
Delicious homemade biscuit summer cake. How to make sponge cake at home? homemade biscuit cake recipe

sponge cake Anniversary

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Friends! We have a small anniversary today - exactly one hundred articles are posted on the site. And on this occasion, from all the prepared recipes, I chose this one - a biscuit cake, a very tasty and simple recipe. Dessert base - regular biscuit soaked in syrup. A layer of butter cream with condensed milk, and the cake is decorated with biscuit crumbs and ready-made colored beads. Decor can come up with another, more elegant. I baked the biscuit in the oven. In my opinion the recipe biscuit dough with the addition of baking powder is very successful. Cake layers are always lush, soak quickly and taste wonderful.

I made the recipe for a biscuit cake as detailed as possible. It is bulky, but nothing complicated. I'll show you how to make a biscuit for a cake and make a cream. And you can decorate the dessert to your taste.


To make homemade sponge cake you will need:

  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • granulated sugar- 180 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • fine salt - 2 pinches;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • softened butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • fine sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • jam syrup for impregnation - 9-10 tbsp. l.

Biscuit cake - a very tasty and simple recipe with photos step by step

One of the main conditions fluffy biscuit- well beaten yolks and whites. The more air bubbles, the lighter the dough will be and the better it will rise. Before cooking, I take the eggs out of the refrigerator, wipe them with a damp sponge. I take two containers, both deep and not very wide. Carefully break the shell, separating the yolks from the proteins. I clean the dishes with proteins in the refrigerator.

Advice. If you haven't gotten your hands on this yet, break an egg into your palm and pass the egg white between your fingers. Place yolks and whites in separate bowls.

Pour about half of the sugar into a bowl with yolks. I'll add the rest while whipping.

Gradually increasing the speed of the mixer to a maximum, beat the yolks and sugar. When the mass begins to lighten, add the deferred sugar and bring to a creamy lush consistency. The mass will increase several times.

I wash the whisks, wipe dry. I take out the squirrels from the refrigerator, throw in two pinches of salt, beat until fluffy, snow-white foam. At the beginning of whipping, the proteins will be liquidish, transparent, but after about three minutes they will begin to turn white and thicken. It will turn out dense, but very tender. fluffy foam filled with air bubbles. If you raise the whisks, tubercles, “hard” peaks will remain on the surface - you need to beat to this consistency.

For convenient mixing, I transfer the yolks with sugar to a spacious bowl. I add whipped egg whites.

I mix in slow circular motions, picking up from below and, as it were, wrapping up. The photo clearly shows how lush, weightless the basis for biscuit dough turns out.

Combine flour with baking powder, sift through a fine sieve into the egg mixture.

I combine very carefully, stirring with a spoon from the bottom up until all the flour is combined with the egg mass.

Advice. Do not use a mixer at this stage - biscuit dough“tighten”, it will not rise well in the oven.

The result is a very fluffy air dough for the biscuit. It will slowly drain from the spoon in a wide wave, loose in structure, filled with air bubbles.

I use a detachable form, 22 cm in diameter. I put a circle of baking paper on the bottom, I don’t lubricate the walls with anything. I pour out the dough, scroll the form several times to disperse it from the center to the edges, otherwise a “dome” may form during baking.

I preheat the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees. I place the form on the middle level on the wire rack, bake for 35-40 minutes. I check the readiness with a skewer - it is pierced finished biscuit easy, the skewer comes out dry.

Advice. When baking a biscuit, do not open the oven door for the first half hour. From sudden change temperature regime The dough may fall and not rise again.

I don’t immediately take out the finished biscuit from the mold, I let it stand for 15-20 minutes. Then I run a knife along the walls, remove the bezel. I cool the biscuit on the wire rack for several hours. He needs to stand for a while to get stronger, dry, otherwise, when cutting, the cakes will crumble. I usually leave it until the next day.

I cut into three cakes with sharp knife with a thin long blade (a knife for cutting bread with cloves is also suitable). I cut off a small bulge from the top cake, I will make crumbs from the scraps for sprinkling the top.

cooking oil cream for the biscuit cake. I take out the butter in advance, it should be very soft, plastic, so that it whips easily.

Beat with a mixer until smooth, shiny mass. After about five minutes, the oil will become more magnificent, it will resemble a cream.

I add powdered sugar and sugar. In this recipe for a simple biscuit cake, a little sugar is added, and the sweetness of the cream can be adjusted by adding condensed milk.

I beat the butter, gradually adding condensed milk. You can add less than in the recipe if you don't like it very much. custard. In any case, it's best to try.

Butter cream for biscuit will turn out lush, thick, homogeneous. While whipping, you can add vanilla sugar for flavor or a spoonful of cognac.

To soak the biscuit, I used syrup from apricot jam by adding some water. Each cake took about three tablespoons of syrup.

Advice. You can soak the cakes with syrup from canned fruit, sugar or lemon syrup, sweet cherry juice.

Now you can collect the biscuit cake. I put one cake on a flat plate (the most unsightly goes down). I spread a portion of a cream.

I smear evenly, the layer is about 1-1.5 cm. It is convenient to level the cream with the flat side of a knife or spatula.

I cover with a second cake, again a layer of cream. The top cake should be smooth, without dents and tubercles. Usually this is the middle of the biscuit.

I also smear the top and sides with cream. I apply the cream on the walls with a spatula, level the top with a spatula.

Since I made the simplest biscuit cake, I also decorated it in a simple way. I dried the scraps of cakes, crushed them into crumbs. Not quite in the dust, you need to come across pieces of different sizes.

Advice. Instead of biscuit, you can crush cookies. Or any nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts.

Sprinkled the top and sides of the cake. It is convenient to throw a crumb on the sides with a brush, pressing it against the cream. And just sprinkle the top in an even layer.

Ideally, a biscuit cake should stand for a day so that the cakes are soaked and become juicy. Or at least 10-12 hours. I leave until the morning room temperature then I put it in the fridge. That's when you get an amazing biscuit cake! A very tasty and simple recipe for this dessert, I hope you will like it, it has long been my favorite. Happy baking, delicious cakes and desserts! Your Plushkin.

Biscuit cake is considered to be the most popular in the baking section. It is worth noting that culinary masterpiece he definitely won’t, but his taste will be on top, and given that he is not difficult to prepare, then he can be forgiven for everything.

Moreover, you can buy ready-made biscuit cakes, this will significantly save time and simplify the cooking process.

If you want to do everything yourself, you must know how to do it. delicious biscuit for a cake at home. Don't panic, it's pretty simple process, it takes little time.

Cooking a classic biscuit for a cake

The biscuit turns out to be very magnificent, it will give your cake a special tenderness.


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • sugar 190 g.
  • flour 240 g.
  • baking powder 2 tsp
  • vanilla.

Cooking method:

1. First we separate the yolks from the proteins.

2. Lightly salt the squirrels, then beat with a whisk at low speeds.

3. As a result, there should be a mass as in the photo.

4. We take half the volume of sugar, fall asleep and beat further.

5. Continue the process until the foam begins to pull along with the whisk.

6. Now we do the same with the yolks: add the sugar that remains and beat. The mixture should lighten and increase in volume.

7. Should be approximately as shown in the photo.

8. Move the mass with yolks to a bowl, then add the proteins in small portions and stir immediately.

9. Now you need to sift the flour, then add the baking powder. Sift again, but already in the egg mass. We do it slowly.

11. Add to the baking dish refined oil, sprinkle lightly with flour. You can use baking paper instead.

12. Put the dough into the mold as a whole. If you have enough time and energy, then you can immediately divide it into cakes and bake them separately. We will cook in one go, divide into layers when ready.

13. We heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees and send the biscuit for 35 minutes. With a wooden stick, you can check the readiness: it should be dry.

14. Turn off the oven, open and leave the biscuit there for a while. Now it can be carefully removed and placed in the refrigerator for a short time, be sure to cover with cling film.

15. Take a large and sharp knife and divide our dessert into cakes. They must be very fluffy.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!!!

Cooking chocolate biscuit


  • egg 6 pcs.
  • flour 6 tbsp
  • vanilla.
  • cocoa 3 tbsp
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • sugar 6 tbsp
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Cooking process:

1. We will start preparing the biscuit in the same way as in previous recipe. First of all, we need to separate the whites from the yolks and beat well separately.

2. Add sugar to equal number egg whites and yolks, beat them again.

3. Mix the whites with the yolks, beat the mixture with a mixer.

4. Sift the flour and add to total weight.

5. When a small part of the flour remains, add 2 tbsp to it. cocoa and then sift.

6. Take a wooden spatula and mix the whole mass until smooth.

7. The result should be a dark brown dough, the volume of which will become smaller.

8. Melt with any convenient way 1 tbsp butter and mix with a small amount of dough. After that, add to the total mass, then mix thoroughly.

9. Do not add oil to the total mass, in which case you will have to mix the dough much longer. Thanks to the oil, we should get a creamy biscuit.

10. We move the dough into the mold and put it in the oven. Set the temperature to 180 degrees. The biscuit will cook for about half an hour, after 20 minutes check the readiness with a wooden stick.

11. The prepared biscuit should cool at room temperature.

You are probably wondering what will happen if you cook a biscuit without baking powder? In fact, the taste is almost the same, only the height of the biscuit and its porosity will change. Decide for yourself which dough suits you best. It all depends on the specific situation.

This is what a biscuit looks like with baking powder.

It has not been used here.

If you need lush cakes, then by itself you need to add baking powder.

It is not required for a dense test.

Delicate cake strawberry cake based on curd mousse

The first thing to do classic biscuit, the recipe of which we told you at the beginning of the article.

Cut off a thin layer from the top.

We place it in a mold and fill it with sweet syrup. To prepare syrup, mix 100 ml. water and 50 g sugar.

Cake Ingredients:

  • strawberry yogurt 1 tbsp.
  • cottage cheese 200 g
  • gelatin.
  • powdered sugar 1p.
  • strawberry jelly 1p.
  • fresh strawberries 0.3 kg.

1. Mix yogurt with cottage cheese, add powdered sugar. Using a mixer, mix the mass until smooth.

2. Pour gelatin with water and wait until it swells.

3.Now you need to heat it up strongly, do not bring it to a boil. After mixing with it curd mass and mix thoroughly with a mixer.

4. Pour the mixture on top of the biscuit and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

5. My strawberries and cut them into thin plates.

6. Fill the strawberry jelly layer. How to dilute it, you can read on the package.

7. Spread on top new layer from strawberries and pour jelly again.

8. Send to the refrigerator. As soon as the mass hardens, you can take a sample from the cake!

Bon Appetit everyone!

Cake with condensed milk at home

This good dessert, both on a weekday and at any feast.


  • egg 3 pcs.
  • sugar 150 g.
  • flour 150 g.
  • butter 250 g. For cream.
  • boiled condensed milk 0.5 cans.
  • chocolate 1 bar.
  • peanut.
  • jam.

1. Break all the eggs, beat with a mixer at low speed. Add sugar and start stirring faster. After 5 minutes, a light foam should form.

2. Slowly add flour and mix thoroughly.

3. Fill the form with dough and put in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.

4. Our biscuit is ready. Let it cool for a while, then divide it into 2 cakes.

5. Each cake must be soaked with jam. We breed a few tablespoons. jam in a small amount water and smear the biscuit.

7. Evenly coat one cake chocolate cream, glue both cakes together, coat the upper part again with cream.

8. Roast the peanuts a little and chop them with a knife.

9. Rub chocolate and mix with peanuts.

10. We decorate the top of the cake with chocolate-nut powder.

Our cake with condensed milk is ready! Let it stand in the refrigerator for a while so that the cream thickens. Divide the cake into pieces and serve. Bon appetit!

Homemade biscuit cake

1. Again we return to the beginning of the article and make a classic biscuit. We cut it into 2 cakes.

2. Now you need to make butter cream, which will require butter and condensed milk. We mix both components with a mixer, add vanillin.

3. Soak the bottom one cake with jam. Anyone will do, take your pick.

4. We smear a layer of cream on top.

5. We put the second cake on top, we also coat its top.

6. Now we cover all parts of the biscuit with cream, sprinkle with crushed sweet breadcrumbs.

7. With the help of biscuit cookies, we decorate the cake.

8. Sprinkle the top with grated chocolate and our dessert is ready.

Video recipe:

Sponge cakes are very popular today, because soft cakes are well soaked and combined with various types creams. The biscuit recipe can be chocolate, classic or butter. It is very important in the process of making a biscuit cake at home to follow all the instructions and be careful.

Making a sponge cake at home at first glance is not easy, but you will succeed if you follow the rules:

The yolks are rubbed with sugar, if the whites are not whipped well, cool them and add a pinch of salt, mix the ingredients with flour with vertical movements so that the dough can breathe It is best to use detachable forms

Used for sponge cakes batter which includes: eggs, sugar, flour. To make the cake layers airy, it is important to beat the eggs for a long time. If you want to give the cakes flavor and softness, then you can use impregnation, for this they use sweet syrup. Cream preparation - milestone, you can use custard, butter, cottage cheese or protein cream with the addition of gelatin.

Homemade biscuit cake turns out much tastier than those sold in pastry shops, and all because you put your love into the process. The first thing to remember is never get discouraged if you don't succeed. Try again and again, analyze the mistakes and then you will get a delicious biscuit cake.

Before you start preparing the biscuit dough, you need to prepare necessary ingredients and dishes.

To bake the simplest biscuit cake for dough, we need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • 150 gr. flour;
  • 1 tsp baking powder.

Prepare from dishes:

  • baking dish;
  • 2 pots.

The preparation of the dough does not take much time, so you need to turn on the oven as soon as you start working. Dishes must be dry and clean. Biscuit dough is not prepared in advance, it must be used immediately after preparation.

To make a tender and fluffy biscuit for a cake, we divide the work process into several stages:

  1. cook steam bath. To do this, take two pans, one larger, the other smaller. We drive eggs into a large one and pour sugar, and pour water into a smaller one and set it to boil.
  2. On a steam bath, whisk the mass with a whisk until smooth and sugar dissolves. We shoot from steam bath and continue to beat with a mixer for 10 minutes at high speed.
  3. Eggs need to be beaten until you run your finger over the mass, you will not have a groove that will not settle.
  4. Add the sifted flour with baking powder to the whipped mass. Stir from top to bottom.
  5. Grease the mold with oil or use baking paper. Pour the dough into a mold and send it to the oven for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.

You can check the readiness of the biscuit with your hand. Press lightly on the surface of the cake, if it returns to its place after you lower your hand, then we succeeded. If the hole remains, return the biscuit to the oven for a few more minutes.

Important! When the cakes are ready, they should not be immediately removed from the oven. You need to leave them for 5 minutes. Then they will easily get out of the mold.

When the cake has cooled, it can be put in a bag and left for 12 hours. So fresh biscuit it’s hard to work, it crumbles a lot, but after 12 hours you can make a delicious dessert out of it.

Biscuit cakes in the microwave or a cake in a hurry

Just three minutes and your biscuit is ready. For the test we need:

  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • milk - 5 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.

Grind eggs and sugar with a fork in a bowl, add cocoa, starch, flour and baking powder there. Mix well and add flour and milk. You should get a liquid homogeneous dough. Pour the mixture into a bowl, greased vegetable oil or lined with parchment. We send it to the microwave for 3 minutes at a power of 1000 watts. You can divide the dough into portions and bake thin cakes if you want to smear the biscuit. Your biscuit is ready!

Now you can sprinkle the biscuit with powdered sugar and serve with tea. If you want something special, then do sour cream, smear the cake and add fruit or berries. Get very soft and delicious dessert.

How to make a biscuit cake quickly - the easiest way to prepare

We already know how to make a biscuit for a cake, now we need to learn how to make a cake out of these cakes. The most common filling options for biscuits at home are sour cream, chocolate, butter cream. Jam, jams and condensed milk are also very often used.

We cut our biscuit cake in half with a sharp long knife or a special tool for dividing cakes. Before smearing the cakes with cream, you need to soak them with sweet syrup. If you like soft cakes, then it is best to make sour cream. To do this, beat 500 grams of sour cream and 200 grams of sugar. If you like sweet cakes with a slight dryness, then cream with condensed milk and butter will good choice(1 can of condensed milk is whipped with 200 grams of butter). Spread the cakes with the prepared cream and proceed to the decoration.

You can decorate the dessert according to your taste. To do this, you can use protein cream, icing, nuts, fruits, etc.

Cake "Gentle" - a delicious treat with your own hands (recipe)

If you are expecting guests or you have a holiday, then the Delicate cake recipe will be useful to you. This is a very simple and at the same time delicious dessert that you can bake yourself.

We need biscuit cakes ingredients:

  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 170 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.
  • Flour - 200 gr.

For cream:

  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream (20%) - 200 gr.
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Banana - 1 pc.

We turn on the oven and proceed to the preparation of the base of the cake - biscuit cakes.

  1. You need to take cold eggs and beat them into a bowl. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat for about 7-10 minutes. The mass should increase by 4 times.
  2. Gradually add the sifted flour and mix slowly from bottom to top. The dough should take on air.
  3. Lubricate the form, pour out the dough and send it to the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

While the cake is in the oven, prepare the cream. To do this, knead the banana, grind the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sour cream and sugar to this mass. Whisk until fluffy.

After the biscuit has cooled, cut it into two parts. Trim the edges and dry in the oven. Lubricate one half of the cake and cover with the other. Lubricate the top and sides with cream (thin layer). Grind the edges dried in the oven into crumbs and sprinkle the sides and top. The cake should not soak less than four hours. Bon appetit!

How to make sponge cake at home? This question is often asked by those who do not like store-bought desserts, but prefer to bake them on their own. It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in this. Moreover, today there is an incredible number a variety of recipes, using which, you can easily make any delicacy. We will consider only a few proven and simple methods.

Classic homemade biscuit cake

This recipe is known by many housewives. But if you do not know him, then you can find out about him a little lower.

So, for cooking delicious and fluffy cake we will need:

  • large chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • light wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • granulated sugar - 2 cups;
  • vanillin - add as desired (5 g);
  • table soda (preferably extinguished with 6% vinegar) - a dessert spoon;
  • fine iodized salt - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml (for lubrication of the form).

Dough kneading

With strict observance of all the requirements for creating such a dessert, you will definitely get a delicious and tender homemade biscuit cake. The recipe for its preparation involves the use a large number eggs. Thanks to this ingredient, you can make a rather lush and soft cake. But before that chicken eggs should be divided into proteins and yolks, and then added to the last component and grind everything until white. As for the second part of the product, it is recommended to cool it, and then add a pinch of fine iodized salt and beat it into a standing strong foam using a mixer or a whisk.

After the described actions, both masses should be combined together, add vanillin, slaked table soda and wheat flour. As a result, you should have a liquid and fragrant dough.

Baking process

Biscuit cake at home can be baked in the oven, and in such a modern device as a slow cooker. We decided to use the first option, since not all housewives have acquired the mentioned device. Thus, you need to take it to grease it with oil (preferably vegetable), and then pour out all the previously kneaded dough. Cooking a biscuit in a preheated oven should be at a temperature of 195-200 degrees for at least 55-60 minutes. After the cake has risen and browned, it should be placed on a cutting board lined with baking paper, and then cool completely and cut into 2, 3 or 4 cakes (depending on the thickness of the baked product).

Required components for cream

Before you make a biscuit cake at home, you should think about what kind of dessert cream you want to use. After all, the taste and softness of your baking will depend on the filling. We suggest using it, as with it the cake will turn out to be more tender and airy. For this we need:

  • cream 40% - 300 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • dark or White chocolate- 1.6 tiles;
  • fresh garden strawberries - 10-15 pcs. (use as desired).

Making delicious air cream

To make a biscuit cake at home, you should take heavy cream and beat them thoroughly, gradually pouring powdered sugar. As a result, you should get a lush and voluminous snow-white mass. In addition, it is recommended to grate dark and also in a separate plate. cold water wash garden fresh strawberries, remove the stalks and cut them into not very thin slices.

Dessert formation process

Homemade biscuit cake is formed very easily and quickly. To do this, take the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bput one of them on the cake dish and generously grease it with butter cream. To give dessert unusual taste and beautiful appearance, on the filling it is desirable to lay out plates of fresh strawberries in an even layer. Next, you need to repeat the procedure so that all the cakes are in a pile. The surface of the formed cake should be smeared with cream in the same way, and then sprinkled with chocolate chips.

How to serve?

Now you know how to make biscuit cake at home. It should be noted that after the formation of the dessert, it is recommended to place it in the refrigerator, where it is desirable to keep it for at least three hours. Further impregnated soft cake needs to be cut into portioned pieces and serve to guests with hot tea.

Cooking biscuit using semolina

To make such an unusual, but delicious dessert, we need:

  • semolina - 160 g;
  • large eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - about 200 g;
  • vanillin - 7 g;
  • fresh butter - 55 g (for lubrication of the form);
  • table soda (it is recommended to extinguish with 6% vinegar) - a dessert spoon without a slide;
  • fresh milk 2.5% fat - 350 ml.

Dough preparation and baking

Eggs should be strongly beaten together with sugar, and then add a tablespoon to them. slaked soda and vanillin. After mixing all the components together, they should be kept at room temperature for half an hour, and then placed in a detachable form, greased with butter, and sent to the oven for 15 minutes. After this time, the dish with the browned biscuit should be removed, and then evenly poured over it. fresh milk and bake again for a quarter of an hour.

Ready semolina cake cool directly in the mold in cold air. Next, it is recommended to carefully cut it into two parts.

Necessary ingredients for the filling

Any cream can be used for such a biscuit. We recommend using a filling based on condensed milk, as with it the cake will turn out to be very tasty and fragrant. To do this, you must purchase:

  • creamy fresh oil- 180 g;
  • unboiled condensed milk - a standard can;
  • dark chocolate - 1.5 tiles.

Cooking cream

To make such a filling, you should soften the butter, and then beat it strongly with a mixer, gradually pouring in the condensed milk. As a result, you should get delicious air cream. It also needs to be crushed dark chocolate grated or make glaze out of it by adding a couple of tablespoons of milk.

We form a delicious cake

To make the dessert beautiful, you should take a special cake dish and put semolina cake on it. It needs to be generously greased with condensed cream, and then closed with the second part of the biscuit. Next, on the surface of the cake, it is necessary to apply the filling in the same way, including the sides, and sprinkle it chocolate chips. If desired, such a cake can be doused with not very hot icing.

Proper serving of dessert

You know how to make a biscuit cake at home. Now I want to tell you how it should be properly served at the table. To do this, the formed dessert must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, and then removed, cut into portioned pieces and served to guests on saucers along with tea. Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Usually the culmination of any feast falls at the very end, when they serve birthday cake. And if it is tasteless, then, we can say, your efforts to prepare the holiday were in vain. After all, guests are unlikely to remember delicious canapes filed at the very beginning, or your signature salad that you decorated for two hours. They will definitely remember the tasteless shop cake with a taste of soda, cheap margarine or essence. Therefore, I propose to forget the road to the confectionery departments of stores, and bake cakes on your own. And I'll start, perhaps, with the simplest, but win-win- let's make a biscuit cake, a recipe with a photo step by step at home will show the whole baking process, and you will see that there is nothing complicated in it.


For the biscuit:

- white wheat flour - 130-140 g;
- granulated sugar (fine) - 180 g;
- chicken eggs (selected category) - 4 pcs.;
- vanilla sugar - 10 g.

For cream:

- butter (unsalted) - 250 g;
- vanilla sugar - 10 g;
- filtered water - 50 ml;
- condensed milk - 380 g;
- egg yolks- 2 pcs.;
- cocoa powder (unsweetened) - 4-5 tbsp. l.

For impregnation:

- filtered water - 400 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- instant coffee- 3 tsp;
- cognac or amaretto (optional) - 30-50 ml.

For chocolate glaze:

- sour cream (fat content from 20% - 100 g;
- cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.;
- granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
- butter - 50-70 g.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites and place them in deep bowls that are easy to beat. I whipped egg whites in a food processor.

2. And the yolks - by hand. But all this can be done with a mixer. Just remember that after each whipping, the mixer whisks must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. All sugar intended for biscuit cakes, divide into 2 unequal parts - pour about 2/3 for proteins and leave 1/3 for yolks. regular sugar can be immediately mixed with vanilla.

3. Start whipping the whites when a lush foam forms, approximately, as in the photo, start pouring sugar in a thin “stream”.

4. In no case do not add the entire norm at once, because the proteins will not whip, as is necessary for a fluffy biscuit. Pour in sugar with a tablespoon, without stopping the mixer.

5. To make the cake airy and tall, beat the whites to soft or medium peaks. That is, when the whisk is raised, the mass will “stretch” behind them, forming traces in the form of a bird's beak. They should not "stand", the tips should be lowered. Protein mass by this point it will become shiny and airy, it will increase several times in volume, and the sugar will completely dissolve.

6. Take care of the yolks. Pour in the rest of the sugar.

7. And beat by hand or with a mixer until the sugar dissolves. The mass will brighten and increase in volume, become more dense.

8. Take about a third or half of the whites and add to the yolks.

9. Gently mix using the folding method. That is, you need to do not circular movements with a spatula, but, as it were, scoop up the mass from below and lift it up.

10. Now add half of the total flour. Don't forget to sift it. Stir again using the folding method.

11. Add remaining proteins. Stir.

12. Pour in the second half of the flour. Stir.

13. This is how the biscuit dough for the cake should turn out - airy, uniform, pouring.

14. Take a suitable baking dish, grease it from the inside with vegetable or butter, sprinkle with crushed breadcrumbs or flour and pour the dough into it. Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees, send the form with the dough into it for 25-30 minutes. When choosing a shape, keep in mind that the biscuit will increase in volume by half, or even more. In no case do not open the oven door while the biscuit dough is baking there, otherwise it will immediately settle. I baked a biscuit in a slow cooker on the "oven" mode for 35 minutes at a temperature of 130 degrees. And then held for another 10 minutes on auto-heating. This is how I got a biscuit - 10-12 centimeters in height, no less. Cool the biscuit base on a wire rack. And then cover with a waffle towel and let it “rest” for 5-6 hours.

15. Using a large sharp knife, cut the biscuit into 3-4 cakes.

16. Engage in the preparation of the cream. Mix water, condensed milk and yolks.

17. I also added cocoa to the cream. But this is optional. Send the mixture to small fire, boil until thick. It is better to use a water bath, otherwise the mixture can burn quickly and the cream will be spoiled.

18. Remove the thickened cream from the heat.

By the way, it's still very tasty.

19. In parallel, you need to remove the oil from the refrigerator so that it has time to soften. Cut it into cubes.

20. Add vanilla sugar to it and beat at medium speed. Add the cooled mixture of condensed milk and yolks to the butter in small portions, without stopping the mixer.

21. This is how I got the cream. Due to the characteristics of my cocoa powder, dark grains formed in it, but this did not spoil the taste. Let the cream chill in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes so that it does not spread when forming the sponge cake.

22. In the meantime, you can prepare the impregnation. It is not necessary to make it coffee like in my recipe. You can just weld sugar syrup. I won't show you step by step how to do it, just don't add coffee. It will also be delicious berry syrup, especially if the cream is without cocoa, but simply on condensed milk. Mix all the ingredients for impregnation and boil over low heat. When the liquid becomes less by about 20%, light coffee syrup for soaking the cake can be considered ready. Take it off the heat and let it cool down a bit. Don't worry about alcohol finished cake its taste is not felt, because all the alcohol has time to evaporate. Only a subtle aroma remains.

23. Place the first cake on the dish and pour it abundantly with impregnation.

24. Then smear it with cream.

25. Cover with the next cake. Repeat the procedure with all "floors" homemade cake. You can also smear the cake with cream on all sides and top, and then decorate it as you wish. But I decided to pour it with chocolate icing.

26. Mix cocoa with sugar.

27. Add sour cream and stir.

28. Put the mixture on slow fire. Stirring, bring it to the state liquid chocolate, then remove from the stove and cool slightly. Add a piece of butter and stir in last time. Finished glaze it is desirable to cool, otherwise it will spread strongly.

29. Apply frosting to the cake. You can try this biscuit cake right away, because we made it softer with the help of impregnation.

But the next day the cake will be even tastier. It's so easy to make a biscuit cake at home, the recipe with a photo showed you the whole process step by step, so you can safely start baking!

I also suggest that you look at a simple one that is cooked in a slow cooker.

Happy tea!
