
Mate tea, benefits and harms to human health. How is mate tea made?

Red. But there is also a great many herbal infusions, enjoying no less popular love. A significant place among them is occupied by ethnic teas, which appearance, the effect on the body, the method of use are very similar to their "classic" counterparts. These exotic drinks include African, honeybush, Brazilian catuaba. But a special place among them is paraguayan mate- tea, the properties of which cause very conflicting reviews. By the way, almost equally common different forms spelling the name of this drink - both "mate" and "mate".

Tea from Indian legends

As befits anyone folk drink, mate is covered with legends, and the indigenous population of Latin America has long attributed literally magical qualities to it. It is believed that this drink is able to quench both thirst and hunger at the same time, as well as cause an extraordinary surge of vigor and strength.

The missionaries who discovered mate in the 16th century, of course, could not resist here, so as not to do business on gullible Indians: they liked the drink, they bought it for a pittance " green gold”from the local population, sent to Europe and decently earned on it. Sailors on their long voyages drank mate to escape scurvy and severe fever. During difficult transitions through impenetrable tropical forests, this tea invigorated and supported the strength of exhausted people.

True, for some time he was undeservedly forgotten for some reason. However, after the discovery in the 19th century of the plant Illex Paraguariensis, which began to be cultivated in countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, the second coming of the original drink began. From the leaves and crushed shoots of this plant began to be produced on an industrial scale. mate tea, useful properties made it extremely popular on the South American continent.

There was even a kind of tea ceremony using special paraphernalia - calabash (containers from) and bombilla (cane tubes). Mate is prepared using a special technology:

  • tea leaves are poured into the prepared calabash for 2/3 of the volume, shaken so that a void forms at one wall of the vessel, where the bombilla is inserted;
  • then the calabash is installed vertically and does not move anymore, it is very carefully poured into it through a straw boiled water(80 degrees);
  • tea is infused for 10 minutes, after which it can be drunk through a bombilla, which is equipped with a strainer on the bottom and a mouthpiece on top;
  • this procedure is repeated until the taste of mate disappears.

In the absence of such specific dishes, you should not despair, because you can prepare this golden-green drink with a peculiar bitter taste in an ordinary teapot.

Useful properties and composition of mate

Latin Americans drink mate almost all day. In the morning, to get a charge of vivacity - bitter; during the day, to quench your thirst - cold; in the evening for a sound and healthy sleep - sweet.

This tea is credited with a number of healing properties, which are due to its rich chemical composition. Scientists from the Pasteur Institute found that in mate drink there are over 190 components. It is rich in vitamins (A, C, E, group B, nicotinic acid), contains a whole bunch of organic acids (isovaleric, isocaproic, isobutyric, resinous), (, ), saponins (beta-amirin), tannins (tannin), micro -, macronutrients (magnesium, copper, manganese, iron, potassium, sodium and others).

If we compare mate with, then the following should be mainly noted:

  • various methods of their manufacture (green undergoes accelerated drying at high temperature. Mate goes through several stages of slow drying in combination with smoking, which gives it a specific aroma and taste);
  • the level of antioxidants (it has been found that it is much higher in the mat);
  • the content of alkaloids (in green - caffeine, in mat - its own, very specific, which experts call "matein").

This "alkaloid" difference deserves special attention. So matein. In its properties, it is similar to its "brother" - caffeine, but it has a milder and more gentle effect on the human body, without causing overexcitation and an increase in heart rate. And if caffeine is active for only 3 hours, then matein invigorates and tones 3 times longer. But the most important difference is that mateine ​​does not cause sleep disturbances.

Such a rich collection of various substances is contained in mate tea, the benefits and harms of which have long been the subject of close attention of scientists from various continents.

And heals, and cripples?

The healing properties of this drink have been used since ancient times: the Indians actively used an infusion of Paraguayan holly leaves (this is one of the many names of Hierba mate) in the treatment various diseases including infectious ones.

The stimulating effect of mate tea on work was noted gastrointestinal tract. This drink has a very mild antispasmodic effect, is a good diuretic. Paraguayan tea improves immunity, reduces the permeability of blood vessels.

It is a proven fact that mate has a depressing effect on those parts of the brain that are “guilty” of the feeling of hunger. Reception of this tea reduces appetite, speeds up metabolism, promotes the burning of excess body fat.

It would seem, well, here it is, the long-awaited panacea was found! However, more recently, Uruguayan scientists have added to this "barrel of honey" big spoon its tar. Studies were conducted on the topic "Tea mate: harm and benefit" in those regions whose population cannot imagine their life without this drink. And the relationship between its use and the emergence of certain species was established. oncological diseases(oral cavity, larynx, esophagus and Bladder).

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the well-established local centuries-old traditions, which are expressed in the regular intake of alcoholic beverages, active smoking, combined with heavy consumption of mate, can actually become catalysts in the process of oncological diseases.

A very thorough analysis of the statistical data was carried out, the result of which was completely disappointing. It turned out that the cause of oral cancer is the tradition of drinking very hot mate, since the high temperature of tea is kept steadily in calabash for a long time. The same factor can increase the risk of occurrence and development of a similar disease and the bladder.

Another important point was revealed: almost 2 dozen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were found in mate. So, these PAGs, in combination with similar compounds that are part of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, as well as grilled meat, are one of the reasons that create favorable conditions for oncological neoplasms.

Therefore, the Uruguayan "Ministry of Health warns": a combination of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, fried meat and a large number hot Paraguayan tea dangerous for health. These are the contraindications for mate tea.

But if you drink it 2-3 times a week, in moderate amounts and not very hot, that's all healing properties of this very controversial drink will be revealed in all its usefulness.

And finally - a video on how to cook mate:

Tonic, tart, bewitching tea with a very rich composition came to us from South America, or rather, from Paraguay. There it has long been used for friendly gatherings and as a medicine. The tradition of tea-drinking mate appealed to lovers of exotic and ethnic rituals, so by the end of the last century, Paraguayan tea became widespread.

The benefits of mate tea were also appreciated, which is why it was included in the diet of many people suffering from chronic diseases. And for some, this South American drink has become an equivalent coffee substitute.

Distribution history

In the Middle Ages, the holly tree grew only in Paraguay, where its leaves were used for this drink. But in the middle of the last century, holly became more widespread. Today it is grown for own consumption and for export in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. This is due to the fact that there is a great demand for the import of Paraguayan tea in America, Europe and Asia. To understand the reason for such popularity, it is worth evaluating mineral composition and useful properties that mate has.

Nutritional value of mate

Because the drink plant origin, it is light and dietary, its dry calorie content is 61 kcal. It is devoid of fat, and proteins and carbohydrates are minimal in it.

But much more important is its vitamin and mineral composition, flavonoids, phytonutrients, alkaloids and organic acids.

Vitamins in the drink

100 g of dried leaves contain many vitamins, organic acids and minerals. Some vitamins are present in high concentrations, for example:

  • PP - 8 mg or 57% of the recommended daily allowance;
  • B2 - 1 mg or 56%;
  • C - 10 mg or 12%.

In smaller, but no less valuable concentrations, there are vitamins B1 and A.

B1 and B2 are active participants in metabolism, A supports vision, C promotes cell regeneration and stimulates the immune system, and PP not only promotes normal absorption and distribution nutrients but also involved in the production of sex hormones.

Micro and macro elements

In many countries of the world, mate is also valued for its mineral composition, in which it is especially worth noting:

  • Magnesium - 110% of the recommended daily allowance;
  • Phosphorus - 103%
  • Potassium - 99%;
  • Calcium - 50%.

Sodium is also present, but in low concentrations. Studies were carried out on dried leaves of the plant, ready for brewing. But the benefits of mate tea are preserved even with proper brewing.

Tea tradition

The secret of the cooking procedure lies in a special vessel - calabash, which is made from a small pumpkin. The pulp of the vegetable is removed, the vessel-shaped bark is dried and framed with a metal rim for reliability. Mate tea leaves, poured into calabash, are soaked for several minutes in a small amount cold water to form a slurry. Only after that hot water is poured, cooled to 80 ° C. It is important not to overheat the water, because in this case, in the process of drinking tea, you can get a burn of the larynx.

The harm of this tea is associated with the peculiarity of the drinking procedure. It is not used in the usual way, that is, filtered and directly from the mug. Especially for this drink, a metal tube was created, complemented by a strainer. As you know, through the straw the drink goes directly to the larynx, practically bypassing the oral cavity. Tea overheated during brewing not only loses its useful qualities, but it also becomes very dangerous for the larynx and esophagus.

Matein is a worthy replacement for caffeine

In Paraguay, there is a special institute that has been studying the composition of mate tea and its effect on all body systems for many years. Scientists at this institute found that the drink contains a close analogue of caffeine - the alkaloid mateine. Its action is similar to caffeine: it stimulates brain activity, invigorates, activates the body's reserve capabilities. At the same time, matein is much softer than a relative, and acts 3 times longer. Mug for the average person strong coffee will give cheerfulness for 3 hours, and a cup of tart mate - 9 hours.

The drink is completely absent side effects- there is no trembling in the hands, no negative impact on the nervous system, palpitations, no problems with sleep, no addiction. Moreover, light tea before going to bed will only help him and help him fully relax.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

The most serious effect has the regular use of Paraguayan tea on the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle. Potassium together with magnesium contribute to the strengthening of muscle walls of cardio-vascular system, and calcium ions - normalization of the heart rhythm.

Polyphenols and chlorogenic acid regulate lipid metabolism, get rid of "bad" cholesterol, thus performing the prevention of atherosclerosis. In addition, the active components of tea are able to prevent oxidative processes with reactive oxygen species, which prevents strokes.

Digestive system and weight loss

The benefits of mate are also reflected in the gastrointestinal tract. Its anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties help with poisoning and intestinal infections. The drink contains flavoncides that kill E. coli. Cool yerba mate helps to get rid of heartburn.

Tannins, which are about 14 mg in tea, help strengthen the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, help resist pathogenic microorganisms, and increase local immunity.

Especially valuable property for weight loss is to slow down the process of digestion, stop the oxidation of fats, accelerate the onset of satiety. Tea acts specifically on the part of the brain that is responsible for the feeling of hunger.

Chlorogenic acid directly affects the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body. It significantly lowers the level of glucose in the blood, accelerating its processing into glycogen, which is deposited in the liver. It is this acid that, when hunger occurs, causes the body to use its fat reserves and prevents it from using glycogen.

Mate tea for diabetes

Gradually, in the body of a diabetic patient, glycolysis of proteins occurs, that is, their combination with glucose, which is in excess. Such compounds provoke changes in the structure of proteins and most complications in diabetes. Tea contributes to the accelerated "neutralization" of glucose and is an inhibitor of the process of its connection with proteins.

Other health benefits of tea

Regular consumption of mate helps:

  • reduce cravings for smoking and alcoholic beverages;
  • slow down oxidative processes;
  • suppression of bacteria, fungi and viruses;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • soothe inflammatory processes.

Contraindications to the use of mate

Scientists from the Paraguayan Institute found that regular consumption of mate tea in an excessively hot form can lead to cancer of the bladder, larynx, esophagus and stomach. At the same time, there is a particular danger of the simultaneous abuse of tea, alcoholic beverages and smoking.

What do you think about mate tea? Write your feedback in the comments!

The real connoisseurs this drink prefer to refrain from buying this form of tea packaging. Real gourmets who know a lot about teas often prefer exotic varieties. For example, they do not need to be told what mate is and why it is so good.

A person inexperienced in these matters, such a huge variety of varieties of tea, which in beautiful packages and colorful jars stand in rows on the shelves in stores, can be confusing. Out of ignorance, many unfairly bypass exotic varieties. But some of them can benefit our bodies. For example, such a tea called mate, which is not very popular for our country, is very beneficial for health.

Tea, which came to us from South America, is sometimes called Paraguayan. And all because the tonic drink called mate is made from dried and crushed leaves and young shoots of the Paraguayan holly, which are also called "mate grass", mate and Paraguayan tea. The tree itself grows exclusively in Latin American countries.

Mate tea is very diverse. Paraguayan tea can be golden, green and brown. If the colors of the first two varieties of the drink are quite natural, then the tea leaves acquire a brown color after it is fried in a special way.

Whatever the sort of mate, its taste is very unusual for a Russian person. It contains a little bit of bitterness, and at the same time a little sweetness - a rare combination, words cannot explain, you have to try it. The main thing here is to prepare the drink correctly. And there are a number of subtleties here.

Calabash and bombilla

It is not enough to buy mate tea itself. It is necessary to purchase special utensils for its use. First, you will need a vessel for making this type of tea, which is called calabash, or calabash. Initially, the Indians made them from gourds. Now, along with it, other materials are used. Such as, for example, oak wood, or porcelain, or ceramics. But if you cook mate according to all the rules, then you need to cook it in a calabash made from pumpkin.

Secondly, you will need something with which you will drink mate. This should be done with a special metal tube called a bombilla. Cane or bamboo reeds are also suitable. The second option is less preferable, since only the bombilla has a special strainer inside, thanks to which even the smallest particles of tea leaves are retained, as a result of which their entry into the mouth is completely excluded.

Not only that, to prepare mate, you need to use special devices, it is important to follow the entire process correctly from start to finish. Especially if you use pumpkin calabash.

Before using this vessel for the first time, it must be "revitalized". To do this, fill the container with completely dry mate grass, pour hot water and insist for about a day. Then pour out the drink, scrape the walls of the vessel from the inside to remove upper layer softened wood.

After that, brew a new portion of tea in the container, which will be suitable for consumption. Such a long and, at first glance, unnecessary procedure for “revitalizing” the calabash is done so that the pores of the pumpkin are saturated with the substances contained in the mate grass, and henceforth you will not feel any foreign tastes. A similar ritual should also be performed if the calabash for a long time not used.

But in no case do not leave the device filled for a long time. After standing for more than a day, the drink may become moldy, after which the vessel will have to be thrown away.

Calabash should not be stored not only filled, but also empty. Before putting it on the far shelf, it is recommended to fill the vessel with several grams of dry mate grass.

So, after the calabash has been infused for a day, the container is thoroughly cleaned and washed. After that, it is considered that it is ready for making a drink.

Everything according to the rules

There are many ways to brew mate tea. the classic way to prepare an unusual drink is this one: fill the calabash with dry mate by two thirds and shake it so that all the tea leaves are near one wall. After that, put the container on the table and insert the bombilla into it. Now you need to pour cold water into the calabash. But not to the top. Liquid should be a little more than half of the total volume of the entire calabash. The main thing is that the water slightly moistens the tea leaves, completely absorbed.

Readiness is determined by slightly tilting the jug. The tea leaves should swell a little and look like a thick green porridge.

Then pour some hot water or boiling water into the container. After a couple of minutes, the drink is ready. It is not recommended to insist the mate for a long time, otherwise it will be bitter.

With each subsequent brewing, the amount of hot water can be gradually increased until the calabash is completely filled and foam is formed. If part of the tea leaves on top of the jug is dry at first, it's okay. It will be re-brewed during the subsequent brewing process.

They also drink mate in a special way. It must be sipped in small sips, and the bombilla must always be at the very bottom of the calabash. That is, you should drink tea from the very thick. This will save you from the possibility of getting hot water.

The inhabitants of South America have another recipe for brewing mate tea. For this you need orange juice. It must be added to calabash instead of cold water. After that just add hot water and put in a sugar cube. Well, now try it!

No orange juice? Then you can try another extremely interesting way brewing mate tea. He cooks the other way around. In one liter of boiling water, add dry tea leaves of mate and the same amount of sugar. Let it brew for a few minutes, mix thoroughly and - you can drink.

You can also use milk instead of orange juice. For several cups of tea, you need half a liter, no more. Heat it on the stove without bringing it to a boil. Add about 30 grams of mate to hot milk and mix thoroughly. After that, bring to a boil and immediately turn off. Strain through a strainer and pour into cups. In this case, calabash is not required, but you should not forget the bombilla. Why - we will tell below.

For pleasure and health

Mate is drunk both for pleasure and for some useful properties this drink. Paraguayan tea, except amazing taste, has many useful properties. First of all, it is an excellent tonic that helps to restore strength and has a beneficial effect on the protective functions of the body. It is drunk to improve mood, relieve symptoms of nervousness and anxiety, and to increase physical activity. If you regularly drink the drink, then the obsessive feeling of anxiety will gradually go away.

Experts recommend mate as a remedy that affects the general psycho-emotional state and helps to calm the nervous system. This drink helps to lower blood pressure and for the better affects the functioning of the heart.

The tonic effect is achieved thanks to the mateine ​​contained in this herb. This substance is similar to caffeine, but more effective and does not cause side effects in the form of increased heart rate and nervous trembling. It allows you to increase the efficiency of the body and helps to increase its resistance to viral infections.

In terms of composition and trace elements, mate is comparable to ordinary black tea. It also contains vitamin A, E, C, P, B vitamins, as well as trace elements, including sulfur, magnesium, potassium, manganese, sodium, iron, copper, chlorine and some acids necessary for normal human life.

However, be careful!

With all the exceptional usefulness of Paraguayan mate tea, we must not forget that there are a number of restrictions and nuances that must be observed when drinking this drink.

Never drink mate tea on an empty stomach. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences from the stomach may occur.

You should not drink mate tea before going to bed, otherwise you will not fall asleep.

Can't drink given tea just out of a cup. Misuse mate without the use of bombilla can lead to deterioration of tooth enamel. Save your teeth! Do not let the drink linger in your mouth for a long time and do not drink it in large sips.

Do not drink hot mate. Scientists conducted studies during which some connection was found between the use of hot mate and cancer of certain organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

In general, as in everything, a measure is needed here. Try this one amazing tea, enjoy and experiment! Drink by yourself and brew with friends. If you follow all the rules for the preparation and use of this drink, then soon you will certainly feel all its beneficial properties.

The inhabitants of Paraguay have always worked hard and had little rest. Once, listening to their complaints and lamentations, the gods took pity and sent them mate tea. Since then, this nectar of the gods has become national drink Latin Americans. They drink it throughout the day. A bitter infusion in the morning tones up and gives vigor, a cool drink quenches thirst in the afternoon, and sweet tea in the evening provides deep sleep. If you want to be less tired and get more done while maintaining excellent health, mate tea is your choice.

Mate Features

In fact, mate is not a tea, but a herbal drink that is made from the young shoots of the Paraguayan Holly. Holly is considered an evergreen shrub by plant classification, although it grows to a height of up to 15 m. It grows wild and is grown on plantations in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly leaves go through several stages of drying, which give them a slight bitterness and a hint of smoke in the aroma.

Three countries supply high-quality raw materials: Brazil (53%), Argentina (37%) and Paraguay (10%).

Mate is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances that have a positive effect on the body. It quickly restores strength, improves mood, relieves nervousness. flavored drink invigorates even with severe fatigue and energizes the body. In this case, there will be no headaches and insomnia.

The word "mati" or in Russian "mate" (with emphasis on the first syllable) has Indian roots and means a vessel of pumpkin.

For a drink such as mate tea, the benefits depend on the shelf life - after 2 years, the raw material loses all its properties. Special attention is given to the observance of the brewing technology. It has a number of subtleties that must be accurately performed. Even perfectly brewed tea can be harmful if not drunk properly.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of any product depend on its composition. The leaves and stems of Paraguayan Holly are simply champions among evergreen counterparts and contain up to 200 components, including:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • choline;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • trace elements.

Vitamins A, C, E, P, B and trace elements strengthen the body and improve metabolism. Together with bioflavonoids, they are strong antioxidants and reduce cell oxidation. Tannins cause an astringent and bactericidal effect, saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect. Choline helps reduce bad cholesterol. No less useful are other components of Paraguayan tea.

The mat contains the alkaloid "matein", which tones and relieves tension. Matein and caffeine belong to the same group of substances and have a similar effect on the body. But matein's action is delicate and at the same time long-lasting. It does not have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, does not excite the nervous system and does not cause sleep disturbance.

Unlike caffeine, the tonic effect of mateine ​​is 3 times longer and lasts up to 9 hours.


According to the ideas of the Indians, bestowed by the gods healing drink restores strength, banishes diseases, relieves sorrow and prolongs life. To this day, mate tea, the benefits of which have been proven numerous studies and scientific reports, has a miraculous effect on the body. It is indispensable during periods of strong physical and emotional stress. There is also an opinion that the temperament of Latin American machos is fueled by this magical infusion.

Mate is forbidden to drink to children under 7 years old, lactating and pregnant women.

The healing properties of mate

The positive effect of the drink in question is as follows:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
  2. Uplifts mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Normalizes sleep and relieves insomnia.
  4. It relieves muscle tension and quickly restores strength.
  5. Perfectly invigorates and increases stamina.
  6. Activates mental activity and increases mindfulness.
  7. Stimulates metabolism.
  8. Increases potency and sexuality.
  9. Strengthens immunity.
  10. Removes toxins from the body.

Nervous system

The amazing properties of tea are manifested in its effect on the nervous system. On the one hand, it invigorates and uplifts the mood, and on the other hand, it relieves tension and normalizes sleep. With high fatigue, mate tones up a tired body, increases attentiveness and endurance. It calms with excessive excitement and helps with insomnia. Use healing tea helps to harmonize work nervous system and deal with stress.

Digestive system

Mate tea has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Its regular use stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and helps to get rid of constipation.

Drinking tea is contraindicated at high temperature and blood pressure.

The cardiovascular system

Mate expands blood vessels and improves the nutrition of the heart muscle. Drinking tea helps stabilize arterial pressure, improve cerebral circulation.

Mate for weight loss

Rich chemical composition tea helps fight overweight. It speeds up the metabolism, burns calories and body fat, inhibits the parts of the brain responsible for appetite. With increased appetite, mate will become real magic wand- One cup of tea will help get rid of hunger.

Interesting to know: Paraguayan holly extract is part of dietary supplements for weight loss.


An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to mate tea, which is expressed in an allergic reaction of the body. It can manifest itself as a skin rash, sneezing, tearing, coughing. If these symptoms appear after drinking a cup of tea, its use is strictly prohibited. In addition, doctors have identified some categories of people and body conditions in which drinking a drink is highly undesirable.

Studies conducted and statistics collected over several decades have proven the existence of a link between regular consumption of excessively hot mate and the development of cancer.

The use of tea, the temperature of which is above 80 ° C, can provoke the development of oncological neoplasms of the esophagus, larynx, and bladder.


  • children under 7 years old;
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • heat;
  • hypertension;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • peptic ulcer and hyperacidity stomach;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • allergic diseases.

About 20 aromatic compounds (PAGs) were found in mate, which are also found in tobacco, alcoholic beverages and fried meat. Their combination creates favorable conditions for oncological neoplasms.

The combination of mate with spirits, tobacco and fried meat dangerous for health.

How to cook and drink mate

In appearance, freshly brewed mate resembles green tea. The infusion has a golden-green color, bitter-sour taste and bright aroma. In the homeland of mate, raw materials poured into a vessel are brewed up to 8 times. Its taste changes with each filling and reaches optimal saturation by the third time. Classic tea they are prepared only from herbal raw materials, but stevia leaves are sometimes added to add sweetness.

Dried and crushed holly leaves are called "yerba" and serve as a raw material for making tea. Yerba is poured into a vessel and filled with water, the temperature of which is 70-80 ° C. Tea insist 2-3 minutes and drink immediately. Mate should not be brewed with boiling water - such an infusion not only begins to taste bitter, but also becomes harmful to health. They drink mate through a special bombilla tube, the lower edge of which looks like a strainer. This design allows, when drinking a drink, to filter it from particles of tea raw materials.

The temperature of mate during drinking should not exceed 80 °C.

Traditionally, tea is brewed in a special vessel made from the fruit of lagenaria creeper, which looks like small pumpkins. This dish is called "calabash". Modern calabashes are also made of wood, metal, and ceramics. Bombillas are made from silver, cupronickel, stainless steel, wood, or hollow plant stems. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special utensils, tea can be prepared in the usual teapot.

Today, there are many ways to brew mate. Manufacturers add fruits and flavors to yerba. Bitter mate is preferred by men, and sweet by women and children. In Latin America, "summer" mate is very popular. For its preparation, yerba is poured cold water, add lemon, sugar, mint leaves, orange or grapefruit juice.

To get away from tea maximum benefit, you need to buy only fresh yerba without additives.

Mate brewing technology:

  1. Yerba is poured into calabash by 2/3, covered with a hand and shaken.
  2. Calabash is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. On the side where the void has formed, a bombilla is inserted. Then the vessel is set vertically, and the bombilla is pushed to the bottom.
  3. Hot water is poured over the bombilla.

As a result of the infusion, little is obtained, so the procedure is repeated until the taste disappears.

From the moment of the first brewing, tea should be drunk within an hour.

Mate cures diseases, gives strength to the body and calms the soul. But in order for this drink to bring only benefits, you must strictly follow the rules for its preparation and use.

Mate tea is one of the best tonic drinks, which in its properties is equal to caffeine. This tea is called Paraguayan tea due to its origin: the leaves and shoots of the Paraguayan holly, which is grown in South America. At mate tea amazing taste, which borders between the bitterness of green tea and the sweetness of vanillin. It is also believed that Brazilian tea contains many beneficial vitamins and elements that have a positive effect on human immunity.

However, there are conflicting opinions about the dangers of such exotic drink. Therefore, in order to enjoy the full range of taste of mate tea, you need to know how to properly brew and drink a Brazilian drink so that it brings only benefits. It is also important to note that mate tea is very often taken for weight loss purposes. So, in order to discover the mystery of mate tea, you need to learn more about the benefits and harms of this drink. This is what we will be talking about next.

Mate tea: good or bad?

Benefits of mate tea

To begin with, it is important to understand the composition of mate tea. Indeed, in one brewed leaflet there is a whole list of useful both chemical and biological elements. The chemical elements include: nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), tannin, rutin, beta-amirin, inositol, as well as isovaleric, isocaproic, resinous, isobutyric acid; potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, sulfur, manganese, vanillin, chlorine and water. TO useful vitamins include groups A, B, C, E, R. Thanks to this composition, according to experts, a number of useful properties of mate tea can be distinguished, such as:

  • It has a tonic effect on the body and stimulates physical and mental work. Due to the sedative effect, the work of the nervous system improves, it helps to fight depression, insomnia, nervousness and anxiety. Improves brain function.
  • Has a positive effect on the work digestive tract, as well as liver function, lowering cholesterol levels. At regular use the digestive process improves and the gastric mucosa is restored.
  • It cleanses the blood of toxins and poisons and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to the cleansing of blood vessels, it normalizes blood pressure which is especially useful for hypertensive patients.
  • Strengthens immune system body, thereby increasing the body's resistance to harmful bacteria and viruses. It is useful to drink tea after a viral illness, which contributes to a faster recovery of health.

It is important to know! Another tea mate, perfectly helps to fight excess weight. About this important feature mate tea will be discussed below.

Is mate tea harmful?

According to some studies, there is a danger of drinking too hot a drink. Hot tea, getting into the stomach, can damage the walls of the esophagus, which may cause the development of a cancerous tumor.

The second version is more significant, it lies in the presence of carcinogens in hot tea. Because of frequent use too hot a drink, the likelihood of developing cancer not only of the esophagus, but also of the bladder, as well as the lungs, is allowed. It should be noted that with prolonged use of tea, increased dryness of the skin and a decrease in sweating can be observed.

How should mate tea be brewed?

In order to properly brew mate, you need to purchase a special vessel for this, called a calabash, made from pumpkin. However, if this is not possible, then you can brew tea in an ordinary teapot. If you are brewing mate in a new calabash, then first you need to fill it up to half with crushed tea leaves and pour warm water. Let the tea stand for a few days and then pour it out. Calabaza will need to be well cleaned of plaque after tea.

Thus the vessel will be saturated pleasant aroma tea and will serve you for a long time. After this procedure, you can already brew tea for consumption. To brew mate tea, it is necessary to carefully pour 2/3 of mate tea on one side and slowly pour warm water up to half (no more than 80 degrees). After a few minutes, the tea leaves should swell well, and you can top up warm water. After waiting another 2-3 minutes, you can proceed to pleasant tea drinking. Mate tea can be brewed up to eight times in a row. After the first brewing, do not leave the tea for a long time, otherwise it will be very bitter.

Delicious mate tea recipes

To enjoy mate tea there are many recipes for its preparation. Here are just a few of them that diversify the taste and method of preparation.

1) Mate tea with citrus. Pour chopped pieces of peel into calabash with mate leaves dried fruits such as: orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. This will add additional aroma and fruity notes to the taste.

2) Mate tea with a tonic effect. Added to cooked mate ground coffee taste. This helps to activate the work of the body. However, you should be careful and not often use such a strong drink!

3) Mate tea with a relaxing effect. To do this, with mate leaves, various useful herbs. For example, to calm the nervous system, mint and lemon balm are added; to relax the head, you can add chamomile flowers; to maintain the cardiovascular system, add linden leaves and valerian.

4) Mate tea is nutritious. Such tea can be given even to children or prepared for yourself instead of breakfast. It is necessary to boil the milk and cool it to a temperature of 70-80 degrees. Then pour mate leaves over it. Since milk has a fat content, mate will not be very bitter, and if you add a piece of honey, then it will not be possible to break away from such a drink!

Mate tea as a means of losing weight

As already mentioned, mate tea has a good effect on digestion and improves bowel function, which in turn helps to cleanse the body of unnecessary toxins and fats.

Mate tea perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and thanks to the rich vitamin complex does not allow the body to deplete. Also, the drink will strengthen the natural protective functions of the body and help stabilize the metabolism in the body.

Mate tea also contains natural elements that help naturally break down excess fat in the body. Many nutritionists recommend drinking mate tea as the main addition to a weight loss program.

Mate tea…

So, mate tea is not only gourmet drink gourmets, but quite useful, and sometimes necessary for an active life. Due to the rich composition of vitamins and nutrients, each leaf contains something that helps to enjoy unusual taste and energized for every day.

Having tried various recipes cooking, you can choose the one that will bring you the most pleasure. So have a nice "matepitiya"!
