
Slimming cocktail in a blender. Green smoothie recipes

Vitamin cocktails - a charge of vivacity

Basically, vitamin shakes are whipped in a blender, but sometimes you have to use a juicer, solid and large vegetables and fruits are pre-cut into small pieces, cherries are used pitted.

1. Recipe for a vitamin cocktail "Fruit Sonata":

  • frozen strawberries - 60 g,
  • Orange juice- 150 g,
  • yogurt without additives - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • liquid honey - 1 teaspoon.

2. Recipe for the Signor Tomato vitamin cocktail:

For those who like it spicier, you can add salt and black ground pepper taste.

3. Recipe for vitamin salad cocktail "Exotica":

This cocktail perfectly cleanses the body of toxins.

4. Vitamin salad-cocktail "Joyful mood":

  • ripe, peeled and cut into pieces pear - 1 piece,
  • fresh raspberries - 130 g,
  • fat-free yogurt without additives - 100 g
  • honey or maple syrup 20 y.

5. Vitamin cocktail "Magnificent Quartet":

  • apples chopped into slices - 2 pieces,
  • peeled and sliced ​​lemons 2 pieces,
  • kishmish grapes -30 berries,
  • apricots cut in half with pits removed - 3 pieces.

All fruits after mixing are passed through a juicer.

6. Orange Breakfast Vitamin Cocktail Recipe:

  • carrots - 1 piece,
  • apple - 1 piece,
  • banana - 1 piece,
  • orange - one piece,
  • oatmeal 40 g,
  • orange juice - 200 g.

Peel the fruits, then cut and chop the fruits and carrots in a blender, add oatmeal and juice and mix again in a blender.

7. Vitamin Explosion Cocktail:

  • half an apple
  • half pear,
  • half kiwi,
  • orange - 3 slices,
  • walnuts- 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • raw sunflower seeds - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • honey - 1 teaspoon,
  • rosehip broth - 100 g.

Grind nuts, seeds and fruits in a blender, add honey, rosehip broth and beat.

8. Vitamin cocktail "Green Miracle":

  • fresh parsley - 100 g,
  • lemon - 1 piece,
  • sugar - 50 g,
  • water - 300 g.

Grind peeled lemon and parsley in a blender, add water and sugar, beat lightly, if desired, you can add ice cubes to the cocktail.

9. Recipe for the Fiery Sunset Vitamin Cocktail:

  • fresh beets - 1 piece,
  • fresh carrots - 1 piece,
  • celery - 1 stalk,
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • lime juice - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • olive oil- 1 teaspoon.

Pass the beets, carrots and celery through a juicer, transfer to a blender, add honey, olive oil and lime juice, beat everything.

10. Vitamin salad-cocktail "Oriental Tale":

  • dried apricots - 100 g,
  • raisins - 100 g,
  • prunes - 100 g,
  • walnuts - 50 g,
  • honey - 150 g,
  • lemon - 1 piece.

Wash dried fruits hot water, pour boiling water for half an hour, rinse again and dry with a napkin. Cut the lemons with the peel into slices, remove the seeds, chop the nuts. Place dried fruits, nuts, lemon in a blender, chop, add honey, beat thoroughly.

Such a cocktail can be stored in the refrigerator in glass jars for a week.

Prepare vitamin cocktails for yourself and your family every day, it's tasty, satisfying, healthy, and let the joyful spring mood not overshadowed by beriberi and reduced immunity.

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Vitamin cocktails- a great opportunity to improve the immunity of yourself and your child. They are prepared from vegetables and fruit juice. The most favorable time for drinking such drinks is spring. It was then that the body's need for vitamin cocktails is maximum.

With each new sip of a vitamin cocktail, you will be overwhelmed with positive emotions. Weakened during the winter, the body simply cries for help. All you need is to enter into your daily diet cocktails containing vitamins. They are easy to prepare even at home. The main rule is that it should be a freshly prepared cocktail that can be drunk at a time.

If you are preparing a cocktail for children, then you can add a milk component to traditional juices from fruits and berries. The most commonly used yogurt, cottage cheese. multicolored energetic drinks with different flavors and pleasant aromas decorate your menu. Regular consumption of vitamin cocktails will increase immunity, energize and invigorate.

What is the benefit of a vitamin cocktail?

A distinctive feature of the vitamin cocktail is quick and easy absorption. Very little energy is spent on the assimilation of the products that make up the drink. Quantity beneficial vitamins and mineral microparticles is so large that it is impossible to eat fruits and vegetables equivalent to vitamins and minerals at one time.

You can prepare a vitamin cocktail for the prevention of a specific disease. With the help of a vitamin drink, you can improve the functioning of the heart muscle, positively affect vision, respiratory organs. Thanks to the drink, vitamins remove toxins from the body, normalize metabolism, improve kidney function, and lower blood pressure.

Vitamin cocktail helps to keep fit and promotes weight loss. Created according to a special recipe, vitamin cocktails for weight loss not only charge you with energy and strength, but also help you comfortably endure a diet.

For better fat breakdown, it is recommended to use foods such as celery and ginger in the composition of the drink. Vitamin complex in one glass will help improve complexion, hair and nail structure. So you can balance the content of nutrients in the body.

A drink made from carrots, spinach, apples, dill and beets with the addition of egg white will help saturate the body and suppress hunger.

At what time of the day are vitamin cocktails most effective for weight loss?

If you have just decided to go on a diet, it is initially recommended to drink a cocktail half an hour before meals. This practice will allow the body to better digest foods. By the beginning of the meal, gastric juice will already begin to be produced, and you will not eat too much. Over time, a vitamin cocktail can completely replace one of the meals, such as breakfast or dinner.

If you decide to seriously go on a diet, consult your doctor or nutritionist. Losing weight is stressful for the body. Rapid consumption of large amounts of vitamins can lead to allergies if you have such a predisposition. Fasting days generally beneficial to all people. But in exceptional cases, a severe allergy may occur when combining several seemingly completely harmless products for you.

When creating vitamin cocktails for children, you should not mix too many components. A prerequisite is that the child does not have digestive problems. The presence of an allergy to at least one of the products that make up the vitamin cocktail is sufficient to not give it to the child.

Juice from raw vegetables and fruit is most useful. Therefore, you need to ensure that fruits and vegetables are thoroughly washed before eating. If necessary, you can additionally pour boiling water over them. Special attention devote to washing the berries.

In order not to hurt tooth enamel, offer the child to drink a drink through a straw. Do not give children cocktails after dinner or before bed.

And further:

  • Vita (vita) in Latin means life, vitamins are necessary for the life of the body.
  • Vitamin cocktail is considered a drink of health, strength, beauty, youth.
  • Vitamin cocktail is a medicine.
  • To cleanse and unload the body, a cocktail made from a mixture of juices of carrots, beets, apples or celery is suitable. The main component is carrots, 80%.
  • Do you want to unload full program? - drink a cocktail pickled cucumber based on kefir and in an hour the earth will shake from your powerful discharges.
  • Daily intake vitamin cocktails strengthens the immune and nervous system and also helps to recover from a stormy night.
  • The best remedy from spring vitamin deficiency - the systematic use of vitamin cocktails (we all know a good remedy for depression and depression, right?).
  • With the help of vitamin cocktails it is easy to reset excess weight, as they perfectly replace snacks, are used instead of dessert. Your thighs love vitamin shakes. And of course your buckets love whiskey.
  • The combination of vitamins with microelements in a cocktail promotes skin regeneration - its elasticity is preserved.
  • Apple, apricot, lemon and grapes are a great four for a vitamin cocktail.
  • A drink prepared from them will provide the body with vitamin C, B, K, folic acid, biotin, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc and others, cleanse it of toxins and toxins.
  • The cocktail will bring maximum benefit if you drink it immediately after preparation.
  • To make the cocktail less cloying, you can add lemon zest or citric acid to it.
  • IN vegetable cocktail instead of salt, it is better to add parsley or celery.
  • cocktail with great content apple juice will help get rid of anemia, beriberi, cleanse the body of toxins.
  • A cocktail based on orange juice will replenish the body with vitamin C, help strengthen blood vessels, and normalize blood pressure.
  • People with diabetes can benefit from pumpkin juice.

The principle of compatibility in the preparation of vitamin cocktails

The origin of the word "cocktail" goes back to ancient times and, according to the Oxford Dictionary, means " mixed drink". However, in Lately you can find the use of this word not only in relation to liquids. Popular dishes become cocktails of seafood and vegetables. It's about about a mixture of components that complement and enhance the properties of each other, give a new dish or drink new qualities.

Vitamin cocktails have gained popularity due to the fact that they are easy to prepare, tasty to drink, it is interesting to choose a recipe to know that the body receives intensive support with bioactive elements. Juices from fruits and vegetables, cereals and seeds, nuts and dried fruits are suitable for a vitamin mixture.

Important Principle preparation of a vitamin cocktail is that the ingredients must be combined with each other. If you do not adhere to it, then vitamins and minerals will not be fully absorbed, and the body will react with intestinal disorders, bloating, allergic reaction.

Compatibility of some products in the preparation of cocktails

Product Successful combination Unfortunate combination
Sweet fruits and berries, juices from them (bananas, apples, pears, plums, peaches) Semi-acid fruits, milk, kefir, any vegetables and juices from them Acidic fruits and their juices, cereals, sprouts, seeds, nuts
Sour fruits and berries, juices from them. These are pineapples, pomegranates, citrus fruits, cherries, currants, cranberries Semi-acid fruits (apricots, mangoes, blueberries), milk, kefir, herbs, nuts, seeds Sweet fruits and juices from them, starchy vegetables(carrot, beetroot, pumpkin)
cucumbers, cabbage, Bell pepper sour fruits Milk
Pumpkin, carrot, beetroot Kefir, nuts, seeds Milk, any fruit, sugar
wheat germ, oatmeal, whole grains rye, wheat Greens, any vegetables and juices from them Milk, sugar, any fruit, nuts and seeds

Do not add blueberries, blueberries and melons to cocktails. They contain many vitamins and microelements valuable for health, but they are absolutely not able to be combined with other products, and it is better to use them as a separate dessert. But honey can be added to any cocktail. IN Not in large numbers it goes well with any product.

Vitamin drinks for immunity

The most traditional vitamin drink to increase shaken immunity - this is freshly squeezed juice. It is prepared from fruits, juicy berries and vegetables. The value of such drinks lies in the large amount of vitamins and minerals that strengthen defensive forces organism, support its work. Of course we get the same valuable substances along with eaten vegetables and fruits. But in the form of a drink, vitamins are absorbed by the body much faster. Besides, healthy drink can be prepared as a mixture of various ingredients in one glass, which will greatly increase its value.

Traditional orange juice can be turned into a vitamin cocktail valuable for immunity, if you add pomegranate juice. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C and iron, which mutually reinforce each other's activity.

An excellent antioxidant effect can be obtained through regular consumption of a cocktail of carrot juice with the addition of chopped nuts and sesame or sunflower seeds. This drink combines vitamins A and, increasing each other's bioactivity and strengthening the body's resistance to various diseases.

For those who follow the figure or are forced to follow a low-carb diet, you can choose a vitamin cocktail recipe from fruits and vegetables. The peculiarity of this drink is that vegetables are rich in vegetable fibers that inhibit the absorption of glucose in the intestine. Fruit and vegetable cocktail will help control weight and at the same time give a lot of vitamins. Examples of such combinations:

All ingredients are taken in an arbitrary amount to taste, finely cut and crushed in a juicer.

A healthy vitamin cocktail can be prepared on the basis of milk, kefir or natural yogurt. A glass of milk whipped in a blender with a crushed half of a banana or an apple is the calcium our bones need, which is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin K from fruits. And if you replace milk with a glass of kefir, then the intestines will additionally receive beneficial bifidobacteria.

Vitamin mixtures for the immune system

Cocktail mixes that I don’t drink, but eat, are very popular for strengthening immunity. Such mixtures are prepared on the basis of dried fruits, combining them with nuts, seeds and honey. The advantage of vitamin mixtures in relation to drinks is increased concentration vitamins and especially microelements, in a large amount of fiber useful for the body. The most popular ingredients of the vitamin mixture are dried apricots, prunes, raisins, dates, figs, walnuts. Lemon is sometimes added if desired.

Beneficial features ingredients of vitamin mixtures for immunity

Product Useful material Effect on the body
Dried apricots Vitamins A, E, B1, B2, PP, beta-carotene, potassium, iron, magnesium, silicon, calcium, phosphorus
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • stabilizes the digestive system
Prunes Vitamins PP, E, C, B2, potassium, magnesium
  • strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves metabolic processes in the intestines;
  • relieves nervous tension
figs Vitamins B5, B6, B9, potassium, iron
  • useful for the work of the heart muscle;
  • tones the vascular walls;
  • normalizes intestinal metabolism
Raisin Vitamins B1, B2, potassium, phosphorus, iron
  • improves the work of the heart muscle;
  • useful in nervous disorders;
  • relieves insomnia
Date fruit Vitamins B5, B6, E, PP, magnesium, potassium
  • increases efficiency;
  • improves mental activity;
  • normalizes acid balance
Walnut All B vitamins, vitamins C, E, K, PP, manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, selenium, iodine, fluorine
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • necessary for hematopoiesis;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora
Almond Vitamin E, all B vitamins, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium
  • strong antioxidant;
  • stabilizes the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • improves brain and nervous system function

Everyone has their own recipe for preparing a vitamin mixture, since it depends on taste preferences. Classic scheme cooking involves all the ingredients in equal amounts- 300 g each. Dried fruits are washed, dried and cut very finely. Crushed nuts and honey are added, everything is mixed well, placed in glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Take once a day before breakfast - eat a tablespoon of the mixture on an empty stomach.

Vitamin decoctions

Strengthen the immune background and increase the body's resistance various diseases vitamin decoctions will help. They can be called cocktails, since the recipe is usually made up of a combination healthy ingredients. But unlike fruit, vegetable and milk drinks, such cocktails require heat treatment and can be consumed both cold and warm.

Traditional components for vitamin decoctions are ginger root, mint, cranberries, mountain ash and rose hips. As well as spices (cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg), lemons, oranges, honey. Like any vitamin cocktails, a decoction can cause unwanted reactions in the body when consumed in excess. If, after taking the drink, an allergy appears, digestion is disturbed, other unpleasant sensations arise, it is necessary to consult a doctor and exclude from the diet for a while vitamin mixtures and drinks.

Rosehip can become the basis for a vitamin cocktail. Its berries do not have bright taste but contain a lot of vitamins. In combination with other ingredients, an unusual vitamin cocktail is obtained:

  • with lemon - in a thermos, pour 2 tablespoons of dried berries with a liter of boiling water and leave for 5 hours, then add half a sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon and a tablespoon of honey;
  • with chicory - take a tablespoon of crushed rose hips and chicory, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes under the lid.

Ginger as the basis for a vitamin cocktail not only strengthens the immune system, but also helps to burn body fat.

Ginger with orange. Mix the juice of 4 large oranges with 1 small ginger root (peeled, washed and finely chopped). Add a glass of boiling water to the mixture, cover and let it brew for a couple of hours. Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and stir.

Ginger with cinnamon. Squeeze the juice of orange and lemon, mix with 4 tablespoons of grated ginger root, add a cinnamon stick and pour 3 cups of boiling water over everything. Let the mixture brew for 2-3 hours, then add 8 teaspoons of honey.

For more information on how to prepare a vitamin cocktail for immunity, see the video below.

Official medicine usually requires taking oral serum, an agent with interferons and / or immunoglobulins, and doing physiotherapy for the purpose. Folk in similar situations focuses on. A cocktail for immunity is a somewhat unusual offer.

It is even impossible to immediately say what it has more to do with treatment or cooking. But modern "kitchen" technologies make it possible to greatly expand the understanding of this "genre", to combine in it, as in the case of smoothies, ingredients traditionally attributed to different dishes.

Vitamin cocktails for immunity: what are their benefits?

The vast majority of liquid blends are sources of minerals, proteins, food acids. They compensate only for immunodeficiencies provoked by a meager, monotonous diet, like those who like simple carbohydrates ( confectionery and pizza on an equal footing), radical diets or people living below the poverty line.

Initially, layered bar spirits were considered cocktails, and their name was derived from the English. "cocktail" ("cock's tail") for the resemblance. Now this word means rather from several ingredients and is more often prepared by simple mixing in a blender / shaker. The modern "map" allows you to look at them wider, mix celery with and vegetable oil, add to milkshake potato.

Such a variety that has gradually formed requires using it to create “compositions” that raise immunity. The liquid form is the most easily digestible for digestive tract at any age and with any "bouquet" of pathologies, including metabolic ones. Plus, the Immune Vitamin Cocktail is the quintessence of metabolically important nutrients from its herbal and/or animal supplements.

At the same time, it is spared the lion's share of plant fiber. It creates a false volume in the stomach and intestines because they are unable to digest it. Fiber is useful in accelerating the onset of imaginary satiety ( perfect option for losing weight) and the ability to mix the food bolus, divide it into digestion-improving fragments.

But it also scrapes off the protective mucus from their walls, increases the risk of gastritis, duodenitis and ulcers, rectal polyposis (it is believed that it is associated with mechanical irritation of its walls).

Recipes. TOP 7

The most enjoyable part of introducing immunity boosting cocktails is the infinity of their variations, the ability to experiment with proportions and composition almost without restrictions, only based on your own taste preferences.

To make the process easier, you just need to have an idea of ​​the standard proportions (in restaurants they are called a technological map) of liquid and solid ingredients in a drink, and / fruit with a pronounced immune-boosting effect.

  1. Secret technological maps is simple and requires only taking into account the capacity of the blender bowl, the number of final servings that you plan to receive, and their volume. All added components must be summed up. So, if you beat 0.2 liters with 50 g of ice cream, you get 0.25 liters plus foam from whipping. In an ordinary glass, he will fit "back to back". As for optimal proportions in terms of consistency (so as not to get watery or too thick “miracles”), then for each glass liquid base just do not add more than 50 g of not too juicy components. Liquids include fresh and from the package, mineral water, soda, dairy products, egg, ice cream, toppings, vegetable oil, brewed tea, coffee and cocoa. "Dry" additives include chocolate, vegetables like carrots, potatoes, greens. This should also include fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, peaches, plums, sour berries, including currants and gooseberries. Ice dosing rule - no more than 2 cubes (whole or frappe) per 0.1 liter of liquid base.
  2. Immunity booster cocktails should include citrus or sour berries(also rich), carrots (retinol), with seeds (vitamin E in its natural fatty environment), green vegetables. Cereals are more sources of minerals and highly allergenic gluten. But at will and taste for a serving of 300 ml, it is allowed to fill up a tablespoon of steamed oatmeal or buckwheat.

Do not ignore the milk "blotches". They combine well even not the most successful ensembles, soften the taste of the drink, contain amino acids necessary for the construction of any body proteins, including protective ones. But alcohol, including a light “degree”, like beer with kvass, is not used in cocktails to raise immunity.

Oatmeal and honey

Steam for half an hour 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal 250 ml hot milk. Drain into a blender, break a peeled banana and a tablespoon there, beat for 2 minutes. at low speed.

Watercress with cheese

Fold and beat 250 ml of yogurt with 50 gr. blue cheese. Juicer for durum varieties extract the juice from a large bunch of lettuce, 400 g of broccoli and 3 pears. Drain all fresh juices to yogurt, mix again.

Dried fruits with milk

They are often used as the basis for pasta - the invention of Acad. Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR N. M. Amosova. But you can also make a rich immunity cocktail from it, the recipe of which is no more complicated than the others presented here. It is necessary to add 3 tablespoons of ground oatmeal to 0.5 liters of milk, a handful (moderate) plus a couple of teaspoons of honey and beat.

Ice and citrus

Extract the fresh juices of 4 oranges and a large grapefruit, “fill” them in the bowl of a food processor, pour in 5 ice cubes and 3 bananas without peel, broken into pieces. Beat at high speed for 1 min.

Honey and kiwi

Peel the banana (peel only), apple (stalks, core) and kiwi (remove the ends), chop coarsely and randomly, put in a blender. Pour in a glass of kefir, beat. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix vigorously.

Apples and greens

“Cut” three apples into fresh juice in a special juicer, squeeze 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Take 7 sprigs of cilantro, parsley and basil, add lemon juice to them, puree. Then put the puree to the apple juice and mix by hand. Add ice to taste.

Sea buckthorn and honey

This cocktail to increase immunity was once prepared on the air of the Russia-1 TV channel by S. N. Agapkin - doctor of medical sciences and a famous TV presenter (show "About the most important thing"). The recipe proposed by the doctor for raising resistance requires combining and whisking a glass of berries in 300 ml of kefir with 3 tbsp. l. honey (or to taste, but not to overdo it).

Possible harm and contraindications

There is also a mass of drinks from berries with yogurt, with milk and cucumbers with zucchini or salted kefir, carrots, orange and olive oil.

But with them you need to be careful for people suffering from:

  • allergies - "accented" and their botanical relatives should not get into a cocktail even by accident;
  • inflammatory and erosive pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract - strong irritants, such as carrot, beetroot, squash, garlic juice, must be excluded;
  • gallstones - it is unacceptable to use cholagogues like beets, dill, cilantro, any fats;
  • pancreatitis - acidic components will have to be removed completely, strictly limit the amount of ground vegetables and fruits (only juice - without fiber).

It is customary to serve immunity boosting cocktails cool or cold (if they are with ice). This is highly undesirable for chronic diseases of the nasopharynx such as tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, deep caries or fillings, pulpitis, gingivitis.

In winter, the task of maintaining immunity becomes one of the most urgent, because diseases and ailments simply overcome us. Is it possible to maintain immunity so that it is pleasant and tasty? Of course, you can, but the best recipes will help us in this. winter cocktails, which saturate our body with vitamins and valuable minerals, making it resistant to infections. They are easy, simple and fun to prepare, and the results are amazing. And this means that you should definitely try such recipes.

Cocktail "Magnificent Four"

This cocktail is a real storehouse of vitamin C and K, B vitamins, beta-carotene, biotin, folic acid, as well as magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium and zinc necessary for our body. It also contains Apple acid, pectin, lyonene and tryptophan. Such a symbiosis makes it possible not only to obtain valuable substances, but also to cleanse the body and recharge with vigor and energy.

Ingredients: 2 apples, 3 lemons, 20-25 seedless dark grapes, 3 apricots.

Peel the lemons and cut them into quarters, chop the apples into slices, cut the apricots in half, mix it all up and pass through a juicer. Your delicious and healthy cocktail ready.

Nutritious cocktail

This cocktail, in addition to containing very important elements in abundance, is also able to energize us for the whole day. He can be great and healthy snack or even breakfast. Delicious and invaluable for the body.

Ingredients: 1-2 carrots, 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 orange, 30 g oatmeal, 700 g orange juice.

Grind the apple, carrot and orange, previously peeled and peeled, using a blender. Add oatmeal and chopped banana to the mixture. Pour in orange juice and mix thoroughly again in a blender.

vitamin boom

Just one glass of such a cocktail will saturate your body with useful vitamins and minerals at full capacity. Well, the seeds and nuts that are part of it provide benefits for our nails, hair and skin, and also speed up metabolic processes.

Ingredients: half a pear, an apple and a kiwi, 2-3 orange slices, 2 grapefruit slices, a tablespoon pine nuts and the same number of raw sunflower seeds, 100 ml of rosehip broth, half a teaspoon of honey.

Grind fruits, seeds and nuts in a blender, add rosehip broth and honey with it, and grind everything thoroughly again.

Cocktail "Youth"

This drink is real elixir youth, since all its components are rich in antioxidants and trace elements useful for our beauty. In addition, this excellent remedy for weight loss, as its components are products with the so-called "negative calorie".

Ingredients: 1 apple, 1 cucumber, 2 sprigs of dill, 200 g celery stalk, 1 lime.

Grind all the ingredients, mix them and pass through the juicer.

fruit fairy tale

Such a cocktail can be a pleasant and healthy start to the day, which will give you a boost of energy for a long time, saturating your body with powerful force to fight infections.

Ingredients: 60 g of any frozen berries, 150 ml of any juice, a tablespoon of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of liquid honey.

Take the berries, put them in a blender, pour in the juice, add yogurt and honey. Shake it all well and you can drink.

parsley cocktail

Parsley is the record holder for the content of vitamin C, and it is he who is responsible for maintaining immunity. Also, parsley perfectly stimulates the metabolism, which means that for all the girls who take care of themselves, this drink can become the best friend.

Ingredients: a bunch of parsley, 500 ml of water, 1 lemon, 50 g of sugar, a few ice cubes.

Grind lemon and herbs in a blender, then add water and sugar. Pour into glasses and add ice if desired.

beetroot cocktail

Beets are a pantry of vitamins, so it often becomes the main element in recipes for immunostimulating cocktails, for example, this one.

Ingredients: 1 beetroot, one carrot, a stalk of celery, a tablespoon of honey, 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice, a teaspoon of olive oil.

Using a juicer, make fresh beets, carrots and celery. Then just add lemon juice, honey and olive oil to it.
