
Homemade noodle soup recipe with chicken is delicious. How to make with rice noodles and vegetables

Step 1: prepare and cook the chicken fillet.

We take chicken fillet with an approximate weight of 700 grams. Rinse it under cold running water, dry with paper kitchen towels, put on a cutting board and cut into large cubes with a diameter of up to 3 to 4 centimeters.

We shift the cutting into a deep saucepan, pour 2 - 2.5 liters of purified water there and put it on medium fire.

After boiling the liquid, set the temperature of the plate at a level between small and medium.

Using a slotted spoon, remove gray foam from the surface of the water - “noise”. Then cover the pan with a lid so that a small gap remains. Cooking chicken fillet 30 minutes.

Step 2: Prepare vegetables.

While the meat is cooking, peel the carrots, onion and potatoes. Then we wash the vegetables together with herbs under water. Dry them, put them in turn on a cutting board and chop them. Onions and carrots are cut into cubes up to 1 centimeter in size and put the cuts in separate bowls.

We cut the potatoes in the same way as the rest of the vegetables, only we make the cubes larger - from 2 to 2.5 centimeters. Transfer them to a clean bowl and fill with water so that the slices do not darken until use. Greens just finely chop and put in a small bowl.

Step 3: Prepare the soup dressing.

Then we start preparing the dressing for the soup. Pour the vegetable oil into the pan and put it on medium heat. After a minute, add onion cubes to the heated oil and fry them, stirring with a kitchen spatula. 2 - 3 minutes to a light golden hue.

Then add carrots to the pan and fry the vegetables together for another 3 - 4 minutes. Then take the pan off the stove.

Step 4: Prepare Chicken Noodle Soup.

When the chicken meat is cooked, drain the water from the potatoes, put them in a saucepan and cook 15 minutes.

Then pour in the same 2 handfuls dried noodles and cook soup 5 minutes.

After we add vegetable dressing and prepare the first hot dish yet 5 minutes.

After the required time has elapsed, put the greens in the pan, salt and black pepper to taste. ground pepper.

Bring soup to a boil 2 - 3 minutes, turn off the stove and insist fragrant food under cover 7 – 10 minutes.

Step 5: Serve Chicken Noodle Soup.

Chicken soup served hot with noodles as a first course. After cooking, it is insisted so that the spices and herbs completely give their pleasant aroma rich broth. Then, with the help of a ladle, it is poured into deep plates and served to dining table along with fresh bread. As an addition to this dish, you can offer a salad from fresh vegetables or pickled vegetable cutting. Enjoy delicious and healthy food!
Bon appetit!

The set of spices can be supplemented with any spices that are suitable for preparing the first hot dishes.

Instead of chicken fillet, you can use any other parts of the chicken, but do not forget that the duration of their cooking is different.

Dressing can be cooked on butter fats.

Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater.

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious, rich and dietary chicken soups with homemade noodles

2018-11-19 Oleg Mikhailov and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

3 gr.

2 gr.


19 gr.

101 kcal.

Option 1: Chicken Noodle Soup - Classic Recipe

Today we will prepare a delicious and simple chicken noodle soup, which, I hope, will appeal to many. The most important thing in our process is to choose good noodles, preferably durum varieties wheat.

It is also important to choose fresh delicious chicken, any parts of the bird can be used, drumstick, wings, fillet, etc. will do. For the rest, we will use the usual set of vegetables - carrots, onions and potatoes. You can always add a little to this soup various vegetables from myself - corn, asparagus, peas, mushrooms, etc. You need to serve soup to the table at lunchtime, a hot plate will warm and give you strength and energy.


  • Water - 1.5 l
  • Chicken wings - 280 g
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Noodles - 60 g
  • Greens - optional

Cooking process

Prepare everything necessary ingredients. Select the desired chicken parts, rinse and dry them.

Prepare a saucepan that is suitable in volume - shift the chicken, pour in water. Boil the broth from the moment the water boils for 35 minutes. Remove the foam that will form.

After the time of cooking the broth, prepare the vegetables - peel and wash the potatoes, then cut the potato tubers into medium-sized pieces and send them to the pan with the broth. Boil potatoes for 15 minutes.

Peel onions, rinse and dry. Onion cut into small cubes.

Peel and wash the carrots, grate the carrots with medium shavings.

Heat a spoon in a pan vegetable oil, shift the carrots and onions - fry for 2-3 minutes, until golden brown.

Now send the carrots and onions to the soup pot, put the noodles in the same place. Add salt and pepper to the saucepan to taste.

Boil soup with noodles for 1.5 minutes, after turning off the fire, throw a handful of chopped greens into the pan. Soup can be served immediately.

Enjoy your meal!

Option 2: Quick Chicken Noodle Soup Recipe

Chicken wings are delicious not only in the form smoked snacks, the broth of them is also good. And where there is chicken broth, there are noodles, and even a couple of unpretentious components. You look, and the soup will be cooked in less than an hour, but what a rich one!


  • eight large chicken wings;
  • two bulbs;
  • 300 gr. potatoes;
  • two small carrots;
  • quality vegetable oil- 30 gr.;
  • two handfuls of homemade or factory noodles;

How to make quick chicken noodle soup

Washing, we clean the skin of the wings from the remnants of feathers. Having cut off the extreme third, cut it into joints and put it in a saucepan. Having added water, a little more than 2 liters, we put it on the maximum fire.

Remove the foam, bring to a boil, slightly salted, then cook over low heat.

After cutting the potatoes into thin sticks, put them in a saucepan twelve minutes after the start of the boil of the broth.

We rub the carrots with medium shavings and fry together with the onion in vegetable oil until a pleasant golden brown.

We spread the noodles to the vegetables, continue to cook, stirring, for about seven minutes.

We shift the contents from the pan to the pan, to almost cooked potatoes. Stir thoroughly, bring the soup to readiness for four minutes. We take a sample for salt, turn it off.

Option 3: Delicious chicken soup with rice flour noodles

Rice noodles give unusual taste and color to the dish. Complement the soup tender corn, and you get a treat, even to the table of the Chinese emperor. Check the instructions for cooking rice noodles, on the branded packaging, we will turn off the heat a little earlier, preventing overcooking.


  • whole chicken breast (both halves);
  • 120 grams of rice noodles;
  • small bulb;
  • garlic, ginger, pea pepper;
  • carrot;
  • small milky corn, on the cob;
  • a handful of chopped onion feathers.

How to cook

Fillet, prepared and cut into slices, fold into three-liter saucepan, pour eight glasses of boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour, marking the time from boiling. Add a washed onion, right in the husk, three or four cloves of garlic, cut in two, pepper and a teaspoon of ginger. Salt, cook for another twenty minutes, or a little longer if necessary to bring the meat to softness.

Take out the chicken, put green onions, chopped corn and large carrot strips into the broth. After boiling, cook for five minutes and put the noodles. It reaches the desired degree of readiness quickly, after three minutes we return the chicken to the pan, add salt and pepper.

We cook the soup no longer three minutes, without letting the noodles become sour, serve the soup hot.

Option 4: Chicken soup with homemade noodles and offal

Fast and hearty soup, cooked in fatty broth, and therefore lovers hot sauces- expanse. Can be loaded already ready meal garlic adjika or liquid sauce from hot pepper. Good for the dish, rubbed with garlic, toasted slices of stale bread.


  • liter of rich chicken broth, from different parts carcasses;
  • three hundred grams chicken hearts and two hundred - ventricles;
  • one hundred grams of egg noodles;
  • onion and carrot - one piece each;
  • a spoonful of chopped parsley and onion feathers;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • salt and freshly ground pepper.

Step by step recipe

First, cut the giblets in two, removing all inedible parts - films, debris, blood clots, chop into slices a centimeter wide and twice as long.

Wash and peel the vegetables, dissolve the carrots into large chips, and cut the onion thinly, into rings, and then into their quarters. Spasser with oil before frying and immediately transfer to a bowl.

Dip the offal into the boiling broth and cook for 20 minutes or a little longer, lay out the browning, pour the noodles. Add salt and spices, cook, focusing on the readiness of the noodles. Ready soup divide into portions, sprinkle with herbs, serve with croutons.

Option 5: Chicken Noodle Soup with Mushrooms

The soup is very similar to Central European dishes, although not only Hungarians and Romanians noticed the excellent compatibility of mushrooms, noodles and chicken. Similar soups are prepared all over the continent, from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean coast.


  • boiled chicken without bones - 200 grams;
  • one hundred grams of champignons, one carrot, onion and parsley root;
  • fresh egg;
  • a third of a glass of flour;
  • one and a half liters of clear chicken broth;
  • clove of garlic;
  • celery root;
  • a spoonful of tomato and the same amount - butter;
  • salt and chopped parsley.

How to cook

Roots and carrots, peeled, washed and coarsely grated, together with chopped onions, sauté until saturated amber color. Wash and cut into beautiful slices, capturing the cap and leg, champignons, put them into boiling broth along with the frying.

From eggs, first-class flour and fine salt, adding a couple of tablespoons of water, knead the dough. Roll out thinly and, without letting it dry out too much, cut into narrow noodles. Chop finely and put garlic in the soup, followed by chicken, sauteed and noodles. Add the tomato, mix gently, cook at a minimum boil for about ten minutes, then check the readiness of the noodles.

Add salt, if required, add pepper to taste and sprinkle with herbs. The color of the soup can be enhanced by adding paprika to original recipe put pieces of dried sweet pepper.

Chicken noodle soup is tasty, but for the most part, all recipes are somewhat repetitive and can get boring quickly. But pasta and boiled chicken pairs well with a huge variety of products, so open up a notepad and write it down!

A thick chicken soup with homemade noodles seasoned with fried tomatoes is very similar to lagman. You don't even need to boil and add beans or other legumes, just open a can of soybeans in a tomato, reheat and add a few minutes before turning it off.

Whoever doesn't like tomato can fill the soup with canned brain peas. A couple of spoons - and the dish is almost unrecognizable, and with what delight the kids hunt for peas!

Any of the proposed soups is very tasty, biting with smoked chicken breast. And don't forget the croutons! Toasted bread With eggplant caviar or adjika stimulates the appetite, and the soup disappears from the plates with enviable speed.

Option 6: Chicken soup with homemade noodles

Leg soup cooks quickly, a little longer than white chicken, but it comes out noticeably richer. Putting potatoes or enough to do just pasta- each hostess decides for herself, but it is the simple and beautiful soup with potato slices.


  • one large leg;
  • a head of bitter onion and large, sweet carrots;
  • 400 gr. potatoes;
  • one and a half tablespoons of refined oil;
  • fresh dill.

For noodles:

  • two eggs;
  • five tablespoons of high-grade flour.

Homemade chicken noodle soup recipe step by step

We lower the washed leg into the pan, pour two liters of filtered cold water. Do not put in boiling water, this will not speed up cooking, but will spoil the taste of the broth. Bringing to a boil over intense heat, carefully remove all the foam from the broth, then cook under the lid, setting the lowest heat. The broth should not boil intensively, it is desirable that its surface is only slightly agitated.

Having put the broth, we immediately deal with noodles. Pour the eggs into a bowl, add a little salt and beat until foamy. While stirring the egg mass with a fork, gradually add the sifted flour. First, you can enter three spoons, then, carefully kneading, add no more than one at a time. You need to knead the dough for a long time until it becomes soft.

Laying out on the table, roll out a very thin layer. It is convenient to do this on a floured surface or a linen tablecloth. It should also be lightly powdered with flour.

Sprinkle a little flour over the layer, rub it with the palm of your hand over the entire surface. We leave the dough for five minutes, after which we roll it into a loose roll. With a well-sharpened knife, cut into thin strips. Having unfolded, we lay them out on the tablecloth and, if necessary, shorten them.

After boiling the chicken for fifty minutes from the beginning of the boil, take it out and cool slightly. After removing the meat from the bones, disassemble it into fibers or cut into pieces.

We cut the potatoes into small cubes and send them to the boiling broth along with the meat.

In vegetable oil, slowly sauté onions and carrots until golden. Do not lower the vegetables together, first bring the onions to transparency and only then add the carrots.

When the boiled potatoes become soft, put our homemade noodles and immediately lay out the vegetable frying. After salting, cook over low heat for fifteen minutes, until the noodles are soft. A couple of minutes before cooking, add a tablespoon of finely chopped dill to the soup.

Chicken noodle soup- although far from a restaurant, but very tasty dish For family dinner familiar to everyone since childhood. The recipe for chicken noodle soup is very simple, but, nevertheless, its preparation has its own nuances and subtleties.

And now I propose to go to the recipe and see how to cook chicken noodle soup step by step.


  • Onion - 1 pc.,
  • Chicken - 200 gr.,
  • Carrots - 1 pc.,
  • Noodles - 50-70 gr.,
  • Potatoes - 4-5 pcs.,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.,
  • Spices: ground black pepper, turmeric.

Chicken noodle soup - recipe with photo

The preparation of chicken noodle soup begins with the preparation of the broth. You can use any part of the chicken to make chicken broth. Even giblets will do. This time I cooked chicken back soup. One back will be enough for a two-liter pot of noodle soup. Wash the chicken back. Cut off the ponytail. Place a pot of water on the stove.

After the water boils, put chicken back. Put in the peeled onion. Put Bay leaf. Pour in salt, ground black pepper, a pinch of turmeric. Even a small amount of This spice will give the soup a beautiful yellow tint. brew chicken bouillon for 20 minutes over low heat. During cooking, it is important not to allow a strong boil, otherwise the broth will turn cloudy. Remove foam periodically.

Peel carrots and potatoes. cut into medium sized pieces.

In this soup, potatoes can be cut into thin sticks. Slice the carrots.

The method of slicing for carrot soup may be different. Carrots can be grated or cut into strips. Remove the bay leaf from the broth so that the soup does not become bitter after standing. Lay out the potatoes and carrots.

After 15 minutes, when the potatoes and carrots are soft, add to the noodles.

The amount of noodles can be adjusted at your own discretion, depending on how thick the soup you want to get.

Stir the soup immediately so that the noodles do not stick together. Cook it for another 5-7 minutes over low heat.

Soup tips:

  • By changing the spices, you can play with the flavors of the soup, its spiciness and aroma.
  • If you cook soup chicken fillet, then after it is cooked, it is removed from the broth, cooled. After cooling, cut into cubes and add to the soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  • In order for the soup to become even more nutritious, at the end of cooking, you can add fresh cream, sour cream or processed cheese"Amber".

Chicken noodle soup. Photo

Chicken soups are those hot dishes that must be eaten. All because they are very useful for the body of each of us. Chicken soups warm us from the inside and improve digestion.

It is logical that chicken soup will be cooked on poultry meat, namely chicken. It can be any of its parts: thighs, wings, legs, breast, neck, back, etc. Whatever you use, the result will be delicious anyway. If you want to make the dish even tastier and richer, do not forget to add pieces of meat to it, on which you cooked the broth.

The second point is vegetables. You can add any to your taste: carrots, parsley root, onions, kohlrabi, celery root. Greens are also good - parsley or dill. Well, for lovers of experiments, even basil can offer. So what? It should turn out unusual and, of course, tasty.

And, of course, we cannot miss such an important item for chicken soup as noodles. You can buy it or you can make it at home. In the second option, of course, it will be tastier. So we advise you to spend a little more time cooking soup by preparing noodles at home. How to do it? We'll tell you a little later.

General cooking rules

For cooking delicious soup little knowledge of the cooking process. You also need to be able to buy high-quality and good products for the future dish.

The most important thing in chicken soup is chicken meat. To choose a good one, be sure to pay attention to the color of the meat. It should be soft pink. The meat is smooth, without spots and transitions to other shades. It must also be elastic so that when pressed, the meat returns to its original, let's say, shape. And, of course, the smell. Meat should smell like meat. It should not give off either a sour smell, or spices, or anything else.

Next - noodles. For its preparation, ideally, you will need egg yolk and flour. If there is a lot of soup, then the yolks, respectively, need to be taken more. Combine the yolks and flour until you get soft dough. It should be smooth and should not stick to your hands. Let it rest for at least half an hour, then roll it out and cut it thinly. You can use a noodle cutter if possible. Cooking such noodles, like any other homemade, takes no more than five minutes. You can salt immediately, or you can salt the water in which the noodles will be cooked.

Supervision is also very important in the preparation of soup. For example, in order for the broth to come out transparent, it is necessary to remove the foam from the surface of the future dish during the cooking process. This is a protein that is secreted from meat. If it is not removed, the dish will be cloudy.

Chicken noodle soup hastily

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

Chicken soup - fast first dish, especially chicken. Chicken is cooked for about twenty minutes, and together with vegetables no more than half an hour. This recipe will definitely help you.

How to cook:

Tip: we added the noodles right away, as there is not much soup and it can be eaten at a time small family. But if you are not going to eat hot right away, it is better not to add the noodles, otherwise they will get soggy. In this case, add the noodles just before serving.

Traditional chicken noodle soup

Traditionally, chicken soup is made from noodles and root vegetables, and chicken, of course. Here is the most common one for you, besides, quick recipe which you will definitely like.

It will take 50 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 89 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the legs, in accessible places you can cut off all the fat, do not cut off the skin;
  2. Peel the carrots, wash them and cut into rings or half rings;
  3. Celery clean, wash and cut into cubes;
  4. Peel the onion and cut off the roots with a sharp knife;
  5. Peel the garlic from its thin peel, cut off the dry root from each slice;
  6. Rinse the parsley, cut the leaves from the branches and chop them;
  7. Share in large saucepan carrots, celery, onions, garlic and parsley;
  8. Pour all vegetables and root crops with water, add meat;
  9. Bring the future broth to a boil;
  10. During cooking, the meat will release protein in the form of foam, which must be removed;
  11. Add bouillon cubes, crumbling them in your hands and cook the soup until all the components are ready;
  12. When the soup is almost ready, boil water and boil the noodles until tender;
  13. Finished chicken legs remove from the pan, remove the skin from them;
  14. Remove the meat from the bone, chop it and return it to the pan;
  15. Also pull out the garlic cloves and onion;
  16. Sprinkle the broth with parsley;
  17. Serve the soup separately with the noodles so that they do not get wet.

Tip: if the dish turned out to be cloudy, then it can be passed through a sieve.

Mushroom noodle soup

Soups with mushrooms are always especially fragrant and tasty. And if you have never cooked mushroom broth, then it's time to try it. You will not be able to forget this taste, and the soup will become one of your favorites.

It will take 1 hour to cook.

How many calories - 44 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the chicken, remove fat without removing the skin;
  2. Place the meat in a large saucepan and fill it with water - ideally it is three liters;
  3. When the water boils, add bay leaves, allspice and wait another forty minutes;
  4. After the time has elapsed, remove the meat, strain the broth;
  5. While the broth is cooking, combine the eggs with water and salt using a whisk;
  6. Add flour and knead the dough;
  7. Cover the dough and let it rest for twenty minutes;
  8. Roll out the dough into cakes and dry them in a dry frying pan;
  9. Next, cut the dough into strips and boil right amount for soup;
  10. Peel and finely chop the onion;
  11. Wash, peel and chop the carrots with a grater;
  12. Heat a frying pan with oil and fry onion and carrots on it until soft;
  13. During this time, clean the legs and caps of the mushrooms, cut into cubes;
  14. Add mushrooms to soft root crops and simmer everything until cooked;
  15. Cut the boiled chicken into cubes and add it to the soup along with vegetables and mushrooms;
  16. Let the hot dish still combine all the flavors for five minutes, then close it and let it brew for five minutes;
  17. Ready soup served with noodles in portions.

Tip: you can add to the soup and dried mushrooms, but for this they first need to be steamed. They will open and give you their scent. This will only make the dish tastier.

Cooking soup in a slow cooker

Soup in a slow cooker may take longer to cook, but it is no less tasty than a traditional broth on the stove. Cooking is simple and even a beginner will successfully cope with the task.

It will take 1 hour and 25 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 213 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the meat and put it in a bowl, pour it with water;
  2. On the "multi-cook" at 160 Celsius, cook for fifteen minutes;
  3. Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes;
  4. Remove the husk from the onion, cut off the roots and wash the head with running water;
  5. Next, cut the onion into small cubes;
  6. Wash and peel the carrots, chop them with a grater;
  7. Drain the water from the chicken, rinse the meat and remove the skin;
  8. Put onions, carrots and potatoes in a bowl;
  9. Add salt, pepper and pour one and a half liters of water;
  10. On the "soup" mode, cook vegetables for one hour;
  11. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add the noodles and close the lid again;
  12. When the program has finished cooking, cut the meat into pieces and add to the soup.

Tip: For a taste, the soup can be served with fresh chopped herbs.

Original chicken soup with rice noodles

Rice noodles are something unusual that you should definitely try. Believe me, this soup is no less delicious, but it will bring newness to your ongoing relationship with cooking.

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

How many calories - 32 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Clean the chicken breast from films and fat, cut it into cubes;
  2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings;
  3. Rinse the pepper and get rid of the membranes, seeds and cut it into strips;
  4. Wash the carrots, grate it with a grater;
  5. Peel and chop the garlic;
  6. Peel the ginger and you can grind it with a press;
  7. Heat up a frying pan with sunflower and sesame oil and fry vegetables until soft;
  8. Take water in a saucepan, boil it and pour chicken cubes;
  9. Skimming the foam from the surface of the water, boil the breast cubes until tender;
  10. Add noodles and cook for two minutes;
  11. Add vegetables from the pan, spices and cook for about two more minutes;
  12. The soup is ready.

Tip: you can serve the broth with soy sauce. For rice noodles, it will be more than ever welcome.

Cooking features and tricks

What do you need to know to make a good chicken noodle soup?

  1. The foam must be removed, otherwise the broth will be cloudy;
  2. If you nevertheless boiled the foam, then a strainer can save you;
  3. To make the soup cook faster, the meat can be chopped;
  4. If the vegetables are undercooked, they will be crispy and will appeal to al dente lovers;
  5. The broth can be served with fresh herbs, it will add elegance to the soup;
  6. If you do not eat the whole soup, but add the noodles to it in advance, they will get soggy. Therefore, do not add it immediately. Serve the noodles separately.

Cooking chicken noodle soup does not take much time at all. Even if you cook the noodles yourself. It's delicious, nutritious, and simple. But, as you can see, you can experiment with such a soup by serving it with rice noodles or soy sauce. Give space to your imagination in the kitchen, you will both like it.

Chicken noodle soup is simply delicious, especially when made with homemade noodles. I remember from childhood how my mother cooked it. It was so tasty that even the "brutal" appetite was awakened. Now my family loves to eat them too. But when the day off and there is no need to rush anywhere, you can stand in the kitchen and enjoy all the sacrament of cooking. First, according to a proven recipe for homemade noodles for chicken soup, I cook the noodles themselves. And then the chicken soup. The soup turns out to be unusually tasty, light, and most importantly - satisfying. Hot, fragrant, pleasant golden color, it is very good in the cold and frosty season improves mood and immunity. You will never get this from store-bought vermicelli. I will open our family recipe soup with chicken and homemade noodles, which has been cooked in my family for generations.

Ingredients (per 3L pot):

  • 1 soup domestic chicken;
  • 2 potato tubers;
  • 1 medium onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 100 g homemade noodles;
  • a bunch of parsley or dill;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • salt, black pepper to taste;
  • green onion(optional);
  • a little vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe for chicken soup with homemade noodles

1. Rinse the chicken inside and out. We put it in a convenient saucepan and fill it with clean cold water. Bring to a boil.

2. We will cook the soup on the second broth so that the broth is transparent and clean. So, when the chicken boils, we pour the first broth into the sink, hold the chicken with a lid. Filling the chicken with new clean water from under the filter and put on fire.

3. Choose a beautiful orange carrot, it tastes better and the soup looks prettier. Cut into small cubes of the same size.

4. Cut the onion into cubes, slightly smaller than carrots.

5. Pour oil into the pan, heat it up. We spread the onion along with the carrots so that they are evenly fried and the carrot cubes become soft.

6. Cut the potatoes into medium-sized cubes.

7. Remove the chicken carcass and put it to cool on a large plate. Pour 2 cups of hot soup into the pot boiled water. Add potatoes and bay leaf to the broth. We put the soup to cook on medium-high heat until the potatoes are half cooked.

8. Cool the chicken. We remove the bones, remove the skin. We disassemble the meat into pieces, you can cut a little for convenience.

9. Add fried vegetables and chicken meat to the soup. Let the soup boil, and only then add the noodles. Cook until noodles are tender, about 5 minutes.

10. Wash the parsley well under running water, finely chop and season the chicken noodle soup. Parsley in the recipe can be replaced with dill, as you like. But you need to add greens at the very end of cooking.

11. After boiling, boil the soup for 1 minute. Then remove from heat and let stand covered for 15 minutes. You can place the pot of soup in the switched off oven. Let him stay there for 15 minutes. So the soup will become more rich, as if from the oven. And those who love can add 1 whole clove garlic after turning off the soup. Discard the spices (bay leaf and garlic) before pouring the soup.

If there is a little time, place the pot of soup in the switched off oven. Let him stay there for a couple of minutes. So the soup will become more rich, as if from the oven.

And those who like it can add 1 clove of garlic after turning it off. Discard the spices (bay leaf and garlic) before pouring the soup.

Here we have prepared the most delicious chicken soup. Bon appetit and come back!
