
How to make a turtle cake. Cake "Turtle" with sour cream - indescribable tenderness! Turtle cake recipes with sour cream and various additions

The origin of the Turtle cake and its history are lost in the past. The invention of biscuit shortcakes is attributed to both English sailors and French confectioners, and the method of laying out a cake from biscuits soaked in cream could well have originated in Italy. The main thing is that the "Turtle" cake has become really popular, has stood the test of time, retained its classic recipe and taste.

How to make turtle cake.

We pamper guests and kids with a wonderful biscuit cake. Forget about counting calories for a while and enjoy a tempting dessert with a moderately sweet taste.

Tortoise cake is an appetizing and outwardly attractive homemade cake, which is perfect for a children's holiday. Thin biscuit cakes with a layer of delicate cream in a funny design will surely please capricious kids.


For test:

  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Baking powder - 2 tsp (or 1 teaspoon of slaked soda with vinegar)
  • Flour - 2 - 2.5 cups

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 850 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups

For glaze:

  • Sour cream - 150 gr. (6 tablespoons)
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Sugar - ½ cup
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons

For decorating the cake:

  • Walnuts (optional) - 150-180 gr.


1. Start by making biscuit dough. Mix the eggs in a deep bowl with sugar, beat with a mixer until the volume increases and the mass brightens. If you use soda instead of baking powder, add it at this stage (pre-extinguish with vinegar).

2. For a chocolate shade, add cocoa powder to the sugar-egg mixture. Mix flour with baking powder and sift parts into a bowl, mix the mass. Regulate the portion of flour, focusing on the consistency of the dough - in terms of density, it should turn out approximately like sour cream. Our dough is ready.

3. Take the dough with a spoon and spread it on a baking sheet covered with parchment, in the form of cakes. Keep a distance between the dough cakes, as during the baking process they will increase slightly in size.

Send a baking sheet with our dough to a hot oven. Bake biscuit cakes at a temperature of 180 -190 degrees for about 5 minutes.

4. To check the readiness of the cakes, pierce them with a match and pull it out. If it remains completely dry, remove the baking sheet from the oven, carefully remove the cakes from the parchment and cool. Similarly, form the following batches of biscuit blanks.

5. In parallel, prepare the cream for the cake. Combine sour cream with softened butter, sugar and cocoa powder.

6. Beat with a mixer until the components are combined into a homogeneous smooth mass.

7. To assemble the cake, choose a large kitchen board, tray or large plate. Biscuit cakes are alternately immersed in cream and laid out in a slide, forming a semblance of a tortoise shell. Remove five cakes immediately to simulate the legs and head of a turtle.

8. Pour the rest of the cream on top of the formed "slide", using a culinary spatula, coat the workpiece on all sides.

If you don’t have the desire to spend time forming a “turtle”, you can simply lay the cakes in layers in a detachable container, soaking them with cream - regardless of the shape, the dessert will turn out to be very tasty.

9. For glaze, mix sour cream, sugar, butter and cocoa powder.

10. Place over low heat and cook, stirring until boiling. After, remove from heat and let cool.

11. Pour the biscuit shell with chocolate icing. Attach one cake to the base of the cake as a turtle head, and put the rest on the sides to imitate paws. Carefully remove excess glaze flowing onto a plate / board with a napkin.

12. Optionally decorate the cake with walnut pieces. Be sure to put the cake in the refrigerator so that the icing is frozen and the cakes are soaked with cream. On average, this will take 4-5 hours. When serving, cut pastries into portioned segments.

Our turtle cake is ready.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Turtle cake at home.

Tortoise cake is a homemade biscuit biscuit smeared with sour cream and stacked in the shape of a turtle. This delicacy is "on duty" at many children's holidays. Preparing such a cake is very simple, and our recipe with a photo will simplify the process at times.


For test:

  • Flour - 2-2.5 cups
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons
  • Cocoa - powder - 2 teaspoons

For cream:

  • Sour cream - 500 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Sugar - 2 cups

For glaze:

  • Sour cream -300 gr.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Cocoa - powder - 3 teaspoons


1. Start with a test. In a deep bowl, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until a thick, light foam.

2. Gradually add cocoa, baking powder and flour to the egg mixture. The flour needs to be sifted so that the biscuit cookies turn out magnificent. The consistency of the dough should be like thick sour cream.

3. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and spread the dough with a spoon in the form of small cakes. Be sure to maintain a distance between them, as the dough will increase in volume and the cakes can stick together.

Put the baking sheet in a preheated oven for 5-6 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. Do not forget to check the readiness of the cakes with toothpicks.

4. Remove the finished cookies from the oven and let cool. Do the same with the rest of the test.

5. Start preparing the cream. Take soft butter (take it out of the refrigerator in advance) and combine with sour cream, sugar. Beat everything with a mixer until smooth, avoiding lumps. The cream is ready.

6. Now the creative process is the formation of a cake in the form of a turtle. Take a wide plate or tray. Dip each cookie in the prepared cream and lay out in a slide. This will be the tortoise shell. Set aside 5 cookies in advance, this will be the head and paws.

7. For glaze, mix sour cream with sugar, butter and cocoa. Put on fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

8. Allow the glaze to cool slightly, and then pour it over the “slide” of cookies. Arrange the paws and head in their places. If you wish, you can decorate the cake with walnuts.

Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for 5 hours to soak.

Bon appetit!

Turtle cake recipe with sour cream.

My son loves turtles so of course I made this cake for him. But I myself was surprised how tender and soaked it turns out.

Of course, you need to tinker with it, but not for so long, because biscuit cakes are baked very quickly, and this is even interesting. Well, decorating a turtle is generally a creative activity. Here everyone can show imagination.


For test:

  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Soda - 1 tsp

For cream:

  • Sour cream 30-40% - 700 gr.
  • Sugar - 2/3 cup

For glaze:

  • Chocolate - 60 grams
  • Butter - 60 gamma


1. Mix eggs with sugar and lightly beat with a mixer, you can use a whisk.

2. Add one incomplete teaspoon of soda to flour, mix. Add to eggs. Knead the creamy dough.

3. The basis of the cake is small cakes that we will bake on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. For each cake you need literally half a spoonful of dough. Leave a distance between them, as the dough increases.

4. They bake very quickly in literally 5 minutes. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown.

5. Make sour cream. Put sour cream in a bowl and pour sugar. Mix lightly with a spoon. And refrigerate for about half an hour. (Sugar will dissolve during this time). Remove the cream from the refrigerator, the sugar has already dissolved, mix again and the cream is ready.

6. Take a large dish on which we will form a cake. Dip the cakes in the cream and spread on a dish. Forming the body of a turtle. And also make paws, a head and cut a tail out of cakes.

7. The easiest way to make chocolate icing for a cake. Melt equal amounts of chocolate and butter. Take 60 gr. chocolate and 60 gr. butter and melt everything together in the microwave or in a water bath. Stir, glaze is ready. Let it cool down a bit.

8. Gently pour the cake with the finished icing with a spoon.

The cake is ready, let it brew in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Bon appetit!

Turtle cake with custard.

This option is suitable for custard lovers. It is very easy to prepare.


For test:

  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 350 gr.
  • Flour - 200 gr.
  • Soda and vinegar - 1 tsp each.
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.

For cream:

  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 250 gr.
  • Milk - 250 ml.
  • Vanillin
  • Butter - 180 gr.


1. Beat eggs with sugar well with a mixer. Then add flour, slaked soda with vinegar and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cocoa and mix everything, get a brown mass.

2. Put the dough with a spoon on a baking sheet covered with parchment, observing the distance between the cakes. Place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 5 minutes, while checking the readiness of the cakes with a toothpick.

3. Prepare cream. Mix eggs with milk, add vanilla and sugar. Put on fire and stir all the time. When mixture thickens, remove from heat and add butter. Allow to cool slightly, the cream is ready.

4. Dip the cakes in the cream and spread on a tray in a slide. You can top with chocolate or sprinkle with walnuts.

Our cake is ready. Put in the refrigerator for 4 hours to soak.

Bon appetit!

Tortoise cake with condensed milk.

Cake "Turtle" with condensed milk is the best solution if you are planning a children's party or you just want to surprise your guests. Despite its bizarre performance, every hostess will be able to do it, and your household and loved ones will remember its wonderful taste for a long time to come.

In this recipe, we offer a classic version of a cake in the form of a turtle with condensed milk, but it provides a huge scope for imagination, you can always decorate it to your taste.


  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Baking soda - 1 teaspoon
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Sour cream - 800 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Boiled condensed milk - 200 gr.
  • Chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Milk - 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until foamy.

2. Pour cocoa, flour, soda into the resulting mixture, then beat everything well. You should get a homogeneous thick mass.

3. Line a baking sheet with foil and lay out the dough in the form of cookies. Take about 1 tbsp. spoons per cookie.

4. Put the baking sheet in a preheated oven at 200 degrees and bake for 2 minutes.

5. As a result, you should get such shortcakes. Do the same with the remaining dough.

6. When all the cakes are ready, let cool.

7. Start preparing the cream. To do this, mix condensed milk, sour cream, butter and beat everything with a mixer until all the ingredients are mixed. The cream is ready.

8. When the cakes have cooled, start dipping them alternately in the resulting cream.

9. After that, start laying out the cake in the form of a turtle.

10. Prepare the glaze. Put milk with chocolate in a water bath. Once it starts to boil, remove from heat and let cool.

11. With the resulting chocolate icing, draw a shell with a confectionery syringe, as well as the facial features of your turtle.

Send the finished cake to the refrigerator for 2 hours, allowing it to soak, after which you can safely serve it on the table.

Bon appetit everyone!

Video - turtle cake recipe

Easy and delicious no-bake cake can be made in just a few minutes! Delight your family with this delicious treat.

The principle of its preparation is extremely simple - biscuit cookies are laid in layers, which are smeared with a delicate cream, in the shape of a turtle. There are many recipes for this dessert, as well as ways to serve it!

Turtle cake recipe with sour cream

Sour cream is one of the best for this cake. The sweet and sour taste of the dessert will impress tasters.

Let's prepare the ingredients:

  • 2 cups wheat flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 2.5 cups sugar
  • 1 st. l. vanillin
  • soda slaked with vinegar
  • 30 gr. butter
  • 3 cups sour cream
  • milk chocolate bar
  • other fruits or crackers for cake decoration

First, let's prepare the dough for the cakes. Proteins are separated from the yolks

In each bowl, add a glass of sugar and beat with a mixer until a strong foam. Then we combine both masses and beat again with a mixer.

Take the time to beat the egg mass. The more bubbles and “fluffier” the foam, the better the biscuit will turn out!

Now carefully pour the sifted flour into the beaten eggs, stirring constantly.

There we also send a teaspoon of soda, slaked with a drop of 9% vinegar, and vanillin

Knead the dough with a spoon to a uniform consistency.

Grease a baking sheet with softened butter

Carefully and evenly distribute the dough on a baking sheet. It is important that the surface is even!

We send it to the oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. It is better not to go far from the kitchen during this time.

The biscuit cooks very quickly, and it burns just as quickly. Once the dough has browned, take it out of the oven.

Using a glass, cut out the liver from the biscuit layer

Put aside the edges left from the cookies, they will be useful to us.

Now we are preparing sour cream. To do this, combine sour cream with half a glass of sugar.

A lot of sugar is not needed, since it is these proportions that give the cake sourness.

In the middle of a tray or flat plate, put a slide of biscuit trimmings. Top with plenty of sour cream. It's not worth saving, otherwise the middle of the cake will be dry!

We decorate our slide with round cookies. Also pour a generous layer of cream on top.

Decorate the cake with grated chocolate. The top of the peeled kiwi can be used as a turtle head, while laying out the eyes with chocolate. Also cut out the paws and a small tail.

We remove the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Tortoise cake at home with condensed milk cream

For those with a sweet tooth, this dessert is perfect!

Cake Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • 4 eggs
  • 2.5 cups granulated sugar
  • 200 g flour
  • 1 tsp soda slaked with vinegar
  • 250 gr. sour cream
  • 150 gr. condensed milk
  • 1 st. l. instant cocoa
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • 30 gr. dark chocolate

Beat eggs with half a glass of sugar until fluffy

Add flour, slaked soda and beat the dough thoroughly until a uniform consistency

Place a silicone mat on a baking sheet and form small cookies with a teaspoon

Bake for 5-10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees

To prepare the cream, you just need to mix sour cream and condensed milk until smooth

Dip each cookie in cream and lay out the image of a turtle with them. Don't forget the head and legs

Ready for frosting. To do this, mix sugar, butter, sour cream and cocoa until evenly colored.

We put on fire until the mass is homogeneous. At the end, add chocolate and wait until it is completely melted. Coat the body of the turtle with this mass. Also draw eyes, mouth and paws with icing.

You can draw circles on the shell with melted white chocolate. Now we put the cake in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours. Then enjoy your tea!

Video recipe for "Turtle" cake at home

Cake "Turtle". kiwi recipe

Delicious and quick to make, this cake is perfect for any occasion.

We will need:

  • 1 can of white condensed milk
  • 500 gr. flour
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp soda slaked with vinegar
  • 2 glasses of milk
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 1 sachet of vanillin
  • 1 pack of butter
  • 10 pieces of kiwi

To prepare the cream, pour milk into the pan, and add 2 eggs to it, sugar, vanillin, 2 tbsp are also sent there. l. flour. Mix everything thoroughly until the color is uniform and put on fire.

You need to stir the cream constantly, otherwise it may burn. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes

Remove from heat, add butter and cover

Now you need to knead the dough. Pour a jar of condensed milk into a deep bowl and add 1 egg and slaked soda

Gradually add the sifted flour, stirring constantly. The dough should be strong and elastic.

Divide the dough into 12 balls - 4 larger, 4 medium and 4 smaller

Roll out the balls into a thin layer

Fry each flatbread in a dry frying pan for 30 seconds on each side.

Trim the cakes around the edges with the help of plates

Put a large layer of biscuit on a flat plate in the center, spread with cream and lay it with a layer of kiwi. Cream on top. So lay out the cake to reduce the size of the cakes

Top the turtle with kiwi slices, cut out the head and paws from them. No more need for cream

Delicious cake is ready!

Cooking our own cake "Turtle" on kefir

For a sweet and sour dessert, try this recipe.


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 cups flour
  • soda slaked with vinegar
  • 1 liter yogurt, preferably citrus flavored
  • half a glass of kefir
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 120 gr. butter
  • 3 art. l. cocoa
  • 1 st. milk

Let's knead the dough. Mix 1 cup milk, eggs, flour and soda

Fry pancakes on both sides

We make impregnation for cakes. To do this, thoroughly mix yogurt and kefir.

We dip the pancakes in kefir-yogurt impregnation and put them on a flat plate in the form of a tortoise shell. One pancake to use as head and paws

For glaze, mix sour cream, sugar and cocoa, put on fire until the mass boils.

Then add oil and remove from heat. We fill the turtle. You can decorate patterns with melted white chocolate.

How to cook a cake "Turtle" with a biscuit according to GOST

We will analyze how to cook the famous "GOST" cake step by step.


  • half a glass of flour
  • one and a half cups of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • pack of margarine
  • 800 gr. sour cream
  • 70 gr. milk
  • 6 art. l. cocoa

Grind the yolks with a half cup of sugar with a fork

Whisk the whites with a mixer until a strong foam forms.

Add the yolks to the sifted flour, and then the proteins are sent there

We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Using a teaspoon, pour the dough into it in small portions.

Bake a biscuit for 5-10 minutes at 180 degrees

We make cream. Melt margarine, add sugar and sour cream to it

Dip each biscuit in cream

Arrange on a tortoise-shell tray

Put milk, sugar, cocoa and margarine on the stove

After boiling, keep on fire for a couple of minutes

Pour icing over cake and decorate as desired.

Banana Turtle Cake Recipe

A cheerful turtle will not leave indifferent guests of the holiday!


  • 2 rolls
  • 2 tsp gelatin
  • 400 ml. heavy cream
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon syrup
  • half cup chopped walnuts
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped lemon peel
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tsp lemon juice

Soak gelatin in cold water

As soon as it swells, place the container in a water bath. It is important that the liquid does not boil!

Place the cream in a deep container and beat with a mixer for a long time until high foam

Add nuts, zest, sugar, syrup here and beat again, gradually pouring gelatin

Line the bottom of a low plate with cling film. Lay the sliced ​​roll on top.

Top them with cream

Now again a layer of roll

Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours. Then turn it over onto a tray, remove the cling film

We decorate the cake with bananas and other fruits

Turtle cake is a delicious dessert that is simple and easy to prepare.

Even novice confectioners can handle it, let alone experienced housewives.

You can take any cream for a turtle: custard, condensed milk, butter, creamy, but sour cream is especially successful. It quickly soaks the cakes, fills with taste, the cake turns out to be very tender and just melts in your mouth.

Turtle Cake with Sour Cream - General Cooking Principles

The classic turtle cake is made from biscuit dough. Small cakes are formed from it, which are baked in the oven. Since depositing donuts on a baking sheet takes time, for safety net in the dough ripper is added. You can take a special baking powder or just extinguish the baking soda. You can make lazy versions of the turtle from cookies or rolls. Recipes can be found below.

Cream is made from sour cream. It is advisable to use a thick product with good fat content. But you can take less high-calorie sour cream and add a special thickener. It is sold in the baking section. Not very much sugar is added to the cream, usually no more than a third of the total mass. For taste put various fillers.

What can you cook a turtle with:

With vanillin;

With cocoa or chocolate;

Fruits and berries;


But a special place is occupied by the design. The cake is laid out in the form of a turtle. You can make a head, paws, tail, or just lay out only the shell. From above, the dessert is covered with cream, icing, sprinkled with nuts, shavings, decorated with fruits. It is very important to let the cake stand for at least a few hours. It will be soaked, it will be better to keep its shape when cut.

Recipe 1: Turtle Vanilla Cake with Sour Cream

The basic version of the turtle cake with sour cream. The dessert is not sugary, the cream is sweet, but with a pleasant sourness. From this amount of ingredients, a fairly large turtle is obtained from 10-12 servings.


600 grams of sour cream;

1 sachet of vanillin;

270 grams of flour;

450 grams of sugar;

A little oil;

80 grams of chocolate;

1 sachet of baking powder.


1. Eggs need to be broken into a bowl, add 250 grams of sugar and beat into a fluffy foam. The mass will increase in size at least 2 times. Get a big cup right away.

2. Sift flour and combine with baking powder. Can be sown together.

3. Combine the flour with the egg mixture, stir gently. It is better to do this with a spoon, not a mixer.

4. Put parchment on a baking sheet, grease or use silicone mats. Spoon out small cakes. You can put the dough in a bag and squeeze out of it. There should be free space between the resulting "pancakes", as they will increase in size during baking.

5. We send the blanks to the oven, bake for 5-7 minutes at 180 degrees. Cool down.

6. For cream, beat sour cream with vanilla and sugar.

7. We dip the blanks into the cream and lay them on a flat dish in the form of a turtle, not forgetting to make the legs, head, and cut out the tail.

8. Sprinkle the finished cake with grated chocolate, leave 2 small pieces for the eyes. But you can stick and raisins.

Recipe 2: Chocolate Tortoise Cake with Sour Cream Glaze

Both the cream and the cakes for chocolate cake turtle with sour cream are prepared on the basis of cocoa. The icing is made from chocolate. The recipe uses cocoa powder without sugar.


1 cup sugar;

1 tsp baking powder;

1.5 cups flour;

2 spoons of cocoa.

For cream:

700 grams of sour cream;

200 grams of sugar;

3 spoons of cocoa.

For glaze:

50 grams of oil;

100 grams of chocolate.


1. Combine sugar with eggs, beat. Add flour mixed with cocoa and ripper. We mix.

2. Put the cakes on a glazed baking sheet and immediately bake until cooked.

3. Combine sour cream with sugar, add cocoa, mix and remove the cream in the refrigerator. Do not worry if the sugar is not completely dissolved, it will melt in the cake.

4. Dip the cooled blanks for the cake in chocolate cream, put them in the form of a tortoise shell. Do not forget to stick the legs and head under the first layer. We remove the collected cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that it cools well.

5. Chop chocolate into pieces, combine with a piece of butter, melt in a hot water bath.

6. Lubricate the turtle with chocolate and send it to the refrigerator for impregnation.

Recipe 3: Turtle Cake with Sour Cream and Kiwi

Another name for this stunningly beautiful cake is "Emerald Turtle". And all thanks to the bright design of the dessert with kiwi slices.


400 grams of condensed milk;

450 grams of flour;

1/3 spoon of soda.

For cream:

700 grams of sour cream;

1.5 cups of powder;

To decorate an emerald turtle, you will need 300 grams of kiwi.


1. Open a can of condensed milk and beat with an egg. Add the sifted flour and soda, which must be quenched with lemon juice or vinegar. We knead the dough. It will turn out cool, under rolling.

2. We make a sausage from the dough and divide it into 8 parts. Each should be slightly smaller than the previous one. We roll out cakes, which also differ in diameter by 1-2 cm from the previous cake. Bake alternately in the oven until golden brown.

3. We prepare the usual cream of sour cream and powder, add vanilla for flavor. If there is a fruit flavor, then you can add it.

4. Lubricate the cakes with cream, forming a sloping hill.

5. Peel the kiwi, cut into slices. We leave one fruit for the head. From the second cut out the legs and tail.

6. We spread the shell from the kiwi circles, put the head and legs on it. We send the cake to soak for 8 hours in a cold place.

Recipe 4: Turtle Cake with Sour Cream and Bananas

Bananas are the best fruit to add to cakes. The pieces will not let the juice in, and the shape of the turtle cake with sour cream will not suffer.


1 cup sugar;

1.3 cups flour;

0.5 tsp ripper;

550 grams of sour cream;

1 glass of powder;

4 bananas.

For glaze:

6 spoons of milk;

70 grams of oil;

5 tablespoons of sugar;

5 spoons of cocoa.


1. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy foam, add flour with added ripper.

2. We place the cakes on a baking sheet from a pastry bag or just with a spoon. We bake, we cool.

3. While the biscuits are cooling, make a cream of sour cream with powder, you can add a little vanilla or cinnamon.

4. Peel the bananas from the skins, cut into circles.

5. We collect the cake. To do this, lay out the first layer of biscuit cakes, dipping each piece in cream. They have bananas on them. Again cakes, bananas and so on, do not forget to form a shell.

6. Lubricate the top of the cake with cream and remove the dessert in the cold so that it freezes a little.

7. Mix cocoa with sugar, add milk and put butter. We put the glaze in a water bath and cook until the sugar and butter dissolve. Then remove, cool to a slightly warm state and grease the tortoise shell.

Recipe 5: Turtle Cake with Cookie Sour Cream

A quick recipe for turtle cake with sour cream, for which you don’t even need to turn on the oven. Cookies can be used any: shortbread, biscuit, white or chocolate. But it is better if it is small.


500 grams of cookies;

700-800 grams of sour cream;

250 grams of powder;

Vanillin or cocoa.

For decoration, you can use fruits, chocolate icing, coconut flakes.


1. Beat sour cream with powder and vanilla. If you are preparing chocolate cream, then cocoa must be mixed with powdered sugar and then added to sour cream. So we will avoid the appearance of lumps.

2. Take a bowl, preferably rounded, and cover the bottom with cling film.

3. Dip the cookies in the cream and put them in a bowl. We make layers of all the cookies and cream.

4. Cover the bowl with another piece of film and put the cake in the cold, let it soak for 3-4 hours. It's better to stay all night.

5. Remove the top film, cover the bowl with a plate and turn the cake over. We remove the film and decorate the dessert to your taste.

Recipe 6: Turtle Cake with Sour Cream Rolls

In addition to cookies, the cake can be assembled from ready-made rolls of small diameter. Since they are already saturated with cream, very little sour cream will go away. If the rolls are cloying, then you can put even less powdered sugar.


1 kg of rolls;

300 grams of sour cream;

120 grams of powder.


1. Cut the rolls into 1 cm pieces.

2. Beat sour cream with powder, add vanilla or any other flavoring.

3. We collect the cake. Lay the roll pieces on the bottom of the plate. We grease with the prepared cream, fill the voids.

4. We put the second layer of rolls, we also coat and collect the entire tortoise shell.

5. Cut out the head from a piece, make legs, coat with cream. We make eyes from dried fruits or chocolate. We decorate the shell to your taste.

Recipe 7: Turtle Cake with Sour Cream, Nuts and Prunes

Cake with divine taste and indescribable tenderness. Prepared on the basis of biscuit donuts.


180 grams of sugar;

180 grams of flour;

1 tsp soda.

In cream:

800 grams of sour cream;

Spoon of cognac;

200 grams of powder.

You will also need 150 grams of nuts and the same amount of prunes.


1. Beat the eggs with sugar into the foam, add flour and slaked soda. Knead the dough and put on a baking sheet small donuts, about 5 cm in diameter. We bake.

2. Mix sour cream with powder, add cognac and remove the cream in the refrigerator.

3. Soak prunes with warm water for 15 minutes. Then squeeze and cut into strips.

4. Chop the nuts into pieces, fry in a pan. Divide into 2 parts, leave half for sprinkling the finished cake.

5. We collect the cake according to the classical scheme. That is, we dip the cakes in sour cream and put them on a dish. Sprinkle each layer with nuts and straws of prunes.

6. Lubricate the tortoise shell well on all sides and sprinkle with roasted nuts. You can lay out patterns from chopped prunes.

Biscuit dough for turtle cake is not stored. It must be molded immediately after preparation. Otherwise, the cakes will be dense, hard, with little porosity. If suddenly there is dough left or there is no time to bake the donuts, just pour into the mold and bake one biscuit cake. And even easier - use the slow cooker and go about your business.

Do you want the cake to sparkle with cheerful colors? Cover the tortoise shell with colored sugar paste. Or you can just add food coloring just to the cream intended for finishing. Or draw the veins of the shell with melted chocolate, lay out patterns from chopped fruits, nuts.

In order for the icing to harden faster and not melt the sour cream, the cake must be well cooled. Never top a freshly made dessert. Glaze after melting can also be cooled, but not allowed to harden. The mass must be fluid.

Greetings to all!

Why don't we cook a turtle? Yep, remember you did. And this time I want to demonstrate something that is usually served with tea for fun gatherings. Yes, this is an unsurpassed and beautiful cake. Which both adults and children love so much. And you, my dear followers?

I remember in my childhood my mother and sister baked such a gourmet for us and we ate this chocolate and sour cream miracle stuffing our mouths full. Time has passed and now, just like us, our children gobble up with great pleasure.

True, I now know more than one Turtle recipe, it turned out that, in addition to the classic ones, which are made mainly on sour cream, there are much more than at that time.

There is also a quick one. All recipes are quite simple, and you can literally make such a pie at home in 10-15 minutes. Gingerbread cookies and cookies can be taken as a basis, it turns out. And the impregnation can be from condensed milk.

I hope you are already interested and a spark has appeared in your eyes, so let's get acquainted after baking and cooking this incredibly delicious beauty. My freaks call the Turtle Tortilla, because the Adventures of Pinocchio immediately come to mind. Do you have any memories or stories, share below under this note.

The very first version will traditionally be from my cookbook, which is already a thousand years old. Many hostesses do not cheat on him. He helps out in difficult times). In general, all recipes are similar, so no matter which one you choose, you will be satisfied.

This chocolate dish is very tempting, it is chic, both in appearance and on the tongue.

After all, biscuit cakes smeared with sour cream melt in your mouth. What else do little babies need? If you don't believe me, check it out today. This delicate homemade cake will set the charm if you have a holiday or a children's event.

We will need:

  • chicken egg - 6 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • baking powder - 2 tsp
  • flour - 2-2.5 tbsp.
  • cocoa powder in a pack - 2 tbsp. l with slide
  • sour cream - 900 g
  • butter - 1 pack or 0.250 g
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • cocoa powder in a pack - 2 tbsp. l

Glaze: sour cream - 6 tablespoons with a slide

  • butter - 45 g
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l
  • walnuts - 140 g
  • granulated sugar - half a glass


1. In order for the turtle to turn out soft and not hard, biscuit dough is taken as the basis for this. How to cook it? Break six eggs into a container and beat gently with a mixer whisk. Beat until the mass becomes fluffy and light.

Now add baking powder here or add it along with flour (read the instructions on the package at what stage it is added). Stir with a spoon.

On a note. You can use baking soda (1 tsp), which must be quenched in vinegar in advance so that an unpleasant aftertaste is not felt.

Also, after that you need to add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder, for a chocolate taste. And finally, parts of flour (and possibly baking powder, many manufacturers recommend adding it with flour). Stir until the dough is smooth and without lumps.

The mass should turn out not too thick, but not liquid, about the same as real sour cream. Do not add more than 2.5 cups of flour!

2. After the dough is ready, line a baking sheet with parchment or use a non-stick baking dish. Using a regular spoon, make such cakes, as shown in this photo.

Do not forget that subsequently the circles will rise and increase in volume during baking. Therefore, do not pour the dough close to each other.

3. Heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and only after that, drag the prepared gourmets. Wait 10 minutes. These cookies should turn out, they can already be eaten with tea.

By the way, you can check the readiness with an ordinary match or a toothpick, if it remains dry when pricked, then everything is ready.

Then bake the next batch until all the batter is used up.

First mix the ingredients with a spoon, and then, so that the mass becomes homogeneous, beat with a mixer into a thick cream.

5. It will turn out to be something chic and alluring! Be sure of this, try it on the tongue. Mmmm... delicious!

6. Well, now it remains to give the desired shape of the cookies. Sponge blanks are laid out in layers and soak each layer with sour cream. Thus, you will receive a tortoise shell. Leave only one circle for the tail, four for the legs and one for the head.

Advice from me! You can dip the cakes in the cream in advance so that they are soaked almost immediately. And after that, you won't have to wait long to eat the cake. And dry, then it will never work! Checked.

7. And finally, it remains to make chocolate icing. Mix granulated sugar, cocoa, sour cream and butter in a bowl.

8. Cook on a low stove setting and stir. Once the mixture boils, remove from heat.

9. Pour glaze over our “queen” and, if desired, decorate the shell with walnuts or some other nuts. Place the cake in the refrigerator and let it brew and soak well. And then arrange a mischievous tea party. Happy moments!

Turtle with sour cream - homemade recipe

As you know, such a cake attracts everyone with its appearance, for its cool design. Maybe that's why kids love it so much. But of course its taste, it's so, wow ... insanely delicious. No one can resist, especially if you are an avid sweet tooth. I personally am). And in the context, look how juicy and tender it turns out, this piece beckons, well, eat me.

This option is similar to the previous one, but in it we will replace the baking powder with soda, and the work steps will be a little different. I reveal all the chips of cooking. And you can decorate as you like, turn on your imagination). And I hope you will often serve this culinary masterpiece for an afternoon snack or a holiday, such as a birthday.

We will need:

  • sifted wheat flour - 2 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. (of this amount, 1.5 tbsp will go to cream and icing)
  • soda - 1 tsp and vinegar for repayment
  • chicken egg - 6 pcs.
  • sour cream - 2 packs 600 ml
  • cocoa powder - 6 tbsp
  • butter 280 g
  • vanillin


1. Break chicken eggs into a bowl, and you need to separate the proteins from the yolks. Squirrels must be placed in a cool place.

2. Mix the yolks with granulated sugar (1 tbsp.) And a pinch of salt. Beat with a mixer or blender at medium speed.

4. Now combine the squirrels and yolks in one bowl and add the slaked soda, stir and start gradually pouring flour while beating at low speed with a mixer.

6. And with it, squeeze the rounds onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

Remember to leave space between the tortillas so they will rise and expand.

Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and place the sheet in the preheated one. Bake 10 minutes. The cakes will begin to brown, which will indicate that they are ready.

7. Here is such a slide of sweet "gingerbread" turned out. Which are already grabbed from under the hands of the household.

8. Now make a cake impregnation cream. To do this, add granulated sugar (1 tbsp), melted butter (130 g) and vanillin on the tip of a knife for aroma to sour cream (500 ml).

Interesting! You can add any flavor or color you like.

9. Lay finished products in the form of a slide, impregnate each layer with cream.

10. Decorate the final one with chocolate icing. Make it from the remaining ingredients: 0.5 tbsp. granulated sugar + a pinch of salt + sour cream (100 ml) + 6 tbsp cocoa. Stir and cook on the stove until boiling, then pour over the top of the shell.

Do not forget to lay out the paws, head and tail from the cakes. And of course, decorate at your discretion, for example, with candied fruits, or nuts, fruits, or draw a picture from the remains of cream or boiled condensed milk.

11. And here she is charming Natasha, as from that song About the sea turtle is ready.

Cake Turtle with condensed milk

And for those who are just starting to explore the world of cooking, they will love this recipe. Because there is no need to bother with the cream. Take the usual condensed milk and combine it with sour cream, and then forward to the kitchen. It remains the case for the small.

We will need:

  • Chicken egg C0 - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 125 g
  • Wheat flour - 180 g
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar to extinguish soda
  • Sour cream - 0.2 kg
  • Condensed milk - 0.150 g
  • Glaze:
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp
  • Butter - 1 tbsp
  • Chocolate - 20 g
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp


1. Beat eggs with sugar in a bowl to make a fluffy foam. Then add soda and flour. Don't forget to extinguish the soda. You will get the dough, which is distributed on a silicone mat or baking sheet in the form of circles.

2. Bake the rounds until golden brown.

3. Now make a cream, combine sour cream and condensed milk in a bowl and mix.

4. Then lay the cakes in the form of a hillock, and soak the layers with cream.

Remember! It is better to dip each cake in cream and only then lay it on a serving dish. So the cake will turn out juicy and soft.

Also lay out the head, legs and paws with the turtle's tail.

5. Make chocolate icing from sour cream, butter, granulated sugar and cocoa. Mix all the products and bring the mixture to a boil and only then add the chocolate. After it, pour over the prepared slide. Draw eyes and a mouth.

Emerald Turtle with kiwi and sour cream: a recipe in a pan in 15 minutes

To be honest, I didn’t even know about this option of baking. But it turns out that such a cake can still be made using a pan, pancakes are baked on it and smeared with cream. Let's go in order, otherwise you probably won't understand, but what is kiwi for? And why emerald? Yes, because it is these pieces of exotic fruit that will help us convey this color.

We will need:

  • condensed milk - 1 can
  • flour - 0.450 g
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • soda - 0.5 tsp
  • vinegar


  • milk - 0.5 ml
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 0.2 kg
  • flour - 2 tbsp
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • butter - 0.2 kg
  • kiwi - 14 pcs.


1. Prepare the custard first. Take a cup and pour milk into it, break chicken eggs and beat with an ordinary whisk. Then add vanilla and granulated sugar. Next, add flour and put the mass on the stove and cook until thickened. It should take 15-20 minutes. At the very end, add the butter so that it is completely dissolved in the mixture.

2. Now form the dough, add condensed milk to one egg. Extinguish the soda with vinegar and add it here. Then add flour in parts and knead the dough. You will get a large ball, which you divide into many parts (10-12 pieces) and roll each piece into a bun.

3. Roll each lump into a large cake and pierce with a fork in several places. Fry in a dry frying pan on both sides until golden brown.

4. It will turn out something similar to pancakes. But the edges will have to be cut with a knife so that they turn out to be even and beautiful and all of different diameters.

Do not throw away the scraps, they will still fit for another job.

6. After the pancakes run out, pour over the shell with cream and sprinkle with crumbs (that remain, trimmings).

7. And glue kiwi circles on it. Such a cutie will come out. Keep the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then taste it. Bon appetit!

Video on how to make a quick and tasty cake from condensed milk, sour cream and butter

Another option that I think you will look at with interest in this story. All steps are shown from A to Z.

Cake Lazy Turtle without baking

Such a sweet gourmet will be a great solution if you need to whip up something savory for tea. How about gingerbread, take them and put them on a serving dish ... Coat the layers with sour cream and get a new confectionery masterpiece. Wow! Your children will say and even your husband will come running to the kitchen to taste this miracle. In general, it was like that for me, and for you? Try to create. Good luck!

We will need:

  • bananas - 4 pcs.
  • sugar - to your taste
  • sour cream - 95 g
  • chocolate gingerbread- 0.5 kg
  • em and ems sweets or something else (coconut, candied fruits, raisins)


1. Chocolate gingerbread, they are best suited for such a pie, you can also take milk ones. Cut into 2-3 pieces in the form of plates.

2. Add sour cream to granulated sugar and stir. Oops, the cream is ready, so fast!

3. Peel bananas and chop into slices. Lubricate each plate of gingerbread with sour cream and put a slice of banana.

4. Grind the gingerbread hats into crumbs and sprinkle the surface of the turtle. Decorate em and ems or coconut flakes, any sweets. Let the cake stand in the refrigerator, and then eat with pleasure. Happy discoveries!

These funny turtles turned out, they are very tasty and, as you can see, such cakes are prepared quickly and easily. Use either classic recipes or others in haste. In any case, you will be satisfied.

Good luck to all! Add me to groups in contact and in classmates. Write reviews and comments, I will be glad to read. Bye.

Homemade Turtle Cake is a tender and soft dessert that is hard to refuse. This delicacy is very popular. It can be seen on the shelves of confectionery and culinary shops, it is found on the menu of many cafes, especially coffee houses. The cake consists of many airy biscuit cakes soaked in sour cream. The dessert got its name due to its characteristic appearance: miniature cakes are laid out in a semicircle, in the form of a slide resembling a turtle shell. So, three components of the success of the cake: original appearance, impeccable taste and ease of preparation. What else do you need to lift your spirits? Unless the company of the closest and dearest people who will make you a pleasant company for tea drinking!

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .

Total cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 1 cake for 10 persons.


for the test:

  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 6 pcs.
  • flour -1 glass

for cream:

  • sour cream 20% - 750 g
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • milk - 5 tbsp. l.

for chocolate glaze:

  • sugar 5 tbsp. l.
  • butter -100 g
  • cocoa powder - 5 tsp

For decoration:

  • walnut halves.


  1. First of all, let's take care of the sour cream. To make the cream thick, not liquid, in advance, three hours before preparing the cream for the cake, put all the sour cream (750 g) in a tight linen bag and hang it up so that excess moisture leaves the sour cream. By the way, making sour cream from very fatty rustic sour cream is not an option. When whipped, such sour cream turns into oil and liquid is released from it. Cream from rustic sour cream will not work, do not even try.
    To separate excess liquid from sour cream, I proceed as follows. I line the bottom of the bowl with a cloth, pour sour cream.
  2. Then I tie the fabric in a knot and hang this knot over the sink, tying it to the tap for three hours.

  3. While the sour cream is being prepared, we have plenty of time to bake the cakes. For the cake, you will need a lot of small biscuit cakes. To make a light biscuit dough, beat egg whites and yolks separately. Moreover, the main part of the sugar is better to add to the yolks, and not to the proteins. Separate the yolks from the proteins (6 pcs.).

  4. First of all, it is better to beat the whites, not the yolks. The fact is that proteins are very demanding on the dryness of the container in which they are whipped. The container should not only be dry, it should not have a drop of fat on the walls. Everything is easier with yolks, they can be beaten after proteins in the same container. So, collect all six proteins in the mixer bowl.

  5. Beat the whites in a strong foam with six tablespoons of sugar, adding them gradually one at a time.

  6. Transfer the beaten whites to another large bowl in which you will knead the biscuit dough, and place the yolks in the bowl of the mixer where the whites were just whipped.

  7. Now beat the yolks with the remaining sugar, adding it gradually.

  8. Start kneading the dough gently, gradually adding flour to the beaten yolks ...

  9. Those are whipped squirrels.

  10. The dough will be fluffy and quite liquid.

  11. Put the dough on a baking sheet with a tablespoon, the dough will immediately spread, it's not scary, but the cakes will turn out thin and soft.

  12. Bake them at 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

  13. There will be quite a lot of small cakes, you have to bake them on two baking sheets. Cool the cakes to room temperature.

  14. Strained through a linen bag or just through a cloth, beat the thickened sour cream with a mixer with a glass of sugar. It turned out quite a thick sour cream.

  15. To assemble the turtle cake, prepare a large dish with a flat bottom. Lay the first layer of biscuit cakes.

  16. Lubricate it thickly with sour cream.

  17. Next, lay the cakes alternately in the form of a turtle shell, in a slide, before laying, dip each cake in sour cream.

  18. The cake is ready, but it still needs to be covered with chocolate icing. To cook it, mix 5 tbsp. l. milk, 5 tbsp. l. sugar and 100 g buttermilk.

  19. When the mixture boils, add 5 tsp. cocoa, break up the lumps, stirring with a whisk.

  20. Cook the icing over low heat for exactly 5 minutes, until it begins to thicken.
    Here is a detailed one, a little different, but also suitable for this cake.
  21. When the icing has cooled well, pour it over the cake and decorate it with halves of walnuts.
  22. Do not rush to immediately try the cooked delicacy. It will be better if you let it soak for at least a couple of hours.

Note to the owner:

  • When assembling the cake, you can leave 3-4 cakes, which are then used to make the paws and head of the turtle. Make the head from a whole round cake, and the paws and tail from the halves. The paws, tail and head of the turtle must also be greased with cream and poured with chocolate icing.
  • Decorating the surface of the cake with kiwi slices, you will get an equally original Emerald Turtle cake.
