
Field strawberry jam with currants. Compote with currants and strawberries

Summer is a fertile time for juicy sweet berries, so it is advisable not only to enjoy them vitamin taste, but also prepare for the winter. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for strawberry and currant jam. Such a berry duet will pleasantly surprise you in an original jam. pleasant taste and aroma.

The list of ingredients prescribed in the recipe is short - strawberries, blackcurrants and sugar. And nothing more is needed. sweet taste strawberries, combined with the aromatic sourness of currants and sugar, during the cooking process form gourmet dessert. Jam is prepared by the method of single cooking. You can store the jam room temperature.


  • strawberries - 1.5 kg
  • blackcurrant - 500 g
  • sugar - 2 kg

Strawberry and currant jam. Cooking:

  1. Sort through the blackcurrants, wash them and tear them off the twigs. Wash the strawberries and cut off the sepals. For jam it is better to select strong berries small strawberries so that you do not have to cut them before cooking, but use them whole.
  2. Put the prepared blackcurrants and strawberries in a large bowl or heavy-bottomed saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3 hours to separate the juice.
  3. Put the bowl on low heat and heat the berry mass, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then increase the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally (especially in the center) to avoid burning.
  4. Remembering to remove the resulting foam, bring the jam to a boil and cook, stirring, for about 40 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, prepare the jars - wash well and carefully pour over with boiling water, pouring it over the walls (this reduces the likelihood that the jar will burst). Turn the scalded jars upside down on a towel to drain excess moisture from the glass.
  6. Remove the finished jam from the heat, put it in dry sterile jars and seal tightly or screw on the lids. After cooling, store the jars in a dry, dark pantry.
  7. Strawberry and currant jam keeps well at room temperature. If instead of napkins you cover the jars with a thick parchment paper or napkins and tie with a thread, the jam will become thick, acquire the consistency of marmalade.

Bon appetit and delicious preparations!

Summer is a fertile time for juicy sweet berries, so it is advisable not only to enjoy their vitamin taste, but also to prepare for the winter. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for strawberry and currant jam. Such a berry duo will pleasantly surprise you in jam with an original pleasant taste and aroma.

The list of ingredients prescribed in the recipe is short - strawberries, blackcurrants and sugar. And nothing more is needed. The sweet taste of strawberries, combined with the aromatic sourness of currants and sugar, forms an exquisite dessert during the cooking process. Jam is prepared by the method of single cooking. You can store jam at room temperature.


  • strawberries - 1.5 kg
  • blackcurrant - 500 g
  • sugar - 2 kg

Strawberry and currant jam. Cooking:

  1. Sort through the blackcurrants, wash them and tear them off the twigs. Wash the strawberries and cut off the sepals. For jam, it is better to select strong small strawberries so that you do not have to cut them before cooking, but use them whole.
  2. Put the prepared blackcurrants and strawberries in a large bowl or heavy-bottomed saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 3 hours to separate the juice.
  3. Put the bowl on low heat and heat the berry mass, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then increase the heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally (especially in the center) to avoid burning.
  4. Remembering to remove the resulting foam, bring the jam to a boil and cook, stirring, for about 40 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, prepare the jars - wash well and carefully pour over with boiling water, pouring it over the walls (this reduces the likelihood that the jar will burst). Turn the scalded jars upside down on a towel to drain excess moisture from the glass.
  6. Remove the finished jam from the heat, put it in dry sterile jars and seal tightly or screw on the lids. After cooling, store the jars in a dry, dark pantry.
  7. Strawberry and currant jam keeps well at room temperature. If instead of napkins you cover the jars with thick parchment paper or napkins and tie with a thread, the jam will become thick and acquire the consistency of marmalade.

I will reveal the secret of my favorite delicacy - delicious strawberry jam with redcurrant. Who loves marmalade jam - you should take note of this culinary recommendation in a detailed step-by-step presentation with a photo. Strawberry and red currant jam will surprise you with a wonderful taste, beautiful colors and marmalade texture. Fill up your cooking records with recipes for the winter with a simple and original way boiling thick strawberry jam with red currants.

Marmalade and a beautiful color shade of jam will give a large handful of red currant berries. Just one handful and you will get unique delicacy as . Use strawberries and currants when ripe. Ripe berries absorb the sun to the maximum and become fragrant and unusually tasty.


  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • red currant - 200 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.


Let's prepare the berries for jam: we select intact strawberries and sprigs of red currant. Then wash the berries properly. We pour the strawberries with green petioles in portions into a basin and rinse with water, trying not to pour water directly on the tender berries so as not to damage the fruits. Especially it concerns ripe berries which may be damaged by strong water pressure.

Gently lift handfuls of strawberries in water with both hands several times. Sand, earth and other contaminants will settle to the bottom. Drain the water and fill the strawberries a second time with water. We perform a similar operation with the berries again and put the strawberries in a colander with our hands. Then rinse the berries with peeled cold water and let the water drain.

When the strawberries dry, tear off the green petioles and put the berries in the basin, falling asleep in layers granulated sugar. By the way, green strawberry petioles should not be thrown away. From the dried strawberry stalks, a fragrant and healthy tea. Petioles can be brewed on their own or added to your favorite tea.

Set aside the basin with strawberries for a while until the sugar dissolves. Then bring the berries to a boil and turn off the heat. If necessary, we collect the first foam.

Rinse currant sprigs with running and purified water, let drain through a colander.

We tear off the dried currant berries from the twigs and lower them into the basin to the strawberries. Here is what the jam looks like at this stage.

The jelly-like consistency of jam is given by pectins found in red currants and partially in strawberries. Marmalade thick jam strawberries with whole berries will turn out in the form of jelly if you add red currants during the cooking process. Gently shake the basin with berries, without stirring with a spoon, so as not to violate the integrity of the berries. Cook strawberry jam with red currant over high heat for 20 minutes, counting from the boiling point. At this time, remove the foam.

IMPORTANT: Strawberry jam will turn out marmalade if you cook it over high heat, removing the foam during cooking.

Turn off the fire after a while. We collect the remains of sweet foam. Now it's time to put the jam into jars. This is the jam I got at the finish line.

We prepare jars for storing jam in advance. We wash the container with soda hot water and sterilize in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 100 °. We lay out the hot jam in jars and close the lids. We turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel, blanket or other handy shelter. Our goal is for jars to cool slowly, so the jam will be better stored.

It's so easy to prepare delicious jam from strawberries for the winter. On cooling, you will fragrant jam marmalade texture. The color of strawberry and redcurrant jam is bright and rich.

How pleasant it is to open a jar of marmalade on a cold winter day. strawberry jam with red currant, bake, brew fresh tea and arrange delicious tea party, remembering the beautiful summer days.

Strawberry Jam Five Minute Video

Strawberries - 1.5 kg
blackcurrant - 0.5 kg
sugar - 2 kg

Cooking method

1. Let's sort out the blackcurrant and wash it.
2. Wash warm water strawberries. For making strawberry and blackcurrant jam, I use a small, strong strawberry, then during the cooking process it remains intact.
3. Place strawberries and black currants in a basin and cover with sugar. Leave for 3 hours so that the berry gives juice.
4. We put the basin on the stove to the most small fire and periodically mix the berries with sugar.
5. When the sugar dissolves, we will do medium fire and we will continue to cook jam, periodically stirring the contents of the basin. It is especially important to stir in the center of the basin so that the jam does not burn.
6. Bring the jam to a boil, while constantly removing the resulting foam.
7. Leave the jam to boil for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
8. Prepare the jars: wash the jars thoroughly, pour boiling water over them inside. Boiling water should be poured along the walls and along the entire bottom, then the probability that the jar will burst is low. Turn the jars over on a towel to drain excess liquid.
9. Turn off the heat and carefully pour the strawberry and blackcurrant jam into jars.
10. We close the jars of jam with lids and put them in a dark place. Also, jars can be covered with rags and tied with a thread or elastic band, then the jam will become thick, like marmalade. This jam should also be stored in a dark, dry place at room temperature.

Strawberry and blackcurrant jam is ready! Don't wait for winter, save some jam for the evening and have tea with your family!

There is no need to explain how useful blackcurrant is. Everyone knows how much it strengthens the immune system, relieves inflammation, improves work gastrointestinal tract helping to cleanse the body of toxins. However, in pure form do not eat a lot of this berry. For this reason, housewives use currants for homemade preparations and for cooking. various dishes and drinks based on it. A special place among these culinary masterpieces allotted blackcurrant smoothie. This thick cocktail occupies an intermediate position between the usual dessert and berry drink, helps to quench thirst and satiety at the same time. For this reason, a blackcurrant smoothie helps not only to improve general state body, but also to lose weight.

Cooking features

The process of making smoothies is not very complicated, and with a blender, even a novice cook can handle the task. However, there are a few points that you should know about before you start cooking.

  • To prepare a blackcurrant smoothie, you can use both fresh berries and frozen ones. Fresh must be sorted out, washed and dried, scattered on a towel. Frozen should be removed from the freezer in advance so that it has time to thaw. The juice that has drained from it does not have to be thrown away - it can be poured into a container in which the ingredients for the cocktail are crushed.
  • Blackcurrant smoothie will be healthier if not used for it high-calorie foods such as sugar, ice cream, cream. If there is a need to sweeten the cocktail, you can put sweet berries and fruits, a spoonful of honey into it.
  • If you want to lose weight by drinking a blackcurrant smoothie, eat it in spoons, as in this case, saturation will come faster than when drinking a smoothie in sips. Using this technique, you can easily replace one of the snacks with a thick blackcurrant drink.
  • Blackcurrant smoothie is most beneficial immediately after preparation, so make it in the amount that you can consume.
  • IN large quantities black currant is not recommended for certain diseases, including vascular, gastrointestinal. Therefore, if you plan to eat smoothies from this berry often, it will not hurt you to consult your doctor.

There are a lot of blackcurrant smoothie recipes. Having understood the basic principles of its preparation, you yourself will be able to create options for a thick blackcurrant cocktail.

Dessert blackcurrant smoothie with ice cream

  • blackcurrant - 100 g;
  • milk - 0.25 l;
  • vanilla ice cream - 100 g;
  • honey or blackcurrant syrup - 5 ml;
  • ground cardamom - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  • Take the ice cream out of the fridge to let it thaw a little.
  • Sort out blackcurrants, throwing out spoiled berries, leaves and any other rubbish. Rinse in running water. Sprinkle on a towel, wait until it dries.
  • Put the berry in the blender bowl, pour it melted until liquid state honey or syrup. Pour in milk and whisk until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.
  • Add ice cream and beat again.

Smoothies made according to this recipe are very thick and quite sweet. His energy value higher than most blackcurrant smoothies, so this recipe will be more suitable for those who are not on a diet. But the children will be delighted with such a delicacy.

Blackcurrant smoothie with yogurt and strawberries

  • blackcurrant - 0.3 kg;
  • strawberries - 100 g;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 0.2 l;
  • melon - 150 g;
  • honey - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pick a berry. Free the currants from the twigs, remove the sepals from the strawberries.
  • Wash the currants and strawberries separately and dry them.
  • Cut strawberries into large pieces.
  • Remove the skin and seeds from the melon. Cut into cubes and leave for half an hour freezer if you want a cold drink.
  • Place melon, strawberries and currants in a blender, add honey and yogurt.
  • Grind the ingredients so that the result is a homogeneous mass.

This is one of the most useful options thick blackcurrant cocktail, so this recipe should be taken into account by those who monitor their health and dream of losing weight.

Blackcurrant and raspberry smoothie

  • blackcurrant - 150 g;
  • raspberries - 30 g;
  • kefir - 0.2 l;
  • dried mint - a pinch;
  • ground cardamom - a pinch;
  • honey or sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Carefully sort out the currants and raspberries, then rinse them, dry them, spreading them out on a napkin.
  • Put the berries in a blender jar, add spices to them, add sugar or honey to taste.
  • Pour in cold kefir and beat until smooth.
  • Add a little if you like crushed ice and beat again.

When serving smoothies, you can garnish with a sprig of fresh mint or a few raspberries and currants. But even without decoration, it looks appetizing and exudes a seductive aroma.

Blackcurrant and mint smoothie

  • blackcurrant - 0.2 kg;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 150 ml;
  • fresh mint- 30 g;
  • honey - to taste;
  • crushed ice - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the mint, separate the leaves and cut them into pieces.
  • Sort and wash the berries. Once dry, pour it into a mixing bowl.
  • Pour the berry with honey, sprinkle with mint leaves and pour over with yogurt.
  • Turn on the blender and grind the ingredients until smooth.
  • Pour crushed ice, shake the cocktail with it.

After that, it remains to pour the drink into glasses and serve. However, it does not hurt to decorate. Fresh mint will serve as a decoration. Also appropriate would be "hoarfrost" on the edge of the glass. To make it, sugar will have to be ground in a coffee grinder to a state powdered sugar, then lower the glass into it. To make the sugar grains stick to the glass, rub it in front of this lemon slice.

Blackcurrant and pear smoothie with flax seeds

  • pear - 0.2 kg;
  • blackcurrant - 150 g;
  • yogurt - 100 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • honey - 5 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - a pinch;
  • flax seeds - 15 g.

Cooking method:

  • After sorting, washing and drying the berry, place it in a container for whipping.
  • Wash the pear, blot with a napkin. Remove the stem. Cut the fruit lengthwise into 4 parts, cut out the areas with seeds. Peel off the skins. If you want a healthier smoothie and are willing to give up the soft texture of a smoothie for that, you can leave the pear out.
  • cut pear slices into several parts and send to blackcurrant.
  • Pour in the flax seeds, add honey, yogurt and cinnamon.
  • Pour milk into a container with the rest of the ingredients and grind everything together until smooth with an immersion blender.

Smoothie spill made by this recipe by the glass, garnish it with a few flaxseeds or a pinch of cinnamon. The cocktail according to this recipe is very fragrant and tasty. It is enjoyed by both adults and children.

Blackcurrant smoothie with oatmeal

  • cereals fast food- 20 g;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • blackcurrant - 100 g;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • flax seeds - 5 g;
  • honey - 5 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the milk and pour over the oatmeal, leave for 20 minutes.
  • Sort the currant, wash and dry.
  • Melt honey to a liquid consistency.
  • Place currants and steamed oats in a blender bowl, add honey, flax seeds and vanillin. Beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

A smoothie prepared according to this recipe is able to replace breakfast or one of the meals. If this is done regularly, overweight you are not threatened.

Blackcurrant smoothie helps to strengthen the immune system, cleanse the intestines and lose weight. If you stick healthy eating, you just need to know a few recipes for this wonderful cocktail.
