
What products or goods are bought about the record. What goods or products should be bought in reserve

Most modern housewives At home there is a certain stock of products for all occasions. The composition of the universal food "basket" for each family is different, depending on the number of households and culinary traditions. Why is it good to always have necessary products? You can always cook universal dishes in case guests arrive or bake a pie if one of the children wanted "delicious". And you will also save a lot if you make vegetable or fruit preparations during the harvest season. It's no secret that zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers are cheaper in autumn than in winter - why not take the opportunity to stock up on vitamins for the winter?

What products are bought in reserve

You can safely stock up on dry products with a long shelf life - salt, sugar, spices, pasta, flour and cereals. So you can not depend on seasonal price fluctuations and feel more confident in the future. It is important to properly store such products so that they do not deteriorate or become “prey” for kitchen bugs.

Salt and spices

Salt can be stored for decades, and nothing will happen to it if it is hermetically sealed. But even if the salt becomes wet, it will not deteriorate, but will only lose its “marketable” appearance, and it will be difficult to measure it for cooking. Store salt in a dry, warm place in glass, ceramic and plastic jars with tightly closed lids. You can put a few toothpicks or fried rice grains in the salt container, which absorb moisture well. Iodized salt is best stored in a dark and cool place so that it does not lose its properties - in this case, the salt can be stored for up to four months.

It is customary to keep spices in small special containers in a dry and dark place away from stoves and radiators, otherwise they will lose their flavor. spicy flavor. Subject to all the storage rules, seasonings are remarkably worth up to 2 years with the preservation of taste.

Sugar and honey

Sugar is stored for eight years in a tightly closed container made of glass and plastic, away from moisture and high temperatures. When in contact with liquids granulated sugar sticks together in lumps, and lump sugar gradually dissolves. Sugar has another not very pleasant feature - it easily absorbs odors, so try to keep it in an airtight container and shake it periodically so that it does not compress.

Honey stands remarkably indoors for several years, and even if it is candied, everything will be preserved in it. beneficial features. For this reason, in oriental cuisine honey is used as a preservative for marinating meat and fish, as a result of which these products do not spoil for several months.

Cereals and pasta

It is recommended to store cereals in the kitchen in ceramic, stainless steel, glass and plastic containers, as well as in linen bags which are pre-soaked in brine and ironed. Ordinary metal cans are not suitable due to possible oxidation, and paper and plastic bags do not guarantee tightness. Instead of tight lids for air access, jars can be covered with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers. To protect against bugs, it is recommended to put a bay leaf in each jar or fabric bag, the aroma of which repels voracious insects. Rice is stored for up to 1.5 years, millet - no more than 4 months, buckwheat - 20 months, semolina - 14 months, and oatmeal - up to 5 months. By the way, storing cereals in the refrigerator prolongs its “life”, and bugs rarely survive at low temperatures. If you are in doubt about the shelf life of the cereal, lightly toast it in a dry frying pan before cooking.


It is usually customary to stock up on flour for a long time, especially if there are children in the family who ask for either pies, or pancakes, or sugar buns. It is the aroma of baking that makes the house cozy and warm, and in order to bake bread or buns at any time, you need quality flour that is properly stored. Airtight jars with rubber gaskets are suitable for flour, ensuring a snug fit of the lids, since kitchen bugs are not accidentally called flour eaters - flour is their favorite delicacy. This product also feels good in linen bags soaked in a salt solution.

When choosing a place to store flour, keep in mind that it is afraid of the sun, moisture, temperature changes and does not “like” odorous products, so do not keep flour near coffee and spices. Wheat flour premium stored up to 12 months Rye flour- up to 6 months, whole grain flour- up to 3 months. Buckwheat flour retains its properties for six months, rice flour- 9 months, and all other varieties of flour (corn, soy, oatmeal) may lose their taste after a year. If you have a lot of space in the refrigerator, store the flour there and it will "last" longer than usual.

vegetable and melted butter

Vegetable oils in closed glass bottles are usually stored for at least two years in a dry, dark place at room temperature. Keep bottles away from heat sources as they will heat storage gradually destroys vitamin E. unrefined oils after the first use, it is better to put in the refrigerator.

Clarified butter, cooked properly, can be kept unopened for years. earthenware, and, over time, its beneficial properties are enhanced. Pure ghee without impurities can not even be put in the refrigerator, although it feels better in a cool place. Ayurvedic doctors believe that the older the oil, the stronger its healing effect.

Berries, fruits, nuts

Traditional fruits for the winter are canning, drying and freezing. Compotes, jam, jam, marmalade are cooked from fruits and berries, jelly, candied fruits and marmalade are made. Very tasty pickled apples, candied and dried fruits. Fruit preparations keep for years if cooked with enough sugar (1:1). By the way, many varieties of apples will lie perfectly in the cellar until spring.

Nuts are considered very useful product, so if you manage to keep them as long as possible, your family diet will always be varied and nutritious. Inshell nuts can be poured into canvas bags and hung in a dry and dark place - in this form they will remain edible for six months. Peeled nuts are not stored for more than three months, and the container for them should not be very airtight, because without air, the nuts “suffocate” and become moldy. For the same reason, it should not be used as a "storage" plastic bag. In the refrigerator, nuts are wonderful for 8 months, and in freezer- year.

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are stored dry in closed containers, in a dark place and away from moisture. Under such conditions, the seeds are edible for a very long time.


Inveterate mushroom pickers never miss the mushroom season and try to prepare mushrooms for the year ahead, using the most different ways. Mushrooms can be dried in the oven, in the air or in a special electric dryer, and they are stored by hanging on a string or in cloth bags. Properly dried mushrooms retain their aroma and beneficial properties for up to three years.

Mushrooms are pickled, salted, sour and fried for long-term storage, caviar is made from them and frozen in a freezer for 6-12 months.


Stocking up on vegetables for the winter is a good thing, especially if you have a cellar. Some varieties of cabbage can be stored underground until May, potatoes, carrots and beets will last until April, onions and garlic will survive well until spring at room temperature. The bulbs and heads of garlic connected in braids look very picturesque - the kitchen seems warmer and more comfortable with them. In the cellar, you can even keep green tomatoes in wooden boxes sprinkled with sawdust. During the year, vegetables are perfectly preserved in the freezer, and it is quite possible to store a pumpkin in an apartment at a temperature of no more than 15 degrees with the stalk up.

And salted vegetables, lecho, squash and eggplant caviar, sauerkraut, vegetable salads, marinated green pea and corn, salted and pickled garlic, adjika, tomato paste can be stored for up to three years if all the rules for cooking vegetables and sterilizing jars are followed.

dried vegetables have a unique aroma and piquant taste. If you have the opportunity, time and desire, try drying carrots, beets, tomatoes, onions, garlic, herbs and roots. A pinch of dried vegetables thrown into the soup vegetable stew or sauce, gives dishes a fragrant smell, brightness and richness. You can also dry peas, beans, beans and corn for the winter. Dried vegetables like to overwinter in cool, well-ventilated areas in glass jars or cloth bags.

Meat and fish

Canned meat and fish at room temperature should not be stored for more than a month, and in the cold, the shelf life is significantly extended - the stew "will withstand" up to six years of storage, and canned fish (in oil) - up to two years. Meat, poultry and fish can be salted, smoked, dried - similar products stored for six months or more, depending on the method of preparation. Cold-smoked meat, for example, can be stored for three years, while salted and smoked lard keeps well in the freezer whole year.


It is better to buy coffee in beans to preserve its taste and aroma, and if you want to stock up ground coffee, choose vacuum foil packaging - such coffee will lie quietly for a year or two without loss taste properties. Leaf tea it is suitable for brewing for a whole year, and it is better not to store tea in bags, as it will become completely tasteless. Fermented expensive teas need coolness, so their place is in the refrigerator, and so that they do not absorb foreign odors, take care of a quality container. By the way, coffee and a refrigerator are clearly not made for each other, especially if the package is already open. However, freshly fried coffee beans keeps well in the freezer for up to two months.

Alcoholic drinks "like" coolness, low humidity and darkness - in such conditions they can stand for years, while it is better to put the wines on their side and provide them with complete rest. Bottled beer should be stored in dark glass bottles with the neck up - in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator, as it is too low temperatures"kill" the yeast.

Now you know which foods keep the longest out of the fridge and how long yours will last. strategic reserve. When stocking up for the winter, consider the appetites of family members and the possibilities of your home. Over the years, you will learn to accurately determine how much cereal, butter and vegetable preparations your family needs. This is the art of leading household. We wish you abundance all year round!

Each housewife must have her own “strategic reserve”. These are the products that can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or simply on dark shelves. In times of crisis, when it is not clear what is going on with prices, such a reserve greatly facilitates financial costs.

If you still don’t know exactly what products or goods are bought in reserve, then this article will help you dot the i’s. It should be understood that the strategic reserve is precisely those products that can be stored for a long time. At the same time, storage is preferable not in the refrigerator, but in the basement or the farthest corner of the most inaccessible shelf in the kitchen.

Experts can guess which products will rise in price in the near future. After all, such assumptions are made on the basis of previous difficult periods for the economy. There are always three categories of goods that are bought in reserve:

  • Not food products. These are things that are always useful and necessary in the household, and need to be replenished. Immediately comes to mind washing powder and toilet paper, but cotton pads, batteries, toothpaste, deodorants.
  • Food. This is the main part of the stock, especially if the family is large. A more detailed list of what products or goods are bought in reserve from this category is given later in this article.
  • Products that do not fall into category two. These are dry foods like cereals and flour, vegetable oil.
  • No one knows exactly what products will rise in price in 2015, but one thing is clear: the basis of a strategic reserve will save even in the most difficult times. Hard times. Yes, it’s not even about the crisis: it was a difficult week, and no one had time to go to the store. In the refrigerator, as they say - a rolling ball. You can also use products from a special stock. Only then you should not forget about replenishment.

    What products to buy in a crisis :
    • Salt. Over time, salt does not deteriorate, so it can be stored for more than a dozen years. The main thing is that the packaging is airtight, because salt absorbs moisture and hardens.
    • Foods containing starch: flour, cereals, pasta. Flour can absorb moisture, so it's best not to store it for more than a year. Beans and peas, lentils are stored the longest from this category. They can lie on the shelf for more than a year. Macaroni, exclusively from durum varieties wheat, can be stored for up to five years.
    • Stew and canned fish. The shelf life is written on the bank. By observing the storage conditions, you can store these goods for a long time. Moreover, the meat is stored longer, the period reaches six years. Canned fish have a shelf life of about two years. For stock, it is best to take fish in own juice or in oil. canned in tomato paste food spoils quickly.
    • Canned vegetables. The list can safely include green peas (stored for about two years), beans (up to three years), tomatoes and cucumbers (up to three years).
    • Jam. It is on the list, which products will rise in price in 2015 and which must be bought, for good reason. Jam is the same sugar. It will not work to store sugar for a long time, but in the form of jam it will be possible to extend its shelf life to several years. If upper layer jam has become moldy over the years, then you can simply remove it with a spoon and eat the rest of the product.
    • Honey is an excellent sugar substitute and can be stored for several years. natural honey it will sugar over the years, but from this it does not lose many useful properties and does not deteriorate.
    • Condensed milk. It's delicious, but you only need to buy a product that is made according to GOST. Can be stored for a year.
    • Strong alcohol is stored for up to ten years.
    • Vegetable oil can be stored for about a year. By the way, butter can be kept in the refrigerator for up to six months, then it will lose its taste.
    • Seeds, dried fruits and nuts. They are stored for more than a year, but it is important to provide protection against midges.
    • Natural coffee, black and green hour leaf (not in bags).
    • Seasonings.
    • Vitamins. Let it not be food, but in an unstable situation, vitamins will be useful for both adults and children. You can keep them for up to three years.

    When answering queries about what products or items to stock up, be sure to include everything in this article on your list. Do not use expired products (only in an extremely critical situation). You should constantly update the stock of goods bought in reserve. It is very simple to do this: periodically you need to eat up the stock and just buy new items. We hope that despite the unstable situation in the economy, you and your family will be able to eat properly, fully, tasty and balanced food!

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    Our lives are getting more and more complicated every day. Prices are rising and wages are not keeping up. Therefore, it makes sense to create some in advance that can be stored for a long time. What products do they buy in reserve?

    We have selected for you the TOP 10 products that, with right conditions storage, may not deteriorate for a long time, and also save their nutritious and taste qualities.

    We bring to your attention a few tips, thanks to which your "strategic stock" will not turn into a warehouse of tasteless food.

    We store products professionally!

    Sugar can be stored up to 8 years without fear that it will lose its taste. It is best stored in plastic sealed bags weighing no more than 5 kg. They, unlike industrial bags of 50 kg, can be easily moved. 5 kg bags run out quickly enough, they do not have the smell characteristic of long-term stored products, and dirt does not get in.

    It is important that all bags are tightly closed, placed in a well-ventilated, dry area, and the temperature in it is neither cold nor hot. Do not store sugar in linen containers - they allow moisture to pass through, and do not put bags on the floor - it is better to keep sugar on the shelves.

    Pasta can be bought in reserve. It is easy to store them: a dry and dark place is suitable for both open and closed packs. The drier the air in the storage area, the longer the pasta can be stored. If you've opened the package, it's best to put the pasta in an airtight plastic container or glass jar with a lid.

    One way or another, both open and closed pack pasta can be stored without loss of taste up to 3 years. Suitable for storage and unheated storerooms. However, care must be taken to avoid temperature fluctuations. If you take pasta with additives, then they will have a shorter shelf life (about six months).

    3. Flour

    Flour and refers to products with long term storage, but by the end of it (no more than 12 months), it can change its taste. That's why
    it is advisable to renew stocks every six months.

    Dry rooms with zero temperature are good for storing flour. From time to time, the flour must be sifted to avoid the appearance of bugs. Therefore, it is better to store it in small bags up to 5 kg. Ideal material for bags - linen. It is useful to soak linen bags in a strong saline solution and dry well, this prevents the appearance of insects.

    In a dry pantry at normal temperature, unpeeled nuts can be stored for no more than one and a half months. But in the refrigerator they will lie without loss of quality and taste for about 6-8 months. If you put the nuts in the freezer, they will not deteriorate even after a year.

    Peeled nuts should be stored in the refrigerator - in a container or glass jar with a lid. So they will not lose their useful properties and taste from 2 months to six months, depending on the type of nuts. Glass storage containers must be clean and dry. It would be nice to pre-sterilize it, like jars for blanks, and dry it with paper towels.

    5. Vegetable oil

    In a dark cool place glass containers vegetable oil can be stored for about 2 years. For any oils, it is important that there is no direct sunlight and storage temperature from 5 to 20 degrees. Do not store vegetable oils in the refrigerator. Already at minus seven, it begins to crystallize and lose its beneficial properties. The only oil that should be stored in the refrigerator is linseed oil.

    It is not recommended to store the oil near heaters and batteries - this way it will quickly lose its taste and vitamin E. If you pour the oil into a glass bottle, put a pinch of salt on the bottom or put a few raw beans - this will slightly extend the shelf life.

    6. Dry spices

    Most spices can be stored for up to 2 years (both open and closed). After that, they will not deteriorate, but will lose their original taste and aroma. And so that spices do not lose their qualities within the prescribed 2 years, they must be stored in sealed container(e.g. in special containers with lids) away from sun rays, heat and moisture - ideally dry place with room temperature.

    To understand if the spices have lost their properties, rub them between your fingers, smell and taste. Tasteless and non-aromatic are best thrown away. Do not put jars of multi-colored spices next to the stove and any other heating devices - they will lose their taste and aroma. If you have ever had insects in your spice cabinet, then in jars with fresh spices add pieces bay leaf or pieces of dried hot pepper.

    Planning - best tool savings, so if you want to avoid unnecessary spending, plan your purchases and make lists. This post is for those who have decided to take the family or personal budget under tight control.

    When we decide to reduce the cost of food and household chemicals, we often first of all think about buying in bulk. Two for the price of three - the benefit is obvious! However, this plan does not always work. But sometimes it still works! How to be? We decided to simplify the task a little and offer you a scheme that will help you understand what is worth and what is not worth buying in reserve. Let's divide your shopping list into three conditional groups: "should", "can" and "want".


    This group includes all goods, without which it will not be possible to manage a household. These are the products from which you plan to cook in the coming days, these are household chemicals, which you regularly use, these are other "consumables". Everything that you do not need right now or in the coming days is not included in this group. That is, of course, you really need new coasters for hot to match the curtains, but they will not be in this group.

    If something in the "need" group is on sale and/or has a long shelf life, buying in bulk is entirely justified. Napkins, toilet paper, pet food (in reasonable quantities), canned foods, muesli, cereals and pasta - all this can be bought in reserve, provided that you have a place where all this will be stored at right temperature and humidity. If you have bought a large amount of food that you plan to store frozen, be sure to immediately divide it into portions. Ten chicken breasts, spread out in ten bags, will stay fresh longer than a large frozen lump chicken meat, from which you will break off pieces from time to time or which you will have to defrost and freeze back several times for the same purpose. @photo

    What not to buy large quantities even if you need it? Of course, these are products short term shelf life, as well as less obvious goods that are needed now, but no longer needed tomorrow. liter bottle cat flea shampoo with a 50% discount is, of course, cool, but will Barsik agree to wash every day? What if it's eight bars for the price of four? No. We will talk about chocolates below. Don't buy big packs of something you've never tried, even if it's on sale at an incredibly good deal. Most often, by the way, manufacturers of products “with taste” sin with such actions. New vobla-flavored croutons, new pumpkin-flavored soup seasoning, new plantain-flavored ice cream – are you sure that if you buy three packs and get ten more as a gift, you can eat at least one?


    Planning purchases for a "maybe" group is a lot more fun than serious "necessary" products. It includes everything that you love, but without which you, in principle, can live. This includes all spices, except perhaps the most basic - salt, pepper and bay leaf. This group includes many meat products: if there are no discounts on steaks today, it is quite possible to do without steaks. And if there is a discount, and a good one, you can take a few in reserve (and do not forget about portioned bags!).

    Buying products from the “could” group is like hunting: you never know what will come across. Do not take more than you can eat, and allow yourself to step back from the list if you come across a really good offer. This is the only group of products on your list that you can improvise a little with!

    By the way, medications, which should be at home "just in case", as well as cosmetical tools also belong to the group "could". Large packs of painkillers and antiviral drugs are cheaper per dose, but this is only justified if the drug is useful in in full before its expiration date. If you don't suffer from chronic pain or colds, buy the smallest package and don't use it.

    Creams in an unopened package lose their properties quite quickly, so a cunning plan to buy a jar that will last for six months is a bad plan. At sales of cosmetics, it is worth buying only what you are running out of. And if you remember how many times a year and for what reasons there are such sales, you will certainly find that there is not much time left until the next one!

    Vitamins are also a great candidate for the "could" group, because you need to drink them in courses, they have a rather long shelf life, and therefore it is easy to calculate the exact amount that you need. If you and your family drink vitamins regularly, they are definitely worth buying in reserve.

    "I want to"

    And finally, the most pleasant part of the list. Everything without which you can easily live today, tomorrow and always, we put it in the “want” group. Of course, in austerity mode, it is more logical to exclude such things from the list altogether - but then life will become completely sad, and this is not at all what we are striving for. Therefore, we will pamper ourselves in an organized way. Try adding several products to this group in order to choose one or two directly in the store. For example, think ahead of time which of your favorite sweets are the least harmful and write them all down. At this stage, don't sacrifice quality for cheapness - a good dark chocolate bar will cost you more than a pack of margarine wafers, but we buy one for a whole week. When you're in the store, see if any of them are on sale. So you will come to the desired compromise - and save money, and do not deny yourself a dessert.

    By the way, I have a little personal secret when it comes to buying something for tea - I buy "tasteless" cookies. Tasteless - this means unsweetened, without a pronounced taste, boring and not desiring eat a couple more. Biscuits are ideal for these requirements and, moreover, can be stored for a long time. This is how I kill two birds with one stone:

    I always have cookies at home, which means I don’t need to buy something else for tea (sheep, that is, money, are intact)

    I don’t eat more than three or four biscuits, because they don’t give me much pleasure, and the desire to “eat a cookie” is considered satisfied (the wolves in my face are full).

    But the most important rule for products from the “want” group is never, for anything, at any discount, do not buy them in in large numbers or volume. If chocolate, then one. If a box of juice is also one, small. In the case of products from the “wanted” group, we save by reducing their quantity. Let them be a small but very welcome and worthwhile reward for your heroic efforts in the budget battle! Remember, the main prize awaits you ahead - a heavy wallet and a thin waist. Summer is coming - on vacation you will need both!

    The modern rhythm of life leaves less and less time for full-fledged housekeeping. That is why, in order to always have a delicious dinner at home, and food in case of an unexpected arrival of guests, we try to create a "strategic stock" of some products in advance. True, we do not always think about how to properly store them without loss of quality and whether it is possible to buy them in reserve at all.

    We have collected the basic rules for storing products that we most often buy for future use.

    1. Sugar

    This product can be stored up to 8 years without loss of taste. True, if certain storage conditions are observed. If you have a pantry room and keep forgetting to buy sugar for home, then buying a few large packs that will last for a long time may be an option for you.

    It is best to store sugar in plastic sealed bags weighing no more than 5 kilograms. They can be easily moved

    unlike industrial bags of 50 kilograms, they run out quite quickly, they do not have a smell characteristic of long-term stored products, and it is less likely that dirt will get into such containers.

    The main thing is that all bags are well closed, stand in a well-ventilated, dry room, and the temperature in it is neither cold nor hot. Do not store sugar in permeable linen bags and do not place the container on the floor - it is best to keep the sugar on shelves or on a small platform.

    2. Pasta

    If you like pasta, then pasta can also be bought in reserve. It is easy to store them: a dry and dark place is suitable for both open packs and closed ones. The drier the air in the storage area, the longer the pasta can be stored. However, if you have already opened the pack, then pour it into a plastic sealed container or a glass jar with a lid.

    Both open and closed packs of pasta can be stored without any change or loss of taste for up to 3 years. Pasta can be stored at low temperatures without losing its properties, so unheated pantries are also suitable for storage. True, temperature changes should be avoided. If you buy pasta with additives, they will have a shorter shelf life. For example, pasta with tomatoes can be stored for no more than 6 months.

    3. Flour

    If you bake a lot and prefer to have a strategic supply of flour at home, then you should know the basic rules for storing it. Although flour belongs to products with a long shelf life, but by the end of it, and this is no more than 12 months, it can change its properties. taste characteristics. Therefore, ideally, stocks should be renewed every six months.

    Dry rooms with zero temperature are suitable for flour storage. From time to time it needs to be sieved to avoid the appearance of insects. That is why at home it is not very convenient to store flour in huge bags. Small bags up to 5 kilograms will facilitate the care process. The ideal bag material is linen. If you constantly stock up on flour, then soak the linen bags in a strong saline solution and dry well - this way you will definitely protect yourself from the appearance of living creatures during the entire storage period.

    4. Nuts

    For some reason, it is believed that unpeeled nuts can be stored at room temperature in canvas bags for almost a year. Although in fact, in a dry pantry at normal temperatures, nuts will be stored for no more than a month and a half. But in the refrigerator they will lie without loss of quality and taste for about 6-8 months, and in the freezer - a year.

    Shelled nuts are best stored in the refrigerator - in a container or glass jar with a lid. They will not lose their useful properties and taste during such storage from 2 months to six months, depending on the type of nuts. To be sure that glass storage containers are clean and dry, they can be sterilized, like any blank jars, and dried with paper towels.

    5. Vegetable oil

    In a dark, cool place, in a glass container, vegetable oil can be stored for about 2 years. Therefore, it is quite possible to make tangible reserves of your favorite oil.

    For any oils, it is important that there is no direct sunlight and a storage temperature of 5 to 20 degrees. Do not store vegetable oils in the refrigerator, as many are accustomed to. Already at -7 degrees, it begins to crystallize and lose its beneficial properties. The only oil that should be stored in the refrigerator is flaxseed.

    It is not recommended to store oil near heaters and batteries - this way it will quickly lose its taste and vitamin E, which is considered one of the most valuable vitamins. If you are pouring the oil into a glass bottle, add a pinch of salt to the bottom or a few raw beans to extend the shelf life a bit.

    6. Dry spices

    Most spices, both open and closed, can be stored for up to 2 years. After this period, although they will not deteriorate, they will already lose their original taste and aroma. And in order for the spices not to lose their qualities within the prescribed 2 years, they must be painted in sealed containers (for example, in special containers with lids) away from sunlight, heat and moisture. Dry place at room temperature ideal conditions for storing spices.

    It is very easy to understand if the spices have lost their properties: rub them between your fingers, smell and taste. Tasteless and non-aromatic are best thrown away. Do not put jars of multi-colored spices next to the stove and any other heating devices - they will lose their taste and aroma. If you have had insects in your spice cabinet at least once, then add pieces of bay leaf or pieces of dried hot pepper to jars of fresh spices, this will help to avoid trouble.

    7. Vinegar

    Most believe that the shelf life of vinegar is no more than 2 years, then it becomes less transparent, changes color and becomes harmful. In fact, the shelf life of vinegar is almost infinite. Even slightly changing color, it does not become harmful and does not lose its properties. Neither sediment nor loss of transparency is an indicator of spoilage of this product.

    It is important to store vinegar in a dry, dark place in glass bottle- and then it will serve you for as long as its volume is enough. The refrigerator is not suitable for storing vinegar. The kitchen cabinet and pantry is the right place for bottles of vinegar. Try not to store vinegar for a long time in plastic container over time, it will corrode and release substances harmful to health. It is not recommended to keep vinegar in metal cans - the metal oxidizes and changes the properties of the product.

    8. Sea salt

    What you have sea ​​salt there is a shelf life, rather a myth invented by someone. Sea salt can wait in the wings indefinitely. True, it should be stored only in a dry place where there is very little moisture, at room temperature. In this case, she is not afraid of the appearance of hard lumps.

    But even if the salt is slightly stuck together, this does not mean that it cannot be used and it has lost its healing properties, it just looks less presentable and it is more difficult to measure it in this form for a dish. It is advisable to keep sea salt in glass jars. If you have a humid room, you can add a couple of pinches of rice to the bottom of the jar. It absorbs moisture well and will definitely prevent the salt from clumping.
