
How to cook batter for pollock. "Lacy" beer dough for fish fillet

One of the healthy and tasty fish dishes is pollock in batter. Recipe not required complex ingredients. Some novice cooks often have significant problems with fish dishes that begin to treacherously fall apart or simply overcook and stick to the pan.

For those who do not yet consider themselves strong and an experienced chef, it is recommended to start with the preparation of the simplest dishes, such as, for example, pieces of tender pollock in classic batter. Despite the fact that such a dish is considered very simple to prepare, it can even turn into main starter on holiday table You just have to follow the recipe very carefully.

You can serve pieces of tender pollock in batter with the most different side dishes, such as, for example, boiled crumbly rice, as well as with fresh vegetable salad.

Pollock in batter - ingredients for the recipe

So, to prepare an exquisite, but very a simple dish from pollock in batter you will need components such as:

  1. crushed black pepper, as well as allspice (to your taste);
  2. wheat flour, pre-sifted (three tablespoons with a slide);
  3. pollock fillet (320 g);
  4. fresh chicken egg selected (one piece);
  5. sea ​​salt of medium grinding (half a teaspoon);
  6. refined oil vegetable (one and a half tablespoons).

Cooking process step by step

Let's look at how to cook pollock in batter step by step. The recipe is not difficult, but requires care.

    First, you should prepare all the spices, as well as other components, according to the list, then cut the chilled or simply defrosted pollock fillets into small pieces.

    Now you can proceed directly to the preparation of the batter itself for this fish, moreover, it should be cooked very clearly according to the recipe.

    In a separate free bowl, break the chicken a raw egg, right there in enough it is necessary to pour black and allspice peppers, sift into the same container wheat flour.

    Beat intensively egg mixture until it is completely homogeneous and all lumps disappear, if the batter was cooked correctly, then its consistency should be quite dense and slightly viscous.

    In cooked egg spicy batter dip one by one portioned pieces pollock, then pour a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan, heat it up and fry in small portions fish, three minutes on each side.

Pollack in batter in a pan can serve great snack for both festive and everyday table. It should be noted that in the preparation of such fish dish there is nothing complicated. However, the processing of the main ingredient requires special attention. After all, the fish must first be cleaned of bones, skin and other elements. But first things first.

Choice of main product

Pollock in batter in a pan cooks pretty quickly. But this is far from the only reason why we decided to use the presented variety of fish for creation. Firstly, it is not as expensive as, say, pike, salmon, trout, pink salmon, and so on. Secondly, pollock does not contain too many bones. To clean it, you have to remove only the backbone. Thirdly, the mentioned fish is not very oily. This fact is very important for us, since we will fry the presented product in a large amount of oil anyway.

Proper cleaning of the ingredient

Before you do delicious pollock in a batter in a pan, it should be well processed. To do this, frozen fish must be removed from the freezer and thawed a little. Next, the product must be rinsed in warm water, after opening the belly and removing all the internal parts. After that, it is necessary to cut off the fins from the fish and pull off the skin. This procedure is easiest to carry out when the ingredient is slightly frozen.

In conclusion, the pollock carcass should be cut in half lengthwise, and then with a light movement, remove the ridge with adjacent bones. As a result, you should have a tender white fillet, which you want to cut into not very large, but not small pieces.

Pollock in batter: photo and recipe for making snacks

After the fish has been carefully processed, you should start preparing the batter. He can be anyone. Let's start with the simplest and fastest.

So, to cook pollock fillet in batter, we need:

  • fish fillet - about 500 g;
  • fresh large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sifted white flour - about 4 large spoons;
  • sea ​​salt - use at discretion;

Making a batter

To make pollock in batter in a pan soft and tender, the dough should be kneaded thoroughly. To do this, you need to break fresh eggs into a bowl and beat them vigorously with a whisk. Next, pour sea salt and white flour into the same container. After mixing all the ingredients, you should get a viscous batter.

Forming and frying process

As you can see, pollock cooks pretty quickly. After you receive sticky dough, you should take a piece of processed fillet, season it with salt a little, and then lower it into the base. Next, the fish must be immediately put into a strongly boiling oil. It is desirable to fry the product until the batter is browned. In this case, it is recommended to turn the snack regularly.

How should it be served?

After all the fish pieces in batter are fried in vegetable oil, they must be moved to a colander and completely deprived of fat. Next, the appetizer needs to be put on a plate and presented to the invited guests along with some kind of sauce. It should be noted that this fried dish it turns out very tender and tasty. Especially often it is presented to friends with foamy alcoholic drinks.

Simple batter for pollock fish

Fish cooked according to the above method is tender and soft due to the fact that it is cooked in a thick layer. egg dough. But if you want a crispier and spicy snack, it recommends frying this product V breadcrumbs. For this we need:

  • fish fillet - about 500 g;
  • fresh large eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - a full glass;
  • sea ​​salt, sweet paprika, dried herbs, allspice and other seasonings - use at discretion;
  • vegetable fat - for deep fat.

Preparing the Components

To make pollock fried in batter turn out crispy and spicy, you should not use egg dough. It is better to replace it with breadcrumbs. To do this, dried and crushed bread in the amount of a full glass should be put in a bowl, and then sea salt should be added to it, sweet paprika, dried herbs, allspice and other seasonings. All ingredients must be mixed well.

Concerning fresh eggs, then they must be broken into a bowl and beat vigorously with a fork.

Cooking process

Fish for such a batter is best cut into long and not very thick slices. First, the prepared fillet should be dipped in the egg mass, and then rolled in breadcrumbs. Next, pollock in batter must be dipped again into the liquid mixture and sprinkled with dried and chopped bread. As a result, you should get a double breading.

After all the described actions, the fish in batter must be put in boiling fat and fried on all sides until lightly browned. In this case, the product should be regularly turned over with a fork or spatula.

Serve a snack to the table

After frying all the fillet, it must be placed in a deep bowl and served to friends. In addition to the finished dish, you need to present some kind of spicy and aromatic sauce.

We make a delicious snack in beer batter

Beer batter is great ingredient, allowing you to get a lush and fragrant snack, especially if it is planned to be served with a drink of the same name. To prepare such a test, we need:

  • light beer - ½ cup;
  • white flour - a few tablespoons (until a viscous dough is obtained);
  • spices and dried herbs- use according to taste.

Cooking method

Such a batter is made quite easily. In beer room temperature spices and spices are laid out, as well as white flour. After mixing all the ingredients, a viscous and homogeneous dough is obtained. In the future, all pieces of processed fish should be dipped into it and put in boiling fat. Turning the appetizer regularly, it is necessary to achieve its uniform browning. At the end, the dish must be served at the table along with a fragrant sauce.

It should be noted that beer batter is especially appreciated by those who like bright aroma and taste foamy drink while eating this snack.

Funny thing life and everything connected with it. When we see pollock in the store, we take it to feed the cats. Looks, often, not very presentable. However, this does not prevent us from ordering pollock fillet in batter when visiting even expensive restaurants. True, there the name may not sound as direct as it is here on the page. Today I will tell you how to cook gourmet restaurant dish. As you will see, it is extremely simple.


  • pollock fillet 1 kg.
  • eggs 3 pcs.
  • flour 70-80 gr.
  • salt in batter and for fish to taste
  • pepper and spices to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying


Fillet preparation:

You can buy frozen pollock. Defrost and cook the fillet yourself. Friends, I did not advise you to do this!!! Better find a store that sells ready-made good fillet pollock. And buy there. Or refuse this raw material and similar dishes. When you bought a fillet. Defrost it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This requires at least 10 hours. I draw Special attention. Fillets should not be thawed in water. It loses nutrients. Further, you can cut the raw material into portioned pieces, but it will be more beautiful if you tear apart parts of the pulp to make curly pieces.

Adding spices:

Salt and pepper the fish. Mix well.

Preparation of batter:

Pan preparation:

Pour oil into the pan. Heat well over medium heat. Before laying out the fish, the pan must be heated. Otherwise, the batter will turn out “boiled”, and this is not very tasty.

Dipping fish:

There are two ways to connect fish with batter. First first. This method is used to obtain the most beautiful pieces, as it seems to me. Those. Each piece is individually lowered into the dough until the batter sticks to the fish on all sides. With this method, it is difficult to calculate the exact amount of batter, I always lack it.

Start frying:

Pieces in batter put on a hot skillet. Fry until education golden brown.

End of frying:

When the bottom is fried, turn over. Fry until golden brown on the second side. We remove the pollock fillet fried in batter from the pan. In order for the dish to turn out with a crispy crust, you need to let the oil drain. Pat dry with paper towel and remove excess. Refrigerate each piece separately. It's even better when served hot. Ready piece to try. Add salt if necessary.

The second way to connect with batter:

Pour all the fillet pieces into a bowl with batter. Mix well.


We take out individual pieces in the dough from the common bowl and fry. In this case, the batter is always enough. It liquefies a little due to the water and juice that is in the fillet. Form ready meal turns out to be much more interesting than in the first case.

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Pollack in batter is a dish that is eaten with pleasure on weekdays and is not ashamed to be served at the festive table. Availability and democratic price pollock gave the consumer the impression of him as a second-rate fish. In fact, pollock belongs to the cod family, which indicates its nutritional value. In addition to proteins, fish contains a whole bunch beneficial vitamins and trace elements, including iodine, chromium, cobalt, potassium, fluorine.

The calorie content of pollock fillet is 75 kcal / 100 grams. There is almost no fat in the fish, due to which the fillet is dry. To achieve maximum juiciness helps cooking in batter - batter in which the pieces are dipped before frying. The thin doughy crust creates a reliable barrier for juices. The dish is tender, juicy and very tasty.

Batter is made from flour or starch. As a liquid component, ordinary or mineral water, milk, beer, eggs are used. Spices, seasonings are added to the batter, fragrant herbs. To make pollock juicy and tasty in a light, crispy crust, our proven recipes and advice from knowledgeable housewives will help.

Photo of fried pollock in egg batter

In batter, it is best to cook pollock fillet so that nothing prevents you from enjoying the delicate taste of the finished dish. egg batter simple and affordable. Made with eggs, flour and water. It comes out crispy and airy. The thickness of the dough crust is determined by the thickness of the dough, the thicker the dough, the thicker the shell will be.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pollock fillet 500 g
  • egg 2 pcs.
  • flour 2-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Very cold water 100-200 ml.
  • pinch of salt
  • pepper to taste
  • vodka 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil 200-300 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Defrost pollock fillet naturally, pat dry with paper towels, cut narrow stripes 2-3 cm wide. Salt, season with pepper.
  2. Crack the eggs into the bowl. Whisk with salt. Add a tablespoon of flour. Stir until smooth. Add 1/3 of ice water. Mix again and add flour, and then dilute the dough with water. The amount of water and flour in the recipe is approximate. It all depends on what batter consistency you want to get. Classic batter should have the density of sour cream, the dough is like pancakes. At the very end, pour a tablespoon of vodka into the batter. The alcohol will evaporate during frying, and the dough will become especially crispy.
  3. Heat the vegetable oil in a thick-walled saucepan. There should be a lot of oil so that the pieces of fish swim in it and do not touch the bottom. You can use a deep fryer for this purpose. When the oil is hot, dip each piece of fish into the batter and fry immediately. How much to fry each housewife will decide for herself. The pieces should turn golden.

Feed method: Suitable garnish for fried pollock in batter - a fresh salad seasoned with olive oil and lemon juice. Separately, serve the lemon halves so that everyone can sprinkle the fish with juice to taste.

Photo pollock in beer batter in a frying pan

Delicious and beautiful lace batter is obtained on beer. For these purposes, it is better to use light varieties. The pronounced taste of dark beer will add bitterness to the dough. Beer batter does not require eggs. The crust of the dough remains crispy for a long time, does not dampen.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pollock 1 kg.
  • light beer 250 g.
  • flour 1.5 cups
  • turmeric, black pepper½ teaspoon
  • salt ½ teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 200 ml.

How to cook pollock fillet in a pan:

  1. Cut the fish fillet into portions. Salt.
  2. Pour the beer into the bowl. Gradually add flour until the dough becomes thick, like pancakes. Leave some flour for breading. Salt the batter, add turmeric and black pepper.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron or saucepan with a thick bottom.
  4. Before dipping the fish pieces in the batter, roll them in flour. Shake off the rest of the flour. The dough will better stop with the fish, the dough shell will turn out to be thick and uniform, it will not drain.
  5. Fry the fish in a pan until golden brown.

Photo of pollock in batter with cheese in the oven

From inexpensive pollock you can cook chic holiday dish, if the pieces fried in batter, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pollock 700 g
  • eggs 1 pc.
  • mineral water 150 g.
  • wheat flour 150 g
  • salt to taste
  • hard cheese 100 g
  • Provencal herbs 1 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil 50 ml. for frying

How to cook pollock fillets in the oven:

  1. Defrost the fish, cut into small pieces. Salt.
  2. Break an egg into a bowl. Pour in half mineral water. Gradually adding flour, knead thick dough without lumps. Dilute the remaining mineral water batter until desired consistency. If you immediately pour in all the water, it will be difficult to get rid of the lumps.
  3. Dip fish pieces in batter and fry in vegetable oil.
  4. Lay the fish in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Grate hard cheese. Sprinkle each piece with cheese and dried herbes de Provence. Place in an oven preheated to 180°C. Bake until cheese starts to brown.

Feed method: Pieces of pollock in cheese crust Serve with cherry tomatoes and herbs. Or make a sauce for fish by mixing sour cream, dill and finely chopped pickled cucumber.

Photo of pollock fillet in batter without flour

Gourmets say that fish is best suited Chinese batter, which is prepared with corn or potato starch. Starch batter is light and not as “wet” as flour. The dish will become even more interesting if you add soy sauce and sesame seeds.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pollock 1 kg.
  • starch 100 g
  • eggs 2 pcs.
  • soy sauce 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vegetable oil 200 ml.

How to cook pollock fillet in batter:

  1. Cut the pollock fillet into thin pieces. It is better to do this until the fish is completely defrosted. The pieces will turn out thin and neat.
  2. Whisk chicken eggs into foam. Add starch and soy sauce. Knead a homogeneous dough.
  3. Warm up vegetable oil. Dip the pieces of fish in the batter and immediately deep-fry. Fry until golden brown. Sprinkle the finished pieces with sesame seeds.

Feed method: Serve Korean pickled vegetables with fish. Oriental salads today you can freely buy in supermarkets or on the market. spicy salad set off delicate taste fish.

Tips for cooking pollock in batter

Cooking pollock in batter seems like a simple task only at first glance. In fact, it is not easy to prepare a high-quality batter so that it does not drain, is not too thick, and turns out to be light, crispy and airy. To do this, you need to know the basic rules, how to prepare the dough for pollock in a batter, follow certain rules, and master the intricacies of the process:

  • Thick or thin dough crust is a matter of taste. However, it is believed that for juicy products a thick batter is preferred. It seals the product securely, preventing juices from escaping or evaporating. For dryish products, which include pollock, it is recommended to do liquid batter. Such a batter turns out to be almost weightless, but absorbs a lot of oil, which makes dry fish more fatty, tasty, satisfying.
  • delicious batter prepared from ice products.
  • So that the batter does not drain from the pieces of fish, they must be dried, blotted with a linen or paper towel, breaded in flour or starch.
  • To properly fry fish, it is important to place the food containers in a certain order. Plates should be placed from right to left - fish, batter, deep fat, a dish for fried pieces. With this arrangement, a minimum of time is lost, the batter does not drain, and the cooking process is fast and non-staining.
  • If the mistress of the fillet has oversalted, you can not put salt in the dough. The dish will not seem salty.
  • To increase the viscosity of the batter, it is recommended to keep it for about an hour in the refrigerator.


  • 3 pollock fish
  • black pepper
  • coriander (or other spices to taste)
  • vegetable oil for frying

For batter:

  • 2 eggs
  • 150 ml milk
  • 150 grams of flour

How to cook:

  1. Wash and dry the fish. cut into small pieces.
  2. Add salt, black pepper, corinader and other spices to taste. Leave for 10 minutes.

Preparation of batter:

  1. Then we move on to making the batter. Beat eggs with salt.
  2. Add milk and stir.
  3. Add flour. Stir until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  4. Dip pieces of pollock in batter.
  5. Put pollock on a well-heated frying pan.
  6. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Pollack in batter goes well with various side dishes. Serve with chopped green onions.

Bon appetit!

Pollock in batter in a pan recipe

One of the advantages of pollock over other types of fish is its “non-bony” (you just need to remove the dorsal fin) and its rather lean meat (for those who are afraid to gain extra pounds).

What you need:

  • Finished fillet 600 g;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Wheat flour, the highest grade - 2/3 st.;
  • Ground pepper, salt - to your taste;
  • Milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Olive oil - 0.5 cups.

Cooking process:

  1. But first we must prepare the carcass of the fish. To do this, it is better to freeze it, and then cut off all the fins together with the skin. It is also necessary to remove the insides by cutting the fish in half. And at the last stage - we remove the spine and head. We got a pollock fillet.
  2. Can be bought already finished fillet. But, as practice shows, after thawing, you will have 2/3 of the original weight. Therefore, we will not be lazy, and we will fill the fish on our own.
  3. The preparation of batter should be given special attention. As you already know, a dough that is liquid in consistency is called batter. But in order for it to turn out tender in texture and without lumps, you must first beat the eggs with a whisk, and then gradually add flour and warm milk. The dough should be more liquid than pancakes. It needs to be seasoned and salted. Some cooks put sea salt instead of regular salt, but not everyone loves the smell of iodine. Yes, pollock itself contains quite a large number iodine. Therefore, with sea ​​salt need to be more careful.
  4. The pan needs to be very hot and olive oil pour more generously than for regular frying. The oil should almost boil.
  5. Cut the fish fillet into portioned pieces, dip in the prepared batter. After that, lovingly put the fish in a hot frying pan with oil. Be careful not to burn yourself with oil!
  6. The fish should be fried on each side until golden brown. Turn the pollock pieces over at least two times.
  7. We put the finished fish in a bowl in which 2 - 3 layers of paper towels lie. This is necessary in order to excess fat was removed.
  8. After 10 minutes we send pollock to a beautiful flat dish, sprinkle with dill and green onion. Separately, you can serve fresh vegetables or boiled potatoes. This dish always turns out tender and juicy, try it!

Pollock in batter in the oven

The recipe that we offer will be an unexpected surprise even on the festive table: we will bake fish fried in batter in the oven. But before sending to the oven, sprinkle each piece with grated cheese.


  • Pollock, fillet - 500 g;
  • Flour - ½ cup;
  • Milk - ½ cup;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Oil for frying - 2/3 cup
  • Cheese hard varieties 120 g.

How to cook:

  1. We already know how to cook batter. Therefore, we dip the pollock fillet cut into pieces in the dough and carefully and thoroughly fry in vegetable oil.
  2. Remove excess fat with a paper towel and lay the fried fish on a baking sheet. Don't forget to put greased foil (so the fish doesn't stick). You can use parchment. Who has what.
  3. Sprinkle each piece generously with cheese, and then send the baking sheet with the fish to the oven. As soon as the cheese has melted, the fish can be removed from the oven, by which time it will be ready.
  4. You can serve pollock in batter baked in the oven with any vegetables. Spicy addition this dish will be served with a homemade sauce: sour cream mixed with ground pepper, salt, finely chopped dill and crushed garlic.

Pollock fried in batter with herbs


  • pollock fillet 500 g


  • eggs 1 pc
  • wheat flour 1 cup
  • milk 1 glass
  • parsley
  • dill greens
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • lemon pepper


  1. Pour milk into a deep bowl, beat in an egg.
  2. Add flour.
  3. Stir the batter with a whisk until smooth.
  4. Rinse dill and parsley in water, dry and finely chop.
    Add to batter.
  5. Once again mix well.
  6. spice up lemon pepper(can be replaced with seasoning for fish), salt to taste.
  7. Rinse pre-thawed pollock fillet, dry and cut into portions.
    Dip fish in batter.
  8. Put the pieces of fish on a well-heated pan with big amount vegetable oil.
  9. Fry pollock fillets on both sides, then put on paper towel in order to remove excess fat.
  10. Instead of pollock fillet, you can cook any other fish in batter with fresh herbs, and boiled potatoes and vegetable salad are good for garnish.
    Bon appetit!

Pollock in cheese batter

Ingredients for 6 servings:

  • Pollock fillet 1 kg.
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs.
  • Cheese 100 g
  • Wheat flour 100 g
  • Vegetable oil 0.25 stack.
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste

Step by step:

  1. The other day I told how I make pollock in batter with cornmeal. And today I will share a recipe for pollock, fried in cheese batter. Pollock in cheese batter is very tasty and eaten instantly. Not many ingredients are required for cooking. These are pollock fillets (but you can also take fillets of other fish), salt, ground black pepper, semi-hard cheese (any), vegetable oil for frying (the indicated amount is approximate) and flour that did not fit in the photo.
  2. Wheat flour will be needed for breading the pollock fillet. Can be dumped right away right amount flour.
  3. I had pollock fillet frozen in a briquette. I thawed the fish (defrost naturally- on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator), then washed, dried from water, and cut into small pieces (the fillet was some kind of uneven plates, so the cut pieces turned out to be uneven too). Salted the fish and added pepper and set aside for now.
  4. Grated cheese. Cheese should be grated on a fine grater.
  5. She cracked the eggs into a bowl and mixed the whites with the yolks with a fork. Then I poured the cheese into the eggs and mixed everything well. At the same time, she put a frying pan on the stove, pouring vegetable oil into it.
  6. When the oil in the pan warmed up properly, I turned down the heat, and the fish (separately) on each side were well breaded in flour.
  7. After the flour, the fish was lowered into the egg - cheese mix And. ..
  8. . .. laid out on a frying pan. It is necessary to lay out the fish in a pan so that the pieces do not touch each other, so fry in small portions. Pollock fillet in cheese batter is cooked quite quickly, fried on each side for about five to seven minutes.
  9. I lay out the ready-made pieces of pollock removed from the pan on a paper towel. If you think this is superfluous, then skip these steps.
  10. After the paper towel has absorbed the excess oil, you can serve the fish in cheese batter.
  11. Pollock in cheese batter goes well with any fresh vegetables, With mashed potatoes, with rice. But that's for my tastes. You look at yours. Read more:

Delicious fried pollock in batter in a pan


  • 1 serving of yeast-based rice batter;
  • 3 pieces of fresh or fresh-frozen pollock;
  • 1/3 tsp spices for fish;
  • a couple of pinches of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

How to fry pollock in batter in a pan:

  1. If the fish has been frozen, it must be thawed, cleaned and rinsed. Cut it into large pieces, sprinkle with salt and spices for fish.
  2. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. Roll each piece of pollock in flour, then in rice batter and dip in heated oil. Flour provides better adhesion between fish and batter.
  3. Fry over medium heat on both sides until beautiful crust. You can not fry pollock in rice batter over high heat, as the batter will have time to burn out, and pollock will not be fried.
  4. Ready fried pollock, first, spread on a disposable towel, so we remove the remaining oil, and only then on a serving plate.
  5. Such fish is excellent friends with rice side dishes and vegetables.
  6. Serve on the table fried pollock in hot batter. This option of cooking fish will add variety to the menu during fasting. Always eat delicious!
