
Grated blueberries with sugar without cooking. How to make jam

Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of blueberries. It strengthens vision, supports immunity, and also contains antioxidants that can prolong youth. The season when you can enjoy fresh blueberries is not long. Those who wish to prolong the pleasure can make jam from this berry. The most useful of them is blueberries mashed with sugar. For the winter, this so-called “jam” is made by many precisely because it does not undergo heat treatment, which means that the vitamins contained in blueberries are not destroyed. However, in order for such jam to be stored without cooking for a long time, some recommendations must be followed.

The principle of preparing blueberries mashed with sugar is identical to the preparation of similar blanks for the winter from other berries.

  • Remembering that blueberries will not boil, they should be washed and sorted out especially carefully. Not a single mote, unnoticed leaf or spoiled berry should not fall into the "cold jam". Otherwise, it will quickly spoil the whole thing.
  • Cleanliness requirements also apply to utensils used for the preparation and storage of berries. Spoons, pots, jars, lids, parts of a blender or other device for chopping blueberries should be clean. It is important to remember that it is absolutely not suitable for cooking dishes from berries. aluminum cookware. Preference is given to glass, ceramics, wood and of stainless steel. Jars and lids should be sterilized.
  • Preservation of the berry this case provides sugar, so you can not save on it. Sugar should be used no less than indicated in the recipe. Additionally, you can add a little granulated sugar to each jar in addition to what is indicated in the recipe. Cover the berry with a fairly centimeter layer of sugar.
  • It is necessary to store blueberries mashed with sugar in cool place. In a city apartment, there is only one such place - a refrigerator. Usually blueberries, arranged in jars, are placed in the main compartment of the refrigerator, but they can also be stored in freezer. For freezer storage, there is no need to use a large amount of sugar. In this case, it is enough to take 50–75% of the sugar indicated in the recipe. You can lay out blueberries intended for storage in the freezer not only in sterilized jars, but also in clean containers, plastic bags.

Blueberries go well with almost all berries and fruits. If you grind it with other garden gifts, you get an even more delicious dish.

  • After going through the blueberries, rinse them by putting them in a colander and lowering them into the water several times.
  • Let the water drain from the blueberries by laying them out on a paper towel.
  • Grind dry berries to a puree state. There are several ways to do this. The most time-consuming is to wipe through a sieve. A little more simple - grind with a blender, putting it in its bowl small portions berries, or puree them all at once in a bowl with an immersion blender. The easiest way is to crank through a meat grinder. The most tender blueberries are obtained, rubbed by hand through a sieve.
  • Pour granulated sugar into the blueberry mass, stir everything well, let stand for about an hour.
  • Divide into sterilized jars or clean containers. Seal the jars tightly metal lids.
  • take away sweet preparation for the winter in the refrigerator or freezer.

There is a lot of pectin in blueberries, so the “cold jam” from it turns out to be thick. It is well suited for baking, it can be spread on toast instead of marmalade.

  • Carefully, so as not to damage the berries, rinse blueberries and strawberries, after carefully examining them to get rid of spoiled specimens.
  • Puree the berries in any way convenient for you, based on what equipment is available in your kitchen.
  • Pour in sugar, stir. Cover with a cloth and wait a couple of hours.
  • Distribute in sterile jars.
  • Sprinkle over the jars on top of the berry mass powdered sugar. You can not only buy it, but also make it yourself. To do this, grind granulated sugar in a coffee grinder.
  • Seal containers (roll up). Take away for the winter.

You can store "cold jam" from blueberries and strawberries only in a cool place, with room temperature it will deteriorate quickly.

  • Sort the blueberries and rinse them well. Discuss.
  • Wash the currants, first sorting it out and removing the stalks. Place on paper towel to drain water.
  • Chop the berries together.
  • Mix with sugar. After 2-3 hours, mix the berry mass again and place it in prepared jars. Close them.

This "jam" is also stored in the cold. It turns out with sourness, which gives it blackcurrant. The combination of vitamin A, which is abundant in blueberries, and vitamin C, which is especially rich in blackcurrants, make the blueberry-currant treat a powerful weapon in the fight against flu and colds.

Blueberries mashed with sugar - delicious dessert. It is also worth preparing for the winter because all the vitamins are preserved in such a “jam”, due to which it becomes excellent tool to strengthen immune system organism.

Blueberries are famous not so much palatability, how many healing properties. Therefore, the main task when harvesting blueberries for the winter is to preserve vitamins and other useful substances. We will describe in detail the most simple and popular methods in the article.

This valuable berry grows mainly in coniferous and mixed forests, as well as in the tundra and high mountain regions. Prefers flat, semi-shady places with high humidity, often near swamps. Blueberries are harvested and harvested in many regions of Russia (in Siberia and the Non-Black Earth Region, in the Urals and the Caucasus), Ukraine and Belarus. Among the people, it is often called black, blue or dew berry, blackberry, blackberry or blackberry.

Beneficial features

For medicinal purposes, not only blueberries are used, but also leaves that are harvested during the flowering period (May - June), dried and added to teas, infusions or decoctions in winter. The greatest value in berries is complex of biologically active substances:

In addition, the composition contains flavonoids, fatty acid, pectin substances, macro- and microelements.

The content of vitamin C in blueberry leaves is much higher than in berries - up to 250 mg%, and tannins - up to 20%.

Thanks to tannins, blueberries have astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Anthocyanins - natural antioxidants - improve visual acuity and reduce eye fatigue. In addition, blueberries have an insulin-like (sugar-lowering) and restorative action and therefore widely used in traditional medicine and is a part of many commercial preparations - dietary supplements.

Ways to harvest blueberries for the winter

To maximize the beneficial properties of blueberries, berries are recommended not to be subjected to heat treatment, not crushed and not even washed.


The fastest and in a simple way blanks can be called freezing. If you picked blueberries yourself in an environmentally friendly place, then you can do without washing. Berries bought on the market, it is better to wash after all running water, removing all debris, and then dry thoroughly, spreading out in one layer on a towel.

For freezing, take small containers or plastic bags, in which it is convenient to arrange the berries in portions so that they can be thawed later in required quantity. After thawing, blueberries remain tasty and practically do not “float”, that is, they retain their shape, texture, color and aroma.


Another traditional way blanks, allowing you to save the usefulness of berries - drying. collected before drying ripe fruit reviewed, cleaned of litter, without washing or soaking.

At home, it is easiest to dry blueberries in a special dryer or oven, especially if there is convection. The berries are laid out in one layer on a baking sheet and first dried for 2-3 days in the air in a well-ventilated room or 2-3 hours in the oven at a temperature of 35-40 ℃, and then dried at 50-60 ℃. It takes quite a lot of time to dry - 6-12 hours, depending on the size and juiciness of the berries. At the same time, the oven door must be kept slightly ajar or constantly open and wipe off the accumulated condensate. Dried berries, if squeezed in the palm of your hand, should not stick together into a lump and stain the skin of the hands.

As one of the drying options, you can cook blueberries with sugar for the winter without cooking in the form of marshmallows.

Many housewives prefer not to dry the whole berries, but to cook from them. natural delicacy- pastille. Blueberries are often mixed with various fruits(apples, pears, apricots) or neutral-tasting vegetables such as courgettes. At the same time, the composition of the marshmallow, the proportions of ingredients, the need to add sugar are determined individually.


  • fresh blueberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l. (taste).

Cooking technology:

  1. Kill whole clean dry berries (and other fruit and vegetable ingredients) into a homogeneous mass - puree in a blender, scroll through a meat grinder or steam and push through a sieve. Sugar to taste.
  2. Distribute the resulting puree on a baking sheet covered with parchment, a thin layer (3-4 mm) for even drying.
  3. Dry in the oven at a low temperature (+45…50 ℃) for 4-6 hours or in a well-ventilated warm room for 4-5 days.
  4. Cut the finished marshmallow into strips and roll into rolls. Place in a dry container, tightly close the lid and store in a dark, cool place.

Properly dried marshmallow ceases to stick to the hands and can be easily removed from the parchment, remaining sufficiently elastic, unbreakable when folded.

ABOUT various ways preparations of blueberries, including the preparation of marshmallows, tells experienced hostess in the next video:

homemade recipes

The choice of harvesting method depends primarily on the possibilities of storage and further culinary purpose. If you do not have room for stocks of berries in the freezer, but a roomy enough refrigerator, then prepare blueberries with sugar without cooking for the winter. And for those who seek to do without unnecessary preservatives and plan to keep the workpiece at room temperature, we advise you to roll a few jars of blueberries in own juice.

Preparing blueberries mashed with sugar for the winter is simple and quick. According to this recipe, many “cultural” berries are harvested - raspberries, blackcurrants. Store them tightly closed banks in a refrigerator or other cold place.

Servings/Volume: 1-1.5 l


  • blueberries (fresh) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5-2 kg.
The amount of sugar on the one hand reduces the usefulness finished product and clogs the natural berry taste, but on the other hand, it affects the shelf life of the workpiece (from 1-2 months to 1 year).

Cooking technology:

  1. Sort fresh berries, rinse and dry on a towel.
  2. Pass blueberries through a meat grinder or chop in a blender (preferably in a bowl with a lid so that splashes do not scatter).
  3. Mix the berry mass with sugar and let it dissolve completely.
  4. Sterilize and dry jars.
  5. decompose ready mix on jars, on top you can pour a few more tablespoons of sugar in a thin layer, close tight lids and put in the refrigerator.

Berry puree with sugar is convenient to use for making hot drinks, mousses, creams, sauces; add to cereals, serve with pancakes or pancakes. It can also be packaged in small containers and placed in the freezer - it will turn out home version classic dessert"sorbet".

To cook blueberries in their own juice for the winter, you will not need anything other than the berries themselves.

Servings/Volume: 1.5-2 l


  • blueberries (fresh) - 3 kg.


  1. Sort the berries, rejecting all spoiled ones, put them in a large bowl and pour cold water. Remove the debris that has floated to the surface, rinse the berries, put them in a colander or on a sieve so that the water is glass. Then sprinkle them on a towel or old sheet in one layer and let dry.
  2. Sterilize jars and lids.
  3. Prepare large saucepan or basin for a water bath. Place a wire rack on the bottom or cover with a cloth napkin.
  4. Arrange 2/3 of the berries in dry jars and put them in a saucepan. Fill it with cold water so that the shoulders of the jars are covered. Put on fire. Boil.
  5. In the process of sterilization over low heat, the berries will release juice, evaporate and decrease in volume. As they settle, report the remaining blueberries to the jars.
  6. When all the berries are covered with juice and stop settling, cover the jars with lids and hold in boiling water for another 5-7 minutes.
  7. Seal the jars tightly by twisting the lids, turn over, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool.

To speed up the cooking process, you can report not fresh berries, and already steamed, freeing one of the cans. We invite you to watch the whole technology in the video:

This recipe involves minimal heat treatment and a small amount of sugar, which will undoubtedly appeal to all lovers of natural berry flavor. Adding cinnamon or lemon will help make it even more interesting and unusual.

Servings/Volume: 1.5-2 l


  • fresh blueberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5-1 kg;
  • water - 0.3-0.5 l;
  • gelling component (Zhelfix, Konfiturka, etc.) - 1-2 sachets (according to the instructions);
  • lemon / cinnamon (optional) - 1 piece / 20-40 g.


  1. Dissolve sugar in warm water in a heavy bottomed saucepan.
  2. Pour into sugar syrup prepared berries, bring to a boil.
  3. Add rubbed on fine grater lemon zest and juice squeezed out of it, ground cinnamon.
  4. Dissolve gelling powder in a small amount water, as indicated in the instructions.
  5. Slowly, stirring constantly, pour it into the pan with berries.
  6. Boil after boiling for 5 minutes over medium heat. The jam must be gently mixed so as not to burn, and, if necessary, remove the foam.
  7. Sterilize jars, dry.
  8. Pour into hot jars ready jam, evenly distributing berries and syrup. Close with tight lids and let cool at room temperature.

This jam can be made without adding water. To do this, the berries are covered with sugar and left for several hours (overnight) so that they have time to release the juice.


Several Yet interesting recipes jam, confiture and blueberry jam, we invite you to watch in the following videos:

For several years she worked as an editor of a television program with leading ornamental plants in Ukraine. At the dacha, of all types of agricultural work, she prefers harvesting, but for this she is ready to regularly weed, chop, stepchild, water, tie up, thin out, etc. I am convinced that the most delicious vegetables and fruits - hand-grown!

Humus - rotted manure or bird droppings. It is prepared like this: manure is piled in a heap or pile, interbedded with sawdust, peat and garden soil. The collar is covered with a film to stabilize the temperature and humidity (this is necessary to increase the activity of microorganisms). Fertilizer "ripens" within 2-5 years - depending on external conditions and the composition of the feedstock. The output is a loose homogeneous mass with pleasant smell fresh earth.

In little Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to grow fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods allow you to get a crop even at home.

Oklahoma farmer Carl Burns bred unusual variety multi-colored corn, called Rainbow Corn ("rainbow"). Grains on each cob - different colors and shades: brown, pink, purple, blue, green, etc. This result was achieved through many years of selection of the most colored ordinary varieties and their crossing.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; no exception, and those that are grown in gardens and vegetable gardens. So, in the bones of apples, apricots, peaches there is hydrocyanic (hydrocyanic) acid, and in the tops and peel of unripe nightshade (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

It is necessary to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content useful substances they have the highest. The flowers are supposed to be torn by hand, breaking off the rough pedicels. Dry the collected flowers and herbs, scattering in a thin layer, in a cool room at natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

Tomatoes have no natural protection against late blight. If late blight attacks, any tomatoes die (and potatoes too), no matter what is said in the description of the varieties (“late blight-resistant varieties” is just a marketing ploy).

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have " negative calorie”, that is, during digestion, more calories are expended than they contain. In fact, only 10-20% of the calories received from food are consumed in the digestive process.

Compost is the rotted organic remains of the different origin. How to do? Everything is put in a pile, a pit or a large box: kitchen leftovers, tops of garden crops, weeds mowed before flowering, thin twigs. All this is interbedded with phosphorite flour, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with foil. In the process of overheating, the pile is periodically stirred or pierced for inflow fresh air. Usually compost "ripens" for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

Harvesting blueberries for the winter without cooking - simple and fast way save this useful berry for long term. Blueberries are a healthy and delicious fruit. From childhood, we are familiar not only with its name and appearance, but also unforgettable taste. sweet berry loved by adults and children. Blueberries are useful, so everyone says, but not everyone knows why they are actually so useful?

About the benefits of blueberries

Blueberries contain a large amount of vitamins, flavonoids, tannins and ascorbic acid. From all of the above, not everything is immediately clear. It’s not clear, let’s put it simply - these components are just a storehouse of a source of health for our eyes. Well, the main "usefulness" of blueberries is its antioxidant property - and this is a slowdown in the aging of body cells - great, right? If you constantly eat blueberries, you will be young and sharp-sighted. You eat yummy instead of drugs - you mature and look younger!

Blueberry - seasonal product, she will sing in the forests of Russia in July-August, so all year round she won't be able to eat. It would seem that the path lies straight to the pharmacy - for medicines, which include blueberries. But, how do you not want to buy another medicine ...

There is an exit! Very simple and effective. It is necessary to harvest blueberries for the winter without cooking. That's right - without cooking, so that the benefits of the berries are preserved to the maximum and have a positive effect on our health.

If you are lucky enough to buy a blue-black berry in such quantity that it not only pleases with its appearance, but also puzzling with the question of what to cook from blueberries - harvesting for the winter for you. This recipe is easy to prepare and does not take much time.

The process of cooking blueberries without boiling

  • Blueberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg.

To begin with, the blueberries must be sorted out for dry and rotten berries, discard the leaves and twigs, then wash the berries several times, and finally rinse under running water. Sprinkle the blueberries on a cloth and let it dry well.

We take a pan or bowl that is suitable in size, better enameled. Pour the berries there and chop it. You can chop blueberries any, convenient way: hand crush, mixer or blender. A mixer and a blender, of course, will be faster, but not more useful. Metal components oxidize berries - useful properties are lost, which should be avoided. Some housewives twist blueberries through a meat grinder - which is not worth doing at all.

Sugar can be added immediately when chopping berries, or you can combine it with chopped blueberries afterwards - no matter when you do it. Mix the crushed blueberries with sugar evenly.

Banks 0.5 l. wash, sterilize in the usual way and dry. Pour the prepared blueberries with sugar into dry jars, pour a little not to the edge, leaving 1-1.5 cm. This emptiness in every
fill the jar with sugar.

We roll up the jars with sterilized metal lids and be sure (!) send to refrigerator or cellar. The blueberry blank was not subjected to heat treatment, therefore, without cold, it can ferment.

Blueberries for the winter without cooking, harvested in this way, retain their original taste and benefits. In winter, opening a jar, you will be rewarded for your work. Save the recipe for yourself and share with your friends!

We hope that harvesting blueberries for the winter without cooking will become a good and kind tradition for you!

Blueberries are incredibly beneficial for health, and especially for the eyes. Berries do not improve vision instantly, but are an excellent preventive product. In addition, blueberries are very tasty and sweet.

There are several recipes for grated berries. All of them are very similar to each other in composition, but the taste is different. Therefore, having familiarized yourself with all, you can choose a recipe to your liking.

General principles of preparation

"Raw jam" is very popular today, as fruits and berries retain maximum useful properties. This delicacy can be used as separate product with tea or add to pastries and desserts.

Before cooking, blueberries must be washed, for this you can use a sieve or colander. If there is no such equipment, rinse the berries with running water, but always under a thin stream, so as not to damage the integrity of the blueberries.

When choosing a product, be sure to pay attention to the berries looking fresh. They are supposed to be sweet, so they are a must try. The flavor should also be sweet. If the aroma is absent, these berries are grown artificially. Remember that blueberries should not smell like alcohol or have a sour smell.

Having chosen fresh, tasty and sweet berries, you can start preparing a grated dessert. Add sweetener to taste. Sugar and honey are needed so that blueberries can be stored for as long as possible. Therefore, at least a little sweetness is a must.

Grated blueberries with sugar for the winter

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

IN classic recipe grated blueberries with no sugar heat treatment. The delicacy is prepared very quickly.

How to cook:

Tip: if you live in an apartment, then you can store the berries in the pantry or in the refrigerator.

Berry jelly in jars

This delicacy is a blueberry jelly with sugar, so it can be consumed as an independent dessert.

How long to cook - 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 101 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the berries, let dry, pouring them out on a clean and always dry towel.
  2. Pour dry blueberries into a blender bowl, grind to a smooth puree.
  3. Pour a little sugar on top and let the mass brew for 20 minutes.
  4. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan or saucepan. Then cool to room temperature.
  5. Pour gelatin, let it swell. Then add the rest of the sugar and gin.
  6. Stir until all the sugar has dissolved.
  7. Mix the blueberry mass and combine with the gelatin base.
  8. Arrange in jars, roll up and put away in a cool and dark place.

Tip: You can cool the jelly in the refrigerator, and then put it in the basement.

Sweet blueberries and strawberries grated with sugar for the winter

This winter preparation very useful because it contains blueberries and strawberries. Kids will love this sweet treat.

How long to cook - 35 minutes + 5 hours for infusion.

What is the calorie content - 222 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sort blueberries and strawberries, wash and dry. Grind the berries individually with a meat grinder or grind through a sieve. You can use an immersion blender.
  2. Mix both purees, sprinkle with sugar and put in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  3. After the time has elapsed, mix the berries.
  4. Pour the resulting mass into pre-prepared jars.
  5. Sprinkle powder on top and close with rubber lids.
  6. Remove jars for storage in the refrigerator.

Tip: gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar, pectin or soda.

"Yummy" from dark berries

Another real berry boom. This delicacy contains a lot of vitamins.

How long to cook - 1 hour and 20 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 241 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the berries, place in a colander and rinse with running water. Pour onto a towel, let dry.
  2. Put dry berries in a bowl, mix.
  3. Spread the sugar on top and grind the mass with a submersible blender until smooth.
  4. Let it brew for 1 hour, then pour into jars.
  5. Roll up and put away in a cold place.

Tip: blackcurrants can be replaced with red berries to taste.

blueberry dessert

When you try this recipe, you will understand that this is not just grated blueberries with various additions, A real dessert which cannot be bypassed.

How long to cook - 1 hour and 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 177 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. Sort blueberries, wash, dry.
  2. Pour into a blender bowl and blend until smooth.
  3. Put honey in a container, place on water bath and heat it to a liquid state.
  4. After that, remove the honey from the bath and cool to room temperature.
  5. Put the nuts on a dry frying pan, dry them until golden brown.
  6. Warm water a little, add sugar. Once cool, add honey and stir well.
  7. Add the resulting syrup to the blueberries, cooled nuts, mix.
  8. Let it brew for 1 hour, then arrange in jars.

Tip: you can use not only walnuts, but also cedar, Brazilian, forest, cashews, almonds, etc.

Blueberries for jam must be used in fresh. If at least one spoiled fruit comes across, the entire dessert can be spoiled.

If desired, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts can be added to the delicacy. Very tasty with cedar, walnut, forest.

Be sure to prepare such a dessert for yourself and your loved ones. It is delicious to eat with tea, pancakes, pancakes, ice cream or use as a filling for a pie, pies, cake and other baked goods. In Sweden, this jam is even served with meatballs! This is incredibly useful, do not miss the opportunity to please your loved ones with something tasty.

Blueberry recipes for the winter inspire even at the time of preparation of such blanks. And the berry itself is beautiful in taste and even in color, and everything that is made from it. And there is no need to talk about its benefits. In addition to various kinds of vitamins, ascorbic acid and other benefits, the berry also boasts its antioxidant properties. And, by the way, it slows down the aging of cells, improves vision. Therefore, instead of running to the nearest pharmacy kiosk, many rush to stock up on this blue-black berry. And then they make preparations of blueberries for the winter - trying to freeze them, make jam without cooking with sugar, making preparations of the most fragrant jams, compotes, according to recipes in a slow cooker and in other dishes.

Join the discussion

Blueberries for the winter - recipes for preparations of jam, jam, compote with step by step photos

Blueberry jam is the first in this honorable row. What kind of it just does not exist! And with sugar, and without it, and with cooking, and without it. Let's start with the most useful.

Blueberry jam for the winter - video recipe

Blueberries are wonderful in any form - boiled, raw, frozen, and in the form of compote. Having made a preparation for the winter with her participation, you will provide vitamins in such a beautiful form. Blueberry jam will come in handy as soon as the sun hides and the first cold weather comes. Blueberry jam recipes for the winter will improve your health and cheer you up. Watch the video recipe!

Blueberry jam Five-minute for the winter, recipe

There are other ways to harvest blueberries for the winter. In Rus', in order for the blueberry deliciousness to be tastier, it was literally boiled in the oven for five hours. But five-minute jam is out of competition. Fast, tasty and healthy. What else does!


  • Blueberries - 1.75 kg.
  • Lemon juice - a quarter cup
  • Water - half a glass
  • Sugar - 4.5 cups
  • Pectin - 1 sachet

step by step

  • Having prepared the raw materials, we wash it under the tap.
  • Putting in a saucepan, we will make mashed potatoes in a convenient way.
  • Mix the dry ingredients with a puree mass and pour in the lemon juice and water.
  • Attention: after bringing the mass to a boil, boil it for only a few minutes.

  • Taking it off the fire five-minute blueberry jam packaged in prepared jars.
  • To keep the contents all winter, you can additionally sterilize them in a pot of water or add twice as much sugar.
  • Our light and quick recipe blanks will bring only pleasure and heal anyone who will eat five-minute jam in the winter at least a teaspoon a day!

    Blueberry jam for winter in a slow cooker - a simple recipe with a photo

    This is probably the easiest recipe for harvesting blueberries for the winter! There are only a few steps and healthiest treat already in jars on the shelves of the cellar.


    • Blueberries - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

    step by step

  • Pour the washed, sorted and dried fruits into the bowl of the multicooker.
  • Gradually add sugar and mix.
  • It remains to set the desired mode - "extinguishing".
  • Cook for 105 minutes.

    Attention: cooking time depends on the amount of ingredients.

  • We pack the prepared jam in sterilized jars and twist it with a key. We keep it cool. See for yourself, this simple slow cooker jam recipe is incomparable!
  • Recipe for fresh blueberries without cooking for the winter

    Yes, the healthiest and tastiest. But in order to survive without problems, according to this recipe, fresh blueberries for the winter without cooking should be mixed with a large amount of sugar (one to two).

    Ingredients for No Cooking

    • Blueberries - 2.5 kg.
    • Granulated sugar - 5 kg.

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting without cooking

  • The fruits are sorted out, breaking off from the branches, removing the unusable ones. Then wash thoroughly.
  • According to the recipe, fresh blueberries with sugar, washed in several waters, are sent to a sieve (to remove moisture) or on a towel.
  • Having poured into a vessel (enamelled), the dried raw materials are crushed. A convenient way is any (with a wooden pusher through a sieve), but not harmful (contact with metal is not appropriate).
  • Prepare jars (preferably half a liter).

    Attention: the left void in a centimeter is covered with sugar.

  • Having combined the mass with sugar, it is laid out and then twisted with lids.
  • That's all and ready. This recipe for fresh blueberries with sugar without cooking is not worthy of being forgotten. After all, the harvested berry tastes almost no different from fresh. And be sure - a spoonful of blueberry jam according to recipes for the winter will make you look at the world with different eyes. Store the workpiece in a cold place!

    Blueberry recipe for the winter without sugar - Jam

    There is more than one recipe for blueberry jam without a single grain of sugar, which is prepared in several steps. Yes, it’s complicated, but the taste and aroma of the delicacy is incomparable! Meet!

    Ingredients for sugar free jam

    • Blueberry

    Step by step instructions for blueberry jam without sugar

  • They begin with the preparation of the container in which the delicacy will be stored - they are sterilized.
  • Then they sort out the berries, removing all unnecessary, and fill them with jars up to the shoulders.
  • Having covered the bottom of the pot with water with a soft cloth, put a container on it, setting a small fire.

    Attention: the berries gradually settle in the bowl, the void must be filled until the juice reaches the shoulders.

  • The jars boiled in water for 10 minutes are removed and rolled up with a dry sterile lid.
  • Sugar-free jam for the winter is best stored in the refrigerator. This preparation is a wonderful basis for future puddings, compotes, pies and many other delicious things.

    How to freeze fresh blueberries for the winter in the freezer, a recipe without sugar

    As practice shows, the simplest blueberry recipe for the winter is different - freeze it in the freezer. And here everything is extremely simple - after letting the berry prepared according to all the rules dry, it is necessary to put it in plastic bag or in containers. To the delight of lovers of everything useful, the recipe for freezing blueberries for the winter is simple, easy and perfect!

    Blueberry Jams - most popular recipes for the winter with a photo

    How to make blueberry jam, the recipe of which would promise more vitamins and minerals? Of course - do not even heat it, and only store it in the refrigerator. But, if we want to brighten up the gloomy winter days thick delicacy, it must be done with the participation of heat treatment.

    Blueberry jam No. 1 with gelatin or pectin, recipe

    Yes, this jam recipe is distinguished by the presence of gelatin or pectin. And this means that ready product will please us big amount preserved most useful substances and elements!

    Gelatin Jam Ingredients

    • Blueberries - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 1 kg.
    • Pectin or gelatin - 1 sachet

    Step-by-step instructions for blueberry jam with gelatin

  • The washed, litter-free and sorted berries are washed and, after shaking off moisture, they are sent to a container.
  • Falling asleep with sugar, grind in a convenient way. Ideally, an ordinary wooden crush.
  • Pectin or gelatin is poured into the resulting mass and everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • The fire should be medium, and as soon as the mass boils, reduce it and turn it off after 5 minutes.

    Attention: it will be a thick mass, it is advisable not to break away from it for a second, stirring and not adding fire!

  • Hot jam according to this blueberry recipe for the winter is poured into prepared jars and rolled up with a key, without putting them with the lids down.
  • We are sure that this recipe for blueberry jam will delight you until spring!

    Blueberry jam №2 on hastily a simple and quick recipe

    Literally half an hour, and you have a wonderful blueberry jam ready for the winter! You will definitely pass this quick recipe on to your friends. After all, neither pectin nor other gelling ingredients are needed here, and the process itself is extremely simple. This recipe is ideal for those who are contraindicated in sugar in large quantities.

    Ingredients for a simple recipe

    • Blueberries - 2 kg.
    • Sugar - 2 kg.
    • Water - 2 glasses.

    Step-by-step instructions for a quick recipe

  • Prepare the raw materials by washing, cleaning and sorting thoroughly.
  • We will send it to a bowl with high sides and grind to a puree state.
  • After dissolving the sugar crystals, cook the syrup for a minute or two. It must be thick
  • Combine blueberry puree with syrup and bring to a boil.

    Attention: we do this with a small fire!

  • Stirring, remove the foam and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  • We close in the prepared container and cork with lids. Keep it cool! By the way, blueberry jam You can also keep it in the freezer for the winter.

    Blueberry compotes for the winter - simple and quick recipes

    Our selection of compote recipes for the winter is unique. First, there are many of them. Secondly, their preparation does not require special efforts. Thirdly, and this is so important - in winter they are just as useful as jams and other preparations.

    Blueberry compote recipe for the winter without sterilization

    Ingredients for harvesting without sterilization

    • Blueberries - 700 gr.
    • Sugar - 500 gr.
    • Water - 1 l.

    Step-by-step instructions for harvesting without sterilization

  • Let's sort the berries, wash them.
  • Boil water in a bowl.
  • Pour berries with sugar into it and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Pour the finished drink into jars and seal.
  • Turning over, check whether they are tightly closed, leave the jars to cool.
  • Recipe for blueberry compote for the winter with sterilization (per 3 liter jar)

    This type of preservation is sterilized in jars, that is, without cooking. Due to which the blueberry compote recipe is super in demand among those especially where there are children and the elderly.

    Harvesting Ingredients

    • Blueberries - 1 kg.
    • Sugar - 500 gr.
    • Water - 1 l.

    step by step

  • Prepare jars and lids by sterilizing them.
  • We clean and wash the fruits.
  • We put them in half the container.
  • Let's make syrup - dissolving granulated sugar in boiling water, bring the mass to a boil.
  • Put jars in a pot of water and, bringing it to a boil, pour syrup into them.
  • When the water boils, cover the jars with lids and sterilize them (10 minutes - a 1 liter jar, 5 - half a liter).
  • Then everything must be hermetically sealed and sent to cool (upside down necks).
  • Blueberry compote for the winter, recipe with sterilization No. 2

    And here we will limit ourselves to pouring sugar directly into the jar. That is, we can do without syrup! granulated sugar you can put more, and less than indicated in the recipe.


    • Blueberries - 700 gr.
    • Sugar - 1 cup
    • Water - 2 liters.

    step by step

  • After washing the sorted fruits, let the water drain.
  • Sterilize a half-liter jar and lid.
  • Send the blueberries into it and sprinkle with sugar.
  • Fill the contents with boiling water, cover with a lid.
  • Sterilize in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  • Having corked, we will send to cool down with lids.
  • Agree, our compote recipes for the winter are quick and convenient. In the cold season, such a drink will give us the energy of the sun and add health.

    It is no coincidence that people who care about the health of their loved ones and how diverse family meals winter, strive to make more blanks with the participation of marvelous berries - blueberries. In any form? Of course, cooking without sugar holds the championship - after all, this way most of the useful things will be preserved. And others preserve only with sugar, make jam, jam and compotes, try to freeze the berries.
