
Creative shop. Curd production technology

Delicious, fresh, airy cottage cheese is always in demand among residents of a large metropolis and a small provincial town. Opening a business for the production of a fermented milk product is not difficult, since the manufacturing technology does not require the use of a large number of ingredients and kitchen utensils. Nowadays, even a small subsidiary farm brings a good income, especially when making products with pleasure.

Features of opening a "curd" business

Before opening your own business, you must register with the Federal Tax Service or its regional representative office as an entrepreneur who wants to establish a business (IP). The newly minted IP will have to conclude agreements with Rospotrebnadzor, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, and the Fiscal Tax Service. A number of reporting and daily documentation is subject to completion and maintenance, among which the logs of receipt and expenditure of funds and raw materials are of particular importance. Individual entrepreneurs must strictly comply with the clauses of contracts for the removal (disposal) of solid, household and medical waste, as well as in accordance with the instructions that determine the disinfection of a courier car.

For the manufacture of cottage cheese, a minimum set of kitchen utensils is required, which greatly simplifies the production process of the product and reduces its cost by eliminating additional expenses for the purchase of specialized tools. The cottage cheese maker's set is a set consisting of the following devices:

  • 2 pans of various sizes;
  • skimmers;
  • 1 sieve.

At the same time, one should take into account the fact of cottage cheese production at home according to the simplest recipe, which requires the presence of the 1st pan and gauze. Aluminum pans should be used as opposed to enameled ones for 1 simple reason: milk in enameled pans burns when heated and acquires an unpleasant burnt aftertaste, which negatively affects the taste of the finished product.

Choice of ingredients for making crumbly cheese

Milk is considered the main ingredient in homemade cottage cheese production. Some recipes for making crumbly cheese require the addition of additional ingredients - sour cream or kefir. It should be remembered that all products that make up the cottage cheese must be natural: store-bought pasteurized milk is not suitable in this case. There are no special requirements for the equipment of the premises for the production of cottage cheese. The main thing is that the kitchen is spacious, clean, has enough space and working surfaces of tables and stoves for various technological operations.

Two employees (cooks) need to purchase a health book and undergo a medical examination. If an individual entrepreneur wants to produce not only ordinary, but also low-fat cottage cheese, he should purchase a special filtering apparatus - a milk separator. The principle of operation of the device is called the separation of milk into skimmed emulsion and cream. A production separator separates fermented milk into curd and whey, but such a device is unsuitable at home.

Curd mass preparation technology

As mentioned above, the technology for making homemade cottage cheese contains several recipes. We bring to your attention a couple of simple types, following the step-by-step instructions of which even an inexperienced cook can cook delicious cottage cheese.

Recipe "Minimum"

  1. Milk is taken and poured into an enamel pan in the required volume.
  2. The pan is placed in a warm place for 30 hours. It is not recommended to interfere with milk during the fermentation process, since exposure to the product with a spoon worsens the quality of the formation of curd clots.
  3. After the specified time has elapsed, the container with milk is placed on a slow fire in order to avoid overheating of the liquid, which will adversely affect the process of separating the curd mass from the whey.
  4. It is worthwhile to separate the cottage cheese from the whey using a water bath: a container of milk is placed in a larger saucepan filled with water, the level of which is set at the middle mark of the height of the inner saucepan of a smaller volume.
  5. The temperature of the heated fermented milk is determined by touching the container with your hand. Separated liquids should not be mixed, because action degrades the quality of whey separation from the final cheese product. If the mixture is overheated, the curd will be dry and too crumbly. In the case of bringing the fermented milk emulsion to the optimum heating temperature, the curd product comes out sour in taste and is easily separated from the liquid part.
  6. The heating process is carried out within half an hour.
  7. The pan is removed from the fire, left alone in order to allow the 2-component product to cool until half cooked. The best indicator of separability from whey is dry cheese, cooled for 6-8 hours.
  8. At the end of the cooling period, the clearly visible curd mass is laid out in a colander with a slotted spoon. The second method of separating cottage cheese and liquid is the method of pouring the contents into cheesecloth located above a jar or 2nd pan. One person drains the curd mixture, and the second one tightly holds a piece of gauze, stretching it in both directions.
  9. The cottage cheese obtained in this way is allowed to drain for 1-1.5 hours. If the curd mass was placed in gauze, then the cloth is tied and hung over the sink or bathtub. If homemade cottage cheese is in a colander, then the device is placed on the opening of the pan so that the whey can finally flow out.
  10. It is not worth keeping cottage cheese in gauze or a colander for more than 1.5 hours, because it loses its softness and tenderness of texture, becomes hard and dry.

Quick recipe

  1. In a jar of milk, add a little sour cream or kefir, based on the calculation: 50 gr. to 1 litre.
  2. We put in a warm place for 12-24 hours for ripening.
  3. After the time necessary for the formation of curd clots, we take a jar of curd mass and put it in a larger saucepan (volume and diameter).
  4. Pour water flush with the upper border of yogurt in a jar. We take out the product from the container with water.
  5. Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil.
  6. We turn off the gas after the liquid boils.
  7. We put a jar of fermented milk in hot water for half an hour.
  8. Then we take out the bottle and let it cool for 40-45 minutes.
  9. Pour the contents of the bottle into a colander or 2nd saucepan through cheesecloth.
  10. We tie the gauze in a knot and hang it over the sink or bathtub.
  11. We leave the finished cottage cheese to drain for 1.5 hours. The product is ready.

The IP will have to pay expenses on a monthly basis for the following items:

  • the increased cost of paying for utilities: the use of gas, electricity;
  • wages to hired employees: 2 cooks and a courier delivering goods to consumers' addresses;
  • payment for the cost of a technical device for separating milk sections - a separator;
  • payment of the cost of travel to the point of sale of finished products - the fair, including payment of the local market fee;
  • expenses for attracting buyers: release of a commercial on the Internet, on television and radio;
  • expenses for the purchase of high-quality feed for cows living in the subsidiary farm, especially in the cold season.

Promotion and business profitability

Distribution of finished products should be started by friends and acquaintances, who will make up good advertising for individual entrepreneurs, the so-called "word of mouth". Further, as you attract and accumulate capital, you should apply to create an advertisement in a web studio. It became possible to carry out a marketing campaign to promote goods independently, using the profiles of social networks Facebook, Twitter, Vkontakte, Instagram as an advertising platform.

The profitability of home-made cottage cheese production is quite high. Based on the calculation of the production of 1 kg of curd mass from 3 liters of milk, then when receiving 10-20 liters of milk from cows, 6 kg of cottage cheese can be prepared daily. The cost of 1 kg of a fatty curd product on the market is about 260 rubles, and for a fat one - about 300. Thus, the monthly revenue will reach 45-50 thousand rubles. By-products of the curd craft are also in demand - whey and cream, produced using a separator. The production of homemade crumbly cheese does not create any particular difficulties, and the income is enormous.

This type of business is well suited for people who have their own subsidiary plots. The "curd" business, ideally, leads to an increase in net profit and an increase in one's own well-being.

Anna Goncharuk, [email protected]

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Production of cottage cheese in the traditional way involves obtaining skimmed, semi-fat and fatty cottage cheese from normalized milk. According to the method of clot formation, two methods of curd production are distinguished: acid and acid-rennet. With the acid-rennet method of cottage cheese production, milk coagulation occurs - a clot is formed by the combined action of rennet and lactic acid. The acid-rennet method of cottage cheese production is used to produce fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese, which reduces the waste of fat into whey. With acid coagulation, calcium salts go into the serum, and with acid-rennet they are stored in a clot. This must be taken into account when producing cottage cheese for children, who especially need calcium for bone formation.
As a raw material for use high-quality fresh milk, whole and skimmed, with an acidity not higher than 20 ° T. In terms of fats, milk is normalized taking into account the content of protein in it (according to protein titer), which gives more accurate results.
Normalized and purified milk is sent for pasteurization at 78-80°C with a holding time of 20-30 s. The pasteurization temperature affects the physicochemical properties of the clot, which, in turn, affects the quality and yield of the finished product - cottage cheese. So, at low pasteurization temperatures, the clot is not dense enough, since whey proteins almost completely go into whey, and the yield of cottage cheese decreases. With an increase in pasteurization temperature, the denaturation of whey proteins involved in the formation of a clot increases, increasing its strength and increasing water-holding capacity. This reduces the intensity of whey separation and increases the yield of the product - cottage cheese. By adjusting the modes of pasteurization and processing of the clot, by selecting strains of starter cultures, it is possible to obtain clots with the desired rheological and water-retaining properties.
Pasteurized milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature (in the warm season up to 28-30°C, in the cold season - up to 30-32°C) and sent to special baths for making cottage cheese. The starter for the production of cottage cheese is made on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic streptococci and is added to milk in an amount of 1 to 5%. Some experts recommend introducing into sourdough Streptococcus acetoinicus. The duration of fermentation after fermentation is 6-8 hours.
With the accelerated method of fermentation, 2.5% of the ferment prepared on cultures of mesophilic streptococcus and 2.5% of thermophilic lactic streptococcus are added to milk. The fermentation temperature with the accelerated method rises in the warm season up to 35°C, in the cold season - up to 38°C. The duration of fermentation of milk is reduced by 2-3.5 hours., At the same time, the release of whey from the clot occurs more intensively. To improve the quality of cottage cheese, it is desirable to use a non-transplanting method of preparing a starter culture on sterilized milk, which allows reducing the dose of starter application to 0.8-1% with its guaranteed purity.
With the acid-rennet method cottage cheese production in the traditional way after adding the starter, a 40% solution of calcium chloride is added (at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk), prepared in boiled and cooled to 40-45 ° C water. Calcium chloride restores the ability of pasteurized milk to form a dense clot under the action of rennet. Immediately after that, rennet or pepsin is added to milk in the form of a 1% solution at the rate of 1 g per 1 ton of milk. Rennet is dissolved in boiled and cooled to 35°C water. A solution of pepsin in order to increase its activity is prepared on acidic clarified whey 5-8 hours before use. To speed up the turnover of curd baths, milk is fermented to an acidity of 32-35°T in tanks, and then pumped into curd baths and calcium chloride and an enzyme are added.
The readiness of the clot is determined by its acidity (for fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese it should be 58-60 ° T, for low-fat - 75-80 ° T) and visually - the clot should be dense, give even smooth edges at the break with the release of transparent greenish whey. Fermentation with the acid method lasts 6 hours, with the acid-rennet method - 4-6 hours, with the use of active acid-forming starter - 3-4 hours. It is important to correctly determine the end of fermentation, since with an under-fermented clot, sour curd of a smearing consistency is obtained.
To speed up the release of whey, the finished clot is cut with special wire knives into cubes with a face size of 2 cm. In the acid-rennet method of cottage cheese production, the cut clot is left unheated for 40-60 minutes without heating. for intensive serum extraction.
For further separation of whey, the clot is subjected to self-pressing and pressing. To do this, it is poured into calico or lavsan bags of 7-9 kg each (70% of the bag capacity), they are tied up and placed in several rows in press carts. Under the influence of its own mass, serum is released from the clot. Self-pressing takes place in the workshop at a temperature not exceeding 16°C and lasts at least 1 hour. The end of self-pressing is determined visually, on the surface of the clot, the gloss is lost and the clot becomes matte. Then the curd is pressed under pressure until tender. In the process of pressing, the bags with cottage cheese are shaken several times and shifted. To avoid an increase in acidity, pressing should be carried out in rooms with an air temperature of 3-6 ° C, and after it is completed, the curd should be immediately cooled to a temperature not higher than 15-8 ° C using coolers of various designs, the most successful of which is two-cylinder.
Ready cottage cheese is packed on automatic machines in small and large containers. Cottage cheese is packaged in clean, steamed wooden tubs or clean aluminum, steel, tin-plated wide-mouth flasks or cardboard boxes with parchment liners, polyethylene film. In small packages, cottage cheese is packed in the form of bars weighing 0.25; 0.5 and 1 kg, wrapped in parchment or cellophane, as well as in cardboard boxes, bags, glasses made of various polymeric materials, packed in boxes with a net weight of not more than 20 kg.
Cottage cheese is stored according to TU 9222-180-11419785-04 in the implementation of no more than 72 hours. at a chamber temperature of 2-8°C and a humidity of 80-85%. If the shelf life of the curd is exceeded, due to enzymatic processes that do not stop, defects begin to develop in the curd [Kalinina, L.V. Technology of whole milk products. [Text]: textbook. allowance / L.V. Kalinina, V.I. Ganina, N.I. Dunchenko. St. Petersburg: GIORD, 2004-248 p. ]

In the manufacture of cottage cheese, both primary raw materials (cow's milk not lower than the second grade and acidity not more than 21%) and processed products (skimmed milk obtained by milk separation) are used, as well as special products (sourdough for cottage cheese on pure cultured lactic acid streptococci, calcium chloride or calcium chloride 2-aqueous). Drinking water is used as an auxiliary product. The technological process is carried out by the fermented milk method.

The production technology of cottage cheese goes through the following stages:

1. Acceptance of raw materials and assessment of their quality.

2. Heating and separation of milk.

This stage takes place in a plate pasteurization-cooling unit, where the milk is heated to a temperature of 37-40°C, and then the cream separator is sent to the separator. All this happens according to the rules of separation.

3. Compilation of a mixture of normalized milk.

When producing cottage cheese with MJA of 18.9% and 5%, milk is normalized in order to establish the correct ratio between MJA and protein in the normalized mixture, which provides a standard product in terms of MJA and moisture.

4. Pasteurization and cooling of normalized or skimmed milk.

Dairy raw materials intended for the production of cottage cheese are cleaned on milk purifiers or filtered through three layers of gauze or other filter cloth. Purified milk is heated to 37 ± 2 "C and separated on cream separators. In the manufacture of fat, semi-fat and peasant milk, fat is normalized, taking into account the mass fraction of protein in whole milk, in order to obtain a finished product with a given fat and moisture content. Skimmed or normalized milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 78 ± 2 ° C with a holding time of 15-20 s in plate or tubular pasteurization-cooling units or containers. After pasteurization, the milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature. If milk after pasteurization is not used immediately for processing, then it is cooled to 6±2°C and stored for no more than 6 hours. After storage, the milk is again heated to the fermentation temperature.

The starter is prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic acid streptococci. For accelerated fermentation, a starter prepared on pure cultures of mesophilic and thermophilic streptococci is used. The temperature of milk during fermentation is 30 ± 2 "C in the cold and 2 ± 2 ° C in the warm season, with the accelerated method - 32 ± 2 "C, when using the Darnitskaya starter - 26 ± 2 and the Kaunas starter -- 24±2°С. Before adding to milk, the surface layer of the starter culture is carefully removed with a clean, disinfected ladle and removed. Then the starter is mixed to a homogeneous consistency with a clean whorl (when cooked in starter tubs) or a stirrer and poured into the prepared milk in an amount of 1--5% of the total mass. With accelerated fermentation, 2.5% of the ferment prepared on cultures of mesophilic streptococci and 2.5% of the ferment on cultures of thermophilic streptococci are added to the milk. The duration of milk fermentation is 10 hours, and with the accelerated method - 6 hours.

There are two ways to produce cottage cheese - traditional (regular) and separate. The separate method of cottage cheese production allows to speed up the process of whey separation and significantly reduce losses. The essence of the separate method lies in the fact that the milk intended for the production of cottage cheese is pre-separated. Low-fat cottage cheese is produced from the obtained skimmed milk, to which the required amount of cream is then added, increasing the fat content of the cottage cheese to 9 or 18%.

According to the method of clot formation, two methods of curd production are distinguished: acidic and rennet-acid. The first is based only on acid coagulation of proteins by fermenting milk with lactic acid bacteria, followed by heating the clot to remove excess whey. In this way, low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese is produced.

With the rennet-acid method of coagulation of milk, a clot is formed by the combined action of rennet and lactic acid. The rennet-acid method is used to produce fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese, which reduces the waste of fat into whey.

The production of cottage cheese in the traditional way includes the following stages:

Acceptance of milk;

Normalization of milk to the required composition;

Cleaning and pasteurization of milk;

Cooling milk to fermentation temperature;

Introduction of sourdough and rennet into milk;

Fermentation of milk;

Clot cutting;

Serum separation;

Curd cooling;


Packaging and storage of finished products.

Normalized and purified milk is sent for pasteurization at 78-80°C with a holding time of 20-30 s. The pasteurization temperature affects the physicochemical properties of the clot, which, in turn, affects the quality and yield of the finished product. By adjusting the modes of pasteurization and processing of the clot, by selecting strains of starter cultures, it is possible to obtain clots with the desired rheological and water-retaining properties.

Pasteurized milk is cooled in the recovery section of the plate pasteurization-cooling unit 5 to the fermentation temperature (up to 28-30°C in the warm season, up to 30-32°C in the cold season) and sent to special baths 6 for fermentation. Sourdough for the production of cottage cheese is made on pure cultures of mesophilic lactic acid streptococci and added to milk in an amount of 1 to 5%. The duration of fermentation after fermentation is 6-8 hours.

With the accelerated method of fermentation, 2.5% of the starter prepared in a starter on cultures of mesophilic streptococcus and 2.5% of thermophilic lactic acid streptococcus are added to milk. The fermentation temperature with the accelerated method rises in the warm season up to 35°C, in the cold season - up to 38°C. The duration of milk fermentation with the accelerated method is 4.0-4.5 hours, i.e. is reduced by 2.0-3.5 hours, while the release of serum from the clot occurs more intensively.

To improve the quality of cottage cheese, it is desirable to use a non-transplanting method of preparing a starter culture on sterilized milk, which makes it possible to reduce the dose of starter application to 0.8-1.0% with its guaranteed purity.

With the rennet-acid method of producing cottage cheese, after adding the starter, a 40% solution of calcium chloride is added (at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk), prepared in boiled and cooled to 40-45 ° C water. Calcium chloride restores the ability of pasteurized milk to form a dense, well-separating clot under the action of rennet. Immediately after that, rennet or pepsin is added to milk in the form of a 1% solution at the rate of 1 g per 1 ton of milk. Rennet is dissolved in boiled and cooled to 35°C water. A solution of pepsin in order to increase its activity is prepared on acidic clarified whey 5-8 hours before use. To speed up the turnover of curd baths 6, milk is fermented to an acidity of 32-35°T in tanks, and then pumped into curd baths and calcium chloride and an enzyme are added.

The end of fermentation and the readiness of the clot is determined by its acidity (for fatty and semi-fat cottage cheese it should be 58-60 ° T, for low-fat - 66-70 ° T) and visually - the clot should be dense, give even smooth edges at the break with the release of a transparent greenish serum. Fermentation with the acid method lasts 6-8 hours, with rennet - 4-6 hours, with the use of active acid-forming starter - 3-4 hours.

To speed up the release of whey, the finished clot is cut with special wire knives into cubes with a face size of 2 cm. In the acid method, the cut clot is heated to 36-38 ° C to intensify the release of whey and incubated for 15-20 minutes, after which it is removed. With rennet, the cut clot without heating is left alone for 40-60 minutes for intensive serum release.

For further separation of whey, the clot is subjected to self-pressing and pressing. To do this, it is poured into calico or lavsan bags of 7-9 kg (70% of the bag capacity), they are tied up and placed in several rows in a press trolley 7. Under the influence of its own mass, whey is released from the clot. Self-pressing takes place in the workshop at a temperature not exceeding 16°C and lasts at least 1 hour. The end of self-pressing is determined visually by the surface of the clot, which loses its luster and becomes matte. Then the curd is pressed under pressure until tender. In the process of pressing, the bags with cottage cheese are shaken several times and shifted. In order to avoid an increase in acidity, pressing should be carried out in rooms with an air temperature of 3-6 ° C, and after it is completed, immediately send the curd for cooling to a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C using coolers of various designs. The finished product is packed on machines in small and large containers. Cottage cheese is packed in cardboard boxes with liners made of parchment, polyethylene film. In small packages, cottage cheese is packed in the form of bars weighing 0.25; 0.5 and 1 kg, wrapped in parchment or cellophane, as well as in cardboard boxes, bags, glasses made of various polymeric materials. Cottage cheese is stored until sale no more than 36 hours at a chamber temperature not higher than 8 ° C and a humidity of 80-85%.

Curd makers with a pressing bath are used to produce all types of curd, while the laborious process of pressing curd in bags is eliminated. The cottage cheese maker consists of two double-walled bathtubs with a capacity of 2000 liters with a crane for draining whey and a hatch for unloading cottage cheese. Pressing baths with perforated walls are fixed above the baths, on which the filter cloth is stretched. The pressing vat can be hydraulically raised or lowered almost to the bottom of the fermentation vat. Ready cottage cheese is sent for packaging and then to the refrigerating chamber for additional cooling.

In order to reserve cottage cheese in the spring and summer periods of the year, it is frozen. The quality of thawed cottage cheese depends on the freezing method, which can be slow or fast. The cottage cheese is frozen in packaged form - in blocks of 7-10 kg and briquettes of 0.5 kg at a temperature of -25 to -30 ° C in thermally insulated continuous freezers to a temperature in the center of the block of -18 ° C and -25 ° C in for 1.5-3.0 hours. Frozen blocks are placed in cardboard boxes and stored at the same temperatures for 8 and 12 months, respectively. Defrosting of cottage cheese is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C for 12 hours.

Table 4 - Technological map of the production of cottage cheese in VK-2.5 baths (on the example of the production of cottage cheese by the acid-rennet method at OAO Moloko Buryatiya)

Name of the technological operation

Operation parameters and modes

Name of technological equipment, brand

Reception and preparation of raw materials:




No more than 12 hours at t= 4?С

Not more than 6 hours at t=6?С

SMI-500 scales

gauze filter, etc.

Reservoir cooler. OOL-25

Reservoir R2-OMG 6.3






Cooling in the cold season

Cooling in

warm season



(78±2)?С with a shutter speed of 15-20 sec.

(28±2)?С or up to t=(4±2)?С

(4±2)?С no more than 6 hours

Pasteurizer Plast.OPU10

Cream separator 5OS2N

Reservoir R2-OMG 6.3

Reservoir R2-OMG 6.3

Pasteurizer Plast.OPU10

Tank Ya1-OSV-10

Bath for cottage cheese VK-2.5


Application of calcium chloride

1-3% starter cultures in milk

3-5% starter in sterile milk

400 g per 1000 kg of milk

Bath for cottage cheese VK-2.5

Bath for cottage cheese VK-2.5

Enzyme application


1 g per 1000 kg of milk

Fermentation until the formation of a clot of sour. For cottage cheese

low fat


Clot cutting

Clot exposure

Heating of the clot to t: m.d.l 2-7%

low fat

Cubes 2*2*2cm

(38±2)?С, vyd 20-40m

(36±2)?С, vyd 15-20m

Wire knives

Bath for cottage cheese VK-2.5

Whey drain

Cluster cooling

Bath for cottage cheese VK-2.5

Draining a clot on a sickle

Not less than 10%

Press trolley


Pressing to the required moisture content in curd, %:

low fat

No more than 73%

No more than 76%

No more than 80%

Curd cooling

Cooler D5-OT5

Cottage cheese packaging

Filling machine М6-АР2Т


cooling chamber

The technological process must comply with these parameters throughout the entire production process, control must be carried out.

The relevance of observing the technology of preparing cottage cheese in production is due to the necessity and importance of this food product for humans. Cottage cheese is such a traditional product, the manufacturing process of which allows you to save the maximum saturation with proteins. These are fermented milk products, which are characterized by dietary properties, medicinal qualities and increased nutritional value. Most of the modern medical menus developed by specialists include cottage cheese as one of the basic nutritional elements. However, as nutritionists point out, even completely healthy people should not neglect this product - it is important and useful for everyone.

What is it about

Before considering briefly the technologies for the production of cottage cheese, we will formulate what we are talking about. Cottage cheese is a concentrate of protein structures of milk and additional components present in this natural nutrient liquid. The importance of proteins to the human body cannot be overestimated. They provide the body with material for cellular construction. Proteins are needed to create enzyme compounds and immune bodies, due to which a person can protect himself from diseases of various kinds.

The human body receives protein structures with food, breaks them down, turning them into amino acids. It is these blocks that are used to form new protein molecules characteristic of a particular organism. For the process to proceed fully, the body must have two dozen unique amino acids. With food, it is most difficult to get tryptophan, methionine. Both of these compounds are necessary for the full activity of the nervous system, provide the possibility of working capacity of the hematopoietic organs and the digestive tract.

Manufacturing: from the beginning

There are several technologies for the production of cottage cheese at enterprises, but they all begin with the work of preparing the product. Milk intake involves not only controlling the amount of incoming liquid, but also checking its quality. The task of the company is to control the parameters of the products and sort the raw materials obtained. After mixing, organoleptic parameters can be identified, namely, the taste of milk and its shade, aroma and purity. Milk specialists evaluate the structure, acidity and density levels, the presence and content of the fat fraction. If under production conditions it becomes necessary to store milk for a long time, the product is cooled. Liquid storage conditions - warming up no higher than 10 degrees, duration - no more than six hours.

Known technologies for the preparation of cottage cheese with the use of milk powder. It needs to be restored first. To do this, you need water heated to a level of 35-45 degrees (on the Celsius scale). The product is then cooled and allowed to swell for an average of four hours. Dilution is allowed in an environment heated to 12 degrees, with the subsequent provision of sufficient time for swelling. This is practiced if it is not possible to cool the products. The swelling process is not considered necessary, but it allows to increase the yield on average by a tenth. During the swelling period, vegetable fiber and specialized mixtures can be added to the container. Products should be processed in a dispersant or mixed regularly.

Preparation: continued

The technology for making cottage cheese involves providing products with the opportunity to normalize after swelling. The process includes stabilization of fat fractions by cream. The alternative is melted fat. For this, a dispersant is used. The substance is heated to 55 degrees, the milk is heated to the same level and the ingredients are mixed. After completing the normalization procedure, the composition is supplemented with special components. Cold water is used to prepare them. Purified liquid is needed in an amount, on average, ten times the volume of milk. The ingredients are mixed by means of a tank or a dispersant.

About temperature

The technology for the production of sour cream, cottage cheese and curd products involves the use of specialized equipment. For pasteurization of products, installations are used in which the ingredients are under the influence of temperatures up to 95 degrees for a third of a minute. This ensures maximum efficiency of the protein coagulation process. As a result, the yield of the product increases.

The next stage is cooling the mixture to a temperature close to 30 degrees. A deviation up and down by a couple of divisions is allowed. The process involves the use of mesophilic components. If it is necessary to use thermophilic ingredients or multicomponent products, heating is required up to 35 degrees. The mixture is transferred to a curd bath. Without fermentation, products are not stored due to additional contamination, which can lead to a yeasty taste of cottage cheese, high acidity.

Clot preparation

Cottage cheese involves the addition of sourdough, followed by mixing for a quarter of an hour. The product is supplemented with calcium chloride, special enzymes, stirred for another 10 minutes and allowed to brew until the necessary clot appears. If the acidity is too low, cutting will result in a peculiar consistency - the finished product resembles rubber.

The duration of milk fermentation with the use of special bacteria is no more than 15 hours, but not less than six. To determine whether the clot is ready, it is necessary to titrate the density and acidity of the medium. The prepared clot is cut into cubes and allowed to brew for half an hour or an hour until the serum is released. It is allowed to heat the substance up to 40 degrees, which allows to reduce the exposure to 40 minutes. In order for the clot to warm up evenly, it is stirred. Manipulations must be done carefully. At this stage, there is a danger of welding a clot. It is necessary to prevent such a mistake, while processing the clot so that the serum is released quite actively. It is important to gently change the temperature regime without a sharp jump, otherwise the grain structure of the cottage cheese will be disturbed.

Working with a clot

Cottage cheese involves the use of special installations. The raw material is placed in three-quarters filled mice, placed in a press and cooled from one to four hours until the product reaches the required moisture level. Further, the clot is subjected to pressing (including independent). Self-press lasts an hour or more. To speed up the process, shake the container regularly. In bags, pressing is carried out in a refrigerator in a suspended state or on a table. The environment warms up no higher than 8 degrees. The duration of the procedure is until the curd reaches the desired consistency.

For a fat-free product, the optimal moisture level is 80%, for a fat content of 5% it drops to 75%, another two percent lower for cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%. The use of a stabilizer to preserve moisture allows you to increase the indicator by one to one and a half percent above the specified standard, while a day of storage allows the raw material to reach a stable state. Stabilization gives the final result only after the product has cooled.

The technology for the production of cottage cheese allows standardization of humidity by means of a special press built into the refrigeration units. The trolleys are loaded with bags filled with the product, stacking them one on top of the other, and the press is fixed. When the process is completed, the curds are taken out of their bags, mixed, packaged and sent for storage and sale.

How it all began

Cottage cheese is one of the most ancient products made from milk. It is believed that people, using their stomachs to store milk, accidentally discovered the rennet fermentation process. Compared to spontaneous flow, processing was faster in this way, and the finished product tasted good. The Slavs used to call cottage cheese cheese, they made cheesecakes from it. Philologists and linguists still continue to argue about the origin of the name. Even the prevalence of rennet cheese products has not changed the demand for the word "syrniki".

Cottage cheese in our lands was one of the most common products consumed almost every day. It was prepared from curdled milk, which was placed in a container in a heated oven for several hours. The contents of the pot were transferred to a bag, the liquid was drained and left under pressure. Such a natural product was stored for a short time, but a method of preserving it was invented - the previously described procedure with an oven and a press was repeated twice, then the product was placed in a container and covered with melted butter. In a cool room, cottage cheese prepared in this way was stored for months.

Technical features

The technology for the production of cottage cheese by the acid-rennet method has been used for many centuries. The enzyme for the process was pieces of calf and lamb stomachs, previously thoroughly dried. For the first time, enzyme preparations were invented about a century ago. It was then that French industrialists set up the production of sourdough in liquid form, which soon received considerable demand on the market. At the end of the 19th century, the enzyme was first prepared in dry form. Since 1888, lactic acid bacterial pure cultures have been used.

In our country, it is customary to single out several steps in the development of the industry related to cottage cheese. The first stage began when the first factories appeared and lasted approximately until the middle of the last century. At that time, the technology for the production of cottage cheese by the acid method was relevant. The clot was boiled in an open container or processed in an oven. For many decades, the industry remained at a low level of technical support. This was largely due to the duration and complexity of fermentation and the stage of working with the press. Mostly manual labor was used. Already in the twenties, they began to prepare cottage cheese from varieties of milk that differed in fat content. They sold a fresh product, stored a salty one. By the middle of the last century, three varieties of fat and fat-free cottage cheese were on sale.

Manufacturing nuances

The curd production technology used in those years involved the use of double-walled tubs or oak vats for fermenting the initial liquid. The procedure took up to 12 hours. Product readiness was determined visually. The clot was moved into a tub with a special ladle, then boiled on a boiler, mixing, so that the substance warmed up evenly. As soon as it was ready, it was cut with crosses with wooden knives, the tubs were taken out of the liquid and left to be freed from the serum. Cooling, the curd was pressed on its own. In order to qualitatively reduce the temperature, a room was used for storing cottage cheese with air heating not higher than 8 degrees.

The technology for the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way took into account the fact that self-pressing allowed the product to be freed from only part of the whey. To remove the residues, it was necessary to continue pressing in the container. To do this, they used directly the one in which the product was then packaged. More often used tubs made of wood in the form of an inverse cone. The container was filled by a third or half, covered with a cloth and a load was placed. After keeping the product for some time, the liquid was drained, a new layer of cottage cheese was laid and the procedure was repeated. When the tub was full, it was covered with a lid and stored in a cool place for up to two months. If storage was required for up to nine months, the curd was frozen, aged, and only then sent to the buyer.

Process Development

Over time, the technology for the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way was transformed, and this became especially noticeable in the middle of the last century. It is believed that it was then that the second stage of the development of the curd industry began, which lasted approximately until the beginning of the 70s. Mechanization works were carried out at the factories. The working process was designed with equipment. At that time, baths for milk fermentation and curd production, trolleys for the removal of whey and pressing plants, in which the curd was pre-cooled, became available to workers. Such units made it possible to combine fermentation with the production and division of a clot, the removal of whey and pressing.

After the middle of the last century, as you can see from the reports compiled at that time by engineers, the technology for the production of cottage cheese without heating and with it became available to a large number of enterprises, at the same time it was possible to reduce labor costs and time intervals for processes. Workers got access to curd separators. Curd makers have developed continuous operation, as well as coolers with one and two cylinders. They created mixers for working simultaneously with cream and curd, screw lifting units, rolling machines and grinding equipment. The kneading units made it possible to work with cottage cheese and its additives - nuts, raisins and other products.

Progress does not stand still

In the middle of the last century, the technology for the production of cottage cheese in a separate way was invented and a special production line was developed for its implementation. Almost all technological stages of manufacturing a product indispensable for humans were mechanized to a high degree. The volume of cottage cheese produced has increased significantly. The Allied Institute of Nutrition has issued recommendations for providing people with various nutrients throughout the day. The volumes of cottage cheese produced due to mechanization finally became such as to ensure the fulfillment of these standards.

In the same period, engineers invented automatic and semi-automatic filling and packaging machines. They made it possible to work not only with cottage cheese, but it also became possible to quickly pack products into small containers designed for the end customer.

Last period

It is believed that the third stage began in the 70s and continues to this day. The technology for the production of cottage cheese by ultrafiltration and other promising methods has been developed. Technique is being actively improved. New schemes of production continuous processes have been created. The possibility of protein coagulation is provided. Improved stations for self-pressing, improved separators, created schemes for automating work. Modern man has access to a wide variety of flavors and types of curd products, including those decorated with icing. Over the past decades, equipment has been significantly improved that allows packaging, transporting and storing products. Organized non-traditional production lines. The modern shopper has access to whey, buttermilk, and powdered milk curds. A technology has been developed for the production of grained cottage cheese, including supplemented with cream, as well as dietary products. Dry cottage cheese is on sale.

The experience gained over many centuries, modern production processes and research in this direction allow us to conclude with confidence: production will continue to improve and change. The range is sure to expand. This is largely due to the increase in population and the enlargement of cities, which will certainly affect the industry. It is assumed that the number of factories will soon increase, non-dairy raw materials will be used more actively. It is assumed that the technology of cottage cheese production by ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, ion exchange will spread more and more. Certainly, electrodialysis technology will receive more interest and practical application. This is due to the efficiency of the membrane technique. An equally relevant prospect is the use of biological polymers, which make it possible to make the preconcentration process more efficient and increase the efficiency of fractionation.

Yesterday Today Tomorrow

New technologies in the production of cottage cheese in Russia, according to experts, will include updating the hardware of the continuous manufacturing process. Probably, in the near future, technologists will have access to effective computerized management systems, thanks to which the control over the work will be easier and clearer.

As already today they are actively used in some countries in the process of making cottage cheese. The technology involves the inclusion of isolates in a natural or reconstituted product with the continuation of manufacturing according to a standard system. Some believe that over time, other options for incorporating soy proteins into the manufacturing process will become possible. It is likely that buyers will be able to purchase specialized combination products.

According to analysts studying the features of the development of technologies for the production of grained cottage cheese, soybean, fat-free and other types, production equipment will be improved in the direction of a continuous workflow. Probably, streaming protein coagulation is the most promising development option. In this case, the equipment (regardless of the level of performance) will be automated and computerized, controlled through a single center.

About subtleties

Quite curious are the features of the manufacture of various fermented milk products, and not just the technology for the production of cottage cheese. The tank method, for example, produces kefir. This dairy product is no less important for a person than the one discussed above. It is believed that it was invented in the North Caucasian territories, where it was traditionally proclaimed a heavenly gift and a drink that gives strength and vigor. Kefir is recommended for a number of diseases and improves the quality of human life. It is made by milk fermentation using microscopic life forms (yeast). At the moment, it was not possible to determine exactly the microbiological nature of the fungi necessary for fermentation. Industrial production of kefir is possible not only by the reservoir method, but also by the thermostatic one.

The peculiarity of the reservoir technique is the use of one container for leaven, leaven, product aging. First, the milk is normalized for fat content, heated in a pasteurizer and impurities are removed by means of a separator. The next stage is pasteurization and processing in a homogenizer. Next, the product is kept and cooled, fermented and transferred to the fermentation tank, where a clot appears. The system is equipped with mixing and cooling elements. Ripening reaches 12 hours. The completion of the process is determined by the characteristics of the product structure and the mechanical properties of kefir. After readiness, the product is poured into containers and cooled to a temperature of no more than 8 degrees.

For all ages

The relevance of the development of new technologies for the production of children's cottage cheese is due to the aggressive conditions of human life. The environment is constantly deteriorating, so each of us is faced with dangerous microelements, and the harm to children's organisms is especially great. Many are deficient in beneficial compounds, and you can make up for the deficiency with food. Children need quite a lot of calcium for normal development. To enrich the diet, it is necessary to eat milk and products made from it, including cottage cheese. Modern enterprises produce cottage cheese suitable for children by a separate method or by acid rennet fermentation. Both options are technically difficult. The technological cycle is long, the risk of re-contamination with microorganisms harmful to humans is high.

A feature of the children's cottage cheese produced at the present time is a relatively high level of acidity. Not always the child's body has the resources to compensate for this quality. Thermocalcium - a relatively recent method for the manufacture of a low-acid product. The production process takes a short time. The technology was created on the basis of research by Professor Dyachenko.


The traditional method of cottage cheese production technology

The technological process for the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way includes the following successively carried out technological operations: milk preparation, obtaining raw materials of the required composition, pasteurization, cooling to the fermentation temperature, fermentation, fermentation, clot crushing, whey separation, curd cooling, packaging.

The scheme of the technological line for the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way is shown in Figure 12.

Rice. 12. Scheme of the technological line for the production of cottage cheese in the traditional way:
1 - container for milk; 2-balancing tank; 3- pump; separator-purifier;
5 - lamellar pasteurization and cooling unit; 6-curd bath; 7- press trolley; 8 - cooler for cottage cheese; 9 - machine for packing cottage cheese; 10 - starter

When producing cottage cheese with different mass fractions of fat, milk is normalized by fat, taking into account the mass fraction of protein in whole milk, and skimmed milk is used to produce low-fat cottage cheese.

Raw materials intended for the production of cottage cheese are pre-cleaned.

Pasteurization of prepared raw materials is carried out at a temperature of 78...80 °C with a holding time of 20...30 s. Pasteurized milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature, which reaches 28 ... 30 ° C in the warm season, and 30 ... 32 ° C in the cold season, and is sent for fermentation.

If acid-rennet coagulation of milk proteins is used, then during fermentation, ferment, calcium chloride and rennet are added to milk, if acid coagulation, then only ferment.

For fermentation, leaven is used on pure cultures of mesophilic lactococci. The duration of fermentation is 6 ... 8 hours. With the accelerated method of fermentation, a ferment prepared on cultures of mesophilic lactococci and on cultures of thermophilic lactic streptococcus is introduced into milk. Fermentation temperature with accelerated method

35…38 °С, ripening time 4…4.5 hours.

Calcium chloride, necessary to restore the salt balance disturbed during milk pasteurization, is added in the form of a 40% solution at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous salt per 1 ton of milk. After that, rennet, or pepsin, or an enzyme preparation is added to milk at the rate of 1 g of enzyme per 1 ton of milk. After adding the starter, calcium chloride and rennet, the milk is mixed and left alone until fermentation is completed.

The end of fermentation is judged by the acidity of the clot. For cottage cheese with a mass fraction of fat of 18 and 9%, the acidity should be 58 ... 60 °T, for low-fat 66 ... 70 °T.

To speed up the release of whey, the finished clot is cut with special wire knives into cubes about 2 cm in size along the edge. The cut clot is left alone for 40 ...

In the production of low-fat cottage cheese, acid coagulation of milk proteins is used. The clot obtained in this way has a lower strength than the clot obtained by rennet-acid coagulation, and dehydrates worse. To enhance and accelerate the release of whey, the resulting clot is heated to

36…38 °С with holding time 15…20 min.

The released whey is removed, and the clot is poured into calico or lavsan bags of 1 ... 9 kg and sent for further separation of whey for self-pressing and pressing.

After pressing, the curd is immediately cooled to 3...8 °C, as a result of which lactic acid fermentation stops with an increase in excessive acidity. Chilled cottage cheese is packed in the form of briquettes in parchment, boxes and cups made of polymeric materials, etc.

The production of cottage cheese in the traditional way using bags for pressing is a laborious and lengthy process. Currently, in order to reduce labor costs and losses of raw materials, increase productivity and production standards, individual operations have been mechanized and mechanized and automated lines have been created.

Curd maker TI-4000 has a perforated press bath, which makes it possible to mechanize the operations of whey separation and clot pressing.

The technological process for the production of cottage cheese of 9% and 18% fat content, peasant and low-fat, using acid-rennet and acid coagulation of proteins on cottage cheese makers TI-4000 from acceptance to pressing the clot consists of the same operations as with the traditional method . The clot is pressed in the curd maker after removal of a part of the released whey is carried out using a perforated press bath, on which a filter cloth is stretched. The press tub is lowered hydraulically until it comes into contact with the curd mirror at a speed of 200 mm/min. When pressing the clot, it descends at a speed of 2...4 mm/min. The whey is periodically pumped out of the press bath by a self-priming or vacuum pump. Cottage cheese is pressed until the standard mass fraction of moisture is reached. The duration of pressing is from 4 to 6 hours, depending on the type of curd. After pressing, the press bath is lifted, and the finished curd is unloaded into carts and cooled.

Technological line with perforated bath-inserts allows to mechanize the processes of self-pressing and cooling of cottage cheese. The bath-insert is placed directly into the curd bath before fermentation. After the formation of a clot, it is heated to a temperature of 50 ... 55 ° C and kept for 25 ... 30 minutes. After heating is completed, the clot is cooled and part of the released whey is removed. For freer drainage of whey, the bath-insert is raised above the bath with the help of a hoist device and left in this position for 20–40 minutes.

After self-pressing, the curd is cooled with whey pasteurized and cooled to 5 °C. The bath-insert is immersed in the serum and kept in it for

20…30 min. The curd is cooled to a temperature of 13 ± 5°C, the mesh bath is raised, and the curd is self-pressed for 20 ... 30 minutes, then it is fed for packaging.

The Ya9-OPT mechanized line is used to produce semi-fat, peasant and low-fat cottage cheese.

The technological process for the production of cottage cheese on the Y9-OPT line (Fig. 13) consists of the following operations: milk acceptance, cleaning, normalization, homogenization, pasteurization, cooling to the fermentation temperature, fermentation (acid coagulation of proteins), clot processing, cooling and packaging of cottage cheese.

Fermentation and fermentation of milk is carried out in containers until a clot is formed with a pH of 4.5 ... 4.7. The duration of fermentation should not exceed 10 hours.

The finished clot is stirred for 2…5 min and is fed with a screw pump into a direct-flow heater, in which it is heated to a temperature of 48…54 °С when producing semi-fat cottage cheese, to 46…52 °С - peasant cottage cheese and to 42…50 °С - low-fat cottage cheese. Heating is carried out for 2 ... 2.5 minutes with hot (70 ... 90 ° C) water circulating in the heater jacket. From the heater, the clot enters the holder, where it stays for 1 ... 1.5 minutes, then it is sent to the cooler. In the cooler, the clot is cooled to 30...40 °C in the production of semi-fat cottage cheese and peasant cottage cheese, to 25...35 °C - in the production of low-fat cottage cheese.

For dehydration of the curd clot, a rotating two-cylinder dehydrator is used, covered with a lavsan filter cloth. The moisture content of the curd is controlled by changing the angle of the dehydrator drum or the heating and cooling temperature.
The resulting curd is cooled to 8 ... 12 ° C in a two-cylinder or screw cooler and fed for packaging.

Rice. 13. Scheme of the Ya9-OPT mechanized line for the production of cottage cheese:
1- container for raw normalized mixture; 2- pump for milk; 3- pasteurization and cooling unit; 4- separator-milk cleaner; 5 - homogenizer; 6- container for fermenting milk; 7- screw pump for clot supply; 8 - apparatus for heat treatment of the clot (a - heater; b - holding; c - cooler); 9-clot dehydrator; 10- centrifugal pump for whey; 11 - curd cooler; 12- lift for carts; 13 - filling machine

Technology of soft dietary cottage cheese

The technological process for the production of soft dietary cottage cheese consists of the following operations:

– acceptance and preparation of raw materials and basic materials;

– heating and separation of milk;

– pasteurization and cooling of cream;

– pasteurization and cooling of skimmed milk;

– fermentation and fermentation of skimmed milk;

- heating and cooling of the curd clot;

– separation of curd clot;

- cooling low-fat cottage cheese;

- mixing fat-free cottage cheese with cream and fruit and berry fillers;

- post-cooling of the packaged product.

Acceptance and preparation of raw materials and basic materials. Milk and other raw materials are accepted by weight and quality.

To prepare sugar syrup, granulated sugar, previously sifted on a special machine or through a sieve, with the mass provided for in the recipe, is added to a container (VDP bath, syrup boiler, etc.) and dissolved in drinking water taken according to the recipe. The solution is heated to a temperature of (93 ± 2) °C, stirred with a stirrer until the syrup is completely clarified, and then cooled to a temperature of (20 ± 2) °C. The finished syrup should have a mass fraction of sucrose 66, % and density 1322.4 kg/m3.

Fruit and berry fillers received by the enterprise in sealed modules do not require additional heat treatment.

Fruit and berry fillers that arrived at the enterprise in a container are removed from it and placed in a preparatory container (VDP bath). In case of detection of lactic acid bacteria, molds or yeasts in excess of the standards, the fillers are pasteurized at a temperature of (80 ± 2) ºС with an exposure of 5–10 minutes, mixed and cooled to a temperature of 20–25 °С.

In the case of using fruit and berry fillers supplied to the dairy in small packages, it is necessary to provide for mandatory pasteurization in a storage tank at a temperature of (80 ± 2) ºС with a holding time of 5–10 minutes, stirring and cooling to a temperature of 20–25 °С.

Frozen fruits and berries are sorted out on a collapsible table, washed with warm water and loaded into a boiler, where they are steamed for 3–5 minutes, and then fed into a mashing machine.

The resulting homogeneous mass without stalks and seeds is pasteurized at a temperature of (80 ± 2) ºС with an exposure of 5–10 minutes, mixed and cooled to a temperature of 20–25 °С.

Heating and separation of milk. The milk selected for quality is heated to a temperature of (37 ± 3) ° C and sent to a cream separator to obtain cream with a mass fraction of fat of 50–55% . If necessary, the cream is normalized to a mass fraction of fat in them 50–55 % by adding to them the appropriate mass of whole or skimmed milk, or higher fat cream.

Pasteurization and cooling of cream. The resulting cream enters an intermediate container, from where it is pumped to a pasteurizing and cooling unit, where it is pasteurized at a temperature of (88 ± 2) °С with a holding time of 15–20 s and cooled to a temperature of (38 ± 8) °С, after which the cream are fed into the cooling section of a special heat exchanger, where they are cooled and sent to double-walled containers for post-cooling and storage until use. The cream is cooled to a temperature of (8 ± 2) °C and stored for no more than 5 hours or to a temperature of (3 ± 2) °C and stored for no more than 18 hours.

It is allowed to pasteurize, cool and store cream under the specified conditions in double-walled tanks.

Pasteurization and cooling of skimmed milk. Skimmed milk with a mass fraction of fat not more than 0.05 % pasteurized on pasteurization-cooling units at a temperature of (78 ± 2) ° С with an exposure of 15–20 s. Pasteurized skimmed milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature and sent to vertical tanks with a capacity of 5–10 m3 for fermentation and fermentation. If milk is not processed immediately after pasteurization, it is cooled to a temperature of (4 ± 2) °C and stored in tanks for no more than 5 hours. For longer storage periods, skimmed milk is re-pasteurized before fermentation.

Fermentation fermentation of skimmed milk. The starter prepared on pure cultures of lactococci is fed into the fermentation tanks before filling, during and immediately after they are filled with skimmed milk or in a stream. The starter is introduced with a weight of 30 to 50 kg per 1000 kg of fermented milk at its temperature (30 ± 2) ° C in the cold season and (28 ± 2) ° C - in the warm season.

After filling the tank with milk and adding the ferment, calcium chloride is added at the rate of 400 g of anhydrous calcium chloride per 1000 kg of fermented milk. Calcium chloride is applied in the form of an aqueous solution with a mass fraction of calcium chloride of 30–40 %, which is specified by density.

After adding calcium chloride, rennet powder, or edible beef pepsin, or porcine pepsin, or the enzyme preparation VNIIMS is introduced into milk at the rate of 1.01.2 g with an activity of 100,000 units per 1000 kg of milk in the form of an aqueous solution with a mass fraction of the enzyme not more than I% .

Sourdough, calcium chloride and enzyme solutions are introduced with continuous stirring of milk with a mechanical mixer. Stirring of milk after fermentation is continued for 10-15 minutes, then the milk is left alone until a clot of the required acidity is formed.

The end of milk fermentation is determined by the active acidity of the clot, which should be within pH 4.44.5 or by the titratable acidity of whey 6070 °T or clot 90110 °T. The duration of fermentation is 810 hours.

Heating and cooling curd curd. The finished clot is thoroughly mixed for 510 min and is pumped into a plate pasteurization-cooling unit for clot, where it is heated to a temperature of (60 ± 2) °C and cooled to a temperature of (28 ± 2) °C. After cooling, the clot is sent through a strainer to a separator to obtain fat-free cottage cheese.

Fig. 26 SOA for bunch

On lines where pasteurization and cooling plants for the curd are not provided, it is allowed to heat the curd clot to a temperature (36 ± 2) °C for 2030 min in the tank by supplying hot water into the interwall space and separating the clot at the specified temperature or separating the clot without preheating.

Curd curd separation. In the production of all types of soft dietary cottage cheese, low-fat cottage cheese must have a mass fraction of moisture of not more than 80%. To obtain fat-free cottage cheese with the specified moisture content, nozzles with a hole diameter ranging from 0.4 to 0.8 mm are installed in the drum of the cottage cheese separator.

Fig. 27 Separators for protein curd dehydration

The main working body of the separator is a drum. The dehydration of the clot in it is carried out as follows.

Method for the production of soft curd

Before separation, the clot passes through a filter, which consists of two alternately operating vertical cylinders with a mesh inside, connected by a pipeline in which a three-way valve is installed.

The clot is supplied under pressure, which is controlled by a pressure gauge installed on the inlet pipeline, then it enters the plate holder through the supply tube, where, being distributed along the internal channels between the plate holder ribs, it acquires an angular velocity and enters through the holes in the plate holder into the vertical channels formed by the holes in the plates .

Distributed in thin layers between the plates, the clot under the action of centrifugal force is divided into cottage cheese and whey. Cottage cheese as a heavier fraction is sent to the periphery of the drum, from where it is continuously discharged through nozzles to the receiver, and whey - a lighter fraction - is pushed to the axis of rotation of the drum, rises through the outer channels in the plate holder and is discharged into the receiver.

To avoid intensive separation of whey from the clot during the entire time of operation of the separator, periodically turn on the stirrer in the tank.

In the process of separating the clot, it is necessary to control the separated whey for the presence of protein particles in it.

Serum is taken into a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 l every 20–30 minutes of operation of the separator and left alone for 2–3 minutes to remove air bubbles. With the correct operation of the separator, the whey should be transparent. In the presence of protein particles, it is necessary to reduce the capacity of the separator to prevent unnecessary loss of protein with whey.

When obtaining cottage cheese with a mass fraction of moisture of more than 80%, it is necessary to increase the productivity of the separator. If at the same time the mass fraction of moisture does not decrease, then it is necessary to stop the separator, disassemble, rinse and restart the clot separation.

Cooling fat-free cottage cheese. After exiting the separator, fat-free cottage cheese enters the pump hopper for feeding it to tubular or plate coolers of cottage cheese, where it is cooled to a temperature of (14 ± 2) °C. When producing low-fat cottage cheese, the cottage cheese comes from the cooler for packaging (in cups, boxes, bars) and additional cooling to a temperature of (4±2) °C.

Rice. 28 Tubular heat exchanger for curd cooling in the flow

Mixing fat-free cottage cheese with cream and fruit and berry fillings. Fat-free cottage cheese from the cooler is sent to the mixer. Simultaneously with the cottage cheese, cream is also fed into the mixer. In this case, the mixing of cottage cheese and cream occurs in a stream.

When producing cottage cheese on lines with a special mixer-dispenser, fat-free chilled cottage cheese enters the hopper of the cottage cheese dispenser, and cream enters the cream dispenser.

In the case of the production of fruit and berry cottage cheese, sugar syrup and fruit and berry fillers are pre-mixed in a separate tank with cream 5055% fat in the quantities provided for in the recipes.

It is allowed to mix cottage cheese with cream or without cream with fruit and berry fillings and sugar syrup in a separate tank. Cottage cheese with components (cream, fruit and berry fillers, sugar syrup) is thoroughly mixed.

In the case of the production of fruit and berry fat-free soft dietary cottage cheese, only fruit and berry fillers and sugar syrup are added to the low-fat cottage cheese, according to the recipes.

Packaged soft diet cottage cheese is sent to a refrigerator for additional cooling to a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° C, the duration of which should not be more than 7 hours.

With the accelerated method for the production of soft dietary cottage cheese, skimmed milk is pasteurized at a temperature of (85±2) °C without exposure or with exposure up to 10 minutes or (90±2) °C without exposure or with exposure up to 3 minutes. Skimmed milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature (36±2)°C. In this case, starter cultures prepared on pure cultures of lactococci and thermophilic lactic streptococci are used. Starters are introduced into milk at a temperature of (36 ± 2) °C at the rate of 25 kg of starter prepared on pure cultures of lactococci, and 25 kg of starter prepared on pure cultures of thermophilic streptococci, per 1000 kg of fermented milk. Add solutions of calcium chloride and enzyme preparations.

The end of milk fermentation is determined by the active acidity of the clot, which should be within pH 4.64.7 or by the titratable acidity of the clot 8590 °T. The duration of fermentation is 57 hours.

Rice. 29 Scheme of the technological process for the production of soft curd

dietary (on the B60TR brand line)

1 plate heat exchanger for skimmed milk and cream: 2 tanks for cream, syrups and their mixtures; 3 pump for cream, syrups and their mixtures; 4 expendable tank: 5 tank for fermentation of milk; 6 clot pump; 7 clot pasteurizer; 8 curd curd filter; 9 clot rotameter; 10 clot separator; 11 cottage cheese bunker with screw feeder; 12 cottage cheese pump: 13 fat-free cottage cheese cooler; 14 mixer with dispensers of liquid components; 15 container for cottage cheese; 16 machine for filling and packaging of cottage cheese.

What is the difference between cottage cheese and curd product - which is better to choose?


Cottage cheese is packed on automatic machines in small containers - parchment or laminated foil briquettes, polystyrene cups, polyethylene film bags, followed by packing in cardboard, wooden or polymer boxes with parchment liners, polyethylene film weighing no more than 20 kg.

Parchment labels for small portions of cottage cheese, lids of polystyrene boxes, glasses and tubes made of polymer films for mildly dietary cottage cheese are marked. It indicates the name or number of the manufacturer and its subordination, product name, mass fraction of fat, net weight, date of the deadline for sale, retail filter and standard.

For ease of transportation, cottage cheese in small packages is placed in boxes with a capacity of not more than 20 kg. When packing cottage cheese in large containers, carefully washed prepared aluminum cans with a capacity of not more than 10 kg and metal boxes for 35 kg are used. Boxes are marked with labels or tags.

Cottage cheese is stored in refrigerators at a temperature not higher than 4 + 2 ° C and air humidity 80 ... 85% / It is placed in production batches. in the cells they maintain a strict sanitary regime and do not allow significant temperature fluctuations. The guaranteed shelf life of cottage cheese is 36 hours from the end of the technological process, including at the enterprise no more than 18 hours; reduced-fat cottage cheese with stabilizers is stored for up to 7 days, thermized cottage cheese - up to 14 days. At a temperature of 0 ± 1 °C, cottage cheese is stored for no more than 10 days.


At the plant, the oil is stored in special refrigerated, dry, clean rooms with good ventilation at a relative humidity of no more than 80% in order to avoid molding of the product. Containers with oil are placed in stacks and laid with slats in such a way as to promote rapid cooling of the product.

At the enterprises of the dairy industry, butter is stored in monoliths and packaged.

Production of cottage cheese in the traditional way

In monoliths with a mass fraction of moisture in oil of 16, 20 and 25%, it is stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 ° C for no more than 3 days, from 0 to -12 ° C - no more than 10 days, and from -12 to -18 ° C - no more than 15 days. With a mass fraction of moisture in the oil of more than 25%, it is stored at a temperature of 0 to 5 ° C for no more than 2 days, from 0 to -2 ° C - no more than 5 days, from -12 to -18 ° C - no more than 6 days.

Packaged oil with a moisture mass fraction of 16, 20 and 25% is stored at a temperature of -3 to -18 °C for 3 days, and with a moisture mass fraction of more than 25% - at a temperature of -3 to -18 °C for 3 days. day You can store packaged oil of all kinds at a temperature of 2 to -2 ° C for no more than 2 days. Ghee is stored at a temperature of 4 to -6 °C.

Butter in consumer containers should be stored at a temperature not exceeding -3 ° C and relative humidity not more than 80%. Its shelf life from the date of packaging in parchment is no more than 10 days; in aluminum laminated foil - 20; in cups and boxes made of polymeric materials - 15; in metal cans (except for Vologda oil) - 90 days.

The shelf life of Vologda oil in a transport container and the period of its sale in plywood-stamped barrels and in metal cans is no more than 30 days from the date of production.

Ghee in consumer packaging is stored at a temperature of 0 to -3 ° C and a humidity of 80%; in glass bikes - no more than 3 months.

Temperature fluctuations in the oil storage chambers are not allowed, as this leads to moisture condensation on the oil monoliths, and then to the growth and development of molds.

Cheese butter is stored at factories for up to 20 days, and at oil depots and in processing shops - 30 ... 40 days at a temperature not higher than 5 ° C and relative humidity less than 80%; at temperatures from -10 to -15 ° C - up to 2 months.


Depending on the shape, size and weight, cheeses are packed in wooden boxes, drums and hams, and pickled cheeses are packed in barrels.

Cheeses of the same name, variety of the same shape and the same age are placed in each package unit.

The container must be clean, durable, wood moisture content is not more than 20%.

The boxes are divided inside by partitions to protect the cheeses from damage. Many cheeses are wrapped in parchment, wax, cellophane and other films before packaging. Soft rennet cheeses are wrapped in parchment and aluminum foil, on which a label is glued, and then packaged.

Processed cheeses are wrapped in lacquered aluminum foil. Smoked cheese is produced in a casing of various films; on the end side of the outer container, a marking is applied, where the name of the cheese, plant number, net weight, tare and gross weight, number of cheeses, and the name of the master are indicated.

Cheeses received on the refrigerator must have an accompanying document. Then the cheeses are sorted by types and varieties, the conformity of the accompanying documents and the sender's markings, the serviceability and safety of the packaging are checked.

For the storage of cheeses in warehouses, separate rooms are allocated to avoid transferring the smell of cheese to other products. Pickled cheeses are located separately from others, taking into account the possibility of brine leakage.

For long-term storage of hard rennet cheeses, the best conditions are temperatures from 0 to -4 °C and relative humidity of 85…90%. This mode helps to slow down the biochemical processes in the cheese and eliminates the possibility of overripening. However, storage of cheese at temperatures below 0 °C sometimes has a negative impact on its quality. Storage at such temperatures is acceptable only for full-ripened cheese, which has a rind without defects, well-defined taste and normal.

Well-ripened cheeses laid down for long-term storage can be kept at a temperature of -1 °C to -5 °C and a relative humidity of 85 ... 90%.

At enterprises, soft rennet cheeses are stored at 10 °C for 10 days. In the trade network at temperatures from 0 to -5 ° C - no more than 10 days and from minus 5 to 0 ° C - no more than 1 month.

Brine cheeses are stored in barrels with brine with a concentration of 16 ... 18% at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° C: cheese - 75, suluguni - 25, table - 15 days.

Curd production

The market for dairy products is widely developed, so a manufacturer who wants to take a worthy place in it needs to pay special attention to the quality of the product. For the production of cottage cheese in the food industry, the so-called cottage cheese baths are used, which are related to equipment for food production. They are filled with milk, and then ferments are added to it and kept for a specified time. As a result, the product is fermented, the curd mass is first separated from the whey part, then pressed and normalized in terms of moisture content.

How cottage cheese baths work

In fact, cottage cheese baths are special tanks (equipment for the production of cottage cheese). They have the shape of a half-cylinder, mounted on supports, equipped with heat exchange jackets, pipes with holes, and an injector. High quality plants are reliable in operation and can function without problems for ten years, if the rules of their operation are followed. Typical equipment is presented on the market, it is possible to order equipment according to individual sketches. The main thing is the manufacturer's compliance with all stages of bath manufacturing, since the coherence of the work of all its functional parts depends on this. High-quality durable equipment is a guarantee of maintaining normal production processes, uninterrupted release of goods, no downtime and financial losses. That is why the choice of curd baths should be given special attention.

Advantages of domestic equipment for the production of cottage cheese

Imported installations are time-tested, durable, reliable in operation, but not cheap. When buying them, you bear the corresponding costs for delivery, customs clearance, and have to wait a considerable time until the order arrives at the facility.

Fake cottage cheese

Why pay more? Domestic equipment produced by BSZ is reliable curd baths, made in compliance with all technical standards, reliable, high quality. The goods are not only sold, but also delivered to the facility, mounted, and come with a guarantee. During operation, different situations may arise, and therefore warranty service and spare parts in stock are not superfluous conditions.

The Borovichi Specialized Plant manufactures curd baths and other equipment for milk processing from stainless steel. This is an ideal material in terms of value for money, durability, reliability, strength. Ready-made baths last at least 10 years, steel does not react with dairy products or with substances used to disinfect containers.

Advantages of cottage cheese baths produced by the Borovichi Specialized Plant

BSZ has been producing modern technological equipment for the production of high quality cottage cheese for over 30 years. By choosing our products, you get:

1.Innovative food production equipment that meets the advanced world standards.
2. Typical and individual solutions, ready-made and for assembly.
3. Adequate cost of cottage cheese baths and other equipment.
4. Possibility of purchasing both individual units and ready-to-work production lines.
5. Prompt fulfillment of orders and delivery to all regions of Russia, CIS countries.

All curd baths presented for sale have been licensed and have the necessary quality certificates. With specialized BSZ production equipment, you can complete your production at minimal cost. The staff of a specialized plant employs competent craftsmen who will provide you with advice on issues of interest and perform work at the proper level. Thanks to its solid experience and the availability of advanced technical equipment, BSZ takes on orders of any complexity. Need quality curd baths at affordable prices? Borovichi Specialized Plant will offer a wide range of solutions for the implementation of business tasks, increasing production volumes and reaching a new level.

Technological scheme and rationale for the modes of production of cottage cheese on mechanized lines Ya9-OPT and OBRAM

The technological process for the production of cottage cheese on the Ya9-OPT line:

Reception and preparation of raw materials.


Cleaning 43+/-2C

Homogenization 55-65 C p=12.5+/-2.5 MPa

Pasteurization 78+/-2 C for 25-30 sec. , 90+/-2 sec. 15+/-5 sec

Cooling down to a fermentation temperature of 28+/-2 C in summer and 30+/-2 C in winter


Fermentation no more than 10 hours

Clot mixing

Heating, keeping and cooling curd curd

Curd cooling


The line produces cottage cheese 5%, 9% and non-fat.

Normalization is carried out for 5% and 9% cottage cheese, taking into account the actual protein content and the conversion factor. The normalized mixture is heated, purified and then homogenized at 55-65°C, 12.5±2.5 MPa.

When producing cottage cheese from homogenized milk, the clot is flabby, whey is poorly excreted. To obtain cottage cheese of the desired moisture content, heat treatment of the clot is used. Normalized milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 92±2°C. Pasteurized milk is cooled to the fermentation temperature in summer 24-28°C, in winter 26-30°C. Chilled milk is served in containers for fermentation. Milk is fermented with starter on pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci, which form a moderately viscous clot in milk. Milk with starter is mixed and left alone until fermentation. The end of fermentation is the formation of a clot with an acidity of 75-95 ° T - for cottage cheese 5 and 9%, and 80-100 ° T for low-fat cottage cheese. The duration of fermentation should not exceed 10 hours. The finished clot is stirred for 3 minutes and is fed into the TOC apparatus (clot heat treater) with a screw pump. TOC consists of three sections: heating, holding, cooling. The curd is heated in the heating section up to 48-54°С during the production of cottage cheese 9%, 46-52°С - 5%, 42-50°С - low-fat. The duration of heating is 4-7 min. From the heater, the clot enters the holding section, where it stays for 1.5-2 minutes. From the holder it is sent to the cooling section, where it is cooled down to 30-40°C during the production of cottage cheese 9 and 5%, to 25-30° - low-fat. From the cooling section of the TOC apparatus, the mixture enters the dehydrator, which is a rotating drum-type dehydrator covered with a filter cloth. The mass fraction of moisture in the curd is regulated by changing the angle of the dehydrator drum. Next, the curd enters the cooler, where it is cooled to 8-12°C and fed for packaging.

Technological process of cottage cheese production on the OBRAM line:

Reception and preparation of raw materials.


Cleaning 43+/-2 C

Pasteurization 82+/-2 С 30 sec

Cooling down to fermentation temperature 25+/-2 C



Cutting and heating of the clot 40+/-5 C 2h

Serum separation


Curd pressing

Cooling 15+/-5C


Aftercooling pr-that 4+/-2 С

Storage and implementation

Normalized milk is pasteurized at a temperature of 82±2°C, 20-30s. The mixture is cooled to a fermentation temperature of 25±2°C and sent to the coalescer. Starter is added to the mixture, mixed for 15 minutes and left alone until a clot forms. The readiness of the clot is determined upon reaching a pH of 4.5-4.7, the clot should have a delicate, homogeneous, jelly-like consistency, without whey. The duration of fermentation is 12±2 hours. The finished clot is kneaded for 10 minutes. To accelerate the separation of whey, the clot is heated to a temperature of 40 ± 2 ° C - for low-fat cottage cheese, 42 ± 2 ° C - for 5%, 44 ± 2 ° C - for 7%, 46 ± 2 ° C - for 9, 13%. The duration of heating is at least 2 hours. For uniform heating, the clot is periodically stirred. Serum is removed in the amount of 60% of the volume of the mixture.

Technology for the production of curd products

The curd clot is fed to the molding and pressing device, in which portions are formed that correspond to the size and shape. The duration of curd pressing is 30-180 seconds. Pressed cottage cheese is cooled to t=15+-5C and sent for packing. Packed in a shrink film, after which the curd is sent to a storage chamber, with a temperature of 4±2°C. Shelf life of cottage cheese: at a temperature of 4 ± 2 ° C, humidity 85% - 30 days.

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