
Cocktail made from milk and oatmeal. Kefir-oat cocktail

A smoothie with oatmeal is a healthy and tasty vitamin cocktail. It's very easy to prepare. Even a child can cope with this process. There are many different ways to make smoothies. In our article we will look at several.

Healthy drink with jam

First, let's consider the option of creating a smoothie with jam. This is the easiest way to create a drink.

For preparation you need:

80 grams of ready-made oatmeal;

Two tbsp. spoons of sweet jam;

180 ml natural yogurt;

Half a teaspoon of sugar.

Preparing a tasty and healthy drink

1. First, boil the oatmeal. If you take instant cereal, just pour boiling water over it and let it brew. If you choose regular oatmeal, then boil it for about ten minutes with the addition of a pinch of sugar. Next, let the porridge cool.

2. Then put the following ingredients into the blender bowl: oatmeal, jam and yogurt. Then turn on the blender.

3. Grind until you see a fine-grained, uniform drink structure.

4. That's it, the smoothie is ready. The drink is useful for both adults and children.

With banana and milk

What to cook for breakfast? Smoothie! Banana, oatmeal, milk - that's what you need for this cocktail. It turns out tasty, nutritious, satisfying and, of course, healthy. It is advisable to grind it in a coffee grinder to a powder before cooking. This drink is prepared in a blender.

To create a cocktail you will need:

One banana;

Two tbsp. spoons of oatmeal;

Sugar (tsp);

200 ml milk.

Making a breakfast smoothie with oatmeal

1. Prepare your food first. Pre-boil the milk, then cool.

2. Choose instant oat flakes. Grind them into powder in a coffee grinder. How small - decide for yourself.

3. Peel the banana and cut into pieces.

4. Then add oatmeal, sugar and banana into a blender bowl. Pour milk over everything on top. Now puree. So the smoothie made from milk, banana, oatmeal is ready. Bon appetit!

With kefir

A quarter cup of oatmeal, Greek yogurt.

Making a healthy smoothie

1. First grind the oatmeal into flour.

3. Whisk everything together. Make sure that the flour does not form lumps.

4. Leave the oatmeal to soak for about thirty minutes. You can warm the mixture a little in the microwave. This will help the flour absorb moisture faster.

5. Now add vanillin (vanilla sugar or extract) to the mixture to taste.

6. Next, add honey, cherries, and Greek yogurt. Next, whisk the smoothie with oatmeal again. Then pour the drink into glasses. You can consume the smoothie immediately after preparation or within two to three days. But all this time the cocktail should be in the refrigerator.

A little conclusion

Now you know the recipes for smoothies with oatmeal. This means you can prepare these very healthy dishes. We wish you bon appetit!

A kefir-oat cocktail is a drink not only for those who care about their health, it is necessary for absolutely everyone. This cocktail reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, improves immunity, normalizes intestinal microflora, improves hormonal levels, and also protects against bad mood and even depression. And all this is due to the products included in this health drink - kefir, oatmeal, honey, lemon juice and pollen (pollen). If you do not have a negative reaction to bee products or pollen, then this drink is for you! This cocktail is especially useful during the off-season. This cocktail can safely be given the name “Health”. Let's prepare and nourish your body with benefits!


  • 2 cups kefir
  • 2 tbsp oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp honey (if you like it tastier, take 2 tablespoons)
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 2 tsp flower pollen

Recommendation. Kefir must be purchased only fresh (today's date). This rule should always be followed, regardless of whether you are preparing such a cocktail or just drinking kefir. Otherwise, the effect of kefir will be reversed.

Prepare the cocktail in a blender. Pour fresh kefir, add oatmeal, honey, lemon juice and pollen. Oatmeal can be pre-ground in a blender or coffee grinder.
Mix everything until smooth and honey and pollen are completely dissolved.

Mix all ingredients in a blender

About the beneficial properties of flower pollen I want to say separately. Pollen is the male element of a flower and is an extremely useful product. Flower pollen contains sugars, proteins, fats, almost all known vitamins, minerals and amino acids. And the composition of these elements is perfectly balanced by nature. In terms of nutritional composition, pollen is significantly superior to all bee products, including honey.

Flower pollen can easily correct the nutritional errors of any person in the age of refined foods. Pollen is especially useful for elderly people, people with increased physical and psycho-emotional stress, as well as those weakened after illness or during the off-season. Flower pollen enhances the healing effect of medicines. Increases mental capacity. Flower pollen contains a powerful natural antibiotic that helps fight various ailments, including tumors. Improves metabolism, promotes rejuvenation of the body. Contraindication: allergic reaction.

Flower pollen (pollen)

Kefir with oatmeal is extremely healthy and can be consumed daily.

And our kefir-oat cocktail, also known as the “Health” cocktail, is ready. This drink can be consumed both in the first and second half of the day or shortly before bedtime, as it has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and improves sleep.

We all know from childhood that oatmeal for breakfast is the best choice for those who want to be healthy and slim. This product has many useful substances and a significant amount of fiber, due to which satiety remains for a long time after eating it. At the same time, oatmeal is not contraindicated even for those who have carbohydrate metabolism disorders, in particular people suffering from diabetes. For this reason, making it into a dish for breakfast or lunch would be a good idea. One of the most delicious and healthy dishes is a smoothie with oatmeal. Thanks to the inclusion of fresh fruits and juices, it is healthier than regular porridge, and satiates no worse, since it has a thick consistency. You can make this cocktail not only for breakfast, but throughout the day, replacing snacks with it.

Cooking features

There are many recipes for smoothies with oatmeal, but in order for this cocktail to be not only tasty, but also healthy, you need to know a few points and take them into account when preparing the drink.

To prepare a smoothie with oatmeal, you need to take fresh or frozen fruits, since canned and baked fruits lose some of their nutrients.

  • Smoothies often contain fruit juices to make the smoothie a little less thick. Preference should be given to freshly squeezed ones, as they are as healthy as possible. Store-bought juice has been heat-treated, sugar and sometimes other substances have been added to it; for this reason, its benefits to the body are questionable.
  • You should not choose smoothie recipes that contain ice cream, cream, or sour cream. Such cocktails are very tasty, but they threaten to put on excess weight.
  • When making a smoothie with oatmeal, you will almost certainly be faced with the question of whether you need to prepare it in any way. Instant oatmeal is usually steamed or soaked in water, milk, kefir or juice for 10–20 minutes. Keep this in mind when determining the time required to prepare your oatmeal smoothie. It is not enough to soak regular oatmeal; it must be ground with a coffee grinder until it becomes flour. In this case, the smoothie will have a very delicate consistency, but will still be slightly less healthy than one made from whole flakes.

Whether a smoothie can be stored in the refrigerator depends on the ingredients included in it. But even if it can be stored for 24 hours, it will be healthier if it is freshly prepared. For this reason, you should not prepare smoothies for future use, especially since you can make them in a matter of minutes.

Smoothie with oatmeal, banana and milk

  • oat flakes “Hercules” – 40 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • milk – 120 ml;
  • regular or fruit yogurt – 120 ml;
  • honey – 5 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the milk and pour it over the oatmeal, leave for 10 minutes.
  • Peel the banana and cut it into medium sized pieces.
  • If your honey is candied, melt it until liquid.
  • Place oatmeal in a blender bowl, fill it with yogurt, place bananas on top, add honey and cinnamon.
  • Whisk the ingredients until they form a homogeneous mass.

It is better to eat this smoothie with spoons, as it turns out quite thick. In addition, this method of drinking a cocktail will allow you to quickly experience the feeling of fullness. The dish prepared according to the given recipe is suitable for breakfast and will charge you with energy for several hours.

Smoothie with oatmeal and bran

  • low-fat kefir – 150 ml;
  • apple – 0.2 kg;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • honey or maple syrup – 5 ml;
  • oat flakes – 20 g;
  • wheat bran – 15 g;
  • boiled water – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the bran and mix it with oatmeal.
  • Pour boiling water over and leave for 5–10 minutes.
  • Wash and dry the apple, remove the peel from it with a vegetable peeler or a special fruit knife. Cut out the core. Cut the apple pulp into small slices or cubes.
  • Wash and peel the banana. Cut it into slices.
  • Place the fruit in a blender bowl, add kefir and blend.
  • When the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, add soaked bran and oatmeal to it, additionally pour in a spoonful of maple syrup or liquid honey. If necessary, this ingredient can be replaced with another syrup that is available in the house, for example healthy rosehip syrup.
  • Whisk all ingredients together for 30 seconds.

This smoothie will help you lose weight, as it cleanses the body well and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be eaten throughout the day, replacing any meal.

Smoothie with oatmeal and cottage cheese

  • cottage cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • oatmeal – 30 g;
  • bananas – 0.5 kg;
  • nuts (or nut cocktail) – 50 g;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • honey – 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Pour oatmeal and nuts into a coffee grinder and grind them to a powder.
  • Peel the bananas and cut into pieces.
  • Combine cottage cheese with bananas, add milk and beat using a submersible blender.
  • Add honey and nut-oat mixture, shake the resulting cocktail with them.

A smoothie with cottage cheese and oatmeal is a real protein shake. It should be included in the diet of athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. It is also very useful for children and pregnant women.

Smoothie with oatmeal, cucumber and greens

  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • instant oat flakes – 20 g;
  • mint – 20 g;
  • cilantro – 2 g;
  • cucumber – 150 g;
  • garlic – 0.5 cloves;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the cucumber and cut into pieces.
  • Place the cucumber in a blender bowl along with half the garlic clove. Grind until puree.
  • Mix cucumber puree with oatmeal and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Wash the lemon and cut in half. Squeeze the juice out of half the fruit.
  • Wash the avocado, remove the pit, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  • Finely chop the cilantro and mint.
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the greens, cucumber-oat mixture, avocado pieces and lemon juice. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. Whisk.

This smoothie will appeal to those who don’t like sweets too much. It refreshes well and energizes for a long time. They can complement breakfast or lunch. It is no less good as a snack.

Oatmeal smoothie with tangerines

  • “Extra” oat flakes – 20 g;
  • boiled water – 50 ml;
  • tangerines – 150 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • unsweetened yogurt - 0.2 l.

Cooking method:

  • Pour boiling water over oatmeal and leave for 10–20 minutes.
  • Remove the peel from the banana and cut the pulp into large cubes.
  • Peel the tangerines and divide into slices. If you want a smoothie with a soft consistency, remove the films from each slice. This work is troublesome, but the result is worth it.
  • Place tangerine slices and banana slices in a blender bowl and top with oatmeal.
  • Pour unsweetened yogurt over the main ingredients and whisk everything together until smooth.

This sweet smoothie will be a great dessert, tasty, satisfying and healthy at the same time. In addition, such a delicacy does not threaten your figure.

Smoothie with oatmeal and strawberries

  • fresh or frozen strawberries – 100 g;
  • banana – 150 g;
  • kefir – 0.25 l;
  • instant oat flakes – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Pour half a glass of kefir over the oatmeal, stir and let it soak.
  • Sort the strawberries, wash and dry. Frozen berries do not need preliminary preparation, but the cocktail with them will be more sour than with fresh ones.
  • Peel the banana and cut into slices.
  • Place the oatmeal mixture in a blender bowl, add strawberries and bananas, and fill everything with the remaining kefir.
  • Whisk until smooth.

A strawberry-banana smoothie with oatmeal leaves few people indifferent. You can serve it for dessert. It can also serve as an alternative to breakfast or a light dinner. This recipe is worth taking note of for those who have an appetite at night when it’s too late for dinner.

A smoothie with oatmeal turns out to be satisfying and relieves hunger for a long time. In addition, it is very healthy, so it would not hurt to include it in the diet of those who monitor their health.

People who are obese to one degree or another are constantly haunted by the same thoughts: “How to lose weight? How can I get my old figure back?”

Many people do not know that you can get rid of excess weight using recipes for weight loss smoothies with oatmeal that burn fat. Today I will tell you how regular rolled oats affect fat deposits, and what cocktail recipes help get your figure in order.

What are the benefits of a smoothie with oatmeal for your figure?

Why do nutritionists advise eating oatmeal to lose weight? Because it is very useful for the figure and the body as a whole. In addition to the content of vitamins and minerals, the benefits of oatmeal include the following:


Oatmeal contains pectins, which remove accumulated toxins and feces from the intestines, the volume of which sometimes reaches 5-7 kg!

Along with cleansing, metabolism accelerates and normalizes, water metabolism improves, and excess fluid is removed, leading to swelling.

Feeling full and getting enough protein

Oatmeal contains a lot of protein, which is necessary for the formation of muscle tissue, which in turn helps you burn fat during fitness.

At the same time, rolled oats satiate the stomach well, so after a smoothie with oatmeal you don’t feel like eating for a long time and the craving for sweets disappears.

Decreased appetite

The fibrous structure of fiber, once in the body, swells and gives a feeling of fullness, leading to a decrease in appetite. You no longer want to have several snacks a day, as before, and the body begins to process existing reserves.

To lose weight with an oat smoothie, we will learn how to prepare it correctly.

What is a weight loss smoothie with oatmeal made from?

To prepare a real smoothie with oatmeal that promotes weight loss, we follow a number of rules:

Selection of oatmeal

Medium boiled oatmeal is usually added to smoothies - about 2 tablespoons of boiled oats per smoothie.

Instant oatmeal is also suitable, as long as it does not contain sugar.

Selection of smoothie additives

Equally important are the fillers with which you mix the oatmeal. To lose weight, it is better to choose fibrous fruits, nuts, and dairy products.

To sweeten an oatmeal smoothie, we use stevia, sweet berries and fruits, and honey.

Diet smoothies: recipes with oatmeal

Here are the most effective smoothie recipes with oatmeal that will help you lose weight.

Oatmeal green smoothie with avocado


  • Large avocado fruit;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Cilantro or parsley - a small bunch;
  • Boiled oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • Mint - a small bunch;
  • Cucumbers – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – a small clove;
  • Ground black pepper and salt - to your taste.

How to Make an Avocado and Oatmeal Smoothie

Prepare the smoothie as follows:

  • Remove the pit and skin from the avocado.
  • Squeeze lemon juice.
  • Chop the cilantro and mint.
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • Pour the cocktail into glasses and drink.

Avocado added to this smoothie helps to process fat deposits and adds satiety.

Plum smoothie with oatmeal and flax seeds


  • Plum - 200 g;
  • Kefir – 150 ml;
  • Flax seed – 1 tbsp;
  • Boiled oatmeal – 2 tbsp.

To make this cocktail, beat all the ingredients in a blender and consume immediately.

It's best to drink this smoothie when you don't have to leave the house: the laxative effect of kefir and plum may take you by surprise.


  • Very ripe medium-sized banana – 1 pc.;
  • Boiled oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • Mandarin – 2 pcs.;
  • Kefir or liquid yogurt - 400 ml.

How to make an oatmeal and banana smoothie

To prepare an oatmeal smoothie, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  • Place the sliced ​​banana in the freezer for a quarter of an hour.
  • Peel the tangerines and remove the membranes.
  • Mix all ingredients in a blender until you get a homogeneous mixture.
  • Pour the smoothie into glasses and drink immediately.

Almost overripe banana pulp makes the smoothie even more satisfying and sweet. If you like it sour, add unsweetened orange. And for greater freshness, the cocktail is mixed with crushed ice.

Cranberry smoothie with oatmeal


  • Oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • Boiling water – 3 tbsp;
  • Bananas – 1 pc.;
  • Cranberries - a handful;
  • Honey – 1 tsp;
  • Yogurt or kefir – 100 ml.

How to Make an Oatmeal Cranberry Smoothie

To prepare such a smoothie, we follow simple steps, using a blender.

  • Pour boiling water over the flakes and wait until they swell.
  • Peel and cut the banana.
  • Beat all ingredients in a blender and drink.

Cranberry helps oatmeal rid the body of toxins and strengthens the immune system, which usually decreases with weight loss.

Smoothie for weight loss with oatmeal and kiwi


  • Boiled oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • Kiwi – 3 pcs.;
  • Kefir or green tea – 200 ml.

How to make a diet smoothie with kiwi

To prepare a cocktail, proceed as follows:

  • Peel the kiwi fruit and cut into pieces.
  • Beat everything in a blender and serve.

Kiwi supplies the body with vitamin C, which charges those who are losing weight with vigor and optimism, and helps burn fat.


  • Cherry berries - 150 g;
  • Oatmeal – 2 tbsp;
  • Honey – 1 tsp;
  • Yogurt or kefir - 5 tbsp;
  • Milk - 120 ml;
  • A little cinnamon.

How to make a cocktail with cherries

To prepare a cherry cocktail for weight loss, do this:

  • Pour boiling milk over the oatmeal and wait 10 minutes.
  • Remove the pits from the cherries and set a few aside.
  • Beat all ingredients, except cinnamon and reserved cherries, in a blender.
  • Pour into glasses, cool and serve, garnished with cherries.

This smoothie is good for breakfast or as a snack.

Blueberry and oatmeal smoothie


  • Hercules - 0.5 cups;
  • Yogurt without additives – 1 cup;
  • Blueberries – 1 cup;
  • Honey – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Milk – 1 glass;
  • Crushed ice.

How to make a weight loss smoothie with oatmeal and blueberries

To whip up a smoothie, follow the step-by-step recipe:

  • Fill the rolled oats with yogurt and put them in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Beat all ingredients in a blender until smooth.
  • Pour into glasses and serve immediately.

If you bought frozen blueberries, you don't need to add ice to the smoothie. Blueberry smoothies not only satiate you, but also quench your thirst.

Now you know the most popular recipes for weight loss smoothies with oatmeal. All that remains is to try them all to include the ones you like most in your weight loss program.

Healthy, satisfying and tasty - this is the perfect breakfast. And the main thing is that preparing it will not be difficult and this process will not take you much time, because smoothie recipes with oatmeal are extremely simple to follow. An oatmeal smoothie with dairy products (milk, kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt) is a complete breakfast that will give the body the necessary portion of proteins and calcium.

About the benefits of oatmeal for the human body

Everyone has probably heard more than once that porridge is incredibly healthy and should definitely be included in a proper and healthy diet. Oatmeal rightfully takes first place in the list of the most nutritious and healthy cereal porridges. It has a fairly high calorie content (100 grams contains 88 calories), 13% protein and 6% fat. Oatmeal is very useful for people suffering from stomach and intestinal diseases. It acts as a cleanser for the stomach and the entire body as a whole, and is an excellent adsorbent. Oatmeal contains complex carbohydrates, which we need so much in the morning, as well as: phosphorus, calcium, iodine, vitamin B, vitamin A and vitamin E.

Among other things, this porridge is well suited for those who are puzzled by the issue of losing weight or want to normalize the digestion process. By combining oatmeal with fruits, dairy products, nuts and honey, you get a delicious oatmeal smoothie that will replace a full breakfast. Find your favorite recipe!

A simple smoothie recipe with milk and oatmeal

One of the easiest recipes. All the necessary products are practically always available in the refrigerator of any housewife. If you use skim milk, the calorie content of the dish will be reduced, and you can eat it while losing weight.

To prepare a smoothie with milk, prepare the following ingredients:

  1. 1 tablespoon oatmeal;
  2. hot boiled water;
  3. 1 banana;
  4. 1 glass of milk;
  5. 1 teaspoon honey.

Take oatmeal and pour 2 tablespoons of hot boiled water over it. Stir and let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes. Next, beat with a blender 1 peeled and chopped banana, 1 glass of milk, honey and oatmeal. Mix everything thoroughly, the banana smoothie with oatmeal is ready.

Breakfast oatmeal smoothie recipe

Children love this breakfast because it is prepared with sweet fruit yogurt. A great option for breakfast before going to school.

This recipe contains the following ingredients:

  1. 3 tablespoons of Hercules oatmeal;
  2. 1 banana;
  3. 0.5 cups low-fat milk;
  4. half a glass of fruit yogurt;
  5. 1 teaspoon of honey (it is better to take liquid);
  6. cinnamon (pinch).

First pour hot milk over oatmeal flakes and leave to steep for 5-10 minutes. Then pour all the ingredients into the blender one by one and beat thoroughly at maximum speed. Pour into glasses and sprinkle ground cinnamon on top, the dish is ready.

Oatmeal smoothie based on kefir

This kefir-oatmeal smoothie recipe is perfect for weight loss, since the finished dish has a calorie content of only 75 kcal.

So, you will need:

  1. 150 grams of low-fat kefir;
  2. 1 medium apple;
  3. 1 banana;
  4. 1 teaspoon maple syrup;
  5. 20 grams of oatmeal;
  6. 15 grams of wheat bran;
  7. boiled water.

Grind a banana with a peeled apple in a blender. Add kefir to them and beat everything well. Mix oatmeal and bran separately in a bowl, pour 50 grams of hot boiled water over them. Let them sit for 5-10 minutes. Then add the flakes and bran mixture to the rest of the ingredients in a blender. Beat everything well again. The dish is ready, you can eat.

Smoothie recipe with oatmeal and cottage cheese

This smoothie is perfect for the diet of athletes after strength training who want to build muscle mass. It contains a large amount of protein (protein) and has a fairly high calorie content.

You will need:

  1. 200 grams of cottage cheese (it’s better to take homemade one);
  2. 2 tablespoons of oatmeal;
  3. 3 bananas;
  4. 600 ml milk;
  5. 50 grams of nuts (any kind, a mixture can be used);
  6. 3 tablespoons of honey.

Place the nuts in a blender bowl and grind to a fine powder. Then add all the remaining ingredients to the nuts and beat thoroughly at maximum speed. Let sit for a little while until the flakes are completely dissolved in the liquid. The protein smoothie is ready.

Diet smoothie with oatmeal for weight loss

A diet smoothie with oatmeal, prepared with the addition of a natural fat-burning fruit - avocado, will be useful for your weight loss. It contains very few calories, but at the same time is very nutritious and satisfying. This smoothie is extremely popular on the raw food table.


  1. 1 large avocado;
  2. half a lemon;
  3. several sprigs of cilantro;
  4. a bunch of mint;
  5. 1 cucumber;
  6. half a clove of garlic;
  7. salt;
  8. black pepper.

Place all vegetables in a blender, after peeling the avocado and removing the pit. Turn on the slicing mode in the blender, then switch to the whipping mode. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses, carefully garnish with mint leaves and a slice of lime.

Nutritious smoothie with oatmeal

This recipe is interesting because oatmeal can be replaced with any other cereal, for example, rice or buckwheat. Well, we will share with you a classic recipe for a nutritious smoothie with oatmeal.

Prepare the ingredients:

  1. 2 tablespoons oatmeal;
  2. 50 grams of boiling water;
  3. 2 sweet tangerines or 1 large orange;
  4. 1 banana;
  5. 200 ml natural yogurt.

First of all, as standard, we steam the flakes in boiling water. Let the mixture sit for 5-10 minutes. While the flakes are swelling, let's make tangerines or oranges. We peel them, carefully remove the seeds and try to remove all the white films. Cut the banana into several parts. When the flakes have brewed, put all the ingredients in a blender and beat thoroughly on maximum mode for 2-3 minutes. When the consistency of the smoothie is reached, pour the drink into glasses. It is recommended to use natural yogurt, which does not contain harmful additives. If you can’t find one, you can easily use non-liquid sour cream or kefir instead of yogurt. To make your smoothie more acidic, increase the amount of citrus fruit.

Delicious smoothie with oatmeal and kiwi

This recipe is also great for weight loss, since kiwi is a great fat burner.

We will need:

  1. 100 ml green tea;
  2. 50 grams of oatmeal;
  3. 3 kiwi fruits.

Brew green tea. While the tea is brewing, steam the oatmeal with boiling water and let it brew. Then peel the kiwis and cut them into pieces. Place all ingredients in a blender bowl and blend well. In order to quench your thirst with such a smoothie in the summer, you can add pieces of ice to the ingredients and also shake them up. To make it easier to peel kiwis, first cut them in half and remove the pulp from the middle. Enjoy your meal.

Try all the suggested recipes and find your favorite!
