
How to make cherry compote in summer. Cherry compote for the winter with and without pits, with strawberries, citric acid, apricots

The cherry season always lasts a very short time, so you need to have time to enjoy its wonderful taste, as well as prepare it for the winter. various conservation. Cherry lends itself well to heat treatment and it turns out very delicious jam and compotes. It is very good to roll up a few jars for the winter cherry compote, and with the arrival of guests, pour it into glasses. You don’t have to buy juices in the store, because natural homemade drinks are many times tastier and healthier. Manufacturers alone know what they add to their products, and when you personally cook, you will select the most ripe berry, add as much sugar as you like and no coloring. If fresh fruits often appear on your table, then do not miss the opportunity to make winter and delicious preparations. This time we present to your attention cherry compote. This drink has pleasant taste And delicate fragrance. The preparation of drinks for the winter itself is not so difficult, so let's do it together.

One more moment. Very often the concepts of "sterilization" and "pasteurization" are confused not in production, but in the process home preservation. The first is, as a rule, the disinfection of cans for conservation at temperatures above 100 ° C, there are many ways (over steam, in the oven, etc.). The second is when the jars filled with contents are placed in a pot of water and so pasteurized at a temperature not exceeding 100 ° C for a certain time. If you are interested in a recipe without a pasteurization procedure, then the recipes below are for you. If you need it even without sterilization, i.e. not for the winter, but for drinking immediately, then they are also suitable for you. Just exclude the step with the preparation of cans, but remember that you can store such a drink only in the refrigerator and only for no more than 3-4 days.

Compote of cherries with seeds for the winter

In jam, it is better to remove the bones, but in compotes this is not necessary. That's why I like to prepare such drinks - very simple, fast, and the result is excellent. The amount of ingredients I have is based on two liter jars. After pouring, I usually have syrup left, but it is drunk almost immediately.

Required Ingredients:

How to close cherry compote for the winter

in winter ready compote will be a great treat for all your family and friends.

Cherry compote for the winter a simple recipe

What we need:

  • sweet cherry (pink or white) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700-800g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • water - 4.5 l.

Output: two three-liter jars

Cherry compote for the winter is an easy way to prepare

Cherry compote is ready! Sweet and light drink you can enjoy at any time of the year!

Bon appetit!

And there is a recipe for assorted compote of strawberries and cherries.

When the cherry season is in full swing, it means that it's time to think about a compote of these berries for the winter. Sweet canned drink is considered the best of the stone fruit varieties, as the fruits retain their density and elasticity even after heat treatment. A delicious compote of juicy yellow, red, burgundy berries will be especially valuable in winter.

How to cook cherry compote

Berry gives every housewife the opportunity to create beautiful and mouth-watering drinks containing useful elements. Colorful cherry compotes for the winter will be an excellent vitamin thirst neutralizer in the season when fresh fruit and almost no berries. To make the cherry variety more juicy, it should be cut off from the tree with the stalk, which must be removed immediately before canning. Juice from the berry will not flow out ahead of time, that's all useful vitamins remain inside the fetus.

Harvesting compotes for the winter is an easy and not very laborious process that allows you to enjoy delicious drink in the cold. You can make a fragrant drink exclusively from cherries or mix it with other berries that differ in color and taste. In any case, the drink will be as vitamin and tonic as possible. It is worth considering that cherry compote for the winter with unremoved bones cannot be stored for more than two years.

If you are going to learn the science of how to cook cherry compote for the first time, you should know that you can do this without sterilization or with sterilization. The first method is the simplest and is suitable for a large number varieties. It consists in filling the prepared jars with berries, pouring boiling water over the food in the containers, boiling the syrup from the infused water and pouring it over again. raw cherries.

The sterilization method is more laborious, because during the seaming process it is necessary to pour syrup of a suitable concentration into jars filled with berries. After that, it is necessary to securely place the containers in a large bowl or pan with hot water and warm up a certain amount of time at a temperature of eighty-one hundred degrees Celsius.

How to close compote for the winter without sterilization

The easiest way to cook compote for the winter quickly and easily is the option without sterilization. Based on three-liter jar need to take the following ingredients:

  • cherry tree fruits - 4-5 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • vanillin - at the discretion.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the berries, that is, sort and rinse them thoroughly. Bones can be removed as desired.
  2. Bring water to a boil with the calculation of two and a half liters per jar.
  3. Sterilize the container, fill it with the main ingredient, pour boiling water over it, let it stand for fifteen minutes.
  4. Drain all the liquid from the jars into a bowl, add sugar, boil and add vanillin.
  5. Fill jars with syrup. After that, they must be closed immediately.
  6. Turn the filled container upside down and do not move to a permanent storage location until it has completely cooled.

How to make seedless compote for the winter

This cherry drink is especially loved, for the reason that it can be stored longer. If you are wondering how to cook pitted cherry compote for a half-liter jar, then prepare the following ingredients:

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the main ingredient for seaming: remove cuttings, wash, sort out.
  2. Place the berries in pre-prepared jars, sprinkle with sugar and fill with boiling water.
  3. Cover containers with lids. After that, sterilize for twenty minutes. The countdown starts from the time the boiling process started.
  4. Roll up and store preservation in a dark place.

Compote without sugar for the winter

It is customary to close cherry compote with the addition of sugar. However, you can replace regular granulated sugar with a sweetener in the form of honey or fructose. Some housewives prefer to make a completely unsweetened drink for the winter, which is ideal for diabetics and women who are watching their figure. If you decide to make compote of berries for the winter without sugar, then prepare the following ingredients based on a half-liter jar:

  • juicy fruits of a berry tree - 1-2 tbsp.

You need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Prepare the fruits by cleaning them from the stalks and spoiled elements.
  2. Fill the third part of the jar with berries, pour boiling water over it.
  3. Roll up.
  4. Remove the preservation in the pantry or basement.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Preservation will have a richer taste if other fruits and berries are added to the main component. Cherry compote for the winter can still be prepared with citrus fruits, such as lemon or orange. You will definitely like the combination of cherries and strawberries. The following ingredients should be used to make the preserve:

  • juicy fruits of a berry tree - 3 kg;
  • strawberries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.;
  • citric acid - 2.5 tsp;
  • mint - 1 sprig.

Step-by-step instructions will help you understand how to make compote for the winter. To brew a cherry-strawberry drink, you need:

  1. Prepare the main components by washing thoroughly, removing twigs, cuttings and sepals.
  2. Arrange in jars alternately cherries, strawberries, mint leaves. Pour boiling water over and wait twenty minutes.
  3. Drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar to the liquid in a ratio of 1: 1, add citric acid, bring on the stove to a syrup state.
  4. Pour the prepared liquid into jars, after which they must be immediately closed.

Video: cherry compote for the winter with oranges


Hello my dear readers! We have already ripened late cherries - fragrant, flowing with juice, so beautiful that it's a pity to pick it and eat it! But endless rains and flying bands of field thrushes make it necessary to quickly dispose of the harvest. It will not work to stretch the pleasure to eat it for at least a week. Either it will burst from moisture, or only bones on the stalks will remain from it after a raid by birds. Therefore, it is urgent to roll cherry compote for the winter.

Early cherries are also suitable for making compote. Most often it is mixed with strawberries - it turns out tastier. And the late one is good as a solo ingredient. It is absolutely self-sufficient and does not require any "backing vocals". Although it is quite possible to combine it with apricots, peaches, some varieties of early apples, sour cherries.

Compote is twisted from cherries of any color - red, yellow, white, "red-sided". The main requirement for raw materials is that cherries must be elastic, intact, not wormy. And if uninvited guests are wound up, then before cooking, you should soak the berries in saline solution. Animals will float to the surface in horror and should be removed with a slotted spoon.

Compote is prepared with different contents of cherries. Someone cooks it because of the fragrant liquid, while for someone the cherry itself is more important. In the first case, one third of the jar of berries should be put and the rest of the volume filled with syrup, and in the second case, it is the cherries that are tightly placed in the container. Very little syrup is needed.

Let's get to work. First of all, I give you a recipe brought from the Donbass about thirty years ago by my friend. Compote is prepared in this way not only from cherries, but from any berries and even from large tassels of elastic grapes.

Compote of cherries with seeds for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for making sugar syrup

  • Two liters of water.
  • 320-420 g sugar (about two glasses).
  • 2-4 g of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the container - wash it cleanly using ordinary soda or mustard powder, rinse thoroughly, sterilize in any way familiar to you.
  2. Sort the cherries, select for rolling the compote only a completely whole, not wrinkled, without damage and signs of damage to the berry. Free from the stalks, if they remain, wash thoroughly.
  3. Fill the jars by a third.
  4. Prepare syrup, boil it.
  5. Pour into jars through the top, immediately roll up boiled lids, put upside down.
  6. Cover jars with warm clothes. And pile on top - use an old coat, blankets.
  7. Leave it like that until they get cold.

My remarks

  • This method allows you to preserve the taste of fresh berries.
  • It is justified to prepare compote from fresh cherries for the winter without sterilization in containers of at least 3 liters.
  • Assorted cherries with strawberries are rolled up in almost the same way. Take fruits in any ratio.

Sterilized cherry compote

If you make compote with a predominant content of berries, then there will not be too much syrup in it. Such a product should certainly be sterilized to avoid spoilage during storage. Such a drink is prepared from berries with seeds and without seeds. In the first case, a syrup of 35% concentration should be prepared (for 650 g of water, 350 g of sugar). In the second case, we prepare sugar syrup 50% concentration (for 500 g of water 500 g of sugar). A 1 liter jar requires approximately 300-350 ml of syrup. For each liter of syrup, 1 g of citric acid should be added.

How to roll up

  1. Sort out raw materials, select only the highest quality berries for processing. Rinse in several waters, tear off the stalks and remove the seeds (if you cook without them).
  2. Pour cherries into sterilized jars almost to the top.
  3. Make a syrup of the desired concentration. Pour hot syrup (60°C) over cherries. Place sterilized lids on jars.
  4. Place in a container with water heated to 70°C for sterilization. At the bottom of the pan, you can place a wooden plank or a clean cloth folded several times.
  5. Sterilize 1 liter containers at 100°C for 30 minutes (pitted) or 20 minutes (pitted).
  6. Tighten tightly, put upside down and cool as quickly as possible, but not in a draft.

My remarks

Compote according to the technology of two-time filling without sterilization

Ingredients for a three-liter jar

  • 1.8-2 kg cherries (approximately).
  • 1-1.2 liters of water.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 2 g citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Pour the sweet cherry prepared in the above way into jars almost to the neck.
  2. Boil water, pour it into jars to the top of the neck, put on sterile lids. Let stand like this for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Pour the water into the saucepan. The most convenient way to do this is through gauze fixed to the jar with an elastic band or a perforated lid.
  4. Put sugar and citric acid into the water, heat the syrup to 100 ° C, boil for 1 minute.
  5. Pour so that the syrup overflows through the neck of the container.
  6. Roll it up immediately, turn it upside down, wrap it in something warm and leave it like that until the compote has cooled completely.

Seedless cherry compote recipe for a child

If you decide to cook compote from fresh or frozen cherries for a child, then it should be cooked pitted. After all, the baby can choke on them. homemade drink much more useful than store-bought juices and carbonated drinks stuffed with "chemistry" and sweeteners. It has only one drawback - a high sugar content, which is certainly harmful. Therefore, we will cheat and prepare compote in a saucepan to drink now, without sugar at all. When the compote has cooled, we will sweeten it with liquid honey (if the child is not allergic to it) or put a small amount of sugar, like in tea.

How to cook

  1. We sort and select high-quality berries for compote, free them from the stalks, conscientiously wash them in water, and remove the seeds.
  2. We boil clean water, send fruits into it, bring it to a boil again, remove from heat and leave the drink to brew in a saucepan.
  3. Pour into cups or glasses, put sugar or honey to taste.

We have reached the end of our meeting today. Of course, you can cook compote from fresh cherries in a saucepan to drink immediately, throughout the season of this delicious berry. But in the summer it is better to just eat any fruits fresh, and prepare compotes for the winter.

We have adopted at home New Year open the first jar of some compote with great content fruits. Most often it is cherry, pear or. For me, such a “hello from the warm summer” is tastier than any cake. Yes, and the kids love to "peck" delicious berries.

As of today, I have finished the program. I would be very grateful if you share the recipe in in social networks. I look forward to your comments - they keep me hopeful and confident that someone still needs my writings.
Always yours Irina.

I give you a bright charming melody today.


How to make compote

cherry compote for the winter

30 minutes

28 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

How nice it is to open a jar in winter fruit compote and feel the smell and taste of hot summer! I roll a lot of fruits in the form of compotes, and of course - from cherries. For a change, I make several jars with different berries: half a cherry, and the other half - I take strawberries or cherries.

Sunset does not take long, and my family enjoys the results all winter.

Compote of cherries with seeds for the winter

Kitchen appliances and utensils:


The amount of water, sugar and citric acid depends on how many berries will be in the jar and what taste you want to get - very sweet, or slightly sweetened. Everything is individual.

Making compote from cherries for the winter

  1. We prepare jars - they must be sterile. To do this, you need to wash them thoroughly by adding them to water. baking soda and then sterilized.

  2. We carefully sort the cherries, removing leaves, petioles, spoiled fruits.

  3. We fill the jars of cherries - you can put berries up to half the jar or to the top, as you like.

  4. Now pour boiling water into the jar - so that the water even spills over the edge.

  5. Cover the jar with a lid and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  6. During this time, sterilize the lids. We put them in a saucepan, fill with water. Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.

  7. Pour water from the jar through the drain lid, pour sugar and a little citric acid into it. Now bring the syrup to a boil. It should boil for a couple of minutes.

  8. Pour the syrup into a jar, close with a sterile lid.
  9. We roll it with a special key.

Video recipe for making cherry compote for the winter

The video shows 2 options for rolling compote for the winter - from cherries without sterilization, and from cherries with strawberries with sterilization.

Cherry compote - video recipe

In today's video, we share with you 2 ways of cherry compote for the winter: without sterilization and with the addition of strawberries. Full version cherry compote recipe is available on our website - http://www.iamcook.ru/showrecipe/9080




Cherry compote with strawberries for the winter

  • Cooking time: 30 min.
  • Servings: 3.
  • Kitchen appliances and utensils: jars, seaming lids, liquid drain lid, seaming key.


Cooking cherry-strawberry compote for the winter

  1. Preparing banks. To do this, wash them thoroughly by adding baking soda to the water. We will not sterilize, as this process will be a little later.
  2. For a combined compote of berries, you need to take in equal amounts: half cherries, and half - strawberries or cherries.

  3. We put the berries, pour water into the jar, how much will go in.

  4. Pour water into a container and add sugar - enough so that the compote is sweet enough for you.

  5. We put the pan on the fire, you need to bring the syrup to a boil. Pour the resulting syrup into a jar.
  6. We cover the jars with seaming lids and set them in large saucepan, the water in which should not reach the neck of the cans. From the moment of boiling, keep on fire for at least 15 minutes.

  7. We take out the cans from the water and roll them up with a key.

  8. We set the jars neck down and wrap. Keep them in this position until completely cooled.

What to serve with cherry compote

Such a compote will be appropriate at any time of the day - for lunch, afternoon tea, a regular snack.

Sweet cherry, in botany it is also called bird cherry, is one of the most ancient types of cherries grown in culture. Its fruits are real drupes. The stone in them is surrounded by a fleshy edible pericarp of light, almost white, red or very dark red color. The calorie content of compote from sweet cherries is on average 65-67 kcal / 100 g.

The easiest and fastest recipe for cherry compote with pits without sterilization - photo recipe

Fragrant cherries rolled up with compote for the winter are one of my favorites. winter preparations in our family. I prepare a cherry drink quickly and easily, without bothering with its sterilization.

How to close a compote of pitted cherries

For home preservation of cherries, it is better to choose varieties with a well-separated stone. In this case, the losses will be minimal. Hardware stores have special pit separators for cherries and sweet cherries. If such a device is not at hand, you can use a female hairpin. For a delicious cherry drink for one liter jar you will need:

  • sweet cherry fruits 450-500 g;
  • sugar 160 g;
  • water about 0.6-0.7 liters.


  1. Sort the fruits, remove spoiled, overripe, unripe, wrinkled.
  2. Remove long petioles and wash cherries.
  3. When all the water has drained, remove the stone from each fruit in any way possible.
  4. Transfer prepared raw materials to glassware, pour sugar on top and pour boiling water, cover with a lid.
  5. After 8-10 minutes, pour the liquid into a saucepan and heat to a boil.
  6. Boil the syrup for about 3 minutes.
  7. Pour them with cherries, tighten the jar with a lid, turn over, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely. Then return the container to its normal position.

Delicious compote for the winter of cherries and cherries

Such a compote from two related crops can be prepared in two cases. If you freeze early cherries in advance and keep them in this form until the cherry season, or pick up late varieties of this culture, which ripen together with cherries.

For liter jar need to:

  • cherries 200 g;
  • cherries 200 g;
  • sugar 180-200 g;
  • about 0.6 l of water or how much will go in.

What to do:

  1. Sort the berries of two types, remove the stalks.
  2. rinse warm water and let all the liquid drain.
  3. Pour the fruits into the prepared container and pour them with boiling water.
  4. Cover the mouth with a lid and leave everything for 10 minutes.
  5. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar and heat everything to a boil.
  6. Boil for about 3 minutes until all sugar is dissolved.
  7. Pour the fruits in the jar with syrup, use a machine to roll the lid on, turn the container over, wrap it with a blanket.
  8. As soon as the compote has completely cooled down, return the container to the correct position.

From cherries and strawberries

For this compote, it is desirable to use sweet cherries with pits removed. So it will be more convenient to eat it with a fragrant drink.

For the preparation (volume 3 l) you will need:

  • strawberries 300 g;
  • cherries 400 g;
  • sugar 300 g;
  • about 1.8 liters of water or how much will take.

How to preserve:

  1. Sort the cherry fruits, remove the stalks and wash.
  2. When dry, take out the bones.
  3. Sort the strawberries, remove the sepals and rinse well. If the berries are heavily soiled, then you can soak them in water for 10-12 minutes, and then rinse well under the tap.
  4. Transfer the cherries and strawberries to a three-liter jar. Pour boiling water up to the top.
  5. Cover with a lid and let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Drain the liquid from the jar into a suitable saucepan so that the berries remain inside.
  7. Add sugar and boil for about 4-5 minutes.
  8. Pour the syrup into a glass container, seal it with a lid, turn it over, wrap it in a blanket and keep it for 10-12 hours until it cools completely.

From cherries and apricots or peaches

Taking into account the fact that the ripening time of all these crops is significantly different, late cherries and the earliest apricots or peaches will have to be used for compote.

For cooking you will need:

  • cherries, dark, 400 g;
  • apricot or peaches 400 g;
  • sugar 300 g;
  • water 1.7-1.8 liters.

Action algorithm:

  1. Sort the cherries and apricots, remove the tails, wash well. If peaches are used, then after washing they need to be cut into 2-4 parts, remove the stone.
  2. Transfer the prepared raw materials to a jar and pour into it boiling water up to the top.
  3. Cover container metal lid and stand everything for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Drain the liquid into a saucepan, add sugar, bring the syrup to a boil. After 3-4 minutes, when the sugar dissolves, pour it into a jar, screw it with a lid.
  5. Immediately turn the container upside down and put it upside down, wrapped in a blanket. When the compote has cooled, return the jar to its normal position.

The subtleties of harvesting compote from red or black cherries

Cherry fruits with a red or dark red, almost black color are usually attributed to a varietal group called gins. Representatives of this group are distinguished by more juicy and most often tender pulp.

When preserving, especially pitted, you need to remember that the berries secrete a lot of juice. If together with dark berry preserve light ones, they also acquire a dark color.

This property of dark cherries can be used to obtain homemade preparations with a beautiful rich color.

In addition, taking into account the more tender pulp, dark cherries for compote for the winter are taken ripe, but not overripe and not wrinkled. Thanks to great content phenolic compounds, anthocyanins, the taste of compote from red varieties is more saturated. Such a drink is especially useful for people with hypertension, problem joints.

Features of cooking compote for the winter from yellow or white cherries

Berries of white or light yellow color most often have a denser and slightly crunchy pulp, it contains more dietary fiber. When preserved, light cherries retain their shape better. However, given that the taste of such fruits is not as rich as that of dark ones, it is advisable to lay them in larger quantities.

In addition, to make white fruit compote sweeter and rich taste a little more sugar is added to it. Just one leaf of mint, lemon balm or vanilla on the tip of a knife will make the taste finished product brighter.

White cherry compote is indicated for problems with the absorption of iodine, skin diseases with a tendency to form blood clots.

Tips for preparing homemade compotes for the winter:

  1. Jars and lids that are used for home preservation should not only be washed, but also sterilized. For washing and degreasing glass, it is advisable to use baking soda. It removes impurities well. different type, odorless and completely safe. Sterilize jars should be over steam. Before laying raw materials, the container must be dry.
  2. Canning lids can simply be boiled for 5-6 minutes.
  3. To make it more convenient to drain the liquid from a jar of berries, it can be closed plastic lid with holes.
  4. Compote of cherries and sweet cherries requires more sugar, as cherries have a sour and slightly tart taste.
  5. In order to detect swollen and cloudy jars in time, they should be kept in sight for 15 days. Only after that you can send the blanks to the storage room. The temperature in it should not fall below + 1 degree.
