as follows: for 2.5 liters of juice obtained from squeezed berries, syrup is prepared (half a kilogram of sugar per liter of water). Juice and syrup are mixed, poured into jars, pasteurized and closed.

compote recipes

Sea buckthorn compote for the winter is often combined with other fruits or berries, for example, with apples.

Recipe #1

Sea buckthorn and apples are taken in a ratio of 1 to 2, water and sugar - 1 to 1. To equalize the sour taste of sea buckthorn, it is better to choose sweet varieties of apples. First you need to wash and prepare the fruits, cut the apples into slices. Spread the products on the bottom of the jars. Prepare syrup and pour into containers, pasteurize for 20 minutes.

Recipe #2

For a kilogram of sea buckthorn, four glasses of sugar and two liters of water are taken. The washed fruits are poured into sterile jars to a third of the height, poured with boiled syrup. Pasteurized, rolled up with lids.

Jelly, marshmallow, puree and other sweet recipes

For jelly squeeze the juice from the berries. Take 4 cups of sugar per liter of juice. In enameled or glassware, the components are boiled over low heat, stirring and removing the foam. The mass in the process is boiled down by a third of the initial volume. It is poured into jars hot, rolled up.

Sea buckthorn jam without cooking

The proportions of the ingredients are taken one to one. Pure berries are passed twice through a juicer press, the resulting juice in a deep bowl is covered with sugar. The mixture is left for 12 hours, stirred from time to time. When the mixture acquires the consistency of jelly, it is placed in sterile jars and sent for storage in the refrigerator. This jam can be used as a topping for desserts.

In order to freeze sea buckthorn, you need to choose the right berries, namely: fresh, ripe and whole fruits. Unripe sea buckthorn is too sour and tart, so cooking compote and making other preparations with it will be a little expensive - such dishes will need to add more sugar.

When choosing a product for freezing, pay attention to the color and condition of the sea buckthorn fruits. They should be orange or light orange in color, without any plaque or other deterioration. It is desirable that the sea buckthorn be whole. Crushed fruits are not suitable for freezing.

In order for sea buckthorn to retain all its useful and healing properties when frozen, it must be properly prepared. This process should be given special attention, because any negligence at this stage of freezing can cause the berries to deteriorate not only externally, but also significantly affect the taste for the worse.

Sea buckthorn should be sorted out - remove all twigs, leaves and other debris. Select crushed, sluggish, spoiled, dry fruits. All spoiled sea buckthorn can be thrown away. But fruits that are good, but too soft and unsuitable for freezing, can be used for other purposes. For example, cook compote or add to tea.

Next, wash the sea buckthorn well. In order not to damage it, I do not advise putting the entire batch of berries in a sieve or colander. After all, a strong stream of water can crush ripe berries. It is best to pour clean water into a saucepan or deep bowl and pour sea buckthorn into it. Carefully fingering, gently rinse it. Small leaves and other debris will still float to the surface, it can be caught by hand or simply drained with water.

You can change the water in the pan several times, finally washing the berries well.

Now you need to dry the washed sea buckthorn. You can take a paper towel or a regular kitchen towel (I prefer to use a waffle, it absorbs moisture very well). Sprinkle sea buckthorn on a towel in an even layer and leave for 20-30 minutes. The fabric will quickly absorb moisture from the berries, and they will become completely dry. Do not rush to lay out the berries in bags, the less moisture there is on the surface of the sea buckthorn, the better for its storage.

Before laying the fruits in a container for freezing, I advise you to send the sea buckthorn to freeze a little in the freezer. To do this, cover a special flat tray in the freezer with parchment paper and lay out the berries. If you don’t have such a compartment, arrange the berries on flat plates or a tray.

Set the temperature in the freezer to minus 22 degrees and leave the sea buckthorn for about 30-40 minutes. Quick freezing will help preserve the nutrients and vitamins of the berries. Slow freezing of berries (minus 10 - minus 12 degrees) is not desirable, it can cause tissue rupture and after defrosting such a product will disappoint you.

After the allotted time, you just need to pour the berries into a bag or special containers for freezing. Sea buckthorn frozen by this method will definitely not stick together and can be scooped up with a spoon or scoop from a tray or bag.

I recommend using plastic trays for storing frozen sea buckthorn. In such a container, sea buckthorn is protected from accidental damage with other products in the freezer, and it is more convenient to use such a container. You can put the sea buckthorn in a tight plastic bag, but you must definitely expel the air from it and close it tightly.

For ease of use of a frozen product, you should always indicate the data on the label. Sign: "sea buckthorn", put the month and year of harvesting.

Sea buckthorn should be stored at a temperature of minus 18 degrees and below, no more than 9 months. Try to give berries and fruits a separate place in the freezer. You should not store sea buckthorn near fish, meat or mushrooms, otherwise the berries may absorb a foreign smell.
Sea buckthorn frozen in this way does not lose its qualities and, after defrosting, is no different from fresh.

From frozen sea buckthorn, you can cook fruit drinks, compote, jelly, make tea. You can also make sea buckthorn jam, jam and jelly. And also grind with sugar, squeeze the pulp through a sieve and get an excellent sauce for pancakes or pancakes. To prepare drinks and jams, it is not necessary to defrost sea buckthorn beforehand. But if you decide to defrost it, then it is better to do it gradually, leaving the berries in the lower section of the refrigerator.

The first thing I cooked from sea buckthorn was. Bright, fragrant, tasty, besides such a healthy drink. You can also make frozen sea buckthorn for pancakes or pancakes, just do not forget to rub the pulp through a sieve to get rid of the seeds. Also frozen berries can be added to.

Hurry up to stock up on such a useful berry for the winter and freeze sea buckthorn in order to have a rich source of vitamins and microelements at hand in the autumn-winter period.

Sea buckthorn can be prepared for the winter in a variety of ways: wipe it with sugar, make jam, make jelly, juice, compote ... But the best way to preserve all the useful substances of this miracle berry is to freeze it. Frozen sea buckthorn retains up to 90% of all vitamins, minerals and other biologically active compounds found in fresh berries. Sea buckthorn has long been valued for its healing properties. It has an antioxidant effect, increases the body's resistance to infections, improves metabolism and the course of many chronic diseases, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes wound healing, reduces fatigue... In medicine, not only berries are used, but also leaves, flowers and even the bark of this plant. It would be simply unforgivable not to prepare this small useful berry for the winter.

How to freeze sea buckthorn for the winter

First, let's sort out the sea buckthorn. For freezing, we need only whole, sluggish and fairly ripe berries. Therefore, we remove spoiled and crumpled berries, as well as leaves, twigs and other debris. Then wash the sea buckthorn, but not with running tap water, as the berries can be damaged. We collect water in a large bowl, pour sea buckthorn into it and gently wash the berries. Then put in a colander to glass the water and lay out in a thin layer on a paper or cotton towel. It is necessary to dry the berries well so that not a drop of water remains on their surface - this is important when freezing.

We shift the sea buckthorn on a flat dish in one layer and send it to the freezer to freeze for 2 hours. For faster cooling of berries, you can use the "super freeze" function (Super freeze). Such a high freezing rate eliminates the formation of large ice crystals that tear tissue. The berries freeze to the full depth, and after defrosting they do not lose their shape and nutritional value, do not change color and taste.

After 2 hours, we take the berries out of the freezer, they have become more solid, and pour them into a container suitable for storage, tightly, hermetically close and send it back to the freezer.
To store sea buckthorn, you can take ordinary plastic bags, as long as they are clean (used bags can retain the smell of the products that were in them before). It is better to put bags with sea buckthorn in the freezer in such a place so that they are not transferred later, until the time when they are needed.
But for storage, small plastic food containers or sour cream jars are still better suited - in them the berries will be protected from accidental damage by other frozen foods.

Frozen sea buckthorn is a good vitamin supplement in winter. It tastes like fresh berries. In winter, you can defrost it, knead it well and brew it like tea, adding honey or sugar to taste - you get an excellent vitamin drink that will help you cope with a cold. You can cook delicious fresh fruit drink from sea buckthorn, cook compote or jelly.

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Already on the basis of the name, it can be assumed that the harvest is impressive, the berries stick around the branches of the tree, making them bright orange. Summer residents and gardeners every autumn have the question of how to save sea buckthorn for the winter in order to feast on long cold evenings.

Bright "sunny" fruits, abundantly covering tree branches in autumn, are known as a strong antitumor agent. Besides, sea ​​buckthorn strengthens the immune system, effectively fights inflammatory processes, normalizes the work of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, has a calming effect.

The berry also helps with "female" problems, it is also part of the preparations for the treatment of infertility.

Sea buckthorn - doctor and cosmetologist. The oil from it has strong regenerating properties and has long been used both in official medicine and in the beauty industry.

How to collect sea buckthorn

Before starting the collection, it is necessary to decide on the method of using medicinal berries. If the fruits are going to be eaten fresh or prepared in the form of compotes and jams, harvesting should begin in late August - early September, in the early stages of ripening. During this period, sea buckthorn is especially rich in vitamin C, and its skin is dense and will not be damaged during cooking.

Marmalade, jam, jelly or sea buckthorn honey do not require the integrity of the berries, but here it is important that the fruits are soft and juicy, and they reach this state only by mid-autumn.

Collection starts from the top of a bush or tree, gradually descending.

It is better to wear thick gloves on your hands to protect the skin from painful thorns. dotting the branches.

There are several popular methods for collecting sea buckthorn:

  1. The fastest is to cut the branches along with the fruits, and then send them to the freezer. Lying in the cold, the berries will be separated from the stalks much easier. Of course, the method is somewhat barbaric and is not reflected in the best way on trees, but it allows you to make impressive stocks of healing raw materials in a short time.
  2. It is much more delicate to pick berries by hand. To speed up the process, there are several devices, of which the so-called “cobra” is considered the most effective - a curved wire loop fixed in a wooden handle. The device is passed along the branch, as if "cleansing" it from a generous harvest.
  3. By cutting the fruits with nail scissors or removing them with tongs, you can preserve their integrity as much as possible without damaging the tree itself, which will further increase fruiting. Berries are harvested for a very long time, so when the harvest is large, this method is hardly suitable.
  4. Industrial method: after the first frosts (approximately at the end of autumn - the beginning of winter), a tarpaulin or polyethylene is spread under the trees, after which the sea buckthorn is shaken off strongly and often by hitting the trunk.
  5. If only juice is needed, a hand in a thick rubber glove is carefully drawn along the branch, from the trunk to the end, while squeezing the liquid from the berries into the substituted container.

In the process of harvesting sea buckthorn, hands must be protected to avoid scratches and allergic reactions. Work clothes are needed, which it is not a pity to sprinkle with sea buckthorn juice. It will not be possible to remove the bright orange spots left by the berries.

How to keep sea buckthorn fresh at home

If the harvest of "golden berries" turned out to be quite plentiful, it is best to keep some of it fresh.

Fruits harvested in dry weather lie much longer and spoil less.

In the presence of a cellar or other premises with an air temperature of 0ºС to 4ºС, you can store sea buckthorn simply on branches, hanging them or laying them out in one layer on lined paper sheets. From time to time, the branches are turned over and checked for spoiled berries. The product is thus stored for several months.


For the winter, sea buckthorn is best frozen.

So the useful substances will be perfectly preserved, and you will not have to perform complex culinary manipulations.

However, this seemingly simple method has its own secrets:

  1. It is better to freeze the berries within two hours after picking, then they will be the most healing. The longer the plucked fruits stay in the light, the more actively the vitamins contained in them are destroyed.
  2. Before storing, the berries are sorted out, cleaned of debris, rotten and immature specimens and washed in a basin. It is not recommended to do this under running water, so that the delicate skin is not damaged and the juice does not flow out.
  3. Raw materials must be dried with a paper towel. Otherwise, from the cold, wet berries will stick together, and when thawed, they can become deformed or burst.
  4. The prepared raw materials are packaged in plastic bags or containers and subjected to quick freezing. It is more correct to divide the berries into small portions in order to consume them at a time. Re-freezing sea buckthorn does not make sense - the benefits and appearance of the product are lost.

in sugar

Prepared sea buckthorn is sprinkled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1.

Place the blank in glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

In winter, you can cook compotes from it, preferably with the addition of “bright” fruits to taste, or make cold drinks.

Soaked sea buckthorn

Berries - always freshly picked (not washed), placed in sterilized jars, poured with boiled water at room temperature and, after closing with a plastic lid, put in storage in a cellar or refrigerator.

Sweet culinary masterpieces from sea buckthorn


We will need:

  • 1 kg sea buckthorn
  • 1 kg sugar

Cooking method

  1. Fresh berries are sorted out, carefully washed in a large container with water, allowed to drain.
  2. Place in an enamel pan and heat over low heat, without adding liquid, stirring constantly.
  3. Bring the fruits to a boil and cook for 10 minutes until they are completely soft. Throughout the whole process, you need to stir the sea buckthorn, helping the bursting berries to actively release the juice, as a result of which the contents of the pan do not burn.
  4. Then the hot mass is transferred to a nylon sieve with medium cells and quickly rubbed.
  5. Add sugar and stir well, not trying to achieve complete dissolution.
  6. Then the mass is left to cool and thicken for 7-10 hours.
  7. The finished jelly is poured into sterilized jars, covered with polyethylene lids and stored at room temperature.


There are several recipes for this dessert. However, the most beautiful and fragrant jam is obtained with whole berries, which become transparent during cooking and resemble pieces of precious amber.

We will need:

  • 1 kg ripe berries
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • 0.5 liters of water


  1. Sea buckthorn is washed, cleaned of spoiled berries and debris, allowed to drain.
  2. To remove the bitterness inherent in fruits, they can be blanched for 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. A thick syrup is boiled from water and sugar, filtered. Berries are poured with a hot solution and left to infuse for 4 hours.
  4. Next, the syrup is drained and boiled for 10 minutes, and then sea buckthorn is added and boiled over low heat until tender, about half an hour. It is not difficult to determine that the jam has reached the desired condition: the berries will become translucent, and the liquid will acquire a caramel density.
  5. To finally make sure that the dessert is ready, a drop of cooled syrup is applied to the saucer. If it does not spread, the jam can be removed from the heat.
  6. The resulting product is poured into sterilized and thoroughly dried jars and quickly rolled up, not allowing it to cool.

Sea buckthorn jam perfectly helps with stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Sea buckthorn jam with apples


  • 1 kg ripe berries
  • 0.8 kg sugar
  • 200 g natural apple juice with pulp

How to cook

  1. Prepared berries are dipped in boiling water for a few minutes, then cooled and rubbed through a fine-mesh sieve.
  2. The resulting mass is mixed with sugar and allowed to cool for 2 hours.
  3. The thickened puree is diluted with apple juice (preferably home-made) and boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring continuously to prevent boiling.
  4. The finished jam is poured hot into pre-sterilized jars and pasteurized at a water temperature of 80ºС. Half-liter containers require 15 minutes of processing, for liter containers it will take 5 minutes more. Then the jars are rolled up and stored in a dark place.

Juice without sugar

In this drink, the valuable vitamins and minerals present in fresh berries are best preserved.

Cooking will not take much time, but in winter you can treat yourself and loved ones to a natural energy drink.

  1. The raw materials are thoroughly washed, spoiled and dry berries, garbage are removed.
  2. Pass the fruits through the juicer several times. The juice is put in the cold, and the cake is poured with warm water, so that it slightly covers the mass and insist for about half an hour. Then squeeze and add the resulting infusion to the main juice.
  3. All the resulting liquid is filtered through a double layer of gauze, heated to 75ºС and hot filtered again. Poured into pre-sterilized jars and pasteurized at 80ºС in the same way as indicated in the recipe for jam.

Sea buckthorn juice prepared according to this recipe is recommended to be consumed with honey, which greatly increases the benefits of the miraculous drink.

In winter cold and with spring beriberi, sea ​​buckthorn is the best way to maintain the health of the whole family, from small to large. It is worth paying attention to this amazing "golden berry", which, moreover, does not require complex cooking methods and diversifies our table with many delicious delicacies.

Useful video

I recommend watching this story, from which you will learn about the beneficial properties of the orange berry and about the blanks from it.
