
What is healthier vodka or wine? Zero readings of the draft law “On the development of viticulture and winemaking in the Russian Federation” took place in Crimea. Agave spirits

The eternal question: vodka or wine, which is more harmful. The answer is unambiguous - it is better to be a teetotaller. Frequent use of any alcohol is dangerous alcoholism, which affects people regardless of gender, age, marital and financial status. It doesn’t matter what a person drinks, grape or a cheap surrogate, ethanol, which is the basis of any drink, has a detrimental effect on health.

Women and teenagers become an inveterate drink faster, the bill goes literally for several months. Physically strong people hold on longer, but they are gradually losing their positions. Alcohol addiction can be cured only in the first two stages. So is it worth risking for the sake of dubious pleasure, at the cost of life?

Any vodka consists of alcohol diluted with water to a certain proportion. Purification systems rid the drink of harmful impurities fusel oils, but not the effect of the mixture itself on human health.

The process of penetration of alcohol into the body:

  • an insignificant part of ethanol begins to be absorbed into the blood immediately upon entering the oral cavity;
  • from the stomach and intestines, the main part of alcohol enters the liver, where it decomposes into the toxic substance acetaldehyde and water. Unfortunately, the liver is not able to immediately process the entire portion drunk, processing approximately 20%;
  • the further path through the blood vessels is overcome by vodka in the company of a dangerous poison, disrupting metabolic processes at the cellular level, destroying hemoglobin, which nourishes the cells with oxygen;
  • a minute after the entry of ethanol into the body, poisonous alcohol enters the brain, the protection of which is powerless. By acting on the pleasure center, vodka causes euphoria;
  • violating the integrity of cell membranes in the brain, ethanol releases neurotransmitters that cause loss of coordination, memory impairment, weakening of vision, excessive arousal, bordering on aggressiveness;
  • then comes a breakdown, apathy, drowsiness.

Scientists, exploring how vodka can act on a person, highlight its beneficial effects:

  • disinfecting actions;
  • "warming" effect after a long stay in the cold, as external compresses;
  • preservative properties during manufacture folk tinctures;
  • moderate use helps to remove puffiness, remove decay products with urine, there is a positive effect on the cardiac and vascular system.

safe dose 25 ml of vodka product is considered. That's one and a half tablespoons. And who drinks so much vodka?! Moreover, at daily use even such a portion of a person runs the risk of becoming an alcoholic.

When talking about the benefits of wine, they mean natural table wine made from red or white grapes. But it must be taken into account that such research is a rather expensive undertaking and is usually carried out by wine producers themselves, who are interested in making a profit from the sale of wine. Therefore, the described benefits of drinking any alcoholic product, regardless of the strength, are a rather arbitrary concept. After all, every drink contains some amount of ethanol, which has an extremely harmful effect on the human body. If the wine is of surrogate origin, drinking such a drink is even more harmful, because of the flavors and dyes in its composition.

Of course, the natural one is rich in vitamins, microelements that have passed into the drink from ripe grapes, especially if the fruits grew without chemical treatment. But ethanol, obtained as a result of fermentation, has a much more harmful effect on the body than all combined. useful material, which are practically not absorbed, being destroyed under the influence of alcohol.

It is especially dangerous to drink vodka, as well as wine:

  1. Young people before reaching the age of 21, when the body is fully formed;
  2. Weakened elderly people;
  3. Pregnant and lactating women;
  4. Representatives of both sexes with chronic diseases of the internal organs.

It takes at least a few days to restore liver tissue destroyed by alcohol. If you drink a “safe”, as imaginary researchers assure, dose of alcohol every day, liver cells will simply die. This is fraught with cirrhosis or malignant degeneration of the organ. Diseases are practically not treatable, you can only stop the destruction of the body, completely abandoning the use of alcoholic beverages.

Vodka and wine make a person more susceptible to contracting infectious diseases, especially venereal diseases. Alcohol when interacting with many medicines often causes irreversible changes in the body, up to the onset of death.

Regardless of what a person will drink - strong vodka or low alcohol wine- ethanol contained in drinks equally harms the body, destroying its systems and organs. Choosing which type of alcohol is better to drink, a person simply deceives himself. We must always remember that alcohol for a person is poison in any form, be it wine, vodka, beer, cognac or champagne.

Any alcoholic beverages have a negative impact on the human body, even if they are consumed infrequently and in minimal quantities. It has long been proven that even a single dose of alcohol destroys liver cells and nervous system Therefore, it is better to refrain from any alcoholic products altogether. If you still want a holiday, preference should be given to drinks with minimal adverse reactions, although it is almost impossible to find such.

The most popular drinks among adults aged 18 to 45 are vodka and wine. Not a single feast can do without them, so the question of the benefits and harms of wine and vodka products does not lose its relevance. To understand what is more harmful - wine or vodka - you need to find out what properties each of these drinks has.

Wine properties

Wine is a drink known to mankind since ancient times. Wine first appeared in ancient Greece, where it was made from ripe grapes (mostly red varieties). Real wine contains a large amount of B vitamins and ascorbic acid, as well as mineral salts: calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Tannins and antioxidants improve the regeneration of mucous membranes and epithelium. 50 ml of red wine a day can protect against oncological diseases, since wine is one of the leaders among alcoholic beverages in terms of antioxidant properties. The substances contained in wines bind free radicals well, protect cells from mutations and prevent the formation and growth of malignant cells.

Wines made from blue and red grapes contain a large amount of iron, so regular consumption of the drink in large quantities(no more than 20-30 ml) helps maintain the required level of hemoglobin and prevent the development of iron deficiency anemia.

Other useful properties of wine:

  • stimulates the salivary glands (saliva is necessary for disinfection oral cavity and proper digestion)
  • increases appetite;
  • destroys microbes and pathogenic bacteria;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • normalizes the processes of blood circulation;
  • eliminates swelling caused by overconsumption salt;
  • has a mild diuretic effect.

The content of ethyl alcohol in wine ranges from 8 to 16%. Non-alcoholic wines are also widely represented in the assortment of shops, but this does not mean that they do not contain alcohol at all. If you really want to drink some wine at dinner or dinner, it is better to drink non-alcoholic wine - the harm from it is minimal, but the body will receive an additional portion of vitamins and mineral elements.

Despite the large number of useful properties, which are still relative, you should not drink wine more than 2-3 times a week, while observing the minimum dosage. Men are allowed to drink one and a half glasses of red or white drink, it is better for women to limit themselves to one, since on female body alcohol is more powerful.

This warning is based on the harm caused by wine products the human body. With frequent and abundant use of wine, the following complications are possible:

  • decreased immunity;
  • progression of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart;
  • death of liver cells;
  • neurological disorders.

It is forbidden to drink wine for people prone to allergic reactions. The risk of allergies when choosing this drink is very high, since drinking man rarely chooses alcohol good quality and is content with a budget surrogate, in which a large number of flavors and dyes are added.

Properties of vodka

Vodka is ethyl alcohol diluted with purified water in necessary proportions. Usually vodka contains 40% alcohol, but in some products its concentration reaches 56%.

Regular consumption of vodka leads to liver damage, disorders in the nervous system, heart. Ethanol has a detrimental effect on brain cells, disrupting the processes of blood circulation and oxygen supply to tissues. Drinking a drink in high doses can lead to the development of an oncological process, so you need to drink vodka in strictly limited quantities and no more than 1-2 times a month. A safe dose for an adult is 25 ml, acceptable - 50-70 ml.

Among people who consume vodka every day, the likelihood of myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke and acute heart failure is about 80%. This is a critical indicator, so doctors strongly recommend giving up vodka products, especially if a person has a tendency to vascular and heart diseases.

Among other serious consequences when drinking vodka, doctors distinguish:

  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • mental disorder;
  • cirrhosis;
  • destruction of cells of the immune system.

Vodka ranks first among drinks in terms of the number of severe fatal poisonings, so you need to buy wine and vodka products only in specialized stores.

Some may argue that vodka also has beneficial properties, and they will be partly right. The high alcohol content makes vodka an excellent antiseptic and disinfectant. If you need to urgently treat the wound, and you don’t have the necessary solution at hand, vodka will do the job perfectly. The remedy copes well with inflammatory processes, but in order to achieve therapeutic effect it should be used externally, not internally.

With colds and headaches, vodka compresses are excellent. In small quantities, the drink can help with diseases. digestive system, as well as increased anxiety, but the benefits of such treatment are very doubtful, since they are completely covered by harmful properties.

What to choose?

Representatives of medicine answer this question unequivocally - nothing. Even very small doses of ethyl alcohol lead to irreversible processes. In a drinking person, the speed of reactions is slowed down, the work of the nervous system is disrupted, unreasonable aggression often appears. Any alcoholic beverages can lead to the formation of a persistent addiction - this is primarily due to psychological characteristics. The state of euphoria and relaxation that occurs at the first stage of intoxication makes a person enjoy drinking alcohol, and in the future, a constant increase in the dose will be required to achieve the same effect.

People who are trying to decide what is more useful to drink - vodka or wine - are deceiving themselves. Any of these drinks are equally harmful and can lead to serious consequences. The difference in this case will be only in the speed of the onset of negative reactions. An imaginary difference in strength should not lead to the false opinion that there is less harm from wine, since due to more mild taste the amount of wine consumed exceeds the amount of vodka by 2-3 times. In the end, the intake of ethyl alcohol in the body is approximately the same.

Doctors consider the only argument in favor of wine to be the presence of vitamins, mineral salts, amino acids and tannins in the composition, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the body. But to get the benefits of the drink, you must follow the following recommendations:

  • a single dose should not exceed 300 ml for men (180-200 ml for women);
  • when buying, you should pay attention to the composition of the drink - you must immediately refuse to buy a cheap surrogate;
  • It is better to drink wine during or after a meal.

Both vodka and wine have useful properties, but when drinking these drinks in excess allowable rate all benefits are reduced to zero and are blocked by serious complications and health problems. If you can’t completely give up alcohol, it’s better to give preference to good wine bought in a specialized wine store. By using this drink correctly, you can reduce possible harm to the minimum and enjoy habitual taste without compromising your own health.

Today for you - the terms of storage different types alcohol after opening the bottle.

Not always a bottle of alcohol is drunk right away, and there may be a lot of time before the next holiday. So that the container does not take up space in vain, you need to know the shelf life of uncorked bottles various kinds alcoholic beverages.

How long to store open wine

Wine is one of the most perishable alcoholic beverages. The whole problem is oxidation: as soon as you open the bottle, oxygen immediately enters, which provokes this process. You can stop it if you tightly close the bottle with a stopper. But it will save the situation a little, but it will not add much time.

To determine the shelf life, the type of wine is important:

White wines stored unopened (I repeat, under a cork) from 1 to 3 days. At the same time, the smell of wine changes: light fresh flavors disappear almost instantly, denser ones last longer. Examples: Chardonnay, Muscat, etc.

Champagne, sparkling wines breathe out during the day. If the cork is not the most suitable, then the drink will spoil in a few hours.

By the way, the difference between sparkling and champagne is that the latter can only be produced in the Champagne region of France. The shelf life of an opened bottle will not fundamentally change from this.

Rosé light wines- will last from 1 to 3 days. The principle is the same as for white wine. Examples: white zimfadel, pink cabernet sauvignon, rose shiraz, etc.

Red wines subdivided into soft-bodied and full-bodied. And their shelf life will be different.

Red soft-bodied wines stored for 1 to 3 days. They spoil as quickly as whites and pinks.

Soft-bodied wines are distinguished by their lightness, low density and low alcohol content. Usually up to 12.5% ​​alcohol. Example: Riesling.

Red corpulent from 1 to 5 days. Separate types may get better in a day or two. The more the drink is thick, pulling, the more dense the wine is considered.

Dessert fortified and sweet wines stored for a week a large number sugar and alcohol content. And sugar is good preservative. Nevertheless, as you can see, the period is not so long - only a week. Examples: Cahors, Kuban Bouquet, Port wine, Sherry, Madera, etc.

Fortified wines are wines that have had alcohol added during production.

Cognac it is aged in an oak barrel during production, so it improves over time. If you store it at home in a bottle, even tightly closed, taste qualities drink will not improve. So making a 5-star drink out of a 3-star drink will not work.

For better preservation, it is worth pouring cognac into smaller dishes. In this case, the drink will not turn sour, and will stand for more than a month, but will partially or completely lose its taste and aroma. Before use, you need to check if it is transparent, if there is any sediment.

Beer product small storage. It is advised to drink immediately and not store it even for a short time, as it quickly oxidizes. It is better not to put the leftovers, if any, in the refrigerator, but to put them into cooking, for example, bake bread, use for batter, marinate barbecue, etc.

Live, unpasteurized and unfiltered beer spoils faster than other types, in about a day. Filtered, pasteurized varieties will last a day longer. The lower the percentage of alcohol, the lower the storage temperature should be, so use a refrigerator.

The strongest beer (65%) will stay in the refrigerator very long even after bottle opening.

The main thing when storing a started bottle vodka- close the lid very tightly, because the alcohol from it quickly evaporates. It is best to pour it into a smaller container so that there is no air left inside.

Vodka tends to be saturated with foreign odors, so you need to put the bottle away from food. The section of the kitchen cabinet in which they are not stored is suitable. Up to three months, she will quietly stand there.

Important! plain vodka based on alcohol and water will live longer than with impurities, as they begin to oxidize.

The stronger liquor the longer it will be stored. Light fruit liqueurs spoil faster. An open bottle must be tightly sealed with a lid, otherwise, after the rapid evaporation of the alcohol component, an incomprehensible sweetish mass will remain.

You need to keep the container with liquor in a dark place with low humidity, and at a temperature of 10-20 degrees Celsius. In this case, it will not lose its properties from 6 to 8 months. It is better not to put a bottle in the refrigerator - otherwise you can count on 3-4 days, after which it will thicken and begin to lose quality. Examples: Cointreau, Sambuca, Benedictine.

Creamy and egg liqueurs can be kept open for no more than one month. For example, Lawyer, Vana Tallinn cream.

In practice, for some drinks, the period is even shorter. For example, the popular drink Baileys which contains cream and Irish whiskey, V open form will not lose its qualities from 5 to 7 days when stored in a cool and dry place. Although formally it can stand up to 30 days.

One of the longest-lived among alcoholic beverages - whiskey.

For better preservation, whiskey should be poured into a smaller bottle so that there is almost no air. Otherwise, the taste and aroma will deteriorate. If you do not pour the drink, then it will not stand for more than three months. But in a small container with a very tight cork, whiskey will last for a year at a temperature of 5 to 7 degrees.


Time inexorably continues its run.
Whole peoples and states appear and disappear. But His Majesty Progress moves forward regardless of such trifles, and Alcohol in the first line of this triumphal procession. People of all nations and nationalities use with great pleasure wine and its varieties. Craftsmen-alchemists have already learned how to get drinks with a higher alcohol strength. While they are still expensive and not available common people. These strong alcohol while received in small quantities and used to treat internal and external diseases. But "Gin" cannot be kept in a bottle, a drink for real men has been invented and soon it will become known to everyone under the brand VODKA.

Vodka was not invented in Russia, although we Russians consider it our invention and national treasure. Long before the advent of our era, the Chinese were already making it from dates. Later this drink came to Ancient Greece and Arab countries. In medieval Europe until the 15th century, this potion was used only as medical device. The Latin word that this drink received SPIRITUS , meant SPIRIT, and a derivative of alcohol was called aqua vite - water of life or according to another version grape water .

Russian vodka was originally called bread wine . In Russian chronicles the word VODKA appeared only in the 15th century / 1533, the Novgorod Chronicle / and meant medicine. However, here we went our own, Russian way. In the West, they strove for concentrated alcohol solutions and small volumes and called this drink TINCTURE . But here in Russia it was believed that there should be more medicinal drugs and then it would have a better and faster effect on the body.

In the 17th century in Russia, vodkas already had a rich assortment, they were insisted on various medicinal and aromatic herbs: anise. cumin, pepper, orange and others . At this time, medicinal vodkas are already separated from the folk elixir, they lack sugar and are called EROFEICHI . This name for medicinal alcohol was given by the name of the craftsman Yerofeich, who, with his tinctures, cured the famous Count Alexei Orlov from a serious gastric disease. Erofeich himself was a barber, but advertising was up to the mark even in those days. Yerofeichi had a fortress 70-75 degrees .

In the sixties of the 19th century, the import of foreign alcohol was prohibited in Russia, since Germany was the main supplier of alcohol from Europe, where this drink was made from potatoes and there were a lot of fusel oils in it, which made a person aggressive. In a short period of time, a fairly massive production of high-quality and fairly inexpensive vodka is being established in Russia. He organized the production of this drink loved by the people - Pyotr Smirnov.

Further improvement in taste and consumer properties famous Russian chemist took up vodka DI. Mendeleev . In his spare time, he was engaged in improving the technology for the production of vodka and believed that the word VODKA most fully reflects the character of the drink and emphasizes its national identity. You can safely trust the memoirs of his contemporaries that D.I. Mendeleev knew a lot about this matter and did this product taking into account their understanding of its parameters. Through numerous experiments on your body and the involvement of fellow professors and laboratory assistants, the rule was adopted that genuine, that is, , Moscow vodka can only be called vodka fortress 40 degrees . The Mendeleev composition of vodka was patented in 1894 by the Russian government as a Russian national vodka - Moscow special . In terms of strength, bitter tinctures can be equated to vodka: St. John's wort, Starka, Stremennaya and others, they are called bitter because of the absence of sugar in them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, vodka in Russia was in full order - a fairly high quality and an acceptable price for the majority of the population. DRINK - I DON'T WANT ! A revolution and great upheavals were approaching for a large number of countries and peoples with which "Alcohol" would have to reckon, but this is another stage of its offensive.

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10 facts about the dangers of beer

Beer and beer drinks are extremely insidious alcohol. The most serious drawback of low-alcohol drinks (and beer in the first place) is the fact that it is extremely difficult for a person to control the amount of alcohol they drink. One or two cans of beer in good company and with free time develop into five, six bottles or more.

The main disadvantages of beer:

  1. Used in large quantities. Low strength and diuretic effect lead to the fact that almost any rest with foamy drinks doesn't end well.
  2. Low quality drinks. If we exclude cases of chronic alcohol abuse, when buying vodka and other strong alcohol, people more often choose more expensive and high-quality drinks. Beer is almost always taken cheap and in large quantities. There are practically no sales of higher quality or imported beer, even if the price differs by only a few tens of rubles - given the number of bottles, this difference becomes significant for the buyer.

  3. Frivolous attitude. Everyone knows that with the help of beer you can easily get drunk, but at the same time, the attitude towards low-alcohol drink is too frivolous. One, two, or even more cans or bottles of foam, drunk regularly, are still not regarded as alcohol and good rest- more like a pleasant pastime.
  4. Weak hangover. The frivolous attitude to this alcohol, together with the almost complete absence of a hangover after one or two bottles, leads to the fact that regular drinking of beer becomes the norm. The drink can become one of the main fluids consumed. Beer alcoholism develops imperceptibly and gradually.
  5. Dual diuretic action. Alcohol itself has a diuretic effect, washes away many useful substances and trace elements from the body. An additional diuretic effect gives beer. As a result, even if you drink the same amount of vodka and beer in terms of the total volume of alcohol, in the case of beer, the hangover and damage to the body in this regard will be many times stronger.
  6. Kidneys under attack. The kidneys filter alcohol, the liver processes it. In the case of strong drinks, more burden falls on the liver. In the case of beer, the load on the liver has not gone away, but there is also a huge load on the kidneys. These organs are forced to continuously filter liter after liter of liquid poisoned by ethanol. This worsens the state of health in the morning and increases the harm to health.

  7. Harm to the pancreas and heart. The negative impact of alcohol on the organs is enhanced by the harm from beer. Diseases associated with regular alcohol abuse develop faster and with complications. The pancreas begins to "loose" and ceases to fully cope with its functions. The heart works in a constant load mode and increases in size (beer heart, as well as Bavarian or bull heart- same).
  8. Lack of calculation of the amount drunk. Harm to the body from 1 bottle of beer is approximately equal to 60 grams of vodka. Therefore, every 3-4 bottles of foam are similar in harm to a glass of 40-degree alcohol.
  9. Hormonal disruptions. Even a small amount of beer (1-2 bottles) significantly reduces the production of the male sex hormone testosterone. Instead, due to the impact of hop products, phytoestrogens, which are analogues of female sex hormones, begin to be produced. Over the years, with the regular use of beer in men, sexual functions decrease, while the pelvis begins to increase and the mammary glands grow.
  10. Constant overeating. Beer stimulates the appetite and makes a person eat much more than is really necessary for saturation. Overeating (especially harmful salty and spicy snacks) overloads the already suffering digestive organs, leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract and excess weight.

Important: Studies show that the release of the joy hormone dopamine into the brain when drinking alcohol programs the RASGRF2 gene, which is inextricably linked with development. alcohol addiction.
In the case of beer, the release of the hormone comes simply from the taste, regardless of the strength of the drink. As a result, beer alcoholism develops much faster, and this is a real and very dangerous diagnosis.

7 facts about the dangers of vodka

Vodka is the most popular spirit in Russia, primarily due to its low price compared to other spirits. The negative impact of vodka and other 40-degree drinks (cognac, whiskey, tequila) is approximately the same.

With rare exceptions, additional components in the composition of drinks affect only the taste, and practically do not affect the destructive effect of alcohol on the body. For this reason, it is logical to consider the harm of 40-degree alcohol using the example of the most popular and "clean" drink - vodka.

Basic facts about the dangers of vodka:

  1. Rapid intoxication. 40 percent of alcohol in vodka does its job - literally a couple of shots, drunk in a few minutes on the principle "between the first and second", are equal to at least an hour of drinking a liter of beer with the same harmful effects alcohol.
  2. Intoxication is the goal. When drinking vodka, a person almost always sets the main goal of his rest alcohol intoxication. Other drinks are much more likely to be consumed in smaller quantities as an addition to relaxation, rather than the main part of it. The goal of “getting drunk” negatively affects the quality of rest, alcohol addiction develops much faster. Moreover, psychological changes and dependence on alcohol with this approach appear much faster than the physical ailments of alcoholism. An alcoholic can justify his addiction with such rest until it is too late.
  3. Strong impact on health. A large amount of alcohol in the composition of the drink destroys cells faster and harms organs more. First of all, the brain, immunity, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and liver with kidneys suffer.
  4. Out of control behavior. The warming effect of strong alcohol, together with severe intoxication, leads to life-threatening and health-threatening behavior. This is especially dangerous in hot and cold weather, when irreparable harm to health can be caused simply by the weather due to impaired heat transfer in the body.
  5. brain degradation. Each glass of vodka kills about 2,000 brain cells, and they will never recover. The surviving cells are not in the best condition due to poisoning by the decay products of alcohol, dehydration of the body, disturbed mineral and water-alkaline balance. With prolonged abuse, this leads to irreversible degradation of the brain, alcoholic encephalopathy and other incurable consequences.
  6. Impact throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Vodka with 40 degrees in its composition burns the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, contributes to the development of alcoholic gastritis, the appearance and exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The lower the strength of the drink, the less alcohol will harm the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Low cost. It takes much less money to get drunk on vodka than on any other mass consumption alcohol. Financial constraints are relatively present - the goods are available everywhere and cheap.

Conclusion: Harm to health from vodka is primarily dictated by the negative impact of the high alcohol content in the drink on the organs, and secondly, by rapid addiction and stably severe alcohol intoxication(poisoning of the body by alcohol and its decay products). In other words,
sleep with vodka much faster than low alcohol drinks, although the dependence on beer itself will develop faster.

What is better to drink: beer or vodka?

First you need to understand that even wine in large quantities will bring much more harm than good. The choice between beer, vodka and alcohol in the case of a single holiday or event should be formed based on the following criteria:

  1. Individual characteristics of the body. If diseases are present digestive organs or the gastrointestinal tract, then you should choose drinks that are minimally harmful to them. By the same analogy, you should know the contraindications of your other diseases, especially those related to behavior and neurology, the gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system and immunity.
  2. Degree of drink. The higher the strength of alcohol, the greater the harm will be with a single use. By this logic, beer is less harmful than vodka. The exception is wine: in quantities up to 1-2 glasses, this drink will even bring benefits, and the direct harm from ethanol and its processing by the body will be minimal.
  3. Circumstances. You should not lean on strong alcohol where appropriate behavior is unacceptable. On the other hand, on vacation in a relaxed atmosphere, a few shots of vodka can be much less harmful than a few liters of beer combined with the wrong food (fried, fatty, salty and smoked snacks give a strong load on the body in addition to alcohol.

Conclusion: Among vodka, beer and wine, it is best to drink wine. In second place is beer, followed by vodka. With regular use, beer is dangerous due to the rapid and imperceptible development of alcohol dependence. Vodka with prolonged use will cause much more harm to internal organs, more often leads to binges and severe stages of alcoholism. It is best to choose the highest quality and safe alcohol ( good wines, high-quality spirits and even beer, if it is also of high quality)
and do not use them for the purpose of getting drunk. In this case, the harm to the body will be minimal, and it will be possible to choose drinks only with your own preferences and doctor's indications.


The effect of vodka on the body

Considering the fact that classic vodka consists of only two ingredients - ethyl alcohol and water, it is necessary to consider the effect of vodka on the human body from the point of view of the effects of ethanol.

Ethyl alcohol tends to be rapidly absorbed through the intact wall of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. The absorption process begins already in the oral cavity. Ethanol improves blood supply to the mucous layer of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach and duodenum, and also irritates the nerve endings of the mucous membranes, causing increased secretion of digestive juices.

Adopted in a small amount vodka promotes digestion, facilitates the breakdown of fatty foods. In turn, fatty foods, enveloping the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, impair the absorption of alcohol, which prevents rapid intoxication. If vodka is abused, then its irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive organs can result in the occurrence of erosive and ulcerative processes, which are aggravated by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice.

Vodka has a negative effect on the pancreas and liver: increased secretion of digestive juices under the influence of ethanol also applies to them. An increase in volume during normal operation of the gallbladder and excretory ducts leads to improved digestion. If the permissible dosage of alcohol is exceeded or its frequent use, dehydration of pancreatic juice and bile occurs. Violation of the peristaltic contractions of the gallbladder and ducts against the background of thickening of the juices themselves creates all the conditions for the crystallization of bile acids and pancreatic enzymes in them. Frequent alcohol consumption can eventually lead to the development of cholelithiasis inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) or pancreas (pancreatitis).

Ethyl alcohol in the liver undergoes detoxification (this is the reason for the gradual sobering of a person after a feast). As a result of the metabolism of ethanol, a very toxic intermediate breakdown product, acetaldehyde, is formed, which, if a large amount is formed, destroys liver cells. With the abuse of vodka, the liver does not have time to recover: alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis develop.

Vodka has a toxic effect on the nervous, endocrine and reproductive system. Exciting the brain with a small amount of intake into the body, vodka inhibits neuropsychic activity with a significant concentration of ethanol in the blood. A large amount of ethyl alcohol and, accordingly, acetaldehyde in the blood is fraught with a violation of the process of cell division, which is especially important for such actively dividing cells as the bone marrow and genital organs (testicles, ovaries). Therefore, people who abuse vodka eventually experience problems with reproductive function, and also suffer from anemia and immunodeficiency.

Poorly purified vodka, in addition to ethanol itself, also contains fusel oils, which increase the negative effect of alcohol on the cells of all organs in human body, disrupting their work and destroying cell membranes, which leads to cell death.

The action of wine in the body

Unlike vodka, wine has a complex composition.

Depending on the grape variety and technological process, the wine of a bona fide producer may contain:

  • ethanol;
  • carbohydrates;
  • aldehydes;
  • essential oils;
  • fusel oils;
  • flavonoids (resveratrol, quercetin);
  • minerals (iron, manganese, zinc, fluorine, cobalt);
  • vitamins (groups B, C, P, E).

Natural grape wine contain many vitamins, macro- and microelements. At the same time, the amount of fusel oils in them is minimal. Due to its rich chemical composition, small amounts of drinking wine help to improve the condition of the vascular walls, lower cholesterol levels, and normalize the blood count. Resveratrol, found in large quantities in red wine, has a powerful antioxidant and antitumor effect.

Large volumes of wine consumption are dangerous for the body due to their consequences (due to the high content of fusel oils, aldehydes and ethyl alcohol):

  • digestive disorders;
  • neurological disorders;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive and urinary organs;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • death of hepatocytes;
  • suppression of the immune system;
  • allergic reactions.

But drinking wine in limited quantities and under good snack, the negative effects of volatile compounds in wine can be avoided. A high-quality drink enriches the body with vitamins and minerals, but wine cannot be considered their source: in order to replenish daily requirement body in these substances, you need to consume a fairly large amount of wine.

What's better

The main criterion influencing the answer, what is better to drink: vodka or wine, is the dose taken alcohol. Permissible daily doses of alcohol, at which its harmful properties do not appear or appear minimally, are 50 ml of high-quality vodka (from rectified alcohol), 150 ml of dry, 100 ml of semi-sweet and 70-80 ml of strong wine. These amounts of alcoholic beverages correspond to an average of 20 g of pure ethanol, which is safe for the body.

If we compare the harm from different types of wine and vodka, then with the same volume of consumption of these drinks, vodka will be more harmful. This is explained simply:

  • a bottle (500 ml) of vodka contains 200 g of ethyl alcohol;
  • in 500 ml of dry wine - 50-60 g;
  • in 500 ml of semi-sweet - 60-75 g;
  • in 500 ml of sweet - 70-90 g;
  • in 500 ml of fortified - up to 110 g.

If we compare the doses of these drinks not by volume, but by the same ethanol content, then vodka turns out to be less harmful: 100 ml of vodka, which contains 40 g of ethanol, is less harmful than 400 ml of dry wine, which contains the same amount of ethanol. This is due to the fact that high-quality vodka practically does not contain fusel oils and aldehydes, which enhance the harmful effects of ethyl alcohol.

With all this, taking a large amount of vodka and wine is equally harmful to the body and is fraught with poisoning with ethyl alcohol. After a single abuse of any alcohol in the morning, a hangover is provided, and after repeated abuse - a violation of the liver and pancreas, the nervous system and all other organs.


How does drinking strong drinks affect the body?

Any vodka consists of alcohol diluted with water to a certain proportion. Purification systems relieve the drink of harmful impurities of fusel oils, but not the effect of the mixture itself on human health.

The process of penetration of alcohol into the body:

an insignificant part of ethanol begins to be absorbed into the blood immediately upon entering the oral cavity; from the stomach and intestines, the main part of alcohol enters the liver, where it decomposes into the toxic substance acetaldehyde and water. Unfortunately, the liver is not able to immediately process the entire portion drunk, processing approximately 20%; the further path through the blood vessels is overcome by vodka in the company of a dangerous poison, disrupting metabolic processes at the cellular level, destroying hemoglobin, which nourishes the cells with oxygen; a minute after the entry of ethanol into the body, poisonous alcohol enters the brain, the protection of which is powerless. By acting on the pleasure center, vodka causes euphoria; violating the integrity of cell membranes in the brain, ethanol releases neurotransmitters that cause loss of coordination, memory impairment, weakening of vision, excessive arousal, bordering on aggressiveness; then comes a breakdown, apathy, drowsiness.

Scientists, exploring how vodka can act on a person, highlight its beneficial effects:

disinfecting actions; "warming" effect after a long stay in the cold, as external compresses; preservative properties in the manufacture of folk tinctures; moderate use helps to remove puffiness, remove decay products with urine, there is a positive effect on the cardiac and vascular system.

A safe dose is 25 ml of a vodka product. That's one and a half tablespoons. And who drinks so much vodka?! In addition, with daily use of even such a portion, a person runs the risk of becoming an alcoholic.

The influence of wine on human life support systems

When talking about the benefits of wine, they mean natural table wine made from red or white grapes. But it must be taken into account that such research is a rather expensive undertaking and is usually carried out by wine producers themselves, who are interested in making a profit from the sale of wine. Therefore, the described benefits of drinking any alcoholic product, regardless of the strength, are a rather arbitrary concept. After all, every drink contains some amount of ethanol, which has an extremely harmful effect on the human body. If the wine is of surrogate origin, drinking such a drink is even more harmful, because of the flavors and dyes in its composition.

Of course, natural red or white wine is rich in vitamins, trace elements that have passed into the drink from ripe grapes, especially if the fruits grew without chemical treatment. But ethanol, obtained as a result of fermentation, has a much more harmful effect on the body than all useful substances taken together, which are practically not absorbed, being destroyed under the influence of alcohol.

It is especially dangerous to drink vodka, as well as wine:

Young people before reaching the age of 21, when the body is fully formed; Weakened elderly people; Pregnant and lactating women; Representatives of both sexes with chronic diseases of the internal organs.

It takes at least a few days to restore liver tissue destroyed by alcohol. If you drink a “safe”, as imaginary researchers assure, dose of alcohol every day, liver cells will simply die. This is fraught with cirrhosis or malignant degeneration of the organ. Diseases are practically not treatable, you can only stop the destruction of the body, completely abandoning the use of alcoholic beverages.

Vodka and wine make a person more susceptible to contracting infectious diseases, especially venereal diseases. Alcohol, when interacting with many drugs, often causes irreversible changes in the body, up to the onset of death.

Regardless of what a person will drink - strong vodka or low-alcohol wine - ethanol contained in drinks equally harms the body, destroying its systems and organs. Choosing which type of alcohol is better to drink, a person simply deceives himself. We must always remember that alcohol for a person is poison in any form, be it wine, vodka, beer, cognac or champagne.

Every adult understands how frequent use of alcoholic beverages can end, but they have been consumed for thousands of years, and in the future there is not the slightest guarantee that people will give up alcohol. Since a person cannot refuse alcohol, it is best to choose the most safe drink, which will not affect the liver, kidneys and heart in a few years. Although any drink, which will include even a meager percentage of alcohol, with daily use will adversely affect health.

Features of vodka

In foreign countries, you can meet only units who drink vodka in pure form. It is commonly used as a base for cocktails and other spirits. In the post-Soviet space, vodka fell in love in its pure form and the percentage of alcohol in it can reach up to 56. At the same time, vodka is the most common alcohol-containing product in the world.

What can be useful vodka? True teetotalers will give an answer - nothing, but "lovers" will certainly begin to list the positive properties of vodka. And do not be surprised - they actually exist and are scientifically confirmed.

Useful properties of vodka

Vodka effectively disinfects cuts and abrasions, and it is also used in anti-inflammatory compresses. Previously, for the treatment of otitis, water was mixed with vodka and instilled into the ears. Such ear drops are in no way inferior in effectiveness to those sold in pharmacies. If you rub vodka on thermal burns, you can achieve a fairly long cooling effect. With a small use of vodka, you can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and ischemia. Small doses of vodka allow you not to get sick colds. After drinking vodka, a good appetite. Helps with anxiety and insomnia. Normalization of pressure and elimination of headaches. In Rus', vodka was used to treat indigestion, colds and heartburn.

In order for vodka to “serve” for the good, you should observe the measure and in no case should you drink more than a glass a day. Doctors do not recommend self-treatment with vodka or drinking it as a preventive measure.

Negative consequences after drinking vodka

Severe poisoning Heart attack Cerebral hemorrhage Addiction Decreased mental activity Mental illness

If you drink vodka often and in large quantities - for a short time You can completely kill yourself and your body. The use of large doses of vodka causes severe toxic poisoning. In vodka made in an artisanal way, there is often a high percentage of fractions. As a result, a person can end the stormy fun with a fatal outcome.

The alcohol content of wine typically ranges from 9 to 16%. The drink is created as a result of the fermentation of berries or fruit juice. Fortified wines are diluted with alcohol. Wine is the most ancient drink which has both positive and negative properties. Some doctors advise drinking wine for prevention cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

Useful properties of wine

Contains vitamins of group B, as well as C and R. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Provides antioxidants to the body. Red wine contains enough iron, which is necessary for anemia. Activates salivary glands and increases appetite. Antibacterial action. The tannins found in wine help heal ulcers. Displays harmful substances from the body. Reduces cholesterol. Removes excess salt from the body.

The use of wine in large doses can cause heart disease, liver disease and diabetes. High doses of alcohol stimulate the development cancer cells. You can not drink wine while taking antibiotics, pregnancy, as well as people suffering from cystitis or pancreatic diseases.

Wine and vodka can have both positive and negative effects on the body. It depends on the dose of alcohol taken. Vodka provides an indispensable help in everyday life. When using vodka in its pure form, it is imperative to monitor the dosage and quality of the product.

Wine is good for the heart and mental abilities, but only if you drink no more than one glass a day. Otherwise, almost the same Negative consequences like after vodka. If you do not know what is healthier than wine or vodka, give preference to a drink with the lowest alcohol content.


Drinking is harmful to health. And this is an axiom that does not require proof. However, if you do not plan to give up alcohol completely, guided by the results of research that suggests that in moderate doses such drinks are even healthy, then you have every right to do so. Another thing is that alcohol this case should be chosen wisely.

Remember, for example, that white wine is not always good for your skin, while champagne, which has been linked to bloating and other digestive disorders, is just not so dangerous. And if you are a fan of beer, then let it be a good and more expensive craft (we tell you why here). And, of course, do not forget to carefully read the label, so as not only to understand what kind of drink is in front of you, but also not to overdo it with sugar in the diet.

Sometimes we all face a dilemma: which alcohol is healthier? Of course, if we discard the idea that alcohol, in principle, "is not good." We tell you why vodka is probably healthier than wine, and give a number of scientific arguments in this regard.

Many drinkers look to vodka as a low-calorie option that may be slightly healthier than red wine in that sense. In addition, a study published in the journal Circulation found that wine and vodka have similar heart-friendly benefits.

When pigs were given red wine (pinot noir), vodka, or kept on an alcohol-free, high-fat diet, those animals that consumed alcohol had an increase in blood flow to the heart and an increase in “good” cholesterol (HDL).

However, the researchers came to the conclusion that alcohols in this case work differently: for example, red wine expands (= relaxes) blood vessels, and vodka increases the density of capillaries, additionally saturating the blood with oxygen.

At the same time, vodka contains 40% alcohol, and the remaining 60% is unflavored water. "Vodka is considered one of the cleanest drinks because it is distilled many times, which completely eliminates the sugars coming from fruits and vegetables. In a practical sense, the "purity" of vodka means that 1-2 cocktails per evening will probably not lead to hangover syndrome“, says Medical Daily Martin Silver (Martin Silver), CEO of alcohol company Star Industries.

But nutritionists urge those who want to reduce total calories diet, in no case do not mix vodka with sugar and preservatives. “If you feel like you need something sweet, add juice or some fresh berries,” advises nutritionist Vanessa Risetto.


Vodka or wine: which is more harmful is one of the most frequently asked questions. The answer is obvious - it is better not to drink at all. Every alcoholic drink contains alcohol. Upon entering the body, it begins to decompose into dangerous substances that have a detrimental effect on humans. With the systematic consumption of any kind of alcohol, various kinds of ailments develop. An irreversible process of destruction of internal organs and systems is launched. You can stop it only by giving up a destructive habit.

How vodka affects the human body

Vodka is made from alcohol and water. Both components are mixed in a certain proportion. Then the cleaning process takes place. Each manufacturer establishes its own manufacturing process. Only the effect obtained from this type of product is the same.

Ways of alcohol in the body and its effect on the internal environment:

  1. A dose of ethanol is in the oral cavity. Some of it already at this stage begins to be absorbed into the blood.
  2. Then alcohol is in the stomach and intestines. From there, it enters the liver, where it is converted into a toxic substance. The body cannot cope with a large dose of ethanol, processing only part of it.
  3. Vodka with its decay products is distributed throughout the body through the circulatory system. There is a failure of metabolic processes.
  4. Enough quickly ethanol penetrates the brain. Since his defense is powerless, cell destruction occurs.
  5. Internal changes begin to manifest themselves in human behavior. His coordination, speed of reactions are disturbed, speech, vision and memory deteriorate.

If a person saw how vodka destroys his body, maybe he would stop drinking. It seems to us that everything passes without a trace, but in fact, any action has its consequences.

Why wine is dangerous for a person

It is believed that wine has a beneficial effect on internal organs. But is it really so? Like any alcoholic drink, wine contains alcohol. Therefore, its use leads to intoxication. In addition to the negative impact of ethanol, there is another danger associated with some features of this type of alcohol:

  • the presence of dyes of dubious origin;
  • chemical additives with negative characteristics;
  • introduction of additional components in order to reduce production costs;
  • neglect of manufacturing technology.

Natural wine is not fraught with as much danger as a surrogate of unknown origin. It can cause the development of various ailments. This is in addition to the negative impact of ethanol itself. Wine of dubious production can provoke allergic reactions, the occurrence of tumors and other abnormalities, even death. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing alcohol.

Positive properties of alcoholic beverages

Hot drinks can have positive effect on the body, especially vodka and wine. However, it is worth remembering that it is quite difficult to “feel” the line. An important condition is a small dose and the ability to stop in time. Alcohol is used with benefit in some cases:

  1. For disinfection. Alcohol is able to neutralize the action of negative components, microorganisms and other substances.
  2. For warming. After a long stay in the cold.
  3. For compresses. Alcohol has a warming power.
  4. For the purpose of making tinctures. It is used in folk medicine.
  5. With health benefits. In very small amounts, it has a positive effect on the heart and vascular system.

To improve health, it is allowed to drink alcoholic beverages once a week in small doses. For these purposes, both vodka and wine are suitable. The main thing is that the product is natural. Such self-treatment is contraindicated for people suffering from various ailments. It is possible that drinking alcohol will only worsen the state of health and the course of the disease.

Negative properties of alcoholic beverages

Excessive and frequent use of alcohol of any kind adversely affects human health. It's better to stop drinking altogether. strong drinks. Ethanol, which is part of alcohol, gradually destroys the body. The resulting violations become irreversible. It is impossible to correct the harm that alcohol causes.

It causes negative changes throughout the body:

  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • brain cells are destroyed;
  • worsening liver function;
  • the standard of living decreases;
  • addiction develops.

Frequent use of alcohol destroys a person from the inside. He starts getting addicted. It becomes difficult to get rid of it without outside intervention. In this situation, it does not matter what was more harmful - vodka or wine. Since both of these drinks contain ethanol. Only the consequences remain, to combat which you will need the help of a professional and the desire of an alcoholic to recover.

What is more harmful - vodka or wine

It is better not to drink at all if you do not know the measure. For people who are chemically addicted, it doesn't matter which is more harmful. Any drink containing ethanol makes them addictive. In other cases, much depends on the alcohol itself, on its quality and initial ingredients.

What is the difference between wine and vodka:

  1. Fortress. The more degrees, the faster the person gets drunk.
  2. Ingredients. Wine production is more expensive, so chemical components can be used to reduce the cost of the process.
  3. Manufacturing. homemade drink will be less harmful than purchased.
  4. Appearance. Coloring can be added to the wine to give the appropriate shade.

If you drink in large quantities, then any alcohol is harmful. When choosing a drink for the holidays, give preference quality wine. It has fewer degrees, tastes better, and doesn't require as many snacks as vodka. The main thing is to drink rarely, in small doses and not to mix alcohol with drugs.

To the question Tell me the recipes for simple cocktails with vodka and wine of Youth such .. given by the author Bee the best answer is The most real and simple is Bloody Mary (everyone knows) and a screwdriver: 50 grams of vodka, 150 orange juice and always ice. Simple and Super!!! Screwdriver options 25/175 (for girls who drink little), 75/125, one more is considered to be the original 100/100 gr.

Answer from European[guru]

The French Liv cocktail is a strong alcoholic drink with a delicate pleasant taste.
100 ml vodka
50 ml pernod
50 ml orange juice
For decoration:
orange ring
Cooking method:
In a shaker filled with ice, shake all ingredients vigorously until the shaker is covered with frost. Then strain into a glass. Garnish the glass with an orange ring.
Cocktail French kiss (French Kiss) gentle sweet taste of the drink will appeal to everyone
25 ml Vodka
50 ml Raspberry liqueur
50 ml Grande Marnier
50 ml Whipping cream
For decoration:
cherries for cocktails
Cooking method:
Vigorously shake all ingredients in a shaker. Strain into a glass. Hang cherries on the edge of the glass.
Marilyn Monroe cocktail (Marilyn Monroe) soft light drink
100 ml Champagne
50 ml Apple brandy
10 ml Grenadine liqueur
For decoration:
cherries for cocktails
Cooking method:
Mix well in a glass filled with ice. Decorate the glass with cherries.
200 g strawberries, peeled and washed, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1/3 cup crushed ice, 1 glass of Curacao liqueur, 1 glass of cognac, 1 glass of champagne. Rub strawberries through a sieve, grind with sugar, add ice, liquor and cognac, beat in a mixer, add champagne and pour into glasses. Calculated for 3 servings.
1/2 cup vodka, 1/2 cup frozen orange juice. Mix everything in a mixer for a few seconds. Pour into glasses and serve immediately. Calculated for 2 servings.
1/2 cup crushed ice, 1 tablespoon sugar, juice from 1 orange, 1 cup whiskey. Mix everything in a mixer to dissolve the sugar. Pour into glasses. Designed for 4 servings.

Answer from stripe[guru]
Finely chop the lemon zest, grind with 3 cups of sugar, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, squeeze out the lemon juice, add 1-2 cups of vodka and let stand covered for 3 hours. Then strain the mixture, pour in 2 cups of orange juice, 2 cups of dry white wine, add fruit to taste compote - cherry, cherry, plum. The cocktail is served chilled with pieces of ice.
Heat 0.7 l of red table wine to 70-80 degrees, pour 2 tables. spoons of sugar. Pour hot wine into porcelain dishes. Separately, in a plate, pour cognac or vodka over 3 tablespoons of sugar. Set fire to this mixture, and when it takes on a blue flame, overturn it into a vessel with hot wine. Such punches are especially spectacular by candlelight. Punch is poured into cups and drunk hot, of course, having extinguished the fire beforehand.

Answer from high-speed[guru]
Champagne + vodka = northern lights; White dry + vodka = Tear of a Komsomol member

Answer from goldfish[guru]
vodka + pineapple juice))

Answer from Michael Sch...[guru]
You take 100 g of Stolichnaya, and carefully, on the edge of a knife, so as not to mix, add 100 g of Moskovskaya.
Do not shake!

Answer from Natalya Kormashova[guru]
vodka Absolut - 35 ml,
Grand Marnier liqueur - 20 ml,
lime juice - 15 ml.
Preparation: Combine ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Strain into a cocktail glass and serve immediately.
Absolut Citron vodka - 45 ml,
Trip Sec liqueur - 15 ml,
lemon - 1 slice.
Preparation: Combine ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Serve in an old style glass.
Southern Comfort liqueur - 15 ml,
vodka - 45 ml,
pomegranate syrup - 15 ml,
Orange juice- 45 ml,
sour mix - 45 ml.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into a collins glass and add ice.
apricot liqueur - 30 ml,
vodka - 30 ml,
lemon juice- 15 ml,
orange juice - 120 ml,
orange - 1 slice.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into a goblet glass and add ice.
Amaretto liqueur - 7 ml,
vodka - 35 ml,
sour mix to taste
lemon - 1 slice.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into a highball glass, add ice and garnish with fruit.
apricot brandy - 30 ml,
Triple liqueur Sec - 20 ml,
vodka - 30 ml,
sour mix - 60 ml.

tart-fruity longdrink for the evening
longdrink glass,
40 ml of vodka,
20 ml Apricot Brandy liqueur,
10 ml Bitter lemon juice.
Preparation: Shake all ingredients except Bitter lemon with ice in a shaker and strain into a glass. Add Bitter lemon and stir lightly.
vodka - 45 ml,
Curacao liqueur - 7 ml,
apricot liqueur - 7 ml,
lime juice - 1 teaspoon,
orange - 1 twist.

Jamaican rum - 45 ml,
vodka - 45 ml,
lemon juice - 1 1/2 teaspoons,
passion flower juice - 3-4 drops,
lemon - 1 twist.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into an old style glass, add ice and garnish with fruit.
Absolut Citron vodka - 35 ml,
Kahlua liqueur - 35 ml.
Preparation: Combine ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Serve in a rocks glass.
Count Stroganov
vodka - 45 ml,
White Creme de Cacao liqueur - 20 ml,
lemon juice - 15 ml.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into a cocktail glass and serve immediately.
Blue Curacao liqueur - 1 splash,
Triple Sec liqueur - 20 ml,
vodka - 45 ml,
pomegranate syrup - splash 1 time,
lime - 1/2 slice.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into a cocktail glass and serve immediately, garnished with fruit.
apple liqueur (Apple Schnapps) - 20 ml,
vodka - 35 ml,
cranberry juice- 60 ml.
Preparation: Mix everything in a shaker with ice and beat well. Strain into a highball glass and add ice.
vodka - 30 ml,
cranberry juice - 45 ml,
Pineapple juice- 45 ml.
Preparation: Combine ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Serve in a highball glass.
liqueur Green Creme de Menthe - 15 ml,
pepper vodka - 45 ml.
Preparation: Combine ingredients in a mixing glass with ice and stir. Serve in stack
