
Why protein cream settles. How to make custard protein cream for decorating cakes and desserts

Even with a strong desire to create real culinary masterpieces in the kitchen the first time, it is not always successful.

Sometimes, everything happens exactly, as the eminent proverb says about the first pancake that comes out lumpy.

At such a moment, despair settles in the soul, and one has to sadly part with the unsuccessful mass.

Do not get too upset, almost all mistakes can be corrected in the kitchen. For these purposes, you will need to make a little effort.

If you are tormented by questions: “why didn’t the protein cream work out?”, “How to thicken the protein-custard filling?” and the like, I will tell in the article how to solve these problems. Everything is fixable.

Depending on what the layer on the proteins was required for, and what its composition was, you can work on the mistakes. In this case, you can use my recommendations below.

For example, if the composition turned out to be liquid or it doesn’t whip at all, most likely you added proteins to wet or greasy dishes.

It is necessary to monitor this especially carefully, and before cooking, once again treat the dishes with hot water, wipe with a paper towel.

It’s not difficult to do this once again, but the proteins will whip up successfully the first time, and you won’t have to redo everything again, throwing the product away.

Protein Cream Rescue First Aid

Cream on proteins, ideally, keeps its shape well. Of course, this can be achieved only in cases where the hostess has done everything that the recipe indicates correctly.

Situations are not excluded when the composition does not thicken to the consistency that is needed. Sometimes, he can even swim in all directions.

Let's find out how to save the composition on proteins, so as not to damage its taste.

Often, in the event of an incident, the hostess will throw the cream into the trash. It turns out that compliance with certain rules for the preparation of protein cream mass will protect against these problems.

In the event that the proteins are in a bowl where at least a drop of fat gets in, you can save the mass of the cream in a single way - put the bowl with the mass in the freezer.

Wait for the proteins to seize, only then you can continue the whipping process.

If cold resuscitation does not help, it turns out that there is nothing left but to throw the failed cream into the trash.

The cream will not hold its shape and will not whip well. Start all over again, but after steaming the dishes and wiping them dry.

The instructions for preparing the protein mass must be strictly followed. Even a deviation from it by an iota is fraught with failure.

And I also want to note that many dyes contribute to the thinning of the cream, and therefore you need to be extremely careful with them.

Before buying food. dyes, I advise you to read reviews of other housewives on the Internet or ask consultants at a specialized point of sale for what properties they have.

Cream with proteins is very insidious - the slightest mistake is fraught with complete spoilage of the product. You do not need to forget about this, and therefore you should be very careful.

Another way is to add agar-agar to the composition. Then you can cover the cake with this composition. Get a cake with bird's milk.

Only the protein composition of the cream for decorating the resulting treat is still worth doing again. He does not forgive mistakes.

The following tips should help you avoid making mistakes when making protein cream:

  • You can degrease a bowl for whipping proteins with a small part of a lemon. The same applies to mixer whisks. After all, even if they have fat, everything will have to be done again.
  • Kur. eggs, dividing into proteins and yolks, do not need to be kept over the bowl where you plan to beat the product. Accuracy is important. If a drop of yolk gets into the cream, everything will end disappointingly.
  • Degrease the mug to separate the yolks and proteins of chickens. eggs above it. Proteins should be poured into a bowl for whipping 1 pc. from a fat-free mug. This method will allow you to reduce the cost of chickens. eggs.
  • If even a small fraction of the yolk gets into the protein, it is worth pouring it out and starting all over again. Otherwise, you will transfer all the proteins.
  • Let the bowl of egg whites stand for 30 minutes in the refrigerator before whipping the composition with a mixer.
  • Do not take fresh chickens. the eggs that the hen is about to produce. This applies to cases where the hostess has her own household. It is better to use in this case for the cream of chickens. eggs 5 days old.
  • When you prepare sugar syrup, you need to check it for doneness with a saucer of cold water. If you drop it into a plate, a soft ball should form.
  • Remember that food. dyes should not include alcohol in their composition. Cream with proteins does not tolerate this component. Be sure to check the composition of dyes before buying.
  • The syrup on the cream may still gurgle, you need to leave it alone so that the composition calms down. 2 minutes and everything will stop. Only then it will be possible to pour the protein mass into it.
  • You did everything right, but the whites are still not whipped. As I mentioned, you need to let them cool in the refrigerator and repeat the whipping procedure again.

And remember that in the case when the protein cream can no longer be saved, you can take the composition and fill it into dessert bowls.

After send to the refrigerator. Dessert grab, and you decorate it with your favorite fruit, grated chocolate or chopped nuts.

You will just lick your fingers, and, of course, it is worth making a new protein cream.

Bad Custard: Saving the Situation

By the way, not only cream on egg whites, but also custard impregnation can suffer from a mistake.

It may be that the composition does not harden, it will be liquid. In this case, you need to act in accordance with the rules below:

  1. If there is a lot of liquid in the custard mass, it is worth introducing flour and boiling the composition again.
  2. If the custard is not overcooked initially, feel free to send it to the stove again and bring it to the desired consistency.
  3. Sl. the butter has melted, overexposed to heat - which means that you need to return it to the refrigerator and repeat attempts to beat the product again
  4. Custard can be very oily. If the consistency seemed optimal, but the cream composition stopped holding its shape in the decor, I advise you to send it to the refrigerator. Then you need to get it and beat it with a mixer again.
  5. If the custard floats in the form of decorations, you should not even think that the cream will begin to solidify beautifully during your stay in the refrigerator. It is better to put it in the refrigerator in a bowl, like everything you need to decorate the cake.
  6. Many problems when decorating cakes arise against the backdrop of a very warm temperature in the kitchen. The layers of the cake may not cool completely, and therefore the composition of the cream will float.
  7. Decoration is best applied when the layer of the cake has cooled down, like the kitchen after baking the cakes. Do not rush, so as not to redo the work twice later.
  8. In the event that all the options for saving the custard did not bring the proper result, then it is worth lubricating the layers of cake layers with it, and making a simple oil composition as a decor.
  9. Gelatin or agar-agar can solve the problem. Just keep in mind that by adding these components, the composition will become similar to a soufflé. No, it will perfectly hold the shape set by the confectioner and will contribute to a beautiful decor on the cake. Only the mass thickens quickly, and therefore it is worth decorating pastries right there, then it will be more difficult to cope with this task
  10. And another tip: it is better to buy a double amount of products for preparing a creamy mass to decorate a dessert. This will allow you not to run to the store several times. It's better to be safe right now. The remaining products will not be wasted, they are versatile and can be used to prepare other dishes.
  11. I advise you to always think of another option for preparing a different cream, which will become an emergency replacement and allow you to change the situation for the better. Oil product and condensed milk - the cream will be ready in 10 minutes. It holds its shape amazingly. By the way, its ideal replacement would be a raw cream filling.
  12. You can saturate the cakes with a thickened creamy mass, and make quite a bit of custard for decoration. In this case, if the cakes are dry, you will also soak them better. In everything, as you can see, you can find pluses.

Remember that not getting upset is your main task. You need to try to change the situation in your favor.

If there are no options, nothing helped from the methods I proposed above, then make another portion of the decoration, but feel free to put the failed fondant for the cake in the refrigerator.

Tomorrow you can find a worthy use for it.

Finally, I will present you with a universal protein cream recipe.

Protein cream for homemade dessert pastries

I'm just sure that if you do everything right, by carefully reading my article to the end, you will be able to make a wonderful protein cream.

It can be filled with waffle tubes, applied to tartlets, cakes, decorate baskets. The mass is very airy, it will not fall off on the second day.

Components: 200 gr. Sahara; 1.5 tsp salt; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs (whites only); 100 ml of water.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Chilled chickens. I separate the eggs into whites and yolks. I send squirrels to the refrigerator.
  2. Add sugar to water and stir. Cook on the stove until boiling over medium heat. The syrup will begin to thicken and change in color, becoming like caramel. 30 minutes and the syrup will be ready.
  3. I beat the whites when I understand that the syrup will be ready in 5 minutes. I add salt to them. The speed of revolutions must be brought to the highest from the minimum.
  4. I introduce syrup into proteins. Next I whip the cream. I continue to work with the mixer until the composition has completely cooled.

The cream will turn out just excellent!

My video recipe

Work on mistakes

After citric acid was mixed into the syrup, it turned brown. Error: the syrup is overcooked. If the color is light yellow, then everything is fine, if it is brown, pour it out, wash the pan under a stream of boiling water.

There are pieces of caramel in the cream or caramel stuck together in a thick layer at the bottom of the bowl. Error: the syrup was poured into the proteins too quickly.

Even after complete cooling, the cream remained liquid. Mistake: the syrup was poorly boiled down. Less often, but it also happens, the whites were beaten badly. When you start whipping, you can’t stop for a minute, proteins that are not fixed with sugar will settle in a few seconds! Therefore, I advise you to use an assistant for the first time.

The taste of the cream is very sweet-very sour. Error: they didn’t report, they shifted citric acid. Next time, correct it, but this one will be eaten anyway, they won’t go anywhere!

The cream began to "bubble" in less than 2 hours - the eggs were too large (respectively, the protein mass) or the syrup was not properly boiled.

Proteins do not whip well. Error: eggs are old or warm. or a particle of the yolk has got in. Separate the yolks carefully, then put the bowl in the refrigerator - let it cool with the bowl!
There is still snow outside now. you can cool the bowl in the snow, then you won’t choke on water and you can pour in the syrup yourself.

Protein cream for cake (custard) - photo recipe

Cream products:

  • Egg white from 4 eggs
  • Sugar 1 tbsp.
  • Water 0.5 cup
  • Salt - a pinch

This cream is suitable for any baking, be it a cake, cookies, buns, muffins, custard and simple cakes, etc. It turns out quite dense, so it will not drain from the sides. And although it is easy to cook at home, skill and compliance with the rules will still be required. I will tell you how to cook protein custard using standard technology without various additives.

Protein cream for cake - photo preparation:

Before starting the preparation of the cream, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks and put them together with a bowl in the refrigerator. Because cold egg whites whip more easily.

1. Pour water into a clean, dry saucepan and add sugar to it. Put it on fire and cook until you get a thick syrup.

2. On average, sugar syrup should be boiled for 30-45 minutes. after boiling.

3. While the syrup is being cooked, you need to get the proteins from the refrigerator, add a pinch of salt to them and beat until thick foam.

4. You need to beat them for about 30 minutes. Just during this time, sugar syrup will cook.

3. After 30 minutes of cooking, without stopping whipping the whites, check the syrup for readiness. To do this, pour cold water into a bowl and add a drop of your syrup to it.

4. If after you drained the water in your hands it turned out to roll such a soft ball, then the protein cream syrup is ready. This test is called a soft ball test.

5. Now the most crucial moment. It is necessary to combine the syrup with whipped proteins. To do this, it is necessary to pour the syrup in a THIN stream into the protein mass, while continuing to beat with a mixer. If the mixer is not stationary, then it is best to call someone for help. Well, or most somehow manage.

6. Then continue to beat everything together until completely cooled. You will notice how the mass begins to thicken and will keep its shape. After that, the protein, custard for the cake will be ready. (In the process of cooking, “sweet” memories surfaced about how, as a child, I often licked such a cream from a spoon, syringe and cup when my mother cooked it.)

6. Ready-made protein cream can be safely decorated or any other confectionery.

And here for a snack is a video on how to make cream cake roses. I don’t know what kind of cream is used in this video, but I think protein will do. The main thing is to beat it longer to make it thicker.

Custard protein cream.

1 ½ cup sugar

1/3 cup water

1 tbsp vinegar

4 egg whites

1/2 tsp citric acid

Glass = 225ml

Whip the egg whites into a thick foam.

At the same time, we set the syrup to boil.

When the syrup boils, cook it over low heat for 7-9 minutes until a thin thread.

Then pour the boiling syrup in a thin stream into the whipping proteins. Add half a teaspoon of citric acid. Whisk for a couple more minutes.

The cream is ready, you can only add food coloring, a couple of drops to cheer you up! Happy tea!

I’ve tried Dina again and again, it doesn’t work girl_hysterits:
look how it looks after adding the syrup, I’ve already done it 4 times and everything is the same, the taste is wonderful, but the mass is not airy, pulling, I don’t know how and why my squirrels don’t whip into strong peaks, can you show me how they look how many minutes do you need to beat the whites, I take cold eggs from the refrigerator, separate the whites from the yolks and beat, believe me, my mixer heats up as much as my hand is hot, but there are no peaks ((((.
Natasha, I separate the squirrels from the yolks and set the squirrels to beat. And immediately I put the syrup to boil. When the syrup is cooked, then in a thin stream I pour the syrup into the whipping proteins and when I pour the syrup, I beat it for another 5 minutes, well, sometimes less. Then I add lemon. When I add a lemon, the cream becomes thicker and I beat it for a couple of minutes. I don't have any photos yet. But I will make baskets on Wednesday and try to take a picture.

and how to check the syrup (this thin thread)??????????????

And I steal the syrup right away on a high heat until it boils, and when it boils, I make a small fire, but so that the syrup boils and cook for about 8 more minutes. And it's easy to check for a thin thread. This is when you take syrup in a spoon and pour it back into the saucepan and the last droplets stretch like thin threads. I don't know if I explained clearly.


Just on Instagram, the chef, to whom I went to MK, posted a cream "for the summer" (as an alternative to oil ones):
70 protein
10 lemon juice
200 water
200 sugar
5 agar + 40 sugar
Bring water and sugar (200) to a boil and reduce heat, add agar and sugar (40) over low heat, boil to 110 degrees.
Remove from heat and while it cools to 80 g, beat the protein at high speed until foamy, pour in lemon juice and hot syrup. 1 minute on high speed, then let cool, beating on low speed. You can add dye. Vanilla, zest can be added to the syrup ...

I tried again "Swiss meringue"
Swiss meringue is 100 times better than protein custard and is easy to prepare. Most importantly, whisks and bowl should be perfectly clean and dry. And the bowl should not be thick-walled, i.e. keep warm for a long time. 5 proteins 250g sugar Citric acid on the tip of a knife Vanilla 1. Boil water in a saucepan for a water bath. Put on medium fire.
2. Mix sugar with vanilla sugar.
3. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. TO
proteins add citric acid. Start beating at the lowest speed
mixer increasing the speed every 5 seconds until you reach the maximum. How
proteins will become cloudy and foam will appear (this happens very quickly), start
pour sugar in a thin stream. Beat for a total of 1 minute.
4. Move the bowl of egg whites to the water bath
so that the bottom does not touch the water.
Beat clockwise for about 10 more minutes until the mixture is thick and
shiny, and the peaks are hard. Just make sure that the liquid from the water bath and steam do not
got into the squirrels.
5. Remove the whites from the water bath and beat
about a minute more (the whites will cool down).
Everything, the cream can be used immediately!
If you add to the meringue sl. oil, then
you get a creamy meringue cream with a silky texture. And you can bake like meringue

or paterra mat - it's not silicone!

she also appeared in the Vysotskaya series, I can’t find something on Yandex
sold in small pieces in a beautiful package :)

Well, meringues do not work out for me !!! No way!!! everything whips up perfectly, but they turn brown in the oven, and they don’t bake inside for an hour! Soft and settle after cooling. I set the temperature in the oven to a minimum, moreover, after 5 minutes, when I realized that they were getting dark, I opened them ajar. Maybe try to set the temperature to the maximum for 1-2 minutes? Somewhere I read this method a long time ago, in some magazine ...

Biscuit and cream recipe: pastry according to GOST from Chadeika
... a spoonful of powdered sugar 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder 10 pieces A baking sheet covered with baking paper. Preheat oven to 200°C. To prepare a biscuit separately, beat the yolks and proteins until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and mix with flour. The dough must be used immediately, otherwise it will settle. Therefore, prepare a baking sheet and preheat the oven in advance. Why does the biscuit rise? The smallest bubbles in the whipped dough are filled with air, when heated, the air expands, and the bubbles increase in volume. Accordingly, the dough also rises. The biscuit is baked at a temperature high enough so that the air in the dough quickly warms up, and the egg-flour base is baked. Biscuit Whisk...

I cool the proteins, beat them with sugar, put them on a baking sheet - they spread. What am I doing wrong? Maybe I shake a little?

Remove the mold from the oven, let it cool for 15-20 minutes. Run a spatula along the edge of the mold so that the apricots can be easily removed, and carefully invert the tarts onto a plate, trim the edges with a knife, removing excess apricots. Whip chilled cream, add amaretto, 1-2 tbsp. sugar and continue beating until you get a thick cream. Decorate the tarts with cream and serve. A dessert in tall transparent bowls made from tangerines and pomegranate will look very impressive. Both of these ingredients are considered very effective aphrodisiacs. Pomegranate, for example, is advised to be used for sexual impotence, just imagine what feelings it can kindle in your party...
... Transfer the resulting mixture into a deep bowl and put in the freezer for 3 hours, stir thoroughly every 30 minutes so that large ice crystals do not form. Meanwhile, prepare the sabayon sauce. Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze the juice out of them. Add 50 ml of water, 100 g of sugar to lemon juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks, pour in the warm mixture of lemon juice and sugar and continue to beat in a water bath until thick, then add the gin and cool. Pour the sauce onto a plate, put the cold chocolate sherbet there and garnish with lemon zest. Chocolate hazelnut mignon Ingredients 200 gr creamy chocolate, 200 gr fried...

So why not use natural ingredients for decoration? For example, fruits and berries will not only help create a beautiful design, but also bring a new taste, aroma and color to your cake. To create your own, unlike anything, original decoration, you will need fantasy, fruits of various colors, sizes, shapes and contents, a thin sharp knife, metal baking dishes and a small round ice cream spoon. One of the most beautiful s...
... Put fruits and berries in it, pour jelly and refrigerate, preferably for a day. Ready jelly can only be decorated with a cooled cake, otherwise it will begin to melt. In order not to damage the jelly and transfer it to the cake in an even layer, you need to carefully but quickly turn it over from the container onto the cake. If you do not like the jelly edges of the cake, or, despite all your efforts, they did not turn out quite even, then you can decorate them with almond flakes or protein cream. However, not everyone likes jelly, and if you are not a fan, but you liked the idea of ​​​​making the cake colorful without extraneous additives and dyes, then use the following method. The finished cake, covered with whipped cream or protein, decorate in a circle with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit slices. It is not necessary to use...

Help :) I made eclairs according to the recipe of Kuz'kina's mother, but the cream turned out to be too liquid, I don't know what I did wrong, maybe because I took regular starch, not corn starch. Is it possible to thicken it now somehow?


ahhh, now I’ll think of something :)) you can thicken it with flour or just yolks.
I would take a couple of eggs, stir and add a couple of tablespoons of flour. I would bring to a boil what you have, 1/3 would gradually pour into the eggs, stirring, then this mixture back into the saucepan with cream and on a slow fire, until boiling, then boil for a couple of minutes boiling.
Or beat creamy butter with sugar and gradually introduce the cream you have obtained into it.
The liquid turned out from simple starch, if you overheated it (it is less heat-resistant than corn starch) or, on the contrary, undercooked and the yolks did not coagulate, did not thicken.
If anything, write, I'm in touch, we'll save your eclairs :)) - cool the filtered sour cream and sugar (!!!) well (put separately in the refrigerator, and sugar can even be in the freezer)
- and now you can beat sour cream with sugar to the state of a lush white cream.
With such a cream, lingonberry-apple charlotte, bird cherry cake, etc. are incomparable.
And in order for the cakes to be better saturated, you can simply grease them warm with a little liquid unsweetened sour cream and use impregnation.
P.S. Only when buying sour cream, if possible, pay attention to the composition - ours also learned how to add various thickeners to sour cream. You won't get a good cream from this one by any tricks - it is "spoiled" for a cream. Like this...

Pay attention to the fat content of sour cream. I always take sour cream 20%, and preferably 25%, and beat with a mixer at top speed, it turns out pretty well. Sour cream will never be completely thick, it is always a little watery, but the cakes are well soaked.

Lovely, kind female hands On weekdays and holidays do not know boredom. Racks in love, patient in separation, Lovely, kind, female hands. You deserve the songs of Russia, So that your husbands carry you in their arms! And a cake recipe for the holiday! I made it a year ago. Simple, delicious, unusual! Cake "Drunken Cherry" Cherry was from compote (pitted). For two days, the juice was drained and poured with a glass of cognac. I added a little juice, sprinkled it with sugar, and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. (The pouring from under the cherry (divine) was drunk under the cake ...


Congratulations to all too!
I also finally tried the recipe for an Australian white chocolate cake once here in the confe and was disappointed, I expected more: (But my family really liked it. And in my opinion the goal did not justify the means, or I just ate cakes these days :) ), finally the post has come closer and you can reset the reserves accumulated over the winter :)).
White chocolate cake is great!
Fast, simple and from affordable products.
"Super cake - read it in an Australian cookbook.
150 gr. white chocolate and 250 gr. chop the butter into pieces, dilute over low heat with a glass of milk and a glass of sugar until the chocolate and butter are completely dispersed. Do not boil. Cool down a bit.
Add 450 gr. flour, 2 lightly beaten eggs and 2 teaspoons of baking powder without a slide. Mix until smooth.
Grease a 26 cm mold. Bake over low heat for about 45 minutes. After removing from the oven, let stand in the form for half an hour, cool. The cake should be slightly "unbaked" inside, not dry.
Cream: pour 300 gr. white chocolate 125 ml boiling cream, stir until the chocolate has melted. Cool down. Spread the top of the cooled cake.
From myself - I don’t recommend cutting this rather tall cake lengthwise for cream, it really turns out to be underbaked, as it were.

Happy holiday everyone! I wish everyone not to appear in the kitchen today. Let the male part of the family tense up...
My "male part" is sleeping to this day, but I don’t feel like eating yet, I’ll wait, perhaps, until I wake up.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! The only way to lose weight, without harm to health ..

It is not always possible to cook all kinds of culinary masterpieces the first time. Often it turns out according to the proverb - the first pancake is lumpy. But at this moment, do not despair and throw away the resulting mass. Any mistake can be corrected, you just need to make a little effort. If you like the taste of the cream, and the whole thing is only in its density, then this is quite fixable.

Depending on what this custard and its composition are for, errors are corrected by different options. If the protein cream turned out to be liquid and you can’t beat it in any way, then you may have whipped the proteins in a wet bowl or there was fat on the walls.

Protein Cream Rescue

Ideally, after proper preparation, the protein cream should keep its shape well, but there are situations when the mass has not thickened to the required consistency and floats in all directions. Saving the protein cream is almost impossible without sacrificing taste.

Most often, housewives simply throw away the protein cream, which is immediately clear that it did not work out.

It is necessary to follow some rules when preparing this type of creamy mass. If even a drop of fat gets on the dishes in which you whip the proteins. There is only one way to save. To do this, put a bowl of cream in the refrigerator or even in the freezer. If you wait a little, the proteins will seize and you can continue to beat further. If such resuscitation did not help, then we can assume that the mass is hopelessly spoiled and it will definitely not work to make a cream out of it that would keep its shape.

At the same time, in the freezer, the mass should not freeze into a bone, but only grab a little.

In order for the protein cream to thicken and keep its shape well, it must first be prepared according to the instructions, not stepping back from it. At the same time, remember that most dyes thin the cream mass.

Do not forget that the protein cream is quite insidious - one oversight and everything is ruined.

But you can add a little agar-agar and cover the cake on top. It looks like bird's milk. But you will have to make a new one, as this is one of those types of decoration that do not forgive mistakes.

Some tricks will not hurt you when making:

  • To degrease the bowl in which you are going to beat the proteins, wipe it with a slice of lemon;
  • Do not separate the eggs over the cup in which the beating will take place - a drop of yolk will kill the cream irrevocably. It is better to degrease another mug, over which division will take place and pour the proteins into the bowl for whipping one by one from the mug. This option will save you from extra costs for eggs. If the yolk mass gets into one protein, then immediately pour it out and move on to the next one.
  • Pre-cool the bowl with proteins for 30 minutes in the refrigerator;
  • Do not use chicken eggs - if you have your own household, then take a five-day-old chicken gift;
  • When cooking syrup, check it more often for a soft ball - to do this, place a saucer with cold water next to the saucepan in which the syrup is boiled;
  • The protein cream does not tolerate alcohol, so staining with alcohol dyes is completely excluded;
  • If the syrup is still gurgling, then set it to calm down for a couple of minutes and only then pour it into the proteins;
  • If the whites do not whip, then cool them a little and try the whipping procedure again.

But if you can’t save it, then prepare a new protein cream, and put this mass into glasses, put it in the refrigerator to grab, later decorate with fruit and serve as a separate dessert. You can sprinkle with grated chocolate and crushed nuts instead of fruits.

Custard Rescue

But it's not just egg white cream that runs or doesn't whip, there are plenty of ways to save liquid classic custard. As a thickener, a small addition of flour or starch can play. It all depends on which of these ingredients you used in the initial brew.

The main reasons why custard does not freeze:

  • Too much liquid - add flour and cook;
  • Initially, they didn’t cook it - put it on fire again and bring it to the desired state;
  • The butter has been overexposed, it has not so much softened as it has melted - return the butter to the refrigerator, and then try again to whip it.

If you like the consistency of the mass, especially oily, but during the decoration process it turned out that it does not hold its shape, then send it to the refrigerator, and beat again later.

Do not hope that the spreading decorations will solidify beautifully, it is better to immediately put the mass in the refrigerator, wait a bit and cool not only the fondant, but also the kitchen itself. Most of the problems arise due to the fact that the cakes were first prepared and immediately began to decorate them. The temperature in the kitchen is still high, and the layers of the cake have not had time to cool down, the cream will definitely float. It is for this reason that it is necessary to postpone the decoration until it has completely cooled, both the layers of the cake and the room in which you are decorating.

When you have tried all the options to save the mass, which does not thicken under any circumstances, then coat the cakes with this cream, and use regular oil for decoration.

So the problem can be solved by dissolved gelatin or agar-agar.

The mass will become like a soufflé, but it keeps its shape well and you can also make jewelry out of it. Only when you see that the mass thickens, immediately decorate the cake, as it will be very difficult to do this later.

The main way not to spoil your mood before the holiday is to buy double the amount of products for making decorations.

Also, always think about the moment that the cream has not thickened, and there is no way out. There must be a fallback that will fix the situation. In addition to butter cream with condensed milk, which is made in just 10 minutes, raw impregnation on cream also keeps its shape well.

But you can only prepare a small amount of mass for decoration, and entrust the impregnation of the cakes to a non-thickened cream. By the way, in this way any dry layers are better saturated.

In any difficult situation, it is better not to be upset, but to try to correct the situation first. If all else fails, then make a second portion of the decoration, and put the fudge prepared earlier in the refrigerator and find a use for it the next day.

Personally, I make custard protein recipe Cakes

The cream is very capricious, so I ask you to do everything exactly! Every little thing matters.
1. A small saucepan for syrup.
2. Any bowl, but metal is better for 3-4 liters.
3. basin with cold water.


  • cold egg whites (if the eggs are from domestic chickens, then generally SUPER!!)
  • 2 faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid (not diluted, namely crystals)
  • 1 teaspoon of agar-agar is highly recommended but not required.
  • Any flavoring (also optional)

Thoroughly wash the saucepan for syrup, fill it with water and boil it. Drain it. The saucepan is ready for work.
Dilute agar-agar in 4-5 tablespoons of tea water. Let it swell for 10-20 minutes.
Wash the metal bowl and wipe dry.

Cream preparation.

Pour 2 faceted glasses of sugar into a saucepan, add half a glass of water and put on high heat.
We control the readiness of the syrup visually. If you are already very afraid, you can periodically dip a clean, dry object into boiling syrup and drip it into a bowl of cold water if a hard syrup ball is ready at the bottom.

The syrup boils with "running transparent bubbles,

and then it boils with heavy white "gurgles":

Put a drop into a cup of water at this moment - is a dense ball at the bottom clearly palpable? Great!

It's time to add the citric acid and STIR it vigorously into the syrup. There is more acid in the photo - it's just that the cream is cooked for a large portion. You need half a teaspoon.

If there is no agar, then the syrup is ready - turn off the fire. If there is, then stir it vigorously for 5-10 seconds. The syrup will rise with a hat, but then calm down.

The syrup is ready. Let's get straight to the proteins.
Pour them into a bowl and begin to beat with a mixer until a snow-white stable foam. "To sharp peaks"
Now ask someone to help you. Or, manage yourself TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLY 2-4mm pour in the finished syrup and vigorously stir it in the proteins.

Try not to get the syrup directly on the beaters - small splashes scatter along the walls of the bowl and freeze in pieces. If it still happened, then after cooking, carefully collect everything from the walls of the bowl.
So, we introduce the syrup into the proteins to the last, then we rearrange the bowl into a bowl of cold water (I freeze ice cubes, I beat a lot in a bowl with ice, or you can add more ice to a bowl of water) and continue to beat until the CREAM COOLS COMPLETELY. You can do without a basin of water, but then the cooling process will be delayed.

Once again I repeat that the cream should cool completely during whipping.
If you did everything right, then you get this cream.

They can work for 2 hours, then it starts to bubble and does not fit well. If it was used for 2 hours, then it does not blur for two days on the cake for sure.
And waffles with such cream are just delicious

Helpful Hints

Suddenly it will come in handy for someone - I recalculated the proportions of the ingredients of the cream for a different amount of proteins, so as not to count each time

1. Coat the cake with them. In the coating, the density of the cream is not as noticeable as in the decorations. In a thick layer, smooth the sides and top to smoothness. Then we decorate with mastic or fresh berries, pieces of fruit, candied fruit, nuts. sweets "MMdens", "Fruktis" chocolate sweets, slices of marmalade and marshmallows ... You can thickly sprinkle grated chocolate, coconut, nuts on top ... It will be a chic cake, honestly!

2. If the cream is still left, then you can add oil to it and beat. In this case, we will not have a soufflé, but an oil cream. Just the role of a viscous mass for thickening will be performed by your loser. Set proportions to taste. This cream is good for both layering and coating.
The remains of a protein cream or oil cream with a protein base can be packaged and kept in the freezer. It will winter there until the next masterpiece. Get it, thaw it and you can continue to work.

  • It is easier to level the cake with custard protein cream, if the cream has already stood for 40 minutes. When it is completely fresh, only whipped, it reaches more for a spatula, somehow breaks. When stood - smeared like butter.
  • Protein cream goes well with fatty doughs and you can make a wonderful dessert, where the cream will not need to show its "carrying ability".
  • If you add 3-4 tsp of agar, and not just one, and immediately package it hot in forms, you get the classic "bird's milk". , otherwise it thickens before our eyes. With oil, the soufflé will be denser, but also more tender (100 grams is enough). Without oil - very airy!

Work on mistakes

Girls who do not get the cream, check the following points:

Squirrels are not finished - check - turn the bowl over: they should not fall out

The syrup is undercooked or cold - The temperature of the syrup during the infusion should be 117 - 120C
- they stopped whipping the cream when it was still warm - with a finger to the touch it should. not warm, but cool. The temperature of the finished cream - 20-22C
- a lot of acid!

After citric acid was mixed into the syrup, it turned brown.
Error: the syrup is overcooked. If the color is light yellow, then everything is fine, if it is brown, pour it out, wash the pan under a stream of boiling water.

There are pieces of caramel in the cream or caramel stuck together in a thick layer at the bottom of the bowl.
Error: too quickly poured the syrup into the proteins.

Even after cooling completely, the cream remained liquid.
Error: the syrup was boiled badly. Less often, but it also happens, the squirrels were beaten badly. When you start whipping, you can’t stop for a minute, proteins that are not fixed with sugar will settle in a few seconds! Therefore, I advise you to use an assistant for the first time.

The taste of the cream is very sweet-very sour.
Error: they didn’t report, they shifted the citric acid. Next time, adjust it, but this time they’ll eat it anyway, they won’t go anywhere!

The cream began to "bubble" in less than 2 hours - the eggs were too large (respectively, the protein mass) or the syrup was not properly boiled.

The whites don't whip well.
Error: eggs are old or warm. or a particle of the yolk has got in. Separate the yolks carefully, then put the bowl in the refrigerator - let it cool with the bowl!
Now there is snow in the yard, you can cool the bowl in the snow

And, finally, a wonderful video cooking master class to help you custard protein cream A:

We will need:

  • Protein 1 pc.
  • Sugar 125 g
  • Water 50 ml.
  • Citric acid 2 g.
  • Salt 2 g.

Dissolve sugar in water, add citric acid and boil, stirring over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Whip the protein into a stiff foam. Gradually add the syrup while continuing to beat.

Custard protein cream is used in the manufacture of a wide range of desserts. They can fill tubes, eclairs, decorate cakes and baskets. But most often they use protein-custard to decorate the cake.

How to make protein custard for cake decoration - step by step recipe

Previously, we considered numerous recipes for making custards. Now let's focus on the most common option using proteins. This recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes is quite simple and even a novice hostess can do it.


  • 2 proteins;
  • 140 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • a pinch of citric acid or a few drops of lemon juice;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin to taste.


  1. Pour sugar into a small saucepan and cover with water. Put on a slow fire, as soon as the sugar syrup begins to boil, reduce the fire to a minimum and leave to cook.
  2. Beat egg whites with a pinch of salt and citric acid until thick, fluffy white foam. The readiness of proteins can be checked by turning the container with them over. Ready proteins will not flow out or fall off.
  3. It is necessary to check the readiness of the sugar syrup. To do this, drop a few drops into the water and try to roll a ball out of them. If it turned out to be dense, then the syrup is ready.
  4. Next, mix the protein cream with hot syrup, while whisking with a mixer, continue to beat for 10 minutes.
  5. Leave the cream to cool. After that, it can be used for finished baking.

Sometimes, in addition to sugar, 80 g of liquid honey is added to the syrup. Protein cream with honey turns out to be very fragrant and will not leave you indifferent.

Protein Custard Supplement Options

There are many different ways to top up your regular protein cream with sugar, thereby adding a splash of flavor to your dessert.

Protein cream with cocoa for decorating a cake in accordance with GOST

The recipe for such a cream is quite simple, it is based on the classic version described at the very beginning of the article. The only addition is a teaspoon of cocoa, which is added at the very end of cooking, after the proteins are combined with sugar syrup. Such a cream will acquire a delicate chocolate shade and aroma.

Protein cream with agar-agar

In order for the cream to keep its shape better and be more embossed, you can add agar-agar to it. It must first be soaked for 10 minutes in a small amount of water, and then immediately added to boiling sugar syrup and constantly stirred until completely dissolved. Boil for another half a minute, remove from heat and pour in a thin stream into whipped proteins.

According to this principle, a protein cream with gelatin is prepared. Thanks to him, the protein mass is smooth and shiny.

Protein cream with condensed milk without oil for decoration

It is advisable not to use condensed milk along with protein cream, it will only make the air structure heavier, and as a result, the cream will settle or drain completely. Protein cream with powdered sugar is best for decorating a cake. Powdered sugar is more suitable than sugar, for the simple reason that granulated sugar may not completely dissolve and, as a result, will crunch on the teeth. As a result, the protein cream with powder will turn out to be airy and will be able to decorate any cake.

Protein cream with sweetener

It is possible to replace sugar, but it must be borne in mind that the corresponding additive will need a little more in order for the cream to turn out to be sweet enough. This option is perfect for people with diabetes, or those who strictly monitor their diet. For example, a protein cream with erythritol is most often prepared.

Protein cream with glycerin

Most often, such a cream is prepared for the manufacture of various forms, for example, roses for decorating a cake. To do this, add one teaspoon of glycerin to the proteins and beat until a thick foam forms. Then follow the classic recipe.

Protein cream with vinegar

Sometimes vinegar can be added to whites before whipping instead of lemon juice. Since these two substances are acids by nature, they will have the same principle of action. But acetic acid still has a specific and unpleasant odor, so this method has not been widely used in the preparation of protein cream.

Protein cream with starch for cake decoration

Starch is most often added to cream to thicken the cream. Thanks to such an elastic and dense texture, it can be used as cake decorations, creating various patterns and elements, and not just for leveling the surface of desserts.

Protein cream with additions

In order to enrich the taste of protein cream, various fruits, jams or even nuts are often added. Protein cream with coconut flakes is quite simple to prepare, for this you need to add lightly fried chips to the already prepared whipped cream and mix gently so that the cream does not settle. By the same principle, you can prepare protein cream with orange, zest, or even protein cream with walnuts.

Very often, pies and cakes are prepared, which are decorated with protein cream with apples. The recipe is quite simple, just add grated baked apples to ready-made whipped apples and mix thoroughly. In the same way, you can make a protein cream with pumpkin, raspberries, strawberries or even a banana.

Protein cream with butter

Since this option contains fat, this method is perfect even for soaking cakes. The cream is prepared according to the classic recipe, and after the proteins are ready, soft butter is added in portions and mixed thoroughly.

Protein cream with mascarpone

In this version of the preparation of the cream, cooking of sugar syrup is not implied. Whipped proteins must be combined with whipped chilled cream (for 4 proteins 200 ml of cream). And then add 800 g of mascarpone to the resulting mass and beat again until a homogeneous structure.

Protein cream with pectin

If you need to increase the firmness and density of the cream, then it is best to prepare it with pectin sugar. To prepare it, you need to add about 20 g of pectin and 10 g of citric acid to 1 kg of sugar. Next, boil the sugar syrup and beat the egg whites in the same way as in the classic recipe.

Protein cream with cottage cheese

To make the cream tender and soft, you can add cottage cheese to it in a ratio of 1: 1. After 100 g of proteins have been whipped, add 100 of cottage cheese and vanillin for taste and aroma, and then beat the resulting mass again.

The subtleties and secrets of making protein-custard

Previously, it was told how to make a protein cream for a cake at home. Now let's talk about the possible problems that have arisen in the cooking process and how to solve them.

Why doesn't protein cream work?

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of the recipe, there are a number of certain rules that will guarantee the right protein cream:

  • proteins should be very cold;
  • dishes and everything that comes into contact with proteins are absolutely dry;
  • for the formation of a thick foam, it is best to add lemon juice to the proteins;
  • exclude even the slightest hit of the yolk;
  • beat egg whites at the highest speed.

Why does protein cream not keep its shape?

In order for the protein-custard to turn out to be elastic and strong, it is important to properly cook the sugar syrup. It should be of such a consistency that it can be rolled into a tight ball. If you follow such a small rule, you will never have to wonder why the protein cream settles when it sits. Properly brewed protein cream for cake decorations holds its shape well, the recipe above will not let you make a mistake in its preparation.

Why is protein cream not whipped?

A very common mistake is when water with sugar is added to quite a bit of whipped proteins. Because of this, the formation of foam does not occur. Instead, you need to inject boiling sugar syrup into a thick protein foam in a thin stream. It is very important to follow this cooking technology, and the protein custard recipe for decorating the cake will not let you make a mistake.

Why does protein cream peel off?

Protein cream should always be smooth and uniform in structure. If its stratification occurs, then, most likely, many important points about which it is written above were missed. For example, the proteins were not cold or the dishes were slightly damp.

If you want to know why protein cream comes out fluffy, then the answer is the same. It is important to follow the correct technology, and the protein cream will definitely work.

Why does protein cream dry quickly?

In order for the cream not to dry out, when whipping, add a few drops of lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid to it. This will not only add a fragrant note, but also prevent the cream from drying out quickly.

Why did the protein cream soak into the biscuit?

Sometimes it happens that the cream is quickly absorbed into the biscuit cake layers. To prevent this from happening, the cakes should first be smeared with syrup, thereby creating a kind of border that prevents the absorption of the cream.

You can also add cream or condensed milk to the protein cream, which will add fat to it. This will also prevent the cream from being absorbed.

Why does the protein cream reach for the nozzle?

In no case should the protein-custard be stretchy, it should be in the form of dense formed peaks. The stretchy structure can be due to two reasons:

  • incompletely cooked syrup (the syrup turned out to be soft and viscous);
  • not well whipped proteins (no elastic peaks).

Why is protein cream candied?

It would seem that there is nothing difficult in how to make a protein cream for decorating a cake at home. But sometimes you can run into the problem of candied cream. Most often this happens when sugar syrup is boiled for too long, and instead of an elastic mass, solid sugar is obtained.

Also, to avoid candied cream, citric acid or lemon juice should be added to the syrup. The same secret can be applied if you have always wondered why the protein cream is sticky?

Why does protein cream get wet?

The cream gets wet for the same reason that it exfoliates. It is important to always use only dry utensils and beat egg whites properly. And also boil the syrup correctly so that it turns into a dense mass, and is not watery.

Why does the protein cream on the cake get crusty?

If the protein cream dries out a little and becomes covered with a crust some time after preparation, it means that the cream was prepared in accordance with all standards. A proper protein custard should not drip, fall off, or change shape, it should just dry out a little and set.

Why does protein cream bubble?

If you ever wondered why the protein cream is porous, then remember a couple of important secrets. In order to avoid the formation of unnecessary air bubbles, it is important to boil the syrup thoroughly so that it does not turn out to be liquid. And you should also take medium-sized eggs, otherwise, if they are large, you will have to beat for a long time and thoroughly, as a result of which the proteins can be saturated with oxygen.

Why does protein cream smell like eggs?

To avoid the unpleasant smell of raw eggs, you can add a pinch of vanillin or vanilla sugar. Then the cream will turn out very tender and fragrant.

Why does protein cream curdle?

Sometimes you want to give the cream a certain brightness, for this they use food coloring. But it is they who can lead to the fact that a gentle and smooth cream curdles. To avoid this, you should choose dyes that do not contain alcohol and fats.

Leveling the cake with protein custard

Very often, to give the cakes a smooth and even surface, they are coated with a protein cream. It perfectly penetrates into all the cracks, filling the space, thereby preparing the cake for further decorations.

Options for storage, application and consumption of protein cream

So, you have learned how to make protein cream for cake, as well as the tricks and secrets of cooking cream. Now we should talk about the rules for storing the cream and other features.

Can protein cream be refrigerated?

Custard protein cream can be left in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Firstly, the cream can deteriorate, and secondly, it can settle and lose its appearance and structure.

Is it possible to beat the protein cream with a blender?

You can get a fluffy and thick protein mass with a blender if you have a special nozzle for whipping creams. In other cases, it is best to arm yourself with a mixer. Then you will definitely be sure that the cream will not fall off or exfoliate in the future.

Is it possible to pour icing on protein cream?

If you want to decorate the cake with chocolate icing or create a kind of "smudge" on top of the protein cream. It is important to observe that the protein cream has already slightly set, and the icing was not hot. Otherwise, under the influence of heat, the cream will flow and a beautifully decorated dessert will not come out.

Can protein cream be baked?

If you still have excess cream, then you can safely send it to the oven. Form small pyramids and send to the oven for at least 1.5 hours. As a result, you will get a tasty and crispy meringue, or, as they are also called, meringues.

Is it possible for children to have protein cream?

Since the protein cream is prepared exclusively from raw eggs, it is highly recommended not to give it to children, especially small ones. At best, a protein cream can provoke allergies and diathesis, and at worst, lead to salmonellosis.

Many people wonder why pregnant women should not have a protein cream. All for the same reason that eggs do not undergo heat treatment, and, therefore, can be infected with various microorganisms.

How to make protein cream safe?

The only way to disinfect a protein cream is to put it in a water bath or boil it. Salmonella are killed at 72°C, so even 10 minutes of cooking the cream is enough to make it completely safe.

Can protein cream be frozen?

Freezing cream from proteins is highly discouraged. This is due to the fact that during thawing, the cream often gets wet, as a result of which it exfoliates, loses its airy structure. Also, when frozen, very often the cream settles and separates into eggs and sugar syrup. Therefore, it is best to use the cream immediately after preparation.

Can protein cream be dyed with gel dye?

If you want to add color to the cream, thereby giving color and brightness to the cake, then gel dyes are the best suited for this case. They will not thin the structure of the cream or curdle it. Dyes in the form of a gel will be able to evenly color the protein color.

So, how to make a protein cream colored? It is best to add 2-3 drops of dye (depending on the desired color saturation) during whipping, but after the cream has completely cooled down.

If you are thinking about how to make a protein cream colored with dry paints, then it is best to leave this idea. Due to dry dyes, the cream can either curdle or even settle down.

Is it possible to put protein cream between the cakes?

Unfortunately, protein creams are not very suitable for layering between cakes. Due to its dryness, such a cream is more suitable for decorating cakes, filling cakes, and in a number of other cases where shape retention is required. And cakes are best saturated with more oily and nutritious structures.

Can protein cream be applied over mastic?

If the protein cream can be applied as a base for mastic, then the cream can also be put on it. Usually, this method is used to create various patterns or draw the details of the cake figures.

Can protein cream be poured with chocolate?

No, you can't if you want to keep the original appearance of the protein cream. In order for chocolate to be fluid, it must be hot or at least warm. And, as you know, protein cream begins to flow at the slightest heating. So in order to avoid the cream from slipping off the cake, it is better not to pour chocolate over it.


Just on Instagram, the chef, to whom I went to MK, posted a cream "for the summer" (as an alternative to oil ones):
70 protein
10 lemon juice
200 water
200 sugar
5 agar + 40 sugar
Bring water and sugar (200) to a boil and reduce heat, add agar and sugar (40) over low heat, boil to 110 degrees.
Remove from heat and while it cools to 80 g, beat the protein at high speed until foamy, pour in lemon juice and hot syrup. 1 minute on high speed, then let cool, beating on low speed. You can add dye. Vanilla, zest can be added to the syrup ...

I tried again "Swiss meringue"
Swiss meringue is 100 times better than protein custard and is easy to prepare. Most importantly, whisks and bowl should be perfectly clean and dry. And the bowl should not be thick-walled, i.e. keep warm for a long time. 5 proteins 250g sugar Citric acid on the tip of a knife Vanilla 1. Boil water in a saucepan for a water bath. Put on medium fire.
2. Mix sugar with vanilla sugar.
3. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. TO
proteins add citric acid. Start beating at the lowest speed
mixer increasing the speed every 5 seconds until you reach the maximum. How
proteins will become cloudy and foam will appear (this happens very quickly), start
pour sugar in a thin stream. Beat for a total of 1 minute.
4. Move the bowl of egg whites to the water bath
so that the bottom does not touch the water.
Beat clockwise for about 10 more minutes until the mixture is thick and
shiny, and the peaks are hard. Just make sure that the liquid from the water bath and steam do not
got into the squirrels.
5. Remove the whites from the water bath and beat
about a minute more (the whites will cool down).
Everything, the cream can be used immediately!
If you add to the meringue sl. oil, then
you get a creamy meringue cream with a silky texture. And you can bake like meringue

or paterra mat - it's not silicone!

she also appeared in the Vysotskaya series, I can’t find something on Yandex
sold in small pieces in a beautiful package :)

Well, meringues do not work out for me !!! No way!!! everything whips up perfectly, but they turn brown in the oven, and they don’t bake inside for an hour! Soft and settle after cooling. I set the temperature in the oven to a minimum, moreover, after 5 minutes, when I realized that they were getting dark, I opened them ajar. Maybe try to set the temperature to the maximum for 1-2 minutes? Somewhere I read this method a long time ago, in some magazine ...

Biscuit and cream recipe: pastry according to GOST from Chadeika
... a spoonful of powdered sugar 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder 10 pieces A baking sheet covered with baking paper. Preheat oven to 200°C. To prepare a biscuit separately, beat the yolks and proteins until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and mix with flour. The dough must be used immediately, otherwise it will settle. Therefore, prepare a baking sheet and preheat the oven in advance. Why does the biscuit rise? The smallest bubbles in the whipped dough are filled with air, when heated, the air expands, and the bubbles increase in volume. Accordingly, the dough also rises. The biscuit is baked at a temperature high enough so that the air in the dough quickly warms up, and the egg-flour base is baked. Biscuit Whisk...

I cool the proteins, beat them with sugar, put them on a baking sheet - they spread. What am I doing wrong? Maybe I shake a little?

Remove the mold from the oven, let it cool for 15-20 minutes. Run a spatula along the edge of the mold so that the apricots can be easily removed, and carefully invert the tarts onto a plate, trim the edges with a knife, removing excess apricots. Whip chilled cream, add amaretto, 1-2 tbsp. sugar and continue beating until you get a thick cream. Decorate the tarts with cream and serve. A dessert in tall transparent bowls made from tangerines and pomegranate will look very impressive. Both of these ingredients are considered very effective aphrodisiacs. Pomegranate, for example, is advised to be used for sexual impotence, just imagine what feelings it can kindle in your party...
... Transfer the resulting mixture into a deep bowl and put in the freezer for 3 hours, stir thoroughly every 30 minutes so that large ice crystals do not form. Meanwhile, prepare the sabayon sauce. Remove the zest from the lemons and squeeze the juice out of them. Add 50 ml of water, 100 g of sugar to lemon juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks, pour in the warm mixture of lemon juice and sugar and continue to beat in a water bath until thick, then add the gin and cool. Pour the sauce onto a plate, put the cold chocolate sherbet there and garnish with lemon zest. Chocolate hazelnut mignon Ingredients 200 gr creamy chocolate, 200 gr fried...

So why not use natural ingredients for decoration? For example, fruits and berries will not only help create a beautiful design, but also bring a new taste, aroma and color to your cake. To create your own, unlike anything, original decoration, you will need fantasy, fruits of various colors, sizes, shapes and contents, a thin sharp knife, metal baking dishes and a small round ice cream spoon. One of the most beautiful s...
... Put fruits and berries in it, pour jelly and refrigerate, preferably for a day. Ready jelly can only be decorated with a cooled cake, otherwise it will begin to melt. In order not to damage the jelly and transfer it to the cake in an even layer, you need to carefully but quickly turn it over from the container onto the cake. If you do not like the jelly edges of the cake, or, despite all your efforts, they did not turn out quite even, then you can decorate them with almond flakes or protein cream. However, not everyone likes jelly, and if you are not a fan, but you liked the idea of ​​​​making the cake colorful without extraneous additives and dyes, then use the following method. The finished cake, covered with whipped cream or protein, decorate in a circle with sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit slices. It is not necessary to use...

Help :) I made eclairs according to the recipe of Kuz'kina's mother, but the cream turned out to be too liquid, I don't know what I did wrong, maybe because I took regular starch, not corn starch. Is it possible to thicken it now somehow?


ahhh, now I’ll think of something :)) you can thicken it with flour or just yolks.
I would take a couple of eggs, stir and add a couple of tablespoons of flour. I would bring to a boil what you have, 1/3 would gradually pour into the eggs, stirring, then this mixture back into the saucepan with cream and on a slow fire, until boiling, then boil for a couple of minutes boiling.
Or beat creamy butter with sugar and gradually introduce the cream you have obtained into it.
The liquid turned out from simple starch, if you overheated it (it is less heat-resistant than corn starch) or, on the contrary, undercooked and the yolks did not coagulate, did not thicken.
If anything, write, I'm in touch, we'll save your eclairs :)) - cool the filtered sour cream and sugar (!!!) well (put separately in the refrigerator, and sugar can even be in the freezer)
- and now you can beat sour cream with sugar to the state of a lush white cream.
With such a cream, lingonberry-apple charlotte, bird cherry cake, etc. are incomparable.
And in order for the cakes to be better saturated, you can simply grease them warm with a little liquid unsweetened sour cream and use impregnation.
P.S. Only when buying sour cream, if possible, pay attention to the composition - ours also learned how to add various thickeners to sour cream. You won't get a good cream from this one by any tricks - it is "spoiled" for a cream. Like this...

Pay attention to the fat content of sour cream. I always take sour cream 20%, and preferably 25%, and beat with a mixer at top speed, it turns out pretty well. Sour cream will never be completely thick, it is always a little watery, but the cakes are well soaked.

Lovely, kind female hands On weekdays and holidays do not know boredom. Racks in love, patient in separation, Lovely, kind, female hands. You deserve the songs of Russia, So that your husbands carry you in their arms! And a cake recipe for the holiday! I made it a year ago. Simple, delicious, unusual! Cake "Drunken Cherry" Cherry was from compote (pitted). For two days, the juice was drained and poured with a glass of cognac. I added a little juice, sprinkled it with sugar, and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days. (The pouring from under the cherry (divine) was drunk under the cake ...


Congratulations to all too!
I also finally tried the recipe for an Australian white chocolate cake once here in the confe and was disappointed, I expected more: (But my family really liked it. And in my opinion the goal did not justify the means, or I just ate cakes these days :) ), finally the post has come closer and you can reset the reserves accumulated over the winter :)).
White chocolate cake is great!
Fast, simple and from affordable products.
"Super cake - read it in an Australian cookbook.
150 gr. white chocolate and 250 gr. chop the butter into pieces, dilute over low heat with a glass of milk and a glass of sugar until the chocolate and butter are completely dispersed. Do not boil. Cool down a bit.
Add 450 gr. flour, 2 lightly beaten eggs and 2 teaspoons of baking powder without a slide. Mix until smooth.
Grease a 26 cm mold. Bake over low heat for about 45 minutes. After removing from the oven, let stand in the form for half an hour, cool. The cake should be slightly "unbaked" inside, not dry.
Cream: pour 300 gr. white chocolate 125 ml boiling cream, stir until the chocolate has melted. Cool down. Spread the top of the cooled cake.
From myself - I don’t recommend cutting this rather tall cake lengthwise for cream, it really turns out to be underbaked, as it were.

Happy holiday everyone! I wish everyone not to appear in the kitchen today. Let the male part of the family tense up...
My "male part" is sleeping to this day, but I don’t feel like eating yet, I’ll wait, perhaps, until I wake up.

If you often cook desserts, then you have probably tried more than once to find the recipe for the perfect cream. And it can be prepared from egg whites, and in many ways.

Why protein cream?

Cream is not just a filling for a cake or pastry, but the real heart of a dessert, and therefore it must be delicate and refined. And protein has several benefits. First, it turns out to be airy and light. Secondly, it can be considered dietary, especially compared to butter or cream. Thirdly, this cream is universal and suitable for any desserts.

But there is one but. If the preparation does not involve heat treatment, then the eggs must be fresh and bought in a proven place, as pathogenic microorganisms that cause dangerous infections can live and multiply in them, which die only at elevated temperatures.

cooking recipes

There are a lot of recipes, and some are worth considering in detail.

Option one

If you plan to use cream for decoration, then prepare it with the addition of gelatin so that it retains its shape well.

Ingredients required:

  • five proteins;
  • tsp citric acid (a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice);
  • two st. l. gelatin;
  • nine to ten l. clean water;
  • one and a half cups of sugar.


  1. First of all, prepare the gelatin. It should be filled with water (preferably cool) and left to swell.
  2. While the gelatin is going through the preparatory stage, you can do the proteins. Separate them from the yolks and start beating. When you get a white airy foam, add citric acid or juice to it, continue beating. Next, slow down the mixer speed a little and gradually pour in the sugar in a thin stream. Beat the cream to see firm strong peaks.
  3. Now back to the gelatin water. Heat the mixture until it becomes liquid.
  4. Pour the gelatin component into the cream very carefully and only in a thin stream. At the same time, whipping continues and ends only when the cream becomes airy and stops moving when the bowl moves.

Option two

This recipe calls for hot syrup. Required:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • half a glass of water;
  • four proteins;
  • two st. l. lemon juice.


  1. First of all, take care of the syrup. To do this, combine sugar with water, put the mixture on fire and boil until the syrup thickens. To understand that you have achieved the desired consistency, you should drop a drop of sweet liquid into the water: if you can form a ball, then boiling should be stopped. You can also drop a little syrup on a saucer: if the drop stretches, then everything is ready.
  2. Next, take care of the proteins: separate them from the yolks and beat thoroughly with a mixer until a stable foam with peaks is formed.
  3. Slowly pour the syrup into the protein mass in a thin stream, beating all the ingredients at the minimum speed of the mixer. Then add lemon juice and increase the speed. Continue the process until the desired consistency (this may take about ten to fifteen minutes).
  4. Custard protein cream is ready.

Interesting: this cream will turn out to be safer, since the proteins, in fact, will undergo heat treatment during contact with hot syrup.

Option three

If you are not afraid of extra pounds, prepare a protein-oil cream. Here's what you'll need:

  • three proteins;
  • about 150 g of butter;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • a bag of vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • a little lemon juice (for example, a teaspoon).


  1. First you need to get the oil from the refrigerator or freezer, since by the time it is introduced into the cream, it should have reached room temperature. To speed up the softening process, you can cut the product into pieces.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks, start beating the first at medium speed to get an airy foam. Next, add lemon juice to the mass, continue beating, but at a higher speed. When a uniform white foam forms, slowly and gradually add the powdered sugar and vanilla. Beating can be completed when the composition does not spill out of the bowl when it is turned over.
  3. Reduce the mixer speed, beat the cream and add the butter one by one. Continue the process until an airy, tender and uniform consistency is formed.

Option four

Sweet tooth and gourmets will definitely appreciate the protein cream with cream.

List of required ingredients:

  • three proteins;
  • a full glass of sugar;
  • 150 ml cream (the fatter the better);
  • a pinch of salt.

Process description:

  1. Start cooking by whipping the egg whites. After the end of the process, you should get a strong foam.
  2. Continue beating at low speed and begin to slowly add the sugar into the mixture. Also add some salt to make the finished cream more airy. When the peaks stop moving with sudden movements of the container, it means that the protein mass is ready.
  3. Whip the cream until it is fluffy and fluffy.
  4. Now combine the creamy component with the protein, but it is advisable not to whip the cream, but gently mix it with a spoon, otherwise the airiness may go away.

To make the protein cream a success and be airy and tender, follow some simple tips:

  • Proteins should be cold, then they will beat better. Therefore, take the eggs out of the refrigerator just before preparing the cream.
  • To make the cream whip up faster and be more airy, you can add a little salt to it. But do not overdo it: one small pinch is enough.
  • Whipping proteins should only be in a clean and dry bowl, as even a small amount of water or residues of other products will affect the properties of the cream.
  • If powder is used instead of granulated sugar, the cream will be even lighter and more airy.
  • It is important to bring the matter to the end, that is, fully and thoroughly beat the protein mass, otherwise in the next hour all the airiness will disappear, the cream will “fall”, and liquid will stand out in it. But how do you know when everything is ready? Once the whisking process is complete, you should have firm peaks, and when you turn the bowl over, the contents of the bowl should remain inside.
  • In order for the protein cream prepared at home to succeed, it is important to qualitatively separate the proteins from the yolks, because if even a small amount of yolk components remains in the protein mass, then it will not be as airy and tender as it should be.
  • If the recipe involves the merging of separately prepared components of the cream, then they should be combined very carefully and gradually, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.
  • In order for the protein mass to definitely turn out to be airy and not fall off, you should first beat the proteins separately, and then gradually add sugar and other components.
  • Remember that a cake or any other dessert with protein cream should only be stored in the refrigerator, and no longer than two days.

Using the proposed protein cream recipes, you can cook a lot of amazing desserts.

Our family loves sweets very much, we are big sweet tooth. And I often pamper my household, friends with different cakes. I really like to decorate them on top with all sorts of flowers, drawings, because the cake should be not only tasty, but also beautiful. But, unfortunately, the cake is a rather high-calorie dish. And in order to somehow reduce the number of calories, for decoration I use a light protein custard. I also use this cream to make puff pastry rolls, such were sold in all bakeries and pastry shops during my childhood.

The cream is easy to prepare, but in order for it to work, you need to carefully follow the recommendations and prepare the protein custard strictly according to the recipe.


  • 3 egg whites, chilled (I use large eggs)
  • 1 full glass of sugar (a glass with a capacity of 250 ml), or you can measure with electronic scales-220g.
  • 85 ml. water or 85 gr. water (weighed by electronic scales)
  • citric acid on the tip of a teaspoon.
  • Clock to keep track of cooking time
  • Mixer
  • A bowl for whipping proteins. It must be thoroughly washed and degreased with detergent and wiped dry. Otherwise, the whites will not beat well.
  • Syrup pan thoroughly washed and degreased.

Let's get to work:

Place the egg whites in the prepared whisking bowl. Not a drop of yolk should get into the egg white, for this reason the whites may not beat. The whites may not beat if the eggs are old or warm.

Pour sugar into a small saucepan and fill it with water.

We turn on the fire and cook the syrup. As soon as the syrup boils, reduce the fire to medium and cook for exactly 4 minutes (that's what we needed hours for).

This is how the syrup boiled over medium heat looks like, this is important, because if the fire is made stronger, the syrup will be digested in the specified time, and if the fire is too small, the syrup will not be cooked and, as a result, the cream will not work in either case.

Simultaneously with the preparation of the syrup, we begin to whip the egg whites. The syrup boils slowly for itself, and you work side by side with a mixer. Beat the whites with a mixer at high speed for about 5 minutes. Well-beaten whites should turn into a rather thick mass that does not flow out of the bowl, if you turn it over, it keeps without falling off the whisks of the mixer. This is what whipped egg whites look like.

4 minutes have passed since the syrup boiled, add citric acid to it, mix it well until completely dissolved. Continue to cook for another 4 minutes, stirring the syrup. After this time, you need to check the readiness of the syrup. To do this: take a saucer with a small amount of very cold water, drip a drop of syrup into the water with a spoon. The droplet should not spread. You can also check the readiness of the syrup, if you drop a drop of syrup on the back of a tablespoon, if the drop stands and does not drain, the syrup is ready. Next, you need to touch this droplet with your finger and the thread should stretch. If the thread does not stretch, but the drop is glass, the syrup is overcooked. (I dripped into a saucer, because I didn’t have very cold water).

We remove the finished syrup from the heat, it turns out to be light yellow in color, if the syrup is no longer light yellow, but caramel or brown, then it is overcooked, pour it out and cook a new one.

As soon as the syrup is removed from the heat, place the container with the proteins in a saucepan with very cold water. Next, pour the syrup in a thin stream into the whipped proteins, while continuing to beat them at high speed.

The protein mass will gradually thicken and when it begins to lag behind the walls during whipping and hold tightly on the whisk of the mixer, then the cream is ready. Whip the cream for about 10-15 minutes.

This is what the finished protein custard looks like.

You need to start decorating with custard protein cream right away.

You must have been horrified when you read the recipe. How long, how difficult. I assure you, it’s not long and not difficult, just a lot has been written, I tried to describe the cooking process with all the details, without which the preparation of protein custard will be doomed to failure.

Bon appetit!

Cakes, pastries and baskets are decorated with protein custard. It drops easily with a pastry bag and holds its shape well. But how to make it have all the necessary properties? Recipes and subtleties of cooking will be described in this article.

Classic recipe

The basic and easiest way to prepare such a cream is described below. It is better to use this recipe for those who are preparing such a cream for the first time, or for those who are not sure that it will suit the taste of the cake - this is the most versatile way.

100 g have a calorie content of 206 units.

This cream is suitable for decorating cakes, filling cakes, and even filling baskets. After squeezing the mass in a spiral into the basket, put a small berry on top - viburnum or cherry.

Chocolate protein cream custard in a water bath

Such a cream can be prepared both with cocoa (chocolate version) and without it. It cooks without water.

The time spent on preparing a serving is 50 minutes.

100 g have a calorie content of 293 units.

How to cook:

  1. It is better to weigh the proteins first. Sugar needs exactly 2 times more, so its amount is regulated depending on the size of the eggs;
  2. Then prepare a water bath;
  3. Put all the ingredients for the cream in a clean bowl, set this bowl in the bath;
  4. Beat the contents of the bowl gradually increasing the number of revolutions per minute. Do not allow water to enter the cream;
  5. Continue whisking until the mass becomes dense and thick;
  6. After removing the mass from the bath, put cocoa into the cream. It is better to sow it in advance and check the absence of lumps;
  7. Stir the mixture gently with a wooden spatula until the color is uniform. The cream will settle a little, but it will still hold its shape well. It is better not to beat it again - then it will really settle down a lot.

Goodies will turn out a little, but it will be enough to decorate a small cake. If it is prepared to fill the baskets, you need to cook a lot more.

German custard protein treat step by step recipe

The "German" version differs from the rest in the use of gelled sugar. You can buy it in a specialized store.

The time spent on preparing a serving is 20 minutes.

100 g have a calorie content of 182 units.

Cream recipe in German step by step:

  1. Whip cold whites into a stable, steep white foam;
  2. Sugar put in a deep bowl, pour cold water and place on fire. After boiling, boil until the volume is reduced by half. You can focus on the figure of 10 minutes, but this is approximately;
  3. Then cook, like the “classic” recipe - pour the sweet mixture into the proteins (gradually) and beat until the cream has cooled.

The "German" cream is very stable, it does not shrink or fall off. You can add food additives to it (for color and smell) and decorate confectionery with it.

Protein-custard with butter for decoration and drawings

Filler with oil is denser, so it can be used both to decorate cakes and to impregnate them. The usual protein cream will sit in the layers of the cake, but the oil cream will not sit.

The time spent on preparing a serving is 40 minutes.

100 g have a calorie content of 402 units.

Suddenly it will come in handy for someone - I recalculated the proportions of the ingredients of the cream for a different amount of proteins, so as not to count each time

1. Coat the cake with them. In the coating, the density of the cream is not as noticeable as in the decorations. In a thick layer, smooth the sides and top to smoothness. Then we decorate with mastic or fresh berries, pieces of fruit, candied fruit, nuts. sweets "MMdens", "Fruktis" chocolate sweets, slices of marmalade and marshmallows ... You can thickly sprinkle grated chocolate, coconut, nuts on top ... It will be a chic cake, honestly!

2. If the cream is still left, then you can add oil to it and beat. In this case, we will not have a soufflé, but an oil cream. Just the role of a viscous mass for thickening will be performed by your loser. Set proportions to taste. This cream is good for both layering and coating.
The remains of a protein cream or oil cream with a protein base can be packaged and kept in the freezer. It will winter there until the next masterpiece. Get it, thaw it and you can continue to work.

  • It is easier to level the cake with custard protein cream, if the cream has already stood for 40 minutes. When it is completely fresh, only whipped, it reaches more for a spatula, somehow breaks. When stood - smeared like butter.
  • Protein cream goes well with fatty varieties of dough and you can make a wonderful dessert, where the cream will not need to show its "carrying abilities".
  • If you add 3-4 tsp of agar, and not just one, and immediately package it hot in forms, you get the classic "bird's milk". , otherwise it thickens before our eyes. With oil, the soufflé will be denser, but also more tender (100 grams is enough). Without oil - very airy!

Work on mistakes

Girls who do not get the cream, check the following points:

Squirrels are not finished - check - turn the bowl over: they should not fall out

The syrup is undercooked or cold - The temperature of the syrup during the infusion should be 117 - 120C
- they stopped whipping the cream when it was still warm - with a finger to the touch it should. not warm, but cool. The temperature of the finished cream - 20-22C
- a lot of acid!

After citric acid was mixed into the syrup, it turned brown.
Error: the syrup is overcooked. If the color is light yellow, then everything is fine, if it is brown, pour it out, wash the pan under a stream of boiling water.

There are pieces of caramel in the cream or caramel stuck together in a thick layer at the bottom of the bowl.
Error: too quickly poured the syrup into the proteins.

Even after cooling completely, the cream remained liquid.
Error: the syrup was boiled badly. Less often, but it also happens, the squirrels were beaten badly. When you start whipping, you can’t stop for a minute, proteins that are not fixed with sugar will settle in a few seconds! Therefore, I advise you to use an assistant for the first time.

The taste of the cream is very sweet-very sour.
Error: they didn’t report, they shifted the citric acid. Next time, adjust it, but this time they’ll eat it anyway, they won’t go anywhere!

The cream began to "bubble" in less than 2 hours - the eggs were too large (respectively, the protein mass) or the syrup was not properly boiled.

The whites don't whip well.
Error: eggs are old or warm. or a particle of the yolk has got in. Separate the yolks carefully, then put the bowl in the refrigerator - let it cool with the bowl!
Now there is snow in the yard, you can cool the bowl in the snow

And, finally, a wonderful video cooking master class to help you custard protein cream A:

We will need:

  • Protein 1 pc.
  • Sugar 125 g
  • Water 50 ml.
  • Citric acid 2 g.
  • Salt 2 g.

Dissolve sugar in water, add citric acid and boil, stirring over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes. Whip the protein into a stiff foam. Gradually add the syrup while continuing to beat.
