
How delicious to cook cabbage soup from sorrel. Sorrel cabbage soup - a recipe for spring mood

Shchi from sorrel is a national Russian first course, which is traditionally boiled from sour cabbage. In the old days, when stocks of sauerkraut dried up by the end of winter, housewives adapted to cook spring cabbage soup from sorrel. This greenery was one of the first to appear on the meadows from under the melted snow. It had the same sour taste as cabbage from a barrel.

Since then, it has become a good tradition to cook sorrel cabbage soup, which is not inferior to cabbage soup either in taste or nutritional value. Consider a recipe with a photo on how to cook delicious rich cabbage soup with egg and meat.

Ingredients for sorrel soup with egg

  • 400 g pork;
  • 2 onions;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 2 liters of pure drinking water;
  • 400 g fresh sorrel;
  • 1 bunch of green onions and parsley;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 100 g of fatty sour cream (25%);
  • 20 g butter;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • a little freshly ground black pepper and salt.
  • The process of making cabbage soup from sorrel with an egg

    Rinse thoroughly a piece of lean pork, lower the meat into a pot of water, bring to a boil. As soon as scale appears, remove it with a slotted spoon, turn the heat up to medium, cover with a lid, cook the pork for about half an hour. If you want to get a dish with a mild taste, we advise you to cook cabbage soup from sorrel in chicken broth. The bird will soften the taste, making the dish not so high in calories.

    With my special kitchen brush, peel potatoes, carrots, onions. We cut the tubers into arbitrary cubes, three carrots on a medium grater, and chop the onion into small pieces.

    We carefully sort out the leaves of sour greens, rejecting spoiled sluggish leaves, do not forget to remove the petioles. We thoroughly wash the finished leaves, dry them, coarsely chop with a knife.

    Wash the rest of the greens, dry them, chop them finely, after removing the coarse cuttings.

    Wash the eggs well, dip them in cold salted water, cook for 7 minutes after boiling, so that the yolks inside are well boiled. We shift them to cool in ice water, peel them.

    We continue to cook sorrel soup with egg when the meat is completely cooked. We take out the pork from the broth on a plate, and pour the potatoes into the pan, cook it for a quarter of an hour. In the process, add the meat, cut into medium-sized pieces.

    We put two pans on the stove. In one, melt a piece of butter, place the sorrel mass, simmer it for 5 minutes, stirring from time to time. In the other, we pass the onion in vegetable oil, when it becomes transparent, add the grated carrot, fry everything for a couple of minutes.

    We add the contents of both pans to the semi-finished potatoes, mix, season with spices to taste, add bay leaf, continue cooking for a quarter of an hour. At the end of cooking, add fresh herbs, turn off the heat, insist cabbage soup from sorrel for 5 minutes under the lid.

    Serve the dish with sour cream, placing a few slices of boiled egg on a plate.

    Using the same recipe, you can cook chicken soup from sorrel.

    Happy meal everyone!

    Note to the owner

  • The recipe will turn out to be more satisfying if you use meat with a bone to cook the broth. Pork ribs, chicken wings or drumsticks, veal brisket, etc. are good.
  • When choosing raw materials for the preparation of cabbage soup, it must be taken into account that the young sorrel is less acidic and it needs to be taken more. And ripe greens have more oxalic acid, so you need less of it, but it takes longer to cook.
  • If the taste of boiled eggs is not to your liking, then the recipe can be slightly modified. Break raw eggs into a bowl, beat them well with a whisk, add to the saucepan along with parsley and dill.
  • In the spring, when the first sorrel appears, I cook delicious green cabbage soup from sorrel. They are sometimes called sorrel soup or green borscht with sorrel. I just call him Sorrel". And as usual, I cook this delicious first course without meat. Of course delicious green cabbage soup from sorrel you can cook with meat, in meat broth, but my husband doesn’t eat meat, so I cook sorrel soup without meat. But you can’t call these green cabbage soup a lean dish either, because I use eggs in their preparation. Call it the first course green borscht with sorrel it would also be wrong, since the main component of any borscht is beetroot, and I don’t add beetroot or beetroot leaves. Let's call this dish sorrel soup quite appropriate, since cabbage soup is actually a vegetable soup. And what’s more, cabbage soup is usually made from raw vegetables, and when preparing this first dish from sorrel, I lightly fry (pass) carrots with onions, it’s tastier. Therefore, if we focus on the sour taste of this first course, then this green cabbage soup from sorrel, and if the passivation of carrots with onions during its preparation, then this sorrel soup. But if you add beets or beet tops, then you can also call green borscht with sorrel.

    You can easily find out how to cook delicious cabbage soup, borscht or soups in the subheadings "" or "", and if you are interested in other delicious dishes, then select the appropriate names in the "Headings" section or visit the main section "".

    Green cabbage soup with sorrel or sorrel soup, recipe

    The recipe for making delicious green cabbage soup with sorrel (sorrel soup) is very simple and any housewife can do it. And the fact that they are really tasty, even without meat, you will be convinced by preparing them at least once.

    For cooking you will need the following products:

    Fresh sorrel - 200 grams;

    Potatoes - 3 pieces;

    Carrots - 1 piece;

    Onion (medium size) - 2 pieces;

    Eggs - 4 pieces;

    Green onion - a small bunch;

    Parsley - a small bunch;

    Sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;

    Butter - 20 - 30 grams;

    How to cook green cabbage soup from sorrel (sorrel soup), step by step recipe with photo

    To cook green cabbage soup with sorrel or sorrel soup, you need to peel potatoes, carrots and onions, boil and peel eggs. Chop potatoes, carrots, onions, sorrel, green onions, parsley and eggs. Sliced ​​carrots with onions additionally fry and boil all the vegetables and eggs.

    And now a step-by-step recipe for cooking green cabbage soup with sorrel (sorrel soup) with a photo.

    I pour about 2.5 liters of water into the pan and put it on the stove so that the water boils.

    Separately, I put a stewpan on the stove and boil eggs in it, hard boiled, i.e. after boiling water, boil the eggs for 7 minutes.

    While the eggs are boiling, I peel the potatoes, carrots and onions. My peeled vegetables.

    When the eggs are cooked, remove the saucepan from the heat, drain the hot water and pour cold water over the eggs to cool them down.

    I cut the potatoes into small cubes and wash them from starch. During this time, I have boiled water in a saucepan, and I put chopped potatoes in it.

    I rub the carrots on a coarse grater, and finely chop the onion.

    While the potatoes are cooking (about 15 minutes), I wash the sorrel, put it in a colander so that water drains from it. My green onions and parsley. I peel cold eggs. I cut the washed sorrel into strips about 1 cm wide, I also cut parsley and green onions.

    Then I put a frying pan on the stove, put butter and sunflower oil in it. In a frying pan heated with oil, put the carrots and onions to fry.

    I fry the carrots and onions for about two minutes, stirring constantly so that the onions do not lose their color.

    I put the fried onions and carrots into a saucepan with potatoes and let them cook for 2-3 minutes.

    During this time, I cut the eggs into cubes.

    After the carrots with onions and potatoes are cooked a little, I put sorrel, green onions, parsley, chopped eggs into the pan and add salt.

    Hot first courses have always been one of the main components of the menu in Rus'. Shchi, which was prepared from a different set of vegetables in meat broth, or even simply on water, enjoyed particular success.

    Shchi is popular today, but many of those who liked this culinary brand cannot understand how shchi differs from borscht? First of all, the fact that the latter certainly included beets, which were not supposed to be put in the first dishes.

    In cabbage soup, there must have been a “sour note” in the face of sauerkraut or sorrel. It was the young sorrel, whose sprouts hatch from the ground with the first warm days, that rescued the housewives in early spring, when winter supplies were already noticeably depleted, and the family, starving for vitamins over the winter, ate fresh herb soup with appetite.

    Now he still saves us from beriberi in early spring and diversifies the table in the height of summer. In addition, some types of green cabbage soup are quite low in calories, so they are perfect for those who, with the approach of summer heat, are thinking about how to lose a couple of extra pounds accumulated over the winter.

    Over the years, many different recipes for this delicious dish have been invented - from simple to sophisticated. We invite you to get acquainted with some of them.

    Shchi "Village"

    It is best to cook cabbage soup in the oven, and not in simple dishes, but in a cast-iron pot. The procedure for preparing cabbage soup from sorrel is as follows:

    1. Peel the potatoes, boil them whole and cool, then cut into cubes.
    2. Strain the decoction.
    3. Cut vegetables, add butter/margarine and a little broth, simmer for 5-7 minutes.
    4. Put potato cubes in a pot, pour in the broth, bring to a boil and turn off the oven after two minutes.

    Before serving, salt, sprinkle with dill and put sour cream.

    "Sorrel classic"

    Classic sorrel soup includes:

    • a kilogram of beef or veal (bone with pulp) - you can also thawed, but better than a steam room;
    • four medium-sized potato tubers;
    • one small carrot;
    • one medium head of onion;
    • three boiled chicken eggs;
    • three bunches of sorrel (for those who like sour, you can have more);
    • a bunch of green onions;
    • bunch of parsley;
    • a bunch of fresh dill;
    • two leaves of lavrushka;
    • one hundred grams of sour cream;
    • salt and black pepper (peas or ground) - to taste.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes (excluding cooking meat).

    Calories in 100 grams - 40.

    Green cabbage soup with sorrel, meat and egg is prepared in the following order:

    Done - welcome to the table.

    The indicated amount of products is for six servings, but if this is too much for you, it is very easy to reduce it.

    Soup "Green Wizard"

    The next version of the dish is sorrel soup in chicken broth with celery and egg. Together with this tasty and healthy dish, spring warmth and lively solar energy flow into the body. Try it - see for yourself!

    It consists of:

    The dish will be ready in 30-40 minutes.

    100 grams of the dish contains 50 kcal.

    1. We start, of course, with chicken - gutted, washed and boiled. If the bird is fatty, it is better to drain the first broth by pouring fresh water - the soup will not be so rich, and the meat will become softer. Part of the chicken, crumbled into pieces, later added to the soup, the rest can be used to prepare a second course.
    2. While the chicken is cooking, prepare a set of vegetables: peel potatoes, carrots and onions; if the celery is not very young, remove the hard veins from the bottom up, gently picking them up with a knife.
    3. Wash the peeled vegetables under running water. Potatoes and carrots must be cut into cubes, celery - across the stem, sorrel leaves are stacked and cut first along, then across. Too fine crumbling is not worth it.
    4. We take out the finished chicken from the pan and put the potatoes there. When the broth boils, you need to remove the foam and add the remaining vegetables - let them boil for another ten minutes.
    5. The final touch: finely chop the greens and eggs, pour into a saucepan, mix well and remove from heat exactly after three minutes.
    6. Immediately after that, salt and pepper. By adding salt and pepper only after cooking, we thus preserve the natural taste of the dish, avoiding "overdoing it."

    If desired, sour cream can be added to the plate, but even without it, the soup will be overeating.

    Soup "Spring vitamin" in a slow cooker

    Sorrel harmonizes perfectly with young nettles. Both of these plants are a real storehouse of vitamin C, so necessary for our body after a long cold winter. Using a slow cooker, it is very easy to cook a delicious first meal out of them.

    It will require:

    • 4 pieces of chicken wings;
    • 1 bunch of sorrel and nettle (greens should be young and fresh);
    • a couple of small potato tubers;
    • one medium carrot;
    • onion turnip - a small head;
    • green onion - 30 gr.;
    • one chicken egg;
    • one and a half liters of water;
    • sour cream, spices, salt - to taste.

    All cooking will take no more than an hour.

    In 100 gr. ready meals - 45 kcal.

    The process of cooking cabbage soup from sorrel with nettle in the spring in a slow cooker:

    1. Remove the skin from the wings, rinse and separate the meat from the bones.
    2. Peel the carrots, grate on a coarse grater; cut the peeled onion head into cubes.
    3. Put the meat and vegetables in a slow cooker, pour water, add spices and salt.
    4. Set the "cooking" mode for half an hour.
    5. After half an hour, put diced potatoes in a slow cooker and, without changing the mode, cook for another 10 minutes.
    6. Sorrel and nettle leaves cut across into thin strips.
    7. As soon as the potatoes are cooked, add all the greens and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
    8. Beat the egg with a whisk in a bowl and, having heard a beep, pour it into the soup in a neat stream, while stirring quickly so that flakes do not form.
    9. After a couple of minutes, turn off the multicooker - a light and tasty vitamin soup is ready. If desired, meat can be excluded from the recipe, and the raw egg can be replaced with boiled, finely chopped. When serving, put a spoonful of sour cream in each plate.

    This is the variety of tastes that such an unpretentious herb as sorrel can give us, growing literally in every garden and not requiring special care and attention. With simple and appetizing first courses “with green sourness”, even an inexperienced hostess will always be able to pamper herself and her family.

    In the spring, when the lack of vitamins is felt especially acutely, and the vegetables stored since autumn lose their nutritional appeal, it is time for early greenery. And the main task is how to eat more of it. Solving this problem, I cook cabbage soup with sorrel and egg according to a very simple recipe. The green components in it undergo minimal heat treatment, and therefore retain all their useful properties.

    Sorrel soup with egg

    Kitchenware: pot, stove.


    • Sorrel should be fresh and elastic, green in color, without damage. It is better to choose a bunch with small and medium leaves (large sizes indicate a large amount of nitrates used to grow it or a venerable age).
    • Buy more green onions, for cabbage soup we will use only feathers.
    • And another very important component of our cabbage soup is the broth. It must be strong, rich.

    Step by step cooking

    1. Hard boil 5 eggs in advance. Pour 2 liters of ready-made broth into the pan, put on the stove.
    2. Carefully washed sorrel cut into strips.

    3. Grind 200 g of green onion feathers and 50 g of dill.

    4. Wash and peel 500 g potatoes. Cut it into not too small pieces.

    5. We clean the eggs and cut into cubes.

    6. Pour the chopped potatoes into the boiled broth and cook until soft. This will take 15-20 minutes.

    7. When the potatoes are absolutely ready, add the sorrel.

    8. Immediately fall asleep onion and dill. Salt.

    9. After the boil resumes, hold for 1-2 minutes and turn off the fire.

    10. Add chopped eggs to the bowl.

    11. Let the soup brew for 10-15 minutes, pour into bowls and serve.

    12. Shchi is served hot with sour cream. Make sure that there are bread, pepper and mustard on the table.

    • Boiled eggs do not have to be put in cabbage soup, you can add them to the plate when serving.
    • Eggs can not be boiled, but put into cabbage soup raw. To do this, they are broken into a bowl, the yolk and protein are thoroughly mixed with a fork and poured into boiling cabbage soup in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
    • If you did not use carrots when preparing the broth, put them together with potatoes, after cutting them into slices or strips.
    • Shchi will become even more useful if you put a bunch of spinach along with sorrel.

    Video recipe for cooking cabbage soup from sorrel

    In this video you can see how sorrel cabbage soup with egg is prepared according to this simple recipe.

    Did you know? Sorrel is rich in vitamin C. Only 100 g of green leaves cover the daily requirement of the human body for this vitamin. In addition, it contains vitamins E, PP, A and group B, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium and organic acids.

    How to cook the "right" broth

    For the broth, we choose lean meat that contains a lot of connective tissue: beef brisket, shank, rump. Pork shoulder or lamb ribs will do. You can put the chicken in whole or use any of its parts at your discretion. You can make bone broth. For 2 liters of broth, we need 1 kg of meat with bones and 2.5 liters of water. The result will be excellent if you follow these rules:

    • pour meat only with cold water so that during cooking it gradually releases proteins and mineral salts into the broth;
    • do not move far from the pan until the broth boils in order to collect the foam and fat formed on the surface in time;
    • after boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, the broth should be cooked at a temperature of 80 ° -90 °, boiling on the surface will not be noticeable, only occasionally air bubbles will rise from the bottom;
    • you can’t cook a good broth in a hurry, for chicken it will take 1-2 hours, beef and pork will take from 2 to 3 hours;
    • half an hour before readiness, add a large onion and 2 medium carrots to the pan;
    • it is better to salt the broth at the very end, 10 minutes before the finish line.

    Other cooking options

    Sorrel soup is prepared from fresh sorrel in summer and spring, but in winter you can use frozen or canned. Frozen sorrel has an undeniable advantage, since the loss of vitamins in it is insignificant - no more than 15%. During conservation, this figure increases to 50%. In addition, before you cook cabbage soup from canned sorrel, you need to find out if salt was used to prepare it so as not to spoil the finished dish.

    In the spring, be sure to cook - this is not only a healthy dish, but also very tasty. And if we are talking about cabbage soup, be sure to try the traditional or winter version. For those who cook in a slow cooker, it will be of interest to those specially designed for it.

    Step 1: prepare the meat broth.

    Rinse the ham or chicken soup set well under running water and put it in a medium saucepan. Fill with purified water and put the container on medium heat. When the water begins to boil, foam from the meat forms on its surface. Remove it with a slotted spoon and throw it in the sink. Immediately after this, we make a small fire, cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth for 1 hour depending on the size of the chicken meat.

    Step 2: prepare green onions.

    We wash the green onions under running water, put them on a cutting board and finely chop with a knife. Transfer the green onions to a free plate.

    Step 3: prepare the bow.

    Using a knife, peel the onion from the husk and then rinse it thoroughly under running cold water. We spread the vegetable on a cutting board and grind it into small cubes with the same sharp inventory.

    Step 4: prepare the onion fry.

    Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan and put the container on medium heat. When the oil warms up well, make a small fire and pour the chopped onion into the pan. With constant stirring with a wooden spatula, fry until a transparent color. Immediately after that, pour finely chopped green onions into a container, mix everything well again and continue to fry the frying for another 2 minutes. Turn off the burner and set the pan aside.

    Step 5: prepare the sorrel.

    Rinse each sorrel leaf well under running water to wash off possible dirt and sand, and transfer to a medium bowl.

    After that 1/2 part put the sorrel on a cutting board and, using a knife, finely chop the leaves.

    Now we shift the chopped greens into a colander and pour boiling water over it. Rinse immediately afterwards under cold water. This must be done in order to remove excess bitterness and acid from the sorrel, and so that it does not lose its color. Transfer the chopped leaves to a clean plate. And now we repeat the same procedure with whole leaves. Immediately after that, put them in a meat grinder and grind to a puree state directly into a clean bowl.

    Step 6: Prepare the Potatoes.

    We peel the potatoes with a knife and then rinse them well under running water. We spread the vegetable on a cutting board and cut it into small cubes with the same sharp inventory. Transfer the chopped potatoes to a free plate.

    Step 7: prepare the meat.

    When the broth is ready, and this can be checked with a fork, piercing the flesh of the meat. If it is soft, then the broth is ready. We take out a ham or soup set and transfer it to a cutting board. When the meat has cooled slightly, separate the flesh from the bone and cut into small pieces with a knife.

    Step 8: Prepare cabbage soup from fresh sorrel.

    With the help of kitchen tacks, we filter the finished broth through a sieve into another clean saucepan and put it on a small fire again. When the broth boils, put the pieces of meat and potatoes into it. Mix everything well with a tablespoon and cook the soup for 10-15 minutes until the potatoes are almost cooked.

    After the allotted time, add onion frying, all sorrel, bay leaves to the cabbage soup, and also salt and pepper the soup to taste. Again, mix everything well with improvised equipment and cook the dish again 5 minutes. Immediately after that, turn off the burner, and cover the pan with a lid and let the soup brew for 30 minutes.

    Step 9: serve cabbage soup from fresh sorrel.

    With the help of a ladle, pour the soup from fresh sorrel into deep plates and serve. The soup turns out very tasty, fragrant and moderately sour. Shchi can be served with sour cream and boiled eggs, and you can also sprinkle with finely chopped herbs for beauty. For greater satiety, serve crackers or slices of bread.

    Enjoy your meal!

    Broiler chicken is best for making fresh sorrel soup, as its meat is much softer and cooks faster.

    In order to grind the sorrel, you can use a blender. To do this, use the appliance at low speed for 1-2 minutes.

    For a more expressive taste, spinach can be added to cabbage soup, while we take half the amount of sorrel than spinach.

    Pork and beef can be used to prepare the broth.
