
Roll with spinach, cottage cheese, fresh herbs and garlic.

If you have fresh spinach available, then be sure to try making a shortbread pie with cottage cheese and spinach from it, which turns out to be very tasty, bright and healthy! You can use fresh, canned or frozen spinach, and you don't need to defrost the frozen product first. Any other soft cheese can be used instead of cottage cheese, but be sure to taste it before adding it so that it is not salty. If, nevertheless, the cheese is salty, then remove the salt from the list of ingredients for the dish.


  • 1.5-2 bunches of spinach
  • 150 g cottage cheese of any fat content
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • 1.5 st. flour (200 g)
  • 100 ml milk of any fat content
  • 3 pinches of salt
  • 1 pinch of granulated sugar
  • 1 st. l. starch


1. Divide the butter into two parts: 30 and 70 g. Rub the second part into a container on a coarse grater. To make the oil perfectly rubbed, first freeze it for 10-15 minutes in the freezer. Then add flour to the container, immediately sifting it through a sieve, and salt. Rub the contents of the container into crumbs with your hands.

2. Break the chicken egg, separating the protein into another container, and add the yolk and a couple of teaspoons of milk to the dough. Knead the shortbread dough, if necessary, add a little more sifted wheat flour.

3. Leave the dough under cellophane for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

4. Then put it on baking paper and roll it into a circle.

5. Put the dough directly from the paper into a mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm. If you cook on molds of a larger diameter, then increase the amount of ingredients by 1.5-2 times. Be sure to form the sides! Place the base of the pie to bake for about 10-15 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees.

6. Melt the butter in a cauldron and stew the pre-washed spinach in it for 3 minutes. Do not forget to also cut the stems from the greens.

7. In a deep salad bowl, beat the protein and another chicken egg with cottage cheese, salt, milk and stewed spinach, forming a milky filling with herbs.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The recipe for a delicious spring pastry is a savory pie with cottage cheese and spinach from crumbly dough. Spinach in baking manifests itself in the best way - it does not lose nutrients, does not give a lot of juice, does not interrupt the taste of the rest of the filling components. Usually it goes into the filling as an addition to cottage cheese, boiled chicken, rice, eggs, vegetables. There is also a prefabricated filling for, from several components, but there is also a place for useful green leaves in it.

You can add spinach to any savory pies, both from and using ready-made puff, soda, kefir dough, or the simplest, as in this recipe - from flour and butter. In many recipes, spinach is first sautéed in a pan until soft, but this is not necessary at all. Raw leaves, finely chopped, will reach readiness when baked and with this preparation they will lose less nutrients.
Dough Ingredients:
- wheat flour - 200 gr;
- butter - 70 gr;
- pork lard - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- cold water - 1 tbsp. spoon (if necessary);
- baking powder - 1 teaspoon;
- fine salt - a third of a teaspoon.

For curd filling:
- dry cottage cheese, squeezed from whey - 300 gr;
- egg - 2 pcs;
- salt - to taste;
- spinach - a large bunch.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Mix wheat flour with baking powder, sift through a fine sieve. Add fine salt.

Melt butter until liquid, set aside. Add a tablespoon of melted lard. Pour this mixture into a bowl of sifted flour.

Rub with a spoon, moistening all the flour. It will gather in small and large lumps, soft, oily. Add cold thick sour cream.

Mix, put on the table and knead with your hands a homogeneous dough. If it does not gather into a bun, it breaks into pieces, add a tablespoon of cold water and knead again. The dough will turn out soft, oily, plastic, but not sticky.

Let the dough rest for ten minutes. During this time, wash the spinach, dry the leaves, wrapping the greens in a towel. We roll out the rested dough into a layer larger than the diameter of the mold, taking into account the height of the sides. We transfer to the form (we cover the bottom with baking paper), press it to the bottom and walls. We put it in the refrigerator.

For the filling, grind cottage cheese and one egg. We divide the second egg into protein (it will be added to the dough later) and the yolk, with which we will grease the cake on top.

Add salt to taste to curd mass. You can put spices (a little pepper or nutmeg, basil, oregano).

Washed and dried spinach cut into strips. In parts, add to the curd mass, so it will be more convenient to mix.

Beat the egg white into foam, add to the cottage cheese with herbs. We mix. The filling for the pie is ready.

We spread the filling on the dough, distributing it evenly to the level of the mold or slightly lower.

We shake the yolk with a fork, grease the top of the filling and the edges of the pie.

We turn on the oven before we start making the filling, it should have time to warm up to 180 degrees. We put the cake on the middle level, bake for 30 minutes until the top is compacted. Then we rearrange to the upper level and bake for another 7-8 minutes, until the top is slightly browned. We take out the finished pie from the oven, leave it to cool in the form (the filling will fall off a little, but this is a feature of all pies with cottage cheese).

We take out the cooled cake. Cut into portions and serve with hot sweet tea or fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes. Bon appetit!

Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

I want to tell you about one of my favorite dishes - spinach and cottage cheese pie. Initially, I did not even know anything about this green vegetable (or herb?) - spinach. I made a spinach omelet for the first time and I didn't like it. And after a while I saw a recipe for spinach pie and decided to try to make it. And since then, this pie has become my favorite dish, it combines spinach with cottage cheese very much. The cake is very tasty and juicy!

In addition, spinach is also very useful. Ordinary raw spinach contains a huge amount of mineral salts, as well as many vitamins and various trace elements, namely: vitamin D2, which serves to prevent rickets; vitamins of groups A, B, C, P, PP; proteins (in terms of their content, spinach is significantly superior to other vegetables, second only to green peas); iodine (according to its content, spinach is the leader among other vegetables), which protects the body from aging. All components contained in spinach are unique in that they are completely preserved during cooking or canning.

Spinach has the following health benefits:

  • increases the body's resistance to various infections;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • constantly replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals, which is especially useful during spring beriberi;
  • favorably affects the eyes, preventing retinal detachment;
  • serves as a prevention of hypertension;
  • improves the functioning of the pancreas;
  • fights developmental disorders in children;
  • slows down cell aging;
  • Stimulates the bowels, providing a slight laxative effect.

Spinach is especially valuable for those who suffer from anemia. It contains iron, which replenishes all the missing reserves in the body, increasing hemoglobin. Also, the beneficial properties of spinach are especially appreciated by people who suffer from disorders of the nervous system and overwork. Spinach acts as a mild sedative, promotes relaxation and healthy sleep.

To make Spinach and Cottage Cheese Pie, you will need:

spinach - 300 g
onion - 2 pcs.
cottage cheese - 400 g
hard cheese - 100 g
egg - 3 pcs.
non-yeast puff pastry - 1 pack.
fresh greens
ground black pepper

How to make spinach and cottage cheese pie:

1. Spread fresh spinach on a preheated pan, lightly oiled. Simmer for about 2 minutes until juice appears. Then we throw back the spinach in a colander.
2. Peel the onion, wash, cut into cubes and fry in butter.
3. Thoroughly knead the cottage cheese with a fork.
4. Beat chicken eggs, add to cottage cheese.
5. Add spinach, finely chopped greens (dill, parsley), fried onions, grated cheese, salt and pepper to taste to the cottage cheese.
6. Roll out the dough and put it on a baking sheet, make sides from the edges of the dough.
7. Put the filling on the dough.
8. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

A simple recipe for puff pastry with cottage cheese and oriental spinach step by step with a photo. Easy to prepare at home in up to 1 hour. Contains only 273 kilocalories.

  • Preparation time: 10 minutes
  • Cooking time: up to 1 hour
  • Amount of calories: 273 kilocalories
  • Servings: 8 servings
  • Complexity: simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Eastern cuisine
  • Dish type: Bakery

Ingredients for eight servings

  • Puff pastry 450 g
  • Fat cottage cheese 400 g.
  • Spinach 2 bunch
  • Russian cheese 200 g
  • Green onion 1 bunch
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Salt to taste

Step by step cooking

  1. To prepare such a cake, you need a minimum of effort. It is advisable to buy cottage cheese on the market. In stores, cottage cheese is wet, but we need a dry, fatty and dense consistency. If you squeeze it, no liquid flows out of it. And yet, it is perfectly cut with a knife into layers. Using a spoon, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  2. Cheese must be chosen fatty so that it melts well. We rub it on a grater with small holes.
  3. Wash green onions, pat dry with paper towels and chop finely.
  4. Put a pot of water on the stove and bring it to a boil. Wash spinach in several waters and dip into boiling water. Cook it for a few minutes until it softens. We recline in a colander and press it with a spoon to remove excess liquid. Then put it on the cutting board and chop with a knife.
  5. We have four sheets of puff pastry. We roll out each of them on a table dusted with flour, until doubled in size and prick with a fork so that the dough does not swell.
  6. For the pie, we brush two sheets of dough on top with a lightly beaten egg, the other two do not need to be greased, they will be the bottom of the pie. Bake in a preheated oven at 180* until golden brown. It took us 25 minutes.
  7. We are preparing the stuffing. We combine cottage cheese, cheese, onion, spinach, salt and pepper. Be careful with salt. The composition includes cheese, and it contains salt.
  8. On the sheets of baked dough, which were not smeared with an egg, lay out half the filling on each.
  9. Top with a second sheet, greased. We press. Put in the oven to warm up for five minutes. Cut the finished baked pies into four parts.
  10. Bon appetit!

Baking with cottage cheese filling in the form of cheesecakes and open / closed pies is very popular with children and adults. But this recipe will primarily appeal to those who prefer to use cottage cheese without sugar, and even vice versa - lightly sprinkled with salt and pepper. Fresh spinach, green onions and dill go great with cottage cheese. And the curd filling for our roll will get piquancy and original taste from just one clove of young garlic. The idea of ​​​​such a roll was spied on by me from Yulia Vysotskaya. , but you can also buy ready-made dough from a reliable manufacturer.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 45 min.

Servings: 4-6 .


  • yeast-free puff pastry - 1 pack
  • fresh spinach - 30-50 g
  • cottage cheese fat content from 5% - 250 g
  • greens (dill + green onion)
  • young garlic - 1-2 cloves
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon
  • fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook a roll with curd filling from puff pastry

  1. Defrost puff pastry at room temperature according to package directions.
    Pour cottage cheese into a bowl, break one fresh chicken egg, add a spoonful of sour cream. However, if the cottage cheese is fatty and moist, you do not need to add sour cream.
  2. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream and egg thoroughly with a regular fork until smooth.

  3. Grind green onions, dill sprigs and a clove of garlic and add to the curd-egg mass.

  4. Mix all the ingredients of the curd filling for the roll again, sprinkle with salt and a mixture of different peppers (ground) according to your taste.

  5. Unfold the roll of dough, roll it out lightly or stretch it with your hands. Put the curd filling with herbs and garlic, spread evenly over the entire surface.
  6. Gently arrange fresh spinach leaves on top.

  7. Sprinkle the spinach with olive oil and form a roll - carefully twist the dough with the filling along the length of one of the sides, without pressing or pressing.

  8. Cut the resulting roll into two parts so that the pastries are well baked.

  9. Line a baking sheet or oven tray with parchment paper and brush with olive oil. Transfer rolls and place seam side down. Lubricate the surface of each roll with whipped yolk or sour cream.

  10. Bake rolls in an oven heated to 200 C for about 20-25 minutes. Unsweetened pastries will rise / increase significantly in size, covered with a golden crust. Important: do not open the oven during cooking!

  11. Remove the finished rolls with cottage cheese filling from the oven, grease with a piece of butter and cool slightly at room temperature for 7-10 minutes.
  12. Then transfer the pastries to a wooden surface and serve. Roll-pie is better to taste warm. Complete the meal with thick sour cream, unsweetened yogurt and fresh vegetables. Enjoy your meal!
