
Homemade noodles cooking. homemade noodles

When you pronounce - "homemade noodles", it immediately blows home comfort and warmth of your home. Previously, noodles were always cooked at home, because the store shelves did not please us with a large abundance of goods. There are several ways to make noodles at home. For example, in Ukraine they bake white pancakes on starch, cut them into noodles and dry them. You can also make juices from the dough, dry them in a pan, and then cut into small strips.

I will tell you how noodles are prepared in my family. It is best not to use water in the recipe, but to use only eggs. Then the broth will always be transparent and there will be no large excess of sprinkled flour. I must say that cooking homemade noodles requires some effort, the dough is kneaded tightly, and then it is hard to roll out. But these efforts are worth it, the result will please you.


I do everything my way and first break the egg into the bowl. I shake it with a fork along with salt.

Then I add flour. Less than half of the flour remained from the norm, which is in the photo. It took a little more than half the bowl for the noodles. You need to mix in the flour gradually. Part interfered, added again. The dough should be very tough, hard and hard to knead. A real hand trainer. If the dough remains soft, it will stick and the finished noodles will stick together. You still need to add flour later. Therefore, it is better to add it all at once.

Get a lump, the size of a fist. Let it lie under the towel for 15 minutes, and then knead again so that it becomes homogeneous and does not stick to the table or to the hands. No more flour is needed for him.

The dough must be rolled out very thin. This is the most labor-intensive work and here it is necessary to make efforts. This is not dough for dumplings and dumplings, it is hard to roll it out, palms burn from effort. In addition, the dough on the egg, without water, shrinks like rubber. But be persistent and you will be rewarded with results. To facilitate the process, you need to roll out the cake in diameter, about 20 cm, grease it on top olive oil. And roll further to a very thin state. I have a photo thickness of less than 1 mm. There is no need to dust anything with flour, since the dough does not stick to the table.

For convenience, the rolled dough sheet can be cut into two parts. If you plan to cook long noodles, then you do not need to cut. Just fold the dough like a ribbon.

And cut into very thin strips.

The noodles are very obedient, dry immediately and do not stick to each other. Lay it out on the table and let it dry completely.

I got 150 grams finished product. Dried noodles can be stored in linen bag or in a box, in a dry and cool place.

It would seem that there is no point in making dough for homemade noodles, when there are no pasta products in any store, and you can pick up anything - at least for a side dish, at least for the first course. And, nevertheless, when you suddenly want noodles on chicken broth, then the factory ones are not suitable - well, it doesn’t work out, it’s not at home!

What stops us from making dough for homemade noodles? Laborious kneading process? There is, but it's really not that hard. Of course, if you are going to prepare noodles for the future (as our grandmothers did), then I agree that preparing dough for homemade noodles and further cutting will take a lot of time. But we, thank God, do not live in times of famine, and you can get exactly as much dough as you are going to use right now, but if you get a little more, it will not be lost either.

Here's mine for the most delicious noodles made from sifted white flour premium, eggs and salt. But kneading the dough for homemade noodles on eggs alone is really very difficult, so many, including myself, add water to the batch.

I do this: I take about half a glass of chilled boiled water and I break it up, shake it up, add some salt and, pouring it into a bowl first a small amount of flour, add a mixture of eggs and water there. I make a rather weak batch with a fork. Then, gradually adding flour, I continue to knead and bring the dough to a steeper state, and then knead the resulting bun already on the table, continuing to add flour to the board. The dough will gradually absorb more and more flour, and should eventually turn out to be tight, therefore, in order to knead it properly, you need to knead it on the board for a long time until your hands get tired.

I check the readiness of the dough like this: I cut the bun with a knife and see if there are voids left on the slices. If the dough is porous, then you still need to roll it up a little, if it is homogeneous, then enough.

Ready dough you need to let it rest a little (15 minutes), covering it with something so that it does not get weathered, with a bowl, for example. During this time, flour gluten will disperse even better, and the dough will become elastic. And after that, you still need to crush the dough on the board with flour.

I draw your attention to the fact that the dough for homemade noodles should be cool - this is a prerequisite, otherwise your noodles will subsequently quickly boil and become sour.

Now you need to roll out the dough with a rolling pin into a large thin flatbread. This will also require physical effort, but you should try to roll out the cake as thin as possible, ideally if it is 1-1.5 mm thick. Do not forget to constantly add flour under the rolling pin and on the table. I can’t say exactly how much flour will be needed in the end - 2 glasses, or maybe more, I just put a whole bag in front of me - how much will go away, so much will go away.

If the dough turns out to be quite a lot, then divide it into 2-3 parts and roll out several flat cakes with a smaller diameter.

Before you start cutting noodles, these cakes should be dried a little. In our apartment, the humidity is low, and everything dries just instantly - while you are rolling out one cake, the second one has already reached the condition, and you can cut it. If it is damp in your house, leave it to lie down a little longer (some even dry it like linen - on the clothesline), but most importantly, do not dry it out and do not forget to spray flour on top.

We cut the noodles as you like - if you want to get long ribbons, then first roll the cake into a roll, then cut it crosswise into strips of 4-5 mm. And if you want to get a small noodle, then immediately cut the layer into strips 4-5 cm wide and then, putting these pieces of dough one on top of the other, (again, sprinkle with flour so as not to stick together) cut thin noodles in 1.5-2 mm.

Before laying the finished homemade noodles in the broth (if you are preparing the first course), you need to shake off the excess flour from it, and if it is dried, then just put it in a sieve and shake it, as if sifting - then your broth will not be cloudy, and you will have delicious homemade noodles!

And on the pages notebook I share recipes that I use myself and cook according to them for my family and guests.

Today we have a recipe dough for homemade noodles. I confess, I used to have no recipe for homemade egg noodles I didn’t use it, kneaded it by eye from eggs, water, flour and salt. Well, when an assistant baker appeared in my kitchen, she began to look for ideal proportions recipe ingredients homemade noodle dough in a bakery. So, to put them in a bread machine, and take them out of it ready dough for homemade egg noodles, without mixing anything afterwards. In addition, while the bread machine is working on the dough, you have free 15-20 minutes. The bread machine makes life very easy for such people who, due to some circumstances, cannot knead the dough in any way. Since the birth of my son, we have been doing massage at home. I think our favorite masseuse Elena Alexandrovna will not be offended by me if I mention her here 😉 So, talking to her, she complained to me that she doesn’t spoil her family with either homemade dumplings or noodles, because masseurs sometimes have hands after massage sessions it hurts so much that it’s not up to the test at all! And here is such a beauty, the machine kneads the dough! I even make it in my bread maker.

Got a little distracted. I liked this ratio for homemade egg noodles:

  • wheat flour, preferably durum varieties- 450 g,
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.,
  • water -110 ml,
  • table salt - ½ tsp

But, based on experience, I will say that such a proportion of the test is designed for big family or for cooking homemade as a second course or side dish, as well as preparing homemade noodles for the future. Homemade noodles can be dried and stored as you like. pasta. noodles own cooking you can, as for lagman, boil until tender, season with butter and freeze, and then simply reheat or add at the end of cooking.

When I cook homemade mushroom noodles, homemade meatball noodles, or noodle soup with poultry(chicken, turkey, goose), then I reduce the ingredients for homemade dough recipe egg noodles about as much, and this can be a bit too much:

  • Wheat flour - 250 g,
  • water - 60 ml,
  • egg - 2 pcs.,
  • salt - 10 g.

Let me remind you that in 1 cup 250 ml 130 g of flour, if poured not with the top, but before the rice. And in 1 teaspoon without a slide, just 10 g of salt.

Any dough for homemade noodles, pasta, dumplings, manti, dumplings must go through several stages of preparation, namely:

  1. dough kneading,
  2. maturation of dough
  3. rolling dough,
  4. Cutting dough for noodles or blanks for dough products

Decide for yourself how you knead the dough for homemade noodles, with your hands, using a bread machine or a food processor.

How to cook dough for homemade noodles in the bread maker:

Put all the ingredients for the noodles into the bread machine at once

and choose the mode, who has what: “Pasta”, “Dumplings”, “Dough” or any other program in which the kneading starts immediately, for example, “Cupcake” or “Pizza”.

The dough for noodles is kneaded with a bread machine for about 20 minutes.

It turns out elastic and plastic. In order for the dough for noodles or dumplings to become elastic, it must ripen or rest for about 20-30 minutes.

To do this, it must be sprinkled with flour, cover cling film or put in plastic bag so that a windy crust does not form. Or you can just cover the bun of dough with an overturned bowl. It happens that low-quality flour comes across and the dough begins to “float”, then it is necessary to increase the amount of flour when kneading dough for homemade noodles.

How to make colored homemade noodles?

Very simple, change part of the water (or all) vegetable juice: carrot, beetroot, sorrel juice .... And then you get colored dough for homemade noodles.

How to make homemade noodles

I divide the ripened dough for homemade noodles into 4 parts.

I roll each into a thin cake.

I sprinkle dough cakes (layers) with flour and dry them on the table, so that it is convenient to cut them and the dough does not stick together when cutting.

It is important not to overdry our cakes so that they do not break.

Then I roll each layer into a flattened roll.

and cut homemade noodles with a knife into thin strips.

These strips of homemade noodles need to be separated from each other and dried. If there is a lot of noodles, you can dry it in the oven in a thin layer on a baking sheet at 70 degrees.

Cooking process test, kneading, rolling and cutting for homemade noodles on chicken broth you can see in the video recipe from YouTube:

The process of making and cutting homemade noodles is greatly facilitated by a special machine, noodle cutter. With the help of a noodle cutter, you can thinly roll out and cut the dough for pasta, dumplings. How to make homemade noodles on the Imperia noodle cutter, the video recipe will tell:

And yet, in cooking homemade noodles for lagman eggs are not used, the dough for such noodles is made from boiled water and flour. Well, in order to properly make noodles for lagman, just like homemade vermicelli, pulling experience is needed:

Enjoy your creativity and delicious homemade noodles!

P.S. If the network is busy, you may not be able to access it, just try again several times 🙂

Despite the rich assortment flour products presented to consumers in modern stores, many housewives pamper their loved ones with noodles own production. homemade noodles does not stick together during cooking and has an unforgettable delicate taste.

homemade noodle recipe

Cooking noodles is a laborious process, because kneading a tough dough is not an easy task for fragile female hands. But the noodles are so appetizing and tasty that the effort and time spent is worth it!


To make noodles, you will need:

  • two eggs;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 100-150 ml of water.

If you want to experiment and change the taste of the product, replace wheat flour rye or buckwheat flour.

Children can cook colorful noodles home production, adding juice of beets, carrots, tomato or spinach to the dough. How more juice you add, the more intense the color of the noodles will be.

The process of making noodles

  1. Put in a large container required amount flour. Make a cone-shaped indentation in the flour. Place eggs, salt and water in it.

  2. Knead the dough. First, use a spoon to knead the dough. When the dough becomes thick, continue kneading it with your hands. The result is a plastic mass.

  3. Roll out the dough. To do this, put the dough on a hard surface sprinkled with flour, and roll it with a rolling pin into a layer 2-3 mm thick. Add flour under the rolling pin if the dough starts to stick to it.
  4. Cut the dough. Cut the dough sheet with a knife into wide or narrow stripes. Sprinkle the noodles with flour and leave for 20 minutes. Remove excess flour from noodles before cooking.

  5. Prepare the noodles. Boil the noodles for 7 minutes.

If you have prepared noodles for long-term storage, it is recommended to dry them until they become brittle.

Italian noodle recipe


To cook noodles Italian recipe prepare in advance:

  • three eggs;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 40 ml of olive oil;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 100 ml of water.

The process of making Italian noodles

  1. Pour the flour onto the table and make a well in it. Add eggs, salt, water and oil.
  2. Knead a stiff dough.

  3. Shape the dough into a "bun" and wrap it in cling film. Leave the dough for 25 minutes.

  4. Roll out and cut the dough. Its thickness should be 2-3 mm.

Secrets of making noodles

  1. So that the dough for noodles does not become covered with a dry crust, it is recommended to store it in cellophane.
  2. brew Italian noodles 5 minutes.
  3. Dried dough is easily cut with a knife if it is first rolled into a tube.
  4. Sliced ​​noodles in a not dried state are ready for cooking.
  5. Before long-term storage Dry your homemade noodles well.

Beginning hostesses are usually frightened by the process of making homemade noodles. But after reading the recipe, you will see that the noodles are easy and simple to prepare. Yes, and you will need nothing at all: flour, an egg and salt. With this amount of noodles you will feed 5 people, or cook 2 pots of soup. The incomparable aroma of homemade noodles will show the way to your dear household members to the table.

Noodles can be cooked in two ways: by machine and by hand. On the machine, I usually cook thinner noodles for broth or soup; by hand, it is easier to cut noodles for garnish.

To prepare the dough for both types of homemade noodles, you will need the same products. We will need one medium sized egg, flour and a pinch of salt.

Break the egg into a bowl, add a pinch of salt. Sift the flour and add to the egg in portions, stirring first with a fork and then with your hand. Knead until the dough is homogeneous, and wrap the resulting bun of dough in a film and leave to rest for half an hour. Focus on your pain. The dough should be tight.

From the rested dough we will cook noodles on a typewriter. Divide the dough into 4 pieces. Roll out each part very thinly. How thinner dough roll out, the more beautiful the noodles will be. Place a colored towel under the dough, and if the patterns are distinguishable, then the dough is ready. While we were rolling out the fourth cake, the first one dried out a little, which is what we needed.

We twist the first, slightly dried-up shortcake with a roll.

We cut the rolls. The thickness depends on how thick the noodles you want to be.

Gently separate the noodles with your fingers and dry them. Can be used immediately or dried completely and stored in paper bags or boxes.

If you want to boil noodles, boil them in in large numbers salted water to taste. 4-5 minutes is enough. Such noodles, which do not include water, will never spread.

Throw the noodles in a colander and serve either just with butter or with sauce, delicious!

To cook noodles on a typewriter, we also do not divide the dough, but roll it into a long sausage and flatten it with our hands. And then we pass in the typewriter. At the same time, we instruct the division number 1. Then we change the divisions from the thickest to the thinnest, without missing, in any case, a single division. If you skip divisions, the dough will tear. Roll out the thinnest dough.

We cut a long strip into pieces, the length of which is equal to the length of the noodles. Then we pass it into the slot with sliced ​​\u200b\u200band cut the thinnest noodles.

We leave the noodles to dry, sprinkled with flour, turn over from time to time. When the noodles are dry, we transfer them to a paper bag or a cardboard box in which we will store.

The noodles are ready, bon appetit!
