
Cocktails for weight loss with different tastes. Effective homemade slimming cocktails

In the fight against overweight good all available means. For a successful result, an integrated approach to solving the problem is required. Effective and, which will insanely please dieting ladies, will become a very tasty assistant. cocktails for weight loss home cooking . Of course, you can also use purchased drinks. However, only in those that are prepared in your own kitchen, you can be 100% sure of the naturalness of the ingredients and the calorie content of the cocktail.

in cooking nutrient mixtures for weight loss with your own hands using a blender, there is nothing complicated. Moreover, all necessary products are presented in the most modest market or in a small supermarket near the house. Most best recipes cocktails that are tested by many lovers healthy lifestyle life are presented in this article. All drinks are really easy to prepare at home and do not require special skills.

Among those who decided to make their lives better by bringing the body to perfection, best reviews deserved 4 effective compositions. After studying these recipes, slimming cocktails at home will be easy and useful to implement.

Kefir, oatmeal and cinnamon - the key to a slim figure

The recipe is extremely simple and is reflected in the name itself. As for the proportions, they are as follows:

  • Kefir - 1 glass.
  • Oatmeal in flakes - 2 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon - half a teaspoon.

Blend with a blender if desired. The ingredients of the drink are chosen for nothing. Kefir will help remove toxins from the body, as it favors stable bowel function, and hence weight loss. Flakes will give a feeling of satiety due to the fiber they contain. Cinnamon is an indispensable fat burner that promotes the rapid absorption of sugars.

Note! You can add your favorite berries or fruits to this basis for weight loss. But we must not forget to ensure that they are low-calorie.

This is a classic that athletes use after training, and those who are too lazy to do fitness, but really want to lose weight.

Cottage cheese and greens

Another cocktail, the use of which will never interfere in the process of losing weight. The drink has special property- cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins. This will not only help you lose weight, but also improve general state human health.


  • Cottage cheese (low-fat or completely fat-free) - 100 g.
  • Greens - a bunch.

From the greens, everything that can be found in the kitchen is suitable: parsley, dill, basil, etc. In stores, you can buy a ready-made vitamin kit.

This is important: in order for the cocktail to acquire the necessary consistency and not be crushed, it is worth diluting it a small amount skimmed milk.

Parts of the dish can be mixed in a blender to get rid of heterogeneity and destroy lumps. Ideally, you will get a mix with a pleasant texture.

Ginger Cocktail

If it's possible to cook diet shakes for weight loss in a blender, it should be used more often. One of the recipes that is feasible only with the help of this technique consists of the following ingredients:

  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green peas (most importantly, not canned) - 100 g.
  • Broccoli - 2 inflorescences (if you like the taste, you can increase to three).
  • Ginger - a teaspoon.

The ingredients must be ground in a blender. The end result is a thick smoothie. A cocktail with ginger - helping the body to cleanse itself. The correct composition the drink will help speed up the metabolism and start the process of weight loss.

Vegetable smoothies can be diluted to improve consistency low-fat kefir or homemade yogurt.

Orange vitamin source

This cocktail got its name for an obvious reason - all of its ingredients are the color of a bright summer sun. The following fruits are used:

  • Bell pepper.
  • Carrot.
  • Persimmon.
  • Pumpkin.

Blend into a homogeneous mass with a blender. Of the last two components, if desired, you can choose only one. To dilute a too thick sweep, you should use the advice on adding kefir.

Hint: to vary the taste and avoid unpleasant habituation, you can always include a few of your favorite nuts or dried fruits in a cocktail. For example, among the orange "neighbors" dried apricots will feel great.

This cocktail contains fiber and vitamins, while differing from analogues in a very low calorie content.

Nutritional shake recipes for athletes

Those who devote a lot of time to physical activity have their own requirements for nutritional components. The main task is to monitor the proper ratio of proteins and carbohydrates. Trainers recommend the following compositions.

Protein shake from professionals

The verified composition includes the following ingredients:

  • Soy milk - 1 cup.
  • Yogurt (homemade, fat content - 0%) - 75 ml.
  • Strawberries - 100 g.
  • Flax seeds - 25 g.

The components must be thoroughly mixed with a blender. Use this drink for weight loss before training. Usually - a few hours before going to the gym / jogging, etc. If you can’t get fresh strawberries, you can replace it with the pineapple that is always sold in the supermarket. In any case, the "fruit and berry component" must be fresh. As, however, and the rest, including milk.

The most delicious protein shakes

Milk mixes are suitable only for those who are seriously involved in sports and monitor their physical development. For those who are simply on a diet, such drinks can only harm in an attempt to lose weight. The fact is that milk is quite high in calories.

The simplest recipe: mix equal parts kefir and raspberries - protein blend ready! It remains only to beat everything in a blender.

For those who are ready to devote more than five minutes to creating a cocktail with a blender, there is also such a set:

  • Soy milk - 350 ml.
  • Mandarin - 2-3 pcs.
  • Flaxseed oil (for lack of - olive, although flaxseed can be found in any pharmacy).
  • Kefir - 150 ml.

Milk should be High Quality! Consume after training. You can’t drink right away, you should wait at least an hour.

In the process of losing weight, you can not concentrate on the fact that you can no longer eat your favorite sweets or buns. Much better to think about what you can eat! But it's so much fresh vegetables and fruits, which in cocktails only reveal their taste and complement each other. Experiment in the kitchen and achieve best results! Who knows, maybe your recipe will soon be in the top?

Cocktails for weight loss - effective method lose extra pounds, they allow you to control the desire to eat something and saturate the body with vitamins. Preparation of nutrient mass according to the recipe does not require specific knowledge and skills. Fruits and vegetables are used as ingredients. The components of the mixture can be bought at the store or grown on your own site. Using recipes for weight loss cocktails at home, a woman will be able to prepare a delicious drinking mass that will benefit and help eliminate extra pounds.

The composition of the mixture of milk includes lactic acid bacteria, fiber, fruit extracts, pectin and a complex of vitamins. Once in the body, substances wash out toxins and effectively eliminate the feeling of hunger. With the help of a drink mass prepared according to a recipe, you can control your appetite and monitor the number of calories. We will talk more about the benefits of drinking from milk and how to prepare a slimming cocktail at home.

The use of cocktails for weight loss is not capable of harming the body. Drinks are made from natural ingredients which makes them safe.

Note! Mixtures refresh and remove from the body harmful substances. Fruits and vegetables saturate the body with vitamins.

Unloading days, during which the girl drinks only cocktails, experts compare in reviews with a mono-diet. Drinks are low in calories, but in terms of nutritional content, they can be compared to a piece of meat. They can be seen eating.

There are also negative sides:

  • the use of cocktails that contain protein in their composition, with high-calorie nutrition cause the girl to get better
  • problems with bowel movements may occur,
  • sticking to a diet with milkshakes for a long time is difficult,
  • saturation on fasting days does not always occur.

Prepare diet cocktails for weight loss in a blender. In order for the effect to be noticeable, the use of drinks must be combined with diet food. Experts in reviews of drinks for weight loss advise not to abuse protein or protein shakes. Daily rate substance is 45 - 60 g per day. If the allowable volume is exceeded, the body will respond with an increase in weight.

Cooking method

Slimming cocktails have general way cooking. To complete the process, you will need a blender. It is necessary for the transformation of all constituent parts drink in a homogeneous mass that is easy to drink.

Commonly used components are:

  • berries,
  • fruits,
  • vegetables,
  • milk,
  • kefir,
  • finished fiber,
  • natural yogurt.

All components must be added to the blender and mixed with it. Sugar cannot be added. Drinking milk slimming cocktails is required immediately. The mixture should not be prepared ahead of time. Ingredients spoil quickly. It is best to reuse the blender and prepare the drink just before drinking.

It is important! Ready milkshake prepared in a blender, you need to add ice. This is necessary for cooling. During digestion, the body will use extra energy to warm up the cold drink. As a result, more calories will be burned than received.

Milkshakes allow you to lose weight without changing your lifestyle. Drink should be used instead of breakfast or dinner. The result becomes noticeable after 2 weeks.


Milkshakes for weight loss can be consumed by girls involved in sports, and the fair sex, who are not subjected to stress. Pledge rapid loss weight is a healthy diet.

Popular recipes are listed below:

Recipe name Ingredients Cooking method
Lactic 300 ml. milk with a fat content of 0%, 150 g of berries Before use, mix in a blender
Kefir 500 ml. kefir with a fat content of 1.5%, 1 medium-sized apple Grate an apple fine grater or use blender
Home A glass of milk, 150 g of yogurt, 100 g of cottage cheese, Riccot cheese to taste, 2 tablespoons of olive, 1 spoon of cream, fruit Mix the ingredients in a blender
Classical 2 teaspoons of powdered milk, 2 teaspoons of protein powder, ¼ teaspoon of stevia extract, guar caramel on the tip of the spoon, 1 teaspoon of butter, a glass cold water, 1-2 ice cubes Place all ingredients in one bowl and mix well. You can use a blender
Banana A glass of milk, 1/2 banana, a little cinnamon. You can add a pinch vanilla sugar for taste Place the ingredients in a blender and blend until the mixture is smooth

Preparing a drink according to recipes does not require specific skills. They can be easily made at home.

Note! Cocktails are not only low-calorie, but also very tasty. They can be drunk after a workout.

If you combine drinking with physical activity, you will be able to lose weight faster. By using mixtures and playing sports, you can lose from 2 to 6 kg in a month.

How to use

You can use cocktails in several ways, depending on the desired rate of weight loss. If a girl wants to lose weight slowly but comfortably, the mixture should be consumed 30 minutes before a meal. Drinks act as snacks.

If a girl wants to quickly lose weight, the mass prepared according to the recipe should be used instead of the morning and evening receptions food.

For lunch, it is allowed to eat meat or fish steamed with vegetables or fruit salad. The volume of dishes should not exceed 150 g. This method is better than the usual diets to get rid of excess weight. Light snacks are allowed. If a girl wants to lose 1-3 kg. and wants to keep fit, fasting days should be arranged with drinks for weight loss. The method involves the replacement of all meals with the use of cocktails. Unloading days should be arranged no more than 1 time per week.


Ksenia, 29 years old: Closer to thirty, I began to notice how my figure began to slowly “blur”. I categorically did not want to lose my former harmony. I chose a diet based on fat burning cocktails. It was the best option because I really like to experiment and discover new ingredients every time. For 2 months of regular intake of cocktails, I lost 10 kilograms.

Antonina, 31 years old: Losing weight with the help of fat-burning cocktails has become a real salvation from excess weight for me. Certainly. I was afraid of how this might affect the work of the stomach and intestines. But to my happiness. I did not feel any particular deviations in health. On the contrary, my vitality has increased. Noticing how every day my stomach becomes smaller and having lost 8 kilograms in a month, I gained self-confidence.

sedentary lifestyle and Not proper nutrition- a direct path to savings extra pounds. To shed them and keep fit, women often sit on strict diets, spend fasting days and even hunger strikes. But you can go a more acceptable way, using one of the most pleasant ways weight correction - cocktails for weight loss.

Cocktails for weight loss: benefits for the body

Protein shakes for weight loss are an important catalyst for the process of getting rid of excess weight. It helps to remove fat accumulation, while maintaining normal muscle tone and skin elasticity.

Proper intake of such drinks can do a lot:

  • appetite decreases, as proteins are digested rather slowly;
  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • fat burning is activated;
  • muscle relief is acquired;
  • cellulite is reduced;
  • there is energy and vitality.

Drinking cocktails has many benefits. They cook quickly, do not require heat treatment at all, and normalize the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.

These drinks are nutritious and can completely replace one meal.

It is most convenient to prepare and take them in the morning - it invigorates and energizes for a new day. Cocktails should not be drunk in one gulp: be sure to take small sips, not in a hurry.

Types and types of cocktails for weight loss

All fat-burning cocktails can be divided into 2 large categories: industrial concentrates and homemade homemade drinks.

Protein shakes for weight loss

Protein blends are the most widely represented.

They have a certain standard set of ingredients:

  • proteins;
  • dietary fiber or fiber (greens, algae, vegetables, fruits, cereals);
  • vitamins;
  • herbal extracts;
  • trace elements;
  • fruit acids;
  • glucose or fructose.

According to the manufacturers, they reduce appetite, help fight the feeling of constant hunger, while satisfying all the body's needs for nutrients. This promotes an intensive metabolism and entails a loss a large number energy, so the calorie loss goes faster than usual. Such cocktails are taken 1-2 times a day, replacing them with one of the main meals of your choice.

Store mixes are most often designed to build muscle relief. Therefore, you should not follow the dosage indicated on the package.

fat burning drinks

In dietetics Special attention given to fat-burning drinks. Making them at home is as easy as shelling pears, while they help destroy body fat, speed up metabolism and replace high-calorie meals. The most commonly used main ingredients are lemon, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, honey, Apple vinegar, mint, grapefruit.

In pursuit of a toned figure, only a few add slimming cocktails to their diet. Most people simply underestimate the benefits of various smoothie options. These drinks help not only in the fight against overweight body, but also in cleansing the body and saturating it with vitamins. Just a couple of glasses of cocktails a day will improve the metabolic processes necessary to achieve an ideal figure.

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    Types of cocktails

    There are several varieties of the drink. The choice depends on your goals. by the most popular cocktails are:

    Name Description
    fat burningHot spices, ginger and other ingredients that can "disperse" the blood and speed up the metabolism are usually used. Their main task is to replace heavy high-calorie foods and stimulate the process of splitting fats. This drink should be consumed on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before a meal or as a snack with an exacerbation of hunger. If there is no physical activity, then the process of weight loss takes a longer time.
    CleaningThanks to a slight laxative effect, it helps to cleanse the intestines, normalize its work and increase motility. The main ingredients are products with high content fiber
    Nutritious, satisfying hungerFor cooking, products that reduce appetite are used. Regular use cocktails between meals will make it easier to transfer any diet. In a blender, ingredients are mixed that subsequently swell in the stomach, creating a false feeling of fullness.
    Protein, proteinOne of the most famous and popular drinks for weight loss. Useful Components accelerate metabolic processes, allow you to save muscle mass increase performance during workouts. Due to a number of contraindications, the cocktail is not suitable for everyone. It is forbidden to take it to people with individual protein intolerance, diseases of the urinary system and liver, diabetes. Reception options may vary.


    The choice of ingredients depends on what kind of cocktail is being prepared.

    For diet drinks are used following products: parsley, dill, cucumbers, watermelon, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, celery, spinach, etc. Protein shakes include milk, kefir or yogurt. Also - egg white, soy, seafood. Drinks that satisfy hunger usually contain cottage cheese, bran, bananas, nuts, legumes, carrots, pumpkin, pineapple, etc. Ginger, cinnamon and red are added to speed up the metabolism. ground pepper.


    Exists great amount cocktail options. Many of them are simple, and the ingredients for them are almost always at home.

    If there is an allergy to any component, then it should be excluded or replaced.

    With kefir, cinnamon and ginger


    • A glass of fat-free kefir.
    • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.
    • 1 tsp minced ginger.
    • Red ground pepper - to taste.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Separately combine ginger, cinnamon, pepper and 1 tbsp. l. kefir.
    2. 2. Pour the remaining into the mixture fermented milk product and mix thoroughly.

    With strawberries and flax seeds


    • 300-400 ml of milk.
    • 150 ml of yogurt.
    • 1.5 st. l. flax seeds.
    • A handful of strawberries.
    • Mint for decoration.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Sort the seeds and grind in a coffee grinder.
    2. 2. Wash strawberries. Grind to a state of porridge or use a blender.
    3. 3. Add linen. Pour in milk products and beat until smooth.
    4. 4. Garnish the finished cocktail with mint leaves.

    With apple and celery


    • 2 celery stalks.
    • One average green apple.
    • 400 ml of kefir.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Rinse in clean water celery and apple.
    2. 2. Cut in small pieces. From the apple, you must first remove the core.
    3. 3. Grind the ingredients in a blender to a mushy state.
    4. 4. Add kefir, beat for 30 seconds.

    With citruses and green tea


    • 4 tsp large leaf green tea.
    • 1 orange.
    • Half a lemon.
    • 3 tsp honey.
    • 0.5 l boiling water

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Pour boiling water over tea and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After that, strain.
    2. 2. Peel the orange and lemon. Take out the pulp and put it in a blender.
    3. 3. Whisk everything.
    4. 4. Add tea, honey to the citrus mass and mix well.



    • 1 small beet.
    • 1 small carrot
    • 1 celery stalk.
    • 2 small cucumbers
    • 150 ml of yogurt.
    • 1.5 st. l. lemon juice.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Peel the selected products and cut into small cubes.
    2. 2. Add chopped celery and puree with a food processor.
    3. 3. Pour in yogurt, lemon juice and beat everything.

    With cottage cheese and herbs


    • 150 g soft fat-free cottage cheese.
    • 150 ml skimmed milk.
    • 1 celery stalk.
    • A small bunch of parsley or dill (no more than 10 branches).
    • 1 clove of garlic.
    • Pepper and ginger to taste.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Rinse all greens and garlic, cut and chop with a blender.
    2. 2. Add cottage cheese and beat.
    3. 3. Pour in the milk. Add pepper and ginger as desired and stir.

    milky ginger


    • 1 glass of natural yogurt.
    • 1 tsp honey.
    • 10-15 g chopped ginger root.
    • A pinch of cardamom.
    • Red ground pepper to taste.

    Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend until smooth.

    With kiwi


    • 2 kiwi.
    • 1 orange.
    • 1 glass of mango juice.
    • 50 ml soy milk.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Peel the orange, remove the pulp.
    2. 2. Peel the kiwi, add to the pulp of the orange and grind to a puree.
    3. 3. Pour in soy milk and juice. Mix everything.

    With orange juice


    • 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
    • Grapefruit pulp.
    • 1 tsp honey.
    • 2 canned pineapple rings

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Puree pineapple and grapefruit.
    2. 2. Add to the resulting mass Orange juice and honey. Mix everything.

    With milk


    • 2 glasses of milk.
    • 2 tangerines.
    • 2 bananas.
    • 1 tsp crushed flaxseeds.
    • 150 ml fat-free kefir.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Peel tangerines and bananas, then chop in a blender.
    2. 2. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.

    How to cook

    There are several rules for making cocktails:

    • The drink is made using a blender, mixer or shaker. They help create an airy texture and visually increase volume.
    • Dairy products are taken fat-free or with the minimum amount fat.
    • All ingredients must be fresh, frozen should be discarded.
    • All cocktails are consumed freshly prepared. Even with the shortest storage, their useful properties are lost.
    • First, chopped products are crushed in a blender, then the necessary liquid and bulk ingredients are added to them. Everything is whipped until foam is formed.
    • Exist various options drink intake:

      • they can replace breakfast, lunch or dinner.
      • drink between meals
      • use at night (an hour before bedtime);
      • drink an hour before training or 20-30 minutes after it.

      It is necessary to choose the appropriate regimen and stick to it. If a full meal is replaced by a cocktail, then it is worth drinking it with whole grain bread or nuts. Need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body, there should be no violations in the work gastrointestinal tract , skin rashes etc. If unwanted symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued. Don't forget to drink enough plain water.

      And some secrets...

      The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

      I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

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You are probably familiar with many effective means to combat unwanted excess weight. Today it is difficult to surprise someone with a new panacea that would easily and quickly bring the body into shape. However, for many, fat-burning slimming cocktails are a pleasant discovery. After all, you really want to combine all the most delicious and healthy in one glass. And not only to say goodbye to the hated kilograms, but also to be enriched with energy and health. All these properties successfully combine the drinks loved by many for weight control. Today we are learning how to create slimming cocktails at home and enjoy the effect of them!

Great news: you can use a slimming cocktail at home as an addition to the chosen method of dealing with extra pounds or as a standalone diet. Many have called these delicious helpers a body shaping tool for all the lazy, as well as for everyone who loves to eat deliciously and at the same time leaves no desire to lose weight. Admit it, many of our readers are like that? Something tells us that yes, so we wrote an educational program about cocktails in a blender for weight loss and the most effective recipes especially for you!

Everything you were looking for in one glass

Homemade slimming shakes have gained immense popularity, and there are a number of reasons for this. Contrary to popular belief that these drinks only have a fat-burning function, cocktails contain many valuable properties for the whole organism. And how can you resist?

  • Any diet can turn into sheer torture if you have to exhaust yourself with hunger. But fat-burning nectar is a highly nutritious delicacy whose energy value may even equate to pork steak. This means that you can fill up on this miracle drink instead of dinner and still burn extra calories.
  • It is noteworthy that diet cocktails for easy weight loss have practically no contraindications and are easily tolerated. Also don't wait side effects and negative reactions from the body.
  • Soon after drinking these drinks, you will notice their wonderful effect not only on your figure, but also on your appearance in general: the skin is especially updated.
  • Each smoothie or shake is a cleansing and often draining nectar, and this effect is valuable for the digestive tract, blood and liver.
  • energy cocktails for weight loss give you a wide variety of tastes: with such a weight loss program you definitely won’t get bored, because every day can start with a new drink recipe.
  • These cocktails are great addition to any diet and especially low-calorie. Almost everyone who loses weight knows how difficult it is to endure nutrition systems with a minimum of food - then detox cocktails for mild weight loss will be a real salvation.
  • Vitaminized drinks also provide a protective effect on health - drinking various smoothies, you strengthen the immune system and increase resistance to infections.
  • All slimming cocktails in a blender contain a large percentage of protein, which affects muscle growth. After all, it is protein that saturates the body with strength and energy,
  • Cocktails for weight loss at home in the recipes are clear, which means the cooking process will take a few minutes.
  • This fat-burning remedy, among other things, can cleanse you of unwanted toxins and toxins. This cleansing is provided by the content of fiber and pectin.
  • Nice addition to all the pluses - it's naturalness. You yourself control the composition of the treat and ensure the absence of all kinds of chemistry.

It would seem that cocktails for fast weight loss useful and effective in all manifestations. However, they also have a few downsides.

Few flaws

Despite all the undeniable advantages, fat-burning drinks also have disadvantages. Although often these are not cons at all, but simply circumstances that make these cocktails not suitable for everyone.

  • If used at the same time protein nutrition combined with the usual, it can provoke weight gain. But you can avoid this if you do not forget about the rules of a healthy diet.
  • With a long replacement of meals for cocktails, the latter can get bored.
  • Some experience stool retention when drinking fat-burning drinks - a problem, of course, an unpleasant one.
  • The choice of means for easy weight loss is a very responsible process. One diet may be suitable for someone, but for someone it will be a complete disappointment. So losing excess weight with the help of cocktails is a matter of taste: for someone it will be a godsend, but for another, on the contrary, it will provoke overeating.

The use of certain types of cocktails (vegetable, fruit, with the addition of ginger, etc.) is strictly contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and intestines, especially during an exacerbation!

Otherwise, homemade fat burning drinks are a great solution for tasty weight loss. And in order for them to bring you a real effect, you need to learn the rules for their use.

Basics of fat burning

The preparation and use of miracle drinks should be approached with all responsibility. If you are new to this business, then you may think that there is nothing easier - put all the ingredients in a blender, mix and drink when you like. But everything is not so simple. Here are the main nuances of preparing effective cocktails for weight loss:

  • If water is to be the basis of nectar, let it be a pure cold liquid without additives and impurities.
  • It is necessary to drink a cleansing cocktail immediately after preparation.
  • Almost no fat-burning drink is complete without vegetables and fruits in the composition: prefer the freshest of all.
  • Vegetables and fruits grown in season and in your area will be optimal.
  • You can turn a fat-burning treat according to any recipe into a rich cocktail with cinnamon or cardamom - spices will interestingly reveal the taste of the drink without harm to the figure.
  • Fitness and proper nutrition will enhance the effect of drinks at times - without additional measures their results will be reduced to a minimum.
  • Homemade milkshakes for weight loss often contain cottage cheese, milk or kefir: any of these ingredients must be fat-free.
  • If you have Napoleonic plans for weight loss, and you want to lose about 10 kg, then you will need to replace one full meal with a fat-burning drink (preferably dinner).
  • A slimming cocktail recipe with your favorite ingredients can be a great base. unloading day- it will take from 1 to 2 liters of treats. So, the very next morning you will find lost kilograms.

If you've been inspired by the benefits of fat-burning shakes, you're probably itching to learn how to make this wonder weight loss remedy. Let's not waste a minute!

Vegetables are on the move

Vegetable smoothies for weight loss have, first of all, a cleansing effect, they also speed up the metabolism. With his minimum calories these drinks boast great benefit: Their vitamin content is very valuable. Ideally daily diet must include 2 kg. vegetables, and you can get part of this norm from vegetable nectars.

We bring to your attention the most popular vegetable smoothies for weight loss in a blender.

  • It's amazingly easy to make a beetroot smoothie. You just need to mix the beets in a blender, fresh cucumber, bell pepper, and 2 stalks of celery.
  • An efficient assistant in weight control there will be a fat-burning cocktail of celery for weight loss. It is just as effective as . Mix a glass of water, green apple, lime juice with celery (you will need about 4 stalks). Finally, add ice cubes and enjoy the treat.
  • You may also like Celery Slimming Smoothie with summer vegetables. The recipe is simple. Slice a cucumber, 4 cherry tomatoes and half a stalk of celery. To them you need to add 150 ml. yogurt, dill, half a chopped clove of garlic and mix everything well.
  • Ginger smoothie for weight loss low calorie drink, which speeds up metabolism and provides a gentle cleansing of the body at home. Just mix a cucumber, a couple of broccoli florets, 100 g green peas and 1 tsp. crushed ginger. If the drink comes out too thick, dilute it with yogurt or kefir.
  • Ginger Slimming Cocktail may include other weight loss vegetables. Beets and cucumbers need to be grated, and gruel is made from ginger and 4-5 stalks of celery. Add 200 ml to the ingredients. kefir and mix the drink in a blender.
  • A cocktail of ginger and lemon (and its "brother" -) is also effective. This combination has many variations, and here is the most popular of them: with ginger and lemon (with the juice of one fruit), you need to mix 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 liter of water. This drink must be boiled and allowed to brew. By the way, almost any ingredient can be combined with ginger and cinnamon - which means you are given more freedom for culinary experiments.
  • A cocktail with grapefruit, vegetables and berries for weight loss will give an antioxidant effect. Prepare it in 2 counts: mix grapefruit juice and pulp with potatoes, broccoli florets and half a glass of cranberries with blueberries or currants with lingonberries. You can use an orange in this recipe if you like.

Remember that in addition to the fat-burning effect, it is very beneficial for health if you have no contraindications to taking freshly squeezed juices.

Dairy is my favorite

As practice shows, a milkshake is the most favorite among girls among fat-burning drinks. Surely you will like any of these recipes:

  • Among all kefir slimming cocktails, this recipe is the most popular. Combination fermented milk drink with cinnamon for weight loss is effective, because the first favorably affects digestion, and the second resists the formation of fat. The composition also includes oatmeal - it, in turn, suppresses appetite. To prepare this kefir cocktail, you need to mix ½ tsp. cinnamon, 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal with kefir in the calculation of 1 cup.
  • Delicious nectar is also obtained using the following technology: mix a glass of milk, half a banana, a little vanilla sugar with cinnamon for weight loss in a blender.
  • Easier than ever to create a drink with avocado: you just need to mix the pulp of the fruit, a glass low fat milk and 1 tsp. honey.
  • For a touch of exotic daily menu can answer kefir cocktail for balanced weight loss. The recipe is this: mix a glass of drink with a mango, banana or peach.
  • You can also make a slimming cocktail from kefir that effectively improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Mix a glass of fermented milk drink with a third glass of non-carbonated mineral water, cucumber, dill and parsley.

young green

Green smoothies for weight loss contain practically no calories, but at the same time, they increase the tone of the body and cleanse it.

  • Despite the low calories, this fat-burning drink will fill you up quickly. You need to mix an apple, half an avocado, a cucumber and a little grated ginger. To prevent the nectar from being thick, dilute it with water.
  • A delicious and effective slimming cocktail made from avocado, kiwi and apple at home. These fruits must be cut, add a bunch of lettuce to them and mix the components of the drink in a blender. Then you can dilute it with water or apple juice.
  • Easy green cocktail for weight loss, it will come out if you mix a couple of chopped cucumbers with mint and parsley leaves.
  • A drink with kiwi (5 pieces), banana and celery stalks (3 pieces) will give you a detox effect. The ingredients for this recipe must be mixed with 400 ml. water and ice cubes.

Protein is a friend of losing weight

Today, for many, a sports regimen is not only regular fitness, but also protein shakes for muscle growth.

  • Positive feedback can be found about the most famous protein drink. To prepare it, mash a banana with 200 ml. kefir and mix with 2 egg whites and cinnamon.
  • A real protein bomb is a fat-burning union for weight loss - kefir with beets: mix 1 kg. root crop and 1.5 l. drink. The combination of kefir and beets can be diluted with parsley or cilantro.

If the gym is almost a second home for you, then fitness will bring great benefit in combination with protein drinks. Among the ready-made ones, chocolate, Energy diets, Rationika and Dr. Slim are especially popular.

3 simple video recipes
