
Fiber method of application. Siberian fiber: features of application for weight loss

"Siberian fiber" is a product for healthy eating, which is a mixture of plant fibers obtained through special processing of fruits, vegetables, berries, plants and cereals.

What is "Siberian fiber" - composition and calorie content

Fiber is not medicine for an instant effect. It is positioned as a dietary supplement, which, when used systematically, helps to normalize the work. digestive tract. When it enters the stomach, the product swells and saturates the body, which helps to avoid overeating. For this reason, it is often used for weight loss.

The product is available in large plastic jars 170, 280 or 350 g each. Each of them contains natural bran that does not contain preservatives, flavors, chemicals, dyes and flavor enhancers. Depending on the type of product, the composition contains the following ingredients:

  • grain shells (rye or millet);
  • various nuts;
  • dried berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • oat bran;
  • mixture of herbs.

The calorie content of the product is quite low: per 100 g energy value is only 40 kcal.

Does fiber help you lose weight?

Despite the fact that fiber is not a means for losing weight, the product is actively used for this purpose, because it helps to reduce appetite and reduce weight. BAA restores digestive organs, normalizes blood glucose levels, lowers cholesterol, removes harmful toxins from the body.

When taking this product, cravings for sweet and fatty foods are reduced, so a person can easily switch to a healthy diet and the use of low-calorie foods. Bran creates a feeling of satiety, which persists for a long time, and losing weight does not feel hungry. Gradually, the weight begins to decrease and remains at the desired level.

To lose weight, you need to use the remedy correctly. The daily allowance should be approximately 4-6 tbsp. fiber, which should be divided into several meals. It is recommended to take bran immediately before meals with a glass of water (200 ml). In addition, dietary supplements can be added to low-fat yogurt, natural freshly squeezed juice, kefir or milk. If you want to lose weight faster, you can replace dinner with a glass of water or yogurt with fiber.

Instructions for the use of various types of "Siberian fiber"

There are several types of fiber that are aimed at losing weight:

  1. "Thin waist". The product is designed for people who want to build. It contains 4 useful components, such as horsetail, which has a diuretic effect, St. John's wort for stress relief, mint for relaxation and nettle, which has laxative properties. It is recommended to take this type of fiber 3 times a day, 2 tbsp. before meals with a glass of water at room temperature.
  2. "Figure Nutrition". This supplement helps you lose weight without resorting to strict diets or giving up your favorite foods. Fiber effectively cleanses the body of accumulated toxins, and the intestines from stale feces and mucus. Bran improves metabolism, which helps to lose weight easily and quickly enough. You need to take them 3 times a day before meals, 2-3 tablespoons, washed down with water or other useful liquid.
  3. "Vitamin field". The food supplement aims to increase immune system, saturation of the body with essential vitamins and a decrease in appetite. It contains cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, pine nuts. Bran created by a special technology retains all useful substances. The product should be taken 3 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. 30-40 minutes before meals with liquid.
  4. "Stop Appetite" This type of fiber is aimed at preventing atherosclerosis, lowering cholesterol, improving metabolism, and normalizing work. gastrointestinal tract. In addition, when taking a nutritional supplement, the condition of hair and skin improves. It is recommended to use the product in 2 tbsp. 2-3 times a day before meals.
  5. "There is no belly." This type of fiber contains the following ingredients: rye, pepper, oatmeal, salt. A food supplement designed specifically for men who care about their health and beautiful figure. Regular consumption of bran will cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, give vigor and reduce the volume of the abdomen. The product should be taken in the morning and evening, 2-3 tbsp. before meals with non-carbonated water.
  6. "Graceful silhouette". The ingredients of this type of bran are specially selected taking into account the characteristics female body. The supplement contains green tea, senna leaves, wheat grains, stevia, mint, chamomile, apple, meadowsweet. Regular consumption of bran eliminates dysbacteriosis, reduces appetite and promotes weight loss. You need to take them 2-3 times a day before meals, 2 tbsp.
  7. "Lady Fitness" Amazing composition useful components helps to reduce appetite, enrich the body with vitamins and trace elements. The product is rich in the following substances: wheat grains, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, mint leaves, meadowsweet, clover, knotweed, calendula, immortelle, buckthorn bark, dill, fireweed, bergenia, wild rose, green coffee extract. It is recommended to take the supplement 2-3 times a day before meals, 2 tbsp.

Contraindications to the use of food supplements

Despite all beneficial features, fiber has some contraindications. Before taking it, it is recommended to consult a specialist. With caution, you need to take a nutritional supplement during pregnancy and during the period of feeding a child. You can not use it in the following pathologies:

  • gastritis, ulcer and colitis during the period of exacerbation;
  • low pressure;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • an allergic reaction to the substances included in the product.

It's easy to lose weight without the painful feeling of hunger and problems with the gastrointestinal tract! Siberian fiber, a completely natural and healthy product, helps with this. Find out 3 Ways to Use Fiber for Weight Loss!

Dietary fiber is an integral part of intestinal health, "food" for its microflora, which is responsible for the vital processes of the body. A special role is assigned to coarse (insoluble) dietary fiber, popularly referred to as dietary fiber (DC). Today, when not only modern, but also ancient methods, insoluble fibers are back on the wave of popularity. Make their consumption simple and pleasant process help manufacturers of dietary supplements. Best Choice Siberian fiber is considered for weight loss, opening the way to beauty and well-being.

The production of dietary supplements is carried out by a large Russian enterprise "Siberian fiber", located in the west of Siberia. The production technology has no analogues, since it provides for the author's methods of Siberian scientists and their own equipment. Over the 15 years of its existence, the company has gained wide popularity not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders.


The coarsest part of plants, by which fiber should be understood, is a complex form of carbohydrates. The digestive system is unable to break it down. Thus, by reducing the residence time of food in the gastrointestinal tract, dietary fiber helps to cleanse the body and, therefore, normalizes bowel function. Its regular consumption not only prevents weight gain, but also helps in getting rid of already existing extra pounds. The secret is simple: getting into the stomach, the rough part of the plants reacts with the gastric fluid and increases in size, simply swelling and thus providing a feeling of false satiety for a long time. Since DC takes a long time to clear from the body, it is easy for a person to cope with the desire to snack or overeat.

When using dietary fiber, another important process occurs - the absorption of cholesterol with its further excretion from the body. naturally. Unfortunately, most of the products on the shelves of supermarkets lack fiber. It is removed during the production of ready-to-eat goods. In this regard, it is extremely important to obtain fibers plant origin from additional sources.

The company's product of the same name "Siberian Fiber" is a multifaceted biologically active food supplement, in a sense, capable of being compared with white coal. Works in the following areas:

  • increased intestinal motility and its cleansing;
  • restoration and maintenance of healthy intestinal microflora;
  • stabilization of blood sugar levels;
  • normalization of the balance of lipoproteins;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • appetite suppression;
  • weight loss and its stabilization in the future;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • replenishment of deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • increased concentration and improved attention;
  • prevention of a number of diseases, including cardiovascular;
  • reducing the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle on a person.

Not less than important property DK when used for weight loss - suppression of depression, which is characteristic of adherents low calorie diet. Feeling full when minimum quantity eaten, the person becomes free from irritability and discomfort habitually caused by hunger.

"Siberian fiber" can be used as part of a diet to speed up metabolism and normalize work endocrine system. When it is used, it is easy to be on a low-calorie diet, as a result of which there is a rapid normalization of weight. daily rate Siberian fiber allows you to burn about 120 kcal, which is identical to a twenty-minute run! At the same time it turns out positive impact on the excretory system, preventing diarrhea or constipation. However, doctors declare with all responsibility that DC, even produced by Siberian specialists, is not capable of removing toxins through the intestines and absorbing toxins. The drug is also unable to influence the absorption of fats from food, and their breakdown.


"Siberian Fiber" is a product that is trustworthy for consumers, as it is free from chemicals, flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavorings and dyes. The manufacturer uses exclusively wild-growing raw materials of the taiga. In general, dietary supplements are nothing more than concentrated fiber, which is isolated from various products, necessary for natural weight loss:

  • oat bran;
  • grain shells of millet and rye;
  • nuts (mainly pine nuts);
  • herbs;
  • dried fruits and berries (apple and apricot, blueberries, cranberries and mountain ash).

Cereal fibers act as a source of B vitamins, berry and fruit fibers - organic acids and minerals. To increase efficiency, micronutrients are added to the dietary supplement. All components retain their useful properties even after processing.

According to the specialists of the manufacturing company, the main difference between dietary supplements and traditional bran is the absence of flour impurities, which increases nutritional value plant fibers and interferes with the full process of losing weight. The calorie content of DC from the Russian company Siberian Fiber is only 35-40 kcal per 100 grams. At the same time, reviews of Siberian fiber for weight loss on the Internet, which are echoed by doctors, indicate the absence of any differences. Except for ease of swallowing and more presentable packaging.


Food supplement trademark"Siberian fiber" has different recipes aimed at improving specific internal organs and systems. Subject to their acceptance, two important process– normalization of digestive functions and deep cleansing. In principle, any product of the company can be safely used for body shaping, however, the manufacturer produces many highly targeted complexes that help in losing weight much more effectively:

"Thin waist"

The product is the leader among the products of the enterprise. Recommended as a dietary prophylactic drug to improve metabolism and control body weight. Speaker additional source dietary fiber.

The basis of the composition is the shell of wheat grain, to which lingonberries and apple fruits are added. Second important component there is a special phyto-tea, consisting of the following herbs:

  • horsetail - has a diuretic effect;
  • St. John's wort - normalizes appetite and eliminates depression;
  • nettle - has a mild diuretic and laxative effect;
  • mint - has a calming effect;
  • anise fruits - guarantee a pronounced laxative effect;
  • buckthorn bark - has a laxative effect;
  • dandelion root - soothes and helps fight constipation.

Despite the name, the use of the product affects not only the waist - all the “problem” zones return to normal. Thanks to the diuretic and laxative action, Slim Waist effectively reduces weight by an average of several kilograms per week. During the intake of dietary supplements, the intestines are cleansed and the volume of adipose tissue is reduced.

"Stop Appetite"

The second most popular supplement is designed to correct the figure by improving metabolic processes, reducing appetite and cleansing the intestines from stagnant feces. The composition contains cranberries, apple fruits and a shell of wheat grain soaked in herbal preparation:

  • strawberry leaf - controls stool, has a diuretic effect;
  • blueberry shoots - normalize blood sugar levels, are effective in combating stress;
  • burdock root - endowed with a diuretic effect, curbs appetite;
  • wheatgrass rhizome - restores metabolism, acts like a mild laxative;
  • chicory root - has a calming effect, has a slight relief;
  • dandelion root - reduces the likelihood of developing stress, normalizes the excretory system;
  • fireweed - reduces appetite, improves digestion of food;
  • nettle - controls the excretory system;
  • yarrow - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of the hair, relieves irritation;
  • oats - compensates for the deficiency of minerals and vitamins, suppresses the feeling of hunger and favorably affects the functioning of the intestines.

The herbal extracts that make up Stop Appetite are rich in tannins and flavonoids, which are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. Substances also have a sedative and analgesic effect. Getting into the stomach and absorbing moisture, the components of the dietary supplement prevent a person from consuming excessive amounts of food, at the same time preventing weight gain.

BAA is successfully used as part of weight loss therapy, immunity strengthening, prevention of diseases of the nervous system in case of excessive physical and emotional stress.

"Graceful Silhouette"

The dietary supplement is intended for deep cleansing of the intestines, fast weight loss and restore skin health. In addition to the shell of wheat grain, apple pieces and apple pectin, the manufacturer claims the inclusion of the following components:

  • senna leaves - a well-known natural laxative that helps remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • stevia - a natural sweetener responsible for uplifting mood;
  • mint - a natural sedative that normalizes sleep;
  • pharmacy chamomile - anti-inflammatory ingredient;
  • meadowsweet - a means to normalize metabolism and remove toxins;
  • green tea is an antioxidant that improves complexion and speeds up metabolic processes.

The dietary supplement is suitable for women who do not have the opportunity to train regularly in the gym and do not consider dietary nutrition. Prevents the development of dysbacteriosis and hemorrhoids.

"Vitamin field"

The product is designed to reduce the total calorie content daily diet and enriching it with macro- and microelements necessary for the full functioning of the body. With regular use, there is a decrease in blood glucose levels, normalization of hormone levels, cleansing of harmful substances, improvement of peristalsis and elimination of constipation. All this has a positive effect on well-being and helps to prevent weight gain.

The composition is represented by a shell of wheat grains, an apple and other components:

  • nuclei pine nuts- are responsible for the rapid suppression of appetite;
  • extracts of berries (blueberries, cranberries, cranberries) - contain organic acids that improve the process of digestion of food, and manganese, necessary for normal lipid metabolism;
  • rose hips - promise a slight diuretic and choleretic effect.

"Vitamin Glade" is an assistant for everyone who intends to strengthen the immune system, especially during the cold season, and help the nervous system work. If necessary, the supplement can be used as part of the diet. So the process of losing weight will be more comfortable.

"Health Basket"

The dietary supplement "Health Basket" helps to reduce the calorie content of food, thereby preventing rapid weight gain and obesity. Regular intake is responsible for the prevention of type II diabetes, eye diseases, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. It is very easy to normalize body weight and maintain the figure acquired during training with such a dietary supplement.

The components of the product are the shell of wheat grain, apple, kernels pine nuts and rose hips. Vitamin "cocktail" helps in achieving several goals:

  • cleansing the digestive tract;
  • appetite suppression;
  • normalization of metabolism and hormonal levels.

The manufacturer considers the introduction of the “Health Basket” into the diet most useful in the following cases:

  • lipid metabolism disorder;
  • intense physical and mental stress;
  • diseases of the excretory system;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.

Simply put, people with these problems who want to create a diet that promotes weight loss can safely reduce weight without harm to health. There is only one condition - regular intake of bioadditives according to the recommendations stated in the instructions. The uniqueness of this type of DC lies in the possibility of using it even during pregnancy to improve well-being and prevent swelling.


Siberian House of Culture "Cleansing" is a complex useful substances to improve fat metabolism and deep cleansing of the body of toxins. With regular consumption, the manufacturer promises a noticeable improvement in the composition of the intestinal microflora and the motor-evacuation function of the intestine, a decrease in blood glucose levels and a decrease in overweight.

In the composition, in addition to the shell of wheat grain and apple, the content of a special cleansing tea from the Tomsk Herbs company is noted, consisting of the following components:

  • pharmacy chamomile - has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • rose hips - have a slight diuretic effect;
  • dill fruits - increase lymph flow and cope with puffiness;
  • calendula - cleanses the blood and promises a diuretic effect;
  • immortelle - anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent;
  • buckthorn bark - demonstrates a laxative effect;
  • yarrow - is responsible for the suppression of emotional stress, normalizes the work of the stomach;
  • meadowsweet - helps in the fight against subcutaneous fat and removes excess fluid;
  • mint - has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system, relaxes and adjusts to a restful sleep;
  • clover - stimulates defensive forces organism.

Based on the composition, it becomes clear that the "Cleansing" additive from Siberia is suitable as aid for people who constantly adhere to a low-calorie diet and regularly go in for sports.

"Three Cereals for Lightness"

The variation of the dietary supplement is considered unique, as it combines three cereals at once - oats, wheat and rye. Complementing each other, cereals act quickly and are three times more effective, providing faster saturation and weight loss.

In addition to the shell of oat, rye and wheat grains, the dietary supplement contains a phyto-collection:

  • shoots of Kuril tea - providing a diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • flowers chamomile- a sedative with anti-inflammatory properties;
  • calendula - along with a blood-purifying effect, it normalizes the functioning of the urinary system;
  • meadowsweet - relieves subcutaneous fat and excess fluid
  • yarrow - normalizes digestion and soothes;
  • fragrant dill fruits - promise to get rid of puffiness and normalize lymph flow;
  • buckthorn bark - has laxative properties;
  • mint - has a calming effect on the nervous system, relaxes;
  • clover - has an immunostimulating effect;
  • pumpkin fruits - diuretic and laxative at the same time;
  • volodushka grass - has a tonic effect;
  • rose hips - remove excess fluid from the body.

By adding "Three cereals for lightness" to the first and second courses, it is possible to significantly reduce their calorie content. As a result, there is no need to endure severe dietary restrictions. Normalization of weight occurs passively, but the achieved effect persists for a long time.

A nice bonus for those who use "Three Cereals for Lightness" is the health of hair and skin, guaranteed by the manufacturer, as well as slowing down the aging process.

"With green coffee"

A unique detoxification program from the developers of a Siberian company is a low-calorie phyto-complex for quick normalization of body weight and deep cleansing. A mix of powerful ingredients - dietary fiber and green coffee - provides a double effect in losing weight.

Green coffee is a well-known source of antioxidants that fight free radicals and "junk" inside the body. Promotes the transformation of fat into energy, thereby starting the process of weight loss. In addition to green coffee and wheat grain shells, the dietary supplement contains apple fruits, which are responsible for the gastronomic side. The presence of a natural sweetener in the supplement helps fight hunger and improves mood.


In order for the process of cleansing the body to occur effectively, it is important to know how to take it correctly. Siberian fiber. In some sources about the benefits of DC for normalizing weight, they talk about the possibility of uncontrolled use of the product. Nutrition experts, in turn, recommend taking the supplement deliberately, not exceeding the dose determined by the manufacturer.

How to use

In dry form, DC is ineffective, so everyone should know how to “prepare” it. There are three of them:

  • Add to water

The simplest and fast way the use of DC, contrary to popular belief, provides a feeling of satiety. Preparing a "cocktail" is simple: just stir the raw materials in a glass of liquid and let it swell a little. However, the reaction of each organism to a tandem of water (liquid juice can be used) and plant fibers is individual: while some enjoy the benefits and ease, others suffer from discomfort and talk about the difficulties of taking.

  • Dissolve in sour milk drinks

Yogurt, curdled milk, fermented baked milk and kefir are suitable for consumption better than water or juice. First, dairy products increase the positive effect on the intestines. Secondly, the feeling of fullness comes faster and lasts longer. Swelling time - 15 minutes.

  • Mix with food

Bioadditive can be added to morning porridge or used during cooking vitamin salad. If desired, it can become a component of the second course and even steam cutlets. Bonus - reduced calorie content of food. Due to the lack of a pronounced taste, it is impossible to feel the admixture of cereal shells in dishes.


The amount of Siberian fiber allowed for consumption depends on the goal pursued by each losing weight. General rule one thing is to start taking dietary supplements with 1-2 teaspoons per day, gradually increasing the dose to a full one for seven days.

  1. For calm weight loss, you need to take one tablespoon of Siberian fiber 3-4 times a day. If the product is mixed with liquid, 200 ml of water, yogurt and jelly per tablespoon. If you use less liquid, the DC will not swell properly and will not be able to reveal its full effectiveness.
  2. If you wish to clean the intestines as quickly and efficiently as possible, a single dose of the supplement increases to two tablespoons. A similar dosage is observed by people who regularly play sports. At the same time, it is forbidden to “cleanse” in this way for more than a week.
  3. If it is important to slightly correct the figure before an important event or quickly achieve lightness in the whole body, you should spend a fasting day on the supplement and kefir - there are 8 tablespoons of dietary fiber without a slide per liter of fermented milk drink. In the morning, kefir is divided into four equal servings. Fiber is administered immediately before use - two tablespoons per 250 ml. The intervals between doses of a cleansing drink should be 3 hours. According to the results of losing weight on the Internet, in just one such day you can see a plumb line of 1-1.5 kg.

As a rule, DC is consumed half an hour before a meal, if we are talking about a product dissolved in a liquid and a fermented milk drink. It is impossible to replace food with a bioadditive, otherwise the result will be unpleasant: instead of normalizing digestion and losing weight, the digestive tract will fail, which will result in a set of extra pounds. It is no less dangerous to refuse to comply water regime. You need to drink often and a lot.

Experts set the framework for the duration of the course on a dietary supplement - two months. A longer period of weight loss with the help of Siberian dietary supplements is possible, but undesirable.

By itself, the products of TM "Siberian Fiber" are not able to reduce the percentage of fat in the body, so a radical result (minus 5-10 kg per week) should not be expected. It is guaranteed that only an integrated approach will help to get rid of extra pounds - cleansing the body with fiber, moderate exercise and proper nutrition. To achieve maximum results, you should follow a simple diet. It is recommended to stop the choice on kefir, carbohydrate-free or separate meals.

Kefir diet, designed for a week, is as follows:

  • First day: five pieces of boiled potatoes.
  • Second day: 100 grams of boiled chicken breast no skins or spices.
  • Third day: 100 grams of boiled lean meat turkey or beef.
  • Fourth day: 100 grams of boiled or steamed lean fish.
  • Fifth day: vegetables in the form of salad and fruits, except for grapes and bananas.
  • Sixth day: low-fat dairy products.
  • Seventh day: unloading on the water with the addition of citrus juice and mint leaves.

In addition to the indicated food, you need to consume 1.5 liters of kefir daily with the addition of DC. BAA will support the body, enriching it with vitamins, and cope with hunger.

The carbohydrate-free diet is based on the following principle:

  • Breakfast: three steam omelet chicken eggs with addition skimmed milk, cheese or bacon, apple, sour milkshake with DC.
  • Lunch: baked chicken breast, a portion of lentils with olive oil.
  • Afternoon snack: a handful of almonds, a portion of a fermented milkshake with dietary supplements.
  • Dinner: salmon steak, a serving of green beans with olive oil, a sour-milk cocktail with fiber.

The diet can be continued for 3-5 days. The addition of the Siberian company supplements the menu with a useful set of vitamins, so the body does not experience stress due to the lack of cereals and bakery products.

Separate nutrition provides for the use of exclusively compatible products at one time. Siberian fiber fits perfectly into such a diet, acting as a snack after breakfast and an alternative to an afternoon snack, which contributes to rapid weight loss.

A sample menu for one day might look like this:

  • First breakfast: an apple and a date (prunes), a glass of fermented baked milk with a recreation center.
  • Second breakfast: a portion of baked potatoes and green salad with the addition of DC.
  • Lunch: a piece of meat fried without oil, steamed cabbage and celery salad with spinach.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of fermented milk drink or a serving thick yogurt with coarse fibres.
  • Dinner: boiled egg, steam eggplant, vegetable salad with the addition of DC.

Side effects

Rough dietary fibers are more useful than harmful, but this does not exempt them from side effects. The most likely is bloating. The phenomenon does not occur from a few spoons of Siberian fiber, but it is considered the most common, especially among beginners. Bloating is followed by flatulence and spasms. Trying to achieve the lightness that the manufacturer promises, there is a chance of getting the opposite result.

Skin rashes and nausea are also possible side effects taking a dietary supplement due to the content of phyto-components in it. You can prevent the occurrence of unpleasant moments by strictly following the dosage and introducing the product into the diet gradually.


Not everyone can lose weight on a recreation center - for some it is tritely prohibited. First of all, people with serious problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract will have to abandon the idea. Even if a person is prone to increased gas formation, it is better not to risk it. The use of dietary supplements is guaranteed to aggravate the course of colitis, gastritis, pancreatitis, stomach ulcers and cholecystitis.

It will not work to "sit" on the Siberian recreation center with intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement. Since there are a lot of them, you need to carefully read the composition, preventing the development of an allergic reaction. Since all types of weight loss products contain phyto-ingredients, it is worth getting an examination or at least talking to a doctor before starting therapy.

Storage conditions

To preserve the beneficial properties of biologically active additive, the storage temperature should not be lower than 15 and higher than 25 degrees. After the initial opening, the raw materials should be kept in a closed original container, preventing moisture from entering.

Mandatory requirement: a dry spoon must be used to collect the product from the jar!


You can buy Siberian fiber for weight loss at a pharmacy, on the official website and in online stores selling products for beauty and harmony. The price depends on the volume of packaging and the type of dietary supplement (below are the average cost indicators):

  • "Thin waist": 170 g from 80 to 120 rubles.
  • "Stop Appetite": 170 g - 85 rubles.
  • "Graceful silhouette": 170 g - 80 rubles.
  • “Vitamin meadow: 280 g - 95 rubles, 350 g - 220 rubles.
  • "Health basket": 280 g - 95 rubles.
  • "Cleansing": 170 g - 95 rubles.
  • "Three cereals for lightness": 170 g - 70 rubles.
  • "WITH green coffee": 170 g - 90 rubles.

The daily diet of almost every person is not particularly rich in fruits, vegetables and cereals. But these products are the main suppliers of plant fibers - fiber, which is necessary for bowel cleansing. If the food is not enough plant food, then you can replenish it with the help of Siberian fiber. Regular use of the supplement ensures the necessary functioning of the digestive system.

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    Composition of the product

    The composition of Siberian fiber contains a whole complex of plant fibers, which are extracted from berries, fruits and cereals. The dietary supplement has the following composition:

    • grain shell of rye, millet;
    • oat bran;
    • lignin (extracted from potatoes, peas, tomatoes);
    • pectin (found in citrus fruits, apples);
    • pieces dried fruits, vegetables;
    • berries (blueberries, mountain ash);
    • nuts (more often - pine nuts);
    • herbal collection (chamomile, St. John's wort, wild rose, mint, Kuril tea).

    The ratio and number of components is different for each type of fiber, and only about a dozen are produced. different options food supplement. IN useful product no chemicals, flavor enhancers, preservatives, flavors. There is no doubt about the naturalness of the composition.

    Product benefits

    If you take fiber correctly, then the body will no longer experience a shortage of plant fibers, a person will be able to get rid of problems with underweight or, conversely, overweight.

    Fiber effectively restores the work of digestion, contributes to the normalization of body weight. Its reception eliminates the symptom of "lazy" bowel. The product is equally necessary for health prevention and weight loss.

    For good health

    Siberian fiber is not a medicine, you should not expect an instant result from it. But with its systematic use, you can improve the functioning of the digestive system. Cleansing processes in the body will begin, ridding the body of perennial fecal deposits and harmful substances in the intestines.

    Fiber has a healing effect on the entire body. The supplement has many positive properties:

    • improves work and cleanses the intestines;
    • normalizes blood sugar levels;
    • removes toxic substances;
    • reduces manifestations of allergic reactions;
    • increases skin elasticity;
    • lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood;
    • normalizes the hormonal background;
    • prevents urolithiasis;
    • prevents oncology of the digestive tract.

    For weight loss

    From concentrated plant fibers can be obtained a large number of nutrients by including a minimum of other foods in the diet. As a result, there will be a decrease in body weight. Fiber contains many minerals and vitamins that the body needs for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

    If you use the product on a regular basis, then a month you can lose from two to six kilograms of excess weight.

    The body is not able to assimilate the grain shells, they act as "brushes": passing through the digestive tract, they remove all accumulated deposits from there.

    Fiber contributes to weight loss and due to the fact that when it enters the stomach, it significantly increases in volume. There is less room in the stomach for ordinary food, the calorie content of the food eaten is reduced, the size of each serving is significantly reduced.

    How to take it right?

    Positive results can be observed only in the case of regular and correct use product. Of course, the product is presented small instruction, but it does not reveal all the nuances and rules that should be observed:

    • the daily rate is four tablespoons;
    • the product should be consumed half an hour before a meal;
    • fiber is usually filled with liquid, left for fifteen minutes;
    • the product can be drunk with juices, fermented milk drinks, add to soups;
    • fiber absorbs a lot of water, you need to consume up to three liters of liquid;
    • carbonated drinks are excluded from the diet.

    In pursuit of harmony, many have tried to increase daily allowance. This cannot be done! This is fraught with bloating and a violation of the chair.

    Precautionary measures

    There are a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of Siberian fiber should be abandoned:

    1. 1. You can not use fiber for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at times of exacerbation. At the moments of remission, you can start using the product, but only after consulting a doctor.
    2. 2. "Cleansing" fiber should not be taken during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
    3. 3. Variety "Women's Herbs" is contraindicated for people who have poor blood clotting, low blood pressure.

    Also contraindications include cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and individual intolerance to the product.

    Choice of fiber for weight loss

    If you want to lose weight with the help of Siberian fiber, then any of its varieties will do. Each supplement solves two main tasks: normalizes digestive functions, starts cleansing processes in the intestines.

    But there are also unique product options in jars aimed at a specific body system. There are varieties of supplements for preventing diabetes, improving vision, improving the liver and kidneys.

    "Thin waist"

    It is worth highlighting the type of fiber called "Thin Waist". He takes pride of place on the list. useful sources vegetable fibres. Specially designed for those who want to start looking after their figure. The composition contains a shell of wheat grain, oats, thin waist tea.

    Weight loss is due to a decrease in appetite, as the stomach is filled with swollen fibers. Special tea The product consists of the following components:

    • horsetail herb - diuretic;
    • mint leaves - relax and soothe;
    • St. John's wort - improves mood;
    • anise fruits and nettle leaves - laxative effect.

    This composition is justified: the calming effect of mint is necessary for those who are trying to lose weight, and reducing the amount of food consumed, paired with a laxative effect, can really give a slender waist. To achieve the fastest result, it is worth replacing the last meal with a glass of kefir with a spoonful of this unique product.

    "Figure Nutrition"

    Thanks to a set of selected ingredients, the Shape Nutrition fiber variety helps to control weight without debilitating hunger strikes and strict diets. Passing through the digestive system, the shell of the grain rids the body of toxins, perennial deposits of pus and mucus.

    When in contact with liquid, the product occupies a significant part of the stomach and acts in the same way as Slim Waist.

    "Vitamin field"

    Often prescribed for weight loss vitamin complex. This type of fiber already contains many berries and nuts collected in pure Siberian forests. In addition to the grain shell, there are cranberries, lingonberries, blueberries, and pine nuts. Due to the low-temperature production technology, the original benefits of taiga gifts are preserved.

    This fiber does not contain sugar, as well as sweeteners. Berry extracts contain organic acids that stop the development of gout. Cranberries and blueberries contain ursolic acid, which lowers arterial pressure and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

    "Vitamin Glade" is usually chosen in the following cases:

    • to reduce body weight;
    • getting rid of constipation, improving intestinal motility;
    • normalization of beneficial intestinal microflora;
    • lowering blood glucose levels;
    • purification from salts of heavy metals, carcinogens.

    "Graceful Silhouette"

    This species affects the entire digestive system. If you use the product systematically, you can achieve the following positive effects:

    • clean skin;
    • healthy complexion;
    • great mood;
    • lightness in the body;
    • getting rid of excess weight.

    In addition, the intake of this fiber will minimize the manifestations of many diseases: hemorrhoids, dysbacteriosis, immunodeficiency, intoxication of the body, metabolic disorders.

    If you want to lose weight or just carefully monitor your health, you should definitely pay attention to this unique product. Siberian fiber can be bought at specialized stores or pharmacies in jars of two different volumes and soft bags. But in order to avoid unpleasant moments, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it.

    And some secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

    I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

    But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Cellulose - food supplement, necessary for the body for the coordinated work of many systems and organs. Siberian fiber - natural product, manufactured Russian manufacturers from vegetable fiber with a beneficial effect on the digestive system and excellent digestibility.

In the composition - vegetable fiber as an insoluble component and additional substances: hemicellulose, cellulose. Calorie content - 200 kcal per 100 g. What is the more accurate composition of Siberian fiber for weight loss, how to take can be found by reading the instructions on the product packaging.

Immediately after entering the stomach, fiber begins to swell rapidly, increase in size and fill the entire space. This contributes to the rapid saturation of the stomach, which means satiety. As part of the product - an active participant in the metabolic processes of the body. It quickly absorbs cholesterol from the gastric contents, removes toxins from the body in a natural way.

So why is fiber good for weight loss? Definitely useful in:

  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • elimination of stagnation of feces;
  • decrease in the percentage of fat in the body;
  • the possibility of reducing the amount of food consumed;
  • cleansing the intestines from accumulations, plaque, fecal deposits;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Attention! It is important to understand that fiber is a coarse fiber. Improper use without observing dosages will have the opposite effect, lead to a weakening of intestinal motility, the development of an inflammatory process, and increased gas formation. Use in large doses provokes constipation, leads to impaired absorption of iron and other beneficial trace elements. Before using fiber, it is advisable to first consult a doctor.

Are there any contraindications for taking Siberian fiber?

Fiber is a rather specific dietary supplement and is not recommended for use by people with the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis.

Careful use requires the product with excessive gas formation, flatulence in the intestines.

On a note! A sharp introduction of fiber into the diet is unacceptable, since it can cause an ambiguous reaction of the body. You need to add gradually in small portions. Mostly - for breakfast in cereals, salads, soups, main dishes. Permissible single dose - 2-3 tbsp. l. It is highly undesirable to exceed the dosage of this product.

Overview of Siberian fiber: the best producers

Many people today advocate a healthy diet, although of course, replenish the body enough fiber can be difficult.

Siberian fiber is a real healthy food factory and allows you to quickly saturate the body useful trace elements. Among the most popular species nutritional supplements that have won appreciation among buyers are the following:

  1. Vitamin glade in the composition with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, plant fibers, organic acids. The product normalizes the immune, cardiovascular, digestive system. In the composition - pectins, wheat grains, pine nut kernels, dried berries (cranberries, lingonberries).
  2. Thin waist. Release form - jars weighing 170 g. In the composition - fiber (80%) with the production of apples and wheat, female herbs (horsetail, dandelion, St. John's wort, nettle, buckthorn). This excellent composition for girls who want to lose weight and achieve slim figure, thin waist. The drug requires correct application by breeding 2 tbsp. l. liquid (tea, juice, yogurt).
  3. Figure nutrition with bran. Includes exclusively natural ingredients: wheat, herbs, berries, fruits to normalize the functioning of internal organs, reduce weight.
  4. Stop- Appetite as a dietary supplement. In the composition - insoluble fiber, wheat grains, nettle, blueberry, dandelion root, chicory, fireweed, strawberry, yarrow. The product perfectly saturates the body with useful vitamins and microelements, gives a quick feeling of satiety, swelling in the stomach and filling the volume completely.
  5. health basket- a mixture of cereals, fruits. Release form - containers weighing 140 g. Ingredients: pine nuts, wild rose, apples, processed fibers of wheat grains. The food supplement normalizes the processes of digestion, well removes harmful toxins and toxins from the body. This is a unique, safe remedy approved for use by pregnant women to eliminate intestinal discomfort, improve peristalsis, beneficial effects on the kidneys, blood vessels, liver, heart.

How to use fiber correctly?

Fiber is an auxiliary tool in the fight against excess fat in the body and is simply indispensable for girls in order to lose weight. Perhaps the use is possible for the purpose of losing weight or cleansing the intestines, liver due to the diverse composition, the presence of additives (nuts, apples, fruits, berries, rye bran).

It is important to take into account the indications and contraindications when using Siberian fiber, keep the calorie content of the diet under control, give up sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks, fatty food. If you have digestive problems, then the best option Siberian fiber can become “Healthy Liver” with a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and liver cells. If women need to replenish the body with microelements and vitamins, the Vitamin Glade food supplement containing female herbs to maintain women's health is quite suitable.

Dietary supplement "Thin Waist" is suitable for reducing appetite, burning fat, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins. Additionally, you can use the diet "6 petals" from Tatyana Malakhova.

It is possible to use fiber in powder or granules. So, with the digestibility of granules by the body, it happens much faster. But the downside is a slight increase in weight. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, then the use of fiber should be correct. It is recommended to take according to special technology, i.e. 3-4 times a day with a dose of no more than 4 tbsp. l for 1 session. It is advisable to take fiber shortly before meals for 30-40 minutes, drinking at least 1 glass of water.

You can not abruptly introduce fiber into the diet. You need to add gradually to salads, main dishes or soups, combining with cereal mixtures. Nutritionists advise starting with 1 tsp. fiber, so gradually increase the dosage by monitoring the behavior of the body. The main thing is that the intestines get used to taking this component.

Siberian fiber for weight loss: reviews

Normally, when a person eats up to 50-60 g of fiber per day, but in real life it is difficult to get such an amount of fiber from the foods taken, thereby saturating the body with this substance in full.

It is fiber that Siberian fiber for weight loss reviews - confirmation of this contributes to weight loss. The main thing is not to neglect allowable doses, introduce into the diet gradually, choose the right nutrition system for yourself in order to lose weight.

Siberian fiber or nutritional supplement is an integral unit proper nutrition and this is what people are saying:

Marina: I like to eat Siberian fiber, because it is a tasty, healthy product.

Tatiana: I decided to lose weight with the help of fiber, quickly cleansed the body. Now my bowels are working at 100%. I drink Siberian fiber constantly and feel good. I recommend to everyone.

Antonina: I began to be disturbed by pain in the right hypochondrium, I went to the doctor. It turned out that this is - the liver aches, namely, accumulations of waste interfere with normal work. On the advice of a friend, I bought Siberian fiber and, as an additive, began to add it to breakfast cereals. Within a month, I forgot about my problems. Now I have a healthy liver, besides, I managed to lose 3 kg, which is not bad at all.

Below in the comments you can add reviews about Siberian fiber, if you or your friends took it for weight loss.

Siberian fiber for weight loss will help everyone who wants to achieve a slim figure, how to take it correctly - you can read on the package. The product improves immunity, improves general well-being, improvement of skin integument, normalization of digestion and metabolism.

Exactly malnutrition, snacks on the run lead to slagging of the body, a set of extra pounds. Not many people carry out cleansing procedures and sit on long-term starvation diets. It's complicated. But fiber should be present in any diet, because it is an indispensable product, rich in amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamins, and trace elements.

Getting rid of excess weight is quite difficult, you need to stick to diets that involve the use of certain foods.

To normalize weight and cleanse the body, it is recommended to use Siberian fiber, rich in useful substances.

Product benefits

Siberian fiber has the following useful properties:

  • Normalization of blood sugar levels.
  • Cleansing and improving bowel function.
  • The product removes toxins and toxins from the body, cleansing it.
  • Lowering cholesterol in the blood.
  • Saturation of the body with vitamins, useful substances.
  • The appetite disappears, the feeling of hunger decreases.
  • The fat layer is reduced.
  • There is a normalization of the hormonal background.
  • Prevention of urolithiasis.

Can you lose weight with it?

With the help of Siberian fiber, you can really lose weight. It leads to a decrease in appetite, normalizes the digestive tract, cleanses the intestines. Excreted from the body harmful substances. Weight loss is carried out gradually, for a week of using this product you can throw off from 3 to 5 kilograms.

If you use Siberian fiber for too long, you may encounter flatulence, so you should not use this product for more than two weeks. You need to take a break for one month. Siberian fiber contributes to weight loss and at the same time fills the body with vitamins and useful substances.

Possible harm and contraindications

Despite the effectiveness and useful properties of the product, there are a number of contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with:

  • Gastritis.
  • Colitis.
  • Reduced blood pressure.
  • Individual intolerance to the product.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • lactation period.

This product causes harm if there are contraindications, or if used for too long. It is not recommended to consume Siberian fiber for more than two weeks.. Manifested negative impact product side effects:

Such phenomena disappear within a few hours without special treatment. If they are observed for several days, the use of this product is stopped. You need to seek help from a doctor.

How to use correctly?

From this product you can cook very delicious dishes that will make the diet more enjoyable.

Kefir drink:

  • You need to mix a glass of low-fat kefir 1.5% and one tablespoon of fiber.
  • Ready drink is consumed for breakfast.
  • You can't add sugar.

Fiber Dessert:

  • You can cook a very tasty and healthy dish from this product.
  • It is necessary to mix a glass of unsweetened natural yogurt and a tablespoon of fiber.
  • Half a crushed apple and the same amount of pear are added to the mixture.
  • Optionally, you can add one chopped prunes, or dried apricots.
  • The ingredients are mixed again.
  • Sugar is not allowed.
  • Dessert is suitable for an afternoon snack or dinner.

fruit puree:

  • You can add a product to various fruits and vegetables. Fruit puree can be consumed for afternoon tea and dinner.
  • You need to grind on a grater one apple and one pear.
  • Add 1.5 tablespoons of fiber to the mixture.
  • The resulting dish is consumed without sugar.

You can add Siberian fiber to low-fat kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cereals. You can mix this product with fruit and vegetable purees. Do not consume more than four tablespoons of Siberian fiber per day. In order for it to be better absorbed, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Be sure to consume water, sweet carbonated drinks are prohibited. Coffee is not recommended, tea should be weak.

Doctors' opinions

This product, according to doctors, really helps in the fight against extra pounds. It contributes to the normalization of metabolism, removes harmful substances from the body.

Doctors say that Siberian fiber normalizes digestion, eliminates pain and discomfort in the abdomen. Excess weight really disappears in just 1-2 weeks. According to experts, this is an easy-to-use product that is effective in the fight against extra pounds.

However, doctors advise to be careful, as too long use of this product leads to flatulence and an allergic reaction. Only if the dosage is observed, you can get rid of extra pounds, cleanse the body.

Reviews of losing weight

This product has gained immense popularity due to its high degree of effectiveness, complex effects on the body and easy application. Losing weight say that fiber helps to normalize digestion, pain and discomfort in the abdomen disappear. The first results of losing weight are noticeable after a week. Losing weight notice an improvement in well-being, a surge of strength and energy.

In addition, the product can be used to prepare different dishes. This helps to make it easier to tolerate a diet, to eat varied. A person not only loses weight, but also becomes healthier.

Elena, 34 years old, Ryazan:“I didn’t notice how I got better. Extra pounds lowered self-esteem, I felt very insecure. I wanted to be attractive again. A friend advised this product. I have not used it before, so I approached the diet with caution. Take fiber for a week. During this time, she threw off 4.5 kilograms. I am very pleased with the result, the fat layer has decreased. Now I will use only this remedy for weight loss.

Natalia, 27 years old, Tomsk:“Overweight appeared after the birth of a child. The kid was already a year old, but I still could not return to my former harmony. On the Internet I was looking for a suitable weight loss remedy. Finally I read about Siberian fiber.
