
Master class: salt dough. Salt Dough Decorations

In anticipation of summer, many of us are preparing for warm days, reviewing and shaking up our wardrobe and accessories. And let's create a couple of new summer handmade salt dough decorations?

Do not dismiss immediately and do not contribute salt dough jewelry in the "black list" of sloppy and unbearable homemade products. Take a look at the photos first: these homemade decorations are made from salt dough.

What are the benefits of salt dough decorations? First of all - the availability and cheapness of materials. To make your own salt dough decorations, you don't even have to leave the house - you will find everything you need in your kitchen.

Salt dough recipes can be found in our material:.

Can't sculpt? And you try! Absolutely anyone can roll a ball of salt dough. Flattening it into a cake will also not cause any particular difficulties, and use household items as stamps with drawings. Within the kitchen, you will surely find things with an interesting texture, for example, the same handles of knives and forks.

Sequins, wire, ribbons, cords and matching braid will complete your salt dough decorations.

So, to business?

DIY salt dough decorations. Master classes

1. Salt dough beads, master class from Tatyana.

2. from "Lady with the red rocker".

Dear ladies, if you want a new decoration or create original pendants for the new year, then I advise you to remember about the possibilities of salt dough and promote this idea to create an original decor :)

and this decor acquires originality due to the openwork relief surface, which is achieved in various ways :)

That's what we're talking about here :)


So, if you want to sculpt your decor from salt dough, then let me remind you of its recipe, in which the main ingredients are fine salt - 1 part, flour - 2 parts and water - how much it takes .. Knead the plastic dough, gradually adding water But for strength add some PVA glue. We roll out the dough and use the molds for baking to squeeze out the desired shapes.

5. And to create a bizarre relief, we use everything. what is at hand. And if you have been engaged in creativity for a long time, then everything that you have in the storeroom :)) As a rule, craftswomen have a huge amount of home-made stamps :)

6. A fragment of relief decoration was used on this tray.

After the forms are ready, we send them to the oven to dry at low temperatures, and the time depends on the thickness of the product, so we periodically peep :)

8. After the decor has dried, you can start painting it. In this case, metallic paints.

9. Next, you can shade the relief with bitumen or diluted ink and immediately wipe it with a cloth :)

10. There are a lot of decor ideas, so check out some of them.

11. On the eve of the New Year holidays, we use this idea to create New Year's pendants :)




15. Ordinary vicon scrap dies serve as an excellent impression for the relief texture.

16. Yes, even with the help of structural contours, you can make dies, but first you need to cover the already dried decor with acrylic varnish.


18. And what is not used for relief formation! if you are at a loss and do not know what to apply, then take a look at this useful page :)

For fashionistas who love to wear jewelry, I suggest making coral beads from salt dough. What a great idea for DIY summer jewelry! Salt, water, flour, acrylic paints - that's all you need to work.

To create jewelry, we need salt dough. By the way, I propose to look at the site of the excellent online store "Only Happy", here you will find very beautiful jewelry and wholesale accessories. Exclusive products of the highest quality from major well-known manufacturers in China and South Korea will not leave indifferent even the most capricious fashionistas. Bracelets, rings, brooches, pendants, as well as hair accessories, you can buy in bulk at very competitive prices.

So, we prepare salt dough according to one of the following recipes:

Classic dough recipe: flour 300 g (2 cups) salt 300 g (1 cup) water 200 g (200 ml) you can add 1 tablespoon of potato starch for plasticity, be sure to sift it, and for strength 1-2 teaspoons of wallpaper glue.
Mix salt with starch and glue, then pour water and add a little flour. Mix thoroughly and keep in the refrigerator overnight. If the dough is too soft, you need to add salt and flour, keeping their basic proportions.

And another tip: the finished dough can be dyed in very bright colors using food coloring (sold for coloring eggs for Easter), diluting it in a minimum amount of hot water and adding it to the already prepared dough. Make the three main tones of the dough - red yellow and blue (white will remain if you do not add dye), and all the other colors in the world can be made by mixing them.

One more recipe: Ingredients: 1 cup all-purpose flour, ½ cup fine salt (not iodized!!!), ¼ cup VERY cold water
Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Then add water little by little, mixing well each time. How much water is needed depends on the properties of the flour. Knead until the dough starts to crumble and stick to your hands. You will get a mass that is very similar to plasticine, of course, you need to keep it in the refrigerator, in a closed container or plastic bag, so that it does not dry out. The shelf life is three days, and to extend it, you can add 2 tablespoons of citric acid to the flour.

We sculpt balls from the prepared salt dough, trying to make everything the same size, and string them on an iron rod. The size of the balls is 2.5 - 3 cm in diameter, slightly flatten

This is what our balls look like after baking in the oven

Now we can start coloring our beads. You can paint with acrylic paints (mixing several shades with mother-of-pearl) or nail polish

After the paint has dried, we string the beads on the twine


Homemade jewelry made of stucco material.

Dear ladies, if you want a new decoration or create original pendants for the new year, then I advise you to remember about the possibilities of salt dough and promote this idea to create an original decor :)

and this decor acquires originality due to the openwork relief surface, which is achieved in various ways :)

That's what we're talking about here :)


So, if you want to sculpt your decor from salt dough, then let me remind you of its recipe, in which the main ingredients are fine salt - 1 part, flour - 2 parts and water - how much it takes .. Knead the plastic dough, gradually adding water But for strength add some PVA glue. We roll out the dough and use the molds for baking to squeeze out the desired shapes.

5. And to create a bizarre relief, we use everything. what is at hand. And if you have been engaged in creativity for a long time, then everything that you have in the storeroom :)) As a rule, craftswomen have a huge amount of home-made stamps :)

6. A fragment of relief decoration was used on this tray.

After the forms are ready, we send them to the oven to dry at low temperatures, and the time depends on the thickness of the product, so we periodically peep :)

8. After the decor has dried, you can start painting it. In this case, metallic paints.

9. Next, you can shade the relief with bitumen or diluted ink and immediately wipe it with a cloth :)

10. There are a lot of decor ideas, so check out some of them.

11. On the eve of the New Year holidays, we use this idea to create New Year's pendants :)




15. Ordinary vicon scrap dies serve as an excellent impression for the relief texture.

16. Yes, even with the help of structural contours, you can make dies, but first you need to cover the already dried decor with acrylic varnish.


18. And what is not used for relief formation! if you are at a loss and do not know what to apply, then take a look at this useful page :)

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to knead salt dough, how to sculpt it, but at the same time, few of the masters share various small secrets on working with this interesting material.

Today you will learn 11 Salt Dough Craft Secrets for Beginners that will help you create more beautiful work and make it easier to work with.

Channel: Draw with children

Salt dough recipe for crafts:

  • 1 cup flour
  • ½ cup water (maybe more depending on the amount of gluten in the flour)
  • ½ cup salt
  • vegetable oil

Pour the flour, salt into a bowl, pour out the water and knead the dough. If it suddenly turns out that there is too much water, then add a little flour. You should get a dough similar to plasticine.

1. The first secret is the secret of the dough, from which figures come out that do not crack when dried.

A very common problem with salt dough products is that when they dry, they begin to crack. What can be done to prevent this from happening? To prevent the dough from drying out and cracking, you need to add a little vegetable oil to it. For the above proportions, ½ teaspoon is sufficient.

2. In order for the finished figure from salt dough to be more durable, unbreakable and unbreakable, you need to add 2 tablespoons of wallpaper glue or PVA glue to the salt dough in the proportions indicated above when kneading. Then, after drying, the figure will become more durable and it will be impossible to break it.

3. If, when kneading, you feel that the dough is too dry and when breaking it has dry edges, dip your finger in water and brush the dough a little with a wet finger at the break point. After that, knead the dough well. If necessary, repeat.

4. The dough must be kneaded to such an extent that it is not rough to the touch. Kneading salt dough takes a very long time. It is better to knead in small portions so that a piece fits in your hand. After you feel that the dough has become smooth, put it in cellophane and refrigerate.

5. If you first sculpt from ordinary dough and paint it after drying with gouache, then the painted work must be varnished. Lacquering the surface protects the finished work from moisture, and gives additional juiciness to the colors.

Since children cannot work with varnish, it is better for children to pre-color the dough and use food coloring for coloring. To color the dough, you need to flatten a piece, pour a little dry food coloring into the middle, dip your finger in water and wet the dye. Gather the flattened dough into a ball with dye inside and begin to knead and knead it. Dough with dye is kneaded faster, it is softer and more elastic than usual.

6. If you paint the finished product with gouache, then in order for it not to stain your hands in the future, you need to add a little PVA glue to the paint.

7. If you start sculpting from dough and, having rolled out the layer, you will see cracks on it, you must definitely wet your finger with water and cover up these cracks. The surface of the future product must be perfectly flat. The appearance of cracks usually means that the dough is not kneaded well.

If a crack appears on the finished figure, then drip water on the crack so that it flows inside and gently coat until smooth. The water will help seal the crack.

8. Roll out the dough to a thickness of at least 3 mm.

9. If you are making flat figures, then when the work is ready, turn on the oven to the lowest heat and, without closing the oven, dry until completely dry. Otherwise, they will be led, they will swell and lose their shape. Very often you can hear advice that you can dry the work on the battery. However, on the battery, the dough dries for a very long time. From above, it may dry out, but inside it will be damp and may later break or deform.

10. After cutting out a flat figure, the edges are uneven and rough. Dip your finger in water and smooth the edges until smooth. Then the figurine itself will be worthy of what you can give it and not be shy.

11. When cutting out figures from dough, you cannot “pull” the knife: the dough can begin to reach for it. You need to cut out with punching movements, piercing the dough around the perimeter of the figure.

In the video master class, you can also see how to make a New Year's craft from salt dough - an angel figurine to decorate gift wrapping.
