
What is shea butter in cosmetics. Shea Butter (Shea Butter): A Great Application Guide

The topic of the article is shea butter. We will talk about its properties, application and types. You will find out in which cases it is undesirable to use the product, whether it is useful during pregnancy and where to buy it.

Shea butter (karite) is the most valuable cosmetic oil. It has a softening, nourishing, regenerating and protective effect. Its main field of application is cosmetology. The product is used for skin, hair and body care.

Shea butter is made from the fruit pulp of the Shea tree, which has been growing for several centuries, maintaining a high yield for a century. The tree grows in the countries of West and Central Africa.

Obtaining shea butter is a laborious process. Ripe and fallen fruits of the Shea tree are collected in baskets, then they are buried in the ground for 2 weeks. This procedure contributes to the decay of the fruit, followed by the production of seeds.

After 14 days, the inner seeds are boiled to prevent sprouts, and then roasted for 4 days. Because of this, the bones long time do not spoil.

The seeds are then subjected to a multi-stage processing process, after which they will turn into a useful oil:

  1. The upper shell is removed from the seeds, crushed, fried for a long time.
  2. After roasting, they are pushed in mortars to a state of tight paste.
  3. At this stage, several women are involved in the process due to the fact that kneading pasta is a rather laborious task for one person. Constantly added to the paste a small amount of water, mixing thoroughly.
  4. After kneading, the paste is washed and boiled. To obtain pure oil, the thick mixture is boiled and the top layer is removed from it.

Shea butter has a pleasant and light nutty aroma, in rare cases with hints of coconut. Its consistency remains solid at temperatures up to 27 degrees. If the temperature rises, the oil begins to melt quickly. This feature makes it convenient to use in skin care. For example, you can move a piece of oil over a clean face and enrich the dermis with useful trace elements.

The product contains:

  • triglycerides;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin E;
  • triterpene alcohols;
  • squalene;
  • xanthophyll;
  • phytosterols.

Now let's discuss the benefits in more detail:

  • Shea butter is actively used for face, body and hair care. The tool softens the skin, eliminates wrinkles, irritation and peeling. It can be used along with other herbal and essential oils.
  • The tool has a wound-healing effect. It effectively heals wounds, cracks and scratches without leaving scars. Many women use it in the treatment of inflammation in the dermis.
  • The oil does not cause irritation, so it can be used to care for the sensitive and delicate skin of newborns.
  • The product relieves pain from injuries and sprains, softens the dermis on the elbows, knees and heels.
  • The oil can be used to treat and treat sun and thermal burns.
  • The tool effectively copes with many dermatological diseases, acne and swelling.
  • The product strengthens the nail plate, making the nails strong, healthy, prevents and eliminates delamination.

Oil types

Shea butter comes in several varieties:

  • Butter (literally translated “creamy”) - the consistency resembles melted butter. Has a creamy tint, quickly melts in the hands. Among the shortcomings, one can note the appearance of granules in the oil, which look unaesthetic.
  • Oil (literally “sunflower”) - liquid shea butter. Most of the stearic acid, which is responsible for the density of the product, is removed from it. This type of product is the most effective, because it contains only the most useful vitamins and fats.

Shea butter is classified as follows:

  1. Unrefined (class A) - contains most of the beneficial trace elements, as it undergoes minimal processing.
  2. refined ( classes B-E) - purer than the unrefined product, but contains less useful components. Class B and C oils are produced without chemical impurities, usually with the addition of cocoa butter (it is used in cosmetology). Class D and E products are intended for the production household chemicals, they contain synthetic additives.

You can easily determine whether the oil is refined or unrefined in front of you. The unrefined ivory color has a brown or green tint. It has a thick texture and a pleasant nutty flavor. The refined product has White color but it has no smell.

There is also shea essential oil. It is clear and has a light nutty flavor. It is used in aromatherapy, added to the composition of home cosmetic masks. The use of ether in pure form helps to heal cracks, small scratches and wounds on the skin.

Shea Butter Applications

Shea butter is allowed to be used in its pure form, added to the composition of home cosmetics for skin, hair and body care. In Africa, this product is used to protect against the scorching sun, to eliminate dry skin.

For some people natural product is a source of dietary fat. It is added to various dishes instead of butter, used in lamps for lighting, repelling insects from housing.

In many European countries shea butter is used as the main component of home and factory-made cosmetic products.

According to the reviews of people who used shea butter, there is practically no difference between a refined and unrefined product. With regular use, they bring the same effect.

For achievement maximum benefit from the use of oil, follow the rules from the instructions for use:

  1. If you plan to add shea butter to a homemade cosmetic mask, then first melt it in a water bath. If you want to apply the product directly to the skin, you can do without melting.
  2. Before applying the mask, prepare the skin - clean it, steam it or massage it.
  3. To prevent swelling, apply a night cream a couple of hours before bedtime.
  4. Depending on the composition of the mask, wash it off warm water or remove with paper towels.

Shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is actively used in cosmetology. It is one of the most popular components of skincare, anti-aging and sunscreen cosmetics.

This product is suitable for all skin and hair types. Often, the agent is added to the composition of mixtures for massage. The use of shea butter helps to cope with stretch marks during pregnancy. Regular massage with oil helps to increase the elasticity and firmness of the dermis.

For face

Shea butter nourishes, moisturizes, softens the skin of the face. It can be used for the skin around the eyes, for wrinkles. It effectively fights wrinkles on the neck, carefully cares for the décolleté area.

To increase the effectiveness of the product, it is recommended to use it together with essential and vegetable oils, for example, with . Shea butter is a good base for making homemade revitalizing, rejuvenating and moisturizing creams. Before using the product as a base, be sure to melt it in a water bath.

The product is often used as a protective agent against the sun, frost, wind. To do this, it must be applied to the skin 40 minutes before going outside. Immediately before going outside, blot your face with a paper towel to remove excess oil.

Shea butter is good to use as a night nourishing and regenerating agent. To do this, 2-3 hours before bedtime, lubricate a clean face. warm oil. Before going to bed, blot your face with a paper towel to avoid clogging your pores.

Below are recipes for homemade skin care products based on shea butter.

Cream for aging skin


  • shea butter - 10 ml;
  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • chamomile ether - 3 drops;
  • lavender ether - 2 drops.

How to cook: Melt the main ingredient in a water bath. Add . Stir until completely cooled, gradually adding esters. Take a jar from the old cream, pour the resulting composition into it and place it in the refrigerator.

How to use: Apply cream to clean skin twice a day. Keep the product no longer than 14 days.

Result: Nourishing dry skin, giving elasticity and firmness to the fading dermis.

Anti-aging cream


  • macadamia oil - 10 ml;
  • avocado and jojoba oil - 1 tsp each;
  • rosemary ether - 2 drops;
  • rosewood ether - 3 drops;
  • shea butter - 10 ml.

Cooking: Melt the shea butter in a water bath, add the remaining oils to it. Add esters as it cools. ready mix transfer to a glass container. Store the cream in the refrigerator for up to 14 days.

Usage: Apply the cream twice a day.

Result: Wrinkle reduction.

For body

The tool has the following effects on the body:

  • protects from ultraviolet rays;
  • evens out skin tone;
  • helps to heal minor injuries;
  • softens rough areas;
  • relieves mild inflammation.

If there is redness or peeling on the dermis, then shea butter will effectively eliminate them. Thinned skin, covered with stretch marks, with the help of oil-based products, will partially restore elasticity, make stretch marks lighter, and relieve pain when touched.

The use of shea butter immediately after the appearance of stretch marks and other skin defects allows you to fully restore the health and original appearance of the dermis.

For hair

A natural remedy helps to restore the structure of the hair, restore the health of the dermis of the head. Regular use of products based on shea butter allows you to make hair strong, beautiful and manageable.

The product also helps:

  • protect hair from the harmful effects of the environment;
  • eliminate dandruff;
  • activate the growth of curls;
  • soothe the dermis of the head;
  • get rid of dryness.

It is advisable to apply masks based on a natural product on the head for a long time, optimally - at night. But be sure to use a shower cap and a towel so you don't stain your clothes and bedding.

Shea butter has a beneficial effect on skin cells in many diseases. Equal benefit active substances bring the hair follicle, rod, split ends. Curls along the entire length receive a healing effect. Shea butter is especially effective for hair that is often blow-dried or styled with a curling iron.

To get the maximum effect on curls, it is necessary to achieve the consistency of an emulsion. For this solid oil heated in a water bath or microwave oven, then add to it necessary components, mixed. After that, the composition is applied to the hair. The minimum exposure time of the mask is half an hour. Restorative and medical masks must be done twice a week. The oil is easily washed off with shampoo.

Hair Growth Mask


  • thyme oil - 2 drops;
  • - 30 g;
  • rosemary extract - 2 drops.

Cooking: Heat the main component in a water bath, add the rest of the ingredients to it, mix.

Usage: Apply the composition to the hair roots. After 40 minutes, rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Result: With regular use, hair growth is activated. The course of applying the mask is at least 12 procedures.

For lips

The product helps to effectively cope with the problem of dry lips. In the cold season, the oil protects lips from wind, frost and other negative environmental influences.

The product can be applied directly to the lips. Or make a wonderful balm out of it, designed to protect lips in autumn and winter.


  • jojoba oil - 10 g;
  • shea butter - 15 g;
  • lemon oil - 2 drops.

Cooking: Melt the mixture in a water bath, constantly stirring it with a wooden stick. Pour over ready composition in a container from under the cream, put in the refrigerator.

Usage: Apply a nourishing lip balm before every outdoor activity.

Result: Regular use of a nourishing balm helps prevent chapping, cracking and the appearance of herpes rashes on the lips.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The use of oil during pregnancy prevents the formation of stretch marks on the body. The use of the product does not have a negative impact on the body of the expectant mother and fetus. In addition, the tool can be used even during breastfeeding.

The agent is applied to the chest, abdomen, thighs to stimulate the growth of cell regeneration, increase elasticity, and skin turgor. The use of the drug in the postpartum period helps to cope with striae that have already appeared.

The only contraindication to the use of oil during pregnancy is the presence of an allergy to it.


The oil has some contraindications. In particular, it categorically cannot be used in the presence of an allergy to latex. The composition of the product contains a small amount of latex, which can harm women who are sensitive to it.

Also, if you are allergic to the substances that make up the product, you should stop using it.

People with oily skin should not use the product often, as its oily composition can clog pores.

Where can I buy

You can buy shea butter in specialized stores, online stores and pharmacies.

The price in a pharmacy for cosmetic shea butter is about 200 rubles per 75 ml jar. The cost of an unrefined product is about 400 rubles per 100 g.

Greetings to all readers of my blog. I have seen shea butter on sale more than once. I saw it both as an independent remedy and as part of cosmetic products. It became interesting what kind of substance it is and how it is useful. It turns out that we call it - shi. Have you heard of this? Let's look at shea butter properties and uses, as well as beauty recipes with it.

This product is extracted from the fruits of the African tree Butyrospermum parkii. Or rather, from the seeds of fruits. The name of the tree is quite long and difficult to pronounce. Therefore, the local peoples called him se (shi) or karite (karite). This is how these common names appeared. The healing properties of this tree have been used by the peoples of Africa for a very long time. The oil is obtained by cold pressing.

It is firm in texture and white to cream in color. It has a pronounced nutty aroma. At a temperature of 30-35 degrees, the consistency becomes like melted butter. This product is used orally, and also used in cosmetology.

In cosmetic products it is 100% natural oil can be found by name shea butter

Shea butter is made up of triglycerides. These are substances that are formed from oleic, stearic, palmitic fatty acids. Plus, the oil contains unsaponifiable fats. These are caristerols, which are found in the pulp of shea pits. The uniqueness is in this "ensemble" - fatty acids and unsaponifiable fats.

The researchers noted that the peoples of Africa use this product for the skin. And they have practically no skin diseases and the skin looks smooth and supple.

Valuable properties of shea butter

This cosmetic product stimulates the processes of replenishment of the hydrolipid mantle located on the surface of the epidermis. Shea nourishes tissues well, softens them and relieves irritation.

Thanks to unique composition shea butter is used to treat the skin. It perfectly soothes dermatitis and is suitable for the treatment of acne.

This tool has a calming effect on tissues, stimulating their protective functions. Therefore, it is often used for diaper rash on the skin of babies. Shea butter will also help soothe itching after an insect bite.

Shea butter speeds up the healing of cuts, small wounds and cracks. It can be used for muscle injuries and sprains.

Shea butter stimulates blood circulation in the capillaries. pure product applied to the affected area and rubbed with massage movements.

There are practically no contraindications for the product. The only thing is latex intolerance. Turns out shea butter contains natural latex. Therefore, this remedy is contraindicated in people with an allergy to this substance. True, such an allergy is extremely rare.

The use of shea butter in cosmetology

Of course, shea butter has received the greatest popularity in cosmetology. And this is not surprising, because the effect of the product on the skin is truly unique. Shea is considered a vehicle in cosmetology. Since it penetrates deep into the tissues and delivers nutrients to the cells. The necessary cosmetic components perfectly combine with the oil. And getting into the tissues are also quickly released.

That is why shea butter is added to cosmetic products. It can be seen in hair, face and body products. Actively used as a lip balm and in sunscreen cosmetics. The unsaponifiable fats in shea stimulate the formation of collagen. That is why the oil is recommended for the care of aging skin. But the barrier functions of tissues are enhanced by triglycerides. Cosmetic properties Shi are as follows:

  • restorative function;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tightening;
  • nourishing;
  • healing;
  • softening;
  • transport.

Despite the fact that shea butter is 99% fat, it does not clog pores.

Recipes for masks and creams with shea butter

For home remedies choose quality oil. I recommend this - shea butter 100% natural. The price for it is quite affordable, considering that a jar of 100 g. It will last you for a long time 🙂 Well, now the recipes.

For hair growth. Take 45 ml of melted shea + 30 ml of castor oil. Add literally 2-3 drops of rosemary ether to the resulting mixture. Apply the mixture to the hair roots and spread a little over the strands. Warm your head, you can wrap it with cling film and a towel. Leave the mask on your hair for an hour. Then wash everything off with shampoo. It is enough to apply the mask once every 7 days. The course is 8-12 weeks.

To strengthen hair. If you want to strengthen your hair, restore its shine and beauty. Take 45 ml of shea + 30 ml of burdock oil and 5 ml of vitamin E. Apply to the hair roots, massage well. Spread some of the mask through your hair. Wrap your head in plastic and a towel. It is enough to hold the product on the hair for 40-60 minutes, then it must be washed off.

For oily skin faces. Dry the lemon peel and grind it in a coffee grinder. Add one tablespoon of this peel to the egg yolk. Leave the mixture in a covered container for 15 minutes. Then add 5 ml shea butter + 5 ml walnut oil there. Apply the mask on a cleansed face and leave for up to half an hour. Then rinse with water. This mask nourishes and tones the skin, tightens pores.

For dry skin. If you have this type of skin, make a mask with a ripe avocado. To two tablespoons of avocado pulp, add 5 ml of melted shea butter. The same amount of jojoba oil and honey. Stir and apply on the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour. If the mixture is too thick, then add egg yolk. After the mask, you need to apply a nourishing cream.

For dry aging skin. Prepare the following recipe:

  • 2 tsp baked shea
  • 20 ml almond oil
  • Two or three drops of chamomile essential oil
  • A couple of drops of lavender essential oil

The ingredients must be mixed while warm. When the cream has cooled, you can put it in a glass jar and refrigerate. The cream is best used at night. Take the product each time with a clean spoon, and not with your fingers.

For body. In the cold season, you can make a soothing skin cream. Take two tablespoons of coconut + shea + grapeseed oils. Heat them up on a steam bath, let them cool down a bit and mix well with a whisk. It turns out air cream to be stored in the refrigerator. It can be used for hands, face and body in winter and off-season. The cream will prevent chapping, peeling and irritation.

For the spring-summer period, add sea buckthorn and aloe vera to shea butter and coconut in equal proportions. The last component perfectly protects against ultraviolet radiation, while not preventing an even tan. Aloe vera can be bought in ampoules at the pharmacy. The preparation method is the same as for the winter cream. The consistency is creamy lotion.

If you are not a fan of home cosmetics, I advise you to pay attention to the brand Organic Essence. This company specializes exclusively in the production natural cosmetics from shea butter. The products are so diverse that everyone can find something suitable. Shea butter is used as a base additional components 98.8-100% organic.

Products are certified in accordance with the USDA Organic standard (USA). Those. face, body and lip care products do not undergo heat or chemical treatment. Numerous positive reviews confirm the quality of this cosmetics.

Or pay attention to the tools that I described below.

Shea butter - in finished cosmetics

Many famous brands can be found in the composition of shea butter. I am a fan of the Vichy brand. Therefore, I will generally recommend their means. Vichy dry skin products have shea butter everywhere. You can also find shea in KORA and Bioderma cosmetics. Here are some of the effective ones:

  1. Idealia Day Cream- Very effective remedy to moisturize dry skin. The cream contains glycerin, which softens the skin and helps retain moisture. Such a useful substance as adenosine stimulates the production of its own collagen and elastin, reducing wrinkles. And of course shea butter - delivers the necessary components to the cells, makes the skin smooth and supple. You can read more about this cream in my article about creams of the Idealia series.
  2. Nutrilogie 1 And Nutrilogie 2- these creams are just a salvation for dry and very dry skin. They contain a set of wonderful oils. These are jojoba, apricot kernel, coriander, shea butter and macadamia. These oils perfectly nourish dry skin of the face, eliminate tightness. Read about the last ingredient in the article " macadamia oil properties". In addition to nourishing and emollient properties light The texture of the cream allows you to use it under make-up.
  3. Night care cream Vichy LiftActiv Supreme
  4. Bioderma - milk " Photoderm Apres Soleil» after the sun. This remedy helps to avoid overdrying of the skin in the sun. Your tan will last longer and look smoother. Thanks to the complex of cellular protection, the cream stimulates the synthesis of natural skin pigment. Even if you burn a little in the sun, the cream will soothe the skin and relieve redness.

Unlike other oils, shea butter can be applied neat. It is enough to hold it in your hands a little, and it becomes liquid. Ideal for dry skin, preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Despite the fact that it does not clog pores. In its pure form for oily skin is better not to use. It is better to make mixtures with grape seed oils, jojoba and others.

Frosts will come soon, so it will not hurt to have shea butter cream in your cosmetic bag. I hope I helped you decide on the choice of cosmetics. Perhaps you have learned something new. I am waiting for you on the pages of my blog, as well as in social networks. Join and be sure to subscribe for updates, bye!

Organic oils, which contain only plant substances and vitamins, today have become indispensable tools for regular skin and curls care. One of the most valuable cosmetic oils is a shea, which has an amazing rejuvenating, healing, moisturizing and regenerating complex. If you want flawless skin and thick, silky hair, then this product ideal for these purposes. Consider the features of its application in the article.

How oil is obtained in industry

Shea butter is obtained from the tree of the same name. The fruit of the tree looks very similar to an avocado, only it is smaller. In its middle is a bone, from the pulp of which the product is obtained.

Did you know? The homeland of the shea tree, the Latin name of which sounds like Butyrospermum parkii (Amazing Vitellaria), is the African country of Sudan. It is also common in Nigeria, Cameroon, Mali. The plant can grow for several centuries, while maintaining a high yield.

There are two ways to get funds:

  • traditional method of pressing seeds with their simultaneous heating;
  • an industrial solvent extraction method, where hexane acts as the latter.

The oil, which is used in the cosmetology field, is additionally purified and deodorized with steam to remove the characteristic specific smell of the plant.
Shea butter is also distinguished by its lower melting point:

  • liquid, or fractional, pulp oil. At a temperature of +20-22°C it keeps liquid state, begins to harden at a temperature range of +5-10°C. The product is different high content oleic acid and reduced - stearic;
  • hard, or fat. It has a plastic, elastic, homogeneous consistency, and begins to melt at temperatures above + 26 ° C, that is, when it comes into contact with human skin. Such a tool is obtained by pressing, without the use of solvents and preservatives. It is he who is most often used in cosmetology.

Chemical composition

Shea butter has a pleasant, slightly nutty aroma with subtle hints of coconut. Its composition is unique, because almost 80% of the product is, among which 40-55% falls on, 35-45% on stearic and 3% on palmitic.

The rest, approximately 17%, are the so-called unsaponifiable fats (), which include alpha-spinasterol, parkol, lupeol, butyrospermol.

Also, the chemical composition of shea butter includes the following vitamins:

  • : slows down the aging process, takes an active part in protein synthesis, participates in oxidative and healing processes, promotes the growth of new cells, increases the barrier functions of mucous membranes;
  • : powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates cells, accelerates their regeneration, has anti-aging properties, supports the normal functioning of all body systems;
  • : has an anti-allergic effect, takes part in the synthesis of fats, stimulates immune system, promotes the absorption of many minerals and vitamins, has healing properties.

Beneficial features

The unique rich chemical composition of the product determines its high healing properties makes it efficient and indispensable component for skin and hair care.

In particular, shea:

  • softens, helps to eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin, including elbows, knees, feet, heels;
  • perfectly moisturizes and nourishes. The anti-allergic composition of the product makes it possible to use it for the care of all skin types, including children's. It will be indispensable for the fight against diaper rash, skin inflammation, irritation;
  • rejuvenates and tones. Thanks to vitamins that can influence the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the oil is able to fight early signs of aging, make the skin more elastic and elastic, smooth wrinkles, improve facial contours, restore natural color and blush to the skin;
  • protects. The tool is an excellent protector from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, aggressive external factors - temperature changes, frost, wind, etc.
In addition, shea has excellent medicinal properties, which are widely used in the fight against diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, burns.

Video: beneficial properties of shea butter The oil has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps with joint pain, muscle spasms, sprains and ligament injuries, improves blood circulation.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial and healing properties of shea butter can be maximized with its correct and dosed use. As a cosmetic product, the product is used in melted or natural form, raw or in combination with other ingredients.

For hair

The shea product has a positive effect on the hair and scalp. It helps to get rid of dryness, brittleness and hair loss, eliminate seborrhea and dandruff, restore hair structure, strengthen bulbs, give curls a radiant and shiny well-groomed appearance.

From hair loss

For those who are faced with the problem of hair loss and brittleness, cosmetologists advise using a firming mask based on shea butter.
For its preparation, the following ingredients are needed:

  • rosemary essential oil - 3 drops;
  • shea butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • castor oil - 2 tbsp. l.

To prepare the product, you need to mix all the ingredients, rub the mass into the roots with massaging movements, and then distribute over the entire length. Hair is recommended to be wrapped with cling film and covered with a towel.

Keep the mask on your head for at least 3 hours. Wash the curls in the traditional way. To achieve the maximum effect, 2 procedures should be carried out in 7-10 days for a month, then as needed. Video: Using Shea Butter to Nourish the Scalp and Hair Growth

From dandruff

Shea butter remarkably nourishes and moisturizes the scalp, gently removes keratinized particles of the epidermis, normalizes metabolic processes in cells, which allows you to get rid of dandruff and maintain healthy skin.

You need to take: oils - 2 tbsp. l. shea and 4-5 drops tea tree or lavender, which have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The mixture should be gently rubbed into the scalp, hold for about 1 hour. Course - 2-3 masks for 1 month.

Important! This tool should not be applied to all hair, as it can dry them out.

Against split ends

This product has an excellent property to “solder” (glue) split ends, as well as eliminate their fragility and dryness. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to apply slightly warmed oil to the tips with your fingers before each shampooing, hold for 20-25 minutes, then wash your hair in the traditional way.
There is also a recipe for a mask that will help get rid of split ends: mix one egg yolk and 2 tbsp in a glass container. l. shea and almond oils. The mixture is distributed over all hair, starting from the roots, wrapped with a film and covered with a towel. After 2-3 hours, the mask is washed off.

For face

Shea butter is simply indispensable in skin care. It has a number of excellent properties, it allows you to moisturize and nourish the skin well, get rid of inflammation, acne and blackheads, tighten the skin, make it more elastic and elastic, smooth out wrinkles, and remove signs of aging. On its basis, you can prepare various masks, creams, balms, lotions and tonics.

Did you know? Shea contains triterpene alcohols in its composition, which allow other therapeutic components to penetrate deep into cells, and also have increased antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Toning and nourishing mask

Restore skin tone, improve blood circulation in cells, deeply saturate them nutrients, to get rid of dryness and peeling, the following mask is designed: mix one yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp shea butter product melted in a water bath and ½ tsp. orange peel.
Apply the resulting slurry to the face, rinse after 20 minutes. It is recommended to use the product once a week.

For acne

The use of the product not only improves general state skin, but also allows you to cure the skin from inflammation, acne, blackheads and acne.

The antimicrobial and healing effect of the product makes it possible to use it to remove acne and blackheads. For this, a natural mask is suitable: 1 tsp. melted butter mixed with 1.5 tsp. liquid honey, add 12 drops of cashew butter and 5 drops salicylic acid.

Mix the product thoroughly, apply with circular, rubbing movements on the skin. After half an hour, wash off the mask with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. The frequency of use of the product is 2 times a week.

Lip balm

To make sponges soft, smooth, without signs of peeling and dryness, a homemade shea-based balm will help.

The technique of its preparation is simple:

  • melt 15 g of shea butter in a water bath;
  • while gradually stirring, add 10 g of jojoba oil, 2-3 drops essential oil lemon and 7 ml rose water;
  • mix the ingredients, remove from the bath, wait until completely cooled.

Transfer the balm to a sterile glass container, use daily until dryness disappears.

Nourishing hand mask

Shea butter is suitable for solving aesthetic problems not only on the skin of the face or hair, but also on the hands. It perfectly softens, moisturizes the skin, eliminates dryness, peeling, heals small cracks and wounds, improves cell regeneration, while being perfectly absorbed without leaving greasy marks.
Cosmetologists recommend applying shea butter daily to the hands with massage movements. Also, this mask will help from dry skin: mix in equal proportions shea butter, walnuts(can be replaced with olive) and calendula. Every day, the product is rubbed into the skin of the hands, after 10 minutes, the remnants are removed with a napkin.

The antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and hypoallergenic properties of shea butter allow it to be used to care for the sensitive, delicate and smooth skin of babies. The product has a special effect in the treatment of diaper rash and irritation from diapers, it has a healing effect, relieves redness.

To reduce inflammation, a little oil should be applied to problem areas of the child daily. During the morning or evening toilet, as well as after water procedures, it is recommended to wipe the baby's skin with clean oil. Remove the remaining funds after 15-20 minutes with a napkin.

Shea butter during pregnancy: benefit or harm

Karite is in the top five best oils used for skin care during pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman's skin changes and stretches. Stretch marks often appear in the thighs, chest, and abdomen.

Daily use of shea will prevent the appearance of stretch marks or reduce their manifestation. It improves cell regeneration, restores the lipid barrier, promotes deep nutrition and hydration, reduces dryness and tightness, improves skin elasticity and turgor.

As for contraindications, when using the product adverse reactions was not found. However, before use, it is recommended to test for skin sensitivity by applying a small amount on the wrist.

Important! Do not use the product for pregnant women who have previously experienced allergic reactions to any nuts.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Shea butter is an organic fat that has certain properties. Quality product has a pleasant, slightly nutty aroma and the same nutty, slightly beige color.

If the product does not have a characteristic odor and is absolutely white in color, it is better to refrain from buying it, since solvents and other inorganic components are most likely added to its composition.

It is strictly forbidden to buy a product that has an unpleasant odor: not only has it lost all its healing properties, but it can also cause serious allergic reactions when used.
When choosing a product in pharmacies or stores, it is recommended to give preference to products from trusted manufacturers. When buying oil, you need to pay attention to the information indicated on the packaging: in the description of the composition, shea should be placed in the first place.

How to store at home

Shea butter is a natural product that shows all its medicinal properties only if it is proper storage. It is not necessary to store the product in the refrigerator - for it it is better to find a dry, dark, cool place away from straight lines sun rays. The shelf life of a natural remedy is 1-2 years, depending on the manufacturer.


Karite has practically no contraindications. It is ideal for any type of skin, hair, used for children's skin. However, people suffering from various skin ailments (eg eczema, dermatitis) should consult a physician before use.
It is better to stay away from shea butter if you have allergic reactions to nuts. It should be dosed and regularly applied to people with oily skin type, as frequent use can lead to clogged pores.

Did you know? Unsaponifiable fractions consist of vitamins and various nutrients - nutrient complexes that cannot be synthesized. human body but come through food. Such fractions have increased healing functions, therefore they are called healing, while saponifiable fractions contain a large number of moisturizing components, which is why they are called moisturizing.

Shea butter - unique natural product, which with regular use will allow you to get healthy, radiant, smooth skin and thick, silky hair. It will help to keep young and beautiful for many years. appearance without the use of any radical methods.

Shea butter from the fruits of the majestic shea tree is a real find in the field of cosmetology.

The evergreen shea tree, growing in distant Africa, is a symbol of a long, unfading life. With its power, it is somewhat reminiscent of our oak: the plant has a very thick bark, it is not afraid of either heavy rain or fires. The fruits of the tree are similar to small avocados or horse chestnuts. It is from them, since ancient times, that precious oil shea, also called shi.

This oil helped African women keep their skin soft and supple under the local hot sun. It is able to protect from the scorching sun, and from the sand, and from the wind. Today, shea butter has become a universal miracle cure: it has been used for a variety of purposes.

Shea butter composition

The oil is obtained by pressing the fruits harvested from the shea tree. After assembly, each nut is thoroughly washed, then boiled, and then dried in the sun. Next, the fruits are carefully peeled, washed again, dried, fried and pounded in a special mortar.

Thus receive the precious unrefined oil. A rather painstaking and lengthy method of obtaining a product determines its expensive cost. No chemical preservatives or solvents are used during production. The oil has a pleasant soft texture, slightly brown or greenish tint and the most delicate aroma with subtle nutty notes. An unrefined product retains absolutely all the beneficial properties given to it by nature.

The second way to obtain oil involves additional processes:

  • heat treatment;
  • whitening;
  • filtration;
  • deodorization.

During all these processes, some of the beneficial substances of shea butter are lost, so it does not have such a pronounced effect compared to a natural, unrefined product. This oil has a snow-white color, it can be stored for a very long time. This product is most often found on the shelves of cosmetic stores.

The composition of the product is unique. It is the only base oil, almost 80% consisting of triglycerides and 20% of the so-called unsaponifiable fats. Shea is a well-known source of natural vitamins A, F, E, C, perfectly moisturizing the skin. The rich content of fatty acids gives the product healing, bactericidal, anti-allergic, rejuvenating properties.

Benefits and uses of shea butter

Shea butter has gained fame as a very valuable cosmetic additive, it is simply an ideal skin care product. Thanks to the fatty acids contained in its composition, the product perfectly moisturizes and gently cares for dry, exhausted skin. Its use makes the skin supple, smooth, prevents wrinkles and protects it from ultraviolet radiation. It also perfectly heals superficial wounds, prevents the development of allergic dermatitis. The benefits of the oil are great for dry hair, giving them everything necessary food and incredible shine.

Often, shea butter is used to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of rheumatism, muscle pain and tension, and general overwork.

  • healing of wounds, bruises and burns, including solar;
  • complex therapy for allergic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis;
  • relieve inflammation and swelling with joint pain;
  • elimination of unpleasant consequences after insect bites;
  • softening the reaction of sensitive skin to shaving;
  • comprehensive protection against the effects of frost;
  • skin protection from ultraviolet radiation;
  • prevention of scars, stretch marks;
  • treatment of cracked heels, as well as softening the skin in this area;
  • treatment of cracks that form on the nipples in women who are breastfeeding;
  • elimination of diaper rash, healing of the umbilical cord in newborns.

Shea butter can be used undiluted and in compositions with a variety of oils.

Secrets of beautiful hair

For hair, shea butter has become an indispensable tool, beneficial effect which is noticeable after just a few applications. After starting to use this beauty elixir, dry, weakened, brittle and split hair will be transformed before our eyes.

For hair, oil is used in its usual form or with the help of masks. For the purpose of a simple caring procedure, it is enough to take small piece shea, slightly melt it in the bath until warm (not hot) state. The tool must be carefully distributed on the strands, then put on a hat. Wash off the mask after half an hour with a small amount of shampoo.

Exists great recipe stimulating hair growth. For him, you will need a few tablespoons of castor oil and shea, as well as a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil. When preparing this mixture, shea butter must first be melted. The solution is applied to the hair, the head is insulated with plastic wrap and a towel, and after an hour the mask is washed off with an ordinary shampoo.

Comprehensive skin care

Shea butter is an excellent face care aid. It perfectly softens, moisturizes, nourishes the skin of the face, smoothes fine wrinkles. You can simply replace your cream with oil and use it in its pure form, removing excess with a regular napkin. This method of application will make the skin soft and surprisingly tender.

For dry skin, you can prepare a special tonic mask. To do this, take the yolk, a little lemon peel, a teaspoon of shea butter and olive oil. Melted shea butter must be mixed with the rest of the ingredients, applied to the face, left for about twenty minutes, then washed off.

The oil can also be applied to the whole body. For example, it perfectly softens and moisturizes the hands. The product is well absorbed, leaves no residue: a small amount should simply be rubbed into the skin. If there are small cracks and wounds on the hands, the oil will remove inflammation and give a healing effect.

With excessively dry skin on the hands, you need to use a mixture of shea butter, walnut and calendula heated in a bath. With the help of oil, cracked heels are also treated, soften and moisturize their hardened areas.

A few more ways to use

Shea butter is an effective component of complete natural care in aromatherapy. Often, various mixtures are prepared on its basis with the addition of vegetable essential oils.

For skin and hair care, various cosmetic products are enriched with oil: masks, conditioners, creams, tonics, shampoos, etc. Before use, it must be heated in a bath (temperature about forty degrees) until its consistency becomes liquid.

To protect against extreme weather conditions, as well as to treat dermatitis, arthritis, scars, rheumatism, shea butter is applied directly to the skin.

As an analgesic, the product is used for special massages. To do this, a couple of drops of heated oil are applied to the fingers and rubbed into the skin with smooth massaging movements. With the help of this tool, you can do effective massages for newborn babies. Its protective properties are able to envelop the child with a light aura and protect him from negative external factors. Regular use of oil to care for the skin of an infant will serve as a good prevention against all kinds of diseases.

In Africans, the scope of shea butter is even wider. They eat it as it is a source of essential fats. The product is added to variety of dishes used for frying. Interestingly, they can even run special oil lamps, rub shacks and neutralize the soil.


First of all, it is very important to properly store shea butter. Only in this way can you extract all the useful properties from it to the maximum and not get harm. It should be stored in a tightly closed container and kept in a place where bright light does not fall on it.

An overdose of oil as such is impossible: human skin absorbs exactly as much as it needs, the rest is easily removed with napkins.

The oil can be safely used during pregnancy, breastfeeding. The only contraindication is the presence of individual intolerance or allergy to the components of the product.

Shea Butter- a tool that can preserve beauty, youth and health. Not without reason, in ancient times, Queen Cleopatra herself used it, equipping caravans with large earthen jugs behind it.

Recommended: quality shea butter at the IHerb online store. $10 off your first purchase with code KPF743.

This oil is considered valuable cosmetic, giving the skin or hair hydration, nutrition, protection. In the countries of the African continent, it is used for medicinal purposes. They are extracted from the nuts of the shea tree (another name is amazing vitellaria), which grows only in Africa, where it is also called the "tree of life".

What is shea butter

Shea butter is obtained from its fruits, the smell of the processed product is nutty, with hints of coconut, the color is ghee with a creamy tint. The composition includes vegetable fats and triglycerides. There are two types of oil: refined, that is, additionally refined, and unrefined. The second type contains much more useful substances such as vitamin F.

Properties and uses of shea butter

The use and properties of shea butter have several variations, the use in cosmetology is much in demand. Shea is recognized as a leader in maintaining youthful skin. The main properties for the skin are considered to be nourishing, healing and smoothing wrinkles around the eyes, for hair - a moisturizing effect. Due to its pleasant smell, shea butter extract is used in aromatherapy. Creams containing shea butter nourish well, moisturize very dry skin, eliminate peeling, and have a rejuvenating effect.

For hair

Shea butter hair mask will help moisturize and relieve dryness, add shine and promote growth. With the help of fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, shea butter extract strengthens hair follicles. For hair, it can be used in its pure form or as part of shampoos, balms, sprays and other products. To maintain hair shine, prevent cross-section and dryness, protect against daily thermal effects, it is recommended to apply the following mask twice a week:

  • Mix a spoonful of burdock oil with two tablespoons of linseed oil, add a spoonful of liquid vitamin E.
  • Mix the resulting mixture with 40 g of liquid shea.
  • Apply the mask to dry hair, put on a shower cap, wrap your head with a towel.
  • Wash off with shampoo after an hour.

For face

Shea butter for the face in its pure form or as part of creams is suitable for:

  • for dry facial skin;
  • at the first signs of wilting, aging;
  • with rashes, acne, acne;
  • to protect the skin from exposure to low or high temperatures;
  • for sensitive baby skin.

Cosmetologists consider shea butter for the face to be valuable and effective. Vitellaria amazing has been found to help reduce acne ( acne). To prepare such a remedy at home, you need:

  • Mix 5 g of African shea butter and 7 g of honey.
  • Add 8-10 drops of cashew oil and 5 drops of salicylic acid.
  • Mix all ingredients.
  • Apply to face before bed. Keep the mask for half an hour, rinse with warm water. Upon completion, you can use a nourishing cream.

For lips

Heal microcracks on the lips, moisturize, restore the skin of this sensitive area to its former softness with a product that contains shea butter. Most cosmetic brands provide lip care product lines based on petroleum jelly and pure shea butter extract. But such a moisturizer with shea for lips can be prepared independently. Need to:

  • Mix a teaspoon of shea butter, olive and almond, warm a little.
  • Add tsp to the mixture. melted beeswax.
  • Mix all. Allow to harden for 20 minutes, place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Use like lipstick.

For body

How to get rid of stretch marks, cellulite, make the body perfect - these are popular women's topics for discussion. Beauty salons offer a wide range of services to eliminate these problems. But it is much more pleasant and cheaper to do all the procedures at home, using a body cream with shea extract. The tool reduces cellulite, improves blood circulation, has a decongestant property.

Shea butter price

The use of an oil extract of shea wood for the face and body, hair or nails is indispensable. Thanks to unique properties of this plant, many cosmetic companies produce products with shea butter. The cost of such cosmetics is different, depending on the brand, the full or partial naturalness of the composition, the place of purchase. You can buy in retail stores or order online in catalogs of online stores. Below is a table with approximate prices for goods:


Volume, ml

Price, rub

Shea from L "Occitane
