
Ayurvedic spices. The use of spices in Ayurveda

Eating right according to Ayurveda does not mean that you need to switch to beans and spices. This will immediately disrupt digestion, because the internal environment of the body has been shaped by habitual nutrition for years (and even generations).

But some traditions will be useful to adopt. Spices and spices of Ayurveda are recommended as healing food additives.

What are spices and spices

No kitchen is complete without spices. These are the usual salt, sugar, soda, Bay leaf, cumin and others. Ayurvedic spices and spices are also nutritional supplements, but only those that benefit:

  • spices - taste improvers that almost do not change the smell of the dish (for example, peppers);
  • spices are very odorous, give flavor to food (roots, leaves, bark and seeds of plants).

In addition to gastronomic, they also have other properties. Fragrant Additives promote the secretion of gastric juice, enhance digestion. They improve appearance dishes and keep them fresh longer (natural preservative). And the therapeutic effect of seasonings and spices on the human body is enormous.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Dietary Supplements

Combining the beneficial properties of spices (as well as their tastes), Indians have long been able to prepare masala - a mixture of several components. There is no single recipe, and this is the source huge variety in cooking. The healing properties of spices are also able to complement and enhance each other.

This combination immediately gives a double effect: milk is able to enhance all the healing properties of spices, and they, in turn, help milk to digest faster. You can choose a seasoning for a drink based on the needs of the body.

These spices are more or less known to everyone, but few people are fully aware of their biological value:

  • Turmeric

The spice is native to India. It's very persistent yellow dye used in cooking and cosmetics. It is considered a natural antibiotic, lowers cholesterol. Useful in diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach. The taste is slightly spicy. Turmeric is good in combination with stewed vegetables, rice, meat, soups.

  • Cardamom

A spice with a rich aroma and taste. Relieves fatigue, maintains brain activity. Beneficial features very extensive: antiseptic, warms and improves blood circulation, stimulates digestion, treats respiratory diseases and influenza. In cooking, it is used more often for making sweets, coffee and pastries.

  • Cinnamon

Strong antioxidant, successfully fights viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. Useful for diabetes, threats of blood clots, improves brain function, cleans blood vessels. The aroma is sweet, sharp. Ideal for both first courses and sweets.

  • Black pepper

Known and loved all over the world. The action has a tonic, expectorant, stimulating the nervous and circulatory system, gastrointestinal tract. And yogis have long considered it the most useful natural product.

  • Ginger

Used in cooking everywhere. It is a powerful natural antibiotic, tones and cleanses the body. They say about him - a remedy for absolutely all diseases.

  • Coriander

The spice will save you from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, colds and pain.

  • Cumin (zira)

Useful for the heart and blood vessels, liver, stomach, from nervous exhaustion and pain. When used externally, it heals wounds and tumors, relieves allergies.

Ayurveda divides the properties of spices into hot (sharp) and warm (soft). When choosing them, the type of addition (dosha) of a person is taken into account. Thin Vata (wind) should choose colder seasonings. Fattened Kapha (mucus) will increase its slowness (mental and physical) with the most pungent and spicy seasonings. Pitta (fire) chooses the golden mean. Properly selected spices and spices will help balance the elements.

In contact with

In many traditional cultures, spices are used to increase energy, relieve stress, improve nervous and digestive systems, treatment of colds, headaches and many other diseases. When preparing food, you can explore interesting concepts of dishes that combine taste and medicinal properties, use natural spices And various ways cooking. Spices and spices determine the taste, aroma, and often the color of cooked food. With the help of spices, you can influence the mood, bring up certain character traits.

Asafoetida (hing)- aromatic resin of the roots of the plant Ferula asafoetiela. The taste is somewhat reminiscent of garlic, but significantly surpasses it in medicinal properties. Asafoetida was very popular as a spice and as a medicine in the Roman Empire. For the treatment of migraines (headaches), it is one of the best remedies. Using asafoetida in cooking, you can get rid of polyarthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis. Asafoetida restores the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands, gonads, soothes nervous system. It can be added to the first and second courses to taste.

Carnation - (loung). It is added to the first and second courses, dishes with potatoes and cabbage. Suppresses putrefactive intestinal flora, removes halitosis, strengthens the stomach and liver. Well neutralizes toxins, cleanses the blood, strengthens the heart, removes ama. Improves memory by normalizing cerebral circulation. Warms cold nature Vata and Kapha people. Contains vitamin C and carotene.

orchica (pau)- (mustard seeds). It is used in almost all dishes (potato dishes, cabbage, soups) - it strengthens the heart muscle, eliminates blood clots, a good antiseptic, improves eyesight, strengthens hair, and neutralizes toxins. Well calms the nervous system during stress, relieves migraines, tension, helps well when it is impossible to relax and overwork, heals depressive states. Normalizes high blood pressure. Stabilizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands, gonads. It is used in food for polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, colds, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease. Normalizes lung function after colds. It is used with a tendency to indigestion, blockage of the sweat glands, vegetative-vascular dystonia, and water retention in the body. It is used in food for the prevention of helminthiasis. Watch out, as it enlarges Pita! Do not use Pita if you are unbalanced. Not applicable for kidney disease.

Ginger (adrak) is the ground light brown knotted root of the Zingiber officinabis plant. It is used in all types of Indian dishes. Ginger is an unsurpassed medicine. It perfectly treats most skin and allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, cerebrovascular accident. Ginger restores immunity, increases mental stamina in stressful situations, eliminates spasms in the intestines. In addition, it perfectly activates digestion. Ginger tea restores strength in physical and mental fatigue. Ginger treats colds and lung diseases, increases the absorption of oxygen by the lung tissue. Normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.

Curry. Already a fairly well-known spice, which is added to the first and second courses: drinks, sauces, salads, borscht, vegetable stew. Has a tonic property. Normalizes Pita. Promotes healing of wounds, treatment of pneumonia.

Saffron (kesar) Removes excitement and nervous diseases. Soothes, relieves convulsions and spasms, treats hysteria, normalizes the number of heart contractions. Relieves convulsive coughing. It has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, helps to digest milk. Contains vitamins: B1, B2, carotene, carotenoids, flavonoids. Balances doshas, ​​improves skin color and condition. Purifies the blood, reduces blood clots, detoxifies the liver, tonic for the heart and nervous system. Increases sensuality and sexual performance.

Turmeric (haldi)- is the root of a plant from the ginger family, in ground form it is a bright yellow powder. Has a great therapeutic effect with polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, immune disorders, diseases of the liver, kidneys. Organic turmeric powder restores strength in muscle weakness, cures duodenal ulcer, heals diabetes. It also purifies the blood and has a diuretic effect. Applied in small quantities for coloring rice dishes and giving a fresh, spicy flavor to vegetables, soups, snacks.

Mango powder (amchur) are the crushed fruits of the Mangifera indica mango tree. Used in drinks, vegetable dishes, sour dishes and salads. Mango powder improves mood, treats depression. Renders positive effect with hearing loss, activates the work of the small intestine, improves blood circulation in the lung tissue, relieves muscle fatigue. Normalizes calcium metabolism in the body, treats myopia.

Cardamom (elaichi) belongs to the ginger family Elettaria cardamonum. Its pale green pods are mainly used to flavor drinks and sweet dishes. Cardamom refreshes oral cavity, stimulates digestion. Well treats coronary heart disease, relieves pain in cardiovascular pathology. Normalizes blood supply in the vascular wall, relieves spasms of blood vessels. Cardamom reduces the activity of the thyroid gland with an increase in its function, has an expectorant and antispasmodic effect in bronchitis.

Curry leaves (curry patty or mitha neem) are the dried leaves of the Murraya Koenigri curry tree, native to Southwest Asia. They are added to vegetable dishes, soups, cereal dishes. Curry leaves help with enterocolitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis. They well cure inflammatory processes in the kidneys, increase diuresis. Promote wound healing, treatment of pneumonia, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, inflammation Bladder. They purify the blood from the infection of protein slags, treat sore throats, skin furunculosis and other bacterial infections.

Seeds of Kalindzhi (Kalindzhi)- black seeds of the plant Niqella sativum, shaped like a teardrop. The seeds of this plant are very similar in appearance to onion seeds, but they have nothing in common with it in taste and qualities. They are applied in vegetable dishes, in baking with vegetable stuffing and give them a unique flavor. Kalinji seeds improve brain activity and promote digestion. They have a diuretic effect, activate the nervous system. Kalinji seeds increase the activity of the retina, treat myopia, and also have an antidepressant effect.

Nutmeg (jaiphal) is the nucleus of the fetus tropical tree Myristica Fragrans. Grated nutmeg is used in small quantities (sometimes in combination with other spices) to add flavor to puddings, milk sweets, and vegetable dishes. Pairs very well with spinach and winter squash. Like many spices, it stimulates digestion and cures chronic rhinitis. It perfectly treats many benign tumors, for example, mastopathy. Improves the activity of the immune system. Treats staphylococcal infection, has a beneficial effect on tuberculosis, prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors.
Coriander seeds (hara dhaniya) - very fragrant seeds Coriandrum sativum plants. One of the main spices used in Indian cuisine. Coriander seed oil helps digest starchy foods and root vegetables. Coriander gives food a fresh spring flavor. Coriander seeds are a strong stimulant of the body's immune system. Give good results in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors, mobilize the body to overcome psychological stress.

Indian Cumin Seeds (Jira Cumin)- white seeds Indian cumin Cuminum cyminum - important component in recipes for vegetable, rice dishes and snacks. In order for cumin seeds to impart their characteristic taste to food, they must be well roasted. Cumin seeds promote digestion and share the healing properties of kalinji seeds. Black cumin seeds are darker and smaller than white cumin seeds, with a more bitter taste and pungent smell. They do not require as long roasting as white cumin seeds. Cumin seeds give vigor, freshness, stimulate the nervous system, treat gastritis with hyperacidity, increase kidney activity, have a diuretic effect. Relieve spasms from small vessels of the skin.

Fennel (sauf)- seeds of the plant Foeniculum vulgare. Also known as "sweet cumin". Its long, pale green seeds are similar to cumin and cumin seeds, but larger and different in color. They taste like anise and are used in seasonings. Fennel improves digestion, stimulates inflow breast milk in nursing mothers and is very useful for gastritis, stomach ulcers and other diseases gastrointestinal tract. Fennel improves vision in myopia, well reduces increased arterial pressure. It has an expectorant effect.

Shambhala (methi)- Trigonella fenumgraecum. Belongs to the legume family. Favorite plant of Indians. Its square-shaped, brownish-beige seeds are indispensable in many vegetable dishes and snacks. Shambhala restores strength and stimulates the flow of breast milk in nursing mothers, and also stimulates digestion and heart function, helps with constipation and colic. Shambhala excellently heals the joints and spine, prevents hypothermia of the extremities. It normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands, gonads.

black salt. Black salt is a dark gray salty powder with an egg odor. Used as a substitute table salt. Black salt is rich in iodine, potassium, sulfur, iron and other trace elements. It is put absolutely in all dishes where ordinary salt is put. The downside is not a big egg flavor, but when combined with other spices, it becomes invisible. The advantage is the property of black salt to regulate digestion and not retain water in the body as much as ordinary salt. It has a slight laxative effect.

Seasonings of Passion

It is believed that essential oils, contained in spices and seasonings, not only have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but also significantly increase sexual activity. The ability to kindle passion is attributed to anise, cloves, mustard (seeds), vanilla. Cinnamon excites, increasing desire, but it affects women and men differently, in female body it increases the tone of the uterus, but in the east they believe that this spice is especially useful for men, because it improves the functioning of the kidneys, the condition of which is closely related to male power and sexuality. Cardamom has long been considered the spice of love. Even in the distant Middle Ages, it was one of the essential components love drinks. Ginger also enhances male power. There are herbs and spices that, on the contrary, reduce sexual desire: cilantro, mint, tarragon.

Aphrodisiac products - Honey, celery. It is known that the Marquise de Pompadour treated Louis XV daily with soup own cooking from celery, stimulating the work of the sex glands. Having brought the Marquis to exhaustion, the indefatigable monarch went to other favorites.

Compatibility of spices and spices with productsFirst and second courses legumes

The first and second dishes are legumes

  • Peas - ginger, cinnamon, chili, allspice, turmeric, coriander, shamballa, cumin, kalinji, nutmeg, dill (seed), curry, black pepper.
  • Buckwheat - allspice, chili, cumin, turmeric, cinnamon, cloves, black mustard, dill (seed), dill (herb), asafoetida, curry.
  • Semolina - ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, chili, shamballa, asafoetida, curry, nutmeg.
  • Oats - turmeric, allspice, shamballa, cloves, asafoetida, curry, chili, green dill.
  • Barley - ginger, cloves, allspice, turmeric, shamballa, asafoetida.
  • Wheat - chili, ginger, curry, nutmeg, cardamom.
  • Millet - ginger, turmeric, cloves, black mustard, mango (fruit), black pepper, shamballa, curry.
  • Rice - chili, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, turmeric, cumin, asafoetida, black mustard, cumin, kalinji.
  • Beans - chili, allspice, ginger, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, shambhala, kalinji, nutmeg.
  • Yachka - ginger, cloves, allspice, turmeric, shambhala, asafoetida.

Vegetables and fruits

  • Green peas - shamballa, chili, ginger, cloves, allspice, curry, mango (fruits).
  • Cabbage - curry, turmeric, cinnamon, dill (seed, stem).
  • Potatoes - coriander, black pepper, chili, shamballa, kalinji, asafoetida, cinnamon, nutmeg, curry.
  • Carrots - chili, allspice, cumin, ginger, cloves, asafoetida, kalinji, turmeric.
  • Cucumbers - nutmeg, ginger, fennel, black pepper.
  • Bulgarian pepper - allspice, coriander, cinnamon, cloves, curry, cardamom, black pepper, cumin, mango (fruits).
  • Tomatoes - asafoetida, shamballa, chili, turmeric, cloves, allspice, nutmeg.
  • Radishes - black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, black mustard, cumin, cardamom.
  • Green radish - chili, cloves, nutmeg, curry, fennel, cardamom.
  • Black radish - black pepper, nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, cumin, ginger, curry.
  • Beets - cinnamon, allspice, coriander, asafoetida, vanillin, cumin, turmeric, nutmeg, curry, shamballa, dill seed, lemon juice, chili.
  • Pumpkin - cardamom, shamballa, chili, mint, ginger, kalinji.
  • apples (in spicy dishes) - chili, ginger, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, kalinji, vanillin, nutmeg, walnut, mango, sugar.
  • Sweet dishes, salads, pastries, drinks
  • Sugar - nutmeg, vanillin, cumin, fennel, cardamom, nutmeg, mango, mint.
  • Pineapple - cardamom, cumin.
  • Banana - vanillin, mango fruits.
  • Hawthorn - ginger, cardamom, cumin, lemon, mint.
  • Grapes (raisins) - cardamom, ginger, orange (peel).
  • Cherry - cumin, cardamom, lemon, acid, fennel.
  • Pomegranate - ginger, fennel.
  • Pear - cardamom, mango (fruit), fennel.
  • Irga - cumin, cardamom, nutmeg.
  • Kalina - cardamom, cumin, mango fruits.
  • Strawberry ("Victoria") - ginger, lemon peel, mango, cumin.
  • Strawberry (forest) - cumin, kalinji, fennel, ginger.
  • Gooseberries - cumin, fennel, ginger.
  • Dried apricots - fennel.
  • Lemon - vanillin, fennel, mango fruits.
  • Raspberry - mint, cumin, mango.
  • Mandarin - mint, cumin, cardamom.
  • Sea buckthorn - cumin, fennel, mint, vanillin, mango.
  • Rowan red - turmeric, ginger, cardamom, mango, kalinji, cumin.
  • Chokeberry - cardamom, curry, fennel, kalindzhi.
  • Blue plum - mango fruits, vanillin, fennel, cardamom.
  • White plum - mango, cardamom, fennel.
  • White currant - lemon, cumin, mint.
  • Red currant - lemon, orange (peel), cumin, mango fruits.
  • Black currant - cardamom, fennel, vanillin, lemon, kalinji.
  • Date - cardamom, mango, fennel, vanillin.
  • Black bird cherry - cardamom, lemon, vanillin, fennel.
  • Apples - fennel, vanillin.
  • Strawberries - ginger, lemon peel, mango, nutmeg, kalinji.


  • Milk - nutmeg, cardamom, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon.
  • Yogurt - cumin, black pepper.
  • Cheese - cardamom, cumin, turmeric, red and black pepper.


A drink for colds (it's just a godsend in the winter)!

Ingredients: Ginger, cinnamon, cardamom grains, black tea.

On teapot, volume 400-500 ml 1 tablespoon (without a slide) of dry ground ginger, 9 cardamom grains, 1 tablespoon cinnamon. Tea to taste. Pour boiling water over the ingredients in a preheated bowl. Close the lid, cover with a towel to keep warm. Leave for a while, let it brew. Use as tea leaves, diluted with boiling water. The drink should not burn the larynx and cause heartburn. When used, there should be a pleasant warming effect. (To prepare a tonic drink, similar in property to coffee, you need to replace ginger in the recipe with nutmeg, in the amount of more than half of the nail thumb for 1 serving).

Drink "Coffee substitute"

If you prepare a drink of three spices: per serving 250 ml. cinnamon (1 tsp), cardamom (3-4 grains), nutmeg (volume more than half of the nail), it will have the properties of coffee. For similarity, you can add chicory.

Self-confident, modern people, for the most part, do not want to use the knowledge accumulated over many millennia about improving health, achieving harmony in the inner and outer worlds. It is easier for them to take a sip, what suspicious pills, than to learn a little bit and turn their kitchen into a real hospital. The ancient Indian teaching of Ayurveda possesses such very deep knowledge. Ayurveda is the knowledge of life. Ayurvedic spices- a natural treasure, using which you can improve your health, overcome stress, boost immunity, cleanse the body, throw off overweight. By treating your children with Ayurvedic dishes, you make a contribution to the health of the future generation. ayurveda spices every day, that is healthy body, healthy spirit!

Ayurveda herbs and spices

The main herbs and spices of Ayurveda include alfalfa or alfalfa, aloe, asafoetida (wood glue), calamus root, and the most popular ones: fennel, ginger, cinnamon, coriander, pepper, turmeric, mustard.

Fennel or dill, improves digestion, relieves bloating, increases lactation. A pinch of seeds after dinner will help the body digest food.

Ginger, in its many texts of Ayurveda, spice treatment, calls this natural gift universal. Its use will lower cholesterol and blood sugar, anesthetize and lower the temperature, and improve digestion.

Cinnamon is the healing queen in the kitchen. With good palatability, it perfectly relieves muscle pain, improves blood circulation, kills pathogenic microorganisms, thereby cleansing the body. Combined with ginger, it treats colds.

Turmeric, Ayurveda recommends eating every day. Using it, you will forever forget about your illnesses. Since it improves metabolic processes in the body, it creates the necessary balance of trace elements for its proper functioning.

Pepper, coriander, mustard have anti-inflammatory properties, increase immunity. A decoction of coriander leaves perfectly calms the nervous system, relieves irritability.

The world of herbs and spices used in Ayurveda is very diverse. In order for nutrition according to this system to be beneficial, you need to prepare dishes according to those recipes that suit your dosha, that is, physique. Doshas are divided into vata (slim body), pitta (athletic) and kapha (fat people).

Dosha drink recipes

Cotton wool - milk with spices ayurveda offers people of this physique. To prepare it, pour a handful of chopped figs with one liter warm milk. Add 5 cardamom grains, a cinnamon stick, half a teaspoon each of ground ginger and turmeric. Boil the mixture. Better to drink before bed.

Kapha - fat people ayurveda recommends ginger tea. For it you need: mix 3 tablespoons of chopped ginger with 2 tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, add a pinch of chili pepper and pour a liter of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Before drinking, add lime juice.

Pitta - best drink for athletes, it is black tea with spices and milk. Mix 6 tablespoons of black tea with 6 cardamom grains, 2 cinnamon sticks, half a teaspoon of dry ginger, 4 tablespoons of sugar, pour a liter of boiling water, insist. Add half a glass of milk, boil for small fire 5-7 minutes.

As you can see, everything ingenious is simple, and the benefits are very great. As Hippocrates said: “Food should be medicine, not medicine food.” So maybe it makes sense to eat right?

Ayurveda is the oldest practice that came to us from India, the doctrine of maintaining the physical, psychological and moral health of a person with the help of a set of procedures, including diet, cleansing the body, breathing exercises, massage, and in case of illness, drug therapy. Healers practicing Ayurveda assign a very important role to spices. As a rule, they are the basis of Ayurvedic medicines. It is believed that spices not only improve the taste of dishes, but also affect the mental and spiritual state of a person, and are also powerful means fight against the most severe diseases.

Today we offer to get acquainted with spices and seasonings, the most common in Ayurvedic practice.

This is the dried bark of young shoots of Ceylon cinnamon, an evergreen tree that originally grew exclusively in Sri Lanka. Now cinnamon is grown in many tropical countries. The spice is sold in the form small pieces bark or powder.

Cinnamon has amazing pleasant aroma creating a feeling of comfort, peace and warmth. Cinnamal (cinnamic aldehyde), which is part of it, is a natural relaxant. It is because of its effect on the body that cinnamon (and cinnamon oil) is widely used in aromatherapy to alleviate the effects of stress, reduce nervousness and anxiety in patients. In addition, cinnamon contains substances with strong antioxidant and antibacterial effects.

Real cinnamon is very expensive. Often, instead of it, they sell a whole or ground bark of another plant - cassia, or Chinese cinnamon. This seasoning has a different chemical composition and less pronounced aroma. But cassia bark has clinically proven anti-diabetic properties.

It is very easy to distinguish real cinnamon: in general, its strips have a delicate, loose structure with a layer thickness of 0.5-0.7 mm (for dried cassia bark, the layer thickness is 2-3 mm). Cinnamon powder can be checked with a drop of tincture of iodine. Cassia bark contains a large number of starch, and the powder made from it under the influence of iodine acquires Blue colour. WITH real cinnamon it doesn't happen.

Cinnamon should not be used with a tendency to internal bleeding, increased excitability, hypertension. You should not get carried away with spice during pregnancy, as cinnamon can increase the tone of smooth muscles, which creates a risk of miscarriage.

Source: depositphotos.com

The spice is made from the roots of plants in the ginger family. Each contains curcumin. natural dye(yellow or yellow-orange). This substance is an antioxidant, enhances the production of a number of enzymes and hormones, and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Studies have shown that regular use of turmeric reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and multiple sclerosis, and also inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors.

Three types of turmeric are used in cooking: long (for the production of well-known seasonings and spices, for example, curry powder), aromatic (in confectionery industry) and zedoaria (in the manufacture of liqueurs). In addition, turmeric powder is used as food coloring in the production of cheeses, margarines, biscuits, chips and different sauces. IN home cooking Turmeric can be added to meat dishes, vegetables, rice, baked goods.

Turmeric is contraindicated for pregnant women, people suffering from gastritis, pancreatitis and pathologies of the biliary tract.

Source: depositphotos.com

Ginger root is widely used in oriental cuisine fresh, dried (powder) and pickled, as well as in the form of jam or candied fruit. It contains substances that normalize metabolism and improve the condition of the digestive system. Ginger root helps with nausea, relieves headache and cold symptoms. In aromatherapy, ginger oil is used to treat psycho-emotional disorders.

Among people who dream of losing weight, ginger water tincture is extremely popular as a means of optimizing metabolic processes and helping to get rid of extra pounds.

Unfortunately, ginger is not for everyone. The list of contraindications includes:

  • late pregnancy;
  • high fever, feverish conditions;
  • skin ailments;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • liver disease;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • tumors of the gastrointestinal tract.

Source: depositphotos.com

Cumin (zira)

The spice has a strong antiseptic effect and contains active antioxidants. It has been proven that zira has a beneficial effect on the processes of digestion and metabolism. It successfully relieves stomach pain, helps with flatulence and diarrhea. In addition, cumin normalizes the functioning of the heart, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, and reduces blood clotting. There is evidence that the use of zira improves vision and activates the activity of the brain.

Cumin is the dried seeds of a plant in the Apiaceae family. In cooking, they are used whole or crushed as a seasoning for meat dishes, soups, and also as a component of hot sauces.

Zira is contraindicated in peptic ulcer and inflammatory diseases of the digestive system.

Source: depositphotos.com

Fennel is a plant in the Apiaceae family. In cooking, its seeds are used to make sauces, soups, pickles. fresh leaves include in salads. The composition of the plant includes substances that have antispasmodic, expectorant and antimicrobial effects. An aqueous infusion of crushed seeds improves digestion, relieves flatulence. It is from them that “dill water” is made - a remedy that saves newborns from intestinal colic.

Source: depositphotos.com

Coriander is the name given to the seeds of a widespread garden plant- cilantro, fresh and dried leaves of which are one of the most beloved elements of oriental and mountain cuisine. The seeds are used for cooking spicy seasonings, sauces, pastries and drinks.

spice has choleretic action Helps cleanse the liver and remove toxins from the body. In addition, in Ayurveda, coriander is considered a diuretic, antifungal and antiseptic. An infusion of seeds is recommended for urinary tract infections.

Coriander should not be carried away with thrombophlebitis, problems with the heart and blood vessels, diabetes, gastritis, high acidity of gastric juice. This spice should not be used by pregnant, lactating women, as well as those who have problems with the menstrual cycle. With excessive consumption, cilantro can also harm men: if you eat more than 30 g of greens or 4 g of seeds per day, there is a risk of sleep problems, memory impairment, and even weakening of potency.

Source: depositphotos.com

Dried clove buds are widely used in cooking. They are part of various confectionery, drinks, sauces, are used for preserving vegetables and fruits.

It is undesirable to use cloves for people suffering from hypertension or ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines. In addition, the spice is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under two years of age.

Asafoetida (hing) - aromatic resin of the roots of the plant Ferula asafoetiela. Taste Asafoetida resembles garlic, but surpasses it in healing properties. Asafoetida was very popular in the Roman Empire. Asafoetida - the best remedy d for the treatment of headaches (migraines). By adding Asafoetida to food, polyarthritis can be cured, osteochondrosis,radiculitis. Asafoetida calms the nervous system, in addition, successfullyrestores hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads. Asafoetida added to taste both in the first and in the seconddishes .


Ginger (adrak) is the ground light brown knotted root of the Zingiber officinabis plant. Ginger is used in all Indian dishes. Ginger is a great medicine. Ginger is very effective in the treatment of skin and allergic diseases. Ginger can heal bronchial asthma, and also deal with brain damagecirculation. Ginger treats colds and lung diseases, increases the absorption of oxygen by the lung tissue. ANDginger is a great helper for weight loss. ANDginger restores immunity, increases mental stability. Ginger tea restores strength after physical or mental stress. ANDginger eliminates spasms in the intestines and activates digestion, and also normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland.


Turmeric (haldi) - the root of a plant from the ginger family. Ground turmeric is a bright yellow powder. Turmeric has great healing properties. Turmeric is effective in the treatment of polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, liver and kidney diseases. Turmeric improves immunity, restores strength in case of muscle weakness. Turmeric relieves a person from duodenal ulcer, treats diabetes. Turmeric cleanses the blood and the body as a whole, has a diuretic effect. TOUrcuma is used to color rice dishes and add a spicy flavor. vegetable salads, appetizers and soups.

Mango (amchur) - in the form of a powder, it is the crushed fruits of the Mangifera indica mango tree. Mango powder is used as an additive in drinks, vegetable dishes and salads. Mango powder improves mood, treats depression. The use of mango is effective in hearing loss and the treatment of myopia. In addition, mango activates the work of the small intestine. Mango powder improves blood circulation, relieves muscle fatigue. Mango normalizes calcium metabolism in the body.


black mustard (rai) - mustard seeds of the black plant Brassica juncea. Black mustard seeds are smaller than the yellow mustard seeds known in Europe. Black mustard seeds are distinguished by their taste and medicinal properties. Black mustard seeds calm the nervous system, effectively fight stress, relieve headaches, and are used in the treatment of migraines. Black mustard normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads. Black mustard seeds contribute to the resorption of mastopathy. The use of black mustard seeds has a positive effect on coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. Black mustard treats polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, colds. In addition to excellent medicinal properties, black mustard has excellent taste qualities: spicy in taste with nutty smell used in almost all savory dishes.


Cardamom (elaichi) belongs to the ginger family Elettaria cardamonum. For flavoring drinks and sweet dishes pale green cardamom pods are used. Cardamom stimulates digestion and refreshes the mouth. Cardamom is used in the treatment of coronary heart disease, relieves pain in cardiovascular diseases. Cardamom normalizes blood circulation, relieves spasms of blood vessels. With thyroid gland diseases, Cardamom reduces its activity. Cardamom has an expectorant and antispasmodic effect in bronchitis.

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Curry (curry patti or mitha neem) - dry leaves of the Murraya Koenigri curry tree, which grows in Southwest Asia, are used. Curry leaves are added to soups, vegetable dishes and cereals. Curry leaves help with hepatitis, enterocolitis and cholecystitis. Curry leaves are effective in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Curry leaves heal wounds. Curry leaves are used in the treatment of pneumonia, inflammation of the bladder, as well as in diseases of the joints and the deposition of salts: polyarthritis and osteochondrosis. Curry leaves purify the blood. Curry leaves cure sore throats, skin furunculosis and other bactereal infections.


Kalindzhi - The black seeds of the Niqella sativum plant are used. Kalinji seeds are tear-shaped. Kalinji seeds are very similar to onion seeds, but they have nothing to do with it in taste and qualities. Kalindzhi seeds are used in vegetable dishes, as well as in pastries with vegetable filling. Kalindzhi seeds give the food a peculiar flavor. Kalinji seeds improve brain activity. Kalinji promotes digestion. Kalindzhi seeds have a diuretic effect. Kalinji seeds increase the activity of the retina, treat myopia, and also have an antidepressant effect, as they activate the nervous system.


Nutmeg (jaiphal) is the kernel of the fruit of the tropical tree Myristica Fragrans. Nutmeg is used in grated form. A small amount of nutmeg gives a peculiar flavor various dishes: puddings, milk sweets, pastries, etc. In addition, nutmeg is added to vegetable dishes. Nutmeg pairs well with pumpkin and spinach. Nutmeg stimulates digestion. Nutmeg is used in the treatment of rhinitis, and chronic forms. Nutmeg treats many benign tumors, is effective in the treatment of mastopathy. Nutmeg boosts immunity. Nutmeg treats staphylococcal infection, tuberculosis, prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors.


Coriander (hara dhaniya) - the seeds of the Coriandrum sativum plant are used. Coriander seeds are very fragrant. It is one of the main spices. indian cuisine. Coriander seeds are used to make an oil that helps digest food containing starch, as well as root vegetables. Coriander seeds added to food give it fresh fragrance. Coriander seeds stimulate immune system person. Coriander is effective in the treatment of benign and malignant tumors. The use of coriander seeds in food helps the body cope with great psychological stress.


Cumin Indian (jeera cumin) - Indian cumin seeds Cuminum cyminum are used. Indian cumin seeds are added to vegetables, rice dishes and snacks. To give food a characteristic taste, cumin seeds are well roasted. Cumin seeds aid digestion. In terms of healing properties, cumin is similar to kalindzhi. There are seeds of white Indian cumin and black Indian cumin. Black cumin seeds are darker and smaller than white cumin seeds. Black cumin seeds are more bitter in taste and have a pungent smell. Black cumin seeds do not require long roasting, unlike white cumin seeds. Cumin seeds give the body vitality and freshness. Cumin stimulates the nervous system. Cumin seeds are effective in the treatment of gastritis with high acidity. Cumin increases kidney activity, has a diuretic effect. Cumin seeds relieve spasms of blood vessels.


Fennel (sauf) - the seeds of the plant Foeniculum vulgare are used. Fennel is known as "sweet cumin". Fennel has long pale green seeds. Fennel seeds are similar to cumin seeds but are larger and differ in color. The taste of cumin seeds is similar to anise. Fennel is widely used in seasonings. Fennel seeds improve digestion. Fennel stimulates the flow of breast milk. Fennel seeds are useful for stomach and intestinal ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Fennel improves vision in myopia. Using fennel seeds helps lower blood pressure. Fennel seeds have an expectorant effect.


Fenugreek (methi) - Trigonella fenumgraecum plant. Shambhala belongs to the legume family. Shambhala - favorite plant Indians. Shamballa seeds, square in shape and brownish-beige in color, are used in many vegetable dishes and snacks. Shambhala restores strength. Shamballa seeds stimulate the flow of breast milk. Shambhala normalizes the hormonal functions of the adrenal glands and gonads. Shambhala stimulates digestion and heart function, is effective for constipation and colic in the abdomen. Shambhala relieves and treats pain in the joints and spine. Shamabala helps to avoid hypothermia of hands and feet.
