
Protein cream for eclairs. How to make fragrant protein cream for eclairs

Properly prepared cream for eclairs entirely determines the final results. taste characteristics a favorite dessert. Using a different set of components and varying their proportions, each time you can enjoy a new taste of delicacy.

How to make cream for eclairs?

Cream for eclairs, the recipe of which you can choose below, will not require you to have high knowledge in the field of cooking. When implementing any of the presented variations, the main thing to remember is the following:

  1. Cream for eclairs should not be liquid and keep its shape perfectly.
  2. Any base for filling products is well whipped to acquire an airy and lush structure.
  3. The blanks are filled with ready-made cream using confectionery syringe or bag, and, in the absence of such, with the help of a teaspoon, cutting the eclair on one or two sides.

Classic custard for eclairs - recipe

The classic delicious custard for eclairs is called patissier in the confectionery art. It necessarily includes milk, eggs, flour, sugar and natural vanilla which gives fragrance to products. Sometimes cocoa or chocolate is added for taste, less often - caramel, cinnamon or pistachio paste.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • vanilla pod - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cream (optional) - 125 ml;
  • flour and corn starch - 1 tbsp. spoon with a small slide.


  1. Cut the vanilla pod, clean out the seeds, spread the milk, add sugar and heat to a boil.
  2. Flour and starch are mixed into beaten eggs with yolks, beat until smooth, pour in hot milk and beat again.
  3. The mass is filtered, heated until thickened, processed again with a mixer and, after cooling, whipped cream is added if desired.

Curd cream for eclairs - recipe

Along with the classic custard, curd cream for eclairs is quite popular. For its preparation, choose soft, not sour curd, which is ground through a fine sieve or pierced with a blender to a creamy texture. Whipped cream gives airiness to the mass, which, if desired, can be replaced with a portion of condensed milk, while reducing the amount of sugar.


  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • cream - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • vanilla.


  1. Whip heavy cream until thick and fluffy.
  2. Grind cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla until smooth and creamy.
  3. Whisk in the cream in batches and whisk lightly.

Protein custard for eclairs

Delicate and airy protein cream for eclairs - nothing more than it is prepared by brewing whipped egg whites boiling sugar syrup, boiled to the desired density. For many, this filling may seem too sweet, but in reality it harmonizes perfectly with sugar-free.


  • squirrels - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 140 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 drops;
  • vanilla.


  1. Beat egg whites until firm foam.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar to a temperature of 120 degrees or samples for a soft ball.
  3. Without stopping beating, pour boiling syrup into the proteins in a thin stream, adding lemon juice.
  4. Continue whisking the cream for eclairs until cool.

Butter cream for eclairs - recipe

Butter cream for eclairs will appeal to lovers of more nutritious desserts. high calorie content, perhaps the only drawback of filling. Otherwise, the resulting substance consists of some advantages: it is prepared in just 30 minutes, it turns out surprisingly tasty, tender, airy and keeps its shape perfectly. From the specified amount, 600 grams of the finished cream is obtained.


  • egg yolks - 6 pcs.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 360 g;
  • vanilla.


  1. Rub the yolks.
  2. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar to a temperature of 120 degrees.
  3. Then, little by little, pour the syrup into the yolks, whipping the mass at medium speed.
  4. In a separate bowl, grind the butter with vanilla, after which in small portions mix it into the sweet yolk mass.
  5. Once again, beat the cream from the butter for eclairs well.

Cream eclair cream

Next, you will learn how to make cream for eclairs from cream. This one is no less delicious option sweet filling for products is one of the simplest and most quickly implemented. It is only necessary to choose the right quality cream with a fat content of more than 30% and beat it with the addition of powdered sugar to a dense and fluffy texture. With a powerful mixer, the whole process will take no more than 10 minutes.


  • cream - 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 100-150 g;
  • vanilla.


  1. Well-chilled cream together with dishes is whipped at high speed until fluffy.
  2. At the end of whipping, powdered sugar and a little vanilla are added to the cream for eclairs.

Cream for eclairs with condensed milk - recipe

Another simple cream for eclairs can be made with the following recommendations in mind. As a basis for filling products in this case regular or boiled condensed milk and butter will be used. You can’t call such a cream light, but definitely tasty and tender. Its sweetness or density can be adjusted by changing the proportions of the ingredients or adding powdered sugar to taste. If desired, the taste of the delicacy can be enriched by adding a couple of drops of vanilla or any other essence of your choice, as well as chopped nuts.


  • condensed milk 380 g;
  • butter - 200 g.


  1. All products must be at room temperature before processing.
  2. First, beat the butter until fluffy.
  3. Little by little, condensed milk is introduced, whisking all the time.
  4. At the end, flavoring or nuts are added to the cream for eclairs with condensed milk, if desired.

Cream for eclairs with mascarpone

Incredibly tasty, rich and pleasant in texture for eclairs can surprise even demanding and demanding connoisseurs of sweet delicacies. Having taken care of the availability of the necessary main product, it will not be difficult to execute the filling preparation technology. The whole process will only take 20 minutes.


  • mascarpone - 500 g;
  • cream with a fat content of more than 30% - 200 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • cream thickener - 1 sachet.


  1. Separately whip the cream with a thickener and soft butter with powder and mascarpone.
  2. Little by little they add creamy mass to cheese and stir.
  3. When the mass becomes homogeneous, delicious cream ready for mascarpone eclairs.

Chocolate cream for eclairs - recipe

A real find for the sweet tooth, who cannot imagine their existence without chocolate, will be for eclairs. A treat is being prepared custard base with addition cornstarch and gelatin, which acts as a thickener. Cream, whipped to peaks, and butter will give the cream tenderness, softness and airiness. Vanilla or any other flavor can be added to the base if desired.

Good afternoon friends! As promised, I introduce you to recipes for making homemade creams for eclairs from choux pastry. In hand experienced hostess, choux pastry and cream for filling cakes, can turn into a real cooking masterpiece. And will deliver worthy competition to anyone, even to himself. gourmet dessert which took a lot of time to make.

A delicious topping may be sweet, or not quite, but it will always decorate a dessert. Without it, even everything will remain - just a fresh shell. It just depends on the filler how tender and sweet the cake will become. I introduced you to various cooking recipes, run and get to know each other.

Cream for eclairs from choux pastry

There is, in fact, nothing complicated in the secret art. A bit of experience, a little knowledge and effort, a little bit of effort, and wonderful cakes made by your own hands will appear on your table.

Try to strictly adhere to the recipe at each stage of preparation, but you still need to know some of the nuances.

Secrets of Proper Cooking

  • Do not spare the filling for the cake - there should be a lot of cream, and a thin layer of dough.
  • Beat the cream for a long time, sparing no time, and if at first it seems too liquid to you, do not be alarmed, after about ten minutes it will begin to thicken.
  • To make the cream more tender, grind the sugar into powder.
  • The mass will become thicker if you add starch there, and the more it is, the thicker the filling. If necessary, starch can be replaced with flour, and take it in the same amount.
  • Always soften the cooking oil first, and it will be easier to work with. Here's to melting it down liquid state not necessary, it is better to take it out of the refrigerator in advance and hold it at home temperature.
  • To obtain an unusual new taste in custard, curd or oil cream you can always add an additional filler - berries, cocoa, cream, ground coffee.

What are the toppings for eclairs:

First of all, sweet. This is custard, protein, curd creamy cream, chocolate, with condensed milk and yogurt are very popular.

There are also snack bars with savory fillings, but this is no longer a cream, as you understand. However, they are also used for stuffing and are loved by everyone who has tried them. This is a cheese filler, meat and even quite unusual - salted herring.

Butter cream for eclair filling


  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Butter - 200 gr.
  • Egg.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Flavoring to taste, usually vanillin, rum, cognac.


  1. Combine sugar, flour, egg and rub the mixture.
  2. Bring the milk to almost a boil, pour it into the mixture in a thin stream, immediately stirring well.
  3. Put the milk back on the fire and warm the mixture over low heat until it starts to "puff" as it were. At the end, add vanilla.
  4. When the cream has cooled, beat with softened butter.

Custard - classic

The traditional, generally accepted filler for eclair is simple custard. And it's also easy to prepare.


  • Powdered sugar - a glass.
  • Flour - 3 large spoons.
  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Yolk - 4 pcs.
  • Vanilla essence - a couple of drops.

How to do step by step:

  1. Start whipping the yolks, gradually adding sugar or powder from it to them. Then add flour little by little and continue to beat well so that the composition of the mass becomes completely homogeneous.
  2. Pour in the milk, mix and put on the stove. It is very important here to continue stirring the future cream until bubbles appear in it.
  3. When the brew boils, it will begin to thicken - continue to work with a spoon so that the filling does not burn and lumps do not appear.
  4. In terms of density, it will begin to resemble a cool semolina - then it's time to pour vanilla essence, stir in last time and put away from the fire. If you do not start filling the eclairs immediately, cool the cream and send it to the cold.

Butter cream - recipe

Butter cream is a kind of custard, I picked it up for you with a low calorie content.


  • Oil - 30 gr.
  • Yolks - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 30 gr.
  • Milk - 400 ml.
  • Vanilla - pod or sachet.
  • Salt.

Butter cream preparation:

  1. Combine the yolks with powdered sugar, stir and slowly add the flour. Mix the whole mass very well.
  2. Warm the milk (but do not boil), add sugar and vanillin to it. If you put a pod. Then soon, when he shares the aroma, remove it. Add oil and beat the mass with a mixer.
  3. Combine milk and yolk mass in small portions.
  4. Stir and start heating. At the first sign of boiling, turn off the gas.
  5. Cover the saucepan with something so that a film does not form on the surface, and let cool.

Stuffing for eclairs with condensed milk

They say it's children's version eclair cream. Well, apparently, I am falling into childhood, because I adore this filling with all my heart. By the way, this is the easiest and fastest recipe I know of.

  • Of the ingredients, you will need only two products: 200 gr. boiled condensed milk and butter.

How to make cream on condensed milk:

  1. First, beat the butter, but so that it turns white, and then add the boiled condensed milk there and beat everything again properly.

Protein cream for eclairs - recipe

In comparison with the classic custard, the protein cream for filling eclairs wins with its airiness and tenderness, probably in Lately That's why it's gaining such popularity. Even despite some difficulties in cooking.


  • Proteins - 4 pcs.
  • Powder - half a glass.
  • Vanilla flavor or whatever you like.

How to make protein cream:

  1. Take the separation of proteins seriously: not a drop of yolk should get into them. Place the bowl of backes on water bath and, continuously warming up, start whipping. Tip: do not immediately set a high speed, start at a low speed so that the cream brews evenly.
  2. After beating for a minute, slowly add the powdered sugar. When all of it is in the proteins, switch to the maximum speed and now beat very quickly.
  3. To beat the cream with high quality, you will need 10 minutes, then it will become shiny, dense. It remains to remove it from the stove and start filling your eclairs.

Curd cream for filling eclairs

Eclairs with cottage cheese cream are a modern invention, and are not considered classics. A huge plus of such a cake is that its nutritional value is not too high, but palatability they are in no way inferior to the traditional filler. I offer you two recipes for a wonderful filler.

Recipe number 1. Take:

  • Cottage cheese, not too fatty and the same cream - take 220 gr.
  • Powder - 200 gr.
  • Flavoring or vanillin - 2 sachets.

Step by step preparation:

  1. To get the right consistency, first grind the curd through a sieve and add sugar or powder into it. If the cottage cheese does not become soft after rubbing, beat it a little with a blender.
  2. Whip the cream as well, but not too much so that the butter does not come out, and add to the curd. That's where the fragrance is.
  3. Continue whisking until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Recipe for cream cheese filling for eclairs

Recipe number 2. A little more complicated, but budget recipe cream, and less calories, as I think.

  • Take 200 gr. fat sour cream and the same cottage cheese, add a glass of sugar or powdered sugar, and a small spoonful of vanilla sugar.

How to cook:

  1. First, beat the powder with cottage cheese until the mass is without lumps.
  2. Add vanilla and sour cream and continue beating for a while until the mixture is thick, smooth and shiny.

Unsweetened fillings for choux pastry eclairs

As I already told you, our hostesses have long expanded the possibilities of eclairs and, if desired and necessary, they cook them without cream at all, making savory snack fillings. Most often, a cheese supplement is used for this.

Cheese filling for eclair

To prepare it, grate 200 gr. hard cheese, add chopped dill, chopped garlic clove in a press, and season with mayonnaise. How much to take the last ingredient, decide along the way, you need to achieve such a consistency so that you can fill the shell.

Salted herring filling

Cut the herring into fillets, and pass in a meat grinder with a piece of bread soaked in milk. Add the chopped boiled egg And green onion. Slightly dilute all this with vegetable oil and mix well.

Mushroom stuffing

Boil any mushrooms, chop (with a knife, a blender), add the fried onion, a spoonful of sour cream and sweat a little together over low heat. At the end put grated cheese. The meat filling is prepared according to the same principle.

Well, did I provoke you? Once I served such eclairs on the table before hot, along with cold appetizers. Imagine the surprise of the guests when I demanded that they try them.

I have never heard so many words of admiration! And when at the end of the feast custards with sweet cream for eclairs were brought out, I took off a standing ovation! What do you want. With love… Galina Nekrasova.


Choux pastry
  • Wheat flour - 200 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Water - 180 g
  • A pinch of salt
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
Protein Custard
  • Proteins - 2 pcs.
  • Water - 50 g
  • Sugar - 140 g
  • A couple of drops lemon juice

close Ingredient printing

Another option is quite affordable, but very effective sweet treats. A minimum of ingredients, but how beautiful and delicious! And, of course, it cannot be compared with what is sold today in stores ( sorry shops! :)). This dessert comes from France, which is why the associations are - something refined, refined and certainly delicious! Is it true, classic eclairs made with custard, but it also works well with protein. Especially if you basically like this cream. However, you can generally make some with protein, and some with custard: you need to attach the remaining yolks somewhere! :)

Let's go!

Making custard dough

I like this dough for its versatility, because it is neutral and harmonizes perfectly with both sweet and savory fillings. And do it ( as it turned out!:)) is not difficult, you just need to catch the right consistency and adapt to your oven.

  1. Turn on the oven to heat up. We need heat- 210 degrees.
  2. Sift 200 g of flour into a bowl.
  3. Pour 180 g of water into a saucepan, add 100 g of butter and a pinch of salt. We put on fire. Bring to a boil.
  4. When the butter melts, add the flour. Mix quickly and thoroughly so that all the flour is brewed (that's why custard!).
  5. We shift the dough into a bowl, cool to 60-70 degrees.
  6. In a separate bowl, lightly beat 300 g of eggs (about 5 pieces) with a whisk. Add the eggs little by little to the batter and mix well each time. I do this with a mixer with a Hook attachment (for kneading dough).
  7. The finished dough is viscous, not too liquid and falls off the spoon if it hits the bowl.

We plant future eclairs!

  1. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
  2. Transfer the dough to a piping bag fitted with a wide round tip. If there are no nozzles, you can simply cut off the corner evenly to get a hole of the desired width (about 1.5 cm). If there is no bag, take a regular plastic bag tighter and cut off the corner in the same way. But with a pastry bag, of course, much more convenient!
  3. We plant sticks about 10 cm long at some distance from each other, because they will increase in the oven. It is not easy to plant evenly, usually a trace in the form of a small tail remains from the nozzle, but you can gently smooth it with your fingers slightly moistened with water.

Baking eclairs!

We bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 210 degrees, then lower it to 180 degrees and bake for about another half an hour. Finished goods have dense crust from above, and inside - hollow or separated by rare partitions from a slightly damp dough. Remove from oven and cool completely.

Making custard protein cream

Yes, we will make not just protein cream, but custard! This cream is beautiful, snow-white, holds its shape well and keeps well. It is too sweet for my taste, and I am not a fan of it, but in our family they love it dearly and are very happy when I cook something with this cream! As always, tastes differ :) And you can also find this recipe on the Internet under a different, more fashionable name - Italian meringue! Don't be surprised if so! :)

In general, the cream itself!

  1. Pour 50 g of water into a saucepan, pour 140 g of sugar into it. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Cook over medium heat until a test for a medium ball or a temperature of 120 degrees. Take the sample like this: remove from heat so as not to overcook, scoop up a little syrup with a spoon and drop into ice water, if you can make a dense, but still crumpled ball, the syrup is ready! To be honest, I don’t like these tests for all sorts of balls: it’s very dreary and not always effective. Especially if there is not enough experience :) And so I bought a culinary thermometer, the simplest one, but it helps me a lot. If you like to cook, I highly recommend that you also buy such a little thing, you will see, it will constantly help you!
  2. While the syrup is cooking, beat the egg whites at high speed into a strong foam, you can add vanilla sugar(I used fragrance drops).
  3. Whisking constantly, pour the syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream, add a couple of drops of lemon juice or a few crystals of citric acid and beat until the cream has cooled completely. The finished cream is dense, glossy and holds its shape well on the whisk. Of course, this cream is much easier to make if you have a mixer with a bowl: while you cook the syrup, the proteins are whipped, and the syrup itself is easier to pour in while whipping the proteins.

Fill the eclairs with protein cream

We cut the cooled blanks along completely or only on one side. We fill a pastry bag with a “Star” nozzle with cream and figuratively squeeze it onto one half of the eclair, cover the other, pour melted chocolate on top and sprinkle powdered sugar. Our eclairs with protein cream ready!

Enjoy your meal!

Thanks for the science to Irina Chadeeva and her book “Baking according to GOST”.

Protein cream is one of the main confectionery creams, which, as the name implies, is prepared on the basis of egg whites and sugar. Most of us have known its taste since childhood, because it was the protein cream that was traditionally filled with the famous cakes-baskets.

The main recipe involves the use of fresh proteins chicken eggs and sugar, which are beaten until a fluffy thick mass is formed. In addition to the main one, there are other ways to prepare the cream - in a water bath, with the addition of cream, butter and other ingredients.

Protein cream is used for filling cakes, eclairs and other desserts. In addition, it can be used to decorate cakes and as an independent dessert.

Protein cream - basic recipe step by step

This cream is otherwise called "raw". The fact is that the ingredients do not pass any heat treatment and are used raw. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the freshest and cleanest eggs.

How to make protein cream at home

Place the cooled proteins in a bowl and beat them with a mixer, first at low speed, then gradually increase it.

When the proteins form stable peaks, without stopping whipping, add the sifted powdered sugar to them in small parts.

Together with the last portion of the powder, add a few drops of lemon juice and beat until the powder is completely dissolved. Cream is ready!

Protein cream in a water bath

This type of cream is safer than the previous one, since the proteins here are amenable to heat treatment. Therefore, if not perfectly clean and fresh eggs, then it is better to opt for this recipe.


  • proteins of large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup (about 200 g);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - a large pinch.


Prepare a water bath - pour a little water into the pan and set it on medium fire to boil.

Place all the ingredients in a clean and dry bowl and beat them with a mixer for 1.5-2 minutes until the mass becomes homogeneous.

Transfer the bowl to the water bath and continue beating at low speed.

When the mass becomes sufficiently fluffy, turn the mixer to a higher speed and continue beating for another 5-6 minutes.

Then remove the cream from the water bath and beat for another 2-3 minutes.

When the peaks on the surface are very stable, the cream is ready. It can be used for cake and pastries, it keeps its shape perfectly, you can use culinary attachments do beautiful jewelry on the cake.

Protein cream for eclairs

Eclair is dessert French descent, which is a pastry from choux pastry hollow inside. Traditionally they are filled with cream. Most often used custard or chocolate cream, but protein can also be used. Then the dessert will become lighter and more airy.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.


Mix water with sugar and put on high heat.

Continuously stirring the syrup, boil it for 10-15 minutes. Readiness can be checked by dropping the syrup into cold water. If you can roll a ball out of it, then the syrup is ready.

Combine the whites with salt and lemon juice, beat them until stable peaks form.

Without ceasing to beat, pour boiling syrup into the cream.

Beat the cream until it cools completely, and then fill the eclairs with it.

Cream of proteins and cream

This version of the cream will have a gentle creamy taste and it's easy to prepare. It is important to consider that here, as in the main recipe, raw proteins are used. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the quality of eggs.


  • fresh squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - one and a half glasses;
  • heavy cream (at least 25%) - 1 cup.


  1. Mix egg whites with sugar and beat until fluffy.
  2. Whisking constantly, pour in the cream in a thin stream.
  3. The result is a smooth glossy mass - this is the protein-butter cream. It is perfect for decorating desserts.

Protein-oil cream

Delicate and delicious, reminiscent of ice cream, the cream is mainly used to decorate various desserts. Let's figure out how to make a protein cream with butter.


  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - a few drops.


Prepare the butter - take it out of the freezer so that it warms up to room temperature.

Place the whites in a clean and dry bowl, then lightly mix them with a whisk (it should also be clean and dry).

Add a few drops of lemon juice to the proteins and beat everything together at a low mixer speed for 3-4 minutes.

Increase the speed a little and gradually add powdered sugar to the proteins, continuing to beat.

When stable peaks begin to form on the surface of the protein mass, reduce the speed a little and add the softened butter bit by bit, without ceasing to beat.

When all the butter is in the cream, continue to beat for another 1-2 minutes until smooth. Cream for the cake is ready!

Dyes for protein cream

Quite often on confectionery you can see decorations made of colored protein cream. Fillers for various cakes, tubes and, of course, patterns on the cake can be colored. Making colored protein cream at home is not at all difficult. For this, ready-made dyes or natural ones that you can make yourself are suitable.

To color the cream, the following ingredients are suitable:

  • Carrot juice. It will color the finished cream in a bright yellow color.
  • You can make from carrots orange dye. To do this, rub it on fine grater and then fry in in large numbers butter (the ratio of butter to carrots is 1: 1). When the carrots become soft and the oil turns orange, put the mass on cheesecloth and squeeze well. The resulting liquid is the dye.
  • Saffron or turmeric will give the cream a rich yellow tint. To do this, the spice powder must be diluted in a small amount water and insist during the day. So it will turn out natural dye.
  • Beetroot, as you know, intensively colors products in a saturated pink color. To make a natural dye out of it, you need to grate the beets, pour a small amount of water (to cover) and boil for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth. He will be the dye.
  • Juice, syrup and puree from red berries will give the cream a red color.
  • Pomegranate juice and red wine will also turn red.
  • Decoction of red cabbage is a blue dye.
  • Juice from blueberries or dark grapes will give the cream blue and purple hues.
  • Spinach can be cooked green dye. To do this, squeeze it through cheesecloth and use the resulting juice as a coloring agent. Or you can grind the spinach leaves to a puree state - it will also color the cream green.
  • Coffee or melted chocolate will color the cream in the appropriate brown shades.

In addition to the ingredients described above, any jam can be used to give the cream the desired color.

Protein cream with jam

The cream according to this recipe is somewhat more difficult to prepare than the usual one, but the result will certainly please. finished product will have not only beautiful colour but also a fruity or berry flavor. You can use jam or jam.


  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • a few tablespoons of any jam (depending on the desired color of the finished cream and taste).


Soak gelatin in a little water to swell.

Put this mixture on the most slow fire and stir constantly until the gelatin dissolves.

Heat the jam, rub through a sieve and dissolve the sugar in it.

Boil the jam on big fire within 5-6 minutes, add to it gelatin mass and mix.

Beat egg whites as usual until stiff peaks.

In small portions, add to them a mass of jam, without stopping whipping.

You will get a colored protein cream with a fruity taste.

If you wipe the jam through a large sieve or grind it in a blender, then the finished cream will have small inclusions of fruit, as in the photo.


  • Proteins will whip better if they are pre-cooled.
  • The bowl and whisk must be perfectly clean and dry. It is also advisable to pre-cool them.
  • On final stage whipping proteins, you can add a little liquor to them - this will give ready cream unique aroma.
  • Eggs are best chosen fresh. Proteins from old eggs beat worse.
  • In order for the proteins to beat well, a pinch of salt, a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar are added to them.
  • Choose a container several times larger than the initial volume of the proteins, as they will increase greatly during the whipping process.
  • For whipping, it is better to choose a bowl made of glass or enameled. Definitely not worth using aluminum cookware- because of it, the cream will turn gray.
  • Beat egg whites first at low speed and then gradually increase it.
  • It is important to ensure that in the process of whipping, the whisk touches the entire protein (along the walls of the bowl and at its bottom).
  • The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

In the traditional sense, a protein cream is a cream made from egg whites and sugar. However, there are many other ways to prepare it: the technology may change - for example, the cream is brewed; other ingredients are added - butter, jam or cream, etc.

Whatever recipe the hostess uses, protein cream is always tasty and even quite healthy. Use it to stuff cakes and tubes, or to decorate desserts. It can also be served as an independent dessert, garnished with fruit. But for smearing the cakes, it is better to choose a different cream, since the protein one will be too airy.

For such a cream to be really suitable for filling cakes, it must be prepared not just from egg whites and sugar. To obtain the product of the density and density required in this case, other ingredients will be added to it.

Special custard for eclairs


    4 egg whites

    3 art. spoons of lemon juice

    1/2 cup water

    2 cups sugar

    Vanillin - optional

How to make a special custard for eclairs:

  1. Before whippingplace the proteins in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. And also add 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.
  2. Beat until peaks appear on the surface of the thickened protein mass.
  3. Mix sugar with water and put on fire, stirring constantly until the sugar dissolves, until the consistency of syrup. Its readiness is determined by a breakdown on a soft ball. If you drop a little that has reached desired consistency syrup into cool water, it will not dissolve, but will curl into a small ball. It is possible to arrange such a test. A little syrup should be dripped on a saucer and touch it with your finger. The mass should be pulled by a thread.
  4. More hot syrup it is necessary to gradually pour into the proteins, while continuing to beat them at low speeds. Then you need to turn on the mixer to the maximum and, adding 1 tbsp to the future cream. a spoonful of lemon juice, work with it for another 10 minutes. In the end, the volume of the protein-sugar mass will increase, and it will become much thicker. Vanillin or other flavoring can be added there if desired.
  5. A special custard for eclairs is ready. You can fill them with cakes.


Protein butter cream for eclairs

Cooking it is somewhat easier than a special custard.


    4 egg whites

    1/2 cup sugar (white or cane)

    2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice

    1 cup cream with 30-35% fat

How to cook protein-butter cream for eclairs:

  1. Before whipping, place the proteins in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. And also add 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice.
  2. Beat with sugar until peaks appear on the surface of the thickened protein mass. When the mass becomes denser and more voluminous, it is necessary to gradually pour a glass of cream into it.
  3. Protein-butter cream for eclairs is ready!


Fragrant protein cream for eclairs


    100 g butter,

    2 egg whites

    150 g sugar

    2 tbsp. spoons of liquor

How to make fragrant protein cream for eclairs:

  1. Soften the butter and beat until the consistency of fatty sour cream.
  2. Proteins, mixed with sugar, beat. Then place the container on steam bath and continue to beat them for another 2-3 minutes, while stirring in the oil.Then leave the mass to cool until it becomes slightly warm.
  3. Add a couple of tablespoons of liquor or other flavoring to the cream.
  4. Put the cream for eclairs to cool for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Fragrant protein cream for eclairs is ready!

Probably, each of us at least once, but tried this magnificent French dessert. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was bought or baked at home - from the first second it fell in love with its taste. We are talking about an incredibly delicate cake from France, which forever won the hearts of the sweet tooth all over the world - eclair.

Despite the small size, the dessert is very tasty and tender. Traditionally it is stuffed with custard, but pastry art does not stand still and came up with a lot of variations. Today we will talk about one of them, but first we will plunge into a brief history appearance of dessert.

The word eclair means "lightning" in French. Probably, the origin of the name was the presence minimum quantity ingredients and fast food.

Invented dessert by Marie-Antoine Karem around the end of the 18th century. By the way, "the cook of kings and the king of cooks" was not only a confectioner, but also a well-known architect in his time.

In the 19th century, eclair became more widespread, and in 1884 its recipe was first recorded in a cookbook.

Now finding a dessert is not difficult, as you can buy it at any pastry shop or bake it yourself at home. And now we will tell you how to do it.

Common Mistakes

Before proceeding with the recipe for eclairs with protein cream, consider the causes of problems during cooking at home:

  1. If the mixture turns dark brown, then the mass is unusable, as the syrup has been overcooked.
  2. While whipping, pieces of caramel are formed at the bottom of the bowl with the protein mixture, which does not dissolve - the syrup poured in very quickly.
  3. If, after combining the syrup and proteins, the cream became liquid, it means that the first component was not checked. We are talking about poor boiling syrup.
  4. The cream turned out sugary-sweet, bitter, liquid, etc. - non-compliance with the proportions indicated in the recipe.
  5. The process of whipping proteins should not be interrupted even for a minute. Otherwise, the cream will be unusable.

And lastly, the shelf life of the finished mass in the refrigerator should not exceed 36 hours.

Classic cooking method

To make the protein cream for eclairs more delicate, the eggs must be the freshest. The dishes where the ingredients will be whipped are dry, without fat and clean, and the proteins are chilled.

The whole cooking process is divided into several stages:

  1. Syrup brew. Pour 100 ml of water into a deep saucepan, add 200 g of sugar and put on medium heat, bring to a boil. As a result sweet mass must have thick consistency and a beautiful caramel color.
  2. Whipping proteins. Before the process, it is better to add a small pinch of salt. So, you need to start slowly, after a minute increase the speed to medium, after two - switch to high. As soon as you notice the formation of peaks, check the readiness. Take a little mass in a spoon and turn it over. If the squirrels do not fall out - everything is ready.
  3. Continuing the beating, pour in the hot syrup as thinly as possible and continue the process until the mass has cooled completely.

As a result, the protein cream for eclairs will turn out to be airy and tender. Before use, store the mass in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

A simple step-by-step recipe for eclairs with protein cream for beginner housewives

This method, judging by the reviews on the culinary forums, has been tested by many housewives, and, according to the comments, strict adherence to the instructions will lead to an excellent airy result.

The first thing to start with is to install a water bath. You will need 2 pots different size. The big one is for water, the small one is for proteins. Special attention you need to give the second dish, since the result largely depends on it. The small saucepan should be fat-free, dry and clean.

Next, pour the whites of four eggs into the prepared dishes, immediately pour a glass granulated sugar, pinch citric acid And vanilla powder. Beat the ingredients for one minute, then set a small pan with protein mass in a water bath and continue whisking continuously for another quarter of an hour. After the container with the cream, remove and, without stopping the process, achieve complete cooling. Remove to refrigerator.

Important! If you cool the finished mass naturally, and not by whipping, the cream will settle.

  1. First, preheat the oven to 200 0C.
  2. Pour 250 ml of water and 0.5 l of milk into a deep saucepan. Put 250 g of butter, add two pinches of salt and put the container on the stove. As soon as the liquid begins to boil and the butter melts, pour in 275 g of sifted flour. Intensively stirring with a wooden spatula, brew the mass without lumps. Turn off the heat and let the dough rest for a few minutes.
  3. Transfer the mass to the mixer, turn on the whipping mode and, driving ten eggs one at a time, try to achieve a smooth consistency.
  4. The finished dough must be laid out with pastry bag on a baking sheet in the form of strips of the same size (about 5-7 cm long and 2-3 wide).
  5. Eclairs should be baked for 20 minutes and in no case during this time do not open the oven.
  6. Cut the cooled cakes lengthwise, using the same pastry bag, fill necessary quantity cream and cover with the second half.

If desired, the cakes can be sprinkled with powder before serving.

Custard on proteins

This recipe has many cooking variations (one of them was presented above), but the one described below has been tested by many housewives and is recommended for beginners.

The procedure for preparing protein custard for eclairs:

  1. Mix with 4 egg whites 50 ml lemon juice.
  2. Beat the ingredient until stiff peaks.
  3. The previous process will take you at least 15 minutes, so in the meantime, start preparing the syrup. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan and add 100 g of sugar. Bring to a boil and boil the syrup to a soft ball sample.
  4. Pour the syrup into the whipping egg whites in a thin stream and continue the process until the cream has cooled.

Protein cream for eclairs prepared according to this recipe is one of the most stable. Therefore, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Although it is desirable to use immediately.

Protein cream with gelatin

If you strictly follow the instructions and use the indicated amount of ingredients, then as a result, the protein cream for eclairs will keep its shape perfectly and taste like bird's milk.

Cooking technology:

  1. Soak for 1.5 hours in chilled boiled water(9 tablespoons) gelatin (2 tablespoons).
  2. As soon as the ingredient swells, dissolve it in a water bath. The mass should come to a boil, but in no case should it boil.
  3. While the process of heating gelatin lasts, proceed to the proteins (5 pcs.). First, they need to be mixed with a teaspoon of citric acid and start beating, gradually adding 1.5 cups of granulated sugar as it increases.
  4. At the last stage, in a thin stream, continuing to beat, pour in the melted and hot gelatin.

Important! Do not interrupt the process until the complete cooling of the protein mass.

How many calories in eclair with protein cream

abuse small french dessert it is forbidden. Nutritionists note that due to the high nutritional value eaten 4-5 pieces of cakes cover daily allowance diet.

If you are not sitting on the strictest diets and are unfamiliar with such a problem as excess weight, then you can afford to enjoy this dessert. And we inform everyone else who carefully monitors their weight that the calorie content of an eclair with protein cream is approximately 330 units per 100 g of cake.

Knowing this information, you can initially determine the amount consumed. However, in any case, no matter how high-calorie the eclair is, this dessert is incredibly tasty.

And finally...

An important point in the preparation of any dessert is its serving. What confectioners will not come up with to make appearance eclair even more attractive: sprinkled sugar icing, dipped in colorful jelly, sprinkled with confiture, coconut flakes, pour over chocolate, which adds not only sweets to the delicacy, but also additional calories.

In general, experiment, create and remember that you can’t enter the kitchen in a bad mood!

butter - 100 g;

granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l. and 1 tbsp. (for syrup);

water - 250 ml and half a glass (for syrup);

chicken eggs - 4 pcs. ;

chicken eggs - 2 pcs. ;

powdered sugar - for decoration;

lemon juice - 2 tsp

To begin with, 100 g of oil, 250 ml of water (this is about one glass), 2 tablespoons of sugar and a small pinch of salt should be placed in a small saucepan. We put the pan on the fire and bring its contents to a boil. Then we begin to stir intensively and pour flour into the liquid. The fire should be reduced to a minimum, but do not stop stirring, otherwise lumps will form.

Thus, we got a homogeneous mass, but this is not yet the dough that we need. It should be more oily in texture.

To do this, we add 4 eggs to it, but all at once! First, put the dough in a bowl so that it is not too hot, then break one egg into it. You may need 3 or 3.5 eggs depending on their size, so be careful not to overdo it here. With each addition of an egg, you need to intensively mix it with the dough, because the protein can be cooked, but we do not need this.

Now when the dough is ready, we begin to lay it out in a regular bag, make an incision in it. And according to the principle of a pastry bag, we squeeze out small heaps of dough onto a baking sheet, lightly greased butter. We send the baking sheet to the oven at 180 degrees for about 40-50 minutes.

Do not open the oven door all this time. Otherwise, you will not get air eclairs, but such cakes.

After these 40-50 minutes, when the eclairs rise and get a beautiful golden color, we can finally open the oven, but do not turn it off, let the eclairs dry a little.

After 10 minutes, they can be taken out and allowed to cool before applying the filling.

As a filling, you can choose anything, boiled condensed milk, jam, melted chocolate. But I will offer you a protein cream in this recipe, which is suitable for you not only for eclairs, but also for decorating other pastries.

So, first we need to boil the syrup. Pour half a glass of water into a small saucepan and pour a glass of sugar, add two teaspoons of lemon juice and start cooking. This procedure will take you 7-10 minutes. There is one secret to determining the readiness of the syrup. Gotta get a bowl of cold water and drop our syrup into it, if this droplet has dissolved, continue to cook; if the drop began to take shape and is easy to mold in the hands, then the syrup is ready; if the drop has hardened so that it cannot be split, then you have digested the syrup and you should start over.

Now we take two proteins, a pinch of salt, put them in a small container where it will be convenient for you to beat, and turn on the mixer. First, you should start at a low speed until foam forms, then you can increase the speed to maximum. Should work thick foam, which will not drain from the beaters.

We begin to pour the syrup into whipped proteins and turn on the mixer again so that everything mixes well.

We put the finished cream in a pastry bag or you can use the bag again.

We make holes in the eclairs and fill them with filling.

When everything is ready, eclairs can be additionally sprinkled with powdered sugar or dipped in melted chocolate.

Wish you Bon appetit and easy cooking! 🙂

First delicate eclairs with protein cream inside appeared in France. The filling was exceptionally custard, as was the dough for the hollow bun.

Over time, the recipe has undergone a lot of changes, and therefore today you can find a variety of eclairs with amazing fillings.

But I suggest not just looking at the photo of cakes, but baking a portion delicious treats Houses!

Basic principles of cooking

For eclairs you need to do choux pastry. It is capricious, you need to strictly follow the recipe for its preparation.

Liquid components with margarine or sl. bring oil to a boil, then brew in a mass seeded flour and then make a batch.

It is in these actions that the main technology for preparing the dough lies. You need to cool the mass to 60-70 gr., And then alternately introduce raw chickens. eggs.

Put the dough in a pastry bag and squeeze onto a baking sheet in the form of sticks. And then go bake.

During baking, the blanks will become larger in size, and therefore you need to leave enough space between them so that the dough does not stick together.

Filling for eclairs

Fill the eclairs with the filling using a confectionery syringe, which has a sharp tip. But if this thick filling then this kitchen tool will not work.

You can take a nozzle with a wide opening, just make an incision and fill the cake with filling. You can also make an incision on top, remove the cap, fill the eclair and return everything to its place.

If the composition is not very thick, and there is no confectionery syringe, do not worry, you can enter the filling into the hole of the workpiece.

In this article I will tell you how to make at home delicious eclairs and with different protein filling.

Recipe for eclairs in milk with protein cream


250 ml of milk; 150 gr. flour; 4 things. chickens. eggs + 3 pcs. proteins; salt; 100 gr. water and sl. oils; 300 gr. Sahara; 1 pack vanilla.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Mix milk and sugar (100 gr.) And send it to the fire, bring it to a boil and add the next. oil, salt.
  2. I add pre-sifted flour. Mix well, remove from heat. I let the mass stand and the cooled composition I introduce chickens. eggs, stirring constantly after each.
  3. I put the sticks in a bag on a baking sheet, bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 200 gr. I let the pieces cool down.
  4. I pour 100 ml of sugar with water and boil the syrup, I check its readiness by dropping a little into the water. If the mixture hardens quickly, will hold its shape, then that's it - the syrup is ready.
  5. I beat the whites with a mixer, I introduce vanilla at a high speed of the mixer. The mass will be thick. Immediately add the syrup to general composition I've been whipping all this time. All components will dissolve and become homogeneous, only in this case the cream can be used for cakes.
  6. I fill the eclairs with protein cream and serve the most delicate delicacy for tea.

Happy tea drinking.

But this is not the end, below will be presented various recipes protein cream, thanks to which you can cook in your kitchen unique delicacies for the whole family!

Protein Custard

This is very useful composition creamy mass. Syrup at 120 gr. temperature will warm the proteins, and therefore all the pathogenic microorganisms that are present in them will die.

The protein custard composition for cakes is stored for a long time. The shelf life is several times longer than that of sour cream or oil composition.

Before preparing the protein cream for eclairs, I advise you to degrease the dishes. Do not neglect this point if you do not want to face force majeure while cooking.

If even a small part of the fat gets into the proteins, they simply simply won’t even whip, it turns out what to cook delicious stuffing fail!

Components: 70 ml of water; 200 gr. Sahara; 3 pcs. chickens. proteins; 0.25 tsp citric acid powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I take a saucepan for syrup, boil it with water. I wipe my whisk and bowl dry with paper towels for the kitchen.
  2. I add sugar to the saucepan, fill it with water and send it to boil over a large fire. When the mass boils, I screw it on and boil the syrup so that the effect of a “lazy” slow boil appears. To check if the syrup is ready, you need to drop a drop of it into a bowl of cold water. As soon as the drop becomes a ball, the syrup can be removed from the stove.
  3. I introduce citric acid, mix tbsp.
  4. I beat the whites with a mixer. Kur. Eggs need to be thoroughly cooled and carefully separate the whites from the yolks. If the latter get into the squirrels, nothing will come of it. I beat the egg whites in a dry bowl until a protein mass forms. Those. when the mixture does not flow down the whisks, but is well kept on them.
  5. I mix the syrup with the protein composition. Slowly pour the syrup into the cream, mix with a mixer. It is necessary to pour it not on the whisk, so that the splashes during whipping do not scatter over the walls. Frozen caramel is very difficult to wash off.
  6. I mix the syrup with protein cream, send it to the bowl where it is poured cold water. In it, I beat the composition at medium speed so that the cream cools well. If you do not do this, the proteins will boil, and the composition of the filling will be spoiled.
  7. That's all, the cream is ready, I fill the eclairs.

Custard protein cream according to a German recipe

This is a very easy way to make a delicious protein cream. Get it done even by a novice hostess.

The cream helps out if you need to make eclairs in a short time. By the way, I note that you can perfectly decorate a cake with it, which can become a decoration for a festive feast.


150 ml of water; 300 gr. gelled sugar (proportion 2 to 1); 3 pcs. chickens. eggs (only whites).

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Proteins pre-cooling. Beat with a mixer to get a stable white foam.
  2. Sugar is introduced into a saucepan, poured with water and sent to cook on the stove over high heat. When the syrup boils, I turn down the heat and cook for another 10 minutes. It is necessary that the mass is boiled down by 2 times.
  3. Pour the syrup into the proteins and beat to cool the composition. It will be stable, will not settle and will float. I take a pastry bag and fill the eclairs with cream.

Be aware that if you do not digest the cream syrup, then the filling will taste like burnt sugar, it will be unsuitable for further preparation.

If desired, the cream can be tinted with food coloring or made even more fragrant with the desired flavors. Here I leave the choice to you.

Protein-fruit cream

This filling will certainly appeal to everyone who loves fruity notes in desserts. For cooking, you need to take fruit jam, jam or jam.

Components: 0.25 st. water; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs (whites only); 2 tbsp jams; 3 tbsp Sahara; 1 tsp gelatin.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour gelatin with water. I give it time to swell and send the mass to the fire so that the composition is completely dissolved. But in no case should the mass boil.
  2. Beat egg whites with a mixer until foamy.
  3. I introduce a little warmed up jam. It is better to pre-strain it with a sieve to remove the peel, fibers and bones from the composition. I introduce sugar into it and cook for 10 minutes over low heat on the stove.
  4. I mix with gelatin and mix. I introduce slowly into the proteins, constantly whisking at the same time with a mixer at high speed.
  5. It is better to stuff eclairs with warm cream, since then gelatin will make it gelatinous

My video recipe

Probably, each of us at least once, but tried this magnificent French dessert. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it was bought or baked at home - from the first second it fell in love with its taste. We are talking about an incredibly delicate cake from France, which has forever won the hearts of the sweet tooth all over the world - eclair.

Despite the small size, the dessert is very tasty and tender. Traditionally, it is stuffed with custard, but the confectionery art does not stand still and has come up with a lot of variations. Today we will talk about one of them, but first we will plunge into a brief history of the appearance of dessert.

architectural cooking

The word eclair means "lightning" in French. Probably, the appearance of the name was the presence of a minimum number of ingredients and quick preparation.

Invented dessert by Marie-Antoine Karem around the end of the 18th century. By the way, "the cook of kings and the king of cooks" was not only a confectioner, but also a well-known architect in his time.

In the 19th century, eclair became more widespread, and in 1884 its recipe was first recorded in a cookbook.

Now finding a dessert is not difficult, as you can buy it at any pastry shop or bake it yourself at home. And now we will tell you how to do it.

Common Mistakes

Before proceeding with the recipe for eclairs with protein cream, consider the causes of problems during cooking at home:

  1. If the mixture turns dark brown, then the mass is unusable, as the syrup has been overcooked.
  2. During whipping, pieces of caramel are formed at the bottom of the bowl with the protein mixture, which does not dissolve - the syrup poured in very quickly.
  3. If, after combining the syrup and proteins, the cream became liquid, it means that the first component was not checked. We are talking about poor boiling syrup.
  4. The cream turned out sugary-sweet, bitter, liquid, etc. - non-compliance with the proportions indicated in the recipe.
  5. The process of whipping proteins should not be interrupted even for a minute. Otherwise, the cream will be unusable.

And lastly, the shelf life of the finished mass in the refrigerator should not exceed 36 hours.

Classic cooking method

To make the protein cream for eclairs more delicate, the eggs must be the freshest. The dishes where the ingredients will be whipped are dry, fat-free and clean, and the proteins are chilled.

The whole cooking process is divided into several stages:

  1. Syrup brew. Pour 100 ml of water into a deep saucepan, add 200 g of sugar and put on medium heat, bring to a boil. As a result, the sweet mass should have a thick consistency and a beautiful caramel shade.
  2. Whipping proteins. Before the process, it is better to add a small pinch of salt. So, you need to start slowly, after a minute increase the speed to medium, after two - switch to high. As soon as you notice the formation of peaks, check the readiness. Take a little mass in a spoon and turn it over. If the squirrels do not fall out - everything is ready.
  3. Continuing the beating, pour in the hot syrup as thinly as possible and continue the process until the mass has cooled completely.

As a result, the protein cream for eclairs will turn out to be airy and tender. Before use, store the mass in the refrigerator on the top shelf.

A simple step-by-step recipe for eclairs with protein cream for beginner housewives

This method, judging by the reviews on the culinary forums, has been tested by many housewives, and, according to the comments, strict adherence to the instructions will lead to an excellent airy result.

The first thing to start with is to install a water bath. You will need 2 pots of different sizes. Large - for water, small - for proteins. Particular attention should be paid to the second dish, since the result largely depends on it. The small saucepan should be fat-free, dry and clean.

Next, pour the whites of four eggs into the prepared dishes, immediately pour a glass of granulated sugar, a pinch of citric acid and vanilla powder. Beat the ingredients for one minute, then set a small pan with protein mass in a water bath and continue whisking continuously for another quarter of an hour. After the container with the cream, remove and, without stopping the process, achieve complete cooling. Remove to refrigerator.

Important! If you cool the finished mass naturally, and not by whipping, the cream will settle.

  1. First, preheat the oven to 200 0 C.
  2. Pour 250 ml of water and 0.5 l of milk into a deep saucepan. Put 250 g of butter, add two pinches of salt and put the container on the stove. As soon as the liquid begins to boil and the butter melts, pour in 275 g of sifted flour. Intensively stirring with a wooden spatula, brew the mass without lumps. Turn off the heat and let the dough rest for a few minutes.
  3. Transfer the mass to the mixer, turn on the whipping mode and, driving ten eggs one at a time, try to achieve a smooth consistency.
  4. The finished dough should be laid out with a pastry bag on a baking sheet in the form of strips of the same size (about 5-7 cm long and 2-3 wide).
  5. Eclairs should be baked for 20 minutes and in no case during this time do not open the oven.
  6. Cut the cooled cakes lengthwise, using the same pastry bag, fill with the required amount of cream and cover with the other half.

If desired, the cakes can be sprinkled with powder before serving.

Custard on proteins

This recipe has many cooking variations (one of them was presented above), but the one described below has been tested by many housewives and is recommended for beginners.

The procedure for preparing protein custard for eclairs:

  1. Mix with 4 egg whites 50 ml of lemon juice.
  2. Beat the ingredient until stiff peaks.
  3. The previous process will take you at least 15 minutes, so in the meantime, start preparing the syrup. Pour a glass of water into a saucepan and add 100 g of sugar. Bring to a boil and boil the syrup until a "soft ball" sample.
  4. Pour the syrup into the whipping egg whites in a thin stream and continue the process until the cream has cooled.

Protein cream for eclairs prepared according to this recipe is one of the most stable. Therefore, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. Although it is desirable to use immediately.

Protein cream with gelatin

If you strictly follow the instructions and use the indicated amount of ingredients, then as a result, the protein cream for eclairs will keep its shape perfectly and taste like bird's milk.

Cooking technology:

  1. Soak for 1.5 hours in chilled boiled water (9 tablespoons) gelatin (2 tablespoons).
  2. As soon as the ingredient swells, dissolve it in a water bath. The mass should come to a boil, but in no case should it boil.
  3. While the process of heating gelatin lasts, proceed to the proteins (5 pcs.). First, they need to be mixed with a teaspoon of citric acid and start beating, gradually adding 1.5 cups of granulated sugar as it increases.
  4. At the last stage, in a thin stream, continuing to beat, pour in the melted and hot gelatin.

Important! Do not interrupt the process until the complete cooling of the protein mass.

How many calories in eclair with protein cream

It is impossible to abuse a small French dessert. Nutritionists note that due to the high nutritional value, eaten 4-5 pieces of cakes cover the daily ration.

If you are not on the strictest diets and are unfamiliar with such a problem as being overweight, then you can afford to enjoy this dessert. And we inform everyone else who carefully monitors their weight that with protein cream it is approximately 330 units per 100 g of cake.

Knowing this information, you can initially determine the amount consumed. However, in any case, no matter how high-calorie the eclair is, this dessert is incredibly tasty.

And finally...

An important point in the preparation of any dessert is its serving. What confectioners don’t come up with to make the appearance of the eclair even more attractive: sprinkle with icing sugar, dip in multi-colored jelly, sprinkle with confiture, coconut flakes, pour over chocolate, which adds not only sweetness to the delicacy, but also additional calories.

In general, experiment, create and remember that you can’t enter the kitchen in a bad mood!
