
What are the benefits of Ivan tea flowers. Ivan-tea brings special benefits to the female body

Ivan - tea or fireweed is also known as a secret, plakun, Koporye tea, Russian tea, miller, bread box, mother liquor. This plant has many names, its benefits are enormous, but what does this flower look like - Ivan tea? The photo below shows it in all its glory:

For your information: in the century before last, Russia supplied them to all of Europe.

Ivan tea - photo and useful properties.

The first and main property of fireweed or Ivan-tea is that it is not addictive and has a positive effect on our body, unlike overseas drinks (meaning all kinds of teas and coffee). In the photo - fermented willow-tea (left) and dried leaves of willow-tea (right):

Ivan tea plant, photo(you can well consider the structure of the leaves and flowers of fireweed):

The composition of Ivan-tea.

Ivan tea contains a very large number of various substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The presence of chlorophyll stimulates wound healing, improves metabolism in the body. Flavonoids have a choleretic, diuretic and antispasmodic effect. There are also vitamins B, C and iron, which support hematopoietic function, tannins and pectin, starch, carotene, essential oils, coumarins and sugars.

Properties of Ivan tea.

Fireweed has a great effect on the blood - with regular use, it restores the acid-base formula, increases hemoglobin. Has pain relieving properties. Due to the high content of antioxidants in the plant, willow tea has gained success as an antitumor agent. Also, the beneficial properties of Ivan tea are that it slows down the early aging of the skin, makes it supple and elastic. And yet, this plant has the ability to increase potency, cure prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

Drinking Ivan-tea is recommended as regular tea, brewed with the addition of other herbs, flowers, berries - no contraindications were found. However, it should be noted that fireweed should be used with caution if you are also using any other sedative or antipyretic drugs (better consult your doctor).


First, the leaves need to wither, twist, then fermentation and drying takes place.


The leaves should be evenly scattered with a thickness of 4-5 centimeters and periodically stirred, preventing the top leaves from completely drying out. To withstand the day until they become lethargic.


You need to twist the leaves between the palms into small sausages the size of a thumb until the leaves darken from the juice that has come out.


Twisted leaves should be laid in a layer of 4-5 cm, in a tray or bowl, covered with a wet cloth and left in a warm place (25-28 ° C) for about 8-12 hours to ripen. At high temperatures, fermentation is faster, but this is highly undesirable, as well as overexposure, fireweed can turn into hay, only without smell and taste. The end of a successful fermentation process is characterized by the acquisition of a floral-fruity odor by the leaves.

Ivan tea fermentation, photo:

The fermented leaves should be finely chopped, spread on a baking sheet with a layer of about 2 cm, the baking sheet should be covered with paper and dried in an ajar oven at a temperature of 100 ° C for about an hour. During the drying process, the fireweed must be stirred, it will gradually acquire a dark color and decrease in volume. The main thing is not to overdo it in the oven, otherwise its taste may change, and not for the better.

Ready tea should be poured into a dry glass jar, tightly closed, let it stand for several weeks and can be brewed.

Ivan tea flowers can be harvested in the same way as leaves. The difficulty in fermenting flowers lies in the fact that it is difficult to determine the end time of fermentation. In addition, there is an easier way to harvest this wonderful plant, both leaves and flowers. You can simply dry it in the shade or with a dehydrator (30 - 40 ° C). But it will be just grass or Ivan-tea flowers. The famous Koporye tea is obtained precisely by fermenting the leaves of the Ivan-tea plant. Photo below:

When to collect Ivan tea?

It is usually harvested from July to September, during the flowering of the plant. Depending on weather conditions and climate, flowering time may vary. Leaves are harvested while willow-tea is in bloom, and as soon as it begins to fluff, the leaves are no longer worth collecting. It is better to collect fireweed in the morning in dry weather. You need to collect only healthy, beautiful plants without defects. Of course, it is better not to sweep away the bushes entirely, but to take a little from different places or cut them off at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. The stem itself must be clamped in the hand and held with the hand from top to bottom. You can collect both leaves and flowers of willow-tea.

An additional recommendation for collecting Ivan tea - if you find a piece of land with young shoots of fireweed, cut off the tops of it. Then the plant will start up new shoots and more leaves can be collected from it. And from the plucked tops, you will get excellent quality Ivan tea.
If you come across young shoots of Ivan tea, you can use them for salad like spinach or nettle, this is also quite tasty and healthy. You can also use finely chopped fireweed roots in a salad.

Most often fireweed is found near various water bodies, moist soil gives it the strength to grow. Deforestation, forest edges, and not dense forest are also the favorite habitats of the fireweed. Ivan-chai, photo - where does it grow?

Tea from this plant can be used for weight loss and even to get rid of a double chin, which is formed as a result of a malfunction of the salivary glands. To do this, add a little salt (a pinch) to the brewed Ivan tea and drink it 150 g each before eating (about half an hour).

Happy tea drinking!

Blooming Sally narrow-leaved (fireweed) is a perennial herb with long dark green leaves and pink or purple flowers. Ivan tea has long been used as a food plant. Its thick rhizomes have a sweet taste, they are consumed raw, boiled and fried, often used in the form of flour, and Koporsky tea is made from the leaves, which is drunk instead of the usual one made from the leaves of camellia sinensis. However, not many people are aware that this plant has a number of useful properties, contains useful vitamins and minerals, and helps with such dangerous diseases as stomach ulcers.

Ivan tea is consumed in the form of decoctions, infusions, tinctures, etc. However, Koporye tea has won the greatest popularity.

From the leaves of Ivan-tea angustifolia, by fermentation, Koporsky tea is made - a drink that was once very popular in Russia and Europe. Koporye tea has a number of useful properties, it is recommended for use in the treatment of diseases such as stomach ulcers, prostate adenoma, bronchitis.

Koporye tea recipe

Koporye tea is obtained from the young leaves of Ivan-tea angustifolia. To do this, pick the leaves, separating them from the stems. Flowers can be left, or you can sort - all the same, the main benefit is contained in the leaves.

The leaves, immediately after collection, should be crushed, rolled into small spirals, making sure that the juice of the plant begins to stand out. Next, the leaves twisted in a spiral should be placed in a glass jar, tightly closed with a lid, and left at room temperature, out of reach of sunlight. After 24-36 hours, you need to open the jar and sniff - at the end of the fermentation process, a pleasant fruity smell appears.

After that, the leaves are laid out in a thin layer to dry in a ventilated area, out of reach of sunlight.

The finally dried willow-herb brew is stored in a tightly closed, preferably airtight package.

Lovers sometimes dry fireweed flowers, crush and mix with Ivan tea.

How to make Ivan tea at home - video

Folk recipes with Ivan tea

Below are the most popular recipes for the use of narrow-leaved willow tea in the treatment of various diseases:

Tincture of Ivan-tea flowers with menopause

Dry and grind the flowers of Ivan-tea angustifolia. Fill a liter glass container exactly halfway with raw materials, and pour 500 ml of 40-degree vodka. Close container hermetically. Steep in a place protected from direct sunlight for 30 days, shaking occasionally. Tincture is drunk to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause, 30 drops 3 times a day, before meals.

Infusion for irregular periods

A tablespoon of dry crushed leaves of willow-herb tea brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour, then filter. Use the entire prepared infusion during the day for 3-6 doses, or drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day, before meals.

Infusion of willow-tea roots for leukorrhea (leucorrhoea)

Dry and grind the rhizome and roots of willow-herb tea. Two tablespoons of raw materials brew 200 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Then insist 2 hours, filter. The infusion is drunk for the treatment of leucorrhoea in women, a third of a glass 3 times a day, for 20-30 minutes. before eating.

Infusion of Ivan-tea angustifolia for pneumonia

Leaves of Ivan-tea dry, grind. Pour 15 g of raw materials with 200 ml of boiling water, insist for an hour, then filter. The infusion is taken orally in a third of a glass 3 times a day, for 20-30 minutes. before eating.

Ivan tea for chronic bronchitis

Dry the tangerine peels and grind to a powder consistency, mix with willow-herb tea in a ratio of 5 to 1 (by volume). This mixture can be brewed and drunk like regular tea. It is recommended to drink with honey. Also, this tea has antibacterial and antiviral properties, so it helps with acute respiratory infections and flu.

Infusion for sinusitis

Pour 2 tbsp into a small enameled saucepan. dry crushed leaves of Ivan-tea angustifolia, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Bring to a boil over low heat, then insist for half an hour. The infusion is taken orally for acute and chronic sinusitis, a third of a glass 3-4 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Infusion for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

A tablespoon of dry chopped grass willow-herb angustifolia brew 200 ml of boiling water, wrap and infuse for two hours, then filter. In chronic prostatitis or prostate adenoma, as well as after surgical intervention on the prostate, the infusion is drunk warm, one third of a glass 3 times a day, half an hour before meals.

Koporye tea for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Ivan tea in itself helps to cure prostatitis and prostate adenoma. However, the effect can be enhanced if you mix willow tea leaves with dried chopped hazel leaves, in a ratio of 1 to 3. The mixture is brewed with boiling water and drunk like regular tea. It is recommended to consume without sugar and honey, and instead add a small pinch of sea salt.

Infusion of fireweed for inflammation of the pancreas

Leaves of Ivan-tea angustifolia dry and grind. Pour 3 tablespoons of raw materials with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. The infusion is taken orally in a warm form, 1/4 cup before and after a meal.

Infusion for gastric and duodenal ulcers

Pour two tablespoons of dry crushed willow-tea leaves into 1.5 liters of clean water, put on a slow fire, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Wrap, insist for half an hour, filter. The infusion is taken orally 1/3 cup 3-4 times a day, before meals.

Tea to relieve cravings for alcohol

To relieve cravings for alcohol and alleviate the symptoms of a hangover syndrome, Ivan tea is mixed with dried creeping thyme grass, in a ratio of 5 to 1. With a strong desire to drink alcohol, such tea is brewed and drunk with honey. You can drink 1 - 1.5 liters of this drink per day.

Calming infusion for quitting smoking

To relieve nervous tension, which often occurs in those who have quit smoking, it is recommended to drink the following infusion: mix 1 des.l. fireweed tea and peppermint. Brew the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cool, filter and drink half a glass 5 times a day. The infusion activates the cleansing of the body of toxins, improves sleep and has a slight sedative effect on the nervous system. Within 15-20 days, all unpleasant symptoms will disappear.

Ivan tea for diseases of the joints and spine

In autumn, collect and dry about three hundred yellow maple leaves. Pass the leaves through a meat grinder, and then mix with 0.5 kg of Ivan tea leaves. In the evening, pour one tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight. Use inside 150 g for 15 minutes. before meals, 3 times a day. The course of taking tea is 1 month, followed by a 10-day break. In total, you should drink 3 courses. This tea helps to relieve joint pain of various etiologies for a long time.

Ivan-tea with a decrease in visual acuity

Grind the dry leaves of eyebright officinalis into powder, and mix with willow-herb tea in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Ivan-tea with rosehip petals

Rosehip petals and buds are dried in a dryer or oven at a temperature of 40 o C, then mixed with Koporye tea in a ratio of 1 to 10 (by volume). Brew and drink 1-5 times a day. Such tea contributes to a speedy recovery in a number of diseases and pathological conditions, including: anemia, bronchopulmonary diseases, hypovitaminosis, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, vomiting, nausea, belching.

Collection of medicinal herbs with Ivan-tea

Several recipes for fees recommended for use in prostate adenoma are given in the article Ivan-tea (narrow-leaved fireweed) - useful properties, composition, use in medicine.

collection for headaches

Collection Ingredients:
  • peppermint;
  • oregano ordinary;
  • Ivan-tea narrow-leaved.
Grind all plants, and take in equal proportions. Pour 500 ml of boiling water over one tablespoon of the collection. Wrap, insist for half an hour, then filter through a fine sieve or triple cheesecloth. The infusion is taken orally at 100-200 ml per day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Collection for gastric and duodenal ulcers

  • leaf of Ivan-tea narrow-leaved - 20 g;
  • linden flowers - 20 g;
  • chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • common fennel fruits - 10 g.
Chop all ingredients and mix. Two teaspoons of the collection pour 200 ml of boiling water. Wrap, leave for 30 minutes, then filter. The infusion is taken orally before meals, 200 ml 1-3 times a day.

Recipes for culinary dishes with Ivan tea

In Rus', since ancient times, fireweed has been included in culinary recipes. Shchi, salads were prepared from Ivan-tea, young leaves and rhizomes of the plant were used fresh, fried and stewed, ground into flour, from which healthy cereals were prepared, bread was baked, pancakes, pancakes and many other delicious dishes were made. Below are the most popular recipes for dishes from this plant.

Shchi green

  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Leaves of young stinging nettle - 100 g;
  • Sorrel sour - 100 g;
  • Potatoes - 200 g;
  • Onion - 40 g;
  • Carrots - 10 g;
  • Other ingredients: 20 g butter, 2 chicken eggs, 20 g sour cream, salt and pepper - optional.
Finely chop the greens, pour into a pan, add oil and simmer over low heat. After washing and chopping the carrots and onions in advance, pour them into the pan and mix gently. Boil water in an enamel saucepan, place sliced ​​potatoes in boiling water, and five minutes before it is ready, pour fried vegetables and herbs into the saucepan. Before cooking, you can add salt and spices. Serve with a portion of half a boiled egg and sour cream.

Vegetarian soup

  • Young fireweed leaves - 100 g;
  • Young leaves of stinging nettle - 100 g;
  • Other Ingredients: one not too large carrot, two potato tubers, dill.
The greens are poured with boiling water for one minute, then crushed and passivated. Chopped vegetables are placed in boiling water, and in 4-5 minutes. before cooking, add passivated greens. Dill, salt and spices are added individually.

Soup with fireweed roots

  • Ivan tea rhizomes - 130-150 g;
  • Potato - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 50 g;
  • Onion - 30 g.
The soup is prepared on the basis of meat broth. The rhizomes and roots of fireweed are crushed, poured into a pan, oil is added and stewed over low heat. Sliced ​​potatoes, carrots and onions are placed in the boiling broth. Sauteed fireweed roots are added immediately, and boiled until cooked. Five minutes before readiness, fresh chopped white cabbage leaves are added to the soup, covered and boiled. Salt and spices are added according to individual preferences. Served with sour cream.

Caviar from fireweed

  • Young fireweed leaves - 200 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Onion - 1 pc;
  • Other Ingredients: Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon, oil, salt, spices.
Fireweed leaves are poured with boiling water for 1 minute, chopped through a grater, then carrots are also ground, mixed, chopped onion is added and sautéed (preferably in olive oil). Ten minutes before cooking, add the tomato. paste. Salt and spices - according to individual preferences. Caviar is served as an appetizer.

Boiled fireweed leaves

Pour salted boiling water over young leaves of fireweed angustifolia for five minutes. Serve as a cold appetizer with a piece of butter. Served as an appetizer.

Vitamin salad from fireweed rhizomes

  • Ivan tea rhizomes - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 30 g;
  • Other Ingredients: green peas, one clove of garlic, mayonnaise.
We lower the rhizomes into salted boiling water and cook for ten minutes. Grate carrots and add along with green peas. Stir, add garlic and other spices as desired.

Fireweed and green onion salad

  • Young leaves of narrow-leaved fireweed - 100 g;
  • Green onions - 50 g;
  • Sour cream - 30 g;
  • Lemon - 1 pc;
  • Other ingredients: one tablespoon of grated horseradish, 30 g of sour cream, salt and other spices.
We wash the fireweed leaves, then pour boiling water for a minute, finely chop and add finely chopped onion, horseradish, spices. Add sour cream and squeeze lemon juice into the salad. The dish is ready.

Salad from the rhizomes of willow-chai with cheese

  • Young rhizomes of narrow-leaved fireweed - 100 g;
  • Garlic - 4 g;
  • Hard cheese - 30 g;
  • Carrots - 20 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 30 g.
Rinse the rhizomes, and soak for five minutes in salt water. Then chop the roots and all other ingredients, grate the cheese and carrots. Mix, season with mayonnaise.

Ivan-tea and sorrel salad

  • Young leaves of narrow-leaved fireweed - 200 g;
  • Sorrel sour - 100 g;
  • Other ingredients: three chicken eggs, salt and spices - to taste.
Grind the young leaves of fireweed and sorrel, boil and chop the eggs, mix with Ivan tea. Then add salt and spices, and mix everything.

Fireweed salad with sour cream

  • Potato - 2 tubers;
  • Young leaves of narrow-leaved fireweed - 100 g;
  • Green onions - 50 g;
  • 1 tablespoon grated fresh horseradish;
  • Other ingredients: 2 chicken eggs, lemon juice - 1 tbsp, sour cream - 2 tbsp, parsley, celery, salt.
Fireweed leaves are placed in water at 95-100 degrees, then removed through a colander, and finely chopped. Hard boil the eggs and chop them, just like the potatoes. Chopped onion greens, eggs, horseradish, potatoes, salt are added to chopped fireweed. Add sour cream, squeeze lemon juice, and mix everything. On top of the salad, you can sprinkle with a grated boiled egg, and put parsley and celery.

Fried fireweed shoots

  • Shoots of narrow-leaved fireweed - 500 g;
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Flour - 1 cup.
Beat the eggs, dip the shoots and coat in flour. Fry until golden brown. The dish is recommended to be consumed hot.

Fried fireweed rhizomes

200 g of young willow-tea rhizomes are harvested. My rhizomes, cut into pieces no more than 3 cm, roll in breadcrumbs and simmer for five to ten minutes in melted butter. Serve as a hot dish.

Boiled rhizomes of fireweed

  • Young rhizomes of fireweed - 100 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Boiled beets - 1 pc;
  • Other ingredients: green peas - 1 tablespoon, garlic - one clove, two tablespoons of mayonnaise, salt.
Boil for ten minutes the rhizomes in salt water, cut into sticks no more than 3 cm long, mix with peas, chopped beets, chopped garlic. Season everything with mayonnaise and mix.

Boiled shoots of fireweed leaves

  • Shoots of narrow-leaved fireweed - 100 g;
  • Onion greens - 50 g;
  • Horseradish, chopped on a grater - 30 g;
  • Other ingredients: sour cream - 20 g, lemon juice - 5-10 g, salt and spices.
We put the washed and sorted fireweed shoots in boiling water for 2 minutes, drain the water through a colander, and finely chop the shoots. Add chopped onion greens, horseradish, salt. Add sour cream and lemon juice, mix everything. Served as an appetizer for meat, fish and other dishes.

Flour from the rhizomes of fireweed

Fireweed is narrow-leaved, namely its dried rhizomes are widely used in baking bread and confectionery. Turning the rhizomes into flour, they prepare cereals for milk and sweet cereals from it, fry pancakes, pancakes. Often used in combination with flour from other cereals, which only improves the taste and usefulness of the product. With a special fermentation of this flour, you can prepare a specific alcoholic drink used in the preparation of homemade wines.

Boiled young leaves and shoots of fireweed are added to vegetable salads to add astringency.

Fritters from fireweed

Mix 100 g of flour from the rhizomes of the fireweed angustifolia with 200 g of wheat flour, add 0.5 l of kefir, raw chicken egg, sugar, salt. Mix everything thoroughly. Pancakes can be fried in sunflower, olive or ghee. It is recommended to serve with sour cream. Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

I will list some of them: narrow-leaved Ivan-tea, narrow-leaved hamernol, Koporsky tea, Kuril tea, plakun, wild hemp, wild flax, boron potion, vaidente, voitun and others.

This herbaceous perennial plant reaches a height of 0.5 to 1.5 m. The stem is straight, woody at the base. The flowers are large, lilac-purple, collected at the top of the stem in a beautiful pointed brush-sultan. The fruit is a box in the form of a narrow long (up to 8 cm) pod with numerous small seeds, equipped with long hairs. Fireweed grows best in full sun, but will also grow in partial shade.

In general, in my garden, I try to select a seat according to the requirements of plant growth. For example, under grapes growing on trellises, I place heat-loving plants with a short root system, such as medicinal lungwort, spring primrose, thick-leaved bergenia, etc. have more sunshine. So Ivan-chai loves the sun.

blooms fireweed from June to September. With such a long flowering time, it is possible to repeatedly harvest the plant for the winter - both for tea and for medicinal purposes.

healing properties possesses almost the entire plant: roots, stems, leaves, flowers.

In folk medicine, fireweed is considered an antitumor plant. Rhizomes in Tibetan medicine are used for syphilis and gonorrhea, in our case - for constipation, leucorrhoea, headache, as an astringent, emollient, enveloping and wound healing agent.

Aerial parts of Tibetan medicine are used as a sleeping pill, a remedy for headaches, for smallpox, as an antipyretic, for scrofula.

In Mongolia, underground parts are prescribed for stomach ulcers, as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastritis and colitis.

In folk medicine, decoction and infusion are used as anti-inflammatory, astringent, emollient, diaphoretic, for gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers, disorders of substance deception, anemia, headache, scrofula, insomnia as a stimulant for cardiac activity, with scurvy, gonorrhea, syphilis, menorrhagia.

Outwardly used for healing ulcers, in the form of poultices to painkillers for otitis media, bruises, arthalgia.

In powder form - for the treatment of infected wounds.

Leaves and flowers of Ivan tea have long been used in Mongolian medicine for diarrhea, dysentery, catarrhal conditions of the stomach and intestines; in the form of a collection - in case of poisoning as an emetic, as well as in case of traumatic injuries of the intestines and stomach.

In folk medicine, infusion and decoction of it are used as an analgesic, enveloping, wound healing agent, for constipation, leucorrhoea C-avitaminosis, in dentistry.

Leaves fresh and dry (powder) are used as a wound healing agent, for frostbite, in the form of poultices - as an analgesic for inflammation of the ear, throat and nose.

In early spring, young shoots and leaves are good to use in salads, soups, stews, mashed potatoes, as seasonings for meat dishes and broths.

In the Caucasus, sweet, starchy and sugar-containing rhizomes and root shoots with young stems are eaten raw; in boiled form - instead of asparagus and cabbage, in the form of flour from dried roots - for baking bread, pancakes, cakes. Roasted roots are used to make a coffee substitute.

Dried tops of stems with young leaves are used instead of tea (Kopor tea), which contains 3 times more vitamin C than an orange. The color of the tea is dark brown, almost black.

No contraindications for use were found.

How to make an infusion of Ivan tea

Infusion: 2 tablespoons of herbs in 2 cups of boiling water, insist in a thermos for 6 hours. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals.

Decoction: 1 tablespoon of leaves in 1 cup of cold water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 4 times a day before meals for stomach ulcers and as an anti-inflammatory agent for gastritis, colitis.

In nature, Ivan-tea seeds propagate with the help of wind and seed dispersal by birds. In the garden, it can be propagated both by sowing seeds, and by dividing the bush.

In July, having dug up the fireweed angustifolium with a root, I brought it to the garden, shortened the top by 40 cm and planted it in the ground. A month later, when the bush gave a new growth, I dug it up, divided it into two parts and planted it in a permanent place in two flower beds. Watered and dug regularly. The plant thanked me with good growth. In the same autumn, I was able to collect some seeds and sow them.

Make friends with the savage: Ivan-tea angustifolia

Everything is useful in the household

Ivan-tea narrow-leaved is a perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant. Our ancestors highly valued it for its many useful properties.

Ropes were woven from its fibers and bags were made, tea was brewed from flowers and leaves. and the roots were eaten and drinks were prepared from them. The name "Ivan-tea" was given to the plant due to the fact that tea was made from it, and the raw materials for it were collected on Ivan Kupala. In various Russian villages, Ivan-tea was called by different names, among them: fireweed, Koporsky tea. plakun, nap, wild flax. By the way, the plant got its name "Koporsky tea" due to the fact that in Koporye (near St. Petersburg) it was harvested and distributed to other regions.

In many countries, the leaves and roots of willow tea are used as an additive to dishes, for making salads and cooking soups. Ivan tea is currently the most promising plant in the pharmaceutical industry. Extracts from its roots and leaves are the basis for the manufacture of the latest antiviral and antitumor drugs.

Ivan-tea is also a wonderful ornamental plant that can decorate the lawn near the house, occupy free areas between trees and shrubs, strengthen the walls of a pond or ravine, decorate a fire site, close a burnt area.

Find and recognize

Ivan tea has an erect stem with lanceolate leaves. Its raspberry or pink (sometimes white) racemes appear in the second half of summer. fni reach 40 cm, and the plant itself grows up to 1.5-2 m in height. The fruits ripen in late August-September and have pubescence.

In the wild, willow-chai can be found on forest edges, in meadows, along river banks and in ravines. You can find it in forest fires and clearings. Often young trees and bushes grow among the thickets of willow-tea.

Planting and caring for Ivan tea

Ivan-tea is propagated by pieces of rhizome and seeds. Rhizomes are best dug up and transferred to your site in spring and autumn. Seeds are recommended to be planted in spring, as those sown in autumn can be washed out by melt water.

For willow tea, both a sunny place and partial shade are suitable, any soil, preferably drained.

The plant is undemanding to the presence of organic substances, but it needs minerals in sufficient quantities. Remembering that it grows remarkably in burnt areas, we can add ash or crushed coal to the soil before planting.

In order for the seeds to germinate and the rhizomes to take root, at first it is necessary to monitor the constant soil moisture at the planting site.


Ivan-chai is successfully able to replace the usual tea for us and will be especially useful for hypertensive patients and those people who are contraindicated in drinks containing caffeine.

In folk medicine, flowers, leaves and rhizomes of Ivan-tea are used, as they contain glycosides and minerals - iron, zinc, selenium, potassium, magnesium. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties, relieves skin rashes and heals purulent wounds. Ivan tea is also known for its analgesic and calming effects on the human body.

ATTENTION! Treatment with this plant must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician!

Tips from antiquity deep

  • Flowers and leaves of willow-tea can be used for vitamin tea, which quickly restores strength after illness.
  • Infusions and decoctions of stems, leaves and flowers of Ivan-tea are suitable for relieving inflammation and swelling, treating tonsillitis, scrofula, stomach ulcers.
  • From the roots of Ivan tea, you can make flour and add it to wheat when baking bread.
  • Stems, leaves and flowers should be cut for drying in July-August, and it is recommended to dig up the roots in late autumn.
  • A decoction of the leaves and roots of willow-tea is good for upset stomach and intestines and as a sedative.
  • Ivan-chai is the best honey plant, and if you have bees, then plant it near the house.
  • Ivan-chai is a good feed for livestock.
  • Down from willow-herb seeds can be harvested for pillows and featherbeds.
  • For tanning leather, take the rhizomes of willow-tea.

About how to properly prepare and ferment

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Ivan tea is a medicinal plant that grows on the territory of our country. It has a long stem, reaching 1.5 m in height, as well as a large peduncle with bright lilac flowers.

If we talk about the benefits of the plant, it has numerous properties, the main ones are:

  • increase in body tone;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • elimination of toxins;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • decrease in blood pressure;
  • pain relief;
  • antiallergic action;
  • normalization of the endocrine system;
  • restoration of male power;
  • improvement of lactation.

It is known that in order to to get the maximum effect from taking medicinal plants, you need to properly prepare and brew them. Therefore, many are interested in the question - are Ivan tea flowers brewed in addition to leaves and stems, how is the procedure carried out.

We collect raw materials

Flowers, like leaves and young stems, are brewed to make medicinal decoctions. They also contain numerous nutrients and vitamins. In order for the result to be close to the expected, you need to collect the grass correctly. This should be done during the flowering period, but at a time when the buds have not fully blossomed. Then the plant contains the maximum amount of valuable substances.

Flowers and leaves can be collected together or separately. After they need to dry in the shade. This is the easiest way to harvest.

Brewing grass

Those who are interested in the question - is it possible to brew fresh Ivan-tea flowers, you should know that they contain the maximum amount of useful elements. The grass is brewed like this:

  • place fresh leaves and flowers of the plant in an enamel bowl with a layer of 4-5 cm;
  • pour water at room temperature at about 10-15 cm;
  • put on a slow fire, bring to a boil;
  • insist 15 minutes.

To prepare tea leaves and flowers are taken in 2 tsp, 500 ml of boiling water is poured, infused in a warm place. After the resulting infusion can be drunk instead of tea.

We answered the question is it possible to brew willow-tea flowers fresh. But, it is important to remember that the plant will come in handy at other times of the year, so it makes sense to prepare it by drying it in the open air. During the drying process, a certain amount of useful substances is lost, but still what has been preserved is quite enough to use the mixture for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

The dry mixture is brewed by pouring boiling water. It should be insisted for 15-20 minutes. For greater efficiency, you can prepare a decoction in a water bath.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Ivan tea have been studied throughout Europe, especially in Germany and Russia. The medicinal value of the herb is recognized in scientific medicine. In addition, it is also a fodder, food, ornamental, phytomeliorative, soil-protective, fibrous plant. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the famous Koporye tea (Ivan-tea) was drunk everywhere in Russia, it was used as a brew after fermentation and drying, and exported to European countries. In the old days, fireweed was used to grind flour and bake bread, prepare alcoholic drinks. Salads were prepared from spring leaves and stems, they were added to first courses, strong twine was made from fibers, and yarn was made from fluff.

Features of the medicinal plant Ivan tea

What is the botanical description of the herb? Where to look for it, how to collect and dry? For what diseases is this medicinal plant most effective? Are there any contraindications for Koporye tea?

Growth area

Ivan tea is a herbaceous plant of the Eurasian continent, although some species are found in North America. It grows in different parts of Europe, in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. It often grows in coniferous forests, loves forest clearings, places of fires, but after the appearance of shrubs it gradually disappears. Prefers moist soils in the forest-steppe zone, develops well and breeds well on sandy soils in coniferous forests. In Russia, this plant is well known not only to the inhabitants of the middle zone, but also to Siberia.

Botanical characteristic

What does Ivan tea grass look like? Depending on climatic conditions, soil, age, the plant can be from 50 cm to 2 m high.

  • Root. It develops vertically and horizontally, it is distinguished by a thick, creeping rhizome with many buds (for vegetative propagation).
  • Stem and leaves. Stem weakly branched, glabrous, erect. The leaves are sessile, alternate, pointed, with matte veins, serrated along the edges, dark green above, shiny, and below are gray, light pink or purple.
  • Flower . Four-membered, widely open, can be up to 3 cm in diameter, is purple, hot pink, less often pale pink. The inflorescence is a conical brush.

Propagated vegetatively and with the help of seeds that ripen in August-September.

Fireweed broadleaf.
Fireweed mountain.
Fireweed small-flowered.

Other medicinal types

There are about 220 species of fireweed. The most famous among them are narrow-leaved fireweed (willow-tea), broad-leaved, mountain, pink, shaggy, glandular stem. The distribution area of ​​most species is the entire European part. Some are found in Kazakhstan, the Caucasus, Altai, southern Siberia, North America. Most often, small-flowered fireweed is used for medicinal purposes. For example, in Germany, since the 70s of the twentieth century, this plant has been registered in the pharmacopoeia. The herb is useful for men, it is prescribed for diseases of the prostate, to increase potency. Some healers claim that the herb prevents the development of malignant tumors of the prostate gland. Also, small-leaved fireweed is used instead of tea with a calming effect.

Procurement of raw materials

How to harvest willow tea to keep all the beneficial substances in the grass? First of all, it is necessary to choose an environmentally friendly area - away from roads and industrial zones, fields and crops that are treated with pesticides and other agricultural pesticides. It is also important to adhere to the rules for collecting and harvesting willow-tea.

  • How to collect Ivan tea. The entire aerial part of the plant has medicinal properties - flowers, leaves, young shoots, stem. Therefore, the entire aerial part of the grass is cut off, thick stems are removed.
  • When to collect Ivan tea. The best time is the flowering period. It can be in July or August, depending on the climate zone. Fireweed blooms for a month.
  • How to dry. Drying in natural conditions is recommended, but without direct sunlight. Dry, ventilated attics and porches are well suited. The grass is laid out in a thin layer, ted from time to time. After complete drying, the flowers turn blue.

The beneficial properties of Ivan tea are preserved for 2 years. Grass is packaged in wooden boxes, closed glass containers, protected from excessive moisture and light.

healing action

Medicinal properties of fireweed:

  • antitumor;
  • decongestant;
  • enveloping;
  • antiviral;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-allergic;
  • sedative;
  • emollient;
  • wound healing;
  • diaphoretic;
  • hematopoietic;
  • anticonvulsant.

What are the medicinal properties of Ivan tea due to? It contains:

  • flavonoids;
  • tannins (many tannins);
  • alkaloids;
  • vegetable fibers (cellulose);
  • proteins (lectins);
  • slime;
  • high content of vitamin C and rich mineral composition;
  • pectins;
  • tannins;
  • Sahara.

In the course of laboratory studies, such beneficial properties of fireweed (willow-herb) have been scientifically proven - antitumor, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. For example, in the USSR, in the laboratory at the Cancer Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the anti-cancer drug "Hanerol" was taught from grass inflorescences.

List of indications

With what symptoms and diagnoses do they drink Ivan tea, given its contraindications?

  • Colds, SARS, influenza. For colds, viral infections and flu, the herb acts as a diaphoretic, antipyretic. In addition, the effectiveness of fireweed angustifolia in the herpes virus has been proven.
  • Genitourinary sphere. Why is the herb so popular in urology and nephrology? This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties, the most powerful of all medicinal plants. Therefore, the herb is prescribed for prostatitis, prostate adenoma, inflammation of the kidneys, ureters, urinary tract. With these diagnoses, another effect is important - antitumor, absorbable and analgesic. Fireweed is a radical folk remedy for male ailments, which scientific medicine believed in. Traditional healers believe that venereal diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea) can be treated with grass. However, in this case, traditional medicine does not believe in a miracle cure and calls for a full course of therapy with a venereologist.
  • Nervous system . Grass affects conditioned reflex activity. Beneficial for functional disorders of the central nervous system - neuroses, insomnia, headaches, migraines, depressed mood, apathy. The remedy relieves emotional and muscular tension, has a moderate sedative effect, but enhances the effect of other sedative and narcotic drugs. The herb is also prescribed for epilepsy. Healers claim that fireweed also saves from alcoholism, helps with alcoholic psychosis, and reduces aggression. However, using the herb on its own can be harmful. Treatment is possible only under the supervision of a narcologist.
  • The cardiovascular system. There are positive reviews about the benefits of herbs for hypertension and anemia. Fireweed stimulates blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, heart function, blood formation.
  • Digestive system. Useful herb for the liver, stomach and intestines, because it contains a lot of mucus and tannins. Ivan-tea infusions help with hemorrhoids, colitis, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, which are caused not only by the inflammatory process, but also by psychosomatic causes.
  • Endocrinology. In the form of an aqueous infusion, the herb is drunk against diabetes, to restore hormonal levels, metabolic processes in the body, and for weight loss.
  • Gynecology. It has been proven that the herb is useful for women's health: it relieves inflammation, resolves benign tumors of the ovaries and uterus, adhesions in the fallopian tubes, and stops uterine bleeding. Most often, Koporye tea is prescribed in the premenopausal period to harmonize the psycho-emotional background.
  • Dermatology. The medicinal properties of Ivan-tea herb are widely used in modern dermatology. It is useful to drink infusions from psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, scrofula and other allergic skin problems. Also, the affected skin is treated with aqueous solutions.
  • Local treatment. Indications for use - otitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx. Burns, frostbite, ulcers, boils, eczema, psoriasis are also treated with the remedy. In addition to aqueous solutions, dry powder is used, which is sprinkled on damaged areas of the skin. Lotions and compresses from alcohol tincture are applied to diseased joints.

What are the contraindications of fireweed? The official instructions indicate that Ivan tea is prohibited during pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance. Despite the absence of strict and extensive contraindications, medical consultation is required for any chronic diseases. Koporye tea with an overdose and long-term use gives a number of side effects on the part of digestion.

Dosage forms and methods of preparation of fireweed angustifolia

What is the use of Ivan tea at home? What dosage forms can be prepared independently? What can you buy at a pharmacy?

Decoction and infusion

How to brew fireweed? There are two main ways - boiling (broths) and insisting (infusions). Decoctions can be boiled over low heat or kept in a water bath. In the season for decoctions and infusions, you can take fresh flowers and leaves of willow-tea.

decoction recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. chopped dry herb.
  2. Pour in a glass of water.
  3. Hold in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.
  5. Strain.

Take before meals 4 times a day for 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation of the infusion

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 2 hours.
  4. Strain.

The dosage is the same as when taking the decoction. Weak infusions and decoctions are taken orally for all the above symptoms and diagnoses.

Preparation of infusion for external use

  1. Take 3 tbsp. l. herbs.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Infuse in a thermos for 5 hours.
  4. Strain.

With this infusion, you can gargle, treat the skin and oral mucosa, make compresses and lotions from it for joint and muscle pain, and for resorption of tumors. Also, a strong infusion is used in cosmetology for hair and facial skin care. Fireweed is used as a natural anti-inflammatory lotion: it relieves irritation and inflammation, disinfects acne, acne, boils, improves complexion.


Alcohol tincture can be prepared from fresh inflorescences or dry herbs. Apply externally and internally. With local treatment (rinsing, compresses, lotions, baths), it is recommended to dilute the product with water.


  1. Take 3 tbsp. l. herbs.
  2. Pour in ½ liter of vodka.
  3. Insist 14 days in a dark place.
  4. Strain.

Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day before meals. The tincture is especially useful for women in the premenopausal period, for men with inflammation and tumors of the prostate gland.

herbal tea

The package contains 20 filter bags of 1.5 g each. It is useful to drink to normalize metabolism, with ulcers, inflammation of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, urinary tract, prostate, and also with high blood pressure. How to brew and take herbal tea?

  • Universal dosage: for 1 tea bag take 1 cup of boiling water.
  • You can prepare a concentrated drink: 2 tea bags per 1 cup of boiling water.
  • Infuse tea for 15 minutes.
  • Take 1 glass 2 times a day, you can with meals.
  • The course of treatment is 30 days.

honey plant

Ivan-tea is a plant with high honey productivity. Perhaps, among the herbs of the forest zone, he has no equal in these indicators. In harvest years, 600 kg of honey is obtained from 1 ha of grass. Fireweed honey has the same medicinal properties as the herb. Useful for adults and children, especially for SARS, flu, colds. It is famous for its tonic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, enveloping properties. It has a pleasant delicate taste, it is liquid, transparent, with a greenish tint, it crystallizes quickly, in the form of white grains. In the nectar of fireweed flowers, a high content of glucose and fructose was found, although their level largely depends on weather conditions.

Fireweed narrow-leaved (willow-tea) is a medicinal plant of the first choice for diseases of the urogenital area, especially in men with prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Also, the herb is used externally in otolaryngology, dermatology, and dentistry. It is prescribed as a sedative for neurosis, as an anti-inflammatory for stomach ulcers, colitis, gastritis. The herb's anticancer properties have been scientifically proven. It is included in the complex therapy of oncological diseases.
