
Alcohol 95 is it possible to drink. What kind of alcohol can be drunk without danger to health? Is it possible to drink medical alcohol

Exists huge variety alcohols used both at home and at work. Most of them are dangerous to life and health. The most common, taken as alcoholic, include ethanol, methanol and various medical alcohol solutions.

Ethyl or methyl?

  • Ethanol (ethyl) is used in various industries life activity. It is found in most alcoholic beverages and is the safest to consume. It is often needed in medicine as a disinfectant. In pharmacies, it is sold only by prescription. It is often used to make tinctures and even in soap making.
  • Methanol (methyl) is a poison for humans, it affects the liver, kidneys, lungs and eyes in an accelerated mode, and oppression nervous system happens instantly. However, it can also be used in large doses ah, but you can't buy it in pharmacies. It is used for production purposes only. It is NOT to be used!

In order to distinguish these alcohols from each other, the following experiments are carried out. A slice of potato is cut off and placed in a glass of liquid for a couple of hours. The color of potatoes in ethanol does not change, but when in contact with methanol, the potatoes turn pink.

For a faster check, use a red-hot copper wire dipped in an alcohol composition. Ethanol will not emit a strong unpleasant odor, unlike methanol. Or, they set fire to cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Ethanol burns with a green flame, methyl has Blue colour burning.

Such precautions can save lives, because the maximum allowable dosages of these alcohols are very different due to the toxicity of methanol.

Video instruction for checking alcohol:

Is it possible to use medical alcohol inside?

IN medical purposes use various alcohols and solutions based on them:

  • medical alcohol(ethyl non-food)
  • formic
  • isopropyl
  • ammonia
  • camphor
  • boric
  • salicylic

But none of them are suitable as liquids suitable for consumption due to the composition and manufacturing technology, with the exception of pure ethyl alcohol (drinking).

Formic alcohol from a pharmacy used for skin treatment during injections. It has a specific smell and when taken orally in Not large quantities does not pose a serious threat to life. The remaining solutions are not intended for ingestion, but serve as local antiseptics and cause severe burns of the mucous membranes.

As for medical alcohol, then it can be used internally. It consists of 95-96% ethyl alcohol and 4-5% distilled water.

IMPORTANT. Rubbing alcohol can be purchased at hospital supply stores and cosmetics stores. It is used as a universal local antiseptic, made from non-edible alcohol with the addition of distilled water. When used according to prescriptions in the presence of a certain disease, it does not harm the body.

How to dilute?

When using medical alcohol, it is important to consider its composition: only water and alcohol without impurities.
Alcohol is diluted with distilled water, in which there are no salts and other active elements that can react with alcohol. The ratio of water and alcohol is usually 1:1, but not more than 50 ° fortress. Drinking distillate is sold in pharmacies.

Table of dilution of alcohol with water

Can be used immediately after dilution or pure form subject to certain stages of intake, necessarily with a breath hold before and after a sip, followed by a breath through the nose.

Drinking ethanol is often drunk in a diluted form and washed down with other drinks so as not to burn the mucous membrane. Dilute plain water to the strength of vodka and leave for 5-7 days so that the reactions with water salts stop decay. Sometimes ethanol is used to make cocktails based on juices or tinctures from berries.

Volume pure alcohol should not exceed 25 ml for the first dose.

IMPORTANT. The use of alcohol with a strength of more than 50% can cause severe burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Concentration of pure alcohol more than 5 g/l of blood can lead to death

Related video: how to dilute alcohol with water to get vodka

Harm to health

The effect of alcohol on the human body is manifested in the work of all organs and systems:

  • brain and nervous system
  • liver, kidney and spleen
  • lungs and airways
  • heart and blood vessels
  • sense organs and vision

It has the greatest immediate effect on thought processes and memory. Alcohol-containing products can lead to the development of brain pathologies and diseases of the nervous system.

At frequent use alcohol causes multiple intoxication of the body, as a result of which the internal organs are destroyed, to a greater extent the liver, since it performs the function of purifying the blood.

Alcohol also has a negative effect on reproductive function., especially women, as it poisons the biomaterial of an unconceived fetus.

The devastating effects of alcohol include a weakening of the immune system and a loss of attractiveness in appearance. In addition, alcohol-containing products can lead to loss internal organs necessary for the life of the organism, and thereby cause death.

Not all alcohols are suitable for use as alcoholic products. Food is only ethanol. Therefore, when using it for reception, they resort to additional measures protection, learn the composition and methods of manufacture. The use of other alcohols is fraught with consequences for human life and health.

The list of alcoholic beverages that are available for consumption is quite diverse. There are both weakly and strongly alcoholic spirits. Many people have a question, is it possible to drink ethyl alcohol? Let's talk about how it affects human health.

Almost all alcoholic drinks contain alcohol. The strength of the drink depends on its type and quality. taste qualities. According to its properties in its pure form, this substance has a pungent smell and taste, it is not for nothing that this word is translated from Latin as “spirit”. It can be obtained in the laboratory, as well as found in nature.

There are three most common types: ethyl, methyl and phenyl ethyl. Each of them has its own scope:

  • Ethyl, used in medicine and serves as the basis for the production of alcoholic beverages.
  • Methyl, intended for industry.
  • Ethyl phenyl, widely used in the field of cosmetology, the production of cosmetics, hygiene products and solutions.

Since people who drink alcohol, especially alcoholics, do not understand such a gradation, it is necessary to consider the benefits and harms of using both the substance itself in its pure form and drinks containing it. Derivatives of ethyl alcohol are encountered most often. It is important to know all its properties, how useful or harmful it is for a person, whether you can drink it or not.


It is the most common in food use species, also called medical. It is obtained by distilling potatoes, grains, fruits and other plant materials.

For the production of medical alcohol, as well as for food, the same components are used, the difference lies in the fact that the medical variety is produced from more quality products. In medicine, its antiseptic effect is used. A solution of ethyl alcohol is various caloric content It all depends on the purpose of its application. The calorie content of an ethyl alcohol product is as follows:

  • 96% ethyl - used in both technical and food production. This alcohol is used for medical purposes, it should not be used undiluted for domestic consumption. It is this solution that is considered the purest alcohol.
  • 95% ethyl is the most common in medicine, as it is used for the external treatment of certain diseases, for the treatment of the hands of a surgeon, during operations as an antiseptic, on its basis, medical preparations of tinctures and solutions for external and internal use. Therefore, by right it has the name of medical alcohol.
  • 70% ethyl - used for the production of tinctures and medicines outdoor consumption. This solution is considered a good disinfectant and antiseptic.

Is it possible or not to drink medical alcohol

What happens if you drink medical alcohol? If it is not diluted, then you can severely burn oral cavity and larynx. As a solution, this substance is harmful only in large quantities or with constant use.

For the production of high-quality 40% vodka, a 96% and 70% alcohol solution is usually used, which is diluted with water, ideally spring water, with the addition of other ingredients. Medical 95% alcohol can also be used to produce vodka, but in industrial scale this is extremely rare. In its pure form, a 95% alcohol solution can be consumed, but due to the sharp taste and strong effect on the mucous membrane of the throat, it is desirable to dilute it with water or juice. The ideal ratio is 3 parts 95% alcohol to 6 parts water. Taking an undiluted solution of 95% alcohol will greatly increase intoxication.

A 95% solution of alcohol, like all ethyl substances, is safe for the body if the rate of its use is observed. We can say that this solution is even safer than alcoholic beverages derived from ethyl alcohol, since it contains less of all kinds of impurities and fusel oils.

Consequences of drinking medical alcohol

The use of medical 95% alcohol, like any other alcoholic beverage, if it is abused, can lead to poisoning of the body, so you need to know the measure in everything. If you use it constantly, it is fraught with addiction and alcohol addiction.

When the body is intoxicated with a medical alcohol substance, there are general symptoms characteristic of poisoning with any alcohol. If poisoning occurs, then the following occurs:

Addiction and dependence on the use of medical alcohol happens in the same way as with the use of any other alcoholic beverages, if you overdo it, so it is better to use it according to the name, only for medical purposes in accordance with the antiseptic effect.

There is a huge variety of alcohols used both in everyday life and in production. Most of them are dangerous to life and health. The most common, taken as alcoholic, include ethanol, methanol and various medical alcohol solutions.

Ethyl or methyl?

  • Ethanol (ethyl) is used in various branches of life and activity. It is found in most alcoholic beverages and is the safest to consume. It is often needed in medicine as a disinfectant. In pharmacies, it is sold only by prescription. It is often used to make tinctures and even in soap making.
  • Methanol (methyl) is a poison for humans, it affects the liver, kidneys, lungs and eyes in an accelerated mode, and the depression of the nervous system occurs instantly. However, it can also be consumed in small doses, but you can't buy it in pharmacies. It is used for production purposes only. It is NOT to be used!

In order to distinguish these alcohols from each other, the following experiments are carried out. A slice of potato is cut off and placed in a glass of liquid for a couple of hours. The color of potatoes in ethanol does not change, but when in contact with methanol, the potatoes turn pink.

For a faster check, use a red-hot copper wire dipped in an alcohol composition. Ethanol will not emit a strong unpleasant odor, unlike methanol. Or, they set fire to cotton wool soaked in alcohol. Ethyl alcohol burns with a green flame, methyl alcohol has a blue burning color.

Such precautions can save lives, because the maximum allowable dosages of these alcohols are very different due to the toxicity of methanol.

Video instruction for checking alcohol:

Is it possible to use medical alcohol inside?

For medical purposes, various alcohols and solutions based on them are used:

  • medical alcohol (ethyl non-food)
  • formic
  • isopropyl
  • ammonia
  • camphor
  • boric
  • salicylic

But none of them are suitable as liquids suitable for consumption due to the composition and manufacturing technology, with the exception of pure ethyl alcohol (drinking).

Formic alcohol from a pharmacy used for skin treatment during injections. It has a specific odor and, when ingested in small amounts, does not pose a serious danger to life. The remaining solutions are not intended for ingestion, but serve as local antiseptics and cause severe burns of the mucous membranes.

As for medical alcohol, then it can be used internally. It consists of 95-96% ethyl alcohol and 4-5% distilled water.

IMPORTANT. Rubbing alcohol can be purchased at hospital supply stores and cosmetics stores. It is used as a universal local antiseptic, made from non-edible alcohol with the addition of distilled water. When used according to prescriptions in the presence of a certain disease, it does not harm the body.

How to dilute?

When using medical alcohol, it is important to consider its composition: only water and alcohol without impurities.
Alcohol is diluted with distilled water, in which there are no salts and other active elements that can react with alcohol. The ratio of water and alcohol is usually 1:1, but not more than 50 ° fortress. Drinking distillate is sold in pharmacies.

Table of dilution of alcohol with water

You can use it immediately after dilution or in its pure form, subject to certain stages of administration, always with a breath hold before and after a sip, followed by a breath through the nose.

Drinking ethanol is often drunk in a diluted form and washed down with other drinks so as not to burn the mucous membrane. It is diluted with ordinary water to the strength of vodka and left for 5-7 days so that the reactions with water salts stop decay. Sometimes ethanol is used to make cocktails based on juices or tinctures from berries.

The volume of pure alcohol should not exceed 25 ml for the first dose.

IMPORTANT. The use of alcohol with a strength of more than 50% can cause severe burns of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. Concentration of pure alcohol more than 5 g/l of blood can lead to death

Related video: how to dilute alcohol with water to get vodka

Harm to health

The effect of alcohol on the human body is manifested in the work of all organs and systems:

  • brain and nervous system
  • liver, kidney and spleen
  • lungs and airways
  • heart and blood vessels
  • sense organs and vision

It has the greatest immediate effect on thought processes and memory. Alcohol-containing products can lead to the development of brain pathologies and diseases of the nervous system.

With frequent use of alcohol, multiple intoxication of the body occurs, as a result of which the internal organs are destroyed, to a greater extent the liver, since it performs the function of purifying the blood.

Alcohol also has a negative effect on reproductive function., especially women, as it poisons the biomaterial of an unconceived fetus.

The devastating effects of alcohol include a weakening of the immune system and a loss of attractiveness in appearance. In addition, alcohol-containing products can lead to the loss of internal organs necessary for the life of the body, and thereby lead to death.

Not all alcohols are suitable for use as alcoholic products. Food is only ethanol. Therefore, when using it for reception, they resort to additional protective measures, find out the composition and methods of manufacture. The use of other alcohols is fraught with consequences for human life and health.

According to GOST 5964–93, ethyl alcohol is an organic substance belonging to the category simple alcohols. This colorless liquid has a pungent odor and a characteristic burning taste. It is contained in the composition of alcoholic beverages and is allowed for oral use in small quantities. Reception in large doses causes significant harm to human health.

What is ethyl alcohol?

The chemical name of the substance is ethanol, the formula is C2H5 (OH). IN normal conditions is in liquid state. It boils at a temperature of +78 degrees, and freezes at -114 degrees. Easily miscible with water, glycerine, some oils, benzene. The substance is volatile and flammable, so it must be stored in tightly closed containers away from sources of ignition.

Ethanol dissolves other substances well. It is able to coagulate protein, so it easily kills most pathogens. Has psychotropic properties. Very toxic in high doses.

Depending on the impurities it contains, ethyl alcohol can be rectified or denatured. In the first case, the substance undergoes special purification and does not have foreign ingredients. The second type of ethanol contains impurities that make it unsuitable for drinking, but allow it to be used for technical purposes.

The tool is used in many industries:

  1. In medicine - as a strong antiseptic.
  2. IN Food Industry.
  3. In perfumery and cosmetology.
  4. IN chemical production in the manufacture of complex organic substances.
  5. Sometimes used as fuel.

In the food industry, ethanol is used to make alcoholic beverages. For this purpose, specially purified food alcohol. scanty quantities are found in drinks obtained by fermentation - koumiss, kvass, kefir, etc.

Differences between ethanol and methanol

Ethyl alcohol is very easy to confuse with methyl alcohol. Such mistakes often lead to tragic consequences, as methyl alcohol or methanol is a strong poison. It is used only for industrial purposes in the manufacture of formaldehyde and solvents. When working with a substance, safety precautions must be observed. It is strictly forbidden to use methanol inside - this can lead to severe poisoning, even death.

Both substances under normal conditions look like a clear, colorless liquid. To distinguish methanol from ethanol, a few simple tests can be carried out.

Pour a little alcohol into any container and set it on fire. If there is no suitable dish, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and bring it to the flame. Ethyl alcohol burns with a bright blue fire, while methyl alcohol burns with green.

More simple and safe way- test with potatoes. The average root crop is cleaned, washed and cut in half. Pieces of vegetables are placed in a jar of alcohol for 3-5 hours. After this time, the ethanol will not change its color, but the methanol will turn pink.

In a vessel with liquid, you can add a little baking soda. In a mixture with ethanol, the powder will turn yellow and precipitate. Methyl alcohol completely dissolves soda. In addition, you can test with potassium permanganate. If a few grains are thrown into ethyl alcohol, no changes will occur. In combination with methanol, potassium permanganate will bubble and hiss.

If you have an industrial thermometer, you can measure the boiling point of liquids. For ethanol, it will be 80 degrees, and for methanol - 60 degrees.

Can you drink medical alcohol?

Alcohol used for medical purposes is allowed to be ingested in minimum quantities. It is used to create medicinal tinctures. However, if you drink it undiluted, the substance can greatly harm your health. Ethanol affects all human organs and systems:

  1. Under the influence of a small dose, excitement and euphoria develop, concentration of attention decreases.
  2. IN in large numbers alcohol depresses the nervous system - speech, behavior are disturbed, short-term memory loss occurs.
  3. Once in the body, ethanol disrupts the energy processes in myocardial cells, causing their hypoxia.
  4. When taking alcohol arterial pressure first decreases, then rises sharply, while the person feels heat and a rush of blood to the head.
  5. Penetrating into the liver, ethanol is broken down, forming acetaldehyde. The decay products are toxic and destroy the cells of the liver and pancreas.
  6. In men, under the influence of alcohol, the production of sex hormones decreases, libido suffers. The number of spermatozoa decreases.

The drug with a concentration of 96% for external use has an irritating, astringent and tanning effect. Ethyl alcohol 70% has a pronounced antibacterial effect.

Drinking ethanol 95-96% strength in its pure form is dangerous to health. The maximum allowable concentration for oral administration is 40%.

How to drink safely: types of drinks

There are more than 100 types of drinks containing alcohol in the world. All of them are different in taste and strength. They can be obtained by fermentation or distillation. In the role of components for cooking are fruits, berries or cereals.

By strength, all drinks are divided into 3 types:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium strength;
  • strong.

The category of weak drinks includes drinks, the strength of which does not exceed 8 percent. This group includes beer, cider, some national drinks- perry, ice wine, khandi, etc. Braga is prepared at home - it is obtained as a result of fermentation of vegetables or fruits.

Low alcohol drinks are easily absorbed by the body. It is relatively safe to drink in small doses. However excessive amount can cause severe poisoning and hangover.

Medium-strength drinks are those that contain between 9 and 30% ethanol. This group includes various types of fruit and berry wines with the addition of spices - port wine, madeira, sherry, tokay, vermouth, etc. The optimal concentration of alcohol in such drinks is 20%. These alcoholic products dangerous to health in large quantities. Wines, tinctures, liqueurs are prepared at home.

Strong are considered products with an ethanol content of 30 to 80%. These include vodka, cognac, rum, brandy, gin, tequila and some others.

Russian doctors conducted research allowable rate alcohol. According to the results, 50 ml of vodka per day, or 250 ml of wine, or 500 ml of beer are considered safe amounts for men. For women, the permitted measure is 30 ml of vodka, 150 ml of wine or 330 ml of beer. Of course, you can drink this dose without harm to health no more than 1-2 times a week.

Harm and consequences

The use of ethyl alcohol in large quantities harms the body:

  1. Long-term use of large doses of ethanol leads to the development of dementia and personality degradation.
  2. The abuse of ethyl alcohol leads to the development of alcoholic cardiomyopathy and fatty degeneration of the heart.
  3. Under the influence of alcohol, the regulation of vascular tone is disturbed, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases.
  4. Undiluted alcohol can cause severe burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth and digestive tract.
  5. Under the influence of toxic products, alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver develops.
  6. Alcohol destroys pancreatic cells, causing pancreatitis and pancreatic necrosis.

A lethal dose of pure ethanol is 300 ml. The data are calculated for a non-drinking man weighing about 70 kg. Alcohol surrogates are enough to drink much less - only 100-150 ml.

Table: Lethal dose of different types of alcoholic beverages

Ethyl alcohol poisoning

The likelihood of poisoning and its severity depend on the age of the person, sex, weight and individual features organism. Importance have the quantity and quality of alcohol, as well as food eaten with alcohol.

A uniform concentration of ethanol throughout the body occurs 1-3 hours after ingestion. The same amount of alcohol drunk over a different period of time affects a person in different ways. If a man drinks a bottle of vodka in 5-6 hours, this will lead to persistent intoxication. The same amount, taken in 1-3 hours, will cause severe poisoning. Acute intoxication occurs if the body is 100 ml of pure ethanol.

To avoid poisoning, it is best to completely stop drinking alcohol. If this is not possible, alcoholic beverages should be consumed correctly:

  1. Purchase alcohol only in reliable places, check the expiration date and the presence of an excise stamp.
  2. If the alcoholic drink is unusual taste and smell, it may contain foreign impurities. It is better to refuse such alcohol.
  3. To products home production must be treated with caution.
  4. You can not mix varieties of drinks with different strengths.
  5. It is not recommended to drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
  6. It is forbidden to drink alcohol along with medicines.

When using, it is important to monitor your condition. If dizziness, nausea and other symptoms appear, further alcohol intake should be stopped.

First aid for alcohol poisoning can be provided independently. First of all, the victim should be allowed to drink 1 liter of water with the addition of a tablespoon of salt or a teaspoon of soda. Then press on the root of the tongue to induce vomiting. It is necessary to wash the stomach until only pure water remains in the vomit.

To remove toxins from the body, sorbents are given to drink - Activated carbon, Enterosgel, etc. With severe chills, the patient is warmed with a blanket or blanket. A cold wet compress on the back of the head will help with a headache.

If the patient is unconscious, it must be turned on its side so that the person does not choke on the vomit. In case of severe poisoning, an ambulance is immediately called. Such patients are placed in a hospital, where detoxification and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Test: Check the compatibility of your medication with alcohol

Enter the name of the drug in the search bar and find out how compatible it is with alcohol

The fermentation process of sugar leads to the formation of ethyl alcohol or ethanol. Usually this product is obtained after distillation of grains, potatoes or fruits. On its basis, various alcoholic beverages are produced, differing in strength. However, can you drink ethyl alcohol? Of course you can drink.

On the territory of Russia, they learned about alcoholic beverages during the reign of Peter I, when Italian merchants brought ethyl alcohol to the capital. The quality of the new drink was successfully demonstrated to the boyars, the ruler and doctors. After that, alcohol-based drinks managed to become very popular throughout the country. However, it became very popular in the 20th century. Together with water, ethanol became the basis of almost any alcoholic drink, for example, vodka, gin, rum, cognac, beer, whiskey. Nowadays, it is simply impossible to find an industry that does not use ethanol.

Indications for use

Ethanol can be drunk as an aperitif various diseases. For example, burns, injuries, hypothermia, shock. However, it is important to remember that ethyl alcohol must be taken in small amounts in order to positive impact and avoid harm to health.

It is also necessary to carefully approach the choice of alcohol concentration. For therapeutic purposes, it is produced in concentrations from 33% to 95%, which have an unlimited shelf life. Alcohol in this case you can drink with radioactive damage, stressful situations, unrest, neuroses. It can also be used as a lifeline to relieve symptoms. hangover syndrome in patients with alcoholism.

Ethyl alcohol can be used as an auxiliary antimicrobial agent to treat gangrene, sepsis, and pneumonia if the person is unable to take other medications.


Alcohol can be widely used to disinfect various surfaces and hands. For this, a 70% solution is used. To apply a compress, the concentration should not exceed 40%.

95% ethanol can be drunk, but before that it will need to be diluted with distilled water to the required concentration. If you decide to make your own alcoholic drink from alcohol, then it must be diluted in a ratio of 6 parts water to 3 parts ethanol.

Can ethanol be harmful to health?

Ethyl alcohol is widely used during the production of alcoholic beverages and medical preparations. It is safe for the body if a person drinks within reasonable limits so as not to cause a hangover or intoxication of the body. It can be drunk undiluted, but ethyl alcohol will irritate the throat and significantly increase the degree of intoxication.

The main effects of taking ethanol are a violation of the nervous system, which manifests itself in an altered perception of the surrounding reality, decreased hearing and vision, incoherent speech, and lethargy. At the beginning, the person becomes talkative and more sociable, but later this is replaced by aggressiveness. That is why you should not drink more than 2 glasses of wine or shots of vodka. It is important to remember that ethyl alcohol in a large dose and subject to regular use can be addictive.

Ethanol poisoning

Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to intoxication of the body. As a result, a person will notice the following symptoms:

  • Nausea and vomiting. This reaction of the body is associated with an attempt to cleanse the body of toxic effects.
  • Confusion of consciousness and its loss.
  • Decreased temperature and glucose levels, cyanosis of the skin.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Apathy and fatigue.
  • Respiratory failure.
  • Convulsions, which are a symptom of severe poisoning.

Ethyl alcohol provided overuse capable of leading to death.

How not to make a mistake with the choice?

Along with ethanol, methyl alcohol is quite common, which is the strongest poison and is fatal in a dose of 100 ml. When it is used, severe intoxication of the body occurs, expressed in loss of vision, disruption of the work of many organs, and death. Officially, methyl alcohol cannot be freely sold, because it can only be used for technical purposes. However, methanol can often be found in the composition of surrogate or fake drinks, therefore, it is necessary to check the safety of alcohol before using them.

The danger lies in the fact that it is simply impossible to distinguish methanol from ethanol externally and by smell. But there are several simple methods, which allow you to check the quality of alcohol at home.

To prevent poisoning, just follow the following tips:

  1. Twist the copper wire in the form of a spiral, heat it red-hot and lower it into an alcoholic drink. If you feel strong and bad smell formaldehyde, which cannot be confused with anything, this will indicate the presence of methanol. Ethyl alcohol is not able to react in this way.
  2. Set fire to an alcoholic drink if it appears blue flame, which means it contains ethanol.
  3. Can be heated alcoholic drink up to 70 degrees. If the liquid boils, then it contains methyl alcohol.
  4. Purchase alcoholic beverages only in trusted stores.

Finally, ethanol can be drunk, but it is important to remember that it is potentially dangerous substance. If the dose of alcohol is overestimated, then serious harm to health can be caused. Drink slowly in small portions while adhering to the rules of alcohol consumption. This will help to significantly reduce the risk of intoxication.
