
Fat burning cocktail for weight loss. Effective homemade slimming cocktails

There are many ways to get rid of excess weight and always stay in excellent shape. All these methods are based on two principles - limit the amount of calories consumed and increase energy expenditure by increasing physical activity.

As for increasing calorie consumption, I think everyone understands - you need to move at every opportunity.

When it comes to proper nutrition, it's a whole science! Restrict your calorie intake: This does not mean going on a strict diet and staring with hungry eyes at delicious cakes. For normal life, we need vitamins and minerals that the body receives from food. With a lack of nutrients, the body will always strike back at our health.

Therefore, I always advised - to combat excess weight, you do not need to starve! It is enough to review your diet and put on your plate only what is really useful and necessary.

There is such a concept that the body processes only 30% of the food received into energy, and the rest is stored in reserve. So why give him so much superfluous, and then try to get rid of this "superfluous"?

Many will answer - they are used to eating a lot! This is not an answer, but an "excuse" - wean. Cut back on your regular intake a little each day. The stomach can also narrow, as well as stretch. Unless, of course, this is done gradually.

Others will answer that they cannot overcome hunger. Fight appetite with healthy herbs, oils, juices. Brutal appetite is not terrible, it can be overcome, if desired, of course.

I know from myself that it is difficult to fight hunger, but it can be easily deceived! For example, with the help of natural homemade drinks. It is very easy to prepare slimming cocktails yourself, the main thing is to know which components to use.

What are the benefits of cocktails for weight loss

Homemade slimming smoothies are a mixture of healthy and at the same time delicious products! The basis of these drinks include fiber or pectin - the natural components of plants. Once in the stomach, fiber increases significantly and thereby contributes to the appearance of a feeling of satiety.

In addition, while moving through the intestines, fiber-based cocktails act as a “broom”, helping it to quickly clear the walls of feces.

You can prepare a fiber-based slimming cocktail yourself at home, based on your tastes and preferences. Berries, vegetables, fruits, dairy and sour-milk products, herbs and spices are added to fiber.

The main thing is that the products are in harmony with each other. For example, milkshakes are not combined with sour fruits or berries. But you can safely add nuts or spices.

Milk is considered a heavy product for our digestion. It is better to give preference to sour-milk drinks. Strawberries, peaches, cherries, honey, spices, dried fruits, herbs can be added to cocktails based on kefir or yogurt.

Recently, a lot of attention has been paid to protein shakes. They are useful not only for athletes to gain muscle mass, but also for those who want to lose weight.

Protein shakes are useful in that they are low-calorie and contained in them, protein compounds are not deposited in fat, but go as a building material for muscle mass.

Slimming Cocktail Recipes

Recipes to Improve Metabolism

1. Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach. Juice can be diluted with water, but it is better to drink it in its pure form.

2. Add 1/4 teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon to drinks, smoothies, yogurts, salads.

3. Make it a rule to drink green tea with citrus, it activates the metabolism and helps burn fat.

Brew tea, let it brew for 10 minutes, add citrus juice, sweeten. The cocktail is ready. Store it in the refrigerator and drink 1 cup three times a day chilled.

4. To improve metabolism and bowel function, relieve puffiness is perfect. It’s a pity that you can’t cook it in the winter, as it is prepared from fresh mint and cucumber.

Detox Recipes

1 . Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, the drink will give a feeling of satiety and at the same time fill us with the daily need for vitamins and minerals.

Juice of 1 lemon
250 g pomegranate juice
250 g grape juice
Half teaspoon grated ginger
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

Mix all ingredients in a blender, strain and drink chilled.

2. Pomegranate juice is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. Studies show that pomegranate juice contains three types of antioxidants, such as tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid. It is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, folic acid, iron, fiber and potassium.

Green tea and pomegranate contain powerful antioxidants that help boost the immune system to fight disease, prevent cancer, and lower cholesterol. This drink cleanses the body of toxins and promotes weight loss. It can be drunk during any diet.

500 g boiling water
2 tablespoons green tea
Juice of 1/4 lemon
1 glass of pomegranate juice
1/3 cup orange juice
1/2 tablespoon honey
1/2 cinnamon stick

Brew green tea and let steep for 10 minutes. Then mix with the rest of the ingredients. You can store such a slimming cocktail in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Recipes for weight loss

1. Recipe and features of the drink →

3. Nettle is one of the most effective and beneficial herbs for our health. Contains vitamins and minerals that are important for promoting healthy muscles, bones and nerves.

Nettle drink is an excellent tonic and diuretic, which helps in weight loss and in the elimination of cellulite.

1 teaspoon dry nettle or 2 tablespoons fresh leaves
250 g boiling water
Juice of 1 lemon

Pour boiling water over the nettle and let it brew, and then combine with lemon juice.

4. I can't ignore parsley. This cocktail speeds up metabolism and copes well with puffiness.

bunch of parsley
Lemon 1 piece

Grind peeled lemon and parsley leaves in a blender. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass and pour clean water into it to make 100 g of a cocktail. The prepared drink is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for 1-2 weeks.

Hello dear readers. No matter how perfect your figure may seem to the people around you, you will still be dissatisfied with your reflection in the mirror. As a rule, the problem of losing weight is of particular concern to women who strive to look their best. Be that as it may, there will always be two or three extra pounds that you urgently need to get rid of. How to do it quickly and without harm to health? This question is asked by almost every woman, hoping to have time to lose weight by the beginning of the beach season. Everyone knows that the key to healthy and high-quality weight loss is proper nutrition and sports. These two conditions cannot exist without each other, although many try to cheat by limiting themselves only to a healthy diet.

But in addition to these important components, there is an additional method that will help speed up the process of losing weight. We are talking about the regular use of diet cocktails that will help not only burn fat, but also survive noticeable food restrictions.

Such cocktails greatly accelerate the process of losing weight, and at the same time saturate the body, enriching it with all the useful substances.

You can make slimming cocktails at home, while the process itself does not require any special skills.

How do slimming cocktails work?

Many refer to such a delicious drink solely as a means for losing weight, although in addition to this, they are quite useful for our body. The rich vitamin composition and taste of such a cocktail makes you forget about the original purposes of its use.

Actually, you can supplement your daily diet with such delicious drinks, even at a time when you do not follow any diet. Of course, the process of losing weight will make you wait a little, but those extra pounds are unlikely to come back to you at all.

Similar cocktails can be found in any sports nutrition store or drugstore. But why pay extra for something you can do yourself? In addition, you will be completely confident in the naturalness of the prepared product.

As a rule, many manufacturers of such a fat-burning agent replenish its composition with various chemical additives that can harm a healthy body. It is for these reasons that there are a number of restrictions on the use of such a remedy, since it can lead to some side effects.

Having prepared such a vitamin drink at home, you will be sure that it contains only natural products, which means that it is completely beneficial for your body.

Typically, such drinks have a certain protein base, which is most often kefir or milk. But the source of vitamins in this case are various vegetables, fruits and berries.

The combination of certain products gives a different effect, so it is necessary to determine in advance the purpose of taking such a remedy. In fact, the action of all cocktails is aimed at burning fat, but the speed of this process will be determined by the type of drink.

According to their variety, slimming cocktails are as follows:

✔ Diuretic. Their action is aimed at getting rid of excess fluid in the body. If you suffer from edema, then this remedy will help to cope with them. In the first days of use, a significant weight loss will be noticeable, but this result will be due to simple fluid loss, not fat burning. They are prepared on the basis of green tea, which just has a diuretic effect. The vitamin component is vegetables and fruits.

✔ Energy. The action of such drinks is aimed at enriching the body with the necessary energy charge, so it is best to use them at the beginning of the day. The tool is prepared on the basis of citrus fruits, various juices, as well as aloe leaves. It is these products that can energize the body, and their combination will increase efficiency, despite the fact that you had to give up some high-calorie foods. Citrus fruits improve mood, which is also important in this difficult process of weight loss.

✔ Cleansing. They will be useful if you feel some heaviness in the abdomen due to malfunctioning of the intestines. The remedy contributes to the natural cleansing of the intestines, which means that you do not have to poison your body with harmful medicines. Such a cocktail is prepared on the basis of ingredients containing fiber, which just normalizes the functioning of the intestines.

✔ Improve metabolism. Such cocktails are considered mandatory, in addition to other types, as they help improve metabolism. This means that the weight loss process will take much less time. As a rule, such drinks in their composition contain various spices that disperse the blood in the body.

How to prepare a slimming cocktail at home?

The process of losing weight already requires quite a few sacrifices from us, so we must make it at least a little more pleasant. Therefore, we need to try to prepare not only healthy, but also delicious cocktails. Believe me, having prepared such a cocktail, you will be looking forward to when tomorrow comes to treat yourself to such a drink again.

But in order to prepare a really tasty cocktail, you should familiarize yourself with some rules that will help you achieve this goal:

Mixing and grinding of all ingredients should be done using a blender. In this way, a homogeneous consistency can be achieved.

You should always consume only a fresh drink, which means that it should be prepared immediately before drinking. Only in this way you can get all the useful substances contained in vegetables and fruits.

If you decide to lose weight in winter, when you can’t find fresh berries during the day with fire, then you can simply replace them with a frozen version of berries. Throughout this time, they retained all the vitamins.

Dairy products should contain a minimum of fat, or even be fat-free. For effective weight loss, this is quite an important condition.

In the process of preparing a fruit cocktail, sugar should be completely abandoned, replacing it with a spoonful of liquid honey.

If the action of the cocktail is aimed at improving the functioning of the metabolism, then it is better to grind the spices yourself. So, you will feel all the spice of the selected spices, whether it be cinnamon or pepper.

Please note that people prone to developing allergic reactions should be careful with the use of foods such as honey and citrus fruits.

If you are allergic to a particular product that is the main ingredient of the cocktail, then replace it with any other.

Cocktails for weight loss. TOP - 11 recipes

There are quite a few varieties of cocktails that differ in their basis, but we will consider the most effective ones. If you have clearly decided for yourself that you urgently need to say goodbye to being overweight, then the following list of cocktails is just for you.

You can both use the same cocktail for a certain time, and every day indulge yourself with a new kind of cocktail. In addition, it all depends on the goals that you have set for yourself.

1. Kiwi cocktail with honey

Such a drink is considered protein, so it will definitely provide you with an energy boost. It will be especially useful for those people whose goal is not only to reduce body weight, but also to acquire muscle relief.

For cooking, we need to prepare the following products:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • 300 ml of milk.
  • Three kiwi fruits.
  • Two tablespoons of honey.

First of all, you should slightly warm the honey in a water bath until it becomes liquid. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

2. Raspberry smoothie

This drink is also an energy drink, so it is better to drink it at the beginning of the day.

Cocktail preparation involves the use of such products:

  • A glass of milk.
  • 100 g fresh (or frozen) raspberries.
  • A glass of kefir.

Using a fork, knead the berries, then place them in a blender. We also place our dairy products there, and you can safely beat everything until you get a pale pink mass.

3. Milky tangerine

Such a drink will be an ideal tool for losing weight during the New Year holidays, when you need to get rid of the "eaten".

The following ingredients should be prepared in advance:

  • Two glasses of soy milk.
  • Three tangerines.
  • A teaspoon of linseed oil.
  • 130 ml fat-free kefir.

We place the tangerine slices in a blender, and fill them with the rest of the ingredients. Shake our drink, then immediately drink it.

4. Green

This cocktail is one of the most effective, as it contains a large amount of greens, which, as you know, can put the digestive system in order.

To prepare such a drink, we need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 130 g of cottage cheese.
  • 150 ml skimmed milk.
  • Celery stalk.
  • A small bunch of parsley.
  • A few cloves of garlic.
  • Ginger.

Finely chop the greens and stir with cottage cheese, which should immediately be poured with milk. Beat the mixture in a blender, gradually adding ginger and spices.

5. Banana Protein Shake

This version of the drink is a classic, because it is consumed by many athletes. Its action is more focused on building muscle mass, and then on weight loss.

A cocktail is prepared from the following products:

  • Two egg whites.
  • A glass of kefir.
  • One banana.
  • Cinnamon.

Separate the yolks from the proteins, and knead them together with a banana. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend for a few minutes.

6. Citrus

Such a cocktail is not suitable for everyone, so people who periodically suffer from allergies are better off completely abandoning this option. Well, in general, such a drink energizes, which will certainly come in handy in the process of playing sports.

The ingredients to choose are:

  • Tablespoon of honey.
  • Several canned pineapple rings.
  • Half a grapefruit.

We place all the products in a blender bowl and beat until we get a homogeneous liquid mass.

7. Beetroot

This type of cocktail is cleansing, which means that it has a slight laxative effect. Therefore, it is better not to consume it on an empty stomach, otherwise you risk spending the whole day at home.

For cooking, we will use the following products:

  • Two medium sized carrots.
  • One orange.
  • A quarter of a beet.
  • Ginger root.

We rub the carrots and beets on a fine grater, after which we place them in a blender. We divide the orange into slices and send to the vegetables. Whisk our ingredients and get a healthy cocktail.

Slimming cocktails based on kefir

Special attention should be paid to this type of cocktail, since it is he who will help you quickly cope with extra pounds.

It does not give such a strong laxative effect as cleansing drinks, for example. Therefore, it can be consumed at least every day, without fear of an unexpected bowel reaction.

1. Classic

A drink is prepared on the basis of the following products:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • Two teaspoons of oatmeal.
  • One fresh cucumber.
  • Ginger, mint, dill.

Finely grate the ginger and cucumber. Finely chop the greens and add to the chopped vegetables. Pour the prepared ingredients with kefir and beat thoroughly.

2. Apple

Such a hearty cocktail is prepared on the basis of the following ingredients:

  • One sweet and sour apple.
  • Two glasses of kefir.
  • Two stalks of celery.

Cut the celery and apple into small pieces so that it is more convenient to beat them in a blender. Pour the crushed products with kefir and whisk again.

3. Cinnamon

Such a spicy drink can be prepared using only natural products:

  • A glass of kefir.
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon.
  • Ginger.
  • A pinch of red pepper.

Grate the ginger with a fine grater and mix with cinnamon and pepper. Pour in the kefir and beat the mixture for several minutes.

4. Cucumber

Such a drink is best prepared in the spring, when the first vegetables and herbs begin to appear on the shelves. You should choose only natural ingredients, namely:

  • One glass of kefir.
  • Cucumber.
  • Cilantro, parsley and dill.
  • Half a teaspoon of zira.
  • Salt pepper.

First of all, you need to fry the cumin in a dry frying pan. At the same time, cut all the greens, and rub the cucumber on a fine grater. Pour all the ingredients with kefir and beat in a blender. Actually, here is the drink and ready to drink.

Well, are you ready to get your figure in order? Then immediately start preparing one of the cocktails that you liked the most.

But do not forget that you will have to forget about sweet and starchy foods for some time, without which many of us simply cannot live. Yes, and you can’t do without sports here either, since it is physical activity that is the fastest way to reduce body weight.

Such healthy cocktails will help replenish the body with all the necessary vitamins, which play an important role in the process of losing weight. The drink should be consumed regularly, and preferably at the same time.

Here comes the summer! hot days, bright sun, and, of course, open dresses, short shorts, T-shirts, swimwear. Such clothes suggest a good figure. Thinking about it, I realized that it does not hurt to throw off a couple of extra pounds. But I don’t want to limit myself much, a rigid diet can only do harm. Homemade cocktails for weight loss came to the rescue - I share delicious, original recipes!

Cocktails for weight loss - we study all the pros and cons

Starting to drink such cocktails, I could not even imagine how it tasty and healthy . They are ideal, enriching the body with vitamins, strengthening immunity.

Of course, you can also buy them in the store. But everyone knows that most manufacturers add sweeteners, flavor enhancers and other harmful components to their products. But homemade cocktails - that's it!

I approached the use of cocktails with great responsibility, having studied all the pros and cons. And, it turned out, the positive impact from them is much greater than the negative.

Pros of homemade cocktails:

  • natural ingredients . Basically, the composition includes various berries, fruits, herbs. They are easy to purchase in the summer, and some even take from your garden. In addition, they already contain a certain amount of sugar, so there is no need to add additional sweetness.
  • Availability, ease of preparation . A few minutes of blender operation - the drink is ready!
  • Diversity . By changing one ingredient, the result will be a completely different taste. There are many combinations, you can experiment at least every day.
  • Fasting days . Cocktails are easy. They are light, nutritious, enriched with lactic acid bacteria, fiber, pectin, fruit extracts. These components perfectly remove all toxins from the body, normalize the work of the intestines, stabilize its microflora.
  • weight loss . The main merit. The low calorie content ensures fast enough without any problems. They give satiety for several hours, but do not contribute to the deposition of fat on the body. Therefore, one or two meals can be replaced with cocktails.

Cons of homemade cocktails:

  1. Many people have problems with bowel movements. . Drinks with kefir often have a laxative effect.
  2. Difficulty holding on to them for long periods of time. . But this is not required. One day is enough to unload the body, and for a long-term diet, it is worth considering nutrition in detail. You can't just drink cocktails . They replace only part of the daily food. For example, I drink a glass instead of dinner and afternoon snack. This is enough to make the body feel great.

For me, the pros outweighed everything else. Yes, and some of the minuses are not very convincing.

But my nutritionist advised me to always pay attention to the body's responses, our body knows best what it needs.

How and when to take a slimming cocktail?

These questions are very relevant, my nutritionist answered them in detail and gave recommendations:

  • Drink in the morning instead of breakfast . For a bite, you can eat a piece of bread. The cocktail accelerates metabolic processes in the body, due to which more energy is spent. Bread provides a good amount of healthy carbohydrates, but it must be whole grain (it contains a huge amount of fiber and fiber).
  • After training, drink a cocktail 20 minutes after it ends . So the body will replenish the lost strength, and the resulting nutrients will again be used to burn calories without turning into fat under the influence of insulin.
  • Walnuts can be added to the berry and fruit versions of the drink. . This nut is good for the brain, it is a real energy drink - healthy and tasty. But you can not abuse it - all nuts are high in calories.
  • Water regime is the basis of any diet . A sufficient amount of water per day improves the appearance of the skin, reduces the appearance of cellulite.
  • No need to prepare cocktails for the future . Even after a short storage, they lose some of their useful properties.

10 interesting options for weight loss cocktails - we cook at home!

I love making cocktails and smoothies at home - for myself, family and guests. They always turn out original, tasty, and, most importantly, nutritious and more than suitable for weight loss . For cooking, I use a wide variety of ingredients - vegetables, fruits, herbs, lactic acid products.

I'll start with smoothies. I first saw this word in one of the summer cafes. I decided to try it and fell in love with the taste, texture - it was bright, juicy, thick. Then I thought that it would be cool to make this drink at home. Really, It's not hard to make it at home .

"Vitamin Sun"

The most useful drink, it has a huge vitamin A and lycopene content which is good for the liver. Under the influence of useful substances, fats are instantly broken down and excreted from the body.

To implement a vitamin drink you will need: 1 tomato, 2 carrots, a glass of low-fat yogurt. I pass the vegetables through a blender, mix with kefir.

"Refreshing sourness"

Drink without exaggeration miraculous . It includes a green apple and celery in a ratio of 1:2. Celery is a storehouse of usefulness, it removes excess fluid from the body, perfectly breaks down hated fats.

"Red-Green Explosion"

Soon the time of watermelons will begin - juicy, bright, tasty. You can not miss this period, because it is in the watermelon that fiber and vitamin B . Add kiwi, a slice of lemon - the dessert dish is ready. In the heat - a couple of ice cubes. Such a drink energize for the whole day .

"Fruit Curd"

Great breakfast dish nutritious, tasty, and most importantly healthy . I use 100 grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of 1%, the same amount of skimmed milk, 25 grams of oatmeal, a pinch of cinnamon, half an apple and a pear. I grind everything in a blender, pouring it into a beautiful glass. So the drink becomes even tastier and more pleasant.

Now about cocktails. They are even lighter, but no less delicious.

"Raspberry Paradise"

I love this option traditional and exotic simultaneously. Raspberries and avocados give a unique taste, and oatmeal makes the drink satisfying. I prefer to have it for breakfast. So, 300 grams of raspberries and the same amount of avocados, 50 grams of oatmeal, 250 ml of mint tea - I beat everything in a blender. A great alternative to cereals, sandwiches and pancakes.

"Citrus Diet"

The best option for losing weight is a drink cleanses the body, reduces appetite and glucose absorption .

I take a grapefruit, half a lemon, a slice of ginger. I squeeze the juice from the fruit, add ginger, mix - the drink is ready! I drink it after meals a feeling of lightness and a surge of energy are provided .

"Blueberry Joy"

Kefir, blueberries, a teaspoon of honey - I mix everything and enjoy the excellent taste.

One of the simplest cocktails. Banana and kefir are its components. Everything is crushed and drunk in the morning, because very nutritious fruit .

"Vitamin greens"

I love drinking it for dinner. I take dill, parsley, low-fat kefir. I mix the components in a blender, add a little salt. Unusual but very interesting taste .

"Prunes and kiwi"

Prunes, kiwi, 200 ml of natural apple juice without additives and sugar, cinnamon - mix into a homogeneous mass, cool, pour into glasses and enjoy a delicious drink !

How and how much you can lose weight on cocktails - results and reviews

I've been sitting on cocktails for a week now, what I feel:

  1. Feeling of lightness.
  2. Decreased appetite.
  3. Normal bowel function.
  4. Loss of two kilograms.

The result is more than good. I think, continuing further, you can achieve excellent success on such a diet. Moreover, it is tasty, healthy, charging with vitamins and energy. .

Spring is the time when many of us think about how to lose a few extra pounds gained over the winter.

I present to your attention recipes for homemade slimming cocktails.

These healthy natural drinks, just a pantry of useful vitamins and minerals, they will help you solve the problem of excess weight quite effectively.

Benefits of homemade smoothies for weight loss

The opinion of nutritionists on the benefits of homemade cocktails

  1. Homemade slimming smoothies contain a lot of fiber, which contributes to fairly quick and long-term saturation, which is very important for losing weight.
  2. Cocktails do not contain sugar, and this is very important to maintain normal weight. And yet, you cook at home, from fresh fruits and vegetables, the prepared drink will be fresh, natural and most beneficial to your health.

Recipes for homemade slimming cocktails

I offer you the most effective slimming cocktails that are prepared at home, and quite simply and easily.

Slimming cocktail recipe on kefir

Kefir cocktails are the most effective and most common for weight loss. Kefir is very good for health, it improves bowel function and helps to cleanse the body of toxins, strengthens the immune system.

Oatmeal, rich in fiber, induces a feeling of fullness and reduces appetite. Cinnamon improves metabolism and prevents the deposition of fat.

  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • Ground cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Any berries 1 tablespoon or a quarter of an apple.


  1. Add oatmeal, cinnamon, berries or finely chopped apples to kefir.
  2. We beat the cocktail in a blender or just mix very carefully. A healthy drink is ready.

Recipe for a slimming cocktail on kefir No. 2

In this recipe, we will enhance the effectiveness of the cocktail with fragrant spices and add ground red pepper, ginger and cinnamon to the drink.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Kefir fat content not more than 1% - 200 grams;
  • Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ginger, grated on a fine grater - 1 teaspoon;
  • Red hot pepper - a small whisper.


  1. everything is very simple, add spices to kefir and mix everything well. Useful tips!
  2. It is necessary to prepare cocktails for weight loss in portions, before use.
  3. It is advisable to consume kefir with spices 20 minutes before meals. The spices that this cocktail contains significantly reduce appetite.
  4. You can divide a portion of a kefir cocktail into two halves and drink one before a meal, and the second after a meal, as spices with kefir speed up metabolic processes.
  5. A serving of kefir cocktail can replace dinner, which will also be very useful for normalizing weight.

Ginger for weight loss

Ginger is a unique and useful plant that improves metabolism, stimulates blood circulation. Ginger root puts in order the work of the liver and stomach, has tonic, analgesic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic properties. Ginger is recommended for muscle, headache and toothaches, with osteochondrosis.

"This is useful!

Ginger smoothie is a very healthy drink that is good for weight loss. In addition, ginger drink is an excellent prevention of viral and colds, oncology and strengthening the immune system. Healing ginger drink helps to significantly strengthen memory, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Ginger cocktail contraindications

For all its benefits, ginger drinks have a number of contraindications that you should pay attention to.

  • Ginger should not be used for such diseases:
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin and high temperature;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Nose or uterine bleeding;
  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Skin diseases and individual intolerance.

If you don’t suffer from enumerated diseases and problems, then you can safely prepare ginger drinks for yourself. Recipes for a slimming cocktail with ginger

Milk ginger shake


  • A glass of kefir;
  • Cinnamon and ground ginger - 0.5 tablespoon each;
  • A pinch of red pepper.

Preparation: add ginger, cinnamon and pepper to kefir - mix everything with a mixer. Done. You need to drink a ginger cocktail for weight loss half an hour before breakfast, as well as at night. Using this drink, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of excess weight in one month.

Ginger slimming cocktail - classic

For cooking we need:

  • Ginger, crushed on a grater - 2 tablespoons;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • Juice from 1/4 of a lemon.

Preparation: pour ginger with two liters of boiling water, add lemon juice and leave to infuse for one hour. Then add honey and insist for another half an hour.

The finished drink should be drunk during the day, no more than two liters.

Ginger cocktail with orange juice


  • 1 teaspoon grated ginger root;
  • A pinch of cardamom and 30 grams of mint.

Preparation: mix ginger, cardamom, mint and pour everything with one liter of boiling water. Add 50 milliliters of orange juice and 10 milliliters of lemon juice, as well as a little honey to taste.

Vegetable cocktail for weight loss with ginger

This low-calorie cocktail helps cleanse the body and speeds up metabolic processes.

For cooking, we need to take: 100 grams of green or thawed peas, one fresh cucumber, 3 broccoli florets, 1 teaspoon of ground ginger.

Preparation: mix all the ingredients in a blender, if the drink is too thick, you can add a glass of kefir to the cocktail.

Vitamin cocktail "Orange"

This slimming cocktail contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Home-made slimming cocktails are in no way inferior to factory-made ones; moreover, nutritionists consider home-made cocktails to be more useful due to the naturalness of their components. Today we will give recipes for homemade slimming cocktails that have received the most flattering reviews among all slimming cocktails from people who have managed to get rid of excess weight.

Advantages of homemade cocktails for weight loss

Firstly, homemade slimming cocktails contain wholesome fresh berries, fruits or vegetables, which gives more vitamins and nutrients, which means more vigor and energy, and for a long time, which ready-made cocktails lack. Secondly, home-made slimming cocktails contain a large amount of fiber, which contributes to rapid, and, most importantly for weight loss, long-term saturation. Thirdly, homemade smoothies do not contain sugar, except for what is found in fruits. And finally, slimming cocktails prepared at home are always fresh, which means they are really healthier and better for weight loss.

Slimming Cocktail Recipes

In our article, we offer you four recipes for the most effective slimming cocktails which can be easily prepared at home.

1. Slimming cocktail at home on kefir with oatmeal and cinnamon.
This is the most common slimming cocktail. Cinnamon improves the absorption of sugar by the body, and thus prevents the deposition of fat. Kefir improves the functioning of the intestines, due to which the body gets rid of toxins. And oatmeal is rich in fiber, which suppresses appetite. To prepare a homemade slimming cocktail, take 2 tbsp. for one glass of kefir. l. oatmeal and 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon. If desired, you can add 1 tbsp to the cocktail. l. any berries or a quarter of an apple.

2. Milkshake for weight loss at home with cottage cheese and herbs.
Cottage cheese in combination with fresh herbs has a "brush" effect, freeing the intestines from toxins and toxins, which contributes to weight loss. For this cocktail, take 100 grams of low-fat, preferably soft, cottage cheese and mix with a large bunch of finely chopped greens (celery, parsley, dill, cilantro, spinach or basil). To bring to the desired consistency, dilute the mass with low-fat milk.

3. Vegetable smoothie for weight loss at home with ginger.
This is a very low-calorie homemade slimming cocktail that speeds up metabolic processes and helps to gently cleanse the body. For a vegetable smoothie with ginger, you will need 1 fresh cucumber, 100 grams of green peas, fresh or thawed, 2-3 broccoli florets and a few strips of ginger (you can use ground - 1 tsp). Mix all the ingredients in a blender, if the cocktail is too thick, add kefir or natural yogurt.

4. Vitamin cocktail "Orange" for weight loss at home.
This smoothie is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, combined with fiber and low total calorie content, this is a great option for weight loss. Orange vegetables are used for the cocktail. Take one each of bell peppers, carrots and persimmons (persimmons can be replaced with pumpkin), mix in a blender or use a fine grater, add kefir / natural yogurt. Complete the finished cocktail with a handful of any nuts and a few dried apricots.

5. Cocktail for weight loss "Cucumber"
Cucumber is mostly made up of water, so it's great for making a delicious slimming smoothie. For one serving you will need one medium-sized cucumber, 100 gr. mineral water or kefir, half a clove of garlic. To create a slimming cocktail, peel the cucumber, grate the garlic, put everything in a blender, pour water (kefir) and beat for 10-15 seconds. You can use such a cocktail as a separate dish, that is, build a diet on it, replacing food with it and using it every two hours, or half an hour before a meal, if you just want to improve your metabolism.

How to drink homemade smoothies for weight loss

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the use of cocktails for weight loss. They can be used in three main ways, depending on the purpose. If you want to lose weight slowly but comfortably, then drink shakes 30 minutes before meals and use them as snacks. If your goal is to get rid of excess weight, then your option is slimming shakes for breakfast and dinner. Lunch in this case should consist of steamed meat or fish (no more than 150 grams), vegetable or fruit salad. Snacks are allowed. And finally, if you want to quickly remove a couple of kilograms, then choose fasting days on homemade slimming cocktails.

Alexandra Ryzhkova All rights reserved
