
Vitamin cocktails - what are they made from. Green cocktail Spring from Marina Gladkikh

fresh cocktail- This lovely way get vitamins and minerals in large quantities! Especially when vegetables are included in the cocktail. Research by scientists has shown that .

Health, youth and beauty are the real requirements of each person to himself. However, not every dish can help achieve these logical desires. Not everyone, but fruit and vegetable smoothies can.

Scientifically proven that vitamins and minerals are much better absorbed from juices than from whole fruit units. Moreover, the juice does not contain those nitrates and harmful fertilizers that often linger on the surface, in the pulp of vegetables and fruits.

Carrots and beets, a couple of cabbage leaves and a cucumber, an orange, grapefruit and kiwi, an apple and a few grapes - such products are almost always found in the refrigerator. From them you can make healthy drinks or in another way, smoothies for health that will help strengthen immune system and remove harmful substances from the body.

Useful citrus fruit cocktail against colds

For cooking
1 grapefruit
2 medium oranges
3 kiwi
Cocktail preparation:
Peeled grapefruit, oranges and kiwi cut into pieces.
Place chopped fruit in a blender bowl and blend until smooth.
Strain the resulting cocktail, dilute with water if desired. Refrigerate the drink and shake well before serving.

Useful cocktail of vegetables, ginger and apple to cleanse the body

For cooking healthy cocktail you will need:
2 tbsp. tablespoons peeled and chopped fresh ginger
medium beetroot
4 medium carrots
1 medium apple
1 cup water
Cocktail preparation:
In a blender, mix ginger, beets, carrots, apple with water until smooth.
Strain the juice and, if desired, add a little more water to it.
Serve the cocktail chilled.

Useful cocktail of green vegetables and fruits to cleanse the body

For cooking cocktail you will need:
1 cup chopped cabbage (about 3 large leaves)
1 cup seedless green grapes
cucumber, coarsely chopped
small apple Granny Smith
1/2 cup water
Cocktail preparation:
In a blender, mix chopped cabbage, grapes, cucumber, apple with water.
Strain the juice and, if desired, add a little water.
Place the cocktail in the refrigerator before serving.

pumpkin cocktail

This miracle is recommended to drink before going to bed, because nothing will soothe you like a glass of pumpkin cocktail. An anti-stress cocktail rich in microelements will be very useful, including for men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland.

Cooking: must be mixed in a blender until foam is formed: 3 tablespoons pumpkin puree, 1 frozen banana, 150 ml orange juice and 1 scoop of vanilla ice cream.

beetroot cocktail

A cocktail is recommended to everyone at the end of the working day.
Mental work pretty much consumes iodine, and it, in turn, is found in large quantities in beetroot juice. betaine, iron, folic acid help oxygen reach the tired brain and inspire it to fresh thoughts. And the abundance of vitamins C, PP, B, P will help the tired body to relax. Moreover, pectins help to neutralize toxins that have formed in the intestines per day.

Cooking: in a blender, mix ¼ beets with the juice and pulp of one orange, two carrots and the juice of a slice of fresh ginger.

It is important to know! Beetroot juice is the only one that should not be drunk immediately after squeezing, since volatile toxic substances that are formed when juice molecules come into contact with air cause nausea, dizziness, up to a coma! Beetroot juice should stand for several hours!

tomato cocktail

This special drink is good and simply necessary before a banquet or other event during which the liver will receive a food or alcohol load. The secret is that tomatoes are rich in potassium, which increases the production of gastric juice and normalizes the work of the heart. Phytoncides, which are contained in large quantities in tomato juice, eliminate the processes of fermentation in the intestines, and organic acids activate the metabolism.

Cooking: 250 ml freshly squeezed tomato juice mixed with the juice of one grapefruit. Add a tablespoon of red sweet pepper and finely chopped parsley to the cocktail.

carrot cocktail

This cocktail is ideal for people who are used to paying attention sports training, so it will be appropriate before or during physical activity. It contains the maximum set of vitamins and minerals that help oxygen reach the muscles and brain. Carrot juice is considered to be the orderly of the body, which helps fight cholesterol, liver toxins, cleanses the skin and "activates vision." Moreover, those who drink carrot juice can get a very even golden tan.

Cooking: skip through the juicer 4 carrots, orange. Beat the resulting juice in a blender with 300 ml of low-fat cream, 4 egg yolks.

It is important to know! You should not get too carried away with the use of juices or smoothies containing carrot juice, as an overdose is fraught with lethargy, weakness and the appearance of yellow spots all over the body.

watermelon cocktail

This cocktail is a real healer of the body. It is good after stormy parties, during a period of deep depression, any liver problems. This drink 100% flushes the kidneys, lowers cholesterol and is suitable even for those who have been exposed to radioactive radiation. Moreover, magnesium and calcium, which are contained in watermelon juice help to increase muscle mass during sports training.

Cooking: mix in a blender 500 g of watermelon pulp, 5 mint leaves, 170 g of raspberries.

It is important to know! This cocktail is not indicated for diarrhea!

celery cocktail

This unique drink recommended by all the famous, great figures of the intimate, sexual sphere: Casanova, Madame Pompadour unanimously advocated for celery before responsible employment! This cocktail uniquely and irrevocably raises the tone, increases blood circulation. In addition, in the company of a celery cocktail, it is much easier to cope with the heat, high temperature body, as well as it is necessary for everyone who suffers from iodine deficiency.

Celery perfectly removes carbon dioxide from the body.

Cooking: Beat in a blender until foam forms 50 ml of celery juice, 100 ml of milk, one egg yolk.

It is important to know! The content of celery in drinks should not exceed 100 ml.

Ginger Beet Cocktail

Everything is here - vitamins, iron, antioxidants ... The cocktail is very healthy!

1 medium beetroot, peeled and cut into pieces
1 cup chopped pineapple pulp (if not available, change to orange)
1 cup water
1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger
juice of half a lemon
honey to taste

Cooking: Squeeze the juice from the beets.
Strain and pour into a blender container.
Add pineapple, ginger, lemon juice, water.
If you want the mix to be sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons of honey.
Before serving, the cocktail can be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth.


Benefits of green smoothies:

Green smoothies are very nutritious due to their high protein and amino acid content, they give a feeling of fullness without causing stomach heaviness.
These drinks are very rich in mineral salts and trace elements, vitamins and chlorophyll.
Green smoothies contain fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and the removal of toxins from the body and harmful substances.
They contain antioxidants that protect the body from harmful environmental factors.
Cocktails with greens are quickly and with maximum completeness absorbed by the body.
Green smoothies help normalize weight and cleanse the body of toxins, help in the treatment of many diseases.
These drinks tone up, give lightness and energize.
They are very useful for children, pregnant women and the elderly. children cocktails can be given from the age of six months.

Green smoothies are very tasty, cause a lot of positive emotions and pleasant sensations with their constant use.

How to make a green smoothie:

You need to take greens (dill, lettuce, parsley, spinach, sorrel, celery, beet and carrot tops, nettle leaves, dandelion or other greens) and vegetables (or fruits) in a ratio of 2: 3, i.e. 2 parts of greens and 3 parts of vegetables or fruits (it is better not to use vegetables and fruits in one cocktail). Grind everything in a blender. Add water to obtain the desired consistency. If you do not add water, you will get a thick mass that can be eaten with a spoon. Freshly squeezed juices can also be added to green smoothies.

Greens it is desirable to use dark green (with a maximum content useful substances). It is also recommended to constantly alternate greens, using different recipes every day.

It is better to use cocktails immediately after they are prepared, but if necessary, they can be stored in cool place within 3 days.

How to drink green smoothies:

daily rate consumption - 2-4 green smoothies.
It's better to start with small portions(1 cup per day) to avoid food allergies.
Green smoothies can be drunk before meals or instead of meals.

You can cook very unusual and delicious green mixtures. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment and listen to your taste sensations. And healing greens will take care of you and your health!

Recipes fruity green smoothies:

Recipe 1:
apple - 3 pcs.;
banana - 2 pcs.
lemon - ½ pc. or sorrel leaves;
lettuce - 5 leaves;
water - 1-2 cups.

Recipe 2:
strawberries - 1 glass;
banana - 2 pcs.;
lettuce - 5 leaves;
water - 1-2 cups.

Recipe 3:
banana - 2 pcs.;
lettuce - 5 leaves;
dill (parsley, sorrel) - a few branches;
water - 1 glass.

Recipe 4:
pear - 3 pcs.;
lettuce - 5 leaves;
mint - a few branches;
water - 1-2 cups.

Recipe 5:
banana - 2 pcs.;
parsley - a bunch;
nettle (quinoa, dandelion) - a few fresh leaves;
water - 1-2 cups.

Recipe 6:
sweet plum - a few pieces;
basil - a bunch;
banana - 1 pc.;
water - 1 glass.

Recipe 7:
seedless green grapes - 1 cup;
orange - 1 pc.;
banana - 1 pc.;
lettuce - a few leaves;
water - 1-2 cups.

Recipes vegetable green smoothies:

Recipe 8:
tomato - 5 pcs.;
lemon - ½ pc.;
parsley, dill - a bunch;
minced garlic - 1 clove;
water - 1 glass.

Recipe 9:
carrots - 2 pcs.;
orange - 1 pc.;
juice of a piece of fresh ginger;
lettuce - a few leaves;
water - 1 glass.

Recipe 10:
brine sauerkraut- ½ cup;
tomato - 4 pcs.;
parsley, dill - 1 bunch;
water - ½ cup;
a little sugar.

Recipe 11:
cucumber - 1 pc.;
tomato - 5 pcs.;
dill - 1 bunch;
some salt.

Recipe 12:
carrots - 1 pc.;
cucumber - 1 pc.;
celery root;
dill, parsley - 1 bunch;
water - 1 glass.


grapefruit cocktail

1 grapefruit + 100 ml of water + 100 ml of green tea + 10-20 g of ginger tuber. You can add 1-2 g vanilla sugar because the cocktail has a rather spicy taste.

A grapefruit cocktail, drunk instead of lunch ((English), second breakfast in the afternoon among the British) or afternoon tea, firstly, will give the body the necessary vitamins, and secondly, it will prepare it for the main course - it stimulates metabolism. But be careful with grapefruit, there are contraindications, especially it should be noted that it cannot be combined with drugs.

Banana cocktail

1 banana + 100 ml milk + 20-30 g lemon juice + a little cinnamon (optional).

Banana helps to bring out extra salt from the body, and is also very rich in potassium, that is, it will support the heart in good shape. Banana cocktail it is better to drink in the morning, for losing weight, in evening time it will promote weight gain.

Kiwi apple smoothie

1 green apple+ 1 kiwi fruit + 150 g low-fat liquid yogurt

Very healthy cocktail, which can already be categorized as green smoothies. One of the most the best cocktails for weight loss. Low-calorie, but rich in vitamins…

vegetable cocktails

Most often for vegetable cocktails tomato juice is used. This juice, one might say, is among the first of the useful ones. Be sure to carefully read the composition: so that it is with pulp and without sugar. They are quite hard to find, but they do exist. Potato decoction is perfect for vegetable cocktails. Suppose you boil potatoes for mashed potatoes, do not pour out the broth.

Carrot with celery

2 boiled carrots+ 30 g celery stalks + 100 g blueberries + 20 ml lemon juice + 250 ml tomato juice + salt and black pepper.

One of the healthiest vegetable smoothies. It is especially recommended for those who have vision problems. If you drink 3-4 glasses a day for several days, you can get improvement in vision (albeit temporary). And if add beets to carrots, then you get an incomparably healthy cocktail - it cleanses the body. The proportions are 1/3, which means, let's say 3 carrots and 1 beetroot. Drink immediately after preparation and in small sips. When is the best time to drink cleansing cocktails, find information on the Internet from experts.


2 boiled potatoes + 1 bell pepper+ 200 g of broth in which potatoes were boiled + a little white base from green onions.


1. Glowing Skin Cocktail:

For this cocktail, amazing in its effect on the skin, you need to take three parts of a carrot, three parts of an apple, one part of ginger. The main effect of this cocktail is the rejuvenation (restoration) of the whole body, the acquisition of perfect radiant skin and a tonic effect on the entire body.

2. Cocktail to lower cholesterol:

One part cucumber and celery, two parts apple. The juice from all these plants reduces cholesterol and also helps with headaches and indigestion. For those over 30, such a cocktail is simply necessary. If you drink it every other day, you will never have to worry about your cholesterol levels again.

3. Super Breath Cocktail:

Two parts carrots, one part tomato and two parts green apples. Such a cocktail is useful for those who want to get rid of bad breath. Also, the cocktail improves complexion.

4. Cooling cocktail:

1 cup of milk, 1 part of a radish, 2 apples. This smoothie will help you cool down from the inside when you need it. Plus he also fights bad smell from mouth.

5.Cocktail "Wild thing":

2 parts apples, ¼ parts pitted watermelon, ½ part pineapple. Great cocktail For Bladder and kidneys, removes excess salt from the body.

6. Vitamin cocktail:

IN equal proportions mix honey nectar, milk, black grapes and watermelon. This drink contains Vitamin C and B2, enhances immunity and increases cell activity.

7. Blood Sugar Cocktail:

Two parts banana and three parts pear. This is a very simple, healthy, easily digestible drink that regulates the sugar content in the body.

8. Antioxidant cocktail:

Three parts mango, two parts pear, two parts apple and two parts carrot. A mixture of these fruits acts on our body as an antioxidant, helps to cleanse it of toxins.

9. Anti-inflammatory cocktail:

1 cup grapes, ½ part pineapple Due to the high iron content this cocktail acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps digestion and has a positive effect on the heart.

10. Pink Floyd:

Half a cup of milk, 3 bananas, 8 strawberries or strawberries. Strawberries are best taken as ripe as possible. Extremely delicious!

Cut one apple into thin slices and fill it with 500 ml hot water, add 1 tsp to the drink. cinnamon, refrigerate and drink the drink throughout the day. This cocktail will help cleanse digestive tract and normalize the metabolic function.

Honey with lemon juice

Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice with 1 tsp. natural honey, add 200 ml warm water and a small pinch of ginger. Drink this smoothie in the morning on an empty stomach, about half an hour before your first meal. The drink will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, cleanse digestive system and charge you life energy all day.

cucumber and celery

Using a blender, chop the cucumber and celery root. Add 300 ml of warm water to the resulting mixture. Drink a cocktail several times a day. This drink is perfect for those who decide to arrange a fasting day.

ginger cocktail

Peel and finely chop 3-4 cm of ginger root. Pour ginger with a liter of hot water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Boil the drink over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Cool and strain the broth, add a pinch of cinnamon and 2-3 tbsp. l. . Take half a glass of ginger smoothie throughout the day. It is best to drink it half an hour before meals. Such a cocktail will help normalize metabolism, improve digestion, and have a general strengthening effect.

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There are many recipes for cocktails that can provide the body daily dose vitamins. Based on your own preferences and available products, you can prepare delicious and healthy drink.

Fruit and berry cocktail

Dairy products, together with fruits and berries, are a wonderful dessert at any time of the day and provide the body with calcium, potassium and a large amount of essential amino acids.
- dietary cottage cheese - 75 g;
- natural yogurt - 75 g;
- ice cream - 50 g;
- fruits and berries - 100 g.

Peel fruits (apple, banana, kiwi) and blend together with dairy products in a blender until smooth. Add raspberries, chopped strawberries to the cocktail and stir.

morning juice

The easiest way to quickly get the necessary boost of energy in the morning is to prepare a cocktail of two healthy juices and a spoonful of honey. Freshly squeezed juices should be drunk within 15 minutes of making them. It is during this period that the maximum concentration of all vitamins is preserved in the cocktail.

- pomegranate juice - 50 g;
- orange - 3 pcs.;
- honey - 1 tsp

Peel oranges and prepare freshly squeezed juice. Mix honey thoroughly pomegranate juice and connect the drinks.


If an active and busy work schedule is expected, and the time for cooking hearty breakfast no, then you should use the recipe for vitamin eggnog.

- quail eggs- 6 pcs.;
- Orange juice- 100 g;
- grapefruit juice - 100 g;
- honey - 2 tablespoons

Mix honey with orange and grapefruit juice. Beat the quail eggs in a blender and pour in a thin stream into the prepared drink.

Fruit and vegetable nectar

A mix of fruits and vegetables will be useful in any combination, and honey can be added not only because of its useful properties but also as a natural sweetener.
- apple - 3 pcs.;
- kiwi - 3 pcs.;
- carrots - 3 pcs.;
- orange - 1 pc.;
- honey - 1 tbsp.

Peel the fruit from the peel and cut into pieces. From carrots, apple and orange, prepare a fruit and vegetable mix on a juicer and pour into a pre-chilled glass. In a blender, beat the kiwi with honey until smooth and add to the cocktail.


A milkshake with fruit can be not only useful, but also hearty drink by adding sour cream to its composition.
- drinking yogurt - 150 g;
- bananas - 2 pcs.;
- strawberries - 100 g;
- kiwi - 2 pcs.;
- sour cream - 50 g;
- sugar - to taste.

Peel bananas and kiwis and cut into pieces. Combine all ingredients in a blender and beat thoroughly.

Healthy drinks

Everyone knows that the human body simply needs vitamin shakes, and not in the form of injections, tablets and capsules, but in kind, along with fruits and vegetables.

Daily use plant food able to replenish the body with all the required substances and vitamins.

What to make vitamin cocktails from

You can prepare healthy vitamin cocktails from the most simple products. About everything in order.

Juices are the so-called vitamin concentrates, but they also have their drawbacks - they do not contain fiber at all, which the body really needs. Therefore, vitamin cocktails are a good substitute for juices.

Vitamin cocktails are useful in that they retain fiber, that is, ballast substances, the presence of which makes such cocktails not only tasty, but also quite satisfying. In addition, they are well absorbed, while not burdening the digestive organs at all.

It is worth starting to use cocktails every day, and a person will immediately notice the extraordinary lightness and energy that has appeared. For those people who want to reduce body weight, such a cocktail will also come in handy - you just need to replace one meal with it. In this case, a person will not be tormented by hunger, and the body can get everything the right vitamins and substances.

Vitamin cocktails can be made multi-component, and this is very convenient, since it is possible to select the ingredients to your liking or for a specific purpose - to cheer up, lose weight, or calm down. For example, a cocktail with a pomegranate base will be very useful for anemia, as it will raise the level of hemoglobin.

If a person has a predisposition to thrombosis, then he should drink cocktails, the basis for which is Cherry juice. A peach juice beneficial effect on arterial pressure and the work of the heart. These are the best for any age.

Preparation of cocktails with vitamins

A cocktail with vitamins designed to cleanse the body of toxins. It must be taken by those people whose work is associated with various pollution. Two small beets should be washed, peeled and juiced. Then keep the beetroot juice in the refrigerator for about two hours - this is done so that the amount of harmful substances in it decreases. After that, mix it with cucumber and carrot juice in proportions 1:1:1.

It should be remembered that people who are prone to different need to get used to vitamin cocktails gradually, starting with a very small dose. The same applies to those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, since organic acids contained in cocktails can provoke an exacerbation.

It is necessary to consume vitamin cocktails immediately after preparation, only in this way they can give the body a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.

Cooked in a blender. There are many types of this drink. In our article we will consider different. Some vitamin shakes will be from vegetables, while others will be from fruits.

Anyone who wants to lose a couple of extra pounds should take note of these recipes. Any cocktail for weight loss in a blender is prepared very quickly. And it usually turns out tasty and healthy.

With kiwi

This home will appeal to those who love exotic fruit called kiwi. The fruit has unique properties it helps to lose weight. The process of dealing with overweight on such drinks will pass without problems.

For cooking you will need:

  • 7 sprigs of parsley, mint;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • kiwi;
  • two rings of lemon;
  • 100 ml of water.

Preparing a cocktail for weight loss in a blender:

  1. First peel the kiwi, then cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Throw them in a blender, grind.
  3. Then add lemon.
  4. After - parsley, honey, water and mint. Then grind again. Drink the drink within twenty minutes of preparation to prevent sediment from forming.

Ginger lemon drink

If you are looking for a cleansing cocktail, then this one is just that. It is useful, consists only of natural ingredients. To prepare it, you need a piece of ginger root, one lemon, 200 ml of water.

First, peel the ginger, fill it with liquid. Give him time to settle down. Then squeeze the juice from the lemon. Next, strain the ginger, add the juice, clean water. Here you have a healthy drink. It is prepared even without using a blender. This drink perfectly quenches thirst. It is advisable not to use it more than twice a week.

with celery

What else should you try a cleansing cocktail? For example, from celery. This product is indispensable in the process of losing weight, it also contains many vitamins, useful elements.

To prepare a healthy drink, you need one stalk of celery, and a small bunch of greens to taste. Throw the chopped ingredients into the blender. Grind until smooth. Drink right away.


Of course, watermelon is useful for weight loss. Also in the fight against extra pounds Grapefruit helps a lot. Why not combine these ingredients and make a delicious drink? To create it, you need 500 grams of watermelon and three hundred ml of grapefruit juice. Mix these two ingredients in a blender. That's it, the cocktail is ready.

with spinach

You can cook healthy from spinach. One bundle is required. Can be used both fresh and frozen. You will also need one green apple. Cut the apple and spinach, beat with a blender. Here you have a delicious diet cocktail.

Kefir with ginger

It's a pretty healthy drink. It's the best way to start the day. Ginger will burn extra calories, activate metabolic processes, and give vigor. Kefir with ginger must be insisted. Then the cocktail will acquire a full-fledged taste, while not losing its aroma and properties.

For cooking you need:

  • a slice of ginger (about two by two cm);
  • 200 ml of kefir.


  1. First prepare the ingredients.
  2. Peel a piece of ginger, rinse under water.
  3. Next rub it on fine grater.
  4. Then add to kefir.
  5. Then mix thoroughly, leave to infuse for about forty minutes. If you wish, you can hold more, for example, 60 minutes.
  6. Then strain the kefir. That's all, we can assume that our drink is ready. You need to use it on an empty stomach.


This green smoothie for weight loss is not only healthy, but also delicious. The drink cleanses the body and also removes toxins. Thanks to these properties, it helps to lose weight.

Apples and grapes contain many acids that are necessary for cleansing.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • a glass of water, grapes;
  • two green apples;
  • a bunch of greens (lettuce, spinach, dandelions and mint).


  1. First wash all the components, then let the water drain.
  2. Cut apples into pieces, remove seeds.
  3. Remove the grapes from the branches. Then remove the bones.
  4. Then put the apples, greens and grapes into the blender bowl. Pour a glass of water on top.
  5. Grind up uniform consistency. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

Celery + apple

The cooking process itself will not take much time. But the drink will give the body a lot of vitamins. In addition, the cocktail improves digestion.

  • one green apple;
  • two st. spoons of lemon juice;
  • two pieces. stalk of celery;
  • teaspoon of finely grated ginger root.

Preparing a drink:

  1. Wash the apple, peel it, discard the core.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  3. Grind celery in a blender.
  4. Combine the apple mass, add lemon juice, ginger (pre-grated). Whisk with a blender. The drink is ready.

With grapefruit and pineapple

This drink can be drunk not only on an empty stomach, but also after a meal.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a grapefruit;
  • four rings of pineapple;
  • tsp honey.


  1. First, mix all the ingredients, in addition to ice, in a blender.
  2. If the cocktail turned out to be too saturated, then dilute it with a little water. Then add ice. A healthy drink is ready.

Grapefruit-lemon with ginger

All components are useful in this cocktail. They help fight extra calories, and also protect the immune system in the autumn-winter period.

To create a drink you will need:

  • 50 grams of ginger;
  • grapefruit;
  • lemon with zest;
  • some honey.


  1. First, peel the grapefruit, then cut into slices.
  2. Grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  3. Cut the lemon into small pieces.
  4. Mix all ingredients in a blender. Next, add honey.
  5. Then stir again. Next, add some water.


Now we will tell you how to prepare berry cocktail. This drink is filled with vitamins and minerals.

  • 150 grams of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries + a few berries for decoration;
  • one large apple;
  • two hundred milliliters of apple juice;
  • liquid honey (1 tsp).

Preparation of a fragrant berry drink:

  1. Wash berries and fruits first.
  2. Then peel the apples, cut into four parts, while cutting out the core.
  3. Then cut the pulp into large pieces.
  4. Separate the stalks from the berries.
  5. Next, grind the apple slices, berries and honey with a blender into a puree. Drain the juice as you go. After the berry cocktail, pour into cups and you can drink.

With greenery

This vitamin drink heal the body, recharge life force, energies. A healthy slimming cocktail is being prepared in a blender. It turns out very bright, fragrant.

You need to use it at least twice a week. It is especially useful for those who play sports.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • 120 grams of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, spinach, arugula);
  • 150 ml of water;
  • half a glass of sprouted green buckwheat.

Preparing a healthy drink:

  1. First, take half a glass (maybe a little more) of sprouted buckwheat.
  2. Wash fresh herbs thoroughly.
  3. Then tear it into pieces with your hands.
  4. Then put in a bowl with buckwheat, pour in water.
  5. Then beat everything thoroughly with a blender. The whole mixture should become homogeneous. If more water is needed during mixing, add a little. Our healthy drink is ready, drink right away. You can add some fruit for a more pleasant taste.

If you are looking for vitamin shakes, then check out this one. It has a lot of useful elements. We wish you all a good appetite!


Now you know how to prepare smoothies for weight loss. These drinks help not only in the fight against excess weight, they also give the body a large number of vitamins. Therefore, the process of losing weight occurs without special efforts. What else pleases? Of course, the taste of drinks. Almost all of them smell very appetizing and pleasant to the taste.

Everyone knows about the benefits of vitamins, especially about the benefits of those that enter the body not in a synthetic form, in the form of tablets and lozenges, but in a natural way, along with food. Vegetables and fruits are recognized as the best suppliers of vitamins to the body, and juices as a concentrate of vitamins can really fill the needs of the body.

However, juices have a number of disadvantages, among which is the complete absence of ballast substances (fiber), which impoverishes the body and makes juices a far from ideal source of vitamins. Vitamin cocktailsbest alternative traditional juices.

Benefits of vitamin shakes

The main advantage and difference between vitamin cocktails and juices is the preservation of all the ballast substances found in fruits and vegetables. The presence of fiber makes vitamin shakes more satisfying compared to juices. Surely you have experienced an increase in appetite after eating a natural vegetable or fruit juice: fruit acids cause the production of digestive juices in the stomach. Vitamin cocktails give the stomach food - fiber, giving satiety for a long time.

Vitamin cocktails are light and quickly absorbed without overloading the digestive tract. The use of vitamin cocktails gives lightness, saturating with energy. Vitamin cocktails are especially useful for people weakened by diseases or the elderly.

Replacing one meal with a vitamin cocktail, you can easily and effortlessly lose weight. The feeling of hunger will not torment, and the body will receive all the necessary substances.

Vitamin cocktails allow you to saturate the body with vitamins in a way that is not possible with a regular diet. It is difficult to eat 100 grams of parsley or celery at a time, and you can put so much greenery in a vitamin cocktail and drink it easily without experiencing discomfort.

The benefits of vitamin shakes

Vitamin shakes provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to be healthy. Another important advantage of vitamin cocktails is their multicomponent nature. By varying the composition of the ingredients, you can create a cocktail with certain properties that can invigorate or, conversely, soothe, boost immunity, help you lose weight or get rid of a cough.

In addition to vegetables, fruits and herbs, vitamin cocktails may include sour-milk products, vegetable oil, which enriches cocktails with minerals and gives them a rich taste.

Disadvantages of vitamin shakes

High saturation with vitamins can provoke allergies in those who are prone to it. A high content organic acids - cause exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, flatulence or indigestion. Therefore, vitamin cocktails should be used gradually if there are diseases. gastrointestinal tract, ulcer or gastritis with hyperacidity gastric juice.

It should be remembered that vitamin cocktails will bring maximum benefit only in fresh so they don't need to be prepared ahead of time.

Vitamin cocktail recipes

Cocktail to improve the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels

It should be noted that beetroot juice- biologically active, and its use in large quantities can cause dizziness and even palpitations. You need to get used to it gradually, first dilute the juice with water, gradually increasing the juice content.

Tonic fruit cocktail

This cocktail not only perfectly tones up, but also stimulates the immune system, helps to cope with colds during epidemics. take juicy fruit rich in vitamins, in any composition: oranges,
