
Whey is a milk elixir. Delicate cottage cheese

Greetings, dear readers! Today we will talk about cottage cheese. All of you probably know about its benefits. But have you ever wondered which cottage cheese is healthier fat or low fat? Can you believe the high-profile diet headlines that tell you to beware of high-calorie foods? Or can you enjoy homemade cottage cheese without fear for your figure? Well, let's find the answers to these questions!

If you are into popular weight loss diets, then you know for sure that most of them are based on severe restrictions. Here you have an exception fast carbohydrates or generally carbohydrates and consumption of only low-calorie foods.

The main source of calories and the enemy of all losing weight, of course, is fat. Hence the general fashion for everything fat-free. This trend has not bypassed dairy products. In fact, fat is not the enemy, but for some reason many people think so.

Perhaps the reason for the popularity lies also in the material component. After all, it is cheaper to make a fat-free product than medium and high fat. And in the wake of the general fat-free mainstream, it is much easier to sell it at an inflated price.

But there is a positive side to the popularity of fat-free foods. So, using the example of curd products, it can be shown that a fatty product can be harmful. The reason is the dishonesty of manufacturers, who are cheaper to add palm oil or vegetable fats instead of milk fat.

Types of cottage cheese

Modern technologies allow you to create curd products for every taste. True, a large assortment of products can lead to confusion for the average buyer. In order not to be vulnerable, let's look at the types of cottage cheese.

low fat

It is also called dietary. Due to its low calorie content, it has found popularity in the fitness environment. It differs from the rest, as you may have guessed, by the absence of fats in the composition. Because of this, such cottage cheese is often dry and it can be problematic to have a quick bite to eat on the road.

Dilute fat-free cottage cheese with warm water, so it will be more pleasant and easier to eat.

Ingredients (per 100 gr. Product):

  • Proteins - 16 gr.
  • Fats - less than 0.2 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 1.8 gr.
  • Calorie content - 70 kcal

Despite the low energy value, such cottage cheese has one drawback, although not significant. It lacks fat-soluble vitamins (A and E) and some minerals (fluorine, copper and zinc). But with a balanced diet, this is not scary.


The best option for lovers of dairy products. But try to choose specimens with a fat content of no more than 5%. Unlike fat-free, such cottage cheese has more pleasant taste and consistency.

Ingredients (per 100 gr. Product):

  • Proteins - 16 gr.
  • Fats - from 4 to 18 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 3 gr.
  • Calorie content - from 120 to 230 kcal


A kind of cottage cheese with a low fat content. The grains are large granules of cottage cheese, and the liquid part consists of cream. But not always in the package you can find cream in liquid form. For example, in a product with a fat content close to 0%, which manufacturers position as fat-free, a few creams are absorbed into the curd grains.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? Cottage cheese cannot be fat-free. Indeed, even if the manufacturer has drained the cream, a small part of it will still remain in the grains.

Ingredients (per 100 gr. Product):

  • Proteins - 12.7 gr.
  • Fats - 5 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 2.5 gr.
  • Calorie content - 110 kcal

As you can see, there is less protein in it than in the previous two products. It is also different in that it contains table salt. Add it for taste, at the stage of cream production.


A rare visitor to store shelves. Meanwhile, it has a lot of useful properties. For example, it is absorbed better than cottage cheese from cow's milk. May contain 18-20% protein and a large amount of macro and micronutrients. But at the same time it has a specific taste.

Ingredients (per 100 gr. Product):

  • Proteins - 16.7 gr.
  • Fats - 9 gr.
  • Carbohydrates - 2.3 gr.
  • Calorie content - 160 kcal


From one name, the soul becomes warm. Indeed, what could be better than homemade milk. Moreover, you should not be afraid of calorie content, since the fat content of the milk of an average cow does not exceed 4%. Consequently, the cottage cheese will not turn out to be more fat, and the calorie content will be 130 kcal.

Even at home, milk can be defatted. To do this, you just need to put it in the refrigerator overnight, and in the morning remove the cream that will accumulate on the surface of the milk.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of cottage cheese are obvious. Let me remind you again:

  1. A protein that contains all the amino acids we need and is easy to digest
  2. The content of calcium and phosphorus in an easily digestible form, which will ensure bone strength and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  3. The content of other macro- and microelements
  4. Has a diuretic effect. Therefore, it is used in diets for the treatment of edematous syndrome.

Harm, in most cases, is associated with unfair production and individual intolerance.

Features of cottage cheese production technology

At the beginning of the production phase, there are two ingredients - skimmed milk and cream. The first component contains all the protein and carbohydrates, the second contains fat and some vitamins.

At the final stage, a dense protein mass is mixed with cream to obtain the necessary fat content. This method of production is called separate. Often manufacturers add palm oil instead of cream to reduce the cost of the product.

Why is it harmful? Studies of baby food containing palm olein (fraction palm oil) showed it Negative influence on calcium absorption in the intestine.

Let's see what the experts say:

  1. If you are on a diet, it is better to exclude the combination of cottage cheese with honey or jam.
  2. Combine the intake of different types of product - from fat-free to classic. After all, the human body needs animal fats
  3. Do not mix low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream to improve the taste. It is better to use more palatable cottage cheese 3-5% fat
  4. If you eat a curd product at night, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards. Since some bacteria and lactic acid can cause cavities


Despite the seeming harmlessness of curd products, there are still a number of contraindications.

  1. Even when everything seems to be in order with your health, casein or lactose intolerance is not excluded. Although we found out that lactose in cottage cheese is significantly less than in milk, nevertheless, with acute intolerance, you should not eat it.
  2. Do not consume a dairy product if you have an ulcer or gastritis
  3. At diabetes Try to eliminate dairy products from your diet

Which is better?

There is no single answer, and that's good.

  1. If you want to lose weight, look at the fat-free or classic with a fat content of no more than 5%
  2. You do not have problems with being overweight, you can treat yourself a little to the classic with more fat content, goat or grain
  3. Do not forget that there is also home-made cottage cheese, which you can eat when losing weight and at the time of “mass gain”

How much can you eat?

The recommended daily intake of cottage cheese for adults is 250 gr., for children - from 20 to 150 gr. depending on age. But this general recommendations. In many ways, the amount of a particular product depends on digestion and its tolerance.

For example, lovers of cottage cheese, bodybuilders, can eat up to 500 grams per day. without any harm to health.

How to choose a good cottage cheese

Some advice can be given:

  1. Read the composition. Milk, sourdough ... - these are just two necessary and required ingredients
  2. Choose cottage cheese made according to GOST
  3. Pay attention to the expiration date. It should not exceed 5 days
  4. Look at the price. A pack of cottage cheese in 200 gr. cannot cost less than 0.5 liters of milk
  5. Curd should not be too dry or runny.
  6. Fat-free cottage cheese can be distinguished from fat cottage cheese by consistency. It is crumbly and slightly dry. If the cottage cheese has a pasty structure and at the same time a low percentage of fat, then the protein content in it most likely does not exceed 12 grams, and the water content reaches 80%

You can apply all these tips without leaving the counter, but it is not always possible to find out the quality of cottage cheese only visually. For a more detailed analysis, additional manipulations will be required. Moreover, you will have to spend money on one test sample.

  1. To determine the presence vegetable fats leave the cottage cheese at room temperature for a day. If its color persists, and the taste sours, then you bought a natural product.
  2. Starch check. Drop iodine on the "experimental". Did the color stay brown? If yes, then you have not lost with cottage cheese.

Now you know how not to waste your money!

And I say goodbye to you, but not for long. Subscribe to article updates. See you soon!

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. In accordance with this, fat (18%), bold (9%) and low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 3%) are distinguished. Bold also includes soft diet cottage cheese.

According to the method of coagulation of milk proteins, cottage cheese is divided into acid and acid-rennet. Sour curd is usually made from skimmed milk. In this case, the protein coagulates under the action of lactic acid, which is formed in the process of lactic acid fermentation, which develops as a result of the introduction of starter cultures into milk.

Acid-rennet curd differs from acid curd in that when it is produced, rennet is used simultaneously to coagulate milk proteins (or) and starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria.

The words "cottage cheese" and "cheese" in Russian are separated. In Old Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian and some other Slavic languages, the word "syr" means both cheese itself and cottage cheese, so for quite a long time everything that was made from cottage cheese was called "cheese" (for example,).

cottage cheese is "complete" and contains all the essential. The degree of digestibility of cottage cheese protein by the human body is slightly higher than protein, which makes cottage cheese popular in bodybuilding, especially among vegan and vegan bodybuilders


The composition of cottage cheese is truly healing! It, like milk, contains a milk protein called casein. He possesses nutritional value and perfectly replaces animal proteins. Only 300 g of this product fully satisfies the body's daily protein requirement. Delicious cottage cheese rich in minerals that strengthen bone tissue well. This product also contains amino acids that prevent kidney disease, as well as B vitamins that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Cottage cheese calories may vary depending on fat content.

Beneficial features

Like milk and sour cream, cottage cheese, thanks to the minerals it contains and a large amount of calcium, helps to strengthen bone tissues, improves the functioning of the nervous system, and has a positive effect on the metabolic process as a whole. Cottage cheese contains a large amount of proteins, calcium salts, milk fats, phosphorus salts (moreover, curd proteins are digested much more gently) and lipotropic substances that promote the dissolution of fat in cells, which, in particular, prevents the development of cellulite.

Unlike other dairy products, natural country cottage cheese contains high-grade proteins and a small amount of fat at the same time, which allows the body to be satiated, and at the same time benefit from this product. After all, cottage cheese is one of the few dairy products that does not have any contraindications. The use of cottage cheese is useful for liver diseases, hypertension, stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, pathologies of the pancreas and gallbladder, bowel diseases.

Cottage cheese indispensable as a permanent component of baby food, largely due to the amino acid it contains - methionine. And together with tryptophan, another amino acid, methionine incottage cheese helps to maintain the functions of the respiratory, hematopoietic, digestive and nervous systems. Also cottage cheeserich in choline and lecithin. It is believed that cottage cheese contains the optimal combination of phosphorus and potassium, sodium and potassium compounds.

And all these useful substances are found primarily in natural, freshly prepared cottage cheese, obtained in a natural way, because in store-bought cottage cheese, which has gone through more than one stage of special industrial processing, useful substances are destroyed, remaining in a small amount. Country cottage cheese prepared in ecologically favorable conditions from fresh milkand taste, and smell, and even appearance, not to mention the benefits, are completely different.

High-quality cottage cheese - a pledge good health!


It is known that people have learned to docottage cheese even in ancient times. One of the versions of the appearance of this environmentally friendly fermented milk product is considered to be chance. It is possible that our ancestors once simply turned sour ordinary cow's milk, and the resulting whey was also accidentally glass. The remaining loose (although it could have been dense) mass turned out to be not just edible, but very tasty and healthy. This was the curd. In ancient times, milk was also curdled with the help of the rennet of animals that were available in the household.

In pre-Petrine Russia, the preparation of cottage cheese was a common element of household. It was also called cheese, sour cheese. Hence the confusion in the names "syrniki" and "cottage cheese". And only at the end of the 19th century, cottage cheese began to be produced industrially.


Manufacturing process the process for making cottage cheese looks like this: milk is normalized (the desired fat content is set), pasteurized and poured into baths. The baths maintain a certain temperature, which is necessary for the normal course of processes. Ferment and pepsin are added to warm milk. After some time, a curd grain is formed in the bath, which forms a monolith (milk proteins coagulate and precipitate, forming a sticky mass). At the same time, curd begins to stand out. - transparent yellowish liquid - a by-product of production. At the final stage, the curd monolith is cut by strings into small pieces in order to increase the surface area and facilitate the outflow of serum. Next, the curd grain is squeezed and cooled. At the end technological process curd is being packaged.

    T. F. Efremova New dictionary of the Russian language. Explanatory derivational -M.: Russian language, 2000. - T. II. (P-Z). - 1088 p. - 5000 copies - .


First of all, cottage cheese contains, as already reported, protein. It also contains minerals, lactose ( milk sugar), fat, enzymes, hormones, vitamins, carbon dioxide.

In total, cottage cheese contains 12 vitamins. These are vitamins of groups A, D, B, C. Also, cottage cheese contains a large amount of calcium, iron, and phosphorus. The most remarkable thing is that all these substances are in the curd in a perfectly balanced state and in a more concentrated form than, for example, in milk. From 500 g of milk, about 200 g of cottage cheese is obtained, respectively, the value of cottage cheese is much higher than that of milk.


What is, for example, that protein, the value of which we have repeatedly mentioned in cottage cheese? Proteins are macromolecular substances twisted into chains consisting of hundreds of amino acid residues. Enzymes, which are also found in cottage cheese, also belong to proteins. They accelerate biochemical reactions in the body, and each of them performs a strictly defined function.

Proteins are very important substances. They must be in the human body in correct proportions. Protein deficiency leads to anemia, anemia, diseases of internal organs, in particular, the liver, pancreas, various skin inflammations, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, and reduced resistance to infections.

But it is also important not to oversaturate the body with excessive consumption of protein foods. This gives a very large load on the liver, kidneys - those organs that are responsible for removing toxins from the body. After all, excess proteins do not accumulate in the body, as happens, for example, with fats. Therefore, the supply of proteins must be constantly replenished.

Curd contains amino acids. It should be noted that some types of amino acids are not produced independently by the human body, they should only be supplied with food.

These amino acids are: tryptophan, lysine, methionine. These amino acids, which are indispensable, are responsible for limiting the absorption of food, their deficiency leads to a limitation in the absorption of other amino acids by the human body. Valine: This amino acid is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Lycine, isolicin, threonine, which are also essential amino acids; phenylalanine - its lack and improper metabolism can lead to dementia; and finally, histidine, which is responsible for the growth and development of the child.


The content of easily digestible milk fat in cottage cheese is also very important in human nutrition, since the possibilities for the accumulation and synthesis of fat by the human body are very limited. Fats are divided into protoplasmic and reserve. Those that are part of the cells are called protoplasmic, those that accumulate as a result of food consumption are called reserve.

Fats are processed in the small intestine with the help of a special enzyme: lipase. This enzyme is activated only in combination with bile produced by the pancreas. So when you, dear reader, eat fatty pork, beef, lamb, and even more fat, you put a very big load on your liver and pancreas.

Of course, if these organs are in a satisfactory condition, then you can sometimes make them work. However, if there are certain functional disorders in their work, the fat contained in these meat products can cause irreparable harm to your health.

What to do in this case? After all, it is impossible to completely abandon animal fats, their lack is also detrimental to human health? This is where it will look natural to turn to animal fats found in dairy products. The highest concentration of milk fat in cheeses, sour cream and, of course, cottage cheese. The transition to milk fats is especially important for people with liver diseases: cirrhosis, hepatitis.

In dairy products, in particular cottage cheese, as already mentioned, there is methionine - an essential acid with a lipotropic effect, that is, it helps to reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver. This amino acid is part of the phosphatides - substances involved in the metabolism of fats in the body. It should be noted here that fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis, so it is very important to prevent this by eating dairy fats whenever possible.


Many products can serve as a source of carbohydrates: flour and all products from it, such as bread, muffins, buns, pies, cakes; rice and rice flour; buckwheat grain; semolina and many others.

The group of carbohydrates includes: polysaccharides glycogen and starch, disaccharides sucrose and milk sugar, monosaccharides fructose, glucose, galactose. What benefits do carbohydrates bring to our body, why are they so important? First and foremost, carbohydrates serve as a source of energy. With all that, they are quickly consumed by the body, so their constant replenishment is required. But an excess of carbohydrates is not very good for human health.

As a result of this, diseases such as hyperglycemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus can occur.

Cottage cheese as a source of carbohydrates may not seem like a very valuable product, but this is only at first glance. It contains only a small amount of galactose and milk sugar, but this is its advantage, not a disadvantage, since in therapeutic diet for patients with diabetes, for example, it will be the number one product.

Carbohydrates are processed in our body with the help of the pancreas, which produces a special hormone called insulin. In diabetes, the work of the pancreas is disrupted, as a result of which glucose begins to flow directly into the blood. For people suffering from this disease, it is very important to follow a diet that contains a large amount of consumed easily digestible proteins and fats, and at the same time a very small amount of carbohydrates. Cottage cheese completely fits these parameters, since proteins, as we have already said, are completely digestible in it, and are contained in a half-split state (pepsinization), fats are absorbed by 98%, and carbohydrates of exactly the type that will not harm the diseased organ - pancreas.

Some mild forms of diabetes (such as gestational diabetes) can be treated almost entirely with a diet that leading role given to lactic acid products. Due to their composition, they give rest to the secretory apparatus of the pancreas.


Minerals that a person receives with food are very important for his life. As for cottage cheese, it contains, of course, first of all calcium, iron, then magnesium, phosphorus and some others, but their amount is not so great.

Calcium is the most important building material of the human skeleton. Suffice it to say that in combination with phosphates and fluorides, calcium makes up 98% of bone tissue and teeth. Lack of calcium can cause diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis, osteomalacia. As can be seen from the names, these diseases are associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Calcium is also involved in the excitability of the nervous system and muscle contraction, in enzyme metabolism.

Do you see how important calcium is for the growth and health of your body? But the most important source of calcium is cottage cheese. A healthy adult is recommended to consume only 200 g of cottage cheese per day, and daily requirement in calcium will be satisfied. This is very little, if we consider that, for example, more than half a liter of milk would have to be drunk for this purpose. Cottage cheese, as it were, concentrates in itself the entire amount of calcium that is present in the first original product- milk.

However, as we have already said, for the production of bone tissue, calcium combines with another mineral, which is also found in excess in cottage cheese - phosphorus. Phosphorus is very important for the created bone system to be at the proper level, it is actively involved in the structure of bone tissue and the prevention of its destruction.

There is a lot of iron in cottage cheese compared to milk. Is it worth saying that such a microelement as iron is extremely important for the human body? The amount of iron determines the level of hemoglobin in the blood, or rather, the amount of red blood cells in the blood. A person who does not receive a certain amount of iron from food can get sick with various forms of anemia, and this disease is very dangerous, especially for a growing organism. Thus, the presence of these substances in cottage cheese allows us to strongly recommend it in baby food, as well as in the diet of pregnant and lactating mothers.


Vitamins belong to the category of substances that scientists had no idea about for a long time. It was believed that for normal life, a person needs only fats, proteins and carbohydrates. However, light on the existence of some other substances necessary for the human body was shed by one experiment carried out in 1881 by the Russian scientist N. N. Lunin.

In an effort to find out what underlies rational nutrition, he began to feed several experimental animals only sterilized food - completely pure proteins, fats and carbohydrates obtained from milk. In addition to this artificial food, he gave the animals water and mineral supplements. It would seem that the animals received everything that was only considered necessary for nutrition at that time, but they fell ill, gradually weakened, and eventually died. However, it is interesting that if the animals, along with such artificial food, were given natural milk, they remained completely healthy, moreover, they gave the impression of well-groomed and full of vitality.

The results of this study shed some light on such a terrible disease as scurvy, but it was not until 1910 that vitamins were discovered.

Sources of vitamins are plant food, and animal. However, we are now talking about one of the dairy products - cottage cheese, and as you just learned, natural milk alone helped replace the entire complex of vitamins in the diet of animals receiving artificial food. This means the composition and ratio of vitamins in cottage cheese - concentrated dairy product- is ideal.

Vitamins are organic substances that regulate the metabolism in the human body. They come mainly with food and are not produced by themselves. internal organs and glands. With a lack of any group of vitamins, beriberi occurs - a serious disease that lowers a person's immunity, makes him susceptible to disease, and is expressed by general fatigue and weakness. With this disease, all body systems are loosened, including the circulatory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Therefore, it is so important that a person receives all the necessary vitamins with food. There are as many as 12 of them in cottage cheese, and these are vitamins of groups A, B, C, D and many others.

Vitamin A affects the development of growth, vision, the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. Lack of it in nutrition can lead to the so-called "night blindness" - weakening of vision at dusk. Vitamin A is also very important for a growing body. Therefore, cottage cheese must be included in the diet of the child. In fact, in our country, the supply of children with dairy products has been set at a high level - from the age of three months, the baby begins to receive cottage cheese and milk from the children's kitchen. Thus, cottage cheese is the first complementary food for a child - an acquaintance with food other than mother's milk.

Vitamin C, found in cottage cheese, is also very important for human life. Recall that a lack of this vitamin alone can lead to scurvy, which we have already mentioned - a disease when the mucous membranes become inflamed, teeth loosen and fall out, joints swell, general weakness and weight loss are observed, and if this vitamin is not supplied to the body in time, death is possible.

B vitamins are also found in cottage cheese. Vitamin B1 is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, its content in cottage cheese is not very high. Vitamin B1 helps in the oxidation of glucose. Since the content of milk sugar in cottage cheese is small, this helps to limit it to such a small amount. In general, the lack of this vitamin leads to multiple inflammation of the nerve trunks (food polyneuritis), tissue metabolism disorders, and muscle weakness.

Vitamin B2 is needed for the normal metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, it is very important for the proper growth of the body, wound healing. It is responsible for tissue respiration and energy production. Needless to say, a growing child's body needs cottage cheese, in which it is found in large quantities. The lack of this vitamin is expressed in peeling of the skin, irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, affects visual acuity.

Vitamin B12 plays a very important role in the process of hematopoiesis. With its deficiency, anemia can develop.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) is involved in the composition of enzymes that produce oxidative processes in the body. The amino acid tryptophan, found in cottage cheese, is synthesized by our body into this acid. Its deficiency leads to weakness, insomnia, fatigue, and inflammation of the skin (pellagra).

We should especially talk about vitamin D, which, although not found in cottage cheese, can be produced by the human body under the influence of sun rays of provitamins, which cottage cheese is rich in. Vitamin D is essential for the growth of the human body, and especially the body of a child. It is involved in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, in enough found in cottage cheese, and is responsible for the growth of the child, as well as for the condition of bones and teeth. If the child's body is deprived of this vitamin, then this leads to general weakening bone apparatus, its deformation. This disease is called rickets. Also, without this vitamin, immunity to many diseases decreases.

Having considered the composition of such a useful product in all respects as cottage cheese, we can recommend its use to both healthy and sick people. Now there are practically no diseases in which cottage cheese would be contraindicated. One can only make a definite choice in favor of bold or fat-free cottage cheese, fresh or sour. It is very useful for healthy people to use cottage cheese as a prophylaxis against various diseases and just as tasty and nutritious food product.

Determination of impurities

Foreign impurities added to adulterate milk can be detected by special methods. So, soda in milk is determined using an alcoholic solution of rosolic acid. Milk containing soda, when added to this acid, turns pink-red. An admixture of starch can be detected by the reaction of milk with an iodine solution (Lugol's solution). Adding this solution to a small amount of test milk in a test tube produces a blue color.

The following reactions are put on the presence of preservatives added to milk to prevent souring. Hydrogen peroxide is determined by reaction with a 1% sulfuric acid solution of vanadic acid. Milk turns red in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. In the presence of formaldehyde, the layering of milk on a special reagent (concentrated sulfuric acid with a few drops of nitric acid added to it) leads to the formation of a violet or faint yellow-brown ring at the fusion boundary.

The falsification of milk and other products is an extremely rare occurrence in our reality, but in some cases it can still take place. The falsification of milk reduces not only its nutritional value, but also its biological value (reduces the content of protein and fat) and is extremely dangerous in epidemiological terms. So, for example, the addition of soda, reducing the acidity of milk, contributes to the destruction of vitamin C and the growth of putrefactive microflora, including pathogenic ones. IN normal conditions an increase in acidity is due to the growth of lactic acid bacteria, which inhibit the growth of extraneous, mainly putrefactive, microflora. When falsifying milk with contaminated water or with foreign impurities, in addition, microorganisms - causative agents of intestinal infections. Getting into milk, they find favorable conditions for their development and, multiplying, cause an outbreak of an infectious disease.

Due to the fact that cases of milk falsification are most often possible in the markets, veterinary and sanitary examination laboratories are now working there. In them, milk that goes on sale from individuals, collective farms, etc., is subjected to the simplest laboratory studies: organoleptic properties, relative density, acidity, fat content, dry residue are determined according to the formula. Individuals, collective farms and state farms must also submit certificates from the veterinary supervision authorities on the state of animal health to milk control stations. After that, a permit for the sale of milk is issued.

Poor quality or adulterated milk is rejected. In this case, milk is denatured by adding bright dyes ( beetroot juice etc.) so that it is not implemented.

reaction to starch

Dishes and reagents: 1) test tube; 2) 10 ml cylindrical pipette; 3) Lugol's reagent.

Definition progress. Pour 5 ml of milk into a test tube, add 2-3 drops of Lugol's reagent and mix. In the presence of starch, blue coloration of milk occurs.

Source: Okorokova Yu.I., Eremin Yu.N. Food hygiene - 3rd ed. - M. Medicine, 1981

Starch - And , which is alpha . Starch formula:(C 6 H 10 O 5 )n. Starch, synthesized by various plants in chloroplasts, under the action of at , differs somewhat in the structure of grains, the degree of polymerization of molecules, the structure of polymer chains, and physicochemical properties.

Physical and chemical properties

Tasteless, amorphous powder , insoluble in cold water. Under the microscope, you can see that it is a granular powder; when compressing the starch powder in the hand, it emits a characteristic "squeak" caused by the friction of the particles.

Swells (dissolves) in hot water, forming solution - ; with solution forms a connection-inclusion, which has blue color. In water, with the addition of acids (diluted H 2 SO 4 etc.) how , gradually with a decrease in molecular weight, with the formation of the so-called. "soluble starch", dextrins, up to .

Starch molecules are heterogeneous in size. Starch is a mixture of linear and branched macromolecules.

Under action or heated with acids undergoes hydrolysis. Equation:(C 6 H 10 O 5 )n + nH 2 O-H 2 SO 4 → nC 6 H 12 O 6 .

Qualitative reactions:

    Starch, unlike glucose, does not ;

    Like sucrose, it does not reduce copper (II) hydroxide;

    Interacts with iodine (staining in Blue colour).

Being a polyhydric alcohol, starch forms ethers and esters. A characteristic qualitative reaction to starch is its reaction with iodine ( starch iodine reaction ):

When iodine reacts with starch, enable connection (clathrate) channel type. Clathrate is a complex compound in which particles of one substance (“guest molecules”) are introduced into the crystal structure of “host molecules”. Amylose molecules act as "host molecules" and iodine molecules act as "guests". Iodine molecules are located in the channel of the helix with a diameter of  1 nm, created by the amylose molecule, in the form of chains Once in the helix, iodine molecules are strongly influenced by their environment (OH groups), as a result of which the I–I bond length increases to 0.306 nm (in the iodine molecule, the bond length is 0.267 nm). Moreover, this length is the same for all iodine atoms in the chain. This process is accompanied by a change in the brown color of iodine to blue-violet ( max 620–680 nm). Amylopectin, unlike amylose, gives a red-violet color with iodine ( max 520–555 nm).

Dextrins formed during heat treatment starch, acid or enzymatic hydrolysis, also react with iodine. However, the color of the complex is highly dependent on the molar mass of the polymer (see Fig. table).

Low molecular weight dextrins begin to show external signs reactions of the aldehyde form of glucose, tk. as the polymer chain decreases, the proportion of reducing terminal glucose residues increases.

Table - Color reactions of dextrins with iodine

Dextrin (C 6 H 10 O 5) k

Degree of polymerization k
Staining of the complex with iodine


Blue or purple








Lack of response

1 2 3

Figure - Starch grains from various natural sources under a microscope ( 1 - from potatoes,

2 - from corn, 3 - from wheat)

Starch is widely distributed in plants and is a reserve source of energy for them. It is mainly found in tubers, seeds and roots in the form of grains. Depending on the plant, grain (see. drawing) differ in shape and size (average 0.002–0.15 mm). The largest grains are potato starch. In cereals, the starch content reaches  70% (in rice grains up to 80%), in potatoes  20%. The main raw materials for starch are potatoes and corn.

Starch is used as a food product, a component of medicines and for starching linen. It is used to obtain molasses, glucose and ethyl alcohol, as well as in analytical chemistry to detect iodine.

L.A. Yakovishin


1) Proteins are ...

2) For the qualitative detection of a protein in a natural object, the following reaction can be used:

- “silver mirror”

- "Wagner"


Any of the above

3) A qualitative reaction to a protein is its interaction with

1) freshly precipitated copper (II) hydroxide
2) copper (II) sulfate

3) sodium hydroxide

4) nitric acid

3)XANTHOPROTEIN , color qualities. district on add conc. HNO 3 3 .

4) Why does the interaction of starch and iodine produce a blue color: when they are heated, the solution becomes colorless, when cooled, it reappears?

5) What compounds are the structural units of protein molecules? Give them a description and give their examples in the form of structural formulas.

6) Describe the chemical composition, structure and properties of proteins.

7) What biological functions do proteins perform in the body?

8) What chemical bond is called a peptide? Write the reaction for the formation of a dipeptide.

9). Fill in the table "Classification of proteins"

Type of squirrel

Protein composition

1. proteins -

……………. -


have a non-protein part (complex protein)

2. …………. -

defective -

The whole range of amino acids


10) Complete the sentence, insert the missing words:

………… the Fischer-Danilevsky theory represents a protein molecule as a long chain of ……… ……… connected ………. connections.





11) Fill in the tables:

1) "Types of protein structure"

Structure name

What is

What connections are supported

1. primary

linear circuit


2. ……………



3. ……………



4. ……………



2) "Chemical properties of proteins"


Process essence


1. Hydrolysis

Breakdown of protein into individual amino acids

The action of enzymes

2. ………….

Oxidation on heating


3. …………


1) ………….

2) ………….

3) ………….

4) ………….

12) Carry out "color reactions" on proteins ( laboratory work).

Experience 1. Take a clean test tube, pour 1 ml of chicken protein solution into it, add 0.5 ml of concentrated nitric acid (carefully!). What are you watching?

Experience 2. Pour 1 ml of copper sulfate solution into a clean test tube, add sodium hydroxide solution until a blue precipitate forms. Then add 1 ml of protein solution. What are you watching?

Enter the results of observations in the table

Name of the reaction

Reagents used





2. biuret




1) Proteins (polypeptides) - biopolymers built from residues
-amino acids connected peptide(amide) bonds.

2) 2) Biuret reaction, color reaction to , which is carried out by adding a dilute aqueous solution to the alkaline solution of the latter Cu 2+ (usually CuSO 4). In this case, the solution turns into an intense purple color due to the formation of a complex Comm. (formula I, M + - alkali metal cation). In a reaction similar to biuret, many substances enter, containing at least two amide groups, aminohydroxyethylene group -CH(NH 2)CH(OH)-, amides and imides and some other connections. The reaction products in this case are purple or blue in color. In conditions biuret reaction give a violet color, which was used for their qualitative and quantitative analysis.

Lit.: Carrer P., Course . For its implementation to the solution add conc. HNO 3 until the formation of sediment stops, to-ry when heated. dyed in yellow. The coloration results from 3 due to xantoprotein .


Formally, the formation of a protein macromolecule can be represented as a polycondensation reaction of -amino acids:

When two molecules interact-amino acids, a reaction occurs between the amino group of one molecule and the carboxyl group of another. This leads to the formationdipeptide ( ).

From three molecules of -amino acids (glycine + alanine + glycine) a tripeptide is formed:


Similarly, the formation of tetra-, penta- and polypeptides occurs.

The molecular weights of various proteins (polypeptides) range from 10,000 to several million. Protein macromolecules have a stereoregular structure, which is extremely important for their manifestation of certain biological properties.
Despite the abundance of proteins, they contain residues of only 22-amino acids.

The functions of proteins in nature are universal:

    catalytic (enzymes);

    regulatory (hormones);

    structural (wool keratin, silk fibroin, collagen);

    motor (actin, myosin);

    transport (hemoglobin);

    spare (casein, egg albumin);

    protective (immunoglobulins), etc.

The various functions of proteins are determined-amino acid composition and structure of their highly organized macromolecules.

There are 4 levels of structural organization of proteins.

Primary Structure- certain sequence -amino acid residues in the polypeptide chain.

secondary structure- the conformation of the polypeptide chain, fixed by many hydrogen bonds between N-H groups and C=O. One of the secondary structure models is -spiral.

Tertiary structure- the form of a twisted spiral in space, formed mainly due to disulfide bridges -S-S-, hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic and ionic interactions.

Quaternary structure- aggregates of several protein macromolecules (protein complexes) formed due to the interaction of different polypeptide chains.

Which natural polymers have a branched structure of macromolecules:

a) amylose;

d) nucleic acids;

b) amylopectin;

e) natural rubber;

c) proteins;

g) cellulose?

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product obtained as a result of the fermentation of milk, followed by the removal of whey.

It is officially customary to classify cottage cheese produced in the traditional way, according to its fat content. In accordance with this, fatty (18%), bold (9%) and low-fat cottage cheese (no more than 3%) are distinguished. Bold also includes soft diet cottage cheese.

According to the method of coagulation of milk proteins, cottage cheese is divided into acid and acid-rennet. Sour curd is usually made from skimmed milk. In this case, the protein coagulates under the action of lactic acid, which is formed in the process of lactic acid fermentation, which develops as a result of the introduction of starter cultures into milk. Acid-rennet curd differs from acid curd in that when it is produced, rennet (or pepsin) and starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria are used simultaneously to coagulate milk proteins.

The raw materials for the production of cottage cheese are milk, dried milk, dried cream, unsalted butter, sourdough from lactic acid organisms. The use of vegetable raw materials for the production of cottage cheese is not provided.

There is no exact information about who and when cottage cheese was invented. It is likely that the invention of cottage cheese happened by accident: sour milk has whey and a dense and tasty granular mass remains. After that, the cottage cheese began to be prepared specially. Cottage cheese has been known to man since the domestication of goats and cows. Spontaneous formation of cottage cheese from milk during standing was described by the ancient Sumerians. According to the Roman writer and scientist Mark Terentius Varro, this product was prepared in Ancient Rome. Milk was fermented with a clot, which was removed from the stomach of calves, kids or lambs that ate only mother's milk. Cottage cheese was prepared in the same way in ancient Greece. Now they cook it this way rennet cheeses. The Roman writer, agronomist and philosopher Lucius Columella (1st century AD) pointed out that cottage cheese, along with cheese, was "a welcome dish on the table of the poor and the rich." It was eaten both salted and unsalted, and sometimes mixed with milk, wine or honey.

Cottage cheese is produced only in Russia and the CIS countries. The word "cottage cheese" itself is not translated into any language of the world. It is almost impossible to find this product for sale abroad. Sometimes Russian cottage cheese is sold abroad in specialized stores for Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. Although there are many so-called fresh cheeses, which are similar to our cottage cheese, such as Italian ricotta or fiozzi. Most often, a product similar to it is called descriptively - rustic or homemade cheese.

It is interesting that in Russian the words "cottage cheese" and "cheese" are clearly distinguished only now. And earlier, before the time of Peter the Great, in Rus' and some other Slavic countries, the word "sir" meant both cheese itself and cottage cheese. Therefore, for quite a long time, everything that was made from cottage cheese was called “cheese”. An echo of the old name is preserved in the word "cheesecake". Russian cottage cheese was prepared from curdled milk placed in a cooling oven for several hours. Then, with the help of a linen bag, the whey was filtered out of the curd, and the curd was placed under the press. Until now, conical-shaped troughs with a hole at the bottom for decanting whey have been preserved in the villages. In order to preserve the curd for a long time in the absence of a refrigerator and at high milk yields, a so-called concentrate was prepared - the curd was again placed in the oven and under the press. It became hard, like today's plastic. They kept it in the cellar. They say that buttons were even made from such cottage cheese: they say that it ossified so well. Dry cottage cheese, filled with ghee, was valued much higher than "raw". It could be taken on a long journey and stored until spring in the cellar. Someone calculated that the Russian tradition has more than 120 ways of making cottage cheese.

Industrial production of cottage cheese was mastered in the last century.

Composition and benefits
Cottage cheese surpasses all dairy products in terms of protein content and the degree of its absorption. Proteins in the composition of cottage cheese are easily broken down into amino acids: tryptophan, methionine, choline and others necessary for the human body. In fact, cottage cheese is the quintessence of milk, in which beneficial features drink and weakened the negative. Therefore, cottage cheese is recommended for children, the elderly and patients recovering from illness. According to the calculations of nutrition experts, during the year each of us should eat about 10 kg of cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is recommended for chronic diseases of the digestive system, as it does not increase acidity and does not irritate the surface of the stomach. It contains less fat than other cheeses. Fat-free cottage cheese has dietary properties, as a result of which it is part of many diets for weight loss and " unloading days". There are no purines in cottage cheese, unlike meat and fish, therefore cottage cheese is recommended for elderly people who have impaired purine metabolism. Pressed dry cottage cheese in Rus' was considered an indispensable remedy for poisoning.

The energy value of 100 grams of cottage cheese is from 90 to 230 kcal, depending on the fat content. Fat-free cottage cheese contains 0.5% fat; fatty - up to 18%, while the fat content of cheese can exceed 45%. The protein content in fat-free cottage cheese reaches up to 28%.

In addition to essential amino acids, cottage cheese is rich in vitamins A, E, P, B2, B6, B12, folic acid, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, fluorine and phosphorus salts. Thanks to these compounds, cottage cheese is well absorbed. For pregnant women and nursing mothers cottage cheese great source calcium and other trace elements. It can be given to a child from 5-7 months. For baby food, low-fat cottage cheese is usually used from milk that has not been subjected to prolonged heating.

Cottage cheese is necessary for the growth and restoration of all tissues of the body, especially bone tissue. It is useful for the functioning of the nervous system, cardiac activity and blood formation. It helps to improve metabolism and cleanse the body. Regular consumption of cottage cheese contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis. Cottage cheese is useful for those suffering from diseases of the heart and kidneys, as calcium ensures the removal of fluid from the body, as well as for the prevention of anemia, since the minerals in the composition of cottage cheese are involved in the production of hemoglobin. Cottage cheese is used in children's and clinical nutrition with diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, of cardio-vascular system, lungs.

Despite the beneficial qualities, cottage cheese can be dangerous: cause allergic reaction or poisoning, if it is not the first freshness. In addition to easily digestible proteins, cottage cheese, like all dairy products, contains casein. Its excess can affect the health of the liver or blood vessels. For better absorption of fresh cottage cheese, you should avoid combining it with fats and carbohydrates in equal proportions. Small amounts of sugar and sour cream to improve the taste will slightly affect the digestibility of the cottage cheese. It is not advisable to eat more than 150 grams of cottage cheese at a time, because our body is able to absorb no more than 35 grams of pure protein, which is 150 grams of cottage cheese.

Cooking at home
Curd is easy to make at home. For this use whole milk. It is unlikely that anything will come of it from store-bought pasteurized or reconstituted milk. To prepare cottage cheese, leave the saucepan with milk in a warm place for about a day, then heat it almost to a boil, cool and strain through several layers of gauze. Squeeze out the gauze bag with cottage cheese and hang it over the pan so that all the whey is glass. Serum can be drunk as diet drink or use in baking. Homemade cottage cheese is much more expensive and fatter than store-bought. From 3 liters of milk, about 300 grams of cottage cheese and about 2 liters of whey are obtained.

Another method of making cottage cheese at home involves boiling or pasteurizing milk. To do this, place a pot of milk on water bath, heat the milk to 80 degrees, soak for 10-15 minutes and quickly cool. Boiled milk also needs to be quickly cooled to 32-33C. Starter culture, curdled milk or sour cream should be introduced into chilled milk in an amount of about 5% of the total volume of milk. Leave milk with sourdough for a day in a warm place, then make a break in the curd clot and look at the inner surfaces. Smooth, even and shiny granules indicate the high quality of the curd. To remove the whey, place the clot in a pot of water and heat slowly to 35-40 degrees, stirring gently. Throw the finished cottage cheese in a colander, let the whey drain, squeeze the curd mass under pressure and cool in the refrigerator.

Sometimes raw milk is used to make cottage cheese at home, which accidentally turned sour during storage under adverse conditions. This cannot be done, since from spontaneously sour raw milk unwanted microorganisms will also pass into the curd. You can not use for the preparation of cottage cheese and accidentally sour pasteurized milk.

Culinary use, selection and storage
Cottage cheese is eaten salted, mixed with milk or sour cream, cream, berries, honey and even wine. Cottage cheese is ideal for baking and as a filling for pies. Prepare from it cottage cheese casseroles, cottage cheese masses from grated cottage cheese with fruits, candied fruits, nuts or chocolate. Ideal for digestion is the combination of cottage cheese with sweet fruits and berries. If you grind the cottage cheese with herbs and / or garlic, you get an excellent mass for a sandwich, and if you add raisins, dried apricots and sugar to the cottage cheese, you are ready. sweet filling for all kinds confectionery. Cottage cheese or syrniki, dumplings, cheesecakes, vertuta, curd grandmother and this is not the whole list.

All cold and hot dishes can be prepared from both fat and fat-free cottage cheese. However, cold dishes will come out tastier fat cottage cheese. To prepare a dish from cottage cheese, you need to take into account the fat content of the product and its saturation with moisture. When the product is too watery or oily, quality cheesecakes will not come out of it. For filling in dumplings or pies, you should take medium-fat cottage cheese. But for traditional Easter, on the contrary, you need an oily homemade product of 19-23% without dryish grains.

Our industry produces low-fat cottage cheese, table cottage cheese with 2% fat content, peasant cottage cheese with 5% fat content, semi-fat cottage cheese with 9% fat content, and fat cottage cheese containing 18% fat content. Some enterprises have mastered the production of cottage cheese with 4 and 11% fat content with fruit and berry fillings. A technology has also been developed for high-fat curd products (20-26% fat). These include: special sweet curd mass, special sweet curd curds. Curd cakes are close to this group of products. They are made from curd mass with a fat content of 22-26% and decorated with butter cream. Also released curd cream with vanilla. In the Russian Federation, cottage cheese is produced in accordance with GOST R 52096-2003 or Specifications produced by manufacturers. At state-owned milk processing enterprises, cottage cheese is made only from pasteurized milk. This serves as a guarantee High Quality product.

Cottage cheese made in accordance with GOST R 52096-2003 must meet the following requirements. Appearance and consistency of cottage cheese - soft, spreadable or crumbly, for low-fat cottage cheese possible slight excretion of serum. Taste and smell - clean, sour-milk, without foreign tastes and odors. Color - white or with a creamy tint, uniform throughout the mass.

You can only eat fresh cottage cheese, since, being a protein-fat concentrate, it is a very favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, therefore it quickly deteriorates. Be especially careful with curd made from powdered milk. It may contain unwanted, sometimes even harmful microorganisms. Therefore, cottage cheese bought on the market or made from raw milk, as well as stored at home for a long time, should not be consumed without prior heat treatment.

According to the new dairy regulation, only goods made from natural milk can be called cottage cheese. If the package says “curd product” or “curd”, “curd”, “curd”, then such cottage cheese is made with the addition of herbal ingredients. Its production technology is about the same, but they use specific milk, from which some of the expensive fats and proteins are removed, and cheap soy or palm oils have taken their place. Such a product is not dangerous to health, but it is still not an ideal fermented milk product with its beneficial properties.

When buying cottage cheese in the market or in a store by weight, you should be guided by its appearance, color and smell. The consistency of a good product can be from soft, delicately oily to crumbly in the form of grains - this depends on the amount of moisture left by the manufacturer and the degree of filtration. If the curd is defatted, it may also contain a small amount of whey. The color should be white with a creamy tint and uniform throughout the mass. High-quality cottage cheese has a specific sour-milk flavor. If there is a sour smell, then it has begun to deteriorate.

The storage temperature of cottage cheese is from 2 to 4 degrees. Temperature control is very important. It is not recommended to store fresh cottage cheese for longer than 2-3 days. After this time, the cottage cheese is only suitable for making cheesecakes and casseroles. In a paper leaky pack, the product deteriorates faster than in modern vacuum containers. It is better to get loose cottage cheese from plastic bag and transfer to an enamel bowl and cover with a lid.

To reduce the seasonality in the supply of the population with cottage cheese, part of this product, produced in summer time, lay in wooden tubs or cardboard boxes with a polyethylene film lining, freeze at a temperature of minus 35°C and store at minus 18°C. In this state, cottage cheese can be stored for up to 6 months. You need to defrost gradually at low positive temperatures.

According to Internet sites


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Protein products are necessary for a person for good nutrition and a healthy body. Protein products can be of animal or vegetable origin, but the ratio of proteins to other food elements is preferably at least 25-30%.

Proteins are involved in the construction of muscle, bone and connective tissue, provide timely regeneration, that is, tissue repair, carry oxygen and lipids with blood, support immunity and are simply necessary for a healthy and fulfilling life. It is important to note that the absence, as well as an excess of proteins, negatively affects the nutritional balance and human health. Nutritionists recommend 25-30% protein in a typical diet. daily diet adult healthy person. At the same time, it is permissible for this balance to change during the week, but it is unacceptable if during the week and more protein food is not enough or its excess persists. The typical norm of proteins of a modern city dweller should be 1 g per kilogram of weight, with strong physical exertion, 2 g per kilogram of weight is recommended. So, an adult man weighing 70-80 kg should receive at least 70-80 g of pure protein per day. If we take into account that the champions in protein content contain only about 20-25 g of protein per 100 g of their weight, then to replenish proteins, you need to eat about 400 g of meat, 5 eggs, 500 g of cottage cheese, 600 g of oatmeal or 1 kg 200 per day. g beans.

Of course, it makes no sense to eat the same protein products, it is enough just to diversify your diet and include in your diet small amounts of a wide variety of foods that contain proteins. For breakfast, you can eat scrambled eggs with beans or oatmeal with banana and cottage cheese, afternoon snack vegetable salad with lentil sprouts, a cheese sandwich and a milkshake or milkshake, and in the evening it’s good to dine with a meat or fish dish, or maybe Indian-style lentil dal. A rich selection of protein products in modern stores allows you to diversify your diet as much as possible and not get hung up on meat or cottage cheese.

Protein deficiency

The most common problem for residents of megacities is the lack of protein or its poor quality. Quality should be understood as a combination of protein with a large or predominant proportion of fat, such as sausage, proteins with difficult digestibility, such as legumes or fresh milk, canned food.

What contains protein

. Seafood
. Milk and dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, kefir)
. Legumes


The easiest and most effective source of protein is milk. It is with the mother's milk that the baby receives essential proteins and is growing very fast. An adult person needs less milk, and many simply cannot digest it. The fact is that in the adult state, the human body is deprived of those necessary enzymes that efficiently break down milk protein in childhood. So, if you feel heaviness in your stomach after a glass of milk, then it is most likely logical to replace fresh milk with fermented milk products. In this case, cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurt, kefir and others help. fermented milk drinks. Do not forget that in addition to the high protein content in dairy products, high content fat. For example, in cheese and even more so in butter. Dairy products should not be avoided due to their fat content, normal moderation is sufficient.

Do not forget that powdered milk, which is widely used in the food industry, as well as butter substitutes or low-calorie cheese products made from vegetable fats, which outwardly resemble milk products due to the action of emulsifiers, are not related to milk, are not healthy and do not contain valuable milk protein. Be careful not to let the packaging fool your mind. Eat only natural!


Meat is a very efficient and affordable source of protein. Meat contains 22 amino acids, of which 8 are not synthesized in the human body and are essential. There is only one in the world herbal product that successfully competes with meat in terms of the quantity and quality of protein and amino acids is quinoa. But more about quinoa later.

The largest amount of protein is found in veal, venison, horse meat, buffalo and beef. Very high-quality protein in turkey meat and a little less in chicken.

Meat is easy to cook, highly digestible, and you need significantly less meat to get a serving of protein than legumes or cereals. The best way to cook meat is roasting or frying.

Whole pieces of meat (steaks) should be baked in an oven heated to 270-300 degrees for about 10-15 minutes, pouring fat and juices. If you are cooking a stew or baking meat with vegetables, lower the heating temperature to 220 degrees and increase the baking time to 70-80 minutes. A whole chicken or chicken should be baked for 60-90 minutes at 190-200 degrees, a duck for 120 minutes at 200 degrees or 180 minutes (3 hours) at 180 degrees. At a high temperature, cook the meat for a short time, when the temperature drops, increase the cooking time of the meat - this way all the tasty and healthy juices and the meat won't burn.

Roasting meat

The meat should be fried in a 1 cm layer of hot fat. The temperature of the fat is very high, and upon contact with the meat, it forms a thin crust on it, preventing the juices from flowing out of the meat. At the same time, the meat is fried evenly, remains juicy and tasty.

Meat cooking

Boiling is the least efficient way to cook meat. During the cooking process, most of the nutrients come out of the meat into the broth, so that in boiled meat the most useful is the broth. However, you can cook in another way: lower small pieces of meat in a small amount of water (about 1-1.5 liters per 1 kg of meat) with spices over high heat under a lid. 15 minutes of cooking in this style is enough for the meat to be cooked, but not boiled.


Fish is an excellent source of protein. Fish meat protein is perfectly digestible, and high-quality fish fat much healthier than fat, say, pork. In countries where they eat more fish, they suffer less from cardiovascular diseases, and the elderly live to a ripe old age active and in their right mind.


Mussels, crabs, shrimp, oysters, clams, squids, octopuses and other scaleless marine edible animals are very rich in protein. The rules for selection and preparation are the same as for fish, with the difference that many seafood cook even faster - 2-3 minutes and you're done. Say, if you digest squid or mussels, they will look like rubber. Caviar can be included in the same category. Caviar is very rich in protein and other useful substances. The disadvantage of caviar is one - the high price.

An excellent source of protein. Each egg contains 12-13 g of pure protein. The main thing is not to forget that the yolks contain great amount fat and cholesterol. If you only need protein - separate it from the yolk and cook protein scrambled eggs or add liquid protein to soups.

Dairy products: cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, cheese

The leaders in protein content among dairy products are cottage cheese and cheese. These products are easy to digest and very useful. Cottage cheese can be eaten without restrictions, but cheese is often high in fat and should be eaten in moderation. In the case of cheese, the good old rule applies: less is better. Eat quality cheese that is high in fat but in small portions. The fat content of real cheese from natural milk cannot be low due to the peculiarities of the production of this ancient dairy delicacy. But "low-calorie" cheese can become due to the use of milk powder and emulsifiers. In addition to the low price, there is also a low content of nutrients, including protein. Don't skimp on yourself and your family!

Sour cream, kefir, ayran, yogurt, buttermilk, kaymak, katyk, tan and other milk products also contain protein, but in a smaller amount due to the large volume of liquid. The fat content of the product does not affect the protein content, but low fat content often indicates the use of milk powder, in which the protein is of poor quality.

Legumes: peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans

Most of the inhabitants of the Earth fill the need for proteins with the help of legumes. This is most of Asia, India, the Near and Middle East and African countries. Beans, in all their diversity, are the basis of the diet of billions of people who practice vegetarianism, and this fact simply cannot be ignored.

Legume protein is of lesser quality than animal protein, but if the diet is rich enough and includes milk, cereals, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, then legumes are enough for good nutrition. In Rus', peas have always been grown and cooked, which was one of the main sources of protein along with milk, cottage cheese, fish and oats.

Any legumes require simple but mandatory cooking rules:
. Be sure to soak the beans in cold water. Beans and chickpeas - for 8-12 hours, peas for 6-8 hours, lentils and mung beans - for about an hour or you can not soak at all.
. After soaking, drain the remaining water and rinse the beans.
. Salt all beans at the end of cooking. If you salt them at the beginning of cooking, they will remain firm.

Legumes are ideally combined with vegetables, look good in soups, meat and fish dishes. Cold beans with scrambled eggs, bacon and toast is a classic English breakfast. In India, dal is a spicy lentil soup with ghee and lots of spices. Dal in India is called several dozen varieties of lentils of various colors and properties. Dal is cooked for an hour or more, lentils are boiled into puree, carrots, onions, spices and tomatoes are added to it. This is a very beautiful bright and tasty satiating dish rich in protein.

You will be surprised, but buckwheat, oats and pearl barley also have protein. At the same time, the quality of the protein is excellent, but its content is lower than in meat, fish, milk or beans. However, if we eat good portion buckwheat porridge, we get 25 grams of pure protein, and this is not so little, say, in a glass of kefir the same protein is only 8-9 grams.

In addition to buckwheat, there is a lot of protein in oatmeal and quinoa. If you love oatmeal, then check out the traditional ones, which require a 15-20 minute boil, such flakes have minimal impact on the grain and high protein content. And if you boil oatmeal in milk, you get a double serving of protein. Do not forget that oatmeal contains many useful trace elements. Oatmeal is considered one of the traditional English breakfasts and if you look at how the British play football, then the love of oatmeal will no longer seem strange. A powerful influx of proteins for breakfast before a physically intense day allows you to effectively build muscle mass or just be in shape. And if you choose between a sweet bun with jam and coffee, then oatmeal and a glass of vegetable juice will be much more effective.

The most interesting is the protein of the South American quinoa cereal. 100 g of quinoa contains almost 15 g of protein, which brings quinoa closer to meat. In addition to a large amount of protein, quinoa contains all the essential amino acids found in meat and fish. This the only product of non-animal origin with complete proteins, which makes quinoa a unique plant-based protein product. Quinoa is cooked just like any other grain. Salt the water as little as possible. Quinoa tastes slightly salty. Quinoa can be eaten as a side dish or used in warm salads and stews.

Protein is also found in pearl barley (barley), wheat, rye, rice and other cereals in different proportions, but in smaller quantities than in meat, fish, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and legumes. Unfortunately, the least amount of protein is found in fruits and vegetables.

Protein delusions

A typical example is sausage. In addition to meat, sausage contains fat, milk, soy and water. To get 20 grams of pure protein, you have to eat 200 grams of smoked or a pound boiled sausage, while the amount of fat will be critically high or even dangerous for the health of blood vessels and the heart. The same goes for substitute products. These can be milk drinks, curds, sweet yoghurts, mayonnaises and sauces that are not directly related to the products they imitate. Accordingly, the protein in them is critically small or not at all.

The choice of protein products is great, and its variety will allow you to indulge in good nutrition. Large quantity protein sources will protect against the lack of important elements contained in various food, be it meat, fish, milk, cereals or beans. Eat quality fresh protein foods and be healthy!

Alexey Borodin

If you are, then you are familiar with whey firsthand. IN curd production this transparent yellowish-greenish, and what can be cunning, unattractive-looking liquid is the main "production waste". Let's figure out what is serum, and what to do with it?

Where does whey come from?

When we introduce sourdough into milk (strains of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria), the process of lactic acid fermentation begins, as a result of which part of the lactose, milk sugar, is processed by lactic acid organisms into lactic acid. Under the action of this acid, the milk protein casein changes (coagulates). Water-insoluble casein particles are formed, which form a network of milk clot. The cells of this grid capture fat globules and other components of milk. The milk clot system is very unstable. Under the influence of temperature, mechanical mixing, pressing, it can be destroyed, in this case, water-insoluble particles precipitate, the product is stratified into a proper milk clot and a yellowish-greenish liquid, whey.

To separate the whey, mechanical action is not necessary. Structures of the coagulation type, which is a milk clot, are prone to syneresis, that is, spontaneous compaction, contraction, which contributes to the extrusion of whey (for example, when opening a jar of sour cream, you can notice that on the surface the consistency of the product is slightly more liquid, here it is, the phenomenon of syneresis in action ).

Now let's try to translate all this into an understandable culinary language.

Various fermented milk products differ in appearance, texture, taste. These differences are determined by the nature of the milk clot, of which, in general, they consist. At the same time, the taste and texture (structure) of the clot itself depend on:

  • (those microorganisms that are part of it),
  • (acidity and the ability of proteins to retain moisture),
  • intensity of impact on the clot.

Composition and benefits of whey.

The basis of whey is water, approximately 93-94% of the total mass. Thus, the concentration of other substances is quite low. But this does not mean that the serum does not contain useful components. On the contrary, the remaining 6-7% of the mass contains half of all dry substances contained in milk.

Let's take a closer look at these benefits.

After the water lactose, milk sugar, is the main component of milk whey (more than 70% of solids). 100 g of whey contains about 3.5 - 4 g of carbohydrates, for comparison, 100 g of milk - 4.7-4.8 g. That is, almost all milk sugar in the preparation of cheese and cottage cheese goes into whey.

By itself, lactose is very useful (if, of course, your body is able to digest it). It is slowly absorbed in the intestines, helping to slow down the processes of fermentation and gas formation, creates a nutrient medium for lacto- and bifidobacteria, stimulating the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, and this, in turn, inhibits the development of putrefactive processes. Lactose facilitates the absorption of calcium, practically does not participate in the processes of fat formation, and has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Fats are present in whey in a very small amount, depending on the raw material and the method of its processing, they make up only 0.05 - 0.5%. As you can see, almost all milk fat remains in cheese and cottage cheese, and whey is a low-fat, low-calorie product. The calorie content of whey is approximately 35% of the calorie content of milk, on average, 100 g of whey contains only 20-21 kcal. In addition, it should be noted that the milk fat globules present in whey are much smaller than in whole milk, as a result of which whey fat is easily absorbed.

Whey is a liquid that does not contain the main milk protein, casein. But it contains whey proteins, which have a very high biological value. Compared to casein, whey proteins (alpha-lactalbumin, lactoglobulin and serum albumin) are much easier to digest. Whey protein contains all the essential amino acids. These proteins are involved in the process of formation of hemoglobin and blood plasma proteins, that is, they stimulate the processes of hematopoiesis, promote the regeneration of liver proteins. Whey proteins have immunostimulatory effects, which makes whey a product regular use which can naturally strengthen our immunity.

Almost all salts, trace elements and water-soluble vitamins of milk pass into whey. It is rich in B vitamins, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, probiotic bacteria.

Whey is credited with many useful qualities. It is an effective diuretic, and soothing, and tonic. In various sources, you can find recommendations on the use of whey to solve the following problems:

  • To improve liver function and normalize kidney function.
  • To improve the digestive system, normalize the intestinal microflora. An indispensable component of any diet, as it helps to remove excess moisture from the body, it is a source of high-grade proteins, vitamins and microelements, the most low-calorie dairy product.
  • As a stimulant of gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid (when taking whey before meals).
  • In therapeutic nutrition for rheumatism, hypertension, prevention of atherosclerosis, stimulation of blood circulation.
  • As an anti-stress product with a calming effect on the nervous system (reduces the production of stress hormones, increases the level of serotonin, the hormone of joy).
  • In the treatment of inflammatory processes (on mucous membranes, in the stomach and intestines, on the skin).
  • To improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails (when ingested and when applied externally).
  • As a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process.
  • As a rich source of potassium in the fight against cellulite (lack of this component in the body may be one of the reasons for the formation of "orange peel").
  • In baby food, since in its composition whey is much closer to the composition women's milk than whole cow's milk.
  • Whey proteins are used in sports nutrition (to build muscle mass).

In general, the product is a panacea! And yet, no matter how many praises of serum you read on the Internet, if you suffer from any disease, do not self-medicate with serum without consulting a doctor.

Does whey have any contraindications?

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that whey belongs to the category of healthy products that have practically no contraindications. Healthy and not so healthy healthy person with reasonable consumption, it should bring exceptional benefits. So, if you are too lazy to make homemade cottage cheese for the sake of cottage cheese, do it for the sake of whey! :)

And yet there are cases when you should be careful with the serum.

It has a laxative effect, which for each person can manifest itself in different ways. One glass of serum every morning is a common recommendation. This habit can work wonders for your health and well-being. appearance. However, if you do not know what effect a glass of whey can have on you, refrain from serum experiments before important events and a long journey.

And of course, this product should be discarded if your body is not able to digest lactose.

It is possible that if you are allergic only to the milk protein casein, you can consume whey, but this issue should be monitored by a doctor, because whey may contain some casein. In addition, whey proteins themselves can act as allergens.

The use of whey.

We found that the serum turned out to be very useful product. In what form can it be used?

First, you can drink it in its natural form. In addition, many drinks are prepared on the basis of whey. Whey is mixed with fruit and vegetable juices, with infusions of herbs. From it you can make jelly, as well as kvass and even beer.

Whey can be used in baking, kneading pancakes, pancakes on it, making croutons. Whey can replace water or milk in most bakery recipes.

Whey can be the basis for some cold soups such as okroshka, as well as hot milk soups. You can cook porridge on whey, you can boil vegetables in it, for example, cauliflower, beans can be soaked in whey, it is added to cutlets instead of milk, sour whey is used as a marinade for meat.

By adding fruit puree and a gelling component (gelatin or agar-agar), you can make jelly from whey - a delicious and very light dessert.

If for some reason you do not like the taste of whey, then it is not necessary at all. It can serve as an excellent cosmetic product. For example, for washing. There are many recipes for serum shampoos, hair and face masks, cosmetic baths on the Internet.

If you are "fried" in the sun, whey can be used as an anesthetic regenerating lotion.

In general, do not rush to get rid of whey!
