
Vegetable cocktails (smoothies) in a blender. cocktails

Good day, my dear admirers of a healthy lifestyle. Did you know that you can easily lose weight with the help of "magic" green smoothies? And we will prepare them from ingredients known to us. Just don’t tell your husband 🙂 Therefore, let’s go to the kitchen and prepare vegetable cocktails in a blender, I have the recipes in store.

The amazing properties of these cocktails are difficult to overestimate. These desserts have a lot of advantages compared to ordinary juices. Vegetables and herbs used to make smoothies contain fiber, which is left in these drinks. Therefore, they are classified as negative calorie foods. "What does all this mean?" - you ask.

Minus-calorie foods have little energy value. That is, they have few notorious calories.

However, for the processing of such foods, the body has to spend a lot of energy. As a result, it turns out that by eating vegetables and herbs, the body spends more calories than it receives. And this is very good for weight loss. In addition, the tips from the article low-calorie dishes will help you in the fight against extra kilos.

Another advantage of such smoothies is that they are not only healthy, but also delicious. Such desserts can easily replace snacks during the day, or even breakfast or dinner. In addition, the inclusion of "green" smoothies in the diet allows you to increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits consumed.

Just keep in mind - smoothies, due to the high fiber content, must be diluted with water or ground ice in a 1: 1 ratio. So you load your pancreas less.

According to recent studies, you need to eat 5 “fresh” servings per day. This will prevent the development of chronic diseases. If you use different smoothies at least 2 times a day, the body will receive the required “fresh” portion of vegetables and fruits.

beetroot cocktail

This super healthy dessert is a great option for a light dinner. It will help the body replenish the portion of iodine consumed per day. In addition, this smoothie is rich in folic acid, iron, and betaine. These components will speed up the travel of oxygen through tissue cells and help it get to the brain faster. But the pectins contained in the cocktail will help neutralize and remove the toxins accumulated during the day.

For him you will need:

  • 1-2 medium root carrots;
  • ¼ medium beets;
  • a small piece of ginger root;
  • orange.

Make beetroot juice and leave it for a few hours. My friends, never, under any circumstances, drink freshly squeezed beetroot juice. When molecules of beet juice come into contact with air, dangerous volatile substances are formed. Their rapid entry into the body contributes to dizziness and nausea. Therefore, we put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

In a blender, mix the pulp of an orange, peeled carrots and ginger. Then we combine the resulting thermonuclear mixture with settled beetroot juice and add about the same amount of water by volume.

If you want to get a soft drink on a hot day - put crushed ice cubes 🙂

Tomato smoothie for weight loss

Tomatoes are known for being rich in potassium. And this element perfectly normalizes the work of the heart muscle, and also stimulates the production of gastric juice. Phytoncides contained in tomato juice speed up the process of digestion. Tomato juice is also rich in organic acids, which activate the metabolism, which means they help to lose weight.

You need to take:

  • half a grapefruit;
  • a glass of freshly squeezed tomato juice;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tbsp sweet red pepper.

We grind the pulp of an exotic fruit and herbs in a blender. Then mix this mass with tomato juice and pepper. Mix everything well again. Smoothie is ready to be consumed.

Also, this dessert helps to fill the iodine deficiency in the body and speeds up metabolic processes. But that's not all. It turns out that celery fresh also enhances sexual desire. Straight, a tool for all occasions 🙂

Option 1: you need to take 50 ml of celery juice, egg yolk and ½ cup of milk. We mix all these components in a blender and beat them until foam appears. You can increase the portion if you wish. In one squat, you can drink a drink, the content of celery in which should be no more than 100 ml.

Option 2: take a green apple, 1-2 stalks of celery, a bunch of spinach, 150 ml of water (or crushed ice). For sourness, add 1 tbsp. lemon. Grind everything in a blender and pour into glasses.

Option 3: I wrote this option in a separate article 🙂

Here is another interesting video recipe:

carrot smoothie

This fresh is a real champion in the content of the vitamin-mineral complex. It is very useful for the brain, muscles, eyes, and just do the whole body. This is a great option for weight loss. In addition, we sell carrots all year round.

Once she got so hooked on carrots that she ate several pieces a day. There were no blenders then and I ate it raw. Somehow I had to go to a therapist. When she saw my yellow hands, she almost fell off her chair. Thought I had jaundice. And it turned out that carrots are a very good dye. Since then I have been trying to make smoothies, gradually enjoying the process of eating 🙂

You will need:

  • orange;
  • 2 pcs. green apples (granny type)
  • 3 medium sized carrots;
  • 1 st. mineral water without gas (or water).

Rinse apples well and peel. Cut the peeled root crops into slices, and free the citrus from the partitions.

First, place the carrots in a blender and chop. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. You can add a small piece of ginger or a small handful of walnuts to spice it up. Everything, the smoothie is ready to be consumed.

And here is another version of the video recipe with carrots:

There are many more excellent options for cocktails that help get rid of extra pounds. You can find some of them in the article " slimming smoothies in a blender". I think that you also have a lot of proven recipes in store. Share, friends. And subscribe to updates to know everything and be able to do everything. See you soon, readers.

Anyone who cares about healthy eating is probably looking for new ways to prepare simple and healthy meals. Smoothies are one of the healthiest foods. Vegetables, fruits, dairy…

A cocktail introduced into the daily diet replaces one full meal. Actually, because it consists of products that we need to eat - boiled or fresh. Cocktail is just a form of its preparation.

Now the word “smoothie” has come into our everyday life (from the English “smothie” - soft, gentle, cool), but in fact it is the same cocktail.

All cocktails are prepared very simply: throw the chopped ingredients (fill, fall asleep) into the blender cup, then literally 2-3 minutes of the blender and the cocktail is ready. For vegetable cocktails, it is better to use a mixer.

Fruit cocktails.

Everyone knows the benefits of fruit and vegetable juices. So I'll tell you, cocktails are even healthier.

Because, in addition to liquid, they include fibers and pulp, that is, all the most useful that is excluded from juices.

I haven't been drinking store-bought juices for a long time. I love freshly squeezed ones, and I usually take them in cafes, but I still prefer to make cocktails at home. Here, after all, both the benefit and the flight for creativity!

In fact, you can vary any fruit with any syrups, juices, spices and in different proportions. In the summer, at my leisure, I often get carried away with such experiments, and I wish you to definitely try to create some kind of your own cocktail that perfectly suits your tastes. And I will share with you unpretentious cocktail recipes that are the most beneficial for our body.

Grapefruit cocktail.

1 grapefruit + 100 ml of water + 100 ml of green tea + 10-20 g of ginger tuber. You can add 1-2 g of vanilla sugar, because the cocktail has a rather spicy taste.

A grapefruit cocktail, drunk instead of lunch or an afternoon snack, firstly, will give the body the necessary vitamins, and secondly, it will prepare it for the main course - it stimulates metabolism. I love grapefruit smoothies!

Banana cocktail

1 banana + 100 ml milk + 20-30 g lemon juice + a little cinnamon (optional).

Banana helps to remove excess salt from the body, and besides, it is very rich in potassium, that is, it will keep the heart in good shape. It is better to drink a banana cocktail in the morning, for losing weight, in the evening it will contribute to weight gain.

Kiwi apple smoothie

1 green apple + 1 kiwi + 150g low fat liquid yogurt

A very healthy cocktail, which can already be categorized as green smoothies. One of the best cocktails for weight loss. Low-calorie, but rich in vitamins.

Vegetable smoothies.

Most often for vegetable cocktails I use tomato juice. This is the only juice I buy. Just carefully read the composition: so that it is with pulp and sugarless. They are quite hard to find, but they do exist. Or you can also use the water in which the potatoes were boiled.


2 boiled carrots + 30 g celery stalks + 100 g blueberries + 20 ml lemon juice + 250 ml tomato juice + salt and black pepper.

One of the healthiest vegetable smoothies. It is especially recommended for those who have vision problems. If you drink 3-4 glasses a day for several days, you can get improvement in vision (albeit temporary).


2 boiled potatoes + 1 bell pepper + 200 g of water in which the potatoes were boiled + a little white base from green onions.

Green smoothies.

In addition to the fact that green smoothies are useful for weight loss, they are useful for absolutely all people, regardless of age and build.

Someone does not like green vegetables, respectively, receives less vitamins. Especially in winter time. Therefore, it is so important to drink green smoothies at least 3-4 times a week.

Option 1.

Perhaps the most useful, although not very tasty.

4 leaves of cabbage (cut off the thickening near the base) + 2 green apples + juice of half a lemon + 200 g of water. Very good for losing weight! Somehow, for the sake of interest, I spent the day on such a cocktail - the feeling of lightness is incredible!

Option 2.

1 bunch of parsley + 1 green apple + 1 large cucumber + 200 g of water.

Peel both apple and cucumber. It also makes a very useful cocktail.

Option 3.

1 bunch parsley + 200 g fresh blueberries + 1 pear + 200 g water.

Quite an unusual taste, but I think you will like it.

Option 4.

1 bunch of parsley + 1 green bell pepper + 1 cucumber a little Beijing cabbage + 200 g of water.

In the summer, you can put any herbs in green cocktails: dandelions, nettles, sorrel, young tops of beets or carrots, fresh young onions and even garlic. The main thing here is to try, experiment, spoil the green cocktail, in principle, it is impossible. In the most extreme case, it can be poured with kefir and eaten as a soup, like okroshka. I had such options when, as a result of the experiment, it turns out either very bitter or vigorous ... Kefir, potatoes, an egg - and the summer okroshka is ready.

In winter, we have to experiment with what we eat, because it is undesirable to use frozen vegetables for cocktails. Cocktails will not have the desired taste. Therefore, for residents of cold countries, the choice is small. But you can make cocktails from other products.


Sweet cocktail.

Beat 150 g milk + 1/2 egg white, add 100 g marshmallows.

This is a milkshake for the sweet tooth. Those who cannot give up sweets at all, but at the same time want to make cocktails from healthy products. Of the various sweet foods, marshmallow is less harmful than all the others.

Yogurt cocktail.

150 g fat-free liquid yogurt + 1/2 green cucumber + 2-3 parsley sprigs + 1 boiled egg yolk.

Yogurt cocktail is very nutritious, saturates the body well, and at the same time has a low calorie content. They can completely replace dinner if you want to lose weight.

And, of course, my household is very fond of ice cream cocktails with different types of fruits and syrups. But I don’t write their recipes, because our topic is cocktails for health and weight loss, and you can’t lose weight on such cocktails. Therefore, use the above recipes, giving preference to green smoothies.

And cocktails made from fresh gifts from gardens and orchards, much more useful than artificial "teas", lemonades and even store-bought juices, in which there are barely ten percent of natural ingredients. However, people know this. And in a rush to prepare a cocktail for themselves - vegetable, fruit or mixed - they are only stopped by their own laziness.

On the other hand, do not be too zealous. Juices drunk in liters cannot in any way speed up recovery or cause an instant loss of extra pounds. Rather, with this approach, you “plant” your stomach or exacerbate some chronic disease. Fruit and vegetable smoothies are drunk in an amount of no more than three glasses a day. Do not replace water with them.

rejuvenating drink

Those who regularly consumed a vegetable cocktail prepared according to this recipe assure that the skin becomes fresh from it, small mimic wrinkles disappear, and the complexion becomes even and of a noble shade. For a cocktail, a large cucumber, two stalks of celery, a clove of garlic and a little ginger are passed through a juicer, food processor or blender. If desired, the drink can be salted, although it is healthier to do without it.

If the composition did not seem too attractive to you, you can prepare other fruit and vegetable cocktails for the same purpose:

Fighting a cold

Fruit smoothies will be very useful in overcoming the effects of hypothermia or viral diseases. Naturally, they cannot replace medicines, but they can completely support the body and restore immunity. You can use the following options.

  1. A large peeled orange, half a lemon and a quarter glass of mineral water.
  2. Grapefruit, two medium-sized oranges and three kiwis. This cocktail is recommended to be filtered.
  3. Very effective in this regard is a vegetable cocktail made from a bunch of celery, half a medium beet (preferably with leaves), three carrots and parsley. He is advised to take even recovering from chemotherapy.

These same drinks can prevent disease.

We clean the body

A vegetable cocktail will also help a lot in removing all kinds of harmful toxins. Homemade cocktails for this purpose are prepared from different ingredients. For example, these:

  1. Two tablespoons of peeled and chopped ginger root, a medium beetroot, four small carrots, an apple and a glass of water are taken. The components are combined, like other vegetable cocktails, in a blender. The recipes, of course, allow the use of other kitchen units, but this one gives a more even consistency. The mass is filtered, cooled and drunk.
  2. Another cocktail will require: cabbage (about three large leaves), a cup of green grapes (take a seedless variety, such as raisins, or take them out in advance), a cucumber, a small apple and half a glass of water. Products are broken through with a blender, the drink is filtered - and ready to drink.

Of course, these fruit and vegetable smoothies can be drunk just like that - they are very tasty. However, if you set a goal to cleanse yourself, you need to take them on an empty stomach every day for two weeks.

pumpkin benefits

This inexpensive vegetable will benefit anyone. It removes unnecessary cholesterol from the body, normalizes the processes in the intestines and has a slight calming effect. The only category of people who should avoid the offered pumpkin drinks are diabetics.

The first recipe for a pumpkin vegetable cocktail suggests first cooking about half a kilogram of this component, cut it into pieces and put it in a blender with a large fresh tomato. Juice from a whole grapefruit and two lemons is also squeezed there. After punching, the cocktail is flavored with cinnamon and one or two tablespoons of honey.

Delicious and healthy pumpkin smoothie. For him, a third of a glass of mashed potatoes from a boiled or baked vegetable is taken, half of milk, a little crushed nutmeg, a spoonful of honey and ice. All components are brought to homogeneity with a blender, and the smoothie is poured into a beautiful glass.

And you can enjoy and benefit yourself by making a vegetable cocktail from pumpkin with orange. Grams of seven hundred vegetables are made fresh, juice is squeezed out of three oranges and a piece of ginger (with a juicer if you want a more liquid drink, with a blender if you like it thicker). Both liquids are mixed, poured into a beautiful glass and garnished with a mint leaf.

Help for those who lose weight

The mistake is made by those who, in an effort to achieve weight perfection, switch exclusively to sap feeding. Firstly, this way you can bring yourself to exhaustion, since vegetable smoothies for weight loss are absolutely not nutritious. Secondly, leaving the stomach without work, you run the risk of getting at least gastritis very soon - and in the future, an ulcer.

Vegetable smoothies for weight loss should not replace meals. They act differently: they somewhat reduce appetite, improve digestion and supply the body with vitamins and minerals, making it easier to endure food restrictions and the elimination of certain products from the menu. Juice is very useful when observed - it removes from the body the toxins accumulated by it, which, with a "shrunk" diet, can begin to be digested and poison it. However, it is absolutely impossible to drink it undiluted, therefore it is recommended to prepare a vegetable cocktail in the company of carrot juice. Or mixed - beet-apple.

Celery for weight loss

This plant is simply for those who return the lost figure. With a minimum calorie content of celery, cocktails with it leave a feeling of satiety for a long time and fill the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals and fiber. From carrots, apples, miracle stems and parsley, a vegetable cocktail is knocked down in a blender; you can make it taste more refined by eliminating the parsley and replacing it with lemon juice and honey.

Proper and tasty breakfast

Those who are afraid of gaining extra pounds can prepare fruit and vegetable smoothies for their first meal. They will enrich the body with the necessary substances and compounds, give strength for an active morning and allow you to live until lunch without any problems. They will also cheer you up, because they are truly a delicacy. Try, for example, the following compositions.

  1. A glass of low-fat milk is poured into the blender and cubes of a small carrot are placed with a couple of spinach or cabbage leaves, plus ice. As you break through to smoothness, add orange slices, green apple slices and half a glass of white grapes. Finally, half an avocado and a banana are invested. After the final whipping, the breakfast is poured into an aesthetic glass and garnished with a sprig of mint.
  2. For this smoothie, all the components are placed in the bowl at the same time: a glass of spinach, a cucumber without a skin, parsley (only leaves), a stalk of celery and a small apple. For aroma and taste, add two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and pour half a teaspoon of zest with a third of a spoonful of grated ginger.
  3. A hearty and tasty breakfast: put a glass of skimmed milk, a quarter cup of boiled pumpkin and half an average banana into a blender. Spice it all up with four ice cubes and a pinch of cinnamon, beat until smooth and enjoy, slowly drinking.

Unloading diet

If you arrange for yourself sometimes “easy” days, trying to do without food at all, let a vegetable smoothie come to your aid. In a blender, cucumber, young small zucchini and seasonings are combined - a little salt, red pepper and coriander. With such a breakfast, you will not notice how the evening is approaching. And for dinner, you can make yourself a smoothie from two glasses of broccoli, half of white cabbage, a quarter of celery and two apples. Don't forget the ice!

undeniable benefit

They are called green for the main tone, which gives fresh vegetation from the garden. Most often, dill, onion, spinach, celery and parsley act as it, but no one forbids you to use any other. Naturally, the matter is not limited to greens only: other garden gifts are also put in a vegetable green cocktail. Among its advantages compared to other similar drinks are the following:

  1. A rich composition of amino acids and proteins, due to which a feeling of satiety comes without concomitant heaviness in the stomach.
  2. An abundance of trace elements and mineral salts, coupled with chlorophyll.
  3. The presence of natural antioxidants that successfully fight the harmful factors of the surrounding world.
  4. Removal of toxins from organisms.
  5. Light, unobtrusive tonic effect.
  6. No restrictions on use: they are suitable for the elderly, and children, and pregnant women.

Plus a pleasant taste, a pretty look and an upbeat mood.

How to make a green smoothie

Green mass is taken: in addition to the plants already listed, all types of lettuce, sorrel (careful for the stomach), beet or carrot tops, dandelion and nettle leaves, etc. are suitable. Greens are loaded into a blender along with any vegetables and fruits. There are only two rules to follow:

  1. Green mass is taken in two parts, fruits - three.
  2. In one cocktail with greens, you should not mix vegetables with fruits - most often it turns out tasteless.

After working with a blender, the mass is diluted with water or personally squeezed juices. Freshly prepared green smoothie is ideal. But in extreme situations, it can "survive" in the refrigerator for up to three days.

The best green smoothies

Those who have not yet pampered themselves with such drinks will be initially interested in recipes tested and approved by other people.

cocktail salads

In principle, their preparation is nothing new. Yes, and this dish can include any ingredients, like a regular salad. The whole "chip" is in the design and presentation. The rules are:

  1. All components are cut finely.
  2. Products are not mixed, but laid out in layers.
  3. Sauce, mayonnaise or dressing is poured on the "top" of the slide. The eater will already stir it.
  4. A cocktail salad (vegetable, fruit, meat - it doesn’t matter) is served in a glass or a glass. And be sure to be elegantly decorated!

Vegetable cocktail salad with plums

For one serving, straws are cut: fresh cucumber, apple and carrot (half of everything). Four small plums (the seeds are removed in advance) and half a tomato are cut into thin slices. Products are layered in this way: cucumber - carrot - apple - tomato. For dressing, two tablespoons of medium-fat sour cream are mixed, a spoonful of lemon juice and powdered sugar. Plum slices are attached on top, along with artistically laid out sprigs of greenery.

Cocktail salad "Summer"

For one glass you will need: bell pepper (it is better to take yellow for beauty) with the skin removed, pickled cucumber, large tomato and two spoons. It is dressed with sour cream or salad dressing - as you prefer. Decorated with greenery and - optionally - slices of olives.

Cabbage salad cocktail

Cabbage crumbles into very thin strips, rubbed with a small amount of salt and goes into the glass as the first layer. The second will be a lightly salted cucumber, cut into strips. Top with apple cubes. Spicy lovers can replace it with a pear, just choose one that is not too soft. Fresh carrots are rubbed on a medium grater and laid out on top of the fruit. Mayonnaise is used as a filling.

Do not be lazy, make it a habit to prepare vegetable cocktails for yourself and your family. Preparing vegetable cocktails, as you can see, is not difficult, does not take much time - and the sea brings benefits and pleasures. Yes, and cocktail salads will please your guests on a holiday not only with taste, but also with their elegance.

Cocktail is one of the most popular types of drinks. They are tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. Their correct consumption helps to prolong youth, health and beauty. The cocktail is such a simple drink, it is prepared from almost everything, which makes it even more attractive.

Diet shakes

Let's start with what excites every girl, woman, and often even a girl - a figure. What kind of torture, sophistication and infringement will a modern woman go to in order to achieve the desired result and get a beautiful body. However, in pursuit of beauty, we often forget that there is something more important - health. But do not immediately give up, sigh heavily, leaving dreams of harmony in the past. The cocktail will be the very tool that will help you stay full and slim.

Diet shakes are a great way to shed those extra pounds, and they're also a wonderful and tasty way to enrich your body with vitamins, so they are also suitable for maintaining health.

Such cocktails are based on natural yogurt, soy milk, low-calorie kefir, fruits, spices, spices. That is why these drinks are fat-burning, as they contain products that speed up metabolism.

We present you a small selection of easy and quick diet cocktails to prepare. We take a blender in our hands, the necessary products and beat.

Smoothie "Kiwi - Apple": a light breakfast

  • kiwi - 1 pc.;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 120 ml;
  • oatmeal - 25 g;
  • lemon - 1/3 pc.;
  • honey - 15 g;
  • ground cinnamon, fresh mint.
  1. Mix the flakes with hot milk and leave for a couple of minutes, give them the opportunity to cool and swell.
  2. Now put the peeled apple there and mix in a blender until puree.
  3. Then sprinkle with a little ground cinnamon.
  4. Next, peel the kiwi, cut it and add a tablespoon of lemon juice to it, grind in a blender until creamy.
  5. Makes two creamy purees. We put them in a container, first light (flakes, apple), put green (kiwi) in the second layer, garnish with a mint branch and the cocktail is ready. Bon appetit!

Vitamin cocktail "Citrus explosion"

We all know that citruses are rich in vitamin C. Thus, it normalizes the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and helps maintain immunity. All you need is a couple of lemons, a couple of oranges, one grapefruit. Just squeeze the juice from the fruit, mix.

Cocktail with ginger and honey

It speeds up metabolism, affecting the intestinal microflora. When used correctly, it will help you lose up to 4 kilograms in a week, provided that you do not consume fatty foods and give the body physical activity.


  • 0.5 l 1% kefir;
  • a teaspoon of ground ginger;
  • ground cinnamon;

We mix all the ingredients (put honey and cinnamon to taste), let it brew for 10 minutes, mix everything in a blender. Cocktail is best to drink one glass three times a day.

Children's cocktails

Children are our joy. And what does this “joy” ask us most often? That's right, something delicious. Yes, and is it possible to refuse, nothing is a pity for the child. The problem is that not everything that tastes good is healthy. But there is no such problem that it would be impossible not to solve it with good thought. This is where such a wonderful drink as a cocktail comes to the rescue. Almost everything can be in its composition, so the problem of tasty and healthy disappears by itself.

"Classic milkshake"

  • milk 500 g;
  • ice cream 100 g;
  • sugar (to taste)

Mix all the ingredients and beat them in a blender until a frothy mass forms. It is very easy to diversify it with various additives (chocolate, fruits, berries), of your choice and taste.

melon cocktail


  • melon 200 g;
  • lemon (lime) half;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara.

Mix all ingredients, add to a blender, beat until smooth.

Cocktail "Oatmeal in chocolate"

Especially suitable for kids and not lovers of cereals.


  • oatmeal 2 tbsp;
  • cinnamon half a teaspoon;
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa 2 tablespoons;
  • milk 1 l.
  1. Separate a glass of milk, put the rest on the stove.
  2. Add sugar and cocoa to the poured milk. Stir so that there are no lumps and add to the main milk, mix.
  3. As soon as it boils, pour in oatmeal and cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Then, turn off the stove and let our drink brew for 10 minutes.
  5. Pour everything into a blender and beat until smooth.

This cocktail can be served either chilled or warm.

Cocktail "Blow on a cold"

Definitely useful in cold weather.


  • milk 250 g;
  • raspberry jam 3 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon (to taste);
  • cocoa - butter 0.5 tsp.

First, put raspberry jam in a container, then fill it with warm milk and add half a teaspoon of cocoa butter. Stir, when the oil has dissolved, sprinkle cinnamon on top and your drink is ready.

Berry cocktails

Summer is coming to an end, cold and cold ahead. Now the time has come when it is worth gaining vitamins with double zeal. Yes, and the heat is sometimes exhausting so that you want something invigorating and refreshing. Berry drinks are the first helpers in this matter. Here you should pay attention to such a type of cocktail as a smoothie - thick and tasty, it is made from berries, ice and fruits crushed in a blender, with the addition of milk, honey, yogurt.

Smoothie with almonds and blackcurrant

  • blackcurrant 250 g;
  • almonds 2 tablespoons;
  • kefir 500 ml;
  • honey 1 tbsp;
  • water 1 tbsp.;

First, mix currants and almonds in a blender, then add kefir, ice, honey. We mix everything well. Then add a glass of water, beat until foam forms. The cocktail is ready.

Explosive Berry

  • blueberries 100 g;
  • currants (red, black, white to your taste, you can do it all at once) 50 g;
  • raspberries 100 g;
  • cherry 100 g;
  • gooseberry 100 g;
  • water half a glass.

The recipe is simple, mix all the berries in a blender, add ice, then water and beat until foam appears.

Smoothie "Vitaminka"

  • banana 1 pc;
  • lemon 1 pc;
  • kiwi 4 pcs;
  1. Wash the lemon, cut into small cubes, remove the seeds.
  2. Peel the banana and also cut into cubes.
  3. Peel the kiwi.
  4. Grind all the ingredients in a blender, add ice and beat until thick.

Such a cocktail is very refreshing, and it will also help to satisfy your hunger for a while.

Let's go back to the more classic look of cocktails.

"Raspberry Song"

You will need:

  • 200 g raspberries;
  • 100 g blackberries;
  • 100 g fresh yogurt.

Mix all the ingredients in a blender, beat until foamy.

Berry cocktail "Summer"

  • strawberries (to taste);
  • blueberries (to taste);
  • kefir 200 g;
  • sugar 100 g

Whisk strawberries together with sugar in a blender until smooth and pour into glasses. Beat kefir, blueberries and sugar. Slowly pour the resulting mixture over the strawberries. Can be drunk immediately or chilled.

When we talk about a berry cocktail, we should not forget that in addition to vitamin and refreshing, there are also alcoholic ones. Such drinks will be a great addition to any party or festive table. In combination with berries, alcohol turns out to be no less harmful, but softer. Due to the abundance of recipes, you can make a cocktail for every taste.


  • red wine 1 liter;
  • clarified apple juice 2 liters;
  • kiwi 1 pc;
  • grapes 100 g;
  • banana 1 pc;
  • tangerine 1 pc;
  • 2 cinnamon sticks.
  1. We clean the kiwi from the peel, cut into slices. We do the same with bananas.
  2. Cut the mandarin into slices along with the peel.
  3. We put the fruits that are cut into a container, cut the grapes into halves, add cinnamon.
  4. Add juice and wine.
  5. Let the drink brew for at least 30 minutes.

Ready "Sangria" is poured into a jug along with fruit.

Cocktail "Girlfriend"

  • white table wine 400 ml;
  • cranberry 50 g;
  • raspberries 50 g;
  • currant 50 g;
  • mineral water (to taste);
  • sugar 100 g

The berries are mixed with a blender, sugar is added, mixed until dissolved. Mineral water is added and mixed again. Ready. You can add ice to taste.

vegetable cocktails

Berries are good, milk and yogurt too. But since we started talking about the health benefits, in no case should we forget about vegetables. When the time comes, juicy and ripe vegetables just ask to be served on our table, but in what form we will consume them is another question. You can steam, fry and boil, but it will be better and more useful to make a cocktail from them, which will give not only a pleasant taste, but a lot of vitamins, improve digestion, and enrich the immune system.

"Pumpkin Cocktail"


  • pumpkin 300 g;
  • milk 2 cups;
  • oat flakes 2 tbsp;
  • honey 1 tbsp;
  • ground cinnamon (to taste).

Peel the pumpkin, cut into cubes and grind in a blender until foamy. Add honey, milk and cereal to the resulting puree, whisk again. Ready.

cucumber cocktail


  • cucumber;
  • ginger (a little);
  • celery.

Mix everything in a blender until smooth and ready. This drink improves skin tone and helps you look even younger.

carrot cocktail

The drink is universal, as its influence extends to all internal organs. It will be especially useful for people with poor eyesight.

  • boiled carrots 2 pcs;
  • celery 30 g;
  • blueberries 100 g;
  • lemon juice 30 ml;
  • tomato juice 250 ml;
  • salt (to taste);
  • pepper (black to taste).

Mix everything in a blender until smooth.

Let's pay attention to such a cocktail as a detox, which will help us cleanse the body and remove toxins and toxins from it.

Detox cocktail "Cucumber with radish"

  • cucumber 1 piece (medium size);
  • radish 100 g;
  • yogurt 100 g;
  • kefir 1% 100 g;
  • salt (to taste);
  • bunch of dill.

We wash the vegetables, clean the radish, cut it. Cucumber peeled, cut. Grind everything in a blender. We spread the puree in a container, add yogurt and kefir to it, mix.

spinach cocktail

This drink helps to normalize bowel function. In its composition contains a lot of keratin, iron, vitamins. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 cucumber;
  • half a lemon;
  • spinach 100 g;
  • watermelon 1 piece.

Blend all ingredients in a blender until pureed.

Celery with carrots

  • celery 2-3 stalks;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Cut the apple, carrot and celery into pieces and beat in a blender, add honey and, if desired, mineral water.

Many of us try to balance our diet and include only healthy foods in it. Choose a smoothie for your main meal or snack. These fortified smoothies can be prepared in minutes. In addition, it is not necessary to look for complex recipes for a blender: smoothies can be made from any fruits and vegetables.

The principles of preparing a delicious and healthy drink

For the first time, smoothies began to be sold in catering establishments in California. This fortified cocktail was tasted in the early 30s of the last century. Today, many housewives are happy to prepare such a divine drink at home.

To make the smoothie not only satisfying, but also healthy, experienced chefs reveal their secrets of making this thick and homogeneous cocktail:

  • for a fortified cocktail, you can use any berries: lingonberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, etc .;
  • as a fruit base, you can choose plums, pears, apples, bananas, grapefruits and citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples, peaches, apricots and mangoes;
  • the liquid basis of the drink is low-fat milk, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, whey, herbal tea, fruit juices and even ice;
  • smoothies should be whipped until smooth, crushed ice can be added to an already prepared drink;
  • if you want to make a delicious dessert for the household based on a smoothie, add some ice cream, chocolate or dried fruits to the cocktail;
  • diet smoothies are made from low-calorie foods, often oatmeal is added to such a cocktail;
  • you can make a vegetable smoothie, for this you should use fresh herbs, for example, lettuce, spinach, celery, basil, as well as any vegetables;
  • the drink can be seasoned with sugar, fructose or honey;
  • in order to make the smoothie even healthier, you can add sesame, pumpkin or flax seeds to the cocktail;
  • in order to lose weight, smoothies should be eaten in the form of snacks, as well as replacing them with one main dish in the diet.

Fruit smoothies in a blender: recipes

What modern housewives do not come up with! So incredibly tasty, tonic and fortified smoothie did not stand aside. Believe me, your household will appreciate such a dessert and will ask for more. Let's take a look at the most common, easy-to-make and affordable smoothie recipes.

Smoothie with banana

Many of us love bananas. This fruit has an amazing delicate texture and is considered very nutritious. In addition, a banana-based smoothie does not need the addition of granulated sugar or honey. This banana smoothie will be to the taste of all children.


  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey;
  • whole milk - 125 ml;
  • 3 art. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients. You need to use chilled milk.
  2. Bananas must be peeled and cut into small pieces.
  3. Shredded bananas should be put in a blender container.
  4. Add liquid honey to the container.
  5. Chilled milk should be added to the above ingredients.

  6. Pour the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon (about 3 tablespoons) into the resulting mixture.
  7. Using a special blender nozzle, all components should be beaten until a mass of a homogeneous consistency, similar to puree, is formed.
  8. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses and garnish with a lemon wedge and banana slices.

Nutritious cocktail

Are your little ones reluctant to eat oatmeal? Try serving it as a smoothie. This delicacy can be considered not only useful, but also dietary. Therefore, it is recommended to eat such cocktails for people who adhere to a dietary diet.


  • oatmeal - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • ripe bananas - 1-2 pieces;
  • 1 st. l. liquid honey;
  • 250 ml milk.


  1. Oatmeal should be put in a separate bowl and pour milk.
  2. In this form, the flakes should be infused for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Liquid honey and crushed banana pulp should be added to the milk-oatmeal mass.
  4. All components should be transferred to a blender container and beat until smooth.

Yogurt and kiwi - the perfect breakfast

To make a smoothie, you can use any berries and fruits. It is best to take fruits that contain the least amount of seeds. Delicious, fragrant and nutritious smoothies are prepared with the addition of kiwi. As a liquid base, you can choose store-bought or homemade yogurt with any concentration of fat.


  • any yogurt - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • orange peel - a small pinch;
  • 2 kiwi.


Slimming Smoothie Recipes

For those who seek to get rid of the ill-fated extra pounds, smoothies will become simply an indispensable dish in the daily diet. As a liquid base, it is better to choose low-fat fermented milk products. You can add any berries, vegetables and fruits to smoothies, as long as their calorie content is minimal.

Kefir and celery - losing weight correctly

Celery is considered a low-calorie food that is included in almost all diets. A smoothie made with kefir and celery can replace one main meal in your diet and is also a great snack option.


  • celery stalks - 3 pcs.;
  • 200 g fat-free kefir;
  • olive oil - 1 tsp;
  • any greens - to taste.


  1. Celery and herbs should be washed, dried and cut.
  2. Shredded celery stalks and herbs should be put in a blender container, pour kefir and add olive oil.
  3. All components should be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

grapefruit smoothie

Women on a diet know that grapefruit is not only a very healthy fruit, but also low in calories. That is why in almost all diets, this tropical fruit is allowed to be eaten as a snack. To prepare a smoothie enriched with fortified and mineral micro and macro elements, oranges and pears can be added to the drink. To add spice and flavor to smoothies, some housewives add ginger powder and liquid honey.


  • 2 large grapefruits;
  • 1 orange;
  • 2 ripe pears.


  1. Grapefruits and oranges should be peeled and cut into small cubes.
  2. Pears need to be crushed and the bones removed from them.
  3. All fruits should be put in a blender container and beat until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. You can add a little honey or fructose to the finished smoothie.
