
Alcoholic egg liqueur. Liquor advocate at home

Sunny, creamy, thick egg liqueur - a truly festive, bright drink.

On the eve of the upcoming holidays, I propose to cook fragrant and tasty egg liqueur at home. A bottle or two of viscous aromatic egg liqueur will come in handy during the holidays. Such a liqueur can be a pleasant and tasty gift or treat for relatives and friends. On its basis, you can prepare cocktails, fragrant pastries and desserts.

Let's start with the simplest and fastest version of egg liqueur - with condensed milk.

There are no special tricks here. Separate the egg whites - they will not be needed in the liquor. And mix the yolks thoroughly and, continuing to stir, gradually add the remaining ingredients - vanilla, condensed milk, cognac and cream.

Already at this moment - delicious and drinkable. But if you show a little patience and let the liquor brew from 2-3 days to 1-1.5 weeks, it will become thicker and more delicious!

I will dwell in more detail on the second option - custard egg liqueur. Its taste is closer to the original store-bought liquor, but there are nuances in cooking.

Separate the yolks carefully from the whites. Remove the "protein cords". Try to get as little protein as possible into the container with the yolks.

Bring the milk almost to a boil and, turning off the heat, leave to cool slightly.

Mix yolks and sugar. Add vanilla.

Set the container with the yolks in a water bath so that it does not touch the water. Whisking constantly, bring the mixture to a liquid cream. In this case, the sugar will dissolve, and the mass will brighten and slightly thicken.

While continuing to stir, pour in the warm milk. Turn off the heat and cool the mixture.

Add alcohol to the chilled mixture. When alcohol is added, the mixture will thicken slightly, and this process will continue as the liquor infuses.

Pour the liqueur into sterilized, hermetically sealed bottles. Keep 2-3 days in relatively cool conditions (in a pantry or on a balcony), and then place in the refrigerator for further storage. Custard egg liqueur can be stored for up to 2-2.5 months, the variant with condensed milk - up to 1 month.

Egg liqueur is ready! Happy tasting.

There are several versions of how the egg was invented: according to one of them, the drink was invented by Dutch sailors who sailed to the Antilles. In the original version, the liquor was a mixture of alcohol and avocado, but due to the lack of this fruit in Holland, sailors replaced it with yolk in the recipe.

Ingredients for making liqueur "Lawyer"

The original Advocate liqueur is made from egg yolks, vanilla, honey and cream. The version prepared according to the original recipe can only be purchased in England and Holland: the alcohol sold in other countries is stronger. Only high quality natural products are used for production. Manufacturing features are kept secret, so at home you can cook only an analogue that is similar in taste.

At home, the recipe is often modified. Honey is replaced with sugar, condensed milk is added instead of cream, and grape brandy is used instead.

The fortress of the original version is 14 °. Imported alcohol is stronger: the indicator can reach up to 20 °.

Recipe for cooking at home

There are several recipes for making egg. For manufacturing you will need:

  • 10 egg yolks;
  • 200 g of granulated sugar;
  • a glass of brandy;
  • spices.

The yolks should be carefully separated from the whites. Even small pieces of protein should be removed, otherwise there will be lumps in the drink. After that, all components are mixed and whipped with a whisk. You should get a homogeneous mass, which should be heated in a water bath and stirred until a dense thick cream is obtained. It is impossible to heat quickly, because in this case the yolks may curl.

When the drink is ready, cool it to room temperature and pour into glass containers. After that, the alcohol is removed in the refrigerator and insisted from 3 to 5 days.

There is another simple recipe for Advocate egg liqueur. Have to take:

  • 0.5 l of vodka;
  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 8 egg yolks;
  • 300 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

Boil condensed milk in water for 2.5-3 hours. It is not recommended to buy boiled, as the taste of the drink will not be so pleasant. After that, condensed milk should be cooled to room temperature. Mix all ingredients except vodka, whipping them with a blender. Whisking constantly, pour in alcohol in a thin stream. When a homogeneous mixture is obtained, pour the resulting mass into bottles and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

There are also more exotic recipes. To prepare an alcoholic drink for one of them, you need to take:

  • 0.5 l of white rum;
  • 3 large ripe avocados
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 g of lecithin (you can buy at a pharmacy);
  • juice of 1 lime;
  • glass of water.

Pass the avocado pulp through a sieve and immediately mix with lime juice to avoid blackening. Add lecithin and sugar. Pour in rum, water, then beat thoroughly with a blender. You should get a homogeneous mass. Distribute the mixture in glass containers and leave to infuse for 3-4 days in a cool dark place. Shake before use.

How to drink liquor Lawyer

Liquor Advocaat has a dense consistency. It is customary not to drink it, but to eat it with a dessert spoon. In most cases, this alcohol is consumed at the end of the meal, replacing dessert with it. Some people prefer not to drink the drink in its pure form: it is spread on soft Belgian waffles, sweet pastries.

The exported drink is more liquid. It is often consumed as a digestif, completing a meal. Some people prefer drinking Advocaat as an aperitif. In addition, a large number of different alcoholic cocktails are prepared on its basis. It is customary to drink the drink chilled. Often various spices are added to it: nutmeg, cinnamon and others, focusing on their own taste.

Cocktails with Advocate liqueur

Many people do not like to drink a thick drink in its pure form because of its dense consistency, they prefer to drink with egg liqueur. There are many different recipes.

To prepare the After Eight cocktail, you should take egg and mint liqueurs and Baileys in equal proportions. Alcohol is poured into the container in layers: first Advocate, then mint, at the end - Baileys. It is recommended to use pre-chilled components.

To prepare a chocolate cocktail, you will need to take 20 ml of an alcoholic drink, 25 mg of chocolate and 3 tbsp. spoons of whipped cream. Melt the chocolate in a steam bath, pour it on the bottom of the glass, pour Advocate on top, mix. When the mixture has cooled, garnish with whipped cream on top, some prefer to sprinkle with chocolate chips.

A creamy cocktail with Advocaat liqueur is also delicious. To prepare it, you need to take equal parts of egg liquor and Baileys, pour into a Baileys container, on top - Lawyer. After that, you should lift the dishes, slap on its bottom so that the contents mix a little. Wait a few minutes before serving.

To prepare the "Green Monster" in equal proportions, you need to take vodka, gin, white rum, Lawyer and Curacao Blue. Mix the ingredients, add lemonade to taste. This drink is served with ice cubes.

To make Casablanca, you will need to take 1 part sambuca, orange and lemon juice, 2 parts Lawyer and 3 parts vodka. All components are thoroughly mixed in a shaker, and then poured into a glass with crushed ice.

"Dutch Morning" is prepared from 25 ml of Advocate, the same amount of gin, 10 ml of Galliano and 20 ml of sugar syrup, lime and lemon juice taken. The components are mixed with a shaker, and then poured into small grains of ice.

Compassion contains 100 ml of Advocate, 50 ml of cherry liqueur and a cocktail cherry. Alcohol is mixed, then poured into a highball glass on small grains of ice and decorated with a cherry.

According to legend, the tradition of making egg liqueur came from Brazil. Local Indians made a drink based on strong porridge, honey, spices and avocado fruit (from the name of this fruit the liquor got its name Advocat, not associated with jurisprudence). The Portuguese colonists adopted the method of making the drink, but the avocado did not take root in Europe, so they began to replace the capricious fruit with egg yolks. Currently egg liquor lawyer (Advocaat) is produced in Holland and Austria. It is a bright yellow, thick, creamy drink with a smooth, smooth, velvety texture, 14 to 20% ABV, and is a blend of grape brandy and eggnog (i.e., egg yolks with sugar and cream).

Delicious egg liqueur can be prepared at home. Of course, it is better to use fresh dietary chicken or quail eggs for cooking in the appropriate proportion to avoid salmonellosis.

egg liqueur recipe


  • egg yolks - 10 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • vanilla - 1 pinch;
  • natural milk cream with a fat content of 15-20% - 130-150 ml;
  • natural grape brandy or light rum - 0.5 l;
  • lime or lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Mix half of the brandy with cream and heat in a water bath. Add the powdered sugar little by little while stirring constantly. It is necessary that the powder is completely dissolved. We get a syrup with a homogeneous delicate texture. Cool it by placing the saucepan in a bowl of cold water or ice.

Break the eggs and separate the yolks. We merge them into one container and add the second portion of brandy and vanilla there. Mix thoroughly with a fork or whisk. Let the mixture stand for about 30 minutes. Strain the egg mixture into a container with cream, add lemon or lime juice. Mix thoroughly, without whipping, pour into bottles and cork them. It would be good now to place the bottles in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer) for 2 days.

Now let's figure out what to drink egg liquor with. Usually this drink is used as one of the mixed ingredients. Serve it in its pure form with a spoon, as it is quite thick.

Cocktails with egg liqueur

Egg cocktail "Casablanca"


  • egg liqueur - 20-30 ml;
  • vodka with a neutral taste - 30 ml;
  • anise liqueur (Sambuca white or Perno) - about 5-15 ml;
  • pineapple juice mixed with orange juice - no more than 50 ml.


Pour crushed ice into a shaker, add vodka, juice and anise liqueur. Shake vigorously for 1 minute and strain through a strainer into a glass (tumbler). Carefully add the egg liqueur on top.

"Algerian coffee"

Egg liqueur "Lawyer" is an alcoholic drink of Dutch origin, which has an expressive yellow taste due to chicken yolks (in commercial versions it is replaced with E-100 dye). As for taste, it is very sweet, balanced, velvety with a small strength of about 20%. In the classic version, this drink is prepared on the basis of grape brandy, milk, egg yolks, honey or sugar. Today, many companies produce this liquor, these include the well-known company De Kuyper, such famous liquors as Blue Curacao, Pisan, and others also roll off the assembly line.

For the first time, egg liqueur was produced in Holland, the author of this recipe was emigrants in Suriname, but then avocado pulp was used instead of egg yolks. But because avocados could not be cultivated in the Netherlands, they found a replacement for this component of the liquor, namely, they began to use yolks to achieve the required consistency.

Some recipes suggest adding vanilla, cream, condensed milk to the liqueur. Over time, these ingredients became the basis for many egg liqueur recipes. Making liquor "Lawyer" at home is quite easy and not expensive when compared with the same drink that manufacturers offer us. Consider the most popular recipes for making homemade egg liqueur.

And so, the most common recipe, which most includes all of the above ingredients.

Egg Liqueur Recipe Lawyer

  • Yolks - 10 pcs
  • Cognac or grape brandy 250 ml
  • Condensed milk - 1 can
  • Cream (10-15%) 120 ml
  • Vanillin package (2 g)

You should responsibly approach the choice of a high-quality alcohol base, therefore it is better not to use options such as diluted alcohol or vodka, but of course you can try. You can replace brandy with grape spirit or inexpensive Irish whiskey, or use spiced rum. When choosing condensed milk, also pay attention to a quality product, it is desirable that it is not too thick. Eggs are best used with brown shells, it is believed that their yolk has a more yellow color. In addition, carefully separate the yolks from the proteins, because if your protein gets into the drink, unpleasant lumps may form. It is also necessary to remove the protein cords from the yolks. Here's a little tip on how to do this: scoop out the yolk with a plastic cup and transfer it to a plate.


First of all, separate the yolks from the proteins, place them in a capacious container, add condensed milk and vanilla. Mix all the ingredients well with a blender or whisk, you should get a homogeneous mass. It will turn out to be very thick, so do not be alarmed, this is the result we achieved. Now add cognac to the container, mix, then pour in the cream, mix.

That's almost all, it remains only to pour the drink into any container with a volume of about 1 liter, close it with an airtight lid and leave it for about 4 days in a cool dark place. It is not necessary to shake the liquor during the infusion, you can do this if you see that your drink has exfoliated. After 4 days, filter the drink through a sieve, or you can use gauze by rolling it in several layers, bottle the drink and leave it to settle for another 7-10 days.

To be honest, the resulting liquor will be no worse in taste than De Kuyper's Advocate.

This recipe has been tested by a large number of moonshiners, as well as just lovers of home-made spirits. As for the consistency, it is similar to homemade Baileys, only a little thicker. And in some cases, you practically have to eat it with a spoon, the classic version implies this: when serving liquor, a spoon is served to the glass.

Consider another equally popular recipe for making egg liqueur at home.

For cooking you will need:

  • 90 g vodka
  • 2 chicken yolks
  • 130 g milk
  • 2.5 st. l sugar
  • 3 g vanilla sugar


Take fresh chicken eggs, separate the yolk into a cup or into another container. Do not rush to throw away the protein, we will not need it in the future, but it can be used in baking or making an omelette. Beat the yolk with a whisk or mixer until smooth. Boil the milk, remove the foam that forms. Dissolve sugar in hot milk, if you are a sweet lover, you can use half a spoon more sugar.

Milk needs to be chilled. Carefully pour the completely cooled milk into the previously prepared egg yolks so that they do not curdle. Stir and only then add to the resulting mixture in vodka, you can use cognac. Then stir again to make the drink homogeneous. Remove for a day in the refrigerator.

Ready egg liquor at home will be the next day. Then boldly pour the drink into a beautiful bottle, gather a cheerful company and a good evening is guaranteed to you.

Also, on the basis of the prepared liquor, you can cook a very tasty pana cotta.

Panna cotta recipe with egg liqueur

For cooking you will need:


Soak gelatin sheets in cold water. Heat milk with sugar, remove from heat and add squeezed gelatin. Add the mascarpone and return to low heat, stir with a wooden spoon until just combined, but never boil! Remove from heat, add liqueur and leave to infuse for at least 15 minutes. During this time, rinse the molds with cold water, do not wipe! Pour in the panna cotta paste and place it in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

You can also cook unusual Sprite cocktail with egg liqueur.

For cooking you will need:

  • 50 ml egg liqueur
  • 150 ml sprite
  • 40 g lemon
  • 180 g ice cubes
  • 60 g crushed ice


Fill a highball glass to the top with ice cubes. Pour the liquor and sprite, after which you need to gently stir the resulting drink with a cocktail spoon. Top with crushed ice and garnish with a lemon wedge.

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Egg liqueur is a drink with a very expressive taste, it is added to ice cream, mousses and coffee, cakes and pastries, and they are transformed even from a teaspoon.

About Homemade Egg Liqueur

The liqueur turns out to be thick and viscous and more like a cream, and there is nothing to compare its taste with. Perhaps with a good custard, however, with a relaxing alcoholic note, turning into a gentle warming aftertaste.

For making liquor, homemade eggs that you are sure of are best. If you don’t get such a “delicacy”, pay attention to the freshness of the eggs: the fresher they are, the tastier the drink will turn out. To get a pronounced egg taste, use good vodka. A more complex, deep, intense bouquet will create cognac, brandy, whiskey or golden rum.

Egg liqueur owes its density to the method of preparation: the yolks are mixed with powdered sugar and cream, and then brewed in a water bath. Thus, the liquor is thick, and the yolks are tempered, and you do not need to worry about the fact that they are raw. Immediately after preparation, the liquor will not be thick, but put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, and you will see how it changes its consistency, how it infuses and transforms!

Preparation 10 min. Cooking 60 min.
Portions 0.5 l. Difficulty: easy


  • cognac 250 ml
  • powdered sugar 100 g
  • cream 15-20% 70 ml
  • yolks 5 pcs.
  • vanillin


    Mix yolks with powdered sugar.

    Mix the mass until smooth.

    Pour cream into the yolks and add a pinch of vanilla.

    Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan and place a container of yolks on top in a water bath.

    Stir continuously with a whisk so that the yolks do not curdle, but only thicken the base for the liquor. The liquid will begin to foam slightly.

    At this point, it is very important to stop the brewing process, and therefore move the container with the yolks to a cold water bath and cool (20-25 minutes), stirring occasionally.
    After that, add cognac to the egg mass and mix the liquor thoroughly.

    Pour the drink into a glass bottle and refrigerate.
    You can serve the liquor both solo and with ice, as well as add it to any desserts and drinks that you like.
    Stored egg liqueur for 3 weeks in the refrigerator.
