
Useful smoothies for weight loss at home. How to make a homemade slimming smoothie - the best recipes and reviews

In pursuit of a toned figure, only a few add slimming cocktails to their diet. Most people simply underestimate the benefits of various smoothie options. These drinks help not only in the fight against overweight body, but also in cleansing the body and saturating it with vitamins. Just a couple of glasses of cocktails a day will improve the metabolic processes necessary to achieve an ideal figure.

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    Types of cocktails

    There are several varieties of the drink. The choice depends on your goals. by the most popular cocktails are:

    Name Description
    fat burningHot spices, ginger and other ingredients that can "disperse" the blood and speed up the metabolism are usually used. Their main task is to replace heavy high-calorie foods and stimulate the process of splitting fats. This drink should be consumed on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before a meal or as a snack when the feeling of hunger is exacerbated. If there is no physical activity, then the process of weight loss takes a longer time.
    CleaningThanks to a slight laxative effect, it helps to cleanse the intestines, normalize its work and increase motility. The main ingredients are products with high content fiber
    Nutritious, satisfying hungerFor cooking, products that reduce appetite are used. Regular use of cocktails between meals will make it easier to transfer any diet. In a blender, ingredients are mixed that subsequently swell in the stomach, creating a false feeling of fullness.
    Protein, proteinOne of the most famous and popular drinks for weight loss. Useful Components accelerate metabolic processes, allow you to save muscle mass increase performance during workouts. Due to a number of contraindications, the cocktail is not suitable for everyone. It is forbidden to take it to people with individual protein intolerance, diseases of the urinary system and liver, diabetes. Reception options may vary.


    The choice of ingredients depends on what kind of cocktail is being prepared.

    For diet drinks are used following products: parsley, dill, cucumbers, watermelon, kiwi, orange, grapefruit, celery, spinach, etc. Protein shakes include milk, kefir or yogurt. Also - egg white, soy, seafood. Drinks that satisfy hunger usually contain cottage cheese, bran, bananas, nuts, legumes, carrots, pumpkin, pineapple, etc. Ginger, cinnamon and red are added to speed up the metabolism. ground pepper.


    Exists great amount cocktail options. Many of them are simple, and the ingredients for them are almost always at home.

    If there is an allergy to any component, then it should be excluded or replaced.

    With kefir, cinnamon and ginger


    • A glass of fat-free kefir.
    • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.
    • 1 tsp minced ginger.
    • Red ground pepper - to taste.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Separately combine ginger, cinnamon, pepper and 1 tbsp. l. kefir.
    2. 2. Pour the remaining into the mixture fermented milk product and mix thoroughly.

    With strawberries and flax seeds


    • 300-400 ml of milk.
    • 150 ml of yogurt.
    • 1.5 st. l. flax seeds.
    • A handful of strawberries.
    • Mint for decoration.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Go through the seeds and grind in a coffee grinder.
    2. 2. Wash strawberries. Grind to a state of porridge or use a blender.
    3. 3. Add linen. Pour in milk products and beat until smooth.
    4. 4. Garnish the finished cocktail with mint leaves.

    With apple and celery


    • 2 celery stalks.
    • One medium green apple.
    • 400 ml of kefir.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Rinse in clean water celery and apple.
    2. 2. Cut into small pieces. From the apple, you must first remove the core.
    3. 3. Grind the ingredients in a blender to a mushy state.
    4. 4. Add kefir, beat for 30 seconds.

    With citruses and green tea


    • 4 tsp large leaf green tea.
    • 1 orange.
    • Half a lemon.
    • 3 tsp honey.
    • 0.5 l boiling water

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Pour boiling water over tea and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. After that, strain.
    2. 2. Peel the orange and lemon. Take out the pulp and put it in a blender.
    3. 3. Whisk everything.
    4. 4. Add tea, honey to the citrus mass and mix well.



    • 1 small beet.
    • 1 small carrot
    • 1 celery stalk.
    • 2 small cucumbers
    • 150 ml of yogurt.
    • 1.5 st. l. lemon juice.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Peel the selected products and cut into small cubes.
    2. 2. Add chopped celery and puree with a food processor.
    3. 3. Pour in yogurt, lemon juice and beat everything.

    With cottage cheese and herbs


    • 150 g soft fat-free cottage cheese.
    • 150 ml skimmed milk.
    • 1 celery stalk.
    • A small bunch of parsley or dill (no more than 10 branches).
    • 1 clove of garlic.
    • Pepper and ginger to taste.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Rinse all greens and garlic, cut and chop with a blender.
    2. 2. Add cottage cheese and beat.
    3. 3. Pour in the milk. Add pepper and ginger as desired and stir.

    milky ginger


    • 1 glass of natural yogurt.
    • 1 tsp honey.
    • 10-15 g chopped ginger root.
    • A pinch of cardamom.
    • Red ground pepper to taste.

    Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend until smooth.

    With kiwi


    • 2 kiwi.
    • 1 orange.
    • 1 glass of mango juice.
    • 50 ml soy milk.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Peel the orange, remove the pulp.
    2. 2. Peel the kiwi, add to the pulp of the orange and grind to a puree.
    3. 3. Pour in soy milk and juice. Mix everything.

    With orange juice


    • 1 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
    • Grapefruit pulp.
    • 1 tsp honey.
    • 2 canned pineapple rings

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Puree pineapple and grapefruit.
    2. 2. Add to the resulting mass Orange juice and honey. Mix everything.

    With milk


    • 2 glasses of milk.
    • 2 tangerines.
    • 2 bananas.
    • 1 tsp crushed flaxseeds.
    • 150 ml fat-free kefir.

    Step by step preparation:

    1. 1. Peel tangerines and bananas, then chop in a blender.
    2. 2. Add remaining ingredients and mix well.

    How to cook

    There are several rules for making cocktails:

    • The drink is made using a blender, mixer or shaker. They help create an airy texture and visually increase volume.
    • Dairy products are taken fat-free or with the minimum amount fat.
    • All ingredients must be fresh, frozen should be discarded.
    • All cocktails are consumed freshly prepared. Even with the shortest storage, their useful properties are lost.
    • First, chopped products are crushed in a blender, then the necessary liquid and bulk ingredients are added to them. Everything is whipped until foam is formed.
    • Exist various options drink intake:

      • they can replace breakfast, lunch or dinner.
      • drink between meals
      • use at night (an hour before bedtime);
      • drink an hour before training or 20-30 minutes after it.

      It is necessary to choose the appropriate regimen and stick to it. If a full meal is replaced by a cocktail, then it is worth drinking it with whole grain bread or nuts. Need to carefully monitor the reaction of the body, there should be no violations in the work gastrointestinal tract , skin rashes etc. If unwanted symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued. Don't forget to drink enough plain water.

      And some secrets...

      The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

      I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

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Vitamin cocktails for weight loss in the warm season will perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger and fill the body with essential vitamins and minerals. And in winter time their properties are simply invaluable - they are not only vitamins, but also an excellent antidepressant. One of the main advantages that fruit smoothies for weight loss have is the ability to saturate the body with less food consumed. They can be called nutritious drinks, because they provide a feeling of satiety for the next few hours. And in the composition of cocktails for weight loss, there are often lactic acid products, pectins, fiber, beneficial acids, then the drink turns into a real “brush” for the body, as there is a natural cleaning of toxins that have accumulated over several years. We offer to prepare the most delicious and healthy cocktails for weight loss from fruits and vegetables, with the recipes of which we suggest that you familiarize yourself. It does not hurt to add a few drops to them.

Fruit smoothies for weight loss

Kiwi Fat Burning Cocktail

Energy value per 100 g: 34.03 kcal, proteins - 2.1 g, fats - 0.22 g, carbohydrates - 6.24 g.
In order to prepare a cocktail for weight loss from kiwi, you will need:
Kiwi - 1 pc.
Lemon - 2 rings.
Water - 100 ml.
Honey - 1-2 tsp
Mint, parsley
Kiwi clean and cut, put in a blender bowl, add lemon rings with peel, mint leaves, parsley and honey. All this should turn into a homogeneous mass of saturated green color.

Cocktail "Banana"

Energy value per 100 g: 81.5 kcal, proteins - 2.54 g, fats - 2.29 g, carbohydrates - 13.38 g.
Banana - 1 pc.
Milk - 150 g.
Honey - 1 tsp
Mix all the ingredients thoroughly with a blender and you can use a healthy banana cocktail for weight loss.
grapefruit cocktail
Energy value per 100 g: 46.5 kcal, proteins - 0.71 g, fats - 0.19 g, carbohydrates - 11.18 g.
To prepare a cocktail with grapefruit for weight loss, you need only 2 products:
1 large grapefruit
1 tbsp honey.
Grapefruit pulp, along with honey, mashed with a blender and a slimming cocktail is ready.

Cocktail "Lemon"

Energy value per 100 g: 0 kcal, proteins - 0.9 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 3 g.
You will need the following ingredients:
Lemon - 3-5 circles.
Water - 100 g.
It is very easy to prepare a refreshing cocktail for weight loss with lemon - put all the ingredients in a glass and mash a little with a spoon so that the mint and lemon let the juice flow. You can add a few ice cubes in hot weather.

Vegetable smoothies for weight loss

celery cocktail

Energy value per 100 g: 79.09 kcal, proteins - 3.79 g, fats - 5.79 g, carbohydrates - 2.94 g.
A celery smoothie for weight loss will help get rid of excess carbon dioxide in organism. It will require a minimum of products:
Celery juice - 50 ml.
Milk - 100 ml.
Egg yolk- 1 PC.
Beat all products with a mixer or blender and the cocktail is ready.

Cocktail "Ginger"

Energy value per 100 g: 36.95 kcal, proteins - 0.23 g, fats - 0.07 g, carbohydrates - 9.31 g.
Slimming cocktail with ginger has unique properties, has a very low calorie content and consists of the following products:
Grated ginger root - 100 g.
Water - 1 l.
Honey - 4 tablespoons
Put honey, ginger and cinnamon in a glass and pour water over it. Mix the resulting ginger slimming cocktail well and use it if you need to limit your unbridled appetite. Ginger slimming cocktail recipe, which is not very complicated, is highly effective in the fight against extra pounds.

Cocktail "Green"

Energy value per 100 g: 26.5 kcal, proteins - 1.75 g, fats - 0.09 g, carbohydrates - 5.06 g.
Under such an intriguing name hides green cocktail for weight loss with the following components:
Cucumber - 1 pc.
Green pea- 100 g.
Ginger - 2-3 strips and 1 tsp. ground.
Broccoli - 2-3 inflorescences.
In order to prepare a ginger cocktail for weight loss, you need to turn all of the listed ingredients into a puree using a blender. If it turns out too thick, then it can be diluted with yogurt or kefir. This green slimming smoothie recipe contains green-colored vegetables, which explains the name of the drink.

Cocktail "Oatmeal"

Energy value per 100 g: 36.95 kcal, proteins - 4.8 g, fats - 2.87 g, carbohydrates - 16.39 g.
For lovers of oatmeal, it is proposed to cook oatmeal smoothie for weight loss.
Kefir - 1 tbsp.
Oatmeal - 2 tbsp.
Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
Place the flakes, pre-soaked in water and swollen, in a blender bowl, add cinnamon and kefir there, and beat it all. If desired, the cocktail can be varied with fruit.

Which helps to lose weight, but it is not the only recipe: 5 more cocktails will help to achieve an equally impressive effect. You can alternate these homemade slimming smoothie recipes every day.

We prepare cocktails for weight loss at home

celery cocktail


Celery is one of the few foods that have negative calorie. That is, your body burns more energy to digest it than the herring itself contains calories. Therefore, such a cocktail will not only improve digestion, but also help to lose weight.


Mix celery, yogurt and lime, previously peeled, in a blender. It is better to drink a cocktail an hour before a meal - it will have time to digest, and then you will eat less.

Cinnamon with honey

Cinnamon is a well-known weight loss remedy. It is this spice that speeds up the metabolism and stabilizes the production of insulin, so you should not forget about it when you are on a diet. cook up healthy cocktail for weight loss according to this recipe based on cinnamon:

Soak honey and cinnamon overnight warm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach for two weeks. During this time, 2-3 kilograms should go!

Fat burning cocktail for weight loss with grapefruit and sea buckthorn


Only the lazy did not write about the fat-burning properties of grapefruit. And this is true, because grapefruit is a unique fruit that speeds up metabolism. Ginger root also speeds up the metabolism, and sea buckthorn reduces the amount of digestible fats. So why not mix them together?

  • Warm water - 1 l.
  • half a grapefruit
  • small piece ginger root
  • Sea buckthorn syrup - 100 gr.

Ginger must be grated fine grater and fill with warm water. Grapefruit cut into pieces, also add to the drink along with sea buckthorn syrup. Let the homemade slimming shake steep for one hour and then drink it. in small portions during the whole day.

Masala tea with milk


spiced tea Masala can perfectly replace coffee (it really invigorates!), but also has the ability to speed up metabolism. The drink is especially effective in combination with other spices, such as cinnamon. So, for the daily norm of a masala cocktail, you will need:

  • Milk 0.5% fat - 1.5 liters.
  • Masala tea powder - 4-5 tbsp. l.
  • Nutmeg- pinch
  • Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l
  • Ginger - 200 gr.

Prepare all the ingredients, grate the ginger on a fine grater. Then bring the milk to a boil, add masala tea, spices and grated ginger to it. Ready! Drink tea throughout the day.

Excess weight is one of the most popular problems of the fair sex. What just was not invented in order to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. However, not all methods proved to be effective.

Cocktails for weight loss at home - it's tasty, healthy, effective. In their composition, they contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as well as those ingredients that will contribute to weight loss. It is not difficult to prepare such a drink on your own, and it does not take much time, but very soon you will acquire such a figure that you have long dreamed of.

Main advantages

  • The main advantage that cocktails have is that they are very low calorie. One serving of the drink contains no more than 200 kcal. Wherein useful substances there is even more than in a piece of meat. But unlike him, the cocktail does not contribute to the accumulation of body weight, but, on the contrary, promotes fat burning.
  • Sports shakes for weight loss at home are a rich source of vitamins. At any time of the year, your body will be in good shape, and you can forget about the lack of useful trace elements and other substances.

ginger drink

The most common drink that allows you to quickly burn extra calories, is a cocktail with ginger. The combination of its elements improves the metabolism in the body, as a result, the weight also goes away. Its recipe is very simple. In a glass of kefir, add a little ground cinnamon, half a teaspoon of dry ginger. The required ingredient is red pepper. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the drink will be impossible to drink. A standard glass needs only a few grams of pepper, at the tip of a spoon.

Mix all the above ingredients well in a blender and you can start eating. Looking for effective fat burning smoothies for weight loss at home? This recipe fits perfectly. Red pepper can be added a little more or less. According to your taste. But it cannot be completely ruled out good effect not worth the wait.

Kefir cocktails

The best diet shakes for weight loss at home - these are those that contain kefir. This ingredient perfectly stimulates digestion and improves metabolism. There are actually a lot of recipes for making drinks, for everyone there is an ideal option.

Some recipes:

  • Mix half a cup mineral water(non-carbonated) and kefir of minimum fat content. Add a sprig of dill and a small slice of cucumber there. Then we mix everything until we get a homogeneous mass. The drink is recommended to be consumed 30 minutes before you start eating.
  • In a glass of kefir, add cinnamon (to taste) and half a peach (you can take a banana). Mix everything well and the drink is ready.
  • Lemon juice (a few drops) is added to a glass of kefir and garden berries. Mix everything well with a blender.

Kefir cocktails for weight loss at home are very effective. At regular use you can improve your well-being, forget about the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, normalize metabolism and get rid of several extra pounds.

Making cocktails at home

If you have set yourself the goal of losing weight, then it is best to cook protein shakes for weight loss at home. Some nutritionists recommend buying them in specialized places, but this is not always the case. best way out. By preparing a fat burning drink at home, you can be sure that the ingredients added are fresh and natural. Moreover, there are a huge number of recipes, if you wish, you can adjust them to your taste.

Protein shakes for weight loss at home are very popular. However, there are other proven recipes that give excellent results.

Effective recipes for fat burning drinks:

  • We take natural yogurt, a small slice of pumpkin, persimmon, carrot and bell pepper. Grind everything in a blender and add to the drink not a large number of nuts. This cocktail very satisfying. In addition to helping you forget about weight problems, the drink will help improve your mood. It contains a large amount of fiber and other beneficial trace elements.
  • Fresh ginger, broccoli, 100 fresh green peas, fresh cucumbers, natural yogurt. These ingredients can be easily found at any time of the year. Mix everything with a blender. If the drink is too thick, then add a little more yogurt.
  • As you can see, there are the most different cocktails for weight loss at home. The recipes are very simple, so everyone can make a fat-burning drink. Excellent result gives a drink with cinnamon, oatmeal and kefir. Grind everything in a blender until smooth, you can add a small amount of berries. This smoothie helps the body absorb sugar better.

Cooking smoothies

Most The best way to burn excess calories is to use cocktails for weight loss at home. Smoothie recipes are very popular today among the fair sex. Main distinguishing feature drink is that, in addition to vegetables and fruits, juices are included.

Some smoothie recipes:

  • It will take three tablespoons of oatmeal, avocado and raspberries (300 grams each). Mix everything in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed. Such a drink is very tasty, healthy and is effective tool in the fight against excess weight.
  • Tomatoes and carrots (one each), kefir (to your taste), a little red pepper, ginger (you can fresh or ground). Mix everything with a blender.
  • Lemon slice, watermelon pulp and kiwi (one piece). After all the ingredients are mixed, you can add a piece of ice. This drink fills you up and gives you more energy. Energy shakes for weight loss at home are very popular today. They contain vitamins and other useful trace elements that won't let you feel weak.

Smoothies are a valuable find for the category of people who prefer healthy lifestyle life and wants to lose a few extra pounds. Light drink so there is no feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

We use cocktails correctly

Cocktails for weight loss at home do not harm the body. How much to use them depends only on what goal you have set for yourself. If you want to get rid of excess weight slowly, then the drink should be consumed once a day before meals.

However, there are times when you need to lose some weight urgently. In this case, the best option would be to make a fasting day on fat-burning cocktails. Depending on how much excess weight you have, you can lose from one and a half to three kilograms in one day.

Some useful tips for those who want to lose weight:

  • Kilograms will never go away if you just lie on the couch. In addition to drinking cocktails for weight loss, you need to devote some time to sports. It is not necessary to visit a fitness club for this. Start with simple exercises, jogging or walking in the evenings. You can also jump rope at home for 15-20 minutes a day.
  • Protect yourself from bread products and sweet. These foods are high in calories.
  • Blend the ingredients for the cocktail in a blender for as long as possible. It will be optimal to whip the drink for 7-10 minutes. This will allow the contents to increase in volume and become more satisfying.

Slimming cocktails at home will give you effective result V short time if, along with their use, you will use useful tips presented above.

Protein shakes

  • tropical drink

You will need skimmed milk(500 ml), 200 grams fresh cottage cheese, 50 grams of pineapples and oranges. When cooking, it is very important to remember that you can not use cold milk. It should be room temperature. The drink turns out to be very satisfying, great for a fasting day.

  • chocolate drink

Every girl loves chocolate. It turns out that if used correctly, then excess weight you will not be afraid. For example, you can make a cocktail. You will need some cocoa, milk, vanilla and skim cheese. If desired, cocoa can be replaced with ordinary chocolate, first you need to finely grate it on a fine grater. Mix all the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous mass is formed.

  • Breakfast drink

You will need skim milk, oatmeal, banana, some honey and natural yogurt. Mix everything well in a blender, and you can safely use this drink instead of the standard breakfast. It is very nutritious and beneficial.

Fat burners

If you want to start cooking for yourself effective cocktails for weight loss at home, then you need to know that there are some spices that must be added to the drink in order to quickly get the desired result.

Fat burning enhancers:

  • cinnamon;
  • cardamom;
  • red pepper.

Thanks to these spices, the process of burning calories is much faster. Use these ingredients for small quantities when preparing drinks and you will see that you will begin to feel completely different.


Any fat-burning cocktails have contraindications for use.

The main ones are:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Diseases of the liver and kidneys.
  • Stomach problems (gastritis or ulcers).
  • Individual intolerance to lactose.
  • Possible allergy to some of the ingredients.

They say that beauty requires sacrifice. But do not forget that you cannot sacrifice your health. It is for this reason that if you have ailments and diseases from the list above, fat-burning cocktails should not be consumed. Consult with your family doctor, it is possible that together you can choose an individual drink from those ingredients that you can use.

Summing up

Slimming cocktails at home are very popular now. The reviews of women who used them are really impressive. These drinks improve general state body and help burn excess calories.

Use the presented recipes for fat burning drinks and you can quickly get rid of excess weight without harm to health.

Spring is the time when many of us think about how to shed a few extra pounds taken over the winter.

I present to your attention recipes for homemade slimming cocktails.

These useful natural drinks just a pantry beneficial vitamins and trace elements, they will help you solve the problem of excess weight quite effectively.

Benefits of homemade smoothies for weight loss

The opinion of nutritionists on the benefits of homemade smoothies

  1. Homemade slimming smoothies contain a lot of fiber, which contributes to a fairly quick and prolonged saturation which is very important for weight loss.
  2. Cocktails do not contain sugar, and this is very important to maintain normal weight. And yet, you cook at home, from fresh fruit and vegetables, the prepared drink will be fresh, natural and the most beneficial for your health.

Recipes for homemade slimming cocktails

I offer you the most effective slimming cocktails that are prepared at home, and quite simply and easily.

Slimming cocktail recipe on kefir

Kefir cocktails are the most effective and most common for weight loss. Kefir is very good for health, it improves bowel function and helps to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system.

fiber rich cereals, cause a feeling of satiety and reduce appetite. Cinnamon improves metabolism and prevents the deposition of fat.

  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Any berries 1 tablespoon or a quarter of an apple.


  1. Add oatmeal, cinnamon, berries or finely chopped apples to kefir.
  2. We beat the cocktail in a blender or just mix very carefully. healthy drink ready.

Recipe for a slimming cocktail on kefir No. 2

In this recipe, we will increase the effectiveness of the cocktail fragrant spices and add to the drink - ground red pepper, ginger and cinnamon.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Kefir fat content not more than 1% - 200 grams;
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ginger, grated on a fine grater - 1 teaspoon;
  • Red hot peppers- a little whisper.


  1. everything is very simple, add spices to kefir and mix everything well. Useful tips!
  2. It is necessary to prepare cocktails for weight loss in portions, before use.
  3. It is advisable to consume kefir with spices 20 minutes before meals. The spices that this cocktail contains significantly reduce appetite.
  4. You can split the portion kefir cocktail in two halves and drink one before meals, and the second after meals, as spices with kefir speed up metabolic processes.
  5. A serving of kefir cocktail can replace dinner, which will also be very useful for normalizing weight.

Ginger for weight loss

Ginger is unique and useful plant which improves metabolism, stimulates blood circulation. Ginger root puts in order the work of the liver and stomach, has tonic, analgesic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic properties. Ginger is recommended for muscle, headache and toothaches, with osteochondrosis.

"This is useful!

Ginger smoothie is a very healthy drink that is good for weight loss. In addition, ginger drink is an excellent prevention of viral and colds, oncology and strengthening of immunity. Healing ginger drink helps to significantly strengthen memory, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Ginger cocktail contraindications

For all its usefulness, ginger drinks have a number of contraindications to which attention should be paid.

  • Ginger should not be used for such diseases:
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin and heat;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Nose or uterine bleeding;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Skin diseases and individual intolerance.

If you don’t suffer from enumerated diseases and problems, then you can safely prepare ginger drinks for yourself. Recipes for a slimming cocktail with ginger

Milk ginger shake


  • A glass of kefir;
  • cinnamon and ground ginger- 0.5 tablespoon;
  • A pinch of red pepper.

Preparation: add ginger, cinnamon and pepper to kefir - mix everything with a mixer. Done. You need to drink a ginger cocktail for weight loss half an hour before breakfast, as well as at night. Using this drink, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of excess weight in one month.

Ginger slimming cocktail - classic

For cooking we need:

  • Ginger, crushed on a grater - 2 tablespoons;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • Juice from 1/4 of a lemon.

Preparation: pour ginger with two liters of boiling water, add lemon juice and leave to infuse for one hour. Then add honey and insist for another half an hour.

The finished drink should be drunk during the day, no more than two liters.

Ginger cocktail with orange juice


  • 1 teaspoon grated root ginger;
  • A pinch of cardamom and 30 grams of mint.

Preparation: mix ginger, cardamom, mint and pour everything with one liter of boiling water. Add orange juice 50 milliliters and 10 milliliters lemon juice and a little honey to taste.

Vegetable cocktail for weight loss with ginger

This low calorie cocktail promotes cleansing of the body and accelerates metabolic processes.

For cooking, we need to take: 100 grams of green or thawed peas, alone fresh cucumber, 3 broccoli florets, 1 teaspoon ground ginger.

Preparation: mix all the ingredients in a blender, if it turned out too thick drink, you can add a glass of kefir to the cocktail.

Vitamin cocktail "Orange"

This slimming cocktail contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
