
Fake drinks. How to distinguish fake alcohol from the real one? Signs of counterfeit products

Interest in the problem "How to distinguish fake alcohol from the present? understandable. A surrogate can not only harm the human body, but also lead to death. Unfortunately, due to the popularity and high cost of good strong drinks they are often faked. Fraudsters sell elite alcohol at a lower price, attracting consumers. You can distinguish it from the real one if you know what to look for. This is what we are going to study now.

original bottle or not

following the law Russian Federation, alcoholic beverages are allowed to be sold to organizations that have received a license. Individual entrepreneurs have the right to sell low-alcohol products such as mead, beer, cider.

The sale of alcohol via the Internet or by hand is not controlled. In this case, no one is immune from buying a surrogate.

How to recognize a fake by looking at the bottle:

  1. We look at the correctness of the sticker excise stamp. If not, then you should not risk buying such a product. The excise stamp is located on top of the cork, and its ends are glued along the neck.
  2. Before purchasing expensive alcohol, you should study the label of a real product on the Internet. It should contain all the information about the manufacturer and products. The fact that the label cannot be glued crookedly and with adhesive smudges is not even worth talking about.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the cost of elite products. If it is low, there is a suspicion that it is a fake. You may not be poisoned by such a drink, but original taste you won't get.

Some high-end manufacturers give the bottle original form, color solution, decor. Knowing what the product looks like makes it easier to distinguish quality alcohol.

Recognizing counterfeit alcohol

Not always people follow the advice and buy alcohol-containing products in online stores. Well, everything is possible, and even the acquisition elite cognac through the World Wide Web. You can check whether it is safe or not after uncorking the bottle.

What you need to do for this at home:

  1. The original product must be free of sediment and other impurities. The exception is cream of tartar in aged products.
  2. You can test vodka with raw potatoes. In the present product, it will remain unchanged. If there is industrial alcohol in the bottle, the potatoes will turn pink.
  3. Real Reviver when ignited, it burns with a blue flame. If the fire gets green tint, methanol is added to the drink.
  4. To find out the quality of alcohol, you need to heat the copper wire to redness and dip it into the drink. A strong smell of formaldehyde will indicate the presence of methanol.
  5. Using litmus paper, learn about the presence of sulfuric acid in the product. If, after dipping into the drink, she turned blue, it is dangerous to drink it.

Such experiments are not required if you purchase products at a specialized outlet. In this case, be sure to require a sales receipt.

How to identify real alcohol

Manufacturers of luxury products are trying to protect their consumers. For this purpose, developing various ways protection. By outward signs some popular products can be distinguished.


Refers to the most counterfeited product. Quite often there are cases of poisoning with vodka. Signs of the original, which are worth paying attention to:

  • we give preference to well-known brands;
  • the cork of the original "sits" tightly on the bottle and does not scroll;
  • the price of a half-liter bottle of this product should not be less than 300 rubles;
  • when opening the bottle, the excise stamp retains its integrity, and after its removal, traces of glue remain;
  • original label contains information about the manufacturer, license number, date of manufacture;
  • imported products are supplied with laser dot marking on glass, which cannot be erased; a fake does not have it.

In a real drink, after shaking in a circular motion, you can notice a whirlwind of small bubbles. If their size is larger than expected, and they quickly disappear, this indicates a fake.


A substitute for wine products is much less common. Therefore, it is easier to distinguish a fake from a real drink. What we pay attention to:

  • on the original bottle there is a special marking or a hologram;
  • on the "shoulders" of containers of elite products, a collar is glued, on which additional information about the quality of the drink is located;
  • information on the label is printed in advance, and the date of manufacture is stamped on the bottle during the capping process;
  • some manufacturers of expensive wines decorate bottles with additional identification marks that you need to know when choosing a particular product;
  • when shaking the wine, a small sediment may appear, which quickly sinks to the bottom after shaking;
  • the fake has a cork bad smell and crumbles a lot, but this is only discovered after buying a drink.

To check quality product or not, after the purchase, you can "test" the wine with glycerin. To do this, 1 part of the substance is added to 5 parts of the drink. A change in the color of glycerin indicates a fake, as well as staining of chalk after a drop of wine.

Even the cheapest cognac costs at least $10-15. The older the drink, the more expensive it is. Distinguish real product possible by the following signs:

  • label elite drink often performed from special paper, reminiscent of the one on which money is printed;
  • the film covering the cork must be made using special technology and have a dense structure;
  • some brands are different original design for example, the Hennessy insignia of a hand with a halberd;
  • sufficient light transmission and the absence of impurities are signs of a natural product;
  • to make sure of the required density of the product, you need to turn the bottle over, after which an oily drop should fall from its bottom.

Just now open cognac smells oak bark. "Scorched" drink has the smell of kerosene, acetone or alcohol. Unfortunately, this can only be understood after uncorking the bottle.


The growing popularity of real whiskey leads to the spread of its fakes. In addition to the general signs of counterfeiting, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • original whiskey has a light yellow-brown color;
  • subject to the manufacturing technology, the drink remains transparent, without impurities;
  • after shaking the whiskey, large bubbles form, and droplets slowly flow down the walls of the bottle.

Signs of natural products that are found after uncorking the product - malt or oak aroma. There should be no smell of alcohol.

Signs of alcohol poisoning

People who do not follow the warnings risk being poisoned by the surrogate. This is very dangerous and often fatal. Often the symptoms of intoxication are very similar to those hangover syndrome. In this case, the person suffers from weakness, dizziness, nausea.

In case of poisoning, after a certain time, the following symptoms are added:

  • painful discomfort throughout the body;
  • deterioration in breathing and slowing of the heartbeat;
  • decreased visual function, dancing spots before the eyes, blurry pictures;
  • weakening of the reaction to external stimuli or the complete absence of resistance, characteristic of a coma.

At the first suspicion of intoxication, you should immediately contact the rescue service. In this case, every minute is precious. While waiting for an ambulance, you should try to follow the instructions of the dispatcher.

What is the state doing to combat counterfeiting?

In order to ensure proper control over domestically produced and imported products, an automated EGAIS system was created in 2005. While it has significant flaws that are corrected in the course of use. But since 2016, wholesale and small wholesale buyers will not be able to legally trade in alcohol without registering in the system.

The consumer needs to buy alcoholic beverages only at specialized points of sale and require a certificate. Thanks to this, it is easy to protect yourself from buying a dangerous surrogate.

31.08.16 67 344 0

Fake alcohol

How not to spoil the holiday

From January to July 2016, 4.5 thousand people died in Russia due to alcohol poisoning. The reason was not only vodka on industrial alcohol, but also whiskey from powder, cognac tinted with sawdust and wine from apple juice with alcohol.

Asya Chelovan


Finding out the quality of alcohol before you are taken away in an ambulance is quite problematic. To stay healthy, let's figure out how to identify a fake.

Appearance of the bottle

Let's say Oleg Tinkov produces Tinkoffsky cognac. The vineyards and the plant are located in Russia, therefore, as connoisseurs will notice, Tinkoffsky is, strictly speaking, brandy.

To make the best brandy in Russia, not worse than that that from the province of Cognac, Oleg studied the Charente cognac production technology, purchased the French equipment "Prulot", brought barrels from seventy-year-old Tronsey oak, built a plant in the Crimea, grew vineyards with varieties of "folle blanche" and "colombard", and ordered masters of assemblage from Armenia.

Oleg himself launched production and gave the drink his own last name, because he is responsible for quality. Any fake is a blow to his name, so Oleg tries to protect his product and is attentive to details. This can be seen even in the bottles in which the drink is poured.

Before buying expensive alcohol, open the official website of the manufacturer - there are enough photos that show the shape of the bottle, the features of the labels, and the details of the engravings. It is difficult to fake all the details and labeling of the bottle. Here's what to look out for:

What to look for when buying a bottle

Oleg Tinkov's signature on shrink wrap

Bottle in the shape of the coat of arms "Tinkoff-Bank"

Name embossed label

Excise stamp "Cognac" with the name of the drink, the manufacturer and the volume of containers

Back label with a description of the drink, composition and storage conditions

Embossed brandy name

Unfortunately, even original bottle does not guarantee the quality of the content. Ibei sells empty used bottles from famous drinks. A fake drink can be prepared from concentrate and alcohol:

Excise stamp

An excise stamp is a sign that the manufacturer has paid a tax on alcohol. The state knows that such a bottle exists, and, in theory, is responsible for the quality of its contents. However, last year in Russia sold 15 million deciliters of alcohol with counterfeit brands. Let no taxes be paid for these bottles, the unknown is much worse - what kind of liquid was bottled.

Drinks are classified by strength and composition, excises for each class differ in color. For strong alcohol There are four main excise stamps, nine for wine. FS RAR even issued a brochure describing each brand.

Some of the excise taxes appeared only in 2015, so in the store you will often find cognac with the brand "Strong spirits" than "Cognac". And sake can be both a "wine drink" and "an alcoholic drink over 9 to 25%". All this is confusing.

It is easier to check the brand using the application of the Federal Service "Rosalkogolregulirovanie" - "AntiCounterfeit Alco". It is available for iPhones, smartphones on Android and Windows. The iPhone app is currently not available, but may be available later.

If you fundamentally do not want to install the FS RAR application, check that the stamp has a hologram and a barcode, the color is not solid, and the name matches the content declared on the label. The brand should sit tightly on the bottle, it is made on an adhesive basis. If the brand is a little unstuck - it is better not to take a drink.

Check in the store

Since July 1, 2016, an alcohol sales control system has been operating in Russia - EGAIS, its use is mandatory for all alcohol sellers.

The EGAIS system receives data from manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retail stores. For violation of the rules, legal entities are fined in the amount of 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Sellers who work according to the rules issue a special check with a QR code.

EGAIS check will not be issued:

  • if you buy beer;
  • if you ordered alcohol in a cafe or restaurant;
  • if you buy alcohol in a village of up to 3,000 people: these checks will only be issued there from July 2017.

In the cities of Crimea, the Unified State Automated Information System will work only from 2017, and in small settlements on the peninsula - from 2018.

In other cases - if you are not in the Crimea, not in the village and buy alcohol stronger than beer, - the seller is obliged to issue a check. Such a check is a guarantee that legal alcohol is being sold to you.

Before buying alcohol, ask the seller if they work in EGAIS. If they don't work, leave. If alcohol is sold in a store without EGAIS, most likely, the supplier did not enter it into the system either. It is unlikely that anyone will answer for the quality of "invisible" alcohol.

If the store works according to the rules, the seller first scans the barcode, then the excise stamp, and then issues a special receipt with a QR code.

Ordinary check

Ordinary check

EGAIS check

"Signature" of the cash register on which the check is punched

To read a QR code, you need to install a program on your smartphone - the aforementioned Anti-Counterfeit Alco FS RAR or a regular scanner. I use the Kaspersky application, but the tool is not important here. If you do not want to install anything or the QR is not readable - this also happens - type the link from the check directly in the browser line.

The link will open the website of the Federal Tax Service: pay attention to the date and time of the sale - it should not differ from the real one. The information in the block "Series and numbers of stamps" must match the inscription on the label and the data on the excise stamp.

Check date and time of purchase

The same text should be on the stamp

If you were given a check with correct information, the alcohol is real. The store would not be able to accept and sell alcohol that is not on the public register.

When to check

You need to check the bottle for an excise stamp before you take it to the checkout.

Alcohol like others foodstuffs, cannot be replaced or returned. Therefore, if you gave money, the seller may refuse to accept the drink back and return the money.

In this case, you can try to withdraw from the transaction: failure to issue a check or incorrect information on it can be considered a violation of the consumer's right to receive information.

If you can’t cancel the purchase, just warn the seller about what you will do next. And you need to act like this:

  1. Write an application to the FS RAR and Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. If the FS RAP application is installed, report a violation through it.
  3. If there is no application, then report what happened to the FS RAR portal. In the application, write that you were sold alcohol without a EGAIS check, indicate the date, address of the store, attach a photo of the bottle and check if you were given a regular one.

And, of course, do not drink if there is even the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the drink.

The smell of the drink

If you do not have the sense of smell and the experience of a sommelier, then you are unlikely to be able to distinguish by smell - French is cognac or something spilled on small factory in outskirts of Moscow.

If you are still lucky enough to have a keen sense of smell, then let the drink stand in a glass for a few minutes. The aroma has disappeared, but the smell of alcohol remains - in front of you is a fake, do not risk it.

In the production of counterfeit alcohol, instead of ethyl alcohol often use methyl, which does not differ in smell and taste. Methyl alcohol is technical alcohol, which, when it enters the human body, decomposes to hazardous substances- formaldehyde and formic acid. 30 ml of methyl alcohol will kill a healthy adult male.

Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning: nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, blurred vision, pain throughout the body. If you feel that this is happening to you - call an ambulance before it's too late. Doctors will wash the stomach and pour in ethyl alcohol.


  1. Pay attention to the price. Elite alcohol for 500 rubles - a fake.
  2. If you are going to buy expensive alcohol, look at the manufacturer's website to see what the bottle looks like.
  3. If you know that you will buy alcohol in an unfamiliar place, download the Anti-Counterfeiting Alco application in advance - iPhone (now unavailable), Android and Windows. You will check both the excise stamp and the check with them.
  4. Check excise stamps: they must be tightly pasted, have a hologram, lot number, and the color must match the content.
  5. Ask if the store works on EGAIS. Doesn't work - don't buy.
  6. If you were not given a EGAIS check with a QR code, warn the seller that you will complain to Rospotrebnadzor and FS RAR.
  7. If you were given a check with a QR code, be sure to check it. If the code is not readable, try entering the link below it.
  8. Always check if the data on the link matches what is indicated on the paper check: the TIN of the store, the date and time of sale, the position in the check.

Consultants: prof. Georgy Alexandrovich Livanov, prof. Alexander Nikolaevich Petrov, lawyer Vladimir Belyaev

Finding out the quality of alcohol before you are taken away in an ambulance is quite problematic. But maybe let's figure out how to identify a fake before you are taken to the hospital.

Appearance of the bottle

Before buying expensive alcohol, open the official website of the manufacturer - there are enough photos that show the shape of the bottle, the features of the labels, and the details of the engravings. It is difficult to fake all the details and markings of a bottle, and often a fake can be identified even by the appearance of the container.

But, unfortunately, even the original bottle does not guarantee the quality of the contents. Empty used bottles of famous drinks are sold on eBay. And a fake can be prepared from concentrate and alcohol:

Excise stamp

An excise stamp is a sign that the manufacturer has paid a tax on alcohol. The state knows that such a bottle exists and, in theory, is responsible for the quality of its contents. Drinks are classified by strength and composition, excises for each class differ in color. There are four main excise stamps for strong alcohol, nine for wine. FS RAR even released .

Some excises appeared only in 2015, so in the store you will often find cognac with the brand "Strong spirits" than "Cognac". And sake can be like " wine drink”, and “Alcoholic drink over 9 to 25%”. All this is confusing.

It is easier to check the brand using the application of the Federal Service "Rosalkogolregulirovanie" - "AntiCounterfeit Alco". Here is for smartphones on iOS, Android and Windows.

Check in the store

Since July 1, a system for controlling the sale of alcohol - EGAIS - has been operating in Russia, its use is mandatory for all sellers. The system receives data from manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers.

Sellers who work according to the rules issue a special receipt with a QR code. The EGAIS check will not be issued if you buy beer, if you ordered alcohol in a cafe or restaurant, or if you buy alcohol in a settlement with a population of up to 3 thousand people (these checks will be issued there only from July 2017). In the cities of Crimea, the Unified State Automated Information System will work only from 2017, and in small settlements on the peninsula - from 2018.

In other cases, the seller is required to issue such a check. This is a guarantee that you are being sold legal alcohol. Before buying, ask the seller if they work in EGAIS. If they don't work, leave. If the store works according to the rules, the seller first scans the barcode, then the excise stamp, and then issues a special check with a QR code, like this.

The smell of the drink

If you do not have the sense of smell and the experience of a sommelier, then you are unlikely to be able to distinguish by smell - French is cognac or something bottled at a small factory in the suburbs. If you are still lucky enough to have a keen sense of smell, then let the drink stand in a glass for a few minutes. The aroma has disappeared, but the smell of alcohol remains - in front of you is a fake, do not risk it.

In the production of counterfeit alcohol, methyl alcohol is often used instead of ethyl alcohol, which does not differ in smell and taste. When ingested into the human body methyl alcohol decomposes to dangerous substances - formaldehyde and formic acid. 30 ml of methyl alcohol will kill a healthy adult male.

When to check

Fake alcohol may contain methanol - methyl, or wood alcohol. It is also called technical, it is a terrible poison, and it is from it that people die or become disabled.

As with regular ethyl alcohol, once in the bloodstream, methyl alcohol passes through the liver, where, like its safer counterpart, it is oxidized by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH). If not for this chemical reaction, technical alcohol would not carry any danger: by itself, it does not have high toxicity. Therefore, the first thing that a person who has drunk such alcohol feels is the usual symptoms of intoxication.

However, under the influence of ADH, methanol is converted into formaldehyde and formic acid. These products are extremely unhealthy: they damage the central nervous system, in particular - the retina and optic nerve, leading to blindness and severe poisoning with failure of the kidneys and other internal organs.

Where can you buy alcohol?

Only organizations can sell alcohol, not individuals. Low alcohol drinks- beer, cider, mead can be sold by both companies and individual entrepreneurs. You can buy alcohol only in outlets that have a license for the retail sale of alcoholic products. A copy of the license must be displayed prominently in the Consumer Corner. When selling a drink along with a bottle, you must be given a receipt. Any sale of alcohol by hand or through an online store is illegal.

How to distinguish fake alcohol by a bottle or a label?

As a rule, legal producers pour alcoholic products into consumer containers that have special distinctive features (original corrugations, embossing, etc.). The label and back label must be pasted evenly without distortions.

How to distinguish counterfeit alcohol by a federal special stamp or excise stamp?

All alcoholic products, produced in the territory of the customs union, is pasted over with federal special stamps, and imported alcoholic beverages are pasted over with excise duty stamps. Such marking confirms the payment of excise duty on each bottle produced by alcoholic beverages.

To visually recognize the authenticity of such brands, you can use the following recommendations:

1. They are printed on self-adhesive paper, which has a special UV emission;

2. Copper holographic foil with a pattern and repeating images of the Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation and the abbreviation "RF" is pressed onto paper for printing excise stamps for alcohol in 2014;

3. A security thread with an irregular window has been inserted into the paper. The window shows the image applied to the thread in the form of stripes Pink colour. Under the influence of ultraviolet light, the image is visualized as the abbreviation "RF" in pink, blue and yellow-orange colors in an oval ring;

4. On reverse side the stamps are filled with the abbreviation "RF";

5. An element printed with color-shifting ink changes color from purple to brown depending on the viewing angle;

6. The stamp number is printed by inkjet printing and consists of three digits indicating the grade and nine digits of the stamp number itself;

7. The information on the brand and label of the bottle must match. Here are the name of the alcoholic product, the type of alcoholic product, the capacity of the container, the fortress, the name of the manufacturer and its location.

How to identify fake champagne?

Distinguish what is in front of you - soda with alcohol or real a sparkling wine(champagne) can be on the bubbles. Throw something into the champagne glass, like a cherry. If it instantly becomes covered with small and frequent bubbles - you have real champagne in front of you. If the bubbles are large and rare, they will quickly float to the surface - in front of you is a fake. By the way, any object thrown into a bottle of soda is covered with just such bubbles.

How to identify fake vodka?

It's about checking the appearance of the drink before buying it. There are signs, the presence of which should motivate you to choose another vodka or even a store.

1. Price. As of December 2015, in accordance with the order of Rosalkogolregulirovanie, a bottle of vodka with a capacity of 0.5 liters with an ethyl alcohol content of 40 percent must be sold in retail at least 195 rubles per bottle. Accordingly, if the capacity of a bottle of vodka is one liter, then the price is twice as expensive. If you prefer a certain brand of vodka, then you should know the average price of a bottle. If in one of the stores the price is 15-30 percent lower, then the risk of buying fake vodka there increases several times. Miracles do not happen, the cost of the same vodka in different stores cannot differ much.

At the same time, it should be noted that earlier it was the low price that gave out fake vodka, but now the counterfeiters have wised up and in most cases sell their surrogate at the price of the original. Therefore, related factors must be taken into account;

2. Color. real vodka absolutely transparent without turbidity and sediment at the bottom. To check this, just turn the bottle upside down, hold it for a few seconds and look through it at sunlight. Vodka should not have third-party particles, orange, light yellow and other shades. If the color changes, then you have poor purification vodka, the alcohol or water of which contains third-party impurities.

How to distinguish ordinary alcohol from technical?

In some cases, determine low-quality alcohol only after the bottle has been opened. How to distinguish an alcoholic surrogate?

Methyl alcohol in appearance and smell does not differ from ordinary ethyl alcohol.

Therefore, the main protection against poisoning is the purchase of drinks in proven places.

If for some reason you suspect that alcohol is fake, try checking it at home:

- if you set fire to a strong drink based on ethyl alcohol, then it should burn with a blue flame, while burning methanol has a green color;
if the drink is clear, throw it into the bottle small piece raw potatoes: in technical alcohol, it will acquire pink shade, and in vodka it will remain white;

- if you heat a copper wire on a fire and lower it into a liquid, then methanol will give itself out with an unpleasant pungent smell of formaldehyde, ethanol does not smell at all during the test.

Of course, the most reasonable thing to do would be to refuse the tasting in any doubtful case, even if chemical experiments found nothing suspicious.

How to understand that he was poisoned by a surrogate?

The insidiousness of methanol intoxication lies in the fact that its first symptoms are too similar to the consequences of ordinary drunkenness: a person may complain of dizziness, nausea, severe weakness.

However, other warning signs develop within a few hours. It can be:

- severe pain throughout the body;

- deterioration of vision, in which the picture before the eyes can swim and obscure dancing spots appear;

- slow heartbeat and breathing;

- a coma in which a drunk person does not respond to external stimuli and does not wake up.

Such symptoms are a sign of great trouble. If you suspect methanol poisoning, you should urgently call ambulance and start providing first aid yourself!

It is not surprising that the most a large number of counterfeit products among alcohol. There is always a demand for it, and many unscrupulous manufacturers seek to capitalize on someone else's good name. As a result, buyers end up in hospitals with food poisoning and so on. Yes, there are more or less quality fakes, which are harmless to health and differ little from the original, but this is rare.

Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that every modern buyer should be able to distinguish high-quality alcohol from a fake. Remember that if a product is not bought, sooner or later it will cease to be produced. This also applies to fakes.

So how do you determine if you have real alcohol from the manufacturer? Pay attention to the following recommendations.


Unfortunately, you can be one hundred percent sure of the quality and authenticity of cognac only after you open it. Cognac labels are currently forged very professionally, so it is extremely difficult to distinguish the original from the label. But at the same time, the drink itself and its consistency can indicate a lot.

First you need to determine how thick the drink is. To do this, turn the bottle upside down and see how the liquid behaves. If a large drop falls from the bottom, and the drink leaves traces of dripping on the walls of the bottle, then this can be considered one of the guarantees that the drink is really of high quality. This consistency of the drink indicates that the exposure of cognac is five years or more.

In the event that the bottle is completely filled with a drink, bubbles can help determine its quality. You also need to turn the bottle upside down to get your bearings on the bubbles. Ideally, you should first big bubbles and then small ones. This indicates that before you original product required density. But remember that in any case, you will know one hundred percent that the cognac is original only after opening it.


The drink itself should be clear. A high level of transparency indicates that high-quality purified water was used in the production. If the drink is cloudy, you can be sure that you have a fake in front of you. Quite poor quality though.

In the same way as in the case of cognac, you can determine the quality of whiskey by the bubbles. Here they are quite large. In addition, the drink itself should also be thick enough and leave traces when it flows down the walls.

The drink itself should not give off alcohol. The flavor should be oaky or malty. And a truly high-quality whiskey leaves a long aftertaste. But, again, it is often possible to determine the quality and originality of a drink only after opening the bottle.


Counterfeits of wine are not so common. Mostly because of what's real famous brands small enough, and it makes little sense to fake those products that are mass-produced. On quality wine there is a hologram on the label, as well as small-character markings. And that's enough effective ways counterfeit protection. First of all, due to the fact that the technology for the production of labels with such elements is quite expensive.

Cork is an important element. It should not crumble and fall into the liquid. Please note that corks are made for expensive wines. whole piece tree. For cheap wine, a stopper made from wood waste - crusts - is also suitable. The cork itself should not be plastic. If you see it, you can be almost one hundred percent sure that you have a low-quality fake. This product is best avoided.

For some of the more expensive varieties of wine, even an imprint is made with the year of production of the wine and the vineyard. Cork at quality wine should smell like berries, but definitely not dampness or mold. If the smell bothers you, stop drinking this drink to avoid future health problems.


It is vodka that is the alcohol that is most often counterfeited. Not surprising, because there is always a demand for it, and counterfeiting a drink is quite simple. And fake vodka often turns out to be much more dangerous for the human body than fakes of other drinks. In some cases, fake products contain a lot of toxic fusel substances - oils.

In order to visually assess the quality of the drink, you need to turn the bottle over and look at the bottom. There should be absolutely no sediment at the bottom of the bottle, and the liquid itself should be absolutely transparent. If you see that the liquid is opaque, do not buy it.

As for the appearance of the bottle, today the excise stamp, hologram, and other elements of the label that are difficult to fake can serve as a guarantee of quality. And in order to assess the quality of the drink itself, without opening the bottle, you need to shake the vodka in a circular motion. This should cause bubbles to appear. If they are large, it means that the vodka is heavily diluted with water. Ideally, small bubbles should rise to the top.

Regardless of which alcohol you choose, the first thing you need to look at is the bottle, the label, and the presence of an excise stamp. Pay attention not only to appearance labels, but also on how smoothly it is pasted. If you see that the label is applied at an angle, this can indicate that the alcohol is fake. In the original production, such defects are not allowed, and each individual bottle of alcohol looks identical to the rest. labels for vodka attached perfectly straight. Please note that in many expensive cognacs The label itself feels like money to the touch. High-quality label material is one of the main guarantees that the drink itself is of high quality. The label should contain comprehensive information about the manufacturer and the product itself. This will allow you to better understand what kind of product is in front of you.

Remember that at present there are unimaginably many fakes of alcoholic products. And it largely depends on the buyer how much he succumbs to the risk of choosing unsuitable low-grade products. Therefore, the choice should be approached as carefully as possible, taking alcohol from trusted manufacturers and trusted points of sale. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of the selected product and its safety. Take care of your health and remember that almost anything can be faked today. Your task is to identify a fake and not buy it.
