
Delicious ramen. Korean version of cooking

In Japan and Korea, and in China, ramen is also considered fast food, but it is also served in restaurants. For those who have tried it at least once and want to reproduce the recipe at home, we will tell you how to do it.

How to cook ramen from "Naruto" in Japanese style with an egg?

This recipe will be appreciated by fans of anime, in particular "Naruto", main character who is a fan of this dish.


  • soup chicken - 300 g;
  • celery - 1 stalk;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • a piece of pork - 400 g;
  • red fish - 150 g;
  • shrimp - 8 pcs.;
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • - 300 g;
  • tuna shavings - 25 g;
  • ginger - 1 root;
  • sheet of nori seaweed - 1 pc.;
  • soy sauce, green onion.


Let's start with the broth, put it on a chicken with carrots and an onion head, also add a celery stalk cut into 3 parts, do not add salt, you need a liter of water. We twist the pork into a roll, pull it with food twine and fry for a very hot pan on all sides to seal all the juices inside. Next, put in a saucepan, add garlic and peeled and chopped ginger. Pour in enough water to just cover the meat. Add soy sauce instead of salt and set to boil for half an hour. Still cooking fish broth on tuna shavings and shrimp peelings, water for all this needs about a liter.

Boil the noodles in in large numbers some salted water.

Cut the fish into slices and quickly fry, also fry the shrimp.

We filter all the broths and mix, if little salt can be added. So pork roll remove the twine and cut into slices.

Now we collect the soup: put the noodles in a plate, pour the broth. We put a couple of slices of fish and meat, a couple of shrimp, half an egg, sprinkle with chopped green onion and decorate the side with a piece of nori. Bon appetit!

For this version of homemade ramen, you can take any broth, the base can be chicken leg, And pork ribs. Noodles can be taken as thin homemade, and fast food, in principle, spaghetti will do.


  • pork - 450 g;
  • broth - 2 l;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • green onions - 0.5 bunches;
  • boiled wheat noodles - 400 g;
  • , soy sauce, vegetable oil.


We cut the pork into small cubes and marinate in a small amount of soy sauce. While we clean and grate the carrots. If time permits, you can chop it into strips or grate it as Korean salad. Garlic can also be crushed on a grater or squeezed through a press. In a pan, at a high temperature, so that the juice does not come out, fry the meat for about 10 minutes and add carrots and garlic to it. We fry for another five minutes, so that the carrots softened and went garlic aroma. Remove from fire and set aside. Pour into soup bowl hot broth, we report a little noodles and add roasted meat and carrots. The amount of each component is determined to your taste, adjusting the density. We also add a little pickled ginger, and you can even drop a little marinade for sourness. Soy sauce replaces salt here, so add it directly to the plate as much as you like, sprinkle with chopped green onions. This is how all the components of the soup are stored separately, and they turn into a finished dish already on a plate.

Let's start with a little introduction to this dish. Ramen soup is considered traditional dish Korean, Chinese and Japanese cuisine and is one of the options for inexpensive fast food. Many people believe that ramen is prepared using three types of broth at once: fish, pork and chicken, I can honestly tell you, I have not found confirmation of this information. Moreover, I know that many cooks take only one of the ingredients as a basis.

The main thing to pay attention to in the preparation of this dish is the noodles and serving. You can use wheat or egg noodles to make soup. You can also make your own at home, but I use store bought. There are a lot of subtleties, but I will talk about them in the process of preparing chicken ramen soup according to the classic recipe, and to make the dish look like from the picture, check periodically with the proposed photos.

Classic ramen soup recipe

Kitchen utensils and appliances: 2 pots, saucepan, frying pan, spoon, colander, sieve, cutting board, knife, serving plate, cooker.


Cooking broth

Let's prepare decorations

Marinating the chicken

Cooking noodles

Getting to the formation of ramen

How to decorate and what to serve

The main decoration in this dish is half an egg and green onions. Personally, it seems to me that the dish looks very appetizing and does not require additional decoration. Although, as we know, there is no limit to perfection, so you can put thin slices of avocado, a sprig of arugula or cilantro. You can also garnish this dish with small crispy nori sheets.

It is customary to eat ramen soup with chopsticks, but along with them a porcelain spoon, the so-called "Chinese spoon", is served with them in order to drink the broth. Pamper your family unusual presentation interesting dish. I am sure that even children, who usually do not really like first courses, will appreciate this soup.

ramen soup recipe video

I suggest you look detailed recipe in the video and make sure that japanese soup ramen is prepared quite simply and does not require special culinary skills.

Of course, despite the attractiveness of "foreign" dishes, we still give more preference to our national cuisine. I am sure that each of us loves. A kind of alternative to ramen will be traditional. It turns out tasty and transparent. Well, and of course, it will become one of the most nutritious.

I think every housewife wants to diversify her family's usual menu and cook something special and original, but sooner or later we always return to the already familiar and such "native" dishes. I wish you inspiration in carrying out culinary experiments, and share the results and, perhaps, some of your highlights with me in the comments. Bon appetit!

Fresh noodles can be prepared up to three days before serving and stored in the refrigerator floured in a covered container and portioned loosely wrapped in cling film. The process of preparing fresh noodles is greatly simplified using a pasta roller and cutter, manual or in the form of a nozzle for a kitchen mixer.


(serves 4) Has already

  • Flour (general purpose)- 300 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Yolks - 2 pcs.
  • Sesame oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
Save Reset


Prepare the ingredients. I have tried making noodles with both all-purpose flour and flour durum varieties wheat (yellow fine grains, which are sold in the states under the name Semolina). I liked both. The eggs here are large, each weighing about 57-60g in the shell. The dough uses two whole eggs and two more yolks. Both of them should be room temperature. IN original recipe Nancy uses 2 tbsp. light sesame oil cold pressed per 300 g of flour. I liked to use fragrant dark, but not much. If a lot of oil is used, then it is first rubbed with flour according to the same principle as in cooking. shortcrust pastry. In my version, the oil is added more for taste than for texture, so the first step is to mix the eggs, yolks, salt and oil with a whisk until smooth.


We knead the dough. Pour the umka into the hole in the hill egg mixture and knead a very thick, tight dough. Knead until smooth at this stage will not work. Knead until a lump forms, wrap in cling film and leave for an hour at room temperature.


After an hour, knead the dough until smooth. It will become softer and easier to work with. We divide the dough into two parts and we will stretch each one alternately with the help of a typewriter. We set the space regulator between the rollers to the largest distance and stretch it once. Fold the rectangle of dough three times with a "booklet" and roll it again. Repeat up to 10 times, turning the dough 90 degrees each time.

The cuisines of the peoples of the world have a considerable amount of fast food - fast food(so it is called either because it is easy and quick to cook, or because it is already ready and waiting for passers-by at the counter of the seller). In this article, we will focus on the Japanese-Korean dish called ramen. Recipes, facts and history of origin will spice up your acquaintance with this type of Asian fast food.

A national dish

At every step on the Japanese and Korean streets, you can find such a simple and at the same time varied food as fast ramen. But such a dish can be prepared by any hostess. Just enough to know various recipes ramen, and there are a lot of them - for all occasions.

Using the tricks of cooking in Everyday life, you can diversify the diet of loved ones and please them with new taste sensations. But first things first.

History of ramen

So what is ramen? Many fans of Asian culture believe that ramen soup is a Korean or Chinese brainchild. But it is not so. The recipe was invented by the inhabitants of the Country rising sun, not China, as some mistakenly believe.

The aggressive aggressive policy of Japan has caused the territorial displacement of the ramen recipe. Therefore, it is not surprising that, in addition to culture, food was also taken away from the Chinese. Hence the pronounced Japanese character of ramen soup nowadays.

What is ramen?

The name of this dish consists of two Chinese words: "lamian" - "pull out" and "pinyin" - "noodles". The Chinese often call it "Japanese lamian", because, breaking the tradition of cooking Chinese soup, the Japanese, in addition to the ramen recipes that existed in China (Dungan and Central Asian), developed their own unique recipe, which, due to its uniqueness, deserved the name "Japanese lantern".

At the beginning of the 20th century, the recipe migrated from Chinese to Japanese culture, as a result of which it was called “tuka-soba”. At first, it was not very popular and was sold in small fast food stalls called "ramen-ya". Over the years, the technology for making ramen was adopted expensive cafes and restaurants.

Only this dish went on sale, as it immediately attracted the attention and interest of culinary scientists who are simply obsessed with innovation in the field of food development. As you know, food in Asia rises almost to a pedestal, it is practically their god, because a Chinese or Japanese with an empty stomach is considered an unfortunate person. Therefore, parents from infancy provide their children with a magnificent, varied, rich in invention Japanese table.

"Noodle Raids"

First appearing online small cafes, over time, the dish moved to special vending machines ready meal- the principle of the same coffee stall. Today, the market and culinary research of talented chefs offer unusual options a dish so beloved by the whole world. True connoisseurs oriental food are trying to create an extensive classification and make a description of the set various options cooking ramen. Home versions of ordinary people are also taken into account, because you can never be sure that something has been researched to the end - people are much more inventive.

However, in Russia, despite the abundance of options for preparing this dish in accordance with Japanese tradition, hard to find worthwhile flavor combinations. To taste real Japanese soup, it is better to go to restaurants national cuisine. But no one claims that it is impossible to properly and tasty cook ramen at home. His recipes are simply innumerable. The presence of the Internet in people's lives brings nations much closer - you can exchange not only cultural and literary heritage, but also ways to feed your family deliciously and satisfyingly.

How are noodles prepared?

Traditionally, ramen noodles are made from wheat flour, alkaline mineral water called kansui, eggs and salt. The Korean version of the recipe replaces plain kansui mineral water. The filling for noodles can be very different - here are shiitake mushrooms, and marinated pork chashu, and bean sprouts, as well as bamboo shoots or komatsunu ( Chinese cabbage). Now let's move on to making the ramen soup itself. Let's start with traditional version.

Classic Ramen Recipe: Cooking Oriental Soup at Home

In any case, the main component of the dish is ramen noodles. Soup variations appear due to the inclusion in its composition additional ingredients. You can experiment here endlessly, but for now let's focus on classic recipe.

Of course repeat original version quite difficult, since the dish takes a very long time to cook, and the ingredients for it are not so easy to find. Therefore, here is a classic soup recipe - with pork (simplified version). Optionally, you can make ramen with chicken, only this is a different recipe.


  • ramen noodles - 600 g;
  • boneless pork - 1 kg;
  • melted pork fat- 25 g;
  • soy sauce - 150 g;
  • greens - 1 bunch;
  • ginger - 25 g;
  • salt, sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • cinnamon - 1 g.


Pork is cut into medium-sized cubes, washed from the remnants of blood, then sent to large saucepan and cook for 30 minutes. It is necessary to remove the film formed during the cooking process from the surface. Then the meat is removed from the pan, the pre-salted broth is set aside for 15 minutes. Then it needs to be filtered into another container. At the bottom of an empty pan, you need to spread the cinnamon and ginger, and on top of them - the finished meat, pour a small amount strained broth. Next, you need to boil these ingredients, add soy sauce and sugar.

The pot with meat will need to be covered with a smaller lid, using it as oppression, put some kind of load on top. It is necessary to completely immerse the meat in the broth and boil it for four hours in this state.

To cook noodles, you need a clean pot. Pour water into it, boil and then pour the noodles into the container. It is prepared very quickly - no more than five minutes. After cooking, drain the water and divide the noodles into five equal portions. Take the pot again, pour water (1 liter), put on fire. As soon as the water begins to boil, add pork fat to the pan and steam for another minute. Then you need to turn off the gas, pour the contents of the pan on plates, add meat and ramen noodles there. It will be useful here to decorate with fresh herbs - so the soup will take on a restaurant look. After all these culinary manipulations, you can safely serve asian dish on the table.

tori ramen soup

The main difference from classic soup it is considered the addition of not pork to the dish, but chicken meat. However, gourmets are not entirely delighted with this combination. Still, pork is preferred.

The appearance of the tori ramen recipe is explained by the desire of people to reduce the fat content of the dish. However, Koreans, for example, consider such a replacement inappropriate, since in their understanding this negatively affects the nutritional value of the dish. This recipe is very different from classic way cooking Korean noodles ramen, because cooking this dish is much easier and faster. The advantage of this recipe is the fact that useful material, which are part of chicken meat, have a more favorable effect on human body, and the taste and aroma of chicken will decorate the dish in the best possible way.

To make 4 servings of tori ramen, you will need the following:

Chicken wings and bones should be placed in a saucepan and pour boiling water. Next, you need to boil on low heat for about half an hour. After that, remove the meat from the broth and place in 4 equal portioned containers. The broth will have to be cleaned of impurities, pour soy sauce into it, add finely chopped ginger and salt. Steam it for some more time on minimum heat.

The noodles must be boiled for about 5 minutes, then they are thrown into a colander and placed in bowls with meat portions. Noodles and meat are poured with broth.

When serving, the dish is sprinkled with finely chopped onions. Chicken ramen is ready to eat.

Soup Ramen belongs to the traditional Japanese cuisine, but gained immense popularity in other countries, especially in China and Korea. Ramen is instant noodles with a variety of additives - meat, chicken, vegetables, eggs, sprouted sprouts.

A dish is also prepared from ordinary instant noodles and from a special one which is called “Chan ramyun”, “Rameno”, etc.

To prepare the soup, spices such as cinnamon, cayenne, red and black pepper, turmeric, coriander, fresh or dried ginger. Also add soy sauce, herbs, garlic, celery, shiitake mushrooms, tofu, lemon or lime, miso paste. Most often, the soup is served with boiled eggs.

It is very important to cook soup rich broth, which is cooked from beef, pork, chicken or fish. There are variants of this first course with the preparation of a broth with the addition of bones, cartilage, fish fins. Also possible vegetarian option ramen in vegetable broth.

There are many cooking options Korean soup Ramen, and not all of them are light and fast. Sometimes the cooking time reaches 6 hours! It is difficult to imagine such a preparation in normal conditions, so today we will cook a simplified version of ramen that anyone can cook. The soup according to this recipe is hearty, with rich taste and flavor! Be sure to try it out!

Taste Info Hot soups / Noodle soup


  • pork pulp - 400 g;
  • egg noodles- 200 g;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • sesame - 2 tablespoons;
  • garlic - 3 teeth;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • green onions - 30 g;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Chinese cabbage - 200 g;
  • spices (chili pepper, dried ginger) - to taste;
  • water - 1.5 l.

The number of products is designed for 4 servings. Cooking time - 1.5-2 hours.

How to make Korean Ramen Soup

Chopped pork flesh thin slices. For this, we freeze the meat slightly, otherwise it will be too soft and it will be difficult to cut it. Washing the meat cold water, carefully washing off all the blood so that the broth is clear.

Pour the pieces of meat with cold water and put on fire. Boil the meat for about 40 minutes, periodically removing the resulting foam.

Cucumbers cut into thin strips. If the peel of the vegetable is coarsened, then it is better to remove it.

Fry in a dry frying pan white sesame until it turns beige.

Then add finely chopped garlic to it and fry for just a minute. The garlic should not burn.

As soon as the aroma comes from the garlic, add the chopped cucumber to the pan. Fry for about 2-3 minutes.

With a slotted spoon we take out the finished meat from the broth and transfer it to the pan. We filter the broth itself, add a little salt, boil and leave it aside for now.

Add soy sauce, half a ladle of broth, sugar and spices to the meat, mix everything and simmer under a closed lid for about 30-40 minutes. Ideally, you need a press that would press the meat and provide it full immersion in the sauce throughout the languishing period. For this, a smaller lid is suitable, on which you can put a weighting agent. In the original, the meat is languishing in soy sauce not 30-40 minutes, but 4 hours. But I think that only a restaurant can afford such a waste of time preparing a dish, and this time will be enough for us.

While the meat is stewing in the sauce, prepare the rest of the products. Boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. succulent stems Peking cabbage is cut into very thin strips, we do not need lettuce leaves themselves. So we will replace the sprouted sprouts that are added to the Ramen. Sometimes, the Koreans themselves do this when sprouted sprouts are not at hand, because Chinese cabbage is very popular there.

Wash the green onion under cold water and chop. Cutting can be any, small rings or long arrows.

When the meat is ready, only then will we boil the noodles. We will use any noodles that we have on hand. I have this egg noodles, it takes only 3-4 minutes to cook. Boil the noodles, then put them in a colander and leave for a few minutes so that all the liquid is glassed.

The last step in making Korean Ramen is gathering all the ingredients. We lay out the noodles on plates, spread the meat along the edges, chinese cabbage and an egg cut into two halves. Add broth and sprinkle with green onions. The noodles themselves are eaten with chopsticks, and they are used for broth. special spoon or have a drink at the end. Bon appetit!
