
What is useful beef heart for a child. Beef heart: benefits and nutritional value

Among the beef offal of the first group, such an organ as the heart stands out. This is a clot of thin muscle fibers with a total mass of 1.5-2 kg. The thickest part of the heart is covered with a fatty layer, and large blood vessels are also located here. But these parts are usually removed during butchering.

This product is very much appreciated, in terms of its nutritional qualities it is inferior, perhaps, to pure beef. With proper heat treatment, you can achieve a delicate taste of the dish. What is the benefit of beef heart?

beef heart calories

Offal is often included in the menu of dietary, therapeutic and preventive diets. Especially recommended for teenagers and the elderly, as well as people suffering from excess weight. A special diet is provided for professional athletes and women in position. The calorie content of a beef heart is only 87-96 kcal, boiled - 75 kcal, fried - 86.4 kcal.

Among the advantages of the offal, a high energy value (more than 60% of proteins) is distinguished, as well as the presence of a number of useful substances.


An offal is a storehouse of vitamins, macro- and microelements. So, for example, the content of B-group vitamins is 6 times higher than, in fact, in meat, and iron (Fe) - 1.5. The content of magnesium (Mg) is high, potassium (K), phosphorus (P), zinc (Zn), sodium (Na), calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), etc. are contained. Of the vitamins, in addition to the B-group, there are:

  • carotene (A);
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • phylloquinones (K);
  • biotin (H);
  • nicotinamide (RR).

Important components of the product of animal origin remain: protein, fats, carbohydrates, unsaturated fatty acids, cholesterol, ash, amino acids.


The beneficial qualities of the product are manifested due to such a rich composition. So, thanks to the protein, the protective functions of the body are stimulated and strengthened. Vitamin-mineral "cocktail" of beef heart has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, and skin. The product is recommended as a low-calorie healthy food for diseases of the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, anemia.

It is noted that a dietary diet with the inclusion of this by-product in the menu will allow the patient to quickly restore strength after operations, injuries, and infectious diseases. Chromium, together with pyridoxine (B6), helps control blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stimulates the metabolism of brain cells, enhances the regenerating properties of tissues, and has a wound healing and anti-sclerotic effect.

Amino acids are involved in the formation of enzymes necessary for the formation of structural bonds of cells and tissues. What else is useful beef heart?

With regular use (2-3 times a week), the digestive tract is activated and a normal level of acid-base balance is maintained. The contribution of the product to the restoration of strength and replenishment of the body's energy reserves is invaluable.


But even with such an extensive positive impact, eating beef heart can be negative. So, because of purine bases, uric acid accumulates in the body. As a result, the weakening of capillary permeability, the development of osteochondrosis, gout.

Excessive love for protein foods puts a significant burden on the kidneys. Excess protein leads to weakening of bone tissue, as more energy (more calcium) is expended in the process of digestion. Cholesterol, which can accumulate, will subsequently lead to the formation of atherosclerosis and other problems in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Beef heart is considered an offal of category I. This means that in terms of its nutritional values, it is not inferior and even replaces beef meat. The weight of the heart is usually 1.5-2 kg. The color is usually dark brown. When pressed, no dents remain, it instantly restores its former shape. From this article you will learn about the benefits and harms of beef heart.

How to choose and process beef heart?

Stores sell frozen and chilled beef heart. The most delicious is the heart of a young calf. It cooks faster and is more tender. It is advisable to buy this product chilled, because in this case you can consider it in more detail. Such a heart has a pleasant smell of fresh meat, should not have any spots or plaque on its surface. According to the structure of beef, it is very dense, consists of muscle fibers, therefore, it needs a long and thorough heat treatment.

Preparation includes the following required steps:

  1. There is a fatty layer in the inner part of the heart, which must be removed immediately. It is also necessary to remove all blood vessels and blood clots.
  2. Rinse the heart thoroughly under running water.
  3. Cut into large pieces and put in cold water for 2-3 hours to soak.
  4. Drain the water, put the heart in a saucepan, add fresh water and cook for at least 1.5 hours. Be sure to remove the foam. In this case, every half hour you need to change the water.
  5. Bay leaf, onion, salt, pepper and desired spices are added to the last water.
  6. You can check the softness of the product with a knife.

The use of beef heart in cooking

The heart can not only be boiled, but also stewed and baked in the oven.

A boiled heart is used to prepare various fillings (for example, for pancakes, pie or pies). Some make delicious pates, goulash, roasts, meatballs from it, add it to various snacks and salads.

Stewed hearts are used to prepare sauces with the addition of vegetables, herbs and roots. It also goes well with various side dishes: pasta, fried or boiled potatoes, cereal dishes. Pairs well with fried onions.

The heart is baked as part of various casseroles, pies and savory sandwiches. For example, a sliced ​​plate of a boiled heart is placed on a piece of bread, smeared with mayonnaise and sprinkled with grated cheese on top. Baked in the oven. It turns out a great snack, much tastier and healthier than any fast food.

beef heart calories

This product can be easily included in your diet by obese and overweight people, as well as those whose principles include eating only healthy food. Its calorie content is only 96 kilocalories for every 100 g of weight.

100 g of heart contains:

  • proteins ─ 16 g
  • fats ─ 3 g
  • carbohydrates ─ 3.5 g
  • cholesterol ─ 140 mg
  • unsaturated fatty acids ─ 0.8 g
  • ash substances ─ 1 g

The benefits of beef heart

The product has the most valuable qualities for human health. According to its healing properties, the content of useful substances, it can rightly be called a delicacy.

  1. The protein present in the beef heart plays a major role in the growing body of the child. As you know, he is the best supplier of amino acids, which are so necessary for the full development of the baby, the normal formation of muscle tissue, the formation of all vital systems. The tryptophan, methionine and other amino acids contained in the beef heart are not produced by the human body, but can only come from food of animal origin. Under the condition of normal digestion, mashed potatoes with heart content can be introduced into the diet of crumbs no earlier than 8 months, since it is absorbed by the baby worse than meat.
  2. Due to its low calorie content, this product is excellent as a component in the diet of overweight people.
  3. The role of the beef heart is great for the normalization of the cardiovascular system, because it contains magnesium, which is indispensable in the mechanism of heart contractions.
  4. Helps in the treatment of low hemoglobin and anemia. These diseases are characterized by iron deficiency. Hemoglobin, containing a reduced amount of iron, begins to poorly supply oxygen to human tissues. The amount of iron in beef heart is 1.5 times more than in beef itself, so eating it is very effective for this problem.
  5. Regulates the mineral balance in the body. Chromium, folic acid, potassium, sodium, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus and many other macro- and microelements provide important processes for human life.
  6. The zinc contained in this offal increases sperm motility, thereby improving male sexual function.
  7. Dishes with beef liver help strengthen the nervous system and normalize blood pressure.
  8. The heart contains vitamins C, PP, E, A, H. In terms of the amount of B vitamins, it surpasses beef meat. Thanks to this, proteins are easily digested, as a result of which the binding of useful substances is ensured, as well as their transportation to all tissues of the body.
  9. As a tonic, this product is useful to include in the diet of people who have recently had severe infectious diseases (as well as at the time of their exacerbation), burns, injuries and surgical interventions. Eating the heart helps to quickly restore the blood.
  10. Due to many useful features, beef heart can and should be included in the menu of the elderly, because eating this product is an excellent prevention of sclerosis and osteoporosis. Beef heart increases the endurance of those who experience prolonged physical and mental stress (students, athletes, etc.).

Harm to beef heart

  1. With excessive consumption of beef heart, there is a threat of accumulation of purine bases in the body. This is fraught with dangerous consequences in the metabolic processes of the body, which leads to an excess of uric acid. In this case, there is a danger of such serious diseases as sciatica, osteochondrosis, impaired capillary permeability, gout, etc.
  2. With frequent and excessive eating of the heart, the amount of proteins in the body increases. As a result, the brain gives a command to increase energy expenditure. This leads to the fact that the body begins to use up the reserves of calcium, which leaves the bones, as a result of which they become fragile and weak.
  3. Excess protein also leads to heart problems, kidney problems and hypertension.
  4. There is a danger of individual heart intolerance. In this case, it should be completely excluded from the diet.
  5. Older people who have problems with pressure and other cardiovascular diseases should limit the use of this by-product, because it contains cholesterol, which can damage blood vessels and accumulate harmful plaques in them.

Where to buy and how to store beef heart?

It is not advisable to buy a heart on the market, because there is no certainty that it passes the necessary sanitary and epidemiological control there. It is better to purchase it in the meat departments of specialized stores.

If you need to cook the heart in the near future, then you can leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, but not more than 2 days. If the purchase of the product is provided for a long time, then it is necessary to freeze it. In any case, you need to wash the heart only before cooking.

Beef heart has proven itself as a dietary offal that is of great benefit to the human body. With the right choice and skillful, rational inclusion of it in the diet (no more than twice a week), you can firmly be sure that the body will receive a valuable product without harm to health.

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According to the culinary classification, beef heart is classified as an offal of the first category. This means that its nutritional value is only marginally inferior to that of meat. Usually this product is prepared from the carcasses of young animals (calves and cows), the pulp of such hearts is much healthier, softer and more palatable. The weight of one heart can reach 2 kg, but the smaller it is, the less time it will take to cook it.
The flesh of a good quality fresh heart is usually dark, reddish-brown in color and is characterized by its ability to quickly regain its shape when pressed. On its surface there are no dark or whitish spots, whitish coating and mucus, and the heart has a pleasant pronounced meaty smell.
The widest part is covered not only with a film, but also with a layer of fat. Before cooking, the fat and blood clots remaining after the initial treatment are cleaned, and the heart itself is thoroughly washed with running water.

Dietary low-fat beef heart surpasses beef in its valuable properties: in terms of the amount of iron, the heart is 1.5 times ahead of meat, and in terms of the content of B vitamins - 6 times! In addition, the pulp of the heart is rich in magnesium, which improves the condition of the human heart muscle.
The composition of this offal includes important trace elements: phosphorus, sodium, potassium, zinc and calcium. The vitamin composition includes, in addition to various B vitamins (mainly 2, 6, 9, 12), vitamin A, PP, and vitamin C.

Beneficial features

Thanks to the magnesium contained in the product, eating the heart improves the condition of the human cardiovascular system, which makes it useful for the elderly, with great physical exertion and during the period of intensive growth in adolescents.
The high content of zinc helps to improve the elasticity of blood vessel walls and stimulates the production of more motile sperm. Beef heart snacks, introduced into the menu of spouses, help to accelerate the onset of pregnancy.
In terms of calories, this offal in boiled or stewed form can be attributed to dietary dishes - per 100 gr. product accounts for only 96 kcal.


Beef heart is eaten boiled, fried, baked or stewed, it is cooked whole, in pieces or chopped. The most useful is a boiled or stewed heart. To prepare it, the pulp is washed well, cleaned of fat and blood residue, soaked for at least 2-3 hours, changing the water once or twice, and then boiled with roots (parsley, onion and carrot) for 1.5-2 hours until softness.

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Despite the fact that the beef heart, along with the tongue and, belongs to the offal of the first group, in terms of its nutritional value it is not inferior to beef, which is considered the most useful food product.

The beef heart is a fine-fibred dense structure of dark red color. The weight of the heart of a large animal reaches 2 kilograms. Its thickened part is covered with a layer of adipose tissue, on which there may be blood clots.

Fresh beef heart has an elastic texture and returns to its original shape when pressed. Beef heart is sold in the meat departments of supermarkets in a chilled or frozen form. A high-quality product should not have an unpleasant odor, stains on the surface and significant ruptures of muscle tissue, which lead to blood loss and a deterioration in taste. The most valuable and nutritious is the chilled heart of young bulls.

Beef heart: benefits, chemical composition, calories

The beneficial effect on the body of beef heart is due to the chemical composition and low calorie content. Beef meat and offal are a source of complete proteins of animal origin, which contain almost all essential amino acids. They are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied only with food. The low content of fats and carbohydrates causes low caloric content and dietary properties. Beef heart is valuable as a rich source of vitamins that perform important functions to ensure the vital activity of the body, and iron, which prevents anemia.

  • proteins - 16 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2 g;
  • fats - 3.5 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - 0.8 g;
  • cholesterol - 140 mg;
  • ash elements - 1 g.

Calorie content of 100 g of boiled beef heart is 96 kcal. Beef heart contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, H, PP and a significant amount of macro and microelements, which not only maintain the mineral balance, but also regulate the vital processes of the body. These are: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chromium, manganese, etc.

Beef heart can be safely eaten without compromising health. It is especially useful for people who experience regular physical activity, as well as for children and adolescents. Their growing organisms are in dire need of building material, which is protein. The high content of vitamins contributes to the rapid absorption of proteins, which activates the growth of muscle tissue.

Doctors allow eating beef heart, which is an equivalent substitute for beef, 2-3 times a week, which meets the needs of the average person, replenishes the body with the necessary amount of iron and prevents anemia. In addition, regular use of beef heart activates the digestive tract and maintains the acid-base balance at an acceptable level.

Harmful effect of beef heart

Along with useful components, purine bases are present in the beef heart, which negatively affect metabolic processes and contribute to the formation and accumulation of uric acid. This happens from an excess of meat products in the diet, which causes a violation of capillary permeability and the development of osteochondrosis, gout and other serious diseases.

Excess protein in the diet creates additional stress on the kidneys, which is fraught with serious problems. To process excess proteins that come with food, the body has to spend additional calcium, which is taken from the bones, which leads to their weakening.

Due to the significant content of cholesterol, an excess of beef offal is dangerous for the elderly who suffer from high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Only a balanced consumption of beef and its offal in combination with healthy side dishes will not harm the body and will not provoke problems with the kidneys, heart or digestive system. In rare cases, individual intolerance to beef heart occurs, when it is best to completely abandon this product.

Application in cooking

A large variety of tasty and healthy dishes can be prepared from beef heart: cold appetizers, first and second courses, as well as minced meat for pies, dumplings, pancakes and kulebyak.

It is recommended to boil the whole heart. It is washed, cleaned of blood clots, poured with hot water, salted, brought to a boil, skimmed off the foam and boiled until cooked, periodically checking the softness with a knife or a chef's needle. The finished heart is taken out, cooled and excess fat is cut off on its thickened part.

Boiled beef heart, cut into thin slices, can be served with a vegetable salad as a cold appetizer. It perfectly complements cold cuts, which are often served at the festive table. Beef heart cut into small cubes can be included in Olivier or Stolichny salads.

A lot of hot appetizers can be prepared from a boiled heart. A slice of boiled beef heart is placed on a piece of bread, poured over with mayonnaise, sprinkled with grated cheese and put in a microwave or oven. Such a healthy snack will fill you up perfectly and will not take much time to prepare.

Boiled beef heart can be used for cooking first courses. It is especially suitable for preparing a team hodgepodge with a whole range of meat products.

To prepare second courses, the boiled heart is cut into cubes or strips, fried with a small amount of oil, poured with tomato, sour cream or milk sauce and brought to a boil. Served with cereal, vegetable or pasta garnish, sprinkled with herbs. You can fry portioned pieces of boiled heart and serve them with browned onions.

To prepare minced meat, boiled beef heart is passed through a meat grinder, lightly fried in oil, pepper, finely chopped browned onion are added. Such minced meat can be used for filling both independently and together with potatoes or rice.

Beef heart belongs to category 1 offal, which is characterized by a high content of biologically active substances, is actively used in the diet for preparing both independent dishes and as side dishes and additives to others. In terms of nutritional value, it is quite a bit inferior to meat; consists of muscular dense tissue with very thin fibers. Value, taste and quality depend on age - young is better in all respects.


The rich vitamin and mineral composition is useful for a healthy balanced diet and for those who suffer from:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Disorders of the nervous system
  • anemia.

It is included in nutrition to improve blood composition, during the recovery period after injuries, infectious diseases and operations. It has an average calorie content, and the composition of vitamins from group B is almost six times more than in beef meat. It is recommended by dietitians for the elderly and people experiencing great physical and mental stress. A valuable dietary product - with a budget cost (available to everyone).

The high content of chromium compounds helps glucose penetrate into cells (GTP factor), and if there is not enough chromium, then the level of sugar and cholesterol in the body rises, and vitamin B6 has the same property. The biological properties of such compounds are: regulation of blood glucose levels, early and ulcer healing, improving sexual functions, anti-sclerotic and many others.

Only the liver produces heparin - doctors use it to normalize blood clotting: to prevent and combat thrombosis and varicose veins.

In the energy balance - 61.9% is protein. Vitamins and minerals help strengthen and improve hair, nails, and facial skin. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of complex enzymes, which then renew and build the cellular structures and tissues of the body. Protein strengthens the immune system and increases defenses.


In order to diversify the diet with inexpensive and low-calorie dishes, various salads are prepared from the heart - with vegetables and spices, stews, pates; stew, bake, fry. Serve as a separate dish or as a side dish. You should choose elastic, with a fresh “meaty” smell and, of course, checked by the sanitary and epidemiological supervision services.


With the right diet, when there is no excess protein, there are no contraindications, it is possible for pregnant women, children, the sick and healthy. The high cholesterol content (140 mg/100 grams) should also be taken into account when compiling the menu. Cholesterol is able to damage the lining of blood vessels from the inside, forming plaques that gradually calcify and block the vessels. And atherosclerosis, as you know, disrupts cardiac activity and causes other diseases.

But if the product is consumed in large quantities, an unbalanced diet is obtained and protein is supplied in excess. In this case, there may be poisoning with decay products - ketosis, the digestive system and kidneys will be overloaded.

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation.

The nutritional value

The amount of valuable substances per 100 grams of the product and% of the daily requirement

Vitamins and minerals

The tables reflect their content in 100 grams and% ratio to the daily norm.


Name Content in 100 grams in mg
A(RE) 20.0 mcg 2. 2
B1 (thiamine) 0.36 mg 24. 0
B2 (riboflavin) 0.75 mg 41. 7
B5 (pantothenic acid) 2.5 mg 50. 0
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.3 mg 15. 0
B9 (folic acid) 2. 5 mcg 0. 6
B12(cobalamins) 10.0 mcg 333. 0
C (ascorbic acid) 4.0 mg 4. 4
H (biotin) 8.0 mcg 16. 0
PP (niacin equivalent) 8.7 mg 43. 5

Minerals (macro- and microelements):

Name Quantity (in mg, mcg)

% ratio to daily requirement

Macronutrients Ca (calcium) 7.0 mg 0. 7
Mg (magnesium) 23.0 mg 5. 8
Na (sodium) 100.0 mg 7. 7
K (potassium) 260.0 mg 10. 4
Ph (phosphorus) 210.0 mg 26. 3
S (sulphur) 160.0 mg 16. 0
Trace elements Fe (iron) 4. 8 mg 26. 7
Zn (zinc) 2. 12 mg 17. 7
I (iodine) 7. 3 mcg 4. 9
Cu (copper) 380.0 mcg 38. 0
Mn (manganese) 0.059 mg 2. 9
Se (selenium) 21.8 mcg 39. 6
Cr (chrome) 29.0 mcg 58. 0
F (fluorine) 50.0mcg 1. 3
Mo (molybdenum) 19.0 mcg 27. 1
Co (cobalt) 5.0 mcg 50. 0

Beef heart is a valuable and very rich in vitamins and minerals product, so its quantity and portion must be regulated. Only with the rational inclusion of it in food can you be sure that it will benefit.
