
The best recipes for men's and women's cocktails. Old exotic recipes


Intimate relationships are the culmination of love, when people open up to each other, trust the most intimate. Sex- the most important component of a love relationship. Do not believe those who say that sex in a relationship is not the main thing.

Without sex, relationships become insipid. Bright sex accompanies the beginning of a relationship, with time the passion subsides. This is normal, because the brighter and hotter the fire, the faster it burns out. In addition, in life we ​​are surrounded by many difficulties, which also leave their mark on our sexual life.

Daily stress at work, poor environmental conditions, unhealthy food, medical preparations There are many reasons for a decrease in sexual desire. Especially such situations negatively affect men. But it is in your hands to keep the passion of your relationship alive and experience every day like the first.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some folk remedies for the return of strength and energy to men, as well as with some cocktails to maintain male potency.

Cheeseburger Cocktail

This relatively young cocktail was invented in Canada by Trevor Burris. This drink is very easy to prepare. You will need tomatoes pre-soaked in beef broth, vegetable pickles and cheddar cheese. All ingredients must be crushed with a blender and drink! The creator of the drink promises unforgettable sex!

Cocktail "Youth"

This cocktail, created in Bulgaria, contains quail eggs, which are known to outperform miraculous properties Viagra. You need to take 120 grams of cola, 20 grams of brandy (you can rum), 1 teaspoon of sugar, a little lemon juice. We mix these ingredients and add 2-3 separately beaten quail eggs to them. A little sparkling water - the cocktail is ready!

Russians folk recipes from male impotence

Cocktail "Beetroot"

For this cocktail that helps with male impotence, take beetroot juice (about 50 grams), two tablespoons of Cahors and half a glass of crushed pine nuts, add a glass of boiled, already cooled milk. Drink in one gulp!

Cocktail "Herbal"

The preparation time for this healing cocktail is 3 days. Take one tablespoon of white and yellow acacia, as well as red mulberry, pour everything with two liters of grape wine, let it brew for three days in a warm place. Before taking the resulting infusion, warm up (but do not boil!), Take 50 grams at night after meals.

Cocktail "Birch sap"

Cocktail "Celery"

This cocktail, like the Herbal one, is not prepared immediately, but for several days. You will need one hundred grams of chopped celery root and a liter of red wine. Combine the ingredients and heat to a boil over low heat for fifteen minutes (but do not boil!). Insist in a warm place for seven days, take three times a day half an hour before meals, 50 grams.

Vintage exotic recipes

Cocktail "Frogs" This Peruvian cocktail is very ancient, it is not known exact time his inventions, but he possesses truly great strength, prolongs sexual intercourse, in addition, it has a beneficial effect on the bronchi and lungs. For this cocktail, you will need the meat of frogs that live in Peru. Raw meat is ground to liquid state and give the man a drink.

Cocktail "Mouse"

This ancient korean recipe healing drink for men does not have very pleasant taste and smell, but at the same time its effect occurs instantly. For cooking, they take newborn mice and put them alive in a jug of rice wine, insist this hellish mixture for several years.

One of the most important rules of the ideal bar visit states that you need to decide on the initial order before the staff asks about it. In fact, this is a very good habit that allows you to immediately relax and, if necessary, slowly immerse yourself in the study of the menu and bar map. It's a bad idea to order whiskey, gin and any other strong alcoholic drink V pure form, unless your goal is to make your visit here 50-60 minutes. You will say that it is not good for a man to drink cocktails, and only strong liquor with beer does not diminish his masculinity. Let me disagree with you by presenting a list of 10 cocktails whose masculinity has been confirmed by decades of existence and could well be prescribed by doctors to those who feel insecure in a bar.

    Scotch & Soda

    This cocktail is ideal for those who want to improve their own drinking culture, prolonging the pleasure of drinking whiskey. It is also just perfect as a transitional element from alcohol in its pure form to multi-component mixes.

    Scotch whiskey - 60 ml
    Flavored carbonated water

    Cooking: Pour the whiskey into an old fashioned glass filled with ice, then top up with sparkling water to your liking. Stir and drink for an even better taste of pure whiskey, while stretching one serving for a longer time.


    It is probably one of the most classic cocktails of all times and peoples, to which James Bond himself reinforces his brutality in almost every film.

    Gin - 60 ml
    Dry vermouth - 30 ml
    Olive, lemon peel

    Cooking: Pour gin and vermouth into a shaker half filled with ice. Shake vigorously and strain the drink into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an olive and/or lemon peel twist.

    old fashioned

    A real classic, which, however, is noticeable by the name of the cocktail. With such a drink in hand, it is especially pleasant to scold the younger generation that they no longer know how to relax the way we did. However, now we will teach them to do it right.

    Whiskey - 50 ml
    Sugar syrup - 15 ml
    Bitter Angostura - 3-4 drops
    Zest of an orange or lemon

    Cooking: mix in a glass or mixing glass the bitters with sugar syrup(or soak small piece sugar in bitters), add ice and add whiskey. Carefully and without haste, stir the cocktail with a bar spoon, moving it along the walls of the glass. If the drink was mixed in a mixing glass, then pour it into a glass and garnish with a spiral of zest before serving. And no tubes!


    The movie "The Godfather" does not mention the cocktails he drank main character, which, however, did not prevent the bartenders from coming up with a drink in his honor. A drink that you just can't refuse.

    Amaretto - 40 ml
    Scotch whiskey - 70 ml

    Cooking: Pour the ingredients into an ice-filled glass.

    Tom Collins

    A cocktail of real gentlemen - just as direct, honest and inspiring at the same time. We offer you classic version Tom Collins.

    Gin - 60 ml
    Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 30 ml
    Sugar syrup - 30 ml
    cocktail cherry
    lemon zest

    Cooking: Place all ingredients except soda and ice in a shaker. Shake briefly, but very vigorously. Strain into a glass half filled with ice. Add soda on top. Garnish (optionally) with a cherry or lemon wedge.

    The Negroni

    Negroni is usually served before meals, as it perfectly cleanses taste buds. It is prepared in an elementary way, the main thing is to withstand the ratio of gin, campari and sweet vermouth.

    Gin - 30 ml
    Campari - 30 ml
    Sweet vermouth - 30 ml

    Cooking: Pour all ingredients into a shaker half filled with ice. Stir not too vigorously and strain into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with citrus zest if desired.

    White Russian

    The dude from The Big Lebowski is a reference bum, in which masculinity normally coexists with a homeless appearance and fatalism. Maybe it's all about a special cocktail that he constantly drinks?

    Vodka - 60 ml
    Kahlua - 30 ml
    Cream - 15 ml

    Cooking: Mix all ingredients with ice in a glass.


    The birthplace of the cocktail is New Orleans, so you can immediately prepare for the magic of voodoo, American Gothic and extreme adventure. Why not a gentleman's set?!

    Rye whiskey - 60 ml
    Sugar syrup - 15 ml
    Peychaud bitters - a few drops
    Absinthe - 60 ml

    Cooking: Whiskey, syrup and bitter pour into a shaker, which already contains finely crushed ice. Mix well. Pour absinthe into the glass, then fill it with the contents of the shaker.


    Another cocktail, which, although served in a glass on a stem, can give 100 points ahead of any shot with absinthe in terms of masculinity. Cooking and trying, of course!

    Rye whiskey - 60 ml
    Sweet vermouth - 30 ml
    Angostura - 5 drops

    Cooking: Mix all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnish with a cherry.

    Bloody Mary

    Not only is Bloody Mary Ernest Hemingway's favorite cocktail, it's also one of the most masculine ways to face an impending hangover at full speed. We will prepare it in the end.

    Vodka - 60 ml
    Tomato juice- 200 ml
    Black pepper
    Lemon juice
    Worcestershire sauce
    celery sprig

    Cooking: pour all ingredients into a shaker. Shake vigorously and pour the resulting mixture into a highball glass. A sprig of celery and / or a slice of lemon are suitable for decoration.

It so happened that cocktails (at least those that are widely known) are more sweet, feminine. But what if you are going exclusively to a male company? Of course, there are a lot of "male" drinks: brandy, cognac, whiskey, vodka and others. strong alcohol. But what if you want something special, not pure alcoholic drinks?

Friends, there are a lot of cocktails for men (such that they like something stronger)! And we are ready to tell you about some of them.


Let's start with a light and not so strong cocktail.

You need:

  • 45 ml gin
  • 30 g lime
  • 2.5 g powdered sugar

How to cook:

Squeeze lime, add gin and sprinkle powdered sugar. Add enough ice and shake. Whisk thoroughly.

Further more masculine cocktail: T-55

This cocktail shoots straight. The cocktail looks like the popular b-52, which means that the effect is guaranteed.

For t-55 you need:

  • 20 ml vodka
  • 20 ml coffee liqueur
  • 20 irish cream liqueur

How we cook:

First pour the coffee liqueur, then carefully add the irish cream with a spoon, cold-cold vodka carefully pour over the top.

It turns out vigorously!

noon death

And even if there is champagne in this cocktail, it is not recommended for ladies. The name speaks for itself. So beware of noon.

You need:

  • 120 ml champagne

How to cook:

Cool drinks and pour them into a glass.

If your company is too masculine and all these cocktails are absolutely not for you, then your option: Ruff cocktail - vodka + beer and a great evening is guaranteed.

You can buy vodka, beer, gin and other alcoholic drinks for a wild party in the WineStreet store.

Other articles from the "Cocktails" rubric

    Mojito is without a doubt one of the most popular cocktails in the world. And it seems that cooking it is not so difficult. Shall we understand this issue? We believe that it is quite possible to make such a cocktail yourself in your cozy little kitchen.

    What do you imagine when you hear this phrase? Probably some crazy mixtures based on cologne with a persistent smell of "Red Moscow" or vodka mixed with vodka. Let's be honest and admit that until the 90s, things with alcohol in our country were not very good. Indeed, many did not disdain alcohol, and those who did, drank bitter, that is, vodka. But there was another side.

    Jack Daniels is the most popular whiskey in the world. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with this. We don’t know how it is in the whole world, but here in Russia this whiskey is most often drunk, diluted with cola. Maybe add some ice. In fact, Jack is very good at cocktails. It’s just that they don’t use it that often, preferring to add worse whiskey. Such that only if in cocktails. But there are quite a few cocktail recipes that are especially good with Jack. Are you ready to find out? Then hold your glasses tight!

Intimate problems occur in men at any age. To solve them, you can use various drugs, or you can take cocktail for potency at home. The drink is especially effective in the early stages of impotence, but it cannot be considered a panacea. After all, the cause of a malfunction in the reproductive system can be stress, psychological factors, hormonal disorders, a latent disease - all this is done by qualified specialists. Folk ways help normalize general state and increase arousal.

Types and benefits of cocktails for potency

If the decrease in sexual desire has not returned to normal, and at times worries a man, then they will help to increase libido cocktails that increase potency. Among the advantages of such drinks, the following points can be distinguished:

  • they are not difficult to cook at home;
  • the selection of ingredients can be carried out for every taste and budget;
  • drinks can be drunk daily, without harm to health;
  • cocktails have a positive effect not only on erectile function, but also on the whole body. They increase immunity and prevent the development of many diseases.

IN cocktails to improve erection includes powerful aphrodisiacs that exacerbate sexual desire not only in men, but also in women. Often, recipes include several ingredients: bee products, sour cream, milk, yogurt, vegetables, fruits, herbs, medicinal herbs, various seeds.

Life-giving drinks are divided into alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Naturally, alcohol-containing mixed drugs should not be consumed daily, since ethanol has a destructive effect on reproductive system men. You can treat yourself to alcohol extremely rarely, in special cases and in a small amount. And here non-alcoholic cocktails perfectly cope with reduced libido, strengthen erection and help prolong sexual intercourse with regular use.

Important! The high effectiveness of potency cocktails is due to the optimal combination of various components that are useful for male power. In order for the result after drinking a drink to improve erection to please a man, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the recipes and correctly compose the ingredients.

Soft drinks for potency

They are usually included herbal products, juices, eggs, greens. Prepare cocktails to enhance potency you can do it yourself, without serious equipment and knowledge of a special technique for mixing drinks.

Cocktail for potency with raw eggs

The most accessible and improvised means that can increase libido and strengthen an erection are considered raw eggs. They support immune system, help fight allergic diseases, reduce beriberi, contribute to the treatment of colds. There are several admission rules. raw egg cocktails for potency:

  • do not abuse and comply with the dosage indicated in the recipe;
  • use only high-quality and fresh products for cooking;
  • prepare drinks immediately before drinking and do not store them in the refrigerator;
  • wash the shell thoroughly with soap to avoid contamination with salmonellosis. It has been proven that the quail/chicken birds themselves do not suffer from this dangerous disease for humans, but can carry bacteria on the surface of the eggs.

Nutritionists claim that quail eggs contain more nutrients than chicken eggs. You can prepare an exciting and erection-strengthening drink according to several recipes:

Recipe 1:

This quail egg cocktail for potency deserved good reviews men all over the world. To prepare it you need:

  • heat 0.5 l of milk 2.5% fat;
  • take 2 quail eggs (if not, replace with 1 chicken), 2 small spoons of tomato juice, salt spices.

Place all ingredients in a blender and mix. Drink at any time several times/day.

Recipe 2:

In 100 ml birch sap pour in 50 ml of carrot / beetroot juice. Mix and add chicken / quail egg. Mix well and drink in one gulp. Drinking such a cocktail several times a day will allow you to quickly get the desired result and feel a strong erection.

Recipe 3:

The egg cocktail for potency most suitable for people dealing with regular physical activity: in 100 ml of yogurt (preferably home cooking) or kefir 1% enter egg or a couple of quails. Add big spoon crushed walnuts, a few fruits of dried apricots and some raisins. Beat the mass well in a blender and drink. This mixture excellent effect on potency and awakens an erection.

Cocktail for potency with fruits and vegetables

They have an amazing ability to strengthen and stimulate an erection. cocktails for potency from vegetables, which are allowed to be drunk daily for a long time. They are prepared from celery, carrot and beet juice, tomatoes.

Recipes with celery:

Celery is natural aphrodisiac containing androsterone - an analogue of the androgen hormone testosterone. It is believed that drinks with its addition affect the reproductive system like Viagra. You can use it in its pure form at 100 ml / day: then all problems in intimate life will disappear.

From several leaves and the root of the plant, juice is squeezed and combined with the juice of one grapefruit. Mix the ingredients well, add a few pieces food ice and drink several times a day. improve taste qualities cocktail will help a small spoonful of forest honey. Celery can be consumed in other ways:

  • squeeze the juice from the grated celery and add a little tomato juice to it;
  • grate celery root along with carrots and turnips. Add to the resulting composition olive oil, lemon juice and a pinch of salt. This dish can be eaten three times / week.

Vegetable recipes:

You can use unusual food mixtures that will saturate the body with animal proteins, vitamins and minerals, and at the same time contribute to sexual desire. These drinks include the original cocktail for men for potency "Cheeseburger". To prepare it you will need:

  • fat-free beef broth;
  • tomatoes;
  • grated cheddar cheese;
  • chopped pickles.

All components are mixed in a blender and consumed with crackers.

Fruit mixes for potency

Cocktails that increase libido can be mixed from fruits. 100 ml low fat homemade yogurt or sour cream mixed with two bananas, a few strawberries / strawberries, 5 nucleoli walnuts, 1 circle of ginger root. The resulting mixture is not only a tool that strengthens an erection and prolongs sexual intercourse, but can also serve as a full breakfast / dinner.

Recipe #2:

Vitamin "Morning cocktail "to increase potency in men prepared like this: squeeze the juice from two oranges and three carrots. After mixing, add pieces of edible ice and a spoonful of crushed ginger root. Drink in the morning to increase tone and give an energy boost.

Recipe 3:

You can make another one with a banana energy cocktail, which will improve mood and relieve tension before the upcoming intimacy. You can drink it for both men and women: medium ripe banana immersed in a blender, add a spoonful of honey or sugar, 2-3 tablespoons fat sour cream, half a cinnamon stick, previously ground into powder. The components are well beaten. If the mass turned out to be very thick, add half a glass to it. boiled water and mix everything again.

Interesting! Ginger is regularly used in oriental medicine to treat impotence, so it can be added to various drinks and cocktails for the prevention of illness.

Cocktail for potency with herbs

Can I have a drink parsley cocktail for potency. Even those men who do not like this product will be able to appreciate its effectiveness and benefits. Wild carrots, plantain leaves, parsley, coriander, black onion are mixed in equal proportions and grind in a coffee grinder. Dry mixture in the amount of 50 g is poured with 2 cups of boiling water. Insist in a warm place, and after 8 hours filter and consume a large spoonful three times / day before meals. Such a composition not only stabilizes and maintains an erection, but also prevents the occurrence of prostatitis.

Cocktail for potency with honey

Honey increases potency, strengthens erection, has a positive effect on the reproductive system, improving the quantitative and quality criteria sperm, normalizing hormonal background. The only downside honey drinkshigh calorie content and a possible allergic reaction, so they should be consumed in limited quantities.

Recipe 1:

Honey Cocktail to improve potency prepared according to the following scheme: pour 2 large spoons of honey into boiling water and boil for 4-5 minutes. 5 g is added to the resulting syrup citric acid and turn off the fire after 10-15 minutes. After cooling, filter and take 2-3 times / day for half a glass.

Recipe 2:

Sbiten is a fairly popular drink that is considered the best cocktail for potency since ancient times. In 1 liter of filtered water add 2 small spoons of honey, 2-3 pcs. black peppercorns, cloves, medium Bay leaf and boil for 20-30 minutes. Drink hot in a glass 2-3 times / day. Such a drug allows you to quickly restore lost strength and get a powerful boost of energy for the whole night.

Cocktail for potency with propolis

Beeswax (propolis) is widely used in the treatment of sexual impotence and copes with ailments that affect genitourinary system. homemade cocktail for potency with beeswax is prepared with alcohol. Initially, propolis is cleaned and left in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then the finished raw material is crushed and washed with water. The resulting composition is mixed with 300 ml of alcohol, placed in a dark place and infused for a week, shaking occasionally. After exposure, the tincture is filtered, and to increase potency, use 5 drops three times a day, diluting the elixir with water.

Protein drinks for potency

Dairy products contain a complex of vitamins that provide testosterone synthesis. They improve erection, have a positive effect on spermatogenesis, saturate with protein male body. But abused protein shakes for potency not worth it, as this can lead to weight gain.

Recipe 1:

Cocktail For erections with beer and sour cream instantly awakens sexual desire. To prepare a drink, a glass of fat sour cream is combined with 330 ml of beer. Mix well and drink immediately, without leaving for storage. It is recommended to use this tool no more than once / week.

Recipe 2:

About, how do they influence protein shakes for the potency men who have tried such a remedy on themselves know very well: 2 egg yolks beat and mix with a glass of sour cream. Dill, parsley, feathers green onions, cilantro, basil finely chopped and added to the mixture, stirring constantly. The drink is drunk 2-3 hours before the alleged intimacy.

Recipe 3:

Fatty milk / kefir, a glass of sour cream are whipped in a blender, 1-2 small spoons of honey are added to the resulting mixture. Drink in two doses during the day.

Alcoholic drinks to improve potency

After a hard day's work, alcoholic cocktails help you relax in a pleasant company. Ethanol will relieve stress, relax. It will have a positive effect on potency, relieve unnecessary complexes.

Recipe 1:

100-200 g of ground celery root is added to 1 liter of high-quality red wine. The resulting composition is heated on a slow flame, not bringing to a boil. Insist for a week in a dark place, tightly sealed. Take 50-100 ml 1-2 times / day before meals.

Recipe 2:

Alcoholic Cocktail to increase potency can be prepared in this way: freshly squeezed beetroot juice, 2 large spoons of pine nuts, 200 ml warm milk, 2 large spoons of Cahors are mixed in a blender and drunk at once.

Recipe 3:

Quail egg cocktail for men cognac can be mixed in this way: pour half a glass of cola, 2 large spoons of cognac and 1 spoon of sugar into a container. Separately, a couple of quail eggs are beaten and combined with the bulk. They drink from a glass that can be garnished with a slice of citrus. Such a drug will improve blood circulation in the organs located in the pelvic area, and will contribute to spermatogenesis.

Recipe 4:

german cocktail "Golden Key" are obtained in the following way:

a glass of vodka, 2 large spoons orange liqueur(or juice to reduce the strength of the drink), 4 quail egg yolks, a spoonful of sugar are combined and mixed. Pour into a glass on food ice and decorate with a slice of citrus.

Recipe 5:

The best cocktail for potency from quail eggs, which normalizes the hormonal background, relieves bad cholesterol and increases fertility, is cooked on alcohol tincture from walnuts. Young green nuts with an immature liquid core, pour alcohol / vodka and let stand in a dark place for at least 3 weeks. 30 ml of the finished tincture is mixed with beaten quail eggs (3-4 pcs.). Healing Elixir take once a day before meals.

A few more recipes to improve potency

potency cocktails, cooked Houses, can be mixed according to the following recipes:

  1. Herbal cocktail. To get it, you need to spend three days. White and yellow acacia are mixed in a small spoon. The same amount of red mulberry is added and the mixture is poured over 2 liters of grape red wine. The composition should stand in warmth for 3 days. The finished infusion after straining is heated and taken at night, 50 ml after a meal.
  2. A tablespoon of immortelle, St. John's wort, valerian, a small spoonful of calendula are infused in a glass of boiling water. After cooling and straining, take a large spoon / day.
  3. 20 g of nettle seeds, 0.5 l of red wine insist for a week and consume after filtering three times / day.
  4. 100 g of yarrow is mixed with 50 g of calamus root and fenugreek seeds. From the resulting mixture, take a large spoonful of raw materials and insist in a glass of boiling water. Chilled infusion is taken three times / day.
  5. The quality of sexual intercourse can improve " Seafood Cocktail» for potency, if taken immediately before sex. The recipe is quite simple: oysters, mussels, shrimp and other available seafood are mixed, seasoned with lemon juice and consumed for dinner.
  6. With male infertility and erection problems, you can use it. But here it must be borne in mind that the seeds are used dried and carefully crushed. The resulting raw material is mixed with 0.5 l of water, big spoon honey and sugar. The composition is whipped in a blender, and vanilla, cinnamon or anise are added to improve the taste. . Take twice / day for 50 g.

You can get the maximum benefit from drinking cocktails if you follow these recommendations:

  1. Any healthy drink It will better reveal its healing and taste qualities if you add a little spices to it, which are natural aphrodisiacs. These include ginger, pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, carnation.
  2. Citruses, honey, vegetables have a positive effect on the reproductive system.
  3. You don't have to stop at one recipe. It's better to alternate vegetable cocktail for potency with a fruit or protein drink.
  4. It is equally important to study possible contraindications to avoid unwanted consequences.
  5. If water is required to be added to a prescription drink, only boiled, filtered, or purchased bottled water should be used. Pouring liquid from the tap is unacceptable.
  6. In alcoholic and soft drinks ice can be added. It will cool the liquid, quench your thirst and enhance the taste.
  7. Pay attention to the temperature of the cocktail. For example, drinks with honey and eggs are consumed warm, but not hot, as raw eggs can curdle due to boiling water. Honey under the influence high temperatures loses its natural healing properties.
  8. Product compatibility is one of highlights in cocktails. Not all components are "friends" with each other. For example, in one drink there should be one potent ingredient, and the rest - auxiliary. Also, you should not mix more than 4-5 products, otherwise the effect of their simultaneous use may be unpredictable.

No matter how effective and tasty they are, one should not forget that only an integrated approach will help get rid of problems in the genital area. For everyone who wants to improve the quality of their sex life, doctors recommend giving up bad habits exercise daily, visit often fresh air keep moving, keep moving correct mode food and rest. These measures, together with cocktails and other folk remedies, will help turn routine intimacy into a colorful and unforgettable part of life.

One of the most important rules for a perfect bar visit is to decide on the initial order before the staff asks about it. In fact, this is a very good habit that allows you to immediately relax and, if necessary, slowly immerse yourself in the study of the menu and bar map. It’s a bad idea to order whiskey, gin and any other strong alcoholic drink in its purest form on the spot, unless your goal is to make your visit here 50-60 minutes. You will say that it is not good for a man to drink cocktails, and only strong liquor with beer does not diminish his masculinity. Let me disagree with you by presenting a list of 10 cocktails whose masculinity has been confirmed by decades of existence and could well be prescribed by doctors to those who feel insecure in a bar.

    Scotch & Soda

    This cocktail is ideal for those who want to improve their own drinking culture, prolonging the pleasure of drinking whiskey. It is also just perfect as a transitional element from alcohol in its pure form to multi-component mixes.

    Scotch whiskey - 60 ml
    Flavored carbonated water

    Cooking: Pour the whiskey into an old fashioned glass filled with ice, then top up with sparkling water to your liking. Stir and drink for an even better taste of pure whiskey, while stretching one serving for a longer time.


    This is probably one of the most classic cocktails of all time, with which James Bond himself reinforces his brutality in almost every film.

    Gin - 60 ml
    Dry vermouth - 30 ml
    Olive, lemon peel

    Cooking: Pour gin and vermouth into a shaker half filled with ice. Shake vigorously and strain the drink into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with an olive and/or lemon peel twist.

    old fashioned

    A real classic, which, however, is noticeable by the name of the cocktail. With such a drink in hand, it is especially pleasant to scold the younger generation that they no longer know how to relax the way we did. However, now we will teach them to do it right.

    Whiskey - 50 ml
    Sugar syrup - 15 ml
    Bitter Angostura - 3-4 drops
    Zest of an orange or lemon

    Cooking: mix the bitter with the sugar syrup in a glass or mixing glass (or soak a small lump of sugar in the bitter), add ice and top up with whiskey. Carefully and without haste, stir the cocktail with a bar spoon, moving it along the walls of the glass. If the drink was mixed in a mixing glass, then pour it into a glass and garnish with a spiral of zest before serving. And no tubes!


    The movie "The Godfather" does not mention the cocktails that the main character drank, which, however, did not stop the bartenders from coming up with a drink in his honor. A drink that you just can't refuse.

    Amaretto - 40 ml
    Scotch whiskey - 70 ml

    Cooking: Pour the ingredients into an ice-filled glass.

    Tom Collins

    A cocktail of real gentlemen - just as direct, honest and inspiring at the same time. We offer you the classic version of Tom Collins.

    Gin - 60 ml
    Freshly squeezed lemon juice - 30 ml
    Sugar syrup - 30 ml
    cocktail cherry
    lemon zest

    Cooking: Place all ingredients except soda and ice in a shaker. Shake briefly, but very vigorously. Strain into a glass half filled with ice. Add soda on top. Garnish (optionally) with a cherry or lemon wedge.

    The Negroni

    Negroni is usually served before meals, as it perfectly cleanses the taste buds. It is prepared in an elementary way, the main thing is to withstand the ratio of gin, campari and sweet vermouth.

    Gin - 30 ml
    Campari - 30 ml
    Sweet vermouth - 30 ml

    Cooking: Pour all ingredients into a shaker half filled with ice. Stir not too vigorously and strain into a glass filled with ice. Garnish with citrus zest if desired.

    White Russian

    The dude from The Big Lebowski is a reference bum, in which masculinity normally coexists with a homeless appearance and fatalism. Maybe it's all about a special cocktail that he constantly drinks?

    Vodka - 60 ml
    Kahlua - 30 ml
    Cream - 15 ml

    Cooking: Mix all ingredients with ice in a glass.


    The birthplace of the cocktail is New Orleans, so you can immediately prepare for the magic of voodoo, American Gothic and extreme adventure. Why not a gentleman's set?!

    Rye whiskey - 60 ml
    Sugar syrup - 15 ml
    Peychaud bitters - a few drops
    Absinthe - 60 ml

    Cooking: Whiskey, syrup and bitter pour into a shaker, which already contains finely crushed ice. Mix well. Pour absinthe into the glass, then fill it with the contents of the shaker.


    Another cocktail, which, although served in a glass on a stem, can give 100 points ahead of any shot with absinthe in terms of masculinity. Cooking and trying, of course!

    Rye whiskey - 60 ml
    Sweet vermouth - 30 ml
    Angostura - 5 drops

    Cooking: Mix all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice, strain into a chilled cocktail glass, garnish with a cherry.

    Bloody Mary

    Not only is Bloody Mary Ernest Hemingway's favorite cocktail, it's also one of the most masculine ways to face an impending hangover at full speed. We will prepare it in the end.

    Vodka - 60 ml
    Tomato juice - 200 ml
    Black pepper
    Lemon juice
    Worcestershire sauce
    celery sprig

    Cooking: pour all ingredients into a shaker. Shake vigorously and pour the resulting mixture into a highball glass. A sprig of celery and / or a slice of lemon are suitable for decoration.
