
Benefits of Chinese white tea. What are the types of drinks

Tea is rightfully considered one of the most common and favorite drinks around the world. Today you can find a wide range of this product, and are popular both traditional varieties and elite ones. To the last category refers to white tea, which has long been famous for its exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste.

Species and varieties

White tea is a special elite variety of a product that is grown exclusively in China, namely in the vast province of Fujian. It is located in highlands in the north of the country and is famous for its favorable conditions for growing tea bushes and trees. The main component of the collection are small swollen buds or young, not yet formed upper leaves.

White tea belongs to the elite varieties due to the maximum preservation of the original appearance and natural taste of natural raw materials, which achieved with minimal processing tea leaves and buds. In China, the birthplace of white tea, it is called "the drink of immortality". Of the 10 varieties of white tea known today, only 4 main ones are popular:

  1. Bai Hao Yin Zhen(silver needles) - a rare variety of tea obtained from tea tree buds. It got its name due to the similarity of the villi covering young buds with silvery needles.
  2. - tea of ​​the highest grade, obtained from the buds and the two upper leaves of the tea tree that have not yet taken shape. Only parts from the first harvest are suitable for production, so the harvest is carried out in early spring.
  3. Show Mei(eyebrows of an old man) - a special kind of tea, for the production of which buds and upper leaves of a tree are used. The rich taste and aroma is due to the later dates of the collection of raw materials.
  4. Gong Mei(eyebrow-offering) - a popular variety of tea, the raw material of which is fully formed voluminous leaves of the tea tree. A special aroma and rich taste is achieved through a special technology for processing the leaves.

Description and properties

The collection of raw materials is done manually, and each bud or leaf is carefully selected, which subsequently undergoes a slight fermentation. Thanks to a special processing technology and strict adherence to storage conditions, an elite variety of tea is born, the cost of which is many times higher than the usual ones.

Real white tea contains only natural tea leaves dried in a special way, the color of which directly depends on the variety and degree of fermentation. So it can vary from white to greenish gray, from silvery green to amber brown. When ready, the drink can acquire delicate greenish-yellow hues or the color of ripe amber. White tea has a truly unique, but recognizable aroma and multifaceted taste. characteristic of him is a rich berry, delicate peach or tart honey taste.

Useful properties of white tea

According to legend, white tea was considered an elixir of longevity and was only available to the emperor and his family. In addition, he had a number of healing qualities, which later became the subject of scientific research. It turned out that the benefits of white tea are due to the rich chemical composition, which includes essential oils, antioxidants, bioflavonoids, polyphenols (catechins and tanites), vitamins, minerals, caffeine and many other valuable active ingredients.

White tea has an important property - protection from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays, free radicals, which helps protect the body from premature aging. Another quality is the acceleration of metabolic processes that affect the cleansing of the body of toxins, toxins and weight loss. Diuretic properties allow you to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminating swelling and reducing pressure. The benefit of white tea is also that it tones and quenches thirst.

The presence of epigallocatechin gallate in the composition of the drink reduces the risk of developing cancer. To do this, it is enough to drink several cups of a fragrant drink a day. Catechins preserved in the finished product have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, increasing their elasticity and clearing them of cholesterol plaques. Thus, tea reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis or other vascular pathologies.

Due to the high content of vitamin C in tea leaves, increases the immune defense of the body, reduces the likelihood of colds. Properly brewed white tea is recommended to use:

  • with chronic fatigue, stress, nervous tension;
  • when overeating;
  • with excessive consumption of sweet foods or flour products;
  • during the cold period with an increase in the activity of viral diseases.

For women

It will bring the main benefit to those women who want to lose those extra pounds. White tea increases metabolic processes in the body, which has a positive effect on the burning of subcutaneous fat.

Unfortunately, this is not a weight loss pill, and you should not seize a white drink with a cake, then at best your weight will not change, and at worst another hysteria from 2-3 extra kg. The basic rules here are simple: diet, sports, tea. The optimal dose is 3-4 cups of 250-300 ml. This will be enough to activate the necessary processes.

For men

The drink has a positive effect on male power, in case of regular use. 1-2 mugs daily are enough to notice improvements in 1-2 months. With mental stress, a white drink will help you relax after a long day at work and activate the brain.

The harmful effects of white tea

Given the wide range of beneficial qualities of white tea, it is impossible to assume that this healing drink can harm the body.

Important! Daily use of elite white tea in large quantities can negate its effectiveness, and in some cases harm your well-being.

There are a number of contraindications to the use of white tea:

  • increased excitability and insomnia;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • kidney disease in the acute stage;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • hypertension;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Rules for preparing a healing drink

Pour a couple of tablespoons of the dry product into a preheated glass or porcelain teapot (cup or any other utensil). Cool two hundred milliliters of boiled water to 70-80 ° C and pour into the kettle, then drain immediately. This process will help the tea leaves "wake up" and reach their potential. After that, refill the contents with hot water of the same temperature. Cover with a lid and leave for 1-2 minutes. During this time, the tea will infuse and reveal all the flavor and aroma notes.

By observing all the stages of the ceremony of preparing white tea, you can feel the beauty of the drink of immortality and prolong the enjoyment.

How to properly store white tea

To always use a fresh drink, it is recommended to buy it in small portions of 50-100 grams. But if a large batch has already been purchased, it is important to know a few rules. There are no special storage requirements for this variety. Pour the raw materials into an aluminum can and close it tightly.

The main factors affecting the quality of tea during its storage:

  • Exposure to sunlight. Direct contact must be completely excluded.
  • Air humidity. High humidity will provoke the development of microorganisms and mold.
  • Temperature. For comfortable storage, 19-25 degrees is enough. You can put the raw materials in the back room, or just put them in a closet away from the electric stove and heating appliances.
  • contact with oxygen. The less often the jar is opened, the longer the tea will retain its properties. Oxygen oxidizes tea, which leads to the loss of useful and important components.
  • The essential rule is no strong odors around. Such as: fish, various odorous seasonings, garlic, etc.


White tea has never been cheap, at the time of autumn 2018, we tried to collect adequate prices from online stores for the most popular varieties:

View Cost in rubles Amount in grams
Bai Hao Yin Zhen 650 50
Baimudan 900 50
Show Mei 310 50
Gong Mei 590 50

Bai Mu Dan tea

The cult of tea in medieval China was so significant that even spring officially began only after the emperor received the “tea tribute”. Fresh harvest in tiles was brought to the capital from distant provinces.

White tea received special honors - the very first leaves of the tea tree that grew in the north of Fujian province.

At the end of February, buds covered with silvery fluff appeared on tea trees in the mountains. For the color, which was preserved even after drying, these leaves were attributed to the elements of metal and endowed with exceptional healing power. Until the 19th century, their export outside of China was punishable by death.

In Europe, for a long time there was no answer whether the benefits of white tea really exceed the merits of other varieties. Full-fledged scientific research has been carried out since the middle of the last century. Having removed the plaque of legends, they confirmed the special healing properties of this drink.

White tea is the drink of immortality

Chinese medicine has always appreciated the uniqueness of the tea tree. But only when creating white tea, the original qualities of fresh leaves are preserved. This is because they undergo minimal processing. Even green tea is slightly fermented. Raw materials for white are only dried in natural conditions: in the sun, in the shade, again in the sun, and again in the shade. This is the basis for what the ancient Chinese called the "drink of immortality."

Here's what white tea can do:

Puts in order the vessels;

Strengthens overall immunity

Smoothly lifts the mood;

Gives long vigor and clarity of mind;

Keeps cells young, maintains skin tone;

Prevents the development of oncological pathologies;

Helps to cope with food poisoning, including alcohol;

Removes heavy metals from the body.

A more or less savvy tea lover will exclaim: “So any tea has the same properties!” The same, but not quite. In silver-green leaves, the percentage of catechins, tannins and vitamins is much higher, therefore there are more benefits from white tea, and less harm. Although it remains the leader in caffeine content, the harshness of the natural antidepressant is softened by other components of the drink.

White tea: what are the benefits?

The chemical composition of the tea leaf depends on various reasons. White tea is young upper leaves grown in early spring on highland plantations. Fujian.

They contain a maximum of extractive substances:

A huge amount of phenolic compounds, especially catechins and tannins;

Invigorating purine derivatives, in particular caffeine;

Important vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, PP and P, K, and all - in a water-soluble form.

Dried but not fermented leaves completely preserve all types of catechins, including epigallocatechin gallate. It is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Thanks to them, white tea promotes the accumulation and absorption of vitamins C and P from other products. Due to this, the elasticity of the vascular walls increases, which means that the pressure normalizes. The beneficial effect is enhanced by such trace elements as potassium, magnesium, sodium and calcium, which are also part of the tea infusion.

Additionally, catechins increase the body's susceptibility to insulin, which is important for diabetics. Together with fluoride, they maintain tooth enamel in order. And they also cleanse the vessels of harmful cholesterol, reducing the risk of thrombosis.

The benefits of white tea for the nervous system are explained by the combined action of phosphorus compounds and glutamic acid (one of the tea amino acids). They restore the depleted nervous system, nourish the nervous tissue.

For a long time it was believed that the tonic effect of tea infusion is based on a special alkaloid - theine. But in the first half of the 20th century, it was confirmed that this is the same caffeine. And the difference in stimulating effect between coffee and tea is due to tannin. In the finished drink, caffeine tanate is formed, which gives it taste and color, while stretching the state of cheerfulness for a long time. Speaking about the benefits and harms of white tea, one cannot but emphasize that the content of both elements is higher in it. Therefore, you can drink it no later than 6 hours before bedtime.

White tea for a slim figure

Epigallocatechins, which are more abundant in white tea than in any other product, are great for normalizing metabolism and weight loss. They are used for weight loss, but only as a means of enhancing the effect of physical activity.

In order for the body to start intensively processing fats, an average daily dose of epigallocatechin of 270 mg is required. That's about 10 cups of fresh tea. This amount of liquid washes the body well. However, a heavy load on the kidneys and excess caffeine can be dangerous. Therefore, the harm and benefits of white tea for weight loss are correlated with general health.

Delicate taste of white tea

Speaking about the benefits of white tea, one cannot help but touch on its exceptional taste characteristics. A rich range of essential oils and amino acids creates a light floral-fruity aroma. Even slightly changing the time and temperature of the brewing liquid, other shades are obtained: honey, melon, apricot. This is such an exciting activity that it has become a legend. The quest to find the perfect white tea brew distracted Emperor Huizong from running the state and ended the Song Dynasty.

For those accustomed to the fragrant astringency of black teas, white teas will seem weak and tasteless. Therefore, it is better to start acquaintance with simple varieties, whose taste is richer and simpler. You should not eat anything spicy in the evening and drink a cup of freshly brewed tea in the early morning. This gentle drink will reveal itself, leaving a light, quickly fading aftertaste. By the way, this is why white tea quenches thirst better. Even strongly brewed, it does not bind the throat like some green varieties.

Varieties of white tea

The type of tea that fascinated the emperor, the elite "silver games with white hair", is created only from young, unblown tea buds-tips. The short collection period, the limited plantations where the right type of tea tree is grown, the need for manual processing are the main reasons why this drink still costs huge amounts.

The second elite variety - "White Peony" includes a kidney and two top leaves from the first harvest. The remaining types of white tea (Eyebrows of the Elder, White Monkey and others) are harvested throughout the growing season of the tea tree, still removing only the top leaves. They come in darker shades, but retain their green color and light fluff on the leaves.

Despite the fact that the production of white tea seems simple, only Chinese varieties of tea trees are suitable for it. Indian and Vietnamese raw materials grown under similar conditions are significantly inferior in taste and the amount of useful phenolic compounds.

Delicate leaves of white tea easily absorb moisture and odors. Pickers are prohibited from smoking and eating spicy food on harvest days. Transportation is carried out only in sealed conditions. And at home, it is necessary to store tea leaves in glass opaque jars, because even a cleanly washed tin caddy can convey an extra aroma.

The art of making white tea

To get the maximum benefit and minimum harm from white tea, it must be properly brewed. It is important to take into account all the factors that allow you to save the best properties of the drink and not spoil it. These include:

The temperature of the water for brewing;

teapot material;

Proper storage of tea leaves.

High temperature destroys amino acids and the vitamin complex, catechins are released faster, but the tannin component is suppressed. Steep boiling water destroys not only the healing effect of the drink, but also worsens its taste and smell. Essential oils evaporate instantly, the delicate floral aroma disappears, bitterness from excess catechins appears.

To better reveal the healing properties and delicate taste of white tea, a clean ceramic or glass teapot is required. Metal (even a plug-in strainer made of it) will spoil the taste transfer, as well as poor-quality plastic constructions. It is necessary to take into account the ability of porcelain and clay to absorb odors for a long time. Therefore, if black or flavored tea was previously prepared in the teapot, then there is a risk of distorting the quality of the drink.

It is convenient to use a kettle with an insert strainer. This will allow you to remove the leaves without letting them sit in the water for too long, and then repeat the brewing 2-3 more times. It is the second brew that best reveals the tea bouquet. Some white teas do not lose quality even after 4 brews.

Here is how the brewing process should be, without harm to white tea and with health benefits:

1. Boil water and let it cool down to 60-80 degrees. It is better to use soft or artesian, as hard liquid enhances the astringency of the drink.

2. Rinse a clean teapot with boiling water, put 2 pinches of tea leaves for each cup. A large dose of raw materials is due to the friability of dried leaves.

3. Pour in water, leaving a place under the lid. It is very good if there is a hole in it through which the tea breathes.

4. After 1-4 minutes, the finished drink is poured into cups and white tea is re-brewed. By changing the time of the first brewing, the severity of certain nuances of taste varies. Each subsequent brewing lasts longer than the previous one.

This drink does not tolerate fuss. To fully enjoy the benefits of white tea, find at least 15 minutes of free time. Its infusion is self-sufficient, milk and sweets clog its taste. In rare cases, you can eat a spoonful of honey or a dry waffle with it. And of course, you do not need to drink it after a salad with garlic, smoked meats or spicy pizza.

White tea: harm possible?

A few centuries ago, Europeans were suspicious of tea infusion.

In the 18th century, D. Henway wrote in his essay that women lose their beauty, and men lose their significance and growth due to the use of tea.

Although this statement is completely refuted by modern science, harm from white tea is possible. After all, any product in large doses disrupts the functioning of the body.

Who shouldn't drink white tea? Direct contraindications can only be:

Ulcerative lesions of the stomach, duodenum;

Increased acidity in the stomach;

Exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;

Stones in the kidneys;

Sleep disturbances and high blood pressure.

Everyone else will not be harmed by moderate doses of white tea. But due to caffeine and theophylline, which are abundant in this drink, it is better for pregnant and lactating mothers to refrain from this drink. Excessive excitement of the fetus or newborn can damage the formation of the nervous system, have a bad effect on cardiac activity.

White tea is good in the heat. But its invigorating power will come in handy on a gloomy autumn morning, early winter evening. A cup of golden drink will drive away depression, bring the aroma of summer and health.

White tea is not cheap. For its production, buds and young leaves of tea bushes of only certain varieties are needed. They grow only in China in very small quantities. Previously, only members of the imperial family and high-ranking persons could drink this drink as a sign of great favor from the ruler. For a long time, white tea was not available to ordinary people at all.

The value of the drink is that the raw materials for it cannot be grown in the territories of other countries. Now there are white tea plantations only in the Fujian province of China in the mountains at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level. Attempts to grow tea in the mountainous areas of other countries each time ended in failure: the collected raw materials were inferior to the original by several orders of magnitude. Despite this, in some parts of India and Sri Lanka bushes of such varieties still continue to be grown, but Chinese tea still remains out of competition.

Harvesting white tea is painstaking work, since only the top leaves and buds need to be plucked. The use of any technique is prohibited, the collection is done only by hand. Employees are forbidden to eat strong-smelling foods and smoke, so that the tea leaves do not absorb foreign aromas.

The composition of white tea has many useful substances:

  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • a large number of micro and macro elements.

The calorie content is very low - 100 g of the product contains only 3-4 kcal. The amount of caffeine is minimal, for this reason it does not have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

The taste is refreshing and light, with well-marked floral notes, it does not leave a heavy aftertaste.

Health benefits of white tea

You can talk about the benefits of the drink for a long time. Many people know how useful green tea is, but white tea is far superior to it in many ways. During the production of tea, heat treatment is not allowed, so all valuable substances are not lost, but are preserved in full force. Freshly harvested raw materials are only kept for a minute for a couple and then dried naturally in the sun. The leaves do not crumple, and do not twist, this avoids the bitter taste in the finished drink. Other subtleties of production are kept secret and not disclosed.

The list of useful properties of the drink is quite extensive.

It has a positive effect on the whole body:

  • helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves complexion;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • calms the nervous system, neutralizes the harmful effects of stress;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • enhances blood clotting;
  • beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • neutralizes the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins;
  • inhibits the development of cancer cells.

It is not for nothing that the Chinese call this drink the elixir of youth and immortality - its regular use helps to maintain good spirits and body health even in advanced years.

The drink is very good in the heat, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. It is advisable to drink it between meals, without jamming anything. Cakes, buns and sweets are best left as an addition to other drinks. White tea does not tolerate any additions.

What is useful for women

The drink will be especially useful for women who want to lose extra pounds. It activates metabolic processes, which entails the rapid burning of internal fat. It helps to lose weight without much effort, without changing the diet and just drinking a few cups a day. But if, in addition to this, you still follow a diet, the effect will be noticeable immediately. Not only fat deposits will go away, but health will also be strengthened, and the body will rejuvenate.

White tea extracts are often used as an active ingredient in cosmetics. The antioxidants present in their composition effectively fight free radicals that contribute to aging and metabolic disorders.

For men

For men, it gives strength and energy during physical and mental stress. A cup of tea at the end of the working day is able to remove the accumulated fatigue, and a person feels cheerful again.

What are the types of drinks

Tea is called white, because only young leaves and buds with a thick white fluff are used for its preparation.

The most common varieties:

  • Bai Hao Yin Zhen. In translation, this name sounds like "white silver needles." Tea is made only from the kidneys. Dry tea leaves resemble small silver arrows. The finished drink has the color of light caramel. The taste is delicate, with a slight acidity.
  • Bai Mu Dan. The name can be translated as "white peony". The composition contains both buds and young leaves. Dried raw materials resemble peony flowers in miniature. After brewing, it acquires a golden hue. Vanilla and caramel notes can be recognized on the palate.
  • May show. The leaves for tea are harvested later and subjected to a longer processing, so they have a dark color. The drink is dark amber, with a characteristic herbal taste.
  • Gong Mei. This is a cheap version of white tea. It is made from damaged leaves and buds left over from the production of premium varieties. Tea is sold in crushed form, but still it also has an elegant taste and delicate aroma.

Even the Chinese themselves drink Bai Hao Yin Zhen tea very rarely, only on holidays and special celebrations, since the prices for it are exorbitant. White Peony tea is slightly cheaper, so more people can afford to buy it. The high price is fully justified: the manual selection of each leaf and bud, careful storage and complex transportation require considerable investment.

White Oolong tea is considered semi-fermented. It has nothing to do with real varieties of white tea, as it is intermediate between black and green. It is often referred to as milky, as it has a pleasant caramel flavor with milky undertones.

White tea: instructions for use

To fully enjoy the taste of the drink, you need to know how to brew tea correctly. An important role is played even by the dishes in which the drink is made. The ideal option is a porcelain teapot and cups. But you can also use glassware.

How to brew white tea

In no case should water be boiled, it only needs to be brought to a temperature of 80 degrees, otherwise it will turn into a dead liquid that does not bring any benefit. Tea can be brewed 3-4 times, it does not lose its taste properties, but only reveals them from different sides.

For 150 ml of water, take 3-4 grams of dry tea leaves.

First, warm the dishes by rinsing with boiling water. This will make it possible to “wake up” the poured tea leaves. Then the tea leaves are poured with hot water and immediately poured out. Zero tea leaves are not intended for drinking, but for rinsing tea leaves. This helps to reveal their taste and aroma to the fullest. After that, hot water is poured into the container and insisted. It is not necessary to brew tea for longer than 2-3 minutes, in some cases 60 seconds is enough. Properly brewed drink is transparent and has a yellowish, greenish or beige color. You should not add sugar, in extreme cases, tea can be sweetened with honey.

Tea can also be brewed in a cold way: for this, in the evening, pour leaves with water at room temperature and leave until morning. This method allows you to save a maximum of useful substances in the drink. The benefits of brewed tea persist for a long time - 18-20 hours.

Use in various diseases

The Chinese consider white tea an effective prophylactic against SARS, colds and flu. In the cold season, it is advisable to drink it regularly, or at least during the spread of colds and viral diseases.

The drink well removes intoxication of the body and removes toxic substances, therefore it is recommended to use it for poisoning of various kinds instead of water.

Drinking white tea:

  • at risk of oncological diseases;
  • with the use of large amounts of sugar and the threat of caries;
  • with excess weight;
  • with constant stress and chronic fatigue.

It is useful to drink tea during festive feasts. It will help the body cope with the abundance of food and digest it faster.

You should not drink more than 2-3 cups of white tea per day. This amount is enough to make a person feel healthier and stronger.

How to store

Do not store tea for a long time. It is better to use it immediately, while it still retains its freshness and intense aroma.

If you still need to store it for a long time, transfer it to a hermetically sealed bag, placing it in a dry, dark place without strong foreign odors.

To whom the drink is contraindicated, and what is the harm from it

One of the most important advantages of white tea is that it has practically no contraindications. Almost everyone can drink it, except for people with individual intolerance to the product.

Persons with kidney disease, gastritis, stomach ulcers, insomnia and diabetes should drink tea carefully, watching their well-being. Such people should not drink more than 0.5-1 cup per day. From tea, pressure can rise, so it is better for hypertensive patients not to use it.

You can buy tea in specialized tea shops that work directly with manufacturers. It is difficult to find a quality product in ordinary departments, since white tea is considered an exclusive product.

White tea has many health benefits. This is what made it so popular in traditional Chinese medicine several centuries ago. This type of tea came to the rest of the world not so long ago, but this did not prevent it from immediately gaining popularity among connoisseurs. Many people love not only the delicate light aroma of an almost transparent infusion. For most, its useful action is important.

Antioxidants are special molecules that protect body cells from damage by free radicals formed as a result of the breakdown of substances. Free radicals damage DNA and start and exacerbate the aging process. Antioxidants neutralize them, providing us with a long and healthy life, reducing the risk of developing cancer, pathologies, and chronic inflammation.

Since white tea is practically unprocessed after harvest, the amount of beneficial antioxidants in it is much higher than even in the popular green tea.

Cancer prevention

It is believed that regular consumption of white tea reduces the risk of developing cancer and helps fight an existing tumor. Flavonoids, a special class of antioxidants, slow down the growth of cancer cells and prevent the formation of new ones. There are documented cases where white tea worked as effectively as the classic drugs prescribed for cancer patients, but it did not have any side effects.

Lowering blood pressure

Studies confirm that white tea slightly thins the blood and improves vascular function. This leads not only to a decrease in arterial levels, but also to maintaining its normal value. Due to the antihypertensive and angioprotective (vascular protection) action, white tea reduces the likelihood of strokes.

Cholesterol Reduction

Catechins, another group of antioxidants, have been shown to lower total blood levels. There are several fractions of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL). LDL is “bad” cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels, disrupting the nutrition of tissues and organs, provoking the development of vascular catastrophes. Lowering even total cholesterol levels, and not just LDL, will already give a good result in the long run.

If you often drink white tea, take special medications (statins) prescribed by your doctor, lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, you can significantly improve your condition, reduce the frequency and intensity of ischemic attacks (with coronary vessels), headaches (with atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries) , pain in the legs (with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities).

Heart protection

Increasing blood fluidity (thinning), lowering blood pressure, preventing atherosclerosis and protecting blood vessels significantly improve the state of the cardiovascular system, providing both a direct cardioprotective effect due to the work of antioxidants with heart cells, and indirectly by reducing the load.

A long-term study was conducted that showed that people who drink at least two cups of white tea a day are 50% less likely to die from a sudden heart attack than those who prefer strong fermented teas and coffee.

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

It has been proven that people who regularly consume white tea have better O greater bone density. It is believed that white tea is especially useful for patients with osteoporosis, arthritis and arthrosis.

Antibacterial and antiviral action

A large amount of antioxidants helps the human body fight viruses and bacteria and stimulates the immune system, which also improves the natural defense against all infectious diseases. White tea not only helps to avoid getting sick during the season of colds, but can even alleviate symptoms in HIV patients.

Healthy teeth and gums

White tea contains small amounts of fluoride and other substances that not only strengthen teeth and gums, but also kill the bacteria responsible for cavities and bad breath.

healthy skin

Regular consumption of white tea will help keep the skin youthful.

Free radicals are formed in the body during prolonged exposure to the sun, stress, poor or simply unbalanced nutrition and accelerate the aging process. A large amount of antioxidants in white tea effectively fight free radicals, maintaining the beauty and youthfulness of the skin.

Minimum caffeine

This type of tea has the lowest caffeine content compared to other varieties, coffee, energy drinks. Thus, after drinking white tea, you will not feel palpitations, anxiety, agitation, unnatural emotional upsurge, as happens, for example, after a cup of espresso. Moreover, the low level of caffeine in tea will prevent side effects such as insomnia, irritability, anxiety, and headaches.

Amino acid L-theanine

The amino acid L-theanine is known for its strong antioxidant effect, the ability to stimulate weight loss, reduce anxiety, and improve concentration. Combined with the small amount of caffeine found in white tea, this amino acid helps to relax and relieve stress.

Other useful properties

  1. It is believed that white tea can slightly lower blood sugar levels and reduce symptoms. But keep in mind that diabetics should not refuse prescribed drugs and switch to this drink. White tea can only be a useful addition, but not a substitute for treatment!
  2. Just two cups of tea a day can reduce stress levels and increase vitality.
  3. White tea slightly speeds up the process of losing weight by increasing metabolism. If you add the habit of drinking several cups of white tea to diet and exercise, then the result will not be long in coming.

tea secrets

  1. Buy loose white tea. If you have such an opportunity, order it directly from China, for example, at the TaoBao auction. Remember that really high-quality tea is sold only by weight, and tea bags of the old collection, defective, are poured into single-use bags. The indicator of quality is the integrity of the sheet. It is a whole leaf that stores all the taste and useful substances. In the wreckage and tea dust, there is no longer any use. Remember, are there whole tea leaves in tea bags? That is why you need to buy loose tea, and not only white, but any other. Always evaluate the tea leaf before buying and do not agree to buy second-rate broken tea, no matter how the seller persuades you and no matter how attractive the price is.
  2. Drink at least 2-4 cups of tea per day. So you can get the required amount of antioxidants. White tea withstands 2-3 brews. Therefore, to save some money, brew it at least twice in a row. Leaving brewed and drained (that is, wet, without water in the kettle) leaves for later is not recommended.
  3. With high-quality tea, it is not necessary to eat something and add sugar to it. On the contrary, each type of tea has its own flavors, which can be disassembled only by concentrating on the drink.
  4. White tea should be brewed at the rate of 5-7 grams of tea per mug, pouring it with hot water (85-90 degrees), but not boiling water. The easiest way to achieve this temperature of water is to boil the kettle, pour a mug of water and after 10-15 seconds pour water from the mug into the teapot.
  5. Try different types of white tea. The most popular: silver needles, Bai Mu Dan, Shu Mei, Hong Mei.

Possible harm

White tea has no proven side effects and contraindications for use, so everyone can enjoy its taste without exception.

White is especially respected due to its low oxidation and fermentation. White tea is one of the most expensive and refined types of tea. And if you like to arrange tea ceremonies for yourself, then such a drink will bring a lot of positive emotions and add to your collection.

What are the types of tea?

In the modern rhythm of life, it is rarely possible to take your time and treat yourself to your favorite drink. Basically, many people drink tea or other drinks on the run. At the moment, there are many different types of tea, the most common and well-known, green, yellow, red and even blue also have tea. Color depends mainly on the way it is assembled, as well as storage and processing. As mentioned above, one of the most expensive and rare types of such a drink is white tea. Useful properties are something that is of great value to the Chinese (white tea is grown mainly in China). Therefore, they are reluctant to export it.

Heavy process of collection, processing and storage

As a rule, white tea is processed at the place of its collection due to the fact that it quickly deteriorates. Processing takes place no more than a minute with hot steam, then the leaves are laid out in the sun and dried until fully cooked. This method is most common in the processing of white tea, because with it this drink loses a minimum of its beneficial properties and retains all the good qualities.

Harvesting white tea is considered a labor intensive process. The point here is this: in order to collect a kilogram of high-quality products, it is necessary to process more than one hundred thousand small white leaves. Hence the price. Now I understand why white tea is so expensive. But the store now presents worthy brands of the drink, while not so expensive. This is white tea "Greenfield", "Lipton", "Curtis" and others.

Collect tea from the very tops of the corresponding bush. This place is called "upper tipsa". In this place there are only a few leaves. Another nuance is that tea villi germinate only at the beginning of April, and tea is harvested only for two days. Collection is from 5 - 9 am.

White tea, the beneficial properties of which you will find in the article just below, has a powerful aroma and delicate taste. This drink can be easily spoiled by foreign odors that may be present during storage, transportation and processing. Therefore, when assembling tea, workers are forbidden to use perfume, smoke, eat spicy food, and so on. White tea is so capricious that it can not only absorb foreign odors, but also quickly deteriorate because of it. An interesting point is that when white tea is harvested, orchards bloom in the Chinese provinces, and this is a strong aroma of flowers, and the first villi that sprout on a tea tree immediately absorb them. This flowering process gives the drink the taste and aroma of spring flowers.

Tea storage

White tea, whose beneficial properties disappear if stored improperly, requires a serious approach. Storing white tea is an art that allows you to preserve the taste and aroma. The jar where the product is stored must be tightly closed and not let in rays of light, as well as extraneous odors. In addition, humidity can cause pungent odors. You will certainly feel this if you store your tea in an open place or in a loosely closed container. All these are important rules for storing a drink such as white tea. It will not bring harm if you follow them. A kilogram of white tea costs from 500 rubles to 1000 dollars.

Pay attention to the leaves!

Some drink sellers are trying to pass off as white. It is important to be vigilant when choosing a product and buy it only in specialized shops that have product quality certificates. To distinguish white tea from green tea, pay attention to the leaves. White tea leaves should be whole, even. Breaking or twisting, extraneous odors are not allowed. A normal white tea leaf looks silvery on top and shimmers with a green tint, and the bottom of the leaf should be with a whitish fluff. Normal white tea should smell like flowers or herbs.

healing drink

For many, white tea is a luxury and also a way to make a good impression on people. Many appreciate both the taste and aroma of the drink. But there are people who prefer this type of product solely because of its beneficial properties. White tea (reviews say that it is really useful) is a medicine in the literal sense. In ancient China, a drink was served only to the emperor as a healing product that was able to give strength, overcome headaches, chills and clarify thoughts.

White tea - a replacement for vitamins?

Thanks to minimal processing of the product and careful storage in compliance with all instructions, you can experience all the healing properties that white tea is famous for. Useful properties are manifested due to the content of antioxidants, polyphenols, bioflavonoids in it, which prevent the aging process of the body, the formation of cancer cells. And also they are able to strengthen the immune system and maintain antimicrobial properties. In addition, tea has an antiviral effect. The drink helps the body fight aging and the formation of harmful cells. This tea can really replace an entire pharmacy. People call it "miracle tea" because it really has healing properties and helps to heal the patient and put him on his feet. By the way, this drink normalizes metabolic processes in the body. One cup of this tea contains as many vitamins as one carrot contains. The benefits of white tea are reflected in the teeth. It contains fluorides, which are responsible for the health of human teeth. They keep teeth intact, and also fight tartar and caries in children and adults. If you suffer from high blood pressure, then white tea is the real key to solving the problem. Such a product is able to lower blood pressure and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. And yet, tea removes excess cholesterol from the blood.

How to brew?

We hope you understand how to properly store such a product in the house, and now let's move on to the question of how to brew white tea. You can’t just pour boiling water over it and start drinking after five minutes. He needs careful handling. To make white tea, you need filtered or spring water. Next, this water will need to be brought to a boil, but not boiled. After that, the water must be cooled to seventy degrees and poured into a ceramic teapot. Attention! need to preheat, it should not be cold. In order to prepare one cup of the drink, you will need about two to three teaspoons of tea (it all depends on the preferences of the person). After you have prepared everything, fill the tea with prepared water from a ceramic teapot and infuse it for five minutes. After that, you can brew the same tea up to 2 more times, depending on its taste. The first time you need to brew for exactly five minutes.

How to make a drink for health

If you want to brew and drink tea for medicinal purposes, then you need a slightly different approach. For medicinal purposes, white tea is brewed for fifteen minutes. You need to drink this infusion three times a week for three or four weeks. After the drink has been infused, it may acquire a golden green or yellow color. Don't worry, this is a normal process. These brewing methods are not suitable for tea bags such as Greenfield white tea. It should be brewed according to the instructions on the box.

The art of drinking

Tea is usually drunk slowly. It's a whole ceremony. To prepare white tea, you need to go through many stages, and this is the art of preserving all the beneficial properties. You need to drink tea slowly, exclusively in its pure form. If you add cream or milk to the drink, it can quickly deteriorate and acquire completely different properties. In other words, this drink must be able to savor and brew to taste. You may not like it because you could store it incorrectly, and it absorbed foreign odors and deteriorated. In addition, you should not drink any food or sweets with white tea. Even chocolate or cake can spoil the experience of the drink. Tea contains minimal amounts of caffeine and tannin, which means that it can be easily drunk at night.

And remember, the best white tea is the one that is properly harvested and stored!
